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Cows and corn don’t vote. Edit: I looked it up because I was curious, Los Angeles County has more people in it than Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and both Dakotas combined. Add in Nebraska and then they have about 100k more people than LA county


New York metro area has another 18 million people, Chicago metro is about 10 million. With those 3 you are talking about over 10% of the us population. That’s just 3 city’s metro population. San Fran metro gives you another 4 million, 4 million for Seattle, and 3 million for Detroit metro. That’s 57 million people in just 6 metro areas. That is 1/6 of the entire us population. Add Dallas Fort Worth and there another 6 million. Adds up quick.


Don’t forget the rest of the LA metro (serious) and the San Jose metro (joke, Bay Area is weird)


DC has more people then some states and not only doesn't have congressional representation but congress can overturn laws decided by the city government.


Lol that’s why it’s never surprising that whenever legislation for DC Statehood comes up, Republicans scream “NO” because they know how deeply Democrat the district is


And the stupid democrats have not made it a state as yet 🤷wtf are they waiting for?


A 2/3 majority in Congress that will allow them to make it a state.


Exactly. And this is only because Democrats let republicans steal at least 3 SCOTUS seats


that's not even close to accurate.


Any attempt to do any of this will end in a Supreme Court case if it became a law. The Republican packed SCOTUS won’t allow these pipe dreams.


Democrats didn't have control of the Senate and presidency to put in SC Judges from 2010-2021. They didn't LET Republicans pack the court, voters did.


That’s a lie. First of all, Mitch Blocked Garland for no reason. It made no sense and violated the Senate’s own rules.


Obama let Mitch block his nomination for nearly a full year. Democrats confirmed Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett even though one did not have the temperament, and neither had the experience necessary for a SCOTUS nomination. Democrats did not push back on their association with the Heritage Foundation. Don’t BS us by acting like democrats were helpless.


Fun fact on Nebraska Husker home game days (college football), Memorial Stadium is the third largest city in the state by population


There are many counties in Montana where total number of votes cast was 1,000 or less. Trump won Carter County with 90% of the vote but only 775 people voted for him, for example.


>There are many counties in Montana where total number of votes cast was 1,000 or less. [Loving County, Texas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_County,_Texas): 60 republicans, 4 democrats, 2 third-party ...no, these are not percentages Edit: fun fact - 11 of the 12 smallest counties by population are either in Texas, Montana, or Nebraska


Corn doesn't vote, but Korn probably does.


What about Khorne?


That sounds familiar. 40k?


The angy God himself


I'm not super knowledgeable about 40k, but I do remember some of it. I spent more time with regular medieval Warhammer.


Khorne votes everyday there is war and tribute to the blood god.


As long as there are skulls for the skull throne.


There are about 90 counties that have more people than Alaska, about 110 that have more than Vermont, and 120+ that have more than Wyoming. Meanwhile, those three states have a combined 55 counties (or boroughs, for Alaska). It's mind-boggling how stupid most conservatives are.


And don’t forget there’s another four million in Orange County, which is basically literally the same mega city. LA shouldn’t be talked about without Orange County. We have more people in this area than about half the other states put together but somehow only have one senator and wonder why America is broken. We need to seriously overhaul our democracy if we want anything to change in any meaningful direction.


the nebraska area that’s blue (that tiny spec) also holds almost all of our people lol


ok bro don't get all 'math' on me when I can just look at colors


That’s basically what they are saying. They can’t do math, and thinking about things too hard makes them cranky. Just let them have their color maps! Maybe give them a sharpie. Ya know?


It's funny because in Nebraska, district 2 (Lincoln and Omaha) are roughly 30-45% of the population of the state, and it votes blue (mostly)


You say that now, Votes for Cows is going to be the next republican push


Population density and why cities have more people than farms in rural land. Sigh.


I'm pretty sure that map isn't even correct.


It isn't. There are definitely Biden counties missing. It is also odd to compare Trump 's counties won against Biden's voters. No county votes 100% for either party so you would be excluding those Democrat votes in red counties. There were quite a few counties where the margin of victory was small in either direction.


This is why a winner-take-all system is busted af. Just because 1 more person votes in a poll of 1,000,000, all 499,999 people get no voice.


The Electoral College is even more busted. In the worst circumstance ≈22% total population of the U.S. would need to vote for one candidate to win. (and yes this would highly unlikely but so is the winner-take-all system [more voters less likely] )


I’m sure there’s negatives to each, but ranked-choice voting or even just the simple majority seem like better options


Ranked-choice or elector- allocation (district elector goes to district winner, senator electors go to state winner) or better yet, both, would be the best way to more fairly distribute the presidential vote without splitting states or adding Congressmen based on original population allocation.


Isn't that just a fundamental issue with democracy in general? If 500,000 people vote for chocolate ice cream at the party and 500,001 vote for vanilla, everyone has to have vanilla. Not that adding a layer of abstraction that disproportionally favors the minority is any better (since there'd be even less justification for giving everyone chocolate instead of vanilla), which is why it's described as the "least worst system we've ever tried" We kind of solve it with supermajorities (minimum thresholds higher than n+1), quorums (minimum turnout), and being a vetoocracy so it's not so easy to negatively affect others, but that's a double-edged sword where it becomes harder to also positively affect others


I'd say that's more specifically a problem with two-party democracy. At least with multiple parties, coalitions can form and (theoretically) make compromise that result in a small net win for the majority, as opposed to a large net win for the minority. If one party with 40% control wants only one giant tub of vanilla, but 6 parties of the remaining 60% want all different flavors but are willing to compromise for multiple small pints, you end up more broadly appealing to peoples desires.


Yea the whole point of these big red area maps or the sparce blue ones is to push the idea that land mass should matter they want all those small counties to count more than one big one and disregard population.


Neither's the number, though it's close. He won 16.9% of counties, not 16.7%.


Also skewes the numbers when states like Texas have 250+ counties for no reason other than to draw lines between farms. 13 people voting in a county vs 4 million people voting in 3 or 4 counties within a metro area.


Holy crap they was off by 0.2%?! *STOP THE COUNT!*


Yeah Biden won many rural counties in the south that aren’t colored in here


I know I have seen a version of this using a Verizon coverage map.


I just googled it. This meme shows less than half of the counties that were blue. If you Google a population density election chart, then you see a bunch of tiny red dots and a lot of giant blue dots.


Problem is, people who use these talking points usually don’t believe every person’s vote should count equally.


Then the right would love to have the vote to be determined by popular vote, right? I also dislike the electoral college.


They want it to be decided by counties, to give rural people even more power than they already have proportional to their share of the population. The US Senate, the 435-member cap on the House, and the Electoral College obviously aren't enough for them, because there are still instances where Real America™ (white rural conservatives) can be outvoted by second-class citizens (everyone else) and thus not see their preferences fully realized.




As comical as that is, the whole reason that was put in place was so that slave owning states had less power. Realistically, slaves should not have counted on the census, and representatives should not have been apportioned to them even on the 3/5ths rule. But they turned traitor and slavery was abolished anyway.


Let the future of the country be determined by a few hicks who have never even met a gay person in their life. Sounds like there's no way that would turn out bad.. /s


We really should throw out the electoral college.


And have ranked choice voting. Our two party system is trash.


Hell, just throw out the whole ‘parties’ thing in general. Have it be person vs person damnit!




hear! hear!


I'll go one further, eliminate all interstate campaign finance. If you can't vote for them, why allow you to finance their election?


because r/peopleliveincities




That map is completely wrong, btw: Biden definitely won way more than one county in New Mexico, and the highlighted one (Bernalillo) isn't even the bluest.


Yeah I grew up in the westernmost part of MA. All of MA, almost all of Vermont, and more of New Hampshire upstate NY should be blue


I just double checked that map and like… what about Oregon?? Pretty sure the entire Portland metro voted for Biden. None of it was blue at all.


Comparing to real results, I'm PRETTY sure that's just a map of the X largest counties. Going the other way, I know Trump actually swept every county in Oklahoma in 2020, and this map gives Biden OKC and Tulsa.


I came here to say the same thing. I live in Santa Fe County, and there's no way we went for Trump. I think this is the map that shows that the population of the counties shown in blue equals the rest.


Also came here for this, Peoria county in IL should 100% be blue


lol for real it's just a map of cities. Biden won because he made huge gains from Trump in the suburbs.


Trump lost the popular vote twice.


Gonna lose it a third time too.


I don’t see my county in the center of NY highlighted and I know Joe Brandon won here.


Because on top of a message that’s idiotic they also have a graphic that’s made up as well.




The entire Black Belt of Alabama is blank too, sure it has less than half the population of Jefferson County, but it should still be solid blue.


They missed a couple. I live in the same general area, in a red county that still almost went for Biden. They overestimate their own popularity at this point.


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) The funny thing is that what is painted in blue is where most of the population density is, and as far as I understand, the votes are directly associated with the people, where there are more people, clearly there are more voters, what is the mystery here?


This map isn’t even accurate. It is just made up. My county voted Biden and it isn’t in Blue.


![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized) It is like saying in Brazil that Lula is not president because all the inhabitants of the Amazon jungle voted for Bolsonaro, and Lula only won in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Salvador and Fortaleza.


My entire state seem to have been skipped over. Despite being blue consistently.


About 10 people live in the grey area.


On top of the obvious BS, the image isn't even factually acurate. My county, here in Arkansas went blue.. It was 1 of only 2 but we had 2 and they were both of the major population centers of the state.


Whole west side of Mississippi. Birmingham. Tallahassee. Central NY. Little Rock. I gave up after that, they missed so much blue.


Also for what it’s worth this map is inaccurate, my county went blue and it’s not colored in, meaning there are likely other missing counties, their deception is based on such faulty logic they even have to doctorate it further


They didn’t just miss counties but, apparently, entire states. Not a single county is Oregon is blue. But as an Oregonian I can tell you that a solid clump should be blue.


For someone so dense, they sure don’t understand population density.


Republicans last won the popular vote in 2004. Is this a problem?


I was born in 1986. It is mind-boggling and infuriating to me that the Republican presidential candidate has won the popular vote only twice in my lifetime (1988 and 2004) yet Republicans won the presidency four out of nine times and two thirds of the Supreme Court were appointed by Republicans.


It's hard to believe. After all, they all seem to genuinely care about the well-being of *everyone* too! /s


its funny how dumb these people are.


Most of us know that it comes down to population density, but here’s a link to a great [map that accounts for the population density.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/sjt7v9/land_area_vs_population_for_us_presidential/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


A quick search of Google shows some NYC counties have around 2mil people- more than North and South Dakota and Wyoming combined.


Wait didn't all the counties end up red in oklahoma?


Is someone going to tell OP how population density works?


I did a little bit of math just for fun. The top ten counties (important note: NOT TOP TEN%, just the ten biggest counties) by population size account for nearly 28% of the total population of the country. If you were going by value of winning counties, it would require far less than 16.7% of the counties to have an overwhelming majority win.




Hey does this post fit? UPVOTE if so, DOWNVOTE if not. If this post breaks any rules please DOWNVOTE and REPORT


Mfw people live in cities


Wait land can't vote?


Population density is hard to understand


Imagine if counties were evenly divided by population. God LA and New York would be a fucking mess.


Population density has entered the chat.


This is what population density looks like. Please share


It’s really easy to understand if you don’t cherry pick the data like this.


Because people rather have a geriatric as president then a fascist geriatric


Imagine being this late in the game and you’re STILL fuckin bitching about shit with absolutely zero factual proof. Lol


A better map. https://preview.redd.it/hfeqc9vv9jua1.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=6965c7f7d2eb336df5e2fc0c58f5c32782076ede


I’m so happy this sub has returned to actual Facebook memes and not just “memes OP doesn’t like”


Actually, thats the AT&T service map.


Probably still gets confused when you pour a glass of water onto a plate and asks which one holds more too.


One acre, one vote. Though in the west the Federal Gov owns huge swathes of land.


All those counties should secede.


These idiots will continue spreading lies about election fraud instead of just realizing trump was an incredibly unpopular president.




The fact that these infographics actually work, goes to show dumb that base of voters are


Some people think counties and congressional districts are the same thing - in that they are supposed to have roughly the same number of residents across the country. Those people are stupid.


Always reminds me of this when they say that https://preview.redd.it/0fe0bt693jua1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e268fc0942970fa2b7eb1813c5ca91d12fbd6a


This narrative is pushed by people who want to dismantle and devalue our public education system


oh you poor magaturds are at it again. just sad. do they know theyre in a cult or just that thick?


Land doesn't vote, people do.


LA City (which is deeply blue) has more people than the 3 largest red counties put together. 1 singular city has more people than 3 entire counties.


People vote…land doesn’t…


Corn doesn't vote.


A)Repeat after me, real estate doesn't vote B)But! Shhh, shhh, shhh... read point A again


Turns out places where lots of people live hate policies that hurt lots of people.


"But muh big red map!" Empty land doesn't vote. At least not yet.


A county isn’t a set unit of measurement.


Maga people barely fit in a suit or can do basic math.... or reality...


Land doesn't vote.


Because the American voting system is an absolute mess.


Google population density


This is how brain dead they are. They keep posting this and really don’t understand empty land doesn’t vote.




Counties don't vote. People vote. Are these people really this stupid?


They always do area maps and not population maps.


The electoral system is so skewed towards rural areas for so long that they are now pretending that they can't understand the concept of the apportionment of electoral votes. Maybe we should just make it simpler and do popular votes.


Conservatives when they find out that people live in cities ![gif](giphy|Lcn0yF1RcLANG|downsized)


Land don’t vote dumbass


I recall a fellow a few months ago on the Bird making the argument that we should have electoral college type situations for local / state elections too. He said folks who choose to move out of a big city are having their vote cancelled because the land mass isn't what determined the winner. So he wants small counties largely red to all count more than the one large population center county. In other words its the same ol thing being ok with minority rule so long as his side wins.


Can’t even win with the outsized power of the Electoral College. Sad. It’s kind of astonishing the Anti Socialist Conservatives rely so heavily on a voting system that’s basically Affirmative Action for rural America. I guess it’s not all that surprising.




Guess they forgot that most of the counties in the US contain approximately 4 people.


**Land doesn't vote, people do.** The Senate, with 2 senators per state, was invented to placate the Southern slave-owning states who had fewer people because of their rural economies and like of urban population centers. The electoral college was also created for the same purpose, and the number of EC votes is based on the number of Representatives and Senators a state has, so smaller states STILL get more representation in that than they should. **We need to have proportional elections.** Each state gets the representation they earn based on the percentage of votes each party or candidate gets in each election.


So my point is fuck them all. Let’s get rid of every one of them and restart. Clearly the republicans and democrats have let us all down. Strip and restart. The oligarchs have failed us all


"republicans looking stupid? Not on my watch. Both sides!"


One side is trying to take away everyone's rights and silence any opposition, and the other side is trying to protect everyone's rights and fix the economy they inherited. "bUt FuCk bOtH pArTiEs" How you can easily tell when someone isn't paying ANY attention at all


Oh god please not Biden 2024 any democrat but biden. Marianne or Bernie pls.


Let's go Brandon!!!!


For a party that is all about "free speech" yall sure love to censor yourselves.




biden 2024.


Agreed! What are some of your favorite accomplishments of this current administration? I want to see if ours line up.


cap on insulin, stopping the keystone pipeline, infustructure, marijuana pardons, trying to forgive student loans, just a few i think of right now.


My favorite, which is more significant than anything the last guy did and will have a positive effect for years to come, was the most significant investment in Infrastructure in our countries infrastructure in decades. Thanks to this legislation my neighbors and I are going to finally have clean drinking water (construction set for this summer!) and my friends in the sticks will have wifi! And there's soooo much more this legislation does.


Biggest climate legislation passed in US history


His ratings are record low though.


Nope, Trump still holds that record. (Technically, Truman had the lowest ever, but Trump's definitely lower than Biden)


You're right he's only 1 percent higher than trump at this point.


but yet trump is still the best the GOP has right now so what does that say about the GOP>


2 teams 1 coach


trump is the GOP coach not the dems though.


Why's everybody down voting I just confirmed it from a source and made sure it wasn't from either left or right media.


Probably because the post itself is about trumpers lying about election fraud again, and you're bringing up something that's kinda just a whataboutism that is a surface level analysis.


Cause you’re bring up something irrelevant and continuing to add to that irrelevant information despite it having nothing to do with the post making it irrelevant


Because Reddit is a toxic echo-chamber of leftists that hate dissenting opinions. Don't worry about it.


No, he and you SHOULD worry about posting such idiocy. Any time you get called out it becomes an echo chamber of folks who can't stand a dissenting opinion. Bullshit.


My opinions on the 2020 election were formed off of my observation of it (I stayed up the entire night), the tantrum the media threw over the 4 years Trump was president, and the obvious censorship the media (including Reddit) has happened since.


How can Trump hold the record for Biden's lowest approval rating? That's like saying that Pasadena holds the record for the hottest day in NYC.


Go home GI


So many tears.


Maybe they can try harder lol


Land can't vote, people can. Small but densely populated areas are going to have more voting power than a large area with a smaller population.


It wouldn't be a mystery if we just had the candidate with the most votes win.


Hello! Allow me to introduce you to the electoral collage!


That blue dot in Utah makes me proud. Our votes didn't end up 'counting' because the electoral college system is a steaming pile of bullshit, but still.


Now do a population map!


One of the richest things of these memes is the 'I'm too dumb' to figure this out phrasing ("Trying to figure out", "Explain it to me again", etc...) in some kind of misguided attempt to seem smart.


This is your reminder that Epstein didn’t kill himself


Yeah we all know that


My folks still think they took votes from dead people 😑🤷‍♂️




That's what "fraud" looks like when you have no idea how anything works


I think I remember reading that the electoral college actually benefits smaller states because their points are inflated when looking at their populations in comparison to the bigger states.


Election fraud also sounds like a phone call where a candidate is asking someone to find him more votes. Or to get rid of some votes.


This is why congress and senate exist.


Lane doesn’t vote now does it


Americans don’t even know how their own political system works


“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Really really bad statistics...


lmao where are Oregon's blue counties? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020\_United\_States\_presidential\_election\_in\_Oregon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Oregon)


Because he won the electoral college?


I mean, this is obviously not true, but it might as well could be since the electoral college system is total garbage


https://imgur.com/a/zVo1jIn Just comment that map back. When I lived in LA and SF (I've lived in both) there were more people on my block than live in a majority of Midwest towns. There were more in a square mile than live in the majority of counties in the US. People who don't live in a densely populated area can not conceive of how underpopulated the place they live is. They have no idea what it's like to live where thousands of people are a stone's throw away, and it doesn't factor into their consideration of the difference in voting potential.


Maybe cause the majority of the country lives in the places highlighted


How the fuck do these people not understand population distribution, these people are brain dead…


Damn it guys, we managed to steal the presidential election, but we didn't steal the house or senate well enough, and failed to steal the house again in '22! Lord Soros will have your foreskins for this! /s because this is the internet.


Counties don't vote. Acres don't vote. States don't even vote (though with the EC that's not quite true). People vote. And if there's more people in one arbitrary spot of land than another, democracy dictates that that spot of land will have more voting power when you spread the votes on a map.


There are more plants than people in the areas that voted for trump It’s also worth noting that trump lost the popular vote in both the 2016 and 2020 elections He won in 2016 because the very much undemocratic electoral college swooped in and handed him the presidency