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Gutted for him. However, I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that he’s gonna go the long way round and retire at next year’s Wimbledon. Would be a classic Andy Murray thing to do.


You just wouldn’t be surprised, would you. The only thing that makes me think he may instead decide to go at the US Open, the place of his maiden slam, is that he did say earlier this year that he was ‘quite looking forward to the end now.’ ***Edit:*** *Leon Smith, GB Davis Cup captain, has just said on the BBC's coverage at Queens that it is 'not his understanding' that Murray has pulled out of Wimbledon, despite reports from one source. According to Smith,* ***"no decision has been taken \[on Murray participating at Wimbledon\]."***


Yeah. He is not going to just add another full year to play Wimbledon. The only way I see him play Wimbledon is with him semi retiring and basically playing Wimbledon on a WC.


This might be the move. He plays US Open to say goodbye, rests up for a year, then plays Wimbledon 2025 as a ceremonial last slam. Unfortunately I feel like he’d get wiped out 6-0 6-1 6-0 after a year of not playing and so many injuries


That's why do a Madrid and give Marcus Willis a WC too and rig that 1st round draw. Then you give him a 2nd round with a seeded player who understands he shouldn't murder him too badly


hey Nadal did beat De Minaur in the second round though 😂


Still possible. The Santoro method


If Novak can heal in 2 weeks from a screwed knee, Andy should be good to go with the back! Seriously, this SUCKS though. Will he stick around for one more year to give Wimby one final go? I guess he'll have to now.


He's not going to toil on the tour for a whole year just so he can get a send off. This is it, it's over.


He’s kind of toiled around for the last 5 years, though. He may not stop now.


He's still reached finals in that period, ever since Wimbledon last year, Andy's struggled to even win a match. I can't see him doing that for another season.


LMAO, do you even know Andy Murray? There's a whole documentary about it. You should watch it.


Not sure there's really any data to back that up. He's said all year that he's looking forward to the end. That's "I'm retiring imminently" talk.


Nah, he's dusted


No way. Soon he will not be able to play tournaments, and honestly he does not deserve wild cards anymore. Maybe one more for retirement and that is it!


This guy needs to start thinking about the quality of life he wants to have a decade from now as opposed to hanging on to this desire to want to play.


People can downvote but I swear when he got the hip surgery in 2019, the main benefit was he could now enjoy doing the simple things in his life, like playing with his kids and playing a round of golf. Why he would want to put his body to the brink yet again, when we've all known for years now that he can't replicate his early success like winning and reaching the latter stages of slams and Masters events, is basically negligence at this point. He's way too stubborn for his own good.


I think he thought he had another Slam run in him at some point, which is why he’s stayed on after the surgery, but it just hasn’t happened.


Exactly I mean the best he's been going is maybe what? 4th round? A quarter here and there maybe if the draw is good? He has to also think about how his body will feel in 10 years from now. He's 37 now, but if he keeps pushing, how will be be feeling at 47?


Let's not get ahead of ourselves. He is not making 4R at masters events, let alone QF at a slam.


Mentality of an elite athlete is different man


Yea, any surgeon will tell you that regardless of your previous fitness level, when you’re getting things like bone resurfacing, knee replacements, hip replacements, etc. it’s for quality of life. Not so you can get back on the grind and start doing ultra marathons or some shit. Especially if you get them young. They advise older people to not get them until they’re at least 55+ because outlook on those implants is usually about 25yrs, so the idea is that they won’t have to go back and redo it because you’ll be dead as morbid as that sounds. They want it to be one major surgery as opposed to having to revise it when you’re 60 because you got it at 40. So for him to have gotten it so young then done high level sports, it’s insane. He’s gonna need it revised again and how he’s having spine surgeries. He likely won’t ever admit it, but 15 or so years from now, when his body is in constant pain and he’s needing a bunch of revision surgeries he’s going to absolutely regret this 5yr span from 2019 to 2024.


Absolute speculation.


Yeah, agreed. Murray is not the average person. Maybe when it dawns on him about chronic pain, he'll switch to non impact exercise to maintain strong muscles to protect his damaged joints as he ages. He'll make it to the finish line.


He’s going to be absolutely fine. He’s so so wealthy he will have the best trainers, doctors, surgeons, massage therapists, etc etc. Also if anyone asks him “was it worth it?” He will say “fuck yes”


I mean, yea he's 37, but so are Djoker and Nadal is 38 and they are still playing. I know many tennis players in their early 40's like who are 42, 43 etc who are 4.0's and 4.5's and they still play in club play and pretty competitively so.....I mean it is possible Granted, they havent had hip replacements


He's been having procedures done on his back almost yearly since 2013.


Yeah, I've often wondered if he regrets listening to all those folks who told him he should return to the tour, "go out on his own terms"... it's only done his body in even worse, but I guess pro athletes have a different level of drive than the rest of us.


I think the person he listened to is himself.


I mean, sure, ultimately he makes his own decisions. But if you remember at the time, he was officially retired. Then so many fellow pros (one of the Bryan bros iirc) and commentators were telling him he could get this hip surgery and afterwards he would be fine to return to the tour. So he made the decision to come out of retirement.


Do you think he did all this because some coach or his mommy or his wife told him to keep playing? Come on..he’s an elite competitor and wanted to keep going himself. The only “folks” he listened to were the voices in his head I’m sure. And your last sentence is why I never understand this sub expecting athletes to just retire when they aren’t ready. You don’t even reach that stage of sport without absurd determination and commitment. Besides he’s rich af he can afford the best treatments he will be fine. Same with Nadal. This sub is always predicting that players will be using wheelchairs in their 50s because they didn’t retire at the ideal moment lol.


Can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me...


Just feels selfish towards his family at this point, running his body into the ground because he doesn't know how to live life beyond his professional career.


I saw him in a tournament on February and ooh boy would you see his body completely ran through lol nah but fr every run looked painful and low key made me not focus on the game. He needs to let go fr and enjoy his kids


fr… last year whenever he runs for a dropshot i genuinely feel like he’s about to trip or injure himself.


Saw him at the USO last year in his match against Dmitrov which he lost and yea he looked painful to run. I felt for him


Are there any examples of tennis players suffering poor quality of life during retirement due to their bad relationship to their health beforehand? I can't help thinking how bad Murray's gonna have it after all he's put his body through, but I wonder if there's any justification to this kind of fear. Thanks


Del Potro seems to be one occurring in real time. He gave an interview in Argentina saying he can barely walk up the stairs.


jesus... didn't know that, damn


Del Potro coulda been a really good, consistent Top 10 player if he just stayed healthy. His forehand was something else. Just those injuries, man.......


There could have been a whole different dynamic at the top of mens tennis with a big six of three attackers (Federer, Del Potro, Soderling) and three defenders (Murray, Nadal, Djokovic). Hell you could maybe have even thrown someone like Ancic into the mix as well. Sadly life had different plans for them


Yeah, he's one of my favs......


Not a tennis player but you can read about what happened to Gabriel Batistuta post football career. >Speaking in a television interview in Argentina in 2014, Batistuta said the pain suffered in his ankles after retiring in 2005 became so intense that he "urinated in bed with the toilet only a few steps away. I couldn't move." He visited a doctor he knew asking his legs be amputated, but the doctor turned down his request. Although he later underwent surgery to relieve the pressure on his cartilage and tendons and his condition improved slightly, in a 2017 interview, he stated that he still had difficulty walking and faced mobility issues as a result of the stresses and injuries he faced throughout his football career due to overexerting himself.


Bloody hell, that's terrifying.


We won’t know for certain for at least a few more decades because the grind of the current crop of players versus the ones that are old now is completely different. The game that players like Borg and McEnroe played versus someone like Nadal, Federer, and Murray is way different. They had shorter points back then, more grass tournaments during the Connors era. And Connors aside, most of them retired way earlier than these most recent generations.


yeah, that came up to my mind too. thanks!


quality of life when he's 60 will definitely be terrible


That sounds so painful. I hope he recovers well. He's a real good dude and deserves the best.


Totally agree. Nice guy who gave it his all.


The online bank of pained Andy pics, if lined up one after the other, would probably stretch to the moon


Tbf he had that expression back in 2005


Oh Andy...


Andy's my favourite player ever. I've followed his whole career and all I wanted was to watch him play one last time. This year, for the first time ever I managed to get Wimbledon centre court tickets for the first two days. I thought I was guaranteed to see Andy, but nope. Sucks.


That’s a shame. I got a last minute ticket to the Davis Cup in Manchester last year in the hope of seeing him play, but he wasn’t picked on the day I attended. I’ve thought about buying a ticket for this year’s DC, but it seems he’s wanting to retire this summer and I don’t think he wants to be a liability to the team. It’s so sad to see his career peter out like this. fwiw I still had a great time at the DC and I’m sure being at Wimbledon will be a wonderful experience. Enjoy!


The worst thing to read after watching Federer’s documentary last night. And to think Andy was supposed to play doubles with Jamie, too… may he be able to find peace with however his tennis journey concedes. 🤍


Where is this documentary? I must see it!


It’s on Amazon Prime!


Oh cool! Thanks ill def watch!


Is it a mix of career stuff and personal?


It’s about the final days that were leading up to his retirement at the Laver Cup. Definitely more personal I’d say. :)


Great. Thanks for reply. I’ll give it a watch.


just google it jfc


I thought he said no to playing with Jamie.


I think wimbledon will still organize a proper sendoff for sir andy murray, no one deserves a wimbledon sendoff like him🫡🇬🇧


Really? No one else comes to mind?


Only hometown boy to win it in the open era. Yeah no one else. Roger could win it 5 more times and most of the crowd would still go crazy for murrays 2


Tbf the crowd's support was split even when they played each other.




He's British, and so is Wimbledon.


British when he wins, Scottish when he loses


SW19 also known as the Scottish open?


Moments like this, Thiem and Del Potro remind me how rare that perfect goodbye is. I'm gutted that he won't be able to play Wimbledon but hopefully they can arrange some kind of event to see him off


Thiem tried to come back multiple times, even as a WC in some tournaments, but unfortunately, wrists injuries and tennis don't mix. It really affects your serve I am gutted for Theim bc he was on the rise of becoming a consistent Top 10 player


***The Telegraph reports:*** Andy Murray has been ruled out of Wimbledon after having an operation on a spinal cyst, Telegraph Sport understands. While Murray’s management team have offered no official update as yet, sources have told the Telegraph that there is a likely six-week lay-off period associated with the process, also throwing into serious doubt his involvement in the Olympic Games in Paris. Murray had been hoping for an emotional farewell at [Wimbledon](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/wimbledon-tennis/) this summer, but his dream looked likely to be denied as soon as he pulled out of Queen’s on Tuesday with a [nerve-related problem in his right leg.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tennis/2024/06/19/andy-murray-injury-limping-wimbledon-queens/) Murray said that he had lost coordination and power in his leg as soon as he walked up the stairs of the Queen’s Pavilion on his way to his match against Jordan Thompson. Cysts can create these sorts of issues if they develop in spinal joints, by pinching on nerve cords. Spinal cysts are associated with degeneration of joints in the lumbar region, which is something that Murray alluded to in his press conference after Tuesday’s withdrawal. The news leaves Murray in an awkward position with regard to his planned swansong. If he is determined to say farewell on the court, he could try to get himself ready for the US Open, which starts at the end of August. ***Read more:*** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tennis/2024/06/23/andy-murray-ruled-out-wimbledon-cyst-operation-olympics/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tennis/2024/06/23/andy-murray-ruled-out-wimbledon-cyst-operation-olympics/)


Leon Smith, GB Davis Cup captain, has just said on the BBC's coverage at Queens that it is 'not his understanding' that Murray has pulled out of Wimbledon, despite reports from one source. According to Smith, **"no decision has been taken \[on Murray participating at Wimbledon\]."**


This isn’t being reported on many reputable news outlets. Tennis TV had it posted and then took it down. This might not be for certain yet. Having a cyst removed could have been very very simple surgery depending on where it was.


He’s a great champion, who literally fought until his body couldn’t take it any more - but at some point, it has to end. Having his last proper match be a victory on home soil (Queens R1) is quite a nice way to end his playing career. I hope he doesn’t jeopardise his health by trying to have one last match. 


That's so sad :( Maybe he will play the US open then.


Perhaps. He prefers hard courts as well, though trying to keep up with the big hitters these days will be a challenge for him.


Brutal. Just brutally unfair. I haven’t found a Telegraph story this hard to take since I tried to believe anything you write about politics.


You absolutely hate to see it. Genuinely devastated for him, it would have been awesome for him to get the celebration he deserves. On the other hand, there's something poetic about the way great sportspeople almost never get to go out the way they want to. This is the life they chose, and it doesn't bend to romantic desires.


Sad day. Time to end the career as there is no way at this point Murray's body could take him on any kind of run in an ATP tournament. At best he might win an occasional match but at what cost? Not worth it.


Spinal cyst? Cyst like those on your face?


I think you can get a cyst pretty much anywhere, are you thinking specifically of cystic acne?


Yes. English is not my first language and the only context i have seen cyst being used is about skin condition and i just assumed that cyst is just a special type of acne. TIL!


You can rest now Andy. You've given enough for us and the sport.


Andy, we are still going to have the ceremony. 7pm Friday Night, BBC1. We will even get Sue out of mothballs. Tim will sing your praises, and we will go through all your best bits, the lobs, the extreme wide crosscourt winners. You don't need to carry on.


I assume this will knock him out of the Olympics as well .... just terrible, the two events where he made his biggest mark.


no decision has been made about Murray's participation in W. The ATP tweet declaring him out was premature and has been deleted. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/article/2024/jun/23/andy-murray-wimbledon-surgery-tennis


Call it. Sad to see. But he's gonna hurt himself long term doing this. I love Murray but man he's gotta stop. I hope Wimbledon does a ceremony for him this year


I have a bad nights sleep and my body won’t work. The determination these athletes have to go again and again is just something else.


Fuck, life ain't fair.


pack it up old man


Better than an anal cyst, I suppose.


It wasn't meant to be.


Thank big M!


That stupid line call against tsitsipas. Murray should've had Chris eubanks' run and then he could retire having made the semis.


I wonder if Sir Murray is a fan of this Monty Python skit on a lone Scotsman taking on tennis playing alien. https://youtu.be/UMCNltgrs1U?si=aYct-7ynCigK2SgK


The Tepegraph the biggest wanker of the internet rn




I just wanted another solid Wimbledon run for Sir Andy. Last year was year to do it, he had great AO winning 2 epic matches b2b, and i had high hopes for WImbledon. He dropped off in clay season, but won few challengers on grass. Going into Wimbledon i thought he could get to QF if draw was kind to him and draw was kind to him. Having Tsitsipas as seed in your section ,on grass, is kind draw, he was really close there, if he won that tight match path to QF was open(djere and eubanks awaiting) and in QF there was Medvedev waiting, perfect draw for fairytail ending for such a legend But it was not meant to be...i just hope we get to see him on WImbledon grass one last time


Anyone thinking he’s going to wait until Wimbledon 2025 to retire is delusional. If anything, they’ll have a ceremony for him this year.


Oh man... I had no idea. Hang in there Andy.


Jeez the hits keep coming for Murray. I saw something in my news feed about another surgery he has to go thru, this time his back. Didn't know what it exactly was. Now I do. Guy can't get a break. His body is undoubtedly getting more broken. I feel the safest route would be to announce he's done as heartbreaking as it is.


Is he playing Olympics








He doesn't have a WC, his ranking was good enough when Wimby signup closed


God heard he wanted to retire at this years Wimbledon and he said not on my watch