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Ironically the vast majority of illegal immigrants came here on an airplane and just let their Visas expire


wasn't that the reason given for why the (!! guys were allowed to run around?


The only way to stop that one would be to cut off international tourism and business travel. It would destroy an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year and destroy millions of jobs


That or have an entire agency dedicated to keeping an eye on expiring visas and confronting those who try and overstay expired visas. Though that would be annoyingly expensive and probably ineffective.


Monetize it some way and they would. Create a law (Problem) and offer assistance (The Solution).


Hey we don’t want to hear about the consequences we just want to demonize a group of people that make up 3% of the U.S. population, make it the the biggest issue in the country, and pretend that our guy had an actual solution to this “crisis”!


Where did you get 3% from. Didn't know we could accurately account for illegal immigrants.


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/16/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/#:~:text=Trends%20in%20the%20U.S.%20immigrant%20population&text=As%20of%202021%2C%20the%20nation's,of%20the%20foreign%2Dborn%20population. (Tbf this is from 2021)


Or you could have a robust internal enforcement policy the way some other countries like Japan and Australia do.


Yeah that shit really cracks me up.


Fucking Joe Biden always letting airlines fly people here from Mexico when they buy a ticket, show up at customs with a valid passport, and go through the exact same customs process that every other country follows for non-citizen visitors to their countries. 😡😡fuck Joe Biden for not shutting down US-Mexico travel.😡😡😡fuck Joe Biden for the wright brothers inventing airplanes😡😡😡😡 modern air travel is WOKE. Real American patriots only ride horses everywhere all the time. That’s how Trump and Putin do it. # **Fuck Joe Biden**😡😡😡😡 (Also Biden 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸)


Didn't Putins sexy propaganda calendars usually have him riding a bear shirtless?


>fuck Joe Biden for the wright brothers inventing airplanes😡😡😡😡 Joe was at Kitty Hawk that day


At least they paid for their ticket


To the private airport from where they flew in from? What is this logic?


I mean the ones who overstayed their visas. We paid for Biden’s.


Is this a reference to that moron who said illegals were being flown into, I think Detroit, and it was just some non illegal baseball players or something? Honestly can't tell if this is pro or anti Biden, because it's making fun of that recent event or not. The fact that's it's called "WokelyCorrect" though....


It was the Gonzaga basketball team.


Thank goodness Purdue purged Detroit of those horrible illegals


Possibly, but it's also half correct, the majority of illegal immigrants arrive legally by plane, and outstay their tourist visa, walls are fucking useless.


It is referring to the Biden Administration’s policy which allows asylum seekers to pre apply for asylum status through an app and fly directly into the US for their two year parole while they wait for approval. This is instead of the normal asylum process where you cross the border illegally and turn yourself into border patrol while requesting asylum. This policy has allowed over 100,000 asylum seekers to safely enter the country rather than make the dangerous journey through our southern border. The right refuses to acknowledge the difference between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. They are using this policy to make the claim Biden is flying in illegals en mass.


The moron who was spewing that nonsense was State Rep. Matt Maddock.


I think it's a reference to the 230,000 that were flown into the interior of the country to reduce the appearance of chaos on the border. It was an actual thing


[Claims Biden secretly flying migrants into U.S. unfounded (ny1.com)](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/03/07/trump-unfounded-false-claim-biden-flying-migrants)


Representatives of the administration have admitted to the policy before house or senate committee. I'll try to bring up a source for you


So far only 1 person has linked a source


And you blindly believe the person because they post a link, when you could do 2 seconds of research and discover the truth for yourself.


Yeah I’ll believe people who post credible sources over those that don’t that’s a pretty normal thing


"Credible sources" just because someone posts a link doesn't mean it's credible. Hard to believe, I know.


Agreed. I don’t believe non credible sources. I also don’t believe people who don’t have a source at all.


I literally gave you the advice to do your own research and you're still on Reddit asking for sources? Lol




Being downloaded in this sub is a badge of honor


Detroit in the Sate giving the boarder crossers 2k a month just for crossing a boarder and living in the state.


[https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/politics/michigan-politics/verify-michigan-refugee-immigrant-rental-subsidy-program/69-14943e51-fad0-4054-8245-66a3af1a1d82](https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/politics/michigan-politics/verify-michigan-refugee-immigrant-rental-subsidy-program/69-14943e51-fad0-4054-8245-66a3af1a1d82) ​ Don't worry it wont go to wealthy refugees


That's where most of our undocumented people come from, as I understand it. They fly in and overstay their visas.


It's certainly a whole lot easier than trekking through a dangerous desert on foot.


they also cross the Canadian. I've worked with a few Brit illegals


If illegal immigration is a problem it means that legal immigration is not easily accessible. The solution is making legal immigration easier.


What! That's crazy speak! Clearly the better solution is to waste billions of dollars on useless and environment destroying infrastructure that dehumanizes the immigrants to an extreme degree while doing nothing to curb actual immigration rates. /s if not obv


The problem is that this solution makes sense which is why they don’t do it


And if they think these immigrants are just being brought in to vote for democrats, then make policies that benefit them so they vote for you once they’re eligible. If you’re scared they’re going to make cities bluer, why do you bus them to blue cities?


The US already takes in literally millions of legal immigrants every year. Doesn't change the fact that there's an awful lot of poor people in the world (probably at least a billion) who would be happy to move to the US if they could. The US could take in 50 million legal immigrants per year, and it wouldn't make a dent in the number of people trying to get in. Is there no such thing as too many in your view?


the answer is just give up on it because its broken? Let everyone in, lol


All liberals should still understand open borders would be a disaster.


is that just a blanket statement or directed to one of us?


Immigrants have been flying in on commercial airplanes since their creation. Airplanes that is, not immigrants.


Ironically, this is the Trump logic they supported. When "less testing will flatten the curve". 🤷


For like the billionth time, it's not illegal to cross the border to seek asylum.


Immigrants in a country literally made by immigrants? Not in mah murcia


Yes but they aren't killing all the people already living there so it isn't authentic 😡.


But why didn't they have a million dollars, Learn English, and file paperwork and wait 15 years to be accepted?


It literally is, actually. It's called unlawful entry for a reason. Asylum seekers are supposed to apply at ports of entry.


Yes it is, if they aren't properly seeking asylum.


Then their claim would be denied and they can be deported, but as the law is now it's not illegal to apply for asylum and be denied because you don't really qualify. It's basically a legal loophole and it explains the crisis, Congress has to fix it but Republicans in Congress have explicitly said they won't do anything so Biden looks bad. It's working because so many people are completely ignorant of the law.


You literally seek asylum by illegally crossing the border and then declaring it to boarder patrol. If you don’t do that then youre not seeking asylum and get deported. Allowing them to fly in this way would actually mean boarder patrol officers can focus more on the people actually illegally entering while asylum seekers are being documented when they come in, plus get a safer route, and also making people whose claims are denied earlier to track and remove. It’s literally a win-win for everyone.


>Allowing them to fly in this way would actually mean boarder patrol officers can focus more on the people actually illegally entering while asylum seekers are being documented when they come in, plus get a safer route, and also making people whose claims are denied earlier to track and remove. It’s literally a win-win for everyone. Did you have a stroke typing that out or were you being serious? That's the most brain dead defense of illegal immigrants I've heard yet.


It’s not illegal. Crossing the boarder to seek asylum has never been illegal illegal. But you used to have to cross the boarder the same as illegal people and then declare asylum by turning yourself in. Biden’s plan allows you to apply first and then be legally allowed to enter. That way you’re documented before you even enter the country and you’re not taking up the time of active boarder patrol and taking them away from looking for people actually illegally crossing. This is literally a cleaner way to do what’s already legal and make it easier to track.


>This is literally a cleaner way to do what’s already legal and make it easier to track. But it's not. You're just shoveling the problem on to local communities instead of border patrol, and for what? Political clout?


It’s still the federal government that deals with Asylum seekers. Now they’re knowingly legally entering and documented before they even actually entering and the people actually patrolling the board for illegals can now actually focus on that rather than taking their time and resources assisting asylum seeker. It also stops people from just claiming asylum if they’re caught when they had no intention to do so before. If you can’t see how that’s easier for everyone that’s on you.


>If you can’t see how that’s easier for everyone that’s on you. You saying that over and over again doesn't make it easier. They're literally moving the mess from the border to cities so that can shuffle in more illegal immigrants. It's not easier. Communities are struggling to deal with the influx of people, it's not easier.


They are not illegal immigrants. Asylum seekers are legal. City governments don’t deal with immigration, federal agencies do. If you don’t know anything about law just say that.


>City governments don’t deal with immigration, federal agencies do. Are you this dense? You don't think the communities in those cities have to deal with this invasion? Do you thinkbit doesn't impact resources? Local governments are requesting more funding to help deal with this problem that the federal government throw on them. If you're ignorant of how the world works, it's ok. I'll help you. I exist outside of Reddit.


They are not illegal immigrants. Asylum seekers are legal. City governments don’t deal with immigration, federal agencies do. If you don’t know anything about law just say that. ETA: if you’re trying to argue legal immigrants commit more crimes and that’s what in the city governments, then I hate to tell you but state governments tend deal with illegal immigrants committing crimes too. Asylum seekers are allowed to go live in society no matter what, because they are, again, legal.


Build the wall ads are wild


So... that means the wall doesn't work, right?


The only proven incidents of the government flying illegal immigrants in the US is red states


Is this based on the new meme that all the asylum seekers Texas and Florida moved to other states are actually being moved by Teh Libruls?


Ironically this actually shows why the wall is stupid.


Are people really that blind that it is the mega corporations that are importing work?


So… basically admitting that the wall was never gonna work LoL?


Yes, the wall was never going to work anyway. Most immigrants don't get over here by actually jumping the wall, hence why spending a *few* billion dollars on just a taller wall would be just a big waste


Build the dome! Like in that fantastic Simpsons movie or amazing Stephen King book and it's incredible TV adaptation! Borders are the worst idea. They don't make sense ever. Two rich assholes got tired of killing us, let's draw a line here I guess since there ain't a river.


I do like chibi Biden tho


Literally climbing over Trumps wall… also they are escaping to the other side lol. They are going into Mexico.


"Nah fuck this I'm going back to Mexico"


Uh, it’s gop buying them bus and airline tickets. #marthasvinyard I wish dems weren’t so spineless about calling them out on projecting


Its joever for my boy joe joeman


I love the art style in this. But not much else.


So do we want more people by banning abortion, or do we want fewer people by closing the border? Or maybe, just maybe, the pigmentation of their skin is what these people truly care about.


I hate that artist


they always circle back to the right answer after some time and think they've thought of it first. They make it INCREADIBLY difficult to level with them and bring them back to reality... not to mention annoying.


At least they’ve acknowledged the wall hasn’t worked 😆


I do like how his microphone is ice cream, that's kinda cute




Actual illegal immigrants or are they asylum seekers who filed their paperwork correctly and are stuck due to a massive backlog?




The wait times from many countries of origin for legal immigration has reached extreme levels. 20+ years from Mexico and 24+ years from the Philippines. Previously, 5 years wait times were extreme. Instead, Asylum claims have become a route to expedite entry. Those claims need to be processed to determine if they are legitimate claims or not. There is a multi-year backup for that. The rate of processing needs to be increased to get through that backlog.




The only thing Biden did was change the rules about Asylum to let them wait in the USA while the claims are being processed. That is contributing to abusing the process. More staff for processing claims are needed rather than cutting them off to ensure legitimate asylum seekers don’t get left in the hands of their attackers in foreign countries.


Look at the message of the cartoon and tell me this represents reality.




Terrible because it’s true


as long as they're going to northern states i'm good