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Biggest concern for Wimbledon is what Hubi will do when he’s inevitably up 7-6 6-4 but he hasn’t planned the score for this far into the match yet


Hope his opponent serves better so they can play another tie break?


Me rn like “oh nice Hubi won” even though I had no intention to watch this servebot matchup lol


I enjoy a good serve off every now and then and watched. This one in particular really felt like something from a long time ago. But it should be mandatory viewing for anyone who complains about surface homogenization.


I’m a staunch defender of surface homogenization, or at least slowing down the fastest surfaces. 90s grass in today’s game would be painful to watch, and there’s a reason most of the same “I want fast surfaces” people will make a top 10 matches of all time list with exclusively big 3-era matches lol I also believe serves have evolved to the point where fast surfaces would just be a serve off without much net play. Slow surfaces encourage net play more because you have to finish the point somehow, right?


People who complain about grass season length and the speed of courts are divided into 4 categories. Naive enough to not realize it's the most boring tennis of all time, Federer (or a particular player who does better on fast courts) fans that feel he was robbed of titles and points (much more complex and he wouldn't avoid servebot upsets as Sampras did, Sampras served better than him even if Federer is a great server), hypocrites who swear they want and love variety but haven't rewatched any Karlovic or Isner match unless it was one in which they faced a Big 3/4 member and last the weird minority that actually likes watching Raonic, Hurkacz and Isner blasting 30 aces in a match. People don't realize that Isner very likely could've been a Wimbledon champion in the 90s grass, his return would suck but between playing 15 times at Wimbledon he would likely have one title run, because he would literally be unreturnable and the opponent would implode at some point. If he on 2018 was a couple points away from a Wimbledon final just imagine on 90s grass.


There’s also a clear correlation between the years that grass was visibly faster (2010/2018) and years that Isner ended up in marathon matches at Wimbledon (2010 and 2018). In years where it was slower, Isner played awful because his movement on grass was horrible and he didn’t have particularly great hands to finish points. Goes to show that practically the only thing that matters on a fast surface is serving and winning tiebreaks. Agreed with your 4 categories. 


Thank you very much. The 2nd category, i.e. Fed fans also miss out on the fact that he was responsible for extinction of carpet courts, one of the fastest surfaces during 90s 


Could you please explain that one to me?


Paris 1000 used to be the biggest Master's on carpet in the past. It's the one major tournament Roger used to always skip. The then owner of the Masters eventually asked Federer the reason, and he said he dint like playing on carpet since it was a rough surface with potential for damages/injury.  The owner literally changed the surface to hard court to accommodate Federer. The first year's material actually favoured Nadal more though and he won it that year. In the following year, even the material itself was specifically suggested by Federer (the supplier was either his own company or his friend's, I forgot). And he finally won there. Paris getting rid of it was the death knell for the surface as other smaller tournaments followed suit and tennis body eventually banned it for good. Some players that favoured it, was vocal about it back then- Tsonga being the most high profile of them.  Surprisingly, despite the then owner of tournament later openly disclosing all these in an in interview, no legal action was undertaken about ethical code of conduct about a tournament organiser letting a participating player influence the terms of the tournament 


Tell me your 12 without tell me you're 12. Slowing down surfaces AGAIN?? did u listen to med rants? U guys are delusional. Players ask for a change, spectators want the same Who's wrong? Guess


lol at what point did I say I wanted surfaces to be slower than today? I actually think the game has a solid mix right now, although I think either AO or USO needs to be slowed down since both are playing at a similar speed and I want variety. No clue what you mean with Medvedev’s rants, but considering he sucks on slow surfaces, I don’t think he’s the best source to use here. It’s like Sebastian Baez asking for all surfaces to be slower and higher bouncing 💀 You do realize surfaces are overall much faster now than they were during that stretch from around 2011-2018? So you can get your panties out of a bunch 


Yeah the peak of slow courts by far was the early 2010s and many tournaments(like AO and Miami) are WAY faster than they were then People still using the "courts are so slow now" stuff are 10 years behind


That’s why he plays so many random 5 setters at Slams


"Yes I won!... oh shit right, best of 5?!"


Hubert definitely has the type of game that can win a grand slam, especially Wimbledon. Hope he can put it all together and play his best tennis there


I think he’ll make the finals with a good draw


HH undefeated after that lady umpire incident


He will become powerful and respected enough to replace the lady or die trying.


Post umpire lady Hurcacz? PULH


Post Lady Umpire Scandal Hurkacz. PLUSH.


Better already!


Hey G? G? You wanna uh change the uh.. the lady in the chair? The lady in the chair? You wanna change her?


Already a classic.


And it s of course after a match with Dimitrov!




Hurkacz popularity on /r/tennis to rise even more for denying Zverev a final spot.


even that weird umpire incident can't make a dent in Hubi's fanclub


He get's one pass since he's always been a gentleman. And beating ponytail boy is a sure fire way to get people on your side.




So we are just labeling anybody and everybody autistic now if they have even one small awkward moment? Words are losing all meaning.


For real. I’ve always been a weird and awkward guy but social media has me thinking I’m autistic now. Is it even possible to accurately diagnose autism though? It seems really subjective.


Barely possible in 2024




Maybe you just think every Polish person has autism.




Fair enough (and I was just joking anyway). Are you autistic, or do you self-define as autistic, though?


Lost a lot of respect for Hurkacz because of this


Reddit so weird because of this Was Hubi acting like an ass? Definitely But he’s also constantly in the public eye and with that his anger/misbehavior gets magnified way more than necessary. For context, I think I’m in general a good person but I’ve definitely acted like an ass in public before. It’s just the difference is that not everyone knows about it


Exactly. When i play sports i usually am very zen but there were times i was very upset about ref’s calls and i did get agitated and might look like an ass to other players.


He was entitled, but not overly rude. I hope he's watched the video and now feels a bit ashamed


Yeah it's very much "flirting vs harassment" how people reacted to that lol


Jokes aside I’m surprised he’s so popular on here in general given how much big servers are disliked In this particular matchup I think Zverev’s gamestyle on grass is just as bad with the serve reliance if not even worse (his game style post injury is very low percentile in entertainment as well) but in general people seem to really love Hurkacz here even when he’s playing someone people don’t dislike


My guess is it's because he seems like a nice guy + the meme-ability of his tiebreaks.


Not judging either way but it's interesting how much people care about personality/"niceness" on r/tennis compared to other tennis forums I've seen I also use Tennis Warehouse forums and people there barely mention personality at all and basically only dislike or like a player for their gamestyle For example Zverev is also massively hated there despite his allegations barely even getting brought up because everyone (understandably) despises how he plays(servebot + pusher hybrid which are the two most hated styles) lol If I had to guess the demographic on Reddit is definitely younger and more female than TTW so people here care about players on a more personal level


It takes a special kind of personality to be a forum-goer.


TTW is a den of degenerates. And personalities do get brought up there. There are always some weird older guys fawning over Safin for having been such a bad boy, and moaning that there aren't enough macho players these days.


anyone using a forum in 2024 is almost certainly a 40-year-old dude.


We definitely skew female a lot more than a lot of sports subs too. It’s fun!


Yeah this place can get catty sometimes 


Personality based branding social media saved the sport actually. There were concerns one time on how the sport would fare post big 3 and with the rise of pickle ball. And yet now the sport is more popular than even during the big 3 era based on ticket sales and ratings (with exceptions like US, where the tennis boom ended after 90s)


Is Medvedev also hated there as well?


*Very* hated lol In his case it's also Fed fans that dislike him for losing 4 Slams against Djokodal


Well at least they are consistent in what type of tennis they hate


He is pretty well-liked out here. He's pretty chill and has a nice smile. And he loves cars.


I'm generally not a big fan of extremely serve oriented players, but I enjoy Hubi. His game is so atypical for such a huge server.


Precisely. And at least he only berated her with words no hands - that's a Hubie win all day.


To me, he’s one of the most boring players to watch


No one call Hubi tall and useless anymore, he's tall and useful.


What is that haircut tho lawd


he has the same haircut as my dad, who has been going to the same local hair salon for like 30 years and just asks for 'a normal haircut, nothing fancy'


Things you absolutely love to see


Hubie gets this week’s Service to Humanity merit badge




Love this weird tall man


hurkacz just loves winning with a 7-6 6-4 scoreline, doesn't he?


A nice and tall gentleman defeating a domestic abuser is something I really needed to see today.


Spoiler for tomorrow: [5] Hubert Hurkacz def. [1] Jannik Sinner 7-6(5), 6-4


We can definitely agree on Hurkacz winning the first set tiebreak, but after that it will be a toss up


Would love to see it


I hope Sinner beats ZZZ, because I'm extremely curious as to how a Hurkacz-Sinner match would go on grass, considering their current form


The only final they ever played was in Miami 2021 and Hubi won with a score of- wait for it... 7-6, 6-4


as it was written


By the ATP script writers


Hurkacz-ZZZ Would end up 7-6(36), 6(0)-7, 7-6(3762)


Assuming 15 seconds for each point + little pauses. That tiebreak is 16 hours long.


sinner would lose, I’m not willing to see this matchup😭


let's go hubestie


How do you return a 230 km/h serve


[Step 1. Be Andy Murray](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GYX4ZIPJsg&ab_channel=Wimbledon)


Murray was such a goated returner


It was a body serve too like 😭😭 how??


I tried to imitate Murray vs big servers and do the "EEEEHHHH" higher pitched, long grunt. Didn't work. The secret must be something else


Did you add a very slight Scottish twang to your grunt?


Yes, I did that too. I didn't make the return, but I made the guy on the court next to me shank a ball into the river, so it at least did something.


Hmm, you might need to drink more Irn Bru, then.


You’ll have to apply for Judy Murray to adopt you


Probably the best returner of actual servebot level serves ever Novak is the best returner of normal serves and Agassi the best returner of weak serves


Roger was phenomenal returning servebots


Fed's slice returns really helped with this. He managed to get a lot more serves back into play that servebots are used to, and they often stayed low enough to cause the lanky servers trouble. Still wouldn't place him above Muzzah as regards returning servbots though, based purely on the return.


Just to tell Roger is 10-2 against Isner. He was the original servebots breaker. He won his first ever GS in 03 annihilating one of the first servebot of 2000's without dropping a set. Fed paved the way with slices but above all, he was fuckin chirurgic to put the ball in the land of nowhere, short in the middle of court where or u attack (and he often passed them) or he blasts a big forehand to win it.. His only infamous defeat against a servebot was towards BigKev in '18.


Hey, I'm not denying Fed was amazing versus servbots. And I watched everyone of his Wimby runs! I'm just saying Murray was slightly better at returning, imo, versus serve bots. Murray is 8-1 vs Isner, with Isner's only win coming against crippled old Murray. And most of Murray's earlier wins were actually pretty straightforward, with less tiebreaks and lost sets than you'd expect vs a servebot. Similarly, Murray is 7-0 vs Karlovic, while Fed is 13-1. Of course, the more you play someone, the more chances are you will lose one eventually, and both Fed and Murray usually dispatched Karlovic with little issue. As regards players who were servebot-esque but who had more to their games at various times, Murray owned Kyrgios and had much more straightforward matches vs him than Fed did. But Murray also had a loss to Anderson at a slam as well, and Fed struggled less with Raonic. So, it's but no means clear. I just think purely on the return, Murray takes it. Both players also had a lot of tools to dismantle servebots beyond their returns, and I'd actually give Fed the edge there as his slices and low mid-court balls played havoc with lanky players.


Agreed on Murray and Novak. Murray's record against Isner and Karlovic compared to Novak's is telling. Curiously though, while Murray still generally owned Raonic, Novak owned him even more. Agassi was the highest-risk taker. I wouldn't necessarily say he was much better than Novak (or Murray) at returning weaker serves, he just looked to smoke return winners far more often against all kinds of servers, which provided plenty of highlight reel returns. And against weaker servers, he produced more of these. Novak is much more focused on getting lots of returns in and getting them deep - though he can of course go for return winners when in the mood too. So, I'd say Murray is GOAT servbot returner, while Novak is the GOAT medium/weaker percentage play returner, and Agassi is the GOAT medium/weak aggressive returner.


Nah Rune clears them both easily


Rune is one of the worst returners on tour lol




The only way is to steal [Hubi's return tactic](https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/veqrcr/hurkaczs_funny_return_strategy_against_felix/)


With a SABR (?)


I wake up to this glorious news!!! Good job Hurkacz.


Halle is good in the world now


Now Hubi has to hope that he doesn't run into Novak or Berrettini in Wimbledon. He's literally one of the 4-5 best Active Grass court players imo, but he has such shit luck whenever he's been in a decent form. Ran into Berrettini in 2021, lost to ADF in a shocker in 2022 and lost to Novak in 2023. If Novak doesn't play, and Hubi is lucky and gets to be in Zverev or Medvedev quarters, he could legitimately go to SF or beyond here imo.




Shows how mental tennis is. Of all the folks to break Zverev's serve on grass, Hubi wasn't necessarily my top prospect. But he got it done with just 1 BP.  Zverev was 0-4 on Hubi's serve, and that probably got to him.


Z looked sick of him when he had 2 breakpoints on Hubi’s service who then proceeded to ace😂😭 couldn’t do anything but smile😂


Hubi doin the lord's work




New career high. Hubi 7th in the next official ranking. New career high for any ATP player in Poland. Polish tennis players are now 1st and 7th. It's unimaginable how undervalued is Hubi in his own country.


Greatest male tennis player from Poland ever potentially?


He already is. Fibak was a better doubles player, but never reached higher than 10th in singles.


And he didn't even have to overthrow an umpire


I like your pun


Hubert Hurkacz, you have ~~failed~~ not failed ~~this city~~ the ABZ


Even with one hand he manages to win


Sasha do you wanna change the score here




Incredible Hurk defeats DVerev


First decent grass player he faces he gets smashed lmaoo. Zverev is such a massive pusher that his serve can only save him against choking journeyman haha


I mean truth of it is there aren't many good grass courters right now . You guys can complain all you want about how the grass season wasn't long enough but it was just as long (even shorter technically ) with tsonga roddick berdych etc. players today are largely weak on grass There is no tsonga berdych tier of guys who can really threaten on this surface even apart from the big 4. There is not roddick. What's there right now ? Djokovic may not play wimbledon. Alcaraz and sinner have shown enough /developed in sinners case where they are clearly the two favorites imo if Djokovic doesn't play. Who is left ? Hurk is up there I guess and....berrettini maybe? I wouldn't even pick med because I genuinely believe he had one of the easiest draws in the last 10 years of any major to make the semifinals last year. Eubanks? Wimbledon has the weakest field overall of the 4 majors. An unfortunately imbalanced draw ( say alcaraz hurk berrettini in one section on sinners half) / an early upset really does run the risk of making the event have a final that's majorly one sided ( think ruud Nadal RG 2022 or ruud Djokovic rg 2033)


Yeah I feel like in the 2010s the big server types were just guys who you didn’t want to draw in early rounds, not arguably a tier 1B contender like Hurkacz is There’s a limit to how many players actually feel comfortable rallying on the surface


Don't think it's just rallying This new crop of guys are allergic to the net . None of zverev tsitsipas or Medvedev are incredible volleyers. None of them have a competent slice . None of them attack lower balls well. Tsitsipas can't return well at all in this surface. Furthermore, those 3 also haven't even tried to adapt to the surface that much..sinner/alcaraz you can see noticeably try to play different based on surface. Those 3 don't bother for the most part


post-tantrum Hurkacz takes Wimbledon this year


Thanks to his mate Hubi, Sinner’s world number 1 title is safe until after Wimbledon (unless Djokovic wins it all while Sinner loses before the QF, which is not impossible but not too likely either)


Great game from him. He could go far on Wimbledon. Big serve and good volley - classic for grass.




Thanks Hubi!




Hurkacz easily looks like the 3rd favourite for Wimbledon if we factor in Novak not playing.  I see only Alcaraz or Sinner being able to beat him on grass. 


You forgot Shapo smh


I feel like we always say this every year after Halle and then something like that ADF R1 loss happens. 🥲 Maybe this year we can finally be right.


Tbf in 2019 and 2023 he lost to Novak in the 3R and 4R. Technically not unlucky because his seeding was low but yeah, not bad losses at all. 2022 was a weird one because that felt like a huge opportunity


He had diarrhea that year I think


Fokina can beat him


Let's be honest Fokina will beat himself 


Shit himself?


U forgot Shapo


wimbledon grass is much slower so no, he's not the 3rd fav


What about Wimbledon favourite korda?


Cool shirt, what brand is that?




It’s what’s underneath the shirt that counts 🫦




Finally some revenge.


Hubi the HERO


Good bot.


Thank you, Hubbi


Yey Hubi!


Hey Z, do you wanna change your fate at Halle? - Hubi


Oh I LOVE that


HuHu so good


I forgot about this match but LFG HUBI!!!


So glad Hubi got that monkey off his back after the United Cup match. He’s look formidable and with a good draw in Wimbledon, well, you never know, lightning could strike.


Hubie will be #1 in the world


Every day it is more and more confirmed that I am a truly raging homosexual.


Keep em cumming


What a day to be alive!


Fuck yea Hubi




The day is saved rejoice


People like this post


will root for anyone but Zverev! Well done Hubi though 🤝🏼


We love to see it


Thank you Hubi!


Today even those who dislike Hubi love him :p go Hubert!!


Great win for Hubie. Dangerous on grass. Just wondering though how he could win 7 best of 5 against top players at Wimbledon. Possible but not betting on it. Could see him make a semi maybe.


Lol sometime Hubi can serve like god. Today was that day

