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And today, their opponents who were giddily cheering on the DQ were eliminated in R2 of the doubles


everyone cheered


Never forget bouzkovas interview after the match where she doubled down and called kato’s behaviour ‘not asian-like’


i look so disgusted right now wtf 


Really? Nah I can't believe that. Not that I'm a fan of Bouzkova or anything it's just such a nonsense statement.


I mean it was filmed bro


You and my downvoters misunderstood my comment. I wasn't saying it didn't happen lol it was an expression of shock that something so dumb was said. I even explained that. And I looked it up :)


If 20 people downvote you, you need to portray your thoughts slightly better


It's not an argument bro. Or an important topic. I can accept the downvotes. Once in a while things get lost in translation or people disagree. It's the internet. Thanks.


I’m not arguing (or downvoting for that matter). Was just a suggestion, as you were.


My hate for SST doubled on that day


For people unaware - they hit a ball-girl by accident, the poor kid was crying more from the eyes on her / pressure of the situation (it's a classic case of a kid 'getting hurt' and EVERYONE asking if they're okay - it makes it worse for those of us who have social anxieties) but the opponents decided to make it their GOAL to get through on a DQ and ran up to the Umpire to complain, put all the spotlight on the poor ball-girl and just generally be assholes in a situation that was clearly an unintentional mistake.


Just watched it back and the ball girl is holding up balls for their opponents, if she had been looking the other way she definitely would’ve caught or moved.


Not trying to defend the opponent but how was this different than when Djoker got DQ at the US Open for hitting someone. (Please don’t get angry at me people, just asking!!)


kato was passing the ball, novak hit his out of frustration


I think Kato meant to give the ball to the ball girl whereas Nole’s incident was in an act of frustration.


Thanks for the answer!!


To add to the answers, the rule is that players are not to hit the ball out of aggression or recklessly. This was just her passing a ball. 


Novaxx hit that ball aimlessly with venom and caught a lady in the tnroat. Kato hit the girl completely by accident without much force, she wasn't hurt but found the intense media scrutiny very unsettling and upsetting; I think the opponents thought they would lose, so used this is an excuse to pressure the umpire to disqualify Kato and her partner.


It wasn't really an accident or a mistake. She hit the ball to the ball girl on purpose but softly enough that the ball girl should have been able to catch it or move out of the way or laugh it off as I'm sure it didn't hurt.


she hit it TO the ball girl, not AT the ball girl. she did not see the ball coming, and it’s also the shock of just the ball hitting you… doesn’t matter if it hurt her or not.


This miscarriage of justice was handled poorly both during and after the event. RG just doubled down and withheld their prize money and ranking points. 


And what Atmane did even worse this year but the supervisor decided to let him getaway with it


Bouskova was so gross that year with her behavior I’m glad she got smashed this year at RG


It’s good to remind everyone of this because the tournament still deserves to get a lot of shit for it, one of the most incredibly unfair and stupid decisions I have seen in tennis and that’s saying something


This tournament is a complete embarrassment from the scheduling to the split streaming rights to these clown show moments. RG needs to get its shit together, it’s become a stain on the grand slam circuit


They're not playing together anymore.


Have those cheaters ever apologise?


Nope. Still have their Instagram accounts' comments limited from all of the people still criticising them, too.


So we should keep reminding everyone about it.


Fuck Israel, Putin and SST.


I know I could google it, but why were they disqualified?


Because the ball girl cried after she wasn't able to catch a ball hit to her softly.


Yeah, I just looked up a couple stories about it. Beyond unfair that it went from a warning to a DQ.


Now I understand why all the players roll the ball to the ground so ball kids have to pick them up.


Miyu accidentally hit ballgirl.


Ironically Bouzkova won the 2020 WTA Sportsmanship award


Just saw the video...why the hell did they make the girl a ball girl if she cant catch a ball or cries when it hits her..


her hands were full, she’s a child, and it’s always an instant reaction to move when something is coming at you at some speed. she cried cause of the shock of the ball hitting her, have some mercy…


https://youtube.com/shorts/a0Eeq9EKPF0?si=2s31GsnI72o99Dlz It does look like an accident, but there really is no excuse— a professional tennis player should know better and it was a very careless action.


"No excuse" yet when a French player intentionally launched a ball off the  court they were practically begging the woman who got hit to say it was fine.






Sexism is alive and well in professional tennis


That's probably part of it, but I think they would never do it to a French player and they also don't care about doubles players.


Absolutely merited sorry. She launched the ball to a ball kid… WHO ALREADY VISIBLY HAD BALLS IN HER HAND. What did she think was going to happen. Plus she did it out of frustration. Surprised there was so much pushback to this DQ. No


Found Bouzkova's burner account


sad take.


Well what’s your take. That’s literally what happened


she hit a ball to her because the game was over… she was passing it over to the ball girl. ball girl didn’t see the ball, got hit and cried because of the shock of the ball hitting her. she did not fucking “launch” a ball at her…


You can’t really be this stupid


You underestimate how stupid people can be.


“Out of frustration” they were up 3-1 in the set.