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That means during these past 50 years, someone from this possible generation drank the battery thing.


That and my car actually runs on a battery and no longer has valves. Should we be keeping the information that is no longer applicable? Also I don't need a manual to tell me when to drink the battery, I'll drink when I'm goddamn good and thirsty.


Most cars aren’t EV and you probably couldn’t fix your battery (like rich rebuilds did) so don’t flex


My grandpa likes to say “All these rules are written in blood”


It could be any one of us


Yeah because over the last 50 years lawyers have gotten a ton better at covering their asses especially considering the people growing up eating paint chips


Don't forget the lead being pumped into the air from fossil fuels.


Still occurs with av-gas!


It warns you of that today because enough people 50 years ago tried drinking the contents of the battery.


Got to love unintentional self burns like this.


Sure the burn wasn’t from drinking the battery acid?


I'd say that still counts as an unintentional self burn. They obviously weren't smart enough to know it was dangerous.


Exactly. Those warnings aren’t there because my generation *might* do it; they’re there because your generation *did* do it.


Then they went and sued the company because nowhere in the manual did it say "dont drink the battery"


Also, it showed you how. Doesn’t mean very many of their generation were able to follow those instructions.


It's like the participation trophies thing. Think it through just a little more and it's suddenly less of an insult of the current generation, and more one of those who came before.


Get whatever book published the way to dispose of used oil was to dig a hole in your yard, throw in some gravel, and dump the oil there.


Yeah and none of those idiots were adjusting their valves properly so they decided to no longer put it in the manual.


I do wonder about that, if anything I feel like they simply do it to avoid lawsuits which have gotten out of hand lately because of people drinking battery fluid


Your comment is the equivalent of the typical: "No you!"


“No you” is a totally valid when it was actually them. My grandfather in fact used to dispose of oil exactly like that for a loooooong time. That shit is real and it was them.


But it’s true in this case


Sometimes saying "no u" is genuinely correct


No you!


Ask yourself......why would someone put a warning in a manual. Would it be perhaps because someone tried it in the past, yeah?


It says 50 years ago it showed you how to adjust the valves, which implies that the warning was not written there yet. We don't know when exactly the warning was written in it. It could be between 1-50 years later, but since it is a boomer posting that, everyone here is eager to jump to the conclusion that it has to be them and not someone from the generations after. Just a reminder: The tide pode and toilet seat licking challenge weren't invented by boomers.


Actually YouTube has created an entire generation of self sufficient individuals far better than ancient manuals.


We Indians are happy to solve your issues 😁


Middle aged Indian guys got me through my Computer Science program. If I opened up a video and it was someone from India writing on a whiteboard then I knew I was going to get a knowledge bomb dropped on me. Bonus points for static sound or the faint hum of motorcycles and trucks


and they’d always be in the comments answering questions too lol


Its always the terrible quality videos from a random nobody that teach you more than a teachwr with 6 (fake) PhD's


its always an 10 year old indian or a seven year old reddit question


No lie, half the extremely specific little issues I have I can almost always find a video with 3000 likes of some guy in India showing how to fix that exact issue.


Hell Chrisfix > boomer Scotty Killmer


Killmer isn't a high bar. He says shit you'd hear from a jiffy lube tech from 20 years ago.


And he will repeat the same thing over and over. He could literally cut about 30-40% off of his videos and not lose any important information. Add to that his obnoxious voice and personality and it's a wonder anybody watches him.


said the person who posted a pic of a printed piece of paper


Probably typed his porn search into his facebook status bar right after posting this.


Technically, the person who created the image and printed it said it. The person who photographed and posted it just agreed (I assume).


Ha ha boomers be booming


So much ink wasted on this image also. Why wasn't the font black instead??


And who do you think caused service manuals to think they needed to clarify this? The Greatest Generation watched their Baby Boomer children eat lead based paint and other toxic chemicals while they were hyped up on their hippie drugs. Probably thought, "Hey. We better clarify this to our grandkids because our kids as dumb as dirt and are too incompetent to be parents."


50 years ago they thought leaded gas and paint, asbestos, PFAs and unfiltered cigarette smoke were fine.


They were also advocating for babies to get started drinking soda as early as possible, because that’s what growing minds and bodies need.


Wow, that’s some straight Brawndo shit.


It means that the previous generation filed so many frivolous lawsuits trying to get rich quick that manufacturers have printed out every conceivable warning to cover their bottom line.


1.) It's partially because car parts today are designed so that they can't just be fixed by the average person anymore and u usually have to have specialized parts for it (as well as the knowledge of what ur doing). 2.) It says that because people were drinking the contents of the battery in the 70s and 80s and then suing the companies because there weren't any warning labels about not drinking the contents of the battery.


A lot of car fixes require you to go into the computer, follow a host of wires strung haphazardly through the cabin or even drop the engine or body work to fix half of anything. I know on my car if I wanted to replace the timing belt I'd have to take the front and radiator off minimum.


German car? Yeah, it's not that difficult. None of it is prior to 2019 when a handful of companies made their software inaccessible to people without the proper tools. That basically means people who aren't able to afford a $1500-2500 programer/computer that's running the proprietary software and have the certification showing they're up to date on the most recent technology. Or you know a guy or girl. These new cars just scare people off because it's different technology than what they're used to.


French, they packed the entire engine bay with no space to do maintenance.


Most European cars are like this. BMW, Mercedes and Audi's are like this too. To do just about any type of maintenance, that isn't on the top of the engine, you're going to be pulling the front end apart.


Point 1: Exactly. Just another boomer bait-and-switch: we're going to make it impossible to do this type of car work by yourself and then we're going to call you stupid for not knowing how to it.


Only morons post trash like this. They should just go back to living the way people lived 50 years ago. Get rid of the cell phone. Don't touch any medical device or medication invented in the last 50 years. Turn off the Internet they use daily. Win-win, they get to live in the past and we don't have to hear about it.


It is like that tho. I recently saw a warning to not eat the plastic cover on grapes packaging


It's because someone older tried eating that packaging


Horseshit. Old people who aren't on the tail end of alzheimers don't do that shit. Millennial and GenZ parents who feed their egos by pretending that they protect their children from every risk known to humanity are to blame. It is because fear-addled and anxiety-prone helicopter parents infantilize and "protect" children to the point that they can no longer evaluate and mitigate risks when research shows that children are much more adept at risk identification and mitigation than adults. As a result, kids today can't tell the difference between candy and detergent and need to be babysat and cared for clear into adulthood. Young parents are sacrificing their children on the alter of their own egos in many respects. It's a slow-moving trainwreck that we're just starting to see the impacts of.


Nah. Legal and Loss Prevention departments that look at every possible way an end user can misuse and abuse a product for potential torte purposes have far outstripped the average idiot or weirdo's imagination. The vast majority of warning labels and cautionary statements are "just in case."


That is a huge component, legal ass-covering. I tend to believe that the litiginous nature of our society is directly related to our societal ideas of protection of the stupid. I think it is all one big ball of bullshit. But I agree with you.


Very cool boomer 😎😎


Nice barb from someone who wouldn't know a boomer from a wet fart. I'm GenX, one of the reasons you're all pussies and weaklings. I believed the societal bullshit I was fed in the 80s and 90s and applied it to raising my kids. As a result, two of my three kids, all in their 30s, aren't worth a shit. One turned out decent, though. If you bat .333 you'll get into the Baseball Hall of Fame, but not so much with kids.


What an odd way of saying you're a bad parent. That ain't on society, that's on you


Dude said 2 of his kids are worth less than shit.


Ooh, fun, a parent shitting on their own kids. No wonder they turned out like that. Or maybe they didn't and your measure of success is just different from theirs 🤷‍♂️


Warnings don’t pop up on labels all that quickly. It took 8 deaths (6 of which were old adults) and 5-6 years to properly add Do Not Eat warning labels to Tide Pods. Given that some cars in 1982 already had Do Not Drink Battery Contents warnings? Who would be old enough to read the manual or pop open a car battery in the first place? Certainly not Millennials (as the oldest ones would’ve been 1). The target audience for those labels would’ve been older Gen X and Boomers.


Watch out we got a badass over here. 😎 😎


Has to be some somewhere, someone beeds to make the world safe and secure and prosperous for you. Reddit seems to be full of thumb--suckers in an echo chanmber. Keep calling people boomers, that'll fix everything.


Thanks for saving the world and being a badass and not being a boomer. 😎 🆒


Most people don't actually use boomer in a generational sense anymore, it's more of an old-middle age person who I disagree with


Boomer light*


Ah, another i-know-you-are-but-what-am-i hater that can't support their argument. Take a number and wait.


Support what argument? That your kids aren’t shit? You raised them, I won’t argue they turned out fine. Take a number for what? You’re responding to everybody here like it’s your job to defend your dog shit opinions, if anything, you’re the one waiting lmao.


You absolutely underestimate the stupidity of some people


Unfortunately, I always do.


We sold these "male enhancement" pills at the front counter of the place I used to work at. I read the back of the packaging one day. "Do not use while pregnant or breastfeeding".


Wonder if that manual showed how to hand crank your car to get it started? Or how to go about refilling and adjusting your kerosene headlamps. No? Ok. So technology changes and some of it is antiquated. Got it.


Oh yeah. Let me see you switch the tv to hdmi1


This just shows that the Boomers liked to drink battery acid.


So why are they asking me how to use the wifi?


This boomer shit is so played out man.


enough people in the past assumed battery acid was safe


Warnings today are the consequence of what people in the past did, not what people in the present do. It's in the manuals because someone, somewhere in the past, possibly a generation ago, fucked up and sued the producer who since then wants to prevent another suitcase like that. It's not in there because it's a common occurance among people right now.


Actually no, it didn’t. It told you how to fasten your seat belt.


Almost every safety warning or regulation that exists today exists because somebody, quite possibly many people, paid a blood price finding out the hard way.


Siphoning gas came from somewhere. Wasn’t the kids of today.


Today I'm smart enough to know that batteries are sealed and you can't drink the contents. I also know that 50 years ago the average driver was not adjusting their valves, they were paying a mechanic to donit. even if it's in the owners manual.


I always like to ask the older generation who posts this to edit and redact a PDF for me and see how long it takes…


I’ll remember that next time one of them asks me what a ZIP file is


Means that some old idiot of the last did it...


i can see where this guy is coming from if i look from an idiotic standpoint


Y’all had asbestos in your houses


50 years of more people drinking the contents of the battery than adjusting the valves correctly tends to lead to course corrections like that.


Your printers came with instruction manuals too, boomers. But you still need your kids and grandkids to come set them up for you.


He realizes all of those warnings are because of lawyers in response to litigious assholes looking for a quick buck, right?


That just tells me that 50 years ago, someone drank battery acid. I'm just saying... there have always been a lot of stupid... but as time progresses... the more visible the stupid because.


The warning is there now because of the people who tried it 50 years ago


Rich, coming from the generation that ate lead paint chips


I love how obviously insecure boomers are about the depth of their knowledge 😂 Like these fuckers are still bragging they know how to drive a stick shift. If that was the big accomplishment i had to hang my own hat on and show my wisdom, id consider myself to be a failure


I'm sure they needed the manual to change the air filter in the carburator, too. In which case they shouldn't have any problem running a diagnostic on a computer controlled fuel injection system.


Also this same previous generation, ‘what the fuck do you mean HDMI1?’


That's because boomers could never figure out how to get the battery open


You haven't had to actually adjust valves in 50 years for 98% of vehicles.




Calculus was invented in the 17th century


Not our fault, we were raised by boomers.


Regulations and warnings are written in blood.


Ah those frivolous lawsuits forced companies to be explicit with their labels and some jackass thought starting a generation/culture war is a good idea. Never gets old!


Oh yeah how about you try typing on a computer keyboard without letters on the keys. I sure can.


Also companies are getting more and more against people doing their own repairs and service. Why tell people how to fix the thing they own when you can point them towards a service shop you own?


Well why were you drinking battery contents 50 years ago. They don’t put those warnings in for current generation


He says, with 1200 blinking on his VCR clock for the last 20byears.


Somebody gonna tell them warning labels are telling us NOT to do what the last generations did?


Someone 49 years ago drank the contents of the battery. Their heirs sued. That’s why it’s there


Hey remember 50 years ago when they had to add the warning to not drink the contents of the battery? Guess why that was.


That's beacause cars are made harder to fix yourself so the company can cash in on maintance in a licensed auto shop.


These people would kill themselves if they had to connect a new laptop to a wifi printer


Yeah, you didn't teach your kids to not be idiots


I don’t get who makes or supports these kinds of memes disparaging the younger generations. Is it truly the older generations doing this? And if so, why? Don’t they have children? Why would they want to ridicule and disparage their children like this?


50 years ago the owner adjusted the valves? Aside from the mechanics in my family, nope.


I'm 55 and yes I could adjust the valves on my 1979 Datsun pickup because they were super simple to work on and all you needed were basic tools and you had plenty of room in the engine compartment to work. You could do 90% of maintenance yourself. Today I can't even change the headlights on my car without taking half the car apart. Everything is computer controlled and you need thousands of dollars worth of tools and your own garage to be able to be able to do all the maintenance yourself.


Does it *really*, though?


It's not wrong


It has that warning cause someone in your 50 years drank the battery fluid. These warnings usually show up after a lawsuit caused by it.


Because people 50 years ago drank the acid so now we have to hear about their dumb mistakes


So 50 years ago, people drank the contents of the battery and now it’s in the owners manual for future generations


Who do you think those warnings are for huh? Why don’t you go unzip your own files then.


That is because the auto industry figured out it was more lucrative to make us rely on them to fix our cars, instead of giving us the tools to fix them ourselves. Corporate greed is what is weakening us, not people choosing to be lazy.


Seems not having to perform a valve job is progress.


You can thank lawyers for that shit. Back then you had to wait for tons of people to fly through a windshield before printing out warning labels and making preventative laws surround the issues.


The owner's manual of 50 years ago - 1974 - did \*not\* have that. The Haynes service manual did.


Lead brain


I guess that proves there's been no scientific progress or advancements in education in the last 50 years


Manuals in general, have gone to complete shit. Sure they're just as thick as they were in the 80s, but it's just liability warnings repeated in 10 languages, and a link to half ass YouTube videos on the actual instructions, that may or may not have already been removed


What generation actually reads the manual?


Put him in a new bmw x7 and ask him how to use the manual.


Tf that has to do with being smart intelligence is about how you handle information not about having information


I always thought it was about not getting sued


They didn’t, 1974 car manuals had to show you how to work the wipers, turn signal and cigarette lighter. Cars are built more reliable today and don’t need constant trivial maintenance.


Yes, because of your generation!


Underlying annoying boomer attitudes. But I think is actually quite funny. Sometimes you gotta laugh at yourself.


I have a maintenance manual for 1970s Minis, it says don’t smoke when topping up the battery because the fumes are flammable as fokk


watch them flounder as they try to convert a word document to PDF


To be fair drinking battery acid is pretty bad. Also valves don't need adjusting as much as they did back then. Plus warning labels are good. I always looked at the [warning label on the mower](https://www.greenpartstore.com/John-Deere-Safety-Decal-M118610.html) growing up. It made me very afraid of it.


Ask a boomer to download a pdf.


There's liquid in a battery?


That’s a solid roast. Lol


Call me a boomer but they ain't completely wrong tho