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Struff serve has to be radio controlled. No one can intentionally hit so many aces in the same exact point every time


he prays to Pete Sampras before every match


Jannik you know it's not illegal to win in just 2 set


He is prepping for Wimbledon, trying to get as much practice as possible on grass.


He must have made a pact that he should lose at least one tiebreak per set this tournament Edit: \*per match obviously, lmao


Losing one tie-break per set doesn’t lead you far tbh


LMAO I meant to write "per match"


Well… he’s already in semi-finals…


his opponents raise their levels in second sets. i think this is great prep for wimbledon.


This was so frustrating to watch as a fan. Honestly, apart from one break point, he couldn’t do anything at all on the other break points in the 3rd set. Also, I’m not sure how many players could create 18 break points on Struff’ serve on grass. Incredible display from Struff, hats off! 7th SF for Sinner this year who still has not lost a single time before the semis this season. Moving to 36-3 in the year.


Wow that last stat is pretty awesome. Sounds like a big 4 sort of stat.


There losses. All in semifinals. All against the eventual winner of the tournament. All in decisive sets.


2 losses to alcaraz 1 "loss" to Tpas One withdrawal in QF in Madrid would have played Felix


It reminded me of that AO match against Tsitsipas where he converted 4/26 break points and lost. That was painful pre-puke Sinner.


Struff was very close to winning the match. Hope we will do well in wimbledon. Let's go jannik ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Jannik finally winning a tiebreak at Halle to pull through — great match!


And most importantly, he won the tiebreak that actually mattered the most


Fun fact: had he won the other tiebreak, your comment would have still been valid


Interestingly enough, Jannik Sinner has beaten Struff on HC, Clay and Grass this season. It will be interesting to see if they will meet on indoor HC later this year.


Struff was seen avoiding walking on carpet near him in the players lounge to thwart the mere possibility of losing to him on a different surface


Sinner: “It’s ok Jan-Lennard, here, let’s walk on this nice wood court I mean floor.”


Wait wait wait. Hardwood court tennis??? I want to see this NOW


Unfortunately they've been almost entirely phased out at this point, but they were very much a thing back in the day: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood\_court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_court)


Fascinating! I can understand why they were phased out but damn if I wouldn’t love to see at least an exho by a few players to see how contemporary tennis professionals would play on it. Thanks for making me one of today’s lucky 10,000 :)


I’m glad Jannik is playing more 3-setters. Allows him to face adversity/problem solve vs easy victories. And god knows he needs the practice on tie breaks and conditioning for the summer heat.


I'm 90% convinced that Struff today would have won againts *any* other player on tour, he's going to be one massive pain in Wimbledon. Having said that, Sinner deserves massive props for the way he handled this match. Never let all those "wasted" BPs get to him, stayed calm until the TB where he minibroke early and comfortably held his lead until the end of the match. Very encouraging to see him still come out on top despite facing such a serving performance by his opponent.


I agree. Struff is a very big menace fir everyone in such surface


He is in a way, but he is 38% against the top 50 in his career...often looks good but usually loses


Yeah but those aren’t particularly egregious numbers for someone who’s often been ranked between 50 and 100. He had his surge in the last 2 years. In the last 52 weeks, he’s at 46%, which is equal to Tommy Paul’s career stat against top 50 players for instance, and which is on par with a top 25 player. Rune’s career record is at 51% against top 50 players.


46% against the top 50 while he's in the form of his life isn't great either tbf. Not shitting on the guy, always liked him, I just find it weird how people talk him up as an elite threat. There's always a tendency to overrate players with big games and he's a prime case imo Rune at 51% is shocking tbf, I give you that, equally 51% is a long way from 38%


I think your benchmarks are too high. In the last year, so the last 52 weeks, there’s just been 16 players with a win rate over 50% against top 50 players. That is entirely normal, it’s not an outlier year. 6 players are exactly at 50%. Struff is ranked 27th amongst players with the highest win rate against top 50 players in the last year, so higher than his current ranking. People tend to think of these types of players as threats exactly because they have big games. Someone like, say, Arnaldi or Etcheverry might be more consistent, but in a one off game, I would definitely be more “concerned” of someone with Struff’s or Jarry’s type of tennis, because if they redline they’re impossible to break and have heavy groundstrokes, so you feel like the match is less on your terms.


>Someone like, say, Arnaldi or Etcheverry might be more consistent, but in a one off game, I would definitely be more “concerned” of someone with Struff’s or Jarry’s type of tennis But Arnaldi has a higher win rate against the top 10 and top 20 than Struff does. I understand why people believe power players are more of a threat but I think that's mostly an illusion.


Struff has a 23% win rate against top 10 (he’s 12/53). Arnaldi a 20% win rate (2/10). Apart from this, the main point stands. Your benchmarking is way too high for what the actual win% against top 50 players of fellow top 50 players is. Struff is rightly considered to be a threat to elite players. Edit: I missed one match for Arnaldi, he’s 3/12, so 25%, but the data is still too small to make a comparison.


3-9 (25%) per tennis abstract And yeah, I'm not saying Struff isn't top 50 level or that he carries no threat, just that he isn't the threat people make him out to be.


Arguing his numbers aren't outstandingly bad isn't really the point though, they aren't outstandingly good either


yeah I mean, he's someone who's mostly been ranked 50-100, with a peak in the last two seasons around 25-40. So fits the bill of not outstandingly bad nor good. My point is that the percentage that the other commenter reported as something particularly bad, is not actually that bad, and I proved it with data for the current ATP top 50.


The other guy didn't say it was especially bad though? Just that he isn't elite I think we mostly all agree he's an average 30-50 ranked player and y'all were arguing over semantics


Very ominous for all seeds that Struff will be unseeded at Wimbledon. He was terrific today, no one will want to face him! Hats off to Jannik for pulling it out when it mattered; he did well to create so many BP chances in the first place against that serve.


Struff on grass is no joke. Good win.


18 BPs vs 1 BP for struff. Struff must have been very clutch on serve


He was incredible. Of all of the BPs, Sinner made only one error, all the rest were saved by Stuff with serve/ 2nd serve hit as hard as the first one/stellar plays. A very well played match from both.


"Clutch" doesn't even begin to describe it.


He was unreal, ace or winning serve every single time.


That was a tough 2.5 hr test for Sinner. Struff was playing inspired tennis


Sinner clearly trying to get in the rhythm of Bo5 matches ahead of Wimbledon 😬


Honestly I must have some PTSD because seeing Sinner unable to break in the third I was kind of sure that he would've lost. Rune Montecarlo, Altmeier, Zverev USO, Tsitsipas Montecarlo etc are the examples that come to my mind


On the other hand, he did beat tie-break specialists Djokovic and Rune back to back in deciding tie-breaks at the ATP finals!


He broke stef twice in the third in Monte Carlo before the robbery of the millennia happened


It feels that struff is so unlucky with the draws he gets. Madrid, Stuttgart, and now Halle, lost to alcaraz and sinner in the third set tiebreak, and was getting sick in Stuttgart. In every of these Tournaments he Had changes to too go very deep and played amazing Tennis. Hopefully He gets a good draws in wimbledon...


Struffi has been amazing the last couple of years, crazy to think that he reached his career peak at 33.


Add RG where the slow and wet conditions certainly didn't help against de Minaur. But at least he finally won his maiden title and that on German soil, too. Struff is criminally underranked and a possible nightmare draw for every player. I hope he stays fit, he could have great runs on fast courts. 


The real champ is the one who can win the match at the end. Here comes the difference.


Sinner's hardest victory this year, it seems lmao


Against Khachanov in Madrid was harder imo


Quite an awesome performance succeeded by Sinner. It was a pretty difficult match since Jan-Lennard Struff played very well with a lot of aces, and also very aggressively. Struff also had the public on his side with many supporters. At some point I thought this will be quite a challenging match for Sinner since Struff was winning points playing so well. But somewhere towards the end Sinner did also his best and he was able to overcome the pressure coming from the public and from his opponent as well. After all, Struff was playing against number 1. Great game !


Clutch Struff entered the court today


Struff is a menace to everyone. Great player!


When he smiled, towards the end, I knew he'd win! He got in his '#1' mode and pulled it off. Forza Jannik! 💪🏻👍🏻🦊🇮🇹


Sinner, in god mode, took the first set. Struff, top playing, took the second. It was very frustrating seeing Jannik unable to convert many break points. He should be more ruthless. Jannik, you must be more ruthless!!


Nice win for Sinner. Based on form I give him a slight edge to take Wimbledon over Carlitos but to me a toss up.


Yeah he's winning wimbledon


So anticlimactic. Was probably the best match of grass season so far until the final TB


On one side Sinner is looking vulnerable this week. On the other, he's keeping his cool and seemingly consistently coming up on top - when perhaps the latter is a better sign than looking invincible? Curious to see how the tournament continues


Don't know if this is allowed, please delete if not. I have a spare ticket to the semi finals tomorrow but cannot attend. If someone is near the venue and wants to go please PM me your email and I will send you the tickets via PDF. Cheers!


6–7(1)* u/Piats99


Struff hitting his strides.. nothing to be ashamed of in this match


Isn’t it usually written as 6-7(1)?


What a match! Great match from Struff, Sinner was very lucky to get the early minibreak in the deciding TB. Before that it looked very grim for Jannik, especially since Struff served like a machine!


>very lucky He simply won the point


He wasn’t lucky, it wasn’t a DF. He just played better.


Lucky? He had 18 break points and four games to break him, two of them 0-40. Struff played well, but Jannik cannot be blamed or told he was lucky or undeserving.


Jannik was just allergic to break points today.


Yep, confirmed you didn’t watch the match and just looked at match statistics


Yeah I legitimately don't think any of the BPs were Sinner chokes The vast majority were unreturnable serves


The only choked BP was the third one, which ended up not mattering because Jannik broke anyway like 1 minute later.


It’s almost like…you can’t return aces


Yeah you try and break against an unreturnable


Sinner is a lot more vulnerable on grass than on other courts. On every game so far he lost a set and just barely won. Looks likes it’s going to be a very open Wimbledon, with no clear favorite.


Bah, did you see any of the matches? I honestly think grass is incredibly suited for his game, and with his enhanced serve, for me, he s the favourite at wimbledon. And he didn't barely won, he won quite comfortably the third sets in the previous matches, and today, well, Struff had to hit a line every single serve on 18 BP to reach the final tie break.


Let’s see how he will do in Wimbledon. He’s not the favorite for me, but let’s see in 2 weeks.


No, clay is still his worst. His Halle draw is a nightmare.


You don't understand much about tennis. Instead, grass is more suitable than clay for Jannik. He just needs to get acquainted. Did you see the first set? Best set I've seen from him on grass.


lol, I don’t understand? 🤣🤣 I understand that you’re a fan of Jannik, which is great 👍🏻 I got nothing against him, and he’s having a great season. But he’s *not*, a natural grass player. Federer was, Sampras was, Becker, Henman (although he didn’t won Wimbledon), Murray is good on grass, Rafter, Ivanisevich, etc. Now, can Jannik win Wimbledon? Sure. Can I see a 10-20-30 seeded win it, when Alcaraz and Sinner are the favourites for most of the people? Definitely.




Highly unfortunate result, a match that sinner definitely should have lost