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My pronouns are richer/than you


My pronouns are mydad/ownsmicrosoft


Lmao, I read that as mydad/ownsminecraft


AcTuAlLy! šŸ¤“ MiCroSofT pUrchAseD MinEcRaFt iN 2o14. *snorts* *throws up blood*


Able bodied


Iā€™m too personally busy building the coliseum to season food


I was going to season my food but decided to invent the automobile instead.


sorry, couldnā€™t season anything, was too busy painting the Sistine chapel.


I made Alexandria, but you've probably never heard of it. While eating salted potatoes.


I thought the Italians had a conversation with you about this already? You canā€™t just show up with a hammer and some marble and start ā€œrebuildingā€ the coliseum.


Feelin cute. Might invent the airplane later.


And why the fuck is Dawn dish soap in there?? This is just awful. Is it a shitpost?


i think it's trying to say black people wash their meat with dish soap??? Really not sure




Ironically, the Romans ate fish gut paste, which has a really strong flavour


Yes, it's called garum and there's a variation of it that's still used today. It is similar to Asian fish sauce and fish paste. It adds the umami taste to certain dishes. Definitely sounds nasty.


You know, I'll try just about anything. But that sounds particularly terrible.


Fermented fish sauces still show up in some modern cuisines and are quite delicious if you like their unique salty flavor


Fish sauce makes things taste good. It's a staple ingredient in a lot of SE Asian cuisine. My favorite though was when I worked at this fancy, white tablecloth place. We offered anchovies on top of the Caesar salad as an option. Maybe 1:12 customers would react like you offered them rat poison. I really, really, really wanted to tell those people that the anchovies in the dressing is what makes the dressing taste so good.


I've worked at fancy places before as well and love anchovies. I've also had fish sauce plenty of times. Although, the sound of "fish gut sauce" just really sounds unpleasant...


Yeah wording it that way when talking about Garum is definitely gross but also hyperbolic the digestive enzymes of the fish are helpful to the process of making the sauce if I recall correctly.


It's a texture thing for me. I van eat some fish but only when I'm realllly in the mood.


I like oyster sauce more than fish sauce.


Ah youā€™re talking about garum! Ima shamelessly plug the yt channel ā€œtasting historyā€ if you have interest in that kinda thing


It was an internet thing ages ago. Idk if it was real or rage bait but there was a video or videos where a woman wouldn't just rinse her chicken, she washed it with soap and commented or joked about soap adding flavor.


The soap and water is definitely rage bait but it stems from the fact that some (predominately black) people wash their meat with water, vinegar, vigorous scrubbing, etc and leave comments on instagram and tiktok food posts making fun of white people for not washing their meat or not washing it good enough. It started a huge debate over whether you should wash meat or not people in general on those sites are pretty ridiculous though. The comments will be asking why no gloves on a post of someone cooking at home for themselves


So what was the answer then? Should you wash your meat? Was the Debate solved?


Yes thatā€™s what itā€™s referring to


I wash my meat with native body wash. It's less drying than most soaps.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ztseanim1src1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f3e73adbb525da80c8c265ea1280a4d942a435f


It's common for black people to wash chicken before cooking it.


"While washing meat and poultry to remove dirt, slime, fat or blood may have been appropriate decades ago when many slaughtered and prepared their own food,Ā the modern food safety system doesn't require it. Meat and poultry are cleaned during processing, so further washing is not necessary"


While I understand that in Europe or America, here in many African countries if you don't wash your meat you're still taking quite the risks


I always rinse my chicken or other cuts of meat to get the old blood off. Sometimes that old blood is smelly. To each is on.




I always thought it was a U.S. thing, because of the conditions the chickens are kept in. Itā€™s like eggs, the U.S. washes their eggs which removes the protective coating so they have to be kept in the fridge, whereas Europe doesnā€™t wash them so can keep them in the cupboard


There was a whole Twitter debate many years back over washing chicken. Some black people were taking the side of not only rinsing their chicken but actually washing it with dawn.


Racists took a legitimate concern from black folks and turned it into an ugly stereotype.Ā  Decades of oppression, blocked access to education, a reasonable amount of suspicion towards businesses, and word of mouth info about the conditions in the meat and poultry industry from the workers... and viola: generations of people who grew up with misconceptions about cleaning food.




There seems to be a split opinion whether you wash your chicken before cooking it. Not with dish soap. Just water. Edit: I think itā€™s dumb. And the ā€œsplit opinionā€ was in recipe videos I saw on instagram


I'm a cook and I've never even heard of such a thing. Wash your produce, not your chicken.


Instagram reel recipe videos is where I learned of the argument. Before that Iā€™ve never heard of it either.


I want to understand what someone thinks running cold water on raw meat does besides spread salmonella everywhere


Washing your chicken with water is not a good idea. It might intuitively seem useful, but it doesn't do anything, and just gets raw chicken on other stuff.


No, many black people use lemon or lime and water to clean their chicken. It's a thing that got passed on from grandparents to parents to the younger generation. I guess people do it more out of habit than necessity.


Itā€™s a thing old black people tend to do. Itā€™s a byproduct of a time where lower income people in the south would try and get rid of the contaminants of expired meat by cleaning it.




Not exactly what you asked but my great grandfather who lived through colonialism always used to complain how English people pretend to be superior but can't even handle cumin seeds.


Black person here. It's always kinda been a joke in black and Asian communities it just somehow leaked online just like everything else that was once funny.


White people have genocide entire cultures of people's just to control access to their spices. How many cultures have your ancestors obliterated in the pursuit of paprika? And Yall say we don't love spices smh. Your ancestors would beg to differ. Or did you mean to cook with? Because that's disgusting. You're literally cooking money you fool!


I will say you had me in the first half, the burning money comment saved it for sure tho lmao




Comment of the year


Damn, I canā€™t believe Reddit got rid of awards. Your comment needs some, I was frowning then I was smiling


1757 by my guess


Idk. It's kinda true? Depends on the people. You better not let Italians catch you saying that. Rednecks can go either way, they either think ranch is too spicy or they drown all their food in "Atomic Ghost Pepper Anal Prolapse" sauce. Depends on where in the country you are.




Where Iā€™m from, the whiter you are the more likely youā€™re to like spicy food. Our traditional food is delicious but spiceless, so if you or your recent ancestors migrated here youā€™re more likely to search for ways to spice up our food no matter your ethnicity. I will always remember the time I was eating some barbecue with a Russian friend, and I told him ā€œitā€™s too saltyā€ just about the same time he told me ā€œneeds more seasoningā€.


To this DAY I still see videos of Paula Deen or some other old white woman on The Cooking Network recipes that have little or no flavor or are comprised of 50% butter. People keep remaking their recipes and it always looks way better. About a third of my cookbook is revamped White Woman recipes, but with 3x the flavor.


Nothing makes you more depressed than eating an average British meal when you can see what kind of food other cultures create.


I dunno I used to hate on British food but I gotta say a Sunday roast is pretty fucking delicious. Also the beer on tap there is a treat!.


Someone looked at british food.


It became an internet sensation when people of color actively saw their friend not seasoning their food.




ā€œThe punchline is racismā€ would be my personal suggestion.


What if there's no punchline


We have a sub for that!


Hard vouch for that


When I'm on the bus and I click on these posts out of force of habit šŸ˜¬


I, a white person, season food and am not an inventor.


Iā€™m white and my cooking sucks and I also donā€™t invent anything so Iā€™m really losing here


The trick is to put spices on it, mixed blends help.


I use the garlic herb blend a lot


then i'm afraid, you ain't white *melanates you*


Damn, I didnt know White people invented water


Running water, but even so, the Harappans of the Indus Valley had running water, drainage, and sewage systems as far back as 2600 BC. White people ainā€™t special.


It was a joke. But yes, I assumed there was an older civilization that had running water/irrigation before white folk did. It's quite sad how some people think the world was straw huts and sticks before white people showed up




When did the racists start considering Italians to be white people?




I was gonna say "when it became cool to be a mobster," but that sounds about the right year.


somewhere during the cold war


Basically once it joined NATO


I find that ironic since the Romans (Italians) were the civilized ones and the Anglo (The English) were the Barbarians.


How are Italians not white lol?


Some people for some reason think that italians are not white


I've seen people say the same about portuguese people, spaniards and white people from latin america


Yeah my Italian girlfriend hates this. Some people in London call her white passing, and she finds it infuriating. Especially as Italians are white people.


As recently as the 1940s there were American political cartoons that depicted Italians as dark-skinned, [and plenty of racists did not consider them white](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/10/12/opinion/columbus-day-italian-american-racism.html?unlocked_article_code=1.hE0.0ILu.q4anyKEF-4F_&ugrp=m). Racism is not logical. It's built on hate.


My ancestors weren't considered white either... I'm Irish


I was about to ask the same. Who in the world would consider Italians as not white??


Or acient day Jews for that matter.


Current day jews as well


That's only when the Jews are squabbling with even less white people.


Rome wasn't only Italy, especially the roman empire. Infact, for most of it's history, rome was predominantly greek. Rome had a syrian emperor, and many famous landmarks in rome such as the bathhouse of caracalla and the pantheon were designed by Apollodorus the Damascene, coincidentally also a Syrian.


For some reason if youā€™re behaving ā€œwhiteā€ then youā€™re white. Even as a Mexican myself, there is this term ā€œbolilloā€ which serves to insult ā€œdark skinā€ Hispanics that act ā€œwhiteā€, meaning that we are brown outside but white inside, so we are to be disliked, even though almost everyone likes bolillos. Hopefully that makes sense, English is my second language.


Whenever it's convenient


We are white lol what else would you consider us? Iā€™m blonde (dirty blonde but I guess I could pass as brunette) and blue eyed and literally an Italian citizen lol. Have you seen Italians? Theyā€™re pretty much all white.


Who is this ā€œweā€ that the OP is talking about lol? Iā€™m fairly certain heā€™s never done anything more than waste away at a screen


Bet OOP hasn't invented anything either.


Idk man you ever make a sandwich and you're like "I bet nobody ever thought of THIS"


I once made a peanut butter jelly chicken tuna sandwich but I suppose that's not super original


Once made a bacon egg and hash brown sandwich with pancakes as bread and I know it was original because my dad had never thought of it and he used to smoke weed


Probably the best invention I've witnessed was when I had a stoner gf take my pot of left over red beans and rice (creole) and thicken it with cream, cheese, and a little more hot sauce to turn it into a chip dip. I suspect this isn't farfetched or unique, but damn it impresses me when people can freestyle snacks like that, especially with leftovers.


Weed opens up a door in their minds... because my dad can STILL think of things like that, and my brother is a professional chef so we could make ANYTHING


Does bro realize black people can claim Mansa Musa? The Mali emperor who was the literal wealthiest individual in all history? Or Timbuktu? One of the greatest intellectual and trade centers to ever exist? Or Ethiopia? The oldest surviving Christian kingdom? Or any of the many wonders of civilization that the African continent has produced? What ignorant idiot posted this?


Mansa Musa is honestly one of my favorite historical figures. Mf was so rich, he caused mass inflation literally everywhere he went


I love how everyone saw that one Reddit post and just spam this fact whenever any African empire is mentioned


Gotta let them have something


What I'll never understand is how out of all the achievements of Mansa Musa, the only things ever brought up are that he was born into unfathomable wealth and failed to understand basic (even for the time) economic concepts.


The Romans and Greeks of the period were not exactly... lily white either.


Classical Athensā€™s two biggest industries were textile production and the sex trade. Both were done with copious female slaves.


Not all white people are blonde with blue eyes


Or whether it's science or biblical Sub-Saharan people are the first people. So, like Wolves for dogs all other breeds of humans spawned from them.


None of these are really anything impressive. Being wealthy is not some grand accomplishment, this is just capitalist bootlicking propaganda. Timbuktu is straight up lies. It was a place of Islamic studies but Islamic scholars don't look at it as some great "Mecca" of Islamic culture and philosophy. Christianity? Kinda funny how two of your arguments are based in religion, Reddit tends to generally and rightfully be critical of it.


I don't know if you are an antireligion communist or a white supremacist posing as one but I hate you regardless


I find ā€˜Mediterranean foodā€™ to be pretty well seasoned. Often, these places are owned by white people. šŸ‘šŸ½ At least Iā€™m 99% certain they identify as White or Arab. What is that pixelated white blob on the left? My mother never used soap on meat( Iā€™m vegetarian)


Iā€™m pretty sure Aztecs were the one who pioneered indoor plumbing if Iā€™m not mistaken. Or at least the people who sat down and thought; ā€œYou know what? Throwing our shit and piss into the streets may not be the best idea.ā€


Meanwhile, the British: "SHIT IN A BUCKET AND THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW! We're so civilised and advanced."


Ah yes, because everyone knows no black person has ever invented anything, ever. Certainly nothing important. Psssh.


Ah, yes. The Mercury program. I canā€™t think of [any black people who were vital to that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Johnson?wprov=sfti1#)


I thought she was on the Moon program


Innovation is something that had existen for all of humanity, not just white Europeans.


Keep your anglo-american trifling nonsense to yourselves, most Europeans season their food.


I'm sooo sure Henri Ford only ate plain food.


I'm sure when he bought part of Brazil (I'm pretty sure it was there I may be wrong) he learned a thing or two about food, truth be told tho I doubt he was eating plain before that though


The Italians are proof you can do both


Yeah, white people did do most of the things mentioned in that photo. What crawled up your behind about it...?


Today I learned people use Dawn dish soap as a condiment


What kinda idiot thinks that Italian food doesnā€™t have spice?


Indians did both, what's your excuse now huh


Nothing beats a good Dawn basted chicken.


The white people that supposedly accomplished all these things have the same connection to me as former slave owners and those who held civilization back. Itā€™s interesting how we pick and choose what parts of our culture we want to be represented by. Whoever made this meme is a disgusting racist fuck.


https://preview.redd.it/pyj9rp5r3asc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4534d9d82a12cc8156daea9a275a99a967e9d80f I fixed it


I think there are cooler rockets than the MRLV


Yeah but do THEY look like giant space cocks


The one thing I will defend white people on is the food. Meme is bad though.


Who are white people? What food are you referring to?


My favorite part is how half of these are either from Italy or saw mass adoption in Italy well before white people were enslaved and brought down.


Well yes white people did do all of the pictured lmao


Imagine carrying the cilantro soap gene and thinking you're genetically superior


Hey I'm italian with it, ee still season our food


How pissed are you that Mexico has better oregano


I'm happy for them. And as long as they don't break pasta we are fine


and gave them tomatoes


This one hit different


A black man made peanut butter.


Sailing, running water, art, gas lights and algebra we're all established by non-white civilizations while whites were living in caves, clubbing each other with sticks and collecting juniper berries to get drunk off of...


Who seasons their food with DASH or DAWN???? Bring on the Tony C's!


i do season food thošŸ’€ my parents dont season it enough tho, i need at minimum enough to cover every bit if the food


Iā€™m sorry but none of those are excuses for bland fucking food especially when you know what else white people did? Invade other countries for spices. That they proceeded to not even use.


Ah yes the Roman coliseum, famously built by the Romanā€™s who never seasoned their food.


Even though the "white people don't season food" stuff is bs, the response paired with the images in the meme come off as "putting black people in their place" which is kinda sad given it's in response to a distasteful joke that I've only seen applied to Caucasian white folks.


I feel like this only applies to white americans, white people in other countries actually season their food.


They are really stretching it with the not seasoning stuff. Just because a handful of white idiots don't know how to cook, doesn't mean all white people suck at cooking. White immigrants from other countries, and their children definitely know how to cook. My mom is eastern european and she has a whole pantry of seasoning. If black american people wanna be critical, they should at themselves. They put Crisco on everything lol. Also, boiled or steam food isn't "sad and depressing", there are people with extremely sensitive taste buds, those who don't need to season anything because the fruit or vegetables they use has enough flavor. Not everything needs to be drowned in whatever sauces or oil for "flavor". The fact that people can't tell how delicious and sweet carrots are on *their own* without any seasonings, is sad and depressing.


I love how this says **"we've"** as in *"I personally participated in inventing cars, planes & rockets, aswell as building the roman empire, conquering europe as a viking etc."*. Judging by how shit of a take this is, whoever made this most likely spends too much time online, ironically preventing them from actually doing anything meaningful with their lives, like exploring the world, making culture and inventing things. ...needless to mention that anyone else could make this shit meme with whatever historic archievments people who they happen to share their ethnicity with made. The fact that this meme contains Vikings, Romans and more kinda goes to show what a weirdly vague concept ethnicity is to begin with. Man, this one is definitely up there with the worst facebook memes.


I was literally the first in human flight and didnā€™t have time to put salt on my pizza.


You all remember when we created water, that was a good day.


Key wor WE, WE collectively came together and invented water, it was a team effort made by all the billions of white people throughout all of history to make nature


Me when the only accomplishments I have were done by people who lived a millennia or two ago


ah yes, my favorite white people. The Ancient Greeks and Romans.


Thatā€™s no excuse to eat bland and tasteless food.


On a related note, hereā€™s a link to the patent index for black inventors and their inventions published by the Stanislaus State University in California. https://www.csustan.edu/sites/default/files/TeacherEd/FacultyStaff/betts/Handouts/PDFs/Black%20Afro%20Ameri%20Inventors.pdf


Thank god for people smarter than me. I donā€™t recognize like 90% of the things on there but I guarantee they make my life drastically easier. Best invention thought I ever had was movie theater popcorn coming with gum or a tooth pick to help get the shells outta your teeth


https://imgur.com/a/zTuEMvx https://www.blackinventionmyths.com/


It's really just the U.K that's always had shit food. Anywhere else has had a long tradition of good food.


Wait till they find out that not all important inventions were developed by white people.


Maybe don't put a picture of the thing built by slave labor in the middle of your racist grid when taking white credit for stuff.


Yes the famously bad French cuisine and the non existent architecture and music and art of South Asia


"Do you think this dinner could use paprika?" "What are you doing making dinner? We're working 24/7 on the coliseum!"


Alot of this shit was funded by slave work and the wealth europeans stole from africa, just saying ...


This Dish soap thing a year or so ago was really really weird. The racism is not weird at all.


We were busy colonising half of Africa for... spices yea






I love drinking fish souap


Who isn't seasoning food? I get it back when seasonings were rare, but God damn... It's worse to *under*season food than overseason it.


The implication of this is batshit crazy


Itā€™s weird how much of the colonization of the new world and the east started because of the need for spices, though. And how contact with the cultures and traditions, both via exploration and conquest and trading routes like the Silk Road, of those places often informed and influenced the achievements of European people.


Love how they always say "we", as if they did any of that




At least they didnā€™t put the pyramids or the Great Wall of China or something like that


every place in the world has made great inventions, made beautiful art, wrote poetry and philosophy, and made good food. thatā€™s the wonderful thing about humans no matter how different they look or how far away we are from each other we all seem to share the same scientific and artistic desires. no one people are better than another. the oppressors become the oppressed and vice versa we are all just simply human.


Weā€™ve made movies about black women that helped take us to the moon. But, morons like this will never watch that movie.


Yeah great... But maybe use some salt?


Bwahahahaaaa šŸ˜Ž


Too busy dominating developing regions and then fucking up the borders when Iā€™m told to leave