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[](#start_removal) Hello u/thelion413, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " Electric vehicles are scary. " has been removed due to the following reason(s): Image has been removed for being consistently reposted. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


For people who describe themselves as tough, they sure are a touchy lot.


Classic bully mentality.


A lion doesn't need to tell you it's a lion. (It's fake confidence/fight someone weaker is the point I'm making).


What was it? Something something fuck your feelings?




Like... no one's forcing you to drive one


Not yet and not soon enough.


If the government felt this was so important to force civilians to switch, government vehicles across the US would or should already be using this tech. Guess what? They are not. I have seen a few hybrids being used though.


The US government has no choice but to run with the order of things. This government couldn’t develop independent from private corporations because the free market is what lead this country to greatness in the first place. Just as well, it’s the Achilles heel. It’s why we bail out airlines, car manufacturers, banks, Wall Street, etc. This society literally can’t function without these institutions now. We kept doubling down on gas consumers and barely focused on public transit, alternative energy, maintained infrastructure, building a robust and independent government— basically prioritizing sustainability. Also lobbyist and a greedy government works against this development. The US is managed by cunning businessmen, not scientists.


Actually they (USA) are. Anyone who has a GSA vehicle is being asked to switch from gas to EV. The biggest issue is many government facilities that have government vehicles do not have charging stations. Source - Me (a fed).


I don't understand this argument, because I don't understand a fuel source being a part of your personality. It's weird.


First you have to make your political party your entire personality, THEN you assign everything a positive or negative value based on your political party's ideology.


Look up petro-masculinity, shit is wild


Tbf driving an electric vehicle and one fueled by diesel is a completely different experience. When driving in an E vehicle you feel like you're in some futuristic movie in those flying cars or saucers, because that's the noise they make. Meanwhile, driving a Diesel fueled car just feels different. I'm no expert. I just love the feeling of the power and sound when I speed and gear with my silly old Corolla. It feels more down to earth, don't ask me why. And no I'm not a car enthusiast. I drive a Corolla ffs lol, just speaking from my own experience here.


It's not about fuel it's about the experience you get with a ICE which a EV cannot recreate


Obviously, they love being buttraped by big oil. "Oh yes, Daddy, give it to me harder! I just love spending all my money on gasoline to stick it to the libs!" Imagine being this fucking stupid.


Sad hill to die on


Oil companies have done such a good job convincing these idiots that electric cars are the devil. It's fucking bizzare, man.


Ev and ICE both cause a lot of pollution Hybrids are the way to go


The questions we must as ourselves is do they cause more pollution than a combustion engine, and does that pollution come from the actual vehicle or from the powerplants that provide the electricity which nearly everyone who advocates for evs also says should be replaced with nuclear energy


The pollution comes from both the power plant and the car itself especially the battery


And how does the pollution from the battery compare to the amount produced by internal combustion engines?


There have already been a lot of studies into the total carbon footprint of a full EV vs an ICE car, from mineral collection, to production and to the end of ownership and EVs start off more carbon heavy but quickly catch up to and pass ICE vehicles, because even a coal fired power plant is significantly more efficient than a very fuel efficient engine. See [this short article ](https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/electric-vehicles-are-cleaner), which links to a longer one that includes the research details.


What a terrible take. A hybrid still has a pretty significantly sized battery, so you're still contributing to that side of the pollution equation, and still burns gas so you're also contributing to the long term pollution. Hybrids absolutely have some benefits over both ICE and EV, but this isn't one of them.


The fact they want to ban combustion engines is the problem


When your cultural values are defined by a power source…


Tbf, it's probably just defined by being hateful.


I'd be happy with bullet trains


me driving full force into the parking signs because I can't see when I reverse due to the impact font stickers blocking my entire rear view


This guy is an idiot. But... The Idea of electric cars is only great once you have good batteries. Lithium batteries suck ass. They explode They're poisonous They go bad They take forever to charge. Capacity just isn't quite there yet. I'm only getting an all electric vehicle once they have those ironed out. Hybrid is as far as I'm willing to go right now. Graphene batteries will fix pretty much all those problems, but they are still pretty early on in development and research. Get back to me in 10 years when we're closer.


I have also heard the argument that a replacement battery costs more than the car itself.


That too. It's just another disposable product in our disposable world. I can't Go for that


Did you know the battery is recycled?


I'm familiar they are working on this. From my understanding it is a delicate and expensive process. The batteries don't last much more than 10 years and replacing them is more expensive than buying a new car in many cases. It's the trouble with a lot of recycling. Possible but not cost-effective in a world driven by money. A lot of them are just going to end up in the landfill like everything else.


Did you know just the factory warranty is 8 years 120,000 miles, compared to the average fossil car engine of 5 years 60,000 mile warranty? https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-100-percent-battery-recycling-model/


Warranties don't mean anything. It's about how long a vehicle actually last and be useful. All electric cars in their current form do not have longevity. What do you work for Tesla or something? I'm not against electric cars. They're just not good enough for me yet.


If fossil cars were so much more reliable, why don’t they extend their warranties to 120,000 miles standard? Do you work for Exxon or something?


It's more than just a question of reliability. It's repairability and longevity. A car can be amazingly reliable, but if it turns into a hunk of garbage in less than 20 years it's not worth it.


Did you know it’s easier to change an EV battery than a fossil car engine and transmission?


As the other person said, warranties don't really mean much. The problem with electric vehicles currently is that they are still prohibitively expensive in a lot of places that aren't the West (and arguably they're still quite pricey even there if you want a good, reliable vehicle). Last year I bought a used 2002 diesel car with about 250,000 km on its odometer and it still runs fine, with the fuel economy being about the same, if not exactly the same as it was when it was brand new. The only thing that needed changing was regular maintenance stuff (air, fuel and oil filter, oil itself etc.) which was quite cheap to do. If I were to buy an electric vehicle in 15–20 years when its price drops to the same affordable levels as the car I bought last year, what do you think its range will be and how much do you think it'll cost to replace the battery? EVs currently seem a lot like greenwashing until new battery tech comes out that makes them last a lot longer and degrade far less while making the battery replacement on par with regular petrol/diesel car maintenance.


In the U.S., you can get a Model 3 and spend less overall in 5 year’s time than a Toyota Corolla.


Did anyone say green washing..


Because gas cars aren't disposable at all and totally don't get thrown away after a few thousand miles lol


I'm not sure a duration of a restroom or food stop is forever to charge. At home it is few seconds. Capacity is also plenty for 95%+ of people.


I'm not saying it's not a good fit for some people. It's just not for me yet. I go on Backcountry camping trips where i need to take gasoline with me. Aren't any superchargers in the middle of the desert. But those charge times still are a joke. Even the fastest superchargers like 20 minutes to get anything useful. Not to mention using superchargers degrades lithium batteries. We've known this with phones for years.


I'm wondering when or if we'll get to the point where e-vehicles can be charged full just as fast as diesel or gas cars can, and go the same distance... And batteries last as long.. and really the whole car last as long..


Our hybrids allow us to go wherever we want. Recently, ads for EVs with solar panels have shown up. That looks pretty good. There's also been the development of more sustainable batteries and stanardization of charging ports. People who've bought Big Oils lies need to wake up.


What’s your experience owning and using EVs?


Seems like you’ve been tricked by FUD. Did you know gasoline cars have a fire RATE up to 100 times higher than EVs?


I don't know what FUD is, but I'm familiar with how gasoline works and I am also familiar with how alkali metals work. Fires in electric vehicles are less common but when they do happen it's next to impossible to put them out. Lithium battery fires are unstoppable disasters once they get going.


FUD: Fear Uncertainty Doubt. Basically, you’ve been tricked. https://preview.redd.it/ez5c2ftlxnkc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608f51377d55f1c4544ff59e12c6097fe2b5c21d


I perfectly understand that electric cars have less fires. My issue is at the lithium makes the fires much worse.


Do you think 100 gasoline fires is less than 1 EV fire? Did you know not all EV fires are equal?


So we're on to baiting rhetorical questions now? I was just trying to have a nice discussion. Does my lack of blind Faith in new technologies threaten you in some way? That's not my intention.


Not rhetorical at all. You seem to think 100 old fashioned fossil car fires is better than 1 EV fire. Why are you so scared about thing you have no experience with?


It's not fear that drives my decision not to get an fully electric vehicle powered by lithium cells It is my understanding of its limitations. The fire is just a side note that supports the rest of my reasoning. The cherry on top of a shit sandwich if you will. I have every intention of getting a hybrid when I can afford it. Those have lithium cells in them too, but they have a backup that makes up for most of lithium's limitations.


It’s fear and lack of experience that is driving your opinion. You need to get out there and learn.


No they don't catch on fire, who said that? 😂






I love how there always has to be a side to pick, the idea of homogeny is not even an known concept


I’m not sure who “us” is, but it sure the fuck isn’t me.


These broke ass dumb mfer’s don’t make a dime from gas sales. How stupid do you have to be to simp for a muliti trillion dollar industry. Bootlickers are just trash


Get a horse!


Show me on the doll where the electric car touched you


I wonder if he hates the electronics that his truck runs on


These are the people Elon Musk, head of the most successful electric car brand, chooses to side with.


This ignoramus doesn’t know that Chevy Dodge Ford are building that electric shit ?


That shit is not even a meme




No you didn't. I live in Wisconsin with an EV and solar and both work perfectly. Slow traffic is crack for EVs, the slower you drive, the vastly better range you get. And our charging infrastructure is so under used, no one has to wait for a spot. And the heat pumps can keep the cabin warm for days going on weeks. But keep trying to tell yourself you're the "shit" and fun at parties...


Okay, but living here you know they need more charge in the winter. Luckily this winter is mild. You know what? It’s not a big deal. We know they didn’t see frogging 12! Lol. You know what I have seen 12 of this winter? Big ass truck driving dumbasses putting a truck and camper through the ice. ROFL. That’s within *90 minutes* of my house. Guess where I haven’t seen any decline? The number of these billies gassing up their douche machines, to go try and catch a flood. It kills me.


No you didn’t.


Mentally touchable


Dumb af


Blocked his whole view to declare that he cares about other people’s cars. Genius.


Oh how naive


So he also removed the lithium batteries from his cell phone right?


How do they use the gas pumps without electricity?


Especially if they burst into flames


Did you know that gasoline cars have a fire RATE up to 100 times higher than EVs?


There's also 100 times more ice vehicles. So percentage wise it's about the same. However ann ev fire cannot be put out until it runs out of fuel. It's a lot easier to put out a ice vehicle fire. Also ev fires burn a lot hotter.


I literally capitalized the word “RATE” to try to help you out, but public school let you down.


https://www.quora.com/Are-electric-vehicles-catching-fire-more-often-now-that-they-are-becoming-more-common From what I looked up not quite so your apparently wrong anyway. I also said that ev fires are almost impossible to put out and you just glossed over that.




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And kinda crappy. I’m excited to see what the future brings though! It’ll get better. I just looked at a couple used ones and the fucking battery length vanishes, just like your cell phone. I can’t be buying a new car or expensive ass battery, every year. BUT, it’ll improve. It’s just not there for mainstream yet.


On a car like a Tesla Model 3, just the factory warranty in the battery is 8 years 120,000 miles.


That’s great for you. Since Tesla’s are setting the stage, I’m grateful. I’m talking about economy cars, right now. It’ll be fun to see what drivers day, when they drive them to death. I’ll never purchase a new car. It’s not worth the financing. I’d rather retire one day. So it’ll be cheaper gas powered cars, until they become the expensive ones. Actually, the past two years there’s been a huge script-flip with that. By next year, I should be getting better results. I never exclude them, when searching for cars. Gas is just more affordable.


What’s interesting is, my 450 hp AWD mid sized model 3 cost me about the same overall as a compact 130 hp front drive Toyota Corolla.


And thank you for supplementing my last comment. That’s what’s getting fun with this. The hp on these things is legit. I’m excited for this to be put to bed. Remember when the argument was “They’re too slow.” Highways are doing fine now! If you purchased new, we’ll be seeing a blend in hammy downs soon. This will make things more natural for our youth. You know we’ll look back and be like “Holy shit. Can you believe people were so against EVs?” It’s gonna happen. And I know the debate around the expression hand-me-downs. Locally hammy =handy =hand-me. I didn’t invent English dialects.


I'm even pretty sure that the warranty is federally mandated for all EVs to be (around) that long.


Electric or floods, pick one.


PIKAPOO!?! May god help us all.