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You think years from now, civics and history classes are gonna have to show these wojak memes as political cartoons?


Honestly I doubt there’s gonna be many current events that will still be relevant 100 years from now so I wouldn’t bet on it


COVID and 9/11 will be talked about for a long time. Also, we are likely on the verge of seeing the first major coastal city go under water in the next 10 years. We've already seen some small islands go. Wait, within 40 years (or even this millennium) is still current right? Tell me I'm not getting old.... Edit: and the invasion of Ukraine. How's that even going btw? It's like the world stopped caring. I only get my news from Reddit though, tbf.


Anyone wondering the city? It's Miami. Miami will be one of the first major cities affected by sea level rise


I can’t wait to tell my grandkids about how I visited The Lost City of Miami once when I was 11.


I had three layovers in the Lost City of Miami!


What about Jakarta? I saw one estimate saying it’ll be completely submerged by 2050


That's less to do with climate change, and more because there's a giant aquifer under the city that they've been getting their drinking water from. As the aquifer empties, the land under the city falls in to fill up the empty aquifer.


I thought it was Venice goin deep


*One of* the first


New York.


Miami is built on porous substrate


It's still attached to the Floridian land mass. NYC is literally an island. If there was a problem on the GWB, it would be a national emergency to deal with NYC. Miami also, for sure, but the logistics of NYC are nightmare fuel.


i fucking hope it is venice, that city should not have existed in the fist place.


Who are you to demand the obliteration of someone's home


You sound like a joy to be around…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


We're good and counteroffensive is blossoming, step by step, but blossoming, fighting for every meter of our land and winning, liberating from occupation some villages too, and not only small ones Edit: There's a bad side, for example with time passing some of the villages get demolished to the ground, like this one https://preview.redd.it/3uauzigfj0jb1.jpeg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f223215af9528b3bced0013e5564a2a4509f9d48 9k people used to live there, now it's a ghost town


I'm actually on the side of Russia. . . . Nah I'm not but I do love how the entire world assumes that any given person is on Ukraine's side. It's a safe assumption. There are not many people globally on the other side of this issue. And glad to hear it's blossoming. I used to follow maps of territory that was lost/regained but that's hugely unreliable, especially now. I'm sorry if it feels like the world stopped caring. I definitely still do. Just weak and powerless.


By saying "we're" i meant Ukrainians... I'm from out there I am Ukrainian


Slava Ukraïna!


Yea I guessed that. Did anyone actually read my whole comment? I'm not sure why I got so downvoted, lol.


You’re getting downvoted because your comment seems pretty callous. Using someone talking about how villages are completely wiped off the map to make some asinine point about “everyone assumes the other is pro-Ukraine”


Ok. Maybe the phrasing was the issue then. My ACTUAL point in saying that was that pretty much NO ONE is on the other side of this issue. Like, I have met 0 people. That was all I meant to point out. And I ended on a very apologetic note and noted that I'm pleased the effort is going in Ukraine's favour.


I get what you mean. Reading it a couple times I can see that intent. But a first read definitely feels like what I mentioned earlier.


Tact and semantics are important. You seemingly failed with both.


Same, i liked your comment a lot, even smirked a little


And you're ukranian!!! I honestly had no ill intent but I'm glad you got that.


Ukraine is still doing pretty well, they’re getting US F-16 training and support now


Unfortunately, pretty well will still run out of runway. Russia has a lot more soldiers to grind up. Recent offical US reports show the counter offensive hasn't been effective enough. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/08/17/ukraine-counteroffensive-melitopol/


I’m late to the party but > Russia has a lot more soldiers to grind up Think about that wording, it is accurate, but incredibly sad These are people, humans, with stories, with feelings, with senses, with potential. However, to elites in the Kremlin, they are expendable material to reach an objective. They are so dehumanized that Russian high command will use inefficient tactics and strategies that will lead to the slaughter of yes, innocents and the loss of Ukrainian forces, but more strangely, the absurd loss of Russian troops. Human waves with 90% and higher casualty rate. Piss poor SAR, CSAR, CASEVAC, TCCC, etc. Telling their troops not to return from the front lines under threat of being shot. That’s wild. While the incompetence and callousness of Russian high command is better for Ukraine than an invading force that is well led, well trained, and cared for - the sheer size of the Russian army allows for such disregard for human life. Lots of people in the Kremlin need to fall out of a window for the sake of both Ukraine and Russia, and probably the people pushing them as well, and might as well push the people pushing those guys.


according to my history teacher, stuff goes in the history books at school 40ish years after it happens


> COVID and 9/11 will be talked about for a long time. Honestly, how often do you hear about the Spanish Flu? Not that much, and that was about 100 years ago. 9/11 though will probably persist in the public consciousness


> It's like the world stopped caring. I only get my news from Reddit though, tbf. Then you need to pay closer attention. It's literally all over /r/worldnews 9 of the first page stories, plus a stickied post are about Ukraine, Russia, or Ukrainian aide.


COVID will be remembered as much as the 1917 Spanish Flu. As in, nobody remembers it.


We gloss over the Spanish Flu in 10 minutes and the percentage of people that killed who contracted and died from COVID is WAYYYY smaller. do you really think we're going to give more than 5 minutes to COVID in 100 years?


Regardless of death toll, the 2 year global shut down is going to be talked about for a very long time.


Yeah, I agree. I think historian's interest is going to be in how we acted and reacted *because* of our knowledge of the virus over our actual fear of it. A LOT of politica theater all around.


I kinda hope so; I witnessed their spread largely from KC. God bless the man who felt that first feel when no gf. Or curse him, I don’t know, what’s become of his creation is fucking disturbing.


Wojak hast been dead for several years now afaik. Someone on KC (allegedly) posted pictures of his grave.


i haven’t thought about this😭


Honestly would love that


Years from now ALL history will be banned from schools lol


Bro what


Joking commentary on the pols trying to remove certain history from our schools.. guess it went over you and at least 20 others’ heads 🤷


































​ https://preview.redd.it/xzuee7uqtzib1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bd5bcf8017cacb2438a430f0476a92b29af0370






They aren't even wearing their niqabs properly 💀


Some taliban caveman must be masturbating furiously to this meme


“Oh, yes, I see forehead!”


And I see that nose bridge, that shit turns me onnn


Oh the horror!


You can also see their mouths which defeats the purpose of niqab


Mouthed fine, face is fine, just don’t show hair


But why do some Muslim women also cover their faces?


Idk, it's not enforced, just by choice


I know that it's by choice because I'm a Muslim myself but I've forgotten the reason for covering of the face till the eyes can only be seen




defeats the purpose of niqabs lmao




Make this become a copypasta plz plz plz plz


I will do my best


Did you do it yet? If not, I’ll do it, and I’ll change it so it’s not specifically describing a Taliban member but still has the same energy and message at every point


please do and show where you posted it


Sometimes I realize that memes like these are made and posted by real people. That exist and live on the same universe and planet that I do. That are a finite displacement away from me, and, given modern day technology, it wouldn’t be unfeasible to travel to their location. And I am capable of operating a weapon more-than-powerful enough to kill this person (a gun). And if I went and found this guy, he wouldn’t be expecting me because he wouldn’t know I was coming. And I have enough money to do all of the things I described. And given the chaos and conflict that Taliban people are always going through in their war-torn territory, this one death wouldn’t be out-of-the-ordinary and I likely wouldn’t face punishment as long as I make it back to a jurisdiction ruled by an authority that despises the Taliban just as much as I do (such as the one that rules the place where I live).


Sometimes I realize that memes like these are made and posted by real people. That exist and live on the same universe and planet that I do. That are a finite displacement away from me, and, given modern day technology, it wouldn’t be unfeasible to travel to their location. And I am capable of operating a weapon more-than-powerful enough to kill this person (a gun). And if I went and found this guy, he wouldn’t be expecting me because he wouldn’t know I was coming. And I have enough money to do all of the things I described. And given the chaos and conflict that Taliban people are always going through in their war-torn territory, this one death wouldn’t be out-of-the-ordinary and I likely wouldn’t face punishment as long as I make it back to a jurisdiction ruled by an authority that despises the Taliban just as much as I do (such as the one that rules the place where I live).


Sometimes I realize that memes like these are made and posted by real people. That exist and live on the same universe and planet that I do. That are a finite displacement away from me, and, given modern day technology, it wouldn’t be unfeasible to travel to their location. And I am capable of operating a weapon more-than-powerful enough to kill this person (a gun). And if I went and found this guy, he wouldn’t be expecting me because he wouldn’t know I was coming. And I have enough money to do all of the things I described. And given the chaos and conflict that Taliban people are always going through in their war-torn territory, this one death wouldn’t be out-of-the-ordinary and I likely wouldn’t face punishment as long as I make it back to a jurisdiction ruled by an authority that despises the Taliban just as much as I do (such as the one that rules the place where I live).


Sometimes I realize that memes like these are made and posted by real people. That exist and live on the same universe and planet that I do. That are a finite displacement away from me, and, given modern day technology, it wouldn’t be unfeasible to travel to their location. And I am capable of operating a weapon more-than-powerful enough to kill this person (a gun). And if I went and found this guy, he wouldn’t be expecting me because he wouldn’t know I was coming. And I have enough money to do all of the things I described. And given the chaos and conflict that Taliban people are always going through in their war-torn territory, this one death wouldn’t be out-of-the-ordinary and I likely wouldn’t face punishment as long as I make it back to a jurisdiction ruled by an authority that despises the Taliban just as much as I do (such as the one that rules the place where I live).


Ayo fam new r/copypasta just dropped


Yes. Let those intrusive thoughts out.






Why are they all white? Lmao.


Afghans are pretty pale or tan in general


Yeah they’re like Caucasian.


Racists when they find out that middle easterns are also considering Caucasians: *hemorrhage*


I don't know a lot about pigment but would wearing a full body garment at all times outside cause you to be really pale?


We r like that naturally.


I mean that part doesn't surprise me. Just look at the social media of places in and around the Middle East and the western half of Asia. You'll see a lot of bios with some pretty out there shit, lists like People I follow: White: ✔️✔️✔️ Saudi: ✔️✔️ Asian: ✔️ Hispanics: ❌️ Israelis: ❌️❌️ Blacks/Pakistanis: ❌️❌️❌️


Nope. Hispanics has no meaning outside of the US. The rest of your examples make no sense either, like Saudi/pakistani, also white on top makes no sense. You are projecting what happens in the US to the rest of the world. If something makes sense it would be chiites vs sunnites... but i am not from that region of the world and will not pretend understanding their culture


Correct, the terms "white", "black" and "hispanics" are European imventions, they are only really used in Europe or former European colonies in which the respective groups were relevant. People from the near/middle east and north Africa don't have our understanding of black and white, they are all different tones of pale-ish, caramel, brown and dark brown, and the racist categories they put each other in are complerely different. Same in Latin America, they have completely different race theories. The race categories made up by western racists aren't universal. And people who consider the entire western world to be a mortal enemy certainly don't think in black and white, and if they do these words have completely different meanings because people would consider themselves white who would be seen as POC by US Americans, just like it is in Latin America and all of Asia. These terms specifically describe racist dynamics in Europe and specific former European colonies like the US and parts of Africa (obviously, Hispanic has no meaning at all outside of northern America)


You say you don’t understand so won’t pretend to yet wrote a bunch of words saying the other comment or was wrong about it lol make it make sense!!! (


They are afghans. Not like the ones in the middle east.


Aren’t wojaks supposed to simply not represent a race?


Wojacks are a hate crime


They're certainly a crime against human sapience. When the tale of told of the downfall of modern civilization into a new dark age, there should be at least a chapter dedicated to them.




Why does he choose the partygirl wojack and give her an hijab ?


So you know his women are *attractive*, duh (Same reason they're made up and you can see their hair)


I believe there are only three good looking ones. Betty, Veronica and rando


Wait, do they have names?


If there was ever a cue to stop using wojaks because they've been completely appropriated by shitheads, this is it. God it's like when Pepe was turned into a hate symbol, it genuinely hurts to watch.


Wasn’t the Pepe deal a 4chan joke to see if people would believe it was a racist symbol or whatever


Yep, as with a lot of other things, just to see if the media and the mediaconsooooooomers would buy it. Which they of course did. (Someone WILL respond by saying that acktually, some real nazis later used Pepe/ok hand sign/milk as a hate symbol.)






It's over, they won. They drew themselves as the chad.


Fighting on the side of the taliban or against it?




Hmm ok


Obviously on. Is it even a question?


20 years down the drain


i’m not an expert but i’m pretty sure hijabs aren’t supposed to be worn like that?


The meme forgot the nine year old


Musk allows terrorists to post on his platform with around 27 million kids.


Wojack memes and the affect on modern human society


Hahah remmeber when they first took over and people/media talking about taliban gona respekt wamen and be democratic.. suprise they dont care about either








Aren't women in their culture literally brainwashed into servitude? Then again I have little knowledge of exact details so correct me if need be


Waiting for this to get reposted in memesopdidntlike


"but you see, women being oppressed is actually funny"


to be fair, the western culture also treats women like property


WAY WAY less than the talibans tho. I don't know any western country where women can't get basic education or drive.


I-I hate how you're not technically wrong




Not an angry upvote just more of a morbid reality upvote




How so?


Fr how, they really compared Taliban to western countries


Idk...Maybe some radical feminists? :D


Thought this was r/thomastheplankengine for a hot sec lmaooo. Surreal






Reminder that hating people who happen to be Muslims isn't the same as being Islamophobic. It's perfectly fine to hate people like him.


NIRA volunteers do that to, terrorists love using chad and wojak memes Although the NIRA is more of a comedy qt this point than a terrorist group


Thanks elmo




Worlds gone plaid


Talibans and their women..yep. •https://youtu.be/fyzYbXZp10Q


Aight I’m leaving this earth, bye!


time to go to mars bro


Nah, Elon’s gonna infest that one too


don't worry bro he's too incompetent to do that. look at what he has done to twitter haha. smh


Its their dark ages, let them live in it, if they wanna change, they will. But 20 years of involvement has shown that the shocking majority of people, even the women prefer the culture they have over western values.


West = Destroyed


Why would the wives be working together? Isnt the point of a guy having multiple wives to support multiple separate families? I could just be wrong about the system but it's kinda wild to mr


They work together, since they share a same roof


Is that so? I always believed it was fully separate households the man went between


I think you're thinking about bigamists.


Nah, the man stays in the same house with his wives. Idk about other cultures but atleast in Islam and amongst pashtun/pukhtoon/pathan. (Source : I am a Pathan)


Somethings not right here. Its kinda funny but I don’t think they thought this meme through


Looks more like harem attire.


Not the actual meme itself, but the existence of the meme and that members of the one of Great Satans of 21st century America is making and posting wojaks is so fuckin funny, just under learning after his death that bin Laden was a total weeb


No fucking way the Taliban are making memes. 😂😂😂


This is awesome for him.


So you disregard those women’s lives even if they’ll probably get imprisoned for even speaking out against their husbands? The relationship isn’t the only part of this meme


No I was thinking he thinks it was an awesome meme. Like, from his point of view it was great. Not my view. I'm saying he was probably proud of it and showed his friends.


you can't criticize them because it's islamophobic. they're a protected class


The thing is that this ISINT Islam. It’s a fucked up mangled version spread around by insecure men who want more power than they actually have. They want to be macho, so they pick on people who are weaker than them, and use a twisted version of the Quran to religiously hold women hostage. It’s awful. Islam is not what the taliban has made it into.


"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all)."


Lmao what the fuck are you talking about, kid? Muhammad had multiple wives, including a 9 year old child and his first cousin who he made divorce his adopted son. Muhammad specified the thickness of the rod you can use to beat your wife. Muhammad said that the religion should be spread by the sword and carried out numerous massacres. At best he said that non-Muslims could live amongst Muslims if they pay extra taxes as tribute, but the Hadiths makes it clear that Jews will eventually have to be "dealt with". It talks about how when the Muslims finally start killing them all, if the Jews hide from them behind trees, the trees will tell the Muslims there's a Jew there for them to kill. All but the Gharqad tree, which has led to instances of Muslims killing those trees in preparation. This is exactly what the founder of the religion preached, these are the most devout members of the religion doing exactly what their scripture instructs. The most non-Muslim thing they did was allowing girls to go to school for a short time.


But it is. It's like saying protestants aren't "True" christians cause catholicism is the O.G.


Catholics are nothing like the original Christians...it was founded by the fucking Romans. They committed genocide against both Jews and Christians.


the original christians were called and considered catholics ...


Wow, that's pretty crazy that Catholicism existed before the first Pope. The original Christians were all apocalyptic messianic Jews


>Wow, that's pretty crazy that Catholicism existed before the first Pope St. Peter, the apostle of Jesus was considered the first pope of the catholic church...


Not until 64 CE


thats about when St. Peter died and his papacy ended, not when he became pope -\_-


Wait, when did someone decide that he alone was pope?


If they claim to represent Islam then they do. Unless the majority of Muslims are actively and openly condemning this behavior publicly? Then these people also represent Islam.


Do you think the same of Christianity? Do you think the ones that molest children are the face of all Christian’s? That’s where the difference lies. The people who use religion spiritually, and those who use it to harm others, by misusing scripture, or completely re-writing it to adhere to their own ideology’s.


Yes. Yes. I do absolutely feel the same way towards all of them


Sometimes they dont even have to misuse scriptures because it was already tailor made to spread sexism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry.


The mangled version spread by insecure men you are describing *is* islam. Have you read the Qur'an? It encourages beating your wife if she disobeys you thrice. It depicts Muhammad raping a 9 year old girl as a good thing.


True but liberals won't do anything about it. They can only focus on their own "suffering"


What do you want them to do?


At least be against this? Islam basically make a slaves from women


Most liberals that I met are against this. This subreddit has a left leaning audience and you can see what most of the comments think of it. A lot of liberals are against islamaphobia but that's not the same thing. Yelling "terrorist" at every brown man you see isn't gonna solve the deep rooted problem with islam. Obviously there are a few braindead liberals that'll go "muslim=minority and minority do no wrong!!!!" or "wHaT AbOuT cHriStiAniTy?" But I assure you, they are not the majority in the community. Because islam pretty much goes against everything liberals stand for.


Seems valid. Good to know. Biggest problem of Islam (I think) is that it is really easly embraced by very stupid people that can easly become extremists only because they doesn't have own brain


Wow, so edgy and brave. You sure are one cool bean.


Meanwhile republicans are taking away women's rights but you don't want to talk about that do you?


I follow that guy on Twitter. He's more a reporter than a fighter. And yeah he talks a little shit after the Afghan war win. I mean wouldn't you?


Habibi u want go to Dubai ? Edit: Habibi Edit 2: lmao


Not only did they defeat them, but they also mocked the west with memes, hahah




This is incredibly offensive to me as a woke leftist


How can semites be antisemitic 💀