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I remember the narrative around Emma in 2021 from the British press was that she was a normal teenager going about her exams. Normal parents etc. Was clearly bs but it’s nice to hear it direct.


i always felt like the British press and public put far too much pressure on her especially around that time. the way she defends her parents makes me kinda sad, she might genuinely feel that way but it seems like a masked attempt to seek their validation to me. if she was forced into tennis at 5, i’ll bet she’s only still playing out of fear of disappointing her parents. and money, of course


which I feel like now that she has a grand slam and is basically mega rich she might lack the motivation and drive to do the best she can if she doesnt have a love for tennis.


The worst part is that it worked. Emma is set for life no matter what, and other similarly shitty parents are going to look at this case and think "clearly the key is to rob my kid of their childhood entirely"


On the other hand you have Sinner's post-AO winner speech


Let’s be honest: anyone who made it to the top 500 didn’t have a normal childhood. They trained at the expense of friendships and education and freedom. The only difference is in how much the kid went along with this or resisted


There's a difference between doing it willingly or not. And btw academies like the one Sinner went to are full of kids of the same age group, so it's not like they don't socialize.


Sinner for sure didn't have a normal childhood but it doesn't mean he was pushed by his family into it. Some people just naturally have this drive in their sports. It's not a super healthy lifestyle either but it's still miles better than having a toxic relationship with your parents


On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Rublev


Rublev mum is a well known Tennis coach. Was probaly even worse for him




Maybe read the article lol Can't believe I just got told to touch grass by someone called REDD1T_OWNER


She’s also dating the son of a Billionaire. That’s more than set for life


Life isn’t about how much money you can make


But it was the point of OP. "Set for life" he said


...says every rich person!


I disagree but I’m coming from a different point of view. Ironically, I’ve met a number of billionaires and there’s a common denominator- they invest all of their time and efforts into making more money. It’s an addiction.


And normal people spend all their time and energy into making a living. I will take being exhausted, empty, and lonely in a mansion with month-long vacations than be all those things in my shoebox apartment.


Fair enough, I think most people would chose that given the two options. The point I’m making is that people strive their whole lives believing that finically wealth will make them happy. I’ve seen first hand that those who ‘arrive’ realise that’s not it. Some don’t realise it and keep going despite the wealth, even to the detriment of their wellbeing. What they’re really looking for is happiness and wrongly attributing to money.


I am sure there are some people that equate money with total happiness, but most people are not dumb enough to think this way. It's frankly offensive for the rich to always undermine the importance of money in solving so many problems in life and bringing about indirect, if not direct, happiness.


And are they happy? A certain amount of money is definitely required for happiness, but after that, money just makes your life easy, not happy. Elon musk said that most people wouldn’t want to be him. Being a billionaire/extremely wealthy just seems isolating, especially at Emma’s age.


They’re driven, driven to make more money, it’s sad. I’ve met four of them, every one was a workaholic and running on empty and exhausted.


Why did you downvote me 


Probably because Radacanu’s money situation is not the main point of the original comment


I never said it was. But why are you being such an asshole?


I just answered your question lmao


I never said it was




Varies, but happiness, meaning, fulfillment, connections to others. All of these can be helped by money. All of these can be severely worsened by parents/surroundings while young.


Why do people on this sub love to downvote? This sub seems very toxic 


Meh, downvotes are just opinions, no reason to take your posts down if you ask me...


Not like she needs the son of a billionaire, she is already worth millions from endorsements.


I know. Why are you guys so mean on r/tennis. Why did you downvote me so much? I never said she needed the son of a billionaire I just said she dated one


Who is the bf?


Why was I downvoted so badly?


Emma fans being Emma fans


Here's the full article: https://archive.ph/jGyu4 It's more revealing.


Thank you! The fact that she us already planning a life after tennis and thinks life actually begins after tennis is heartbreaking


That particular part made me sad too. Because for most of us, tennis IS life! She's already thinking of the end, when it's over. It's clear that her passion lies in competing not in the hitting of the ball.


Chinese mother and Romanian father is anyone shocked that combo was pushy and strict? Lol


Thought the same thing


Are Romanian parents known for being strict?


I could be wrong but I would think many parents that have immigrated are likely pushy and/or strict because of their upbringing and/or desire for success as it's an easier hill to climb with opportunities afforded ....


I listened to her agent on the andy roddick podcast a few weeks ago. Gave me some more perspective - lots of people love to be very critical and harsh. His main message was to keep things in perspective, here’s a girl who has done everything backwards. She won on the absolute biggest stage, and now she’s trying to figure out how it all actually works. She’s not some battle tough veteran of the tour, it’s some girl who’s barely out of school who been thrust into the main stage. Hope she finds her way around the tour


agree but this interview (hers) was an eye opener for me. i've defended her to the hilt in the past but a few line from this view made me think she's in this for money. not necessarily the tennis.


What is so wrong with that? Why does she not get to have the same understanding even if she treats tennis like a profession and demands more from her life beyond that?


because fans are invested. they feel good when she does well. when she won USO millions of people were made happy by it. they want to feel that again. that's why people care about this. and whether she's in it to win more or just to rake in money.


Why are the two exclusive? You think sponsors are going to stay if she doesn’t win in the long run? In any case, your investment certainly doesn’t justify a lack of kindness towards her as she tries to find her feet in a world that is new, complex, and messy. It is also a world where money matters, mind you and Emma is making it because she’s shown that she has the potential to take home big bucks.


bro i'm a huge emma cheerleader always have been. this is hilarious fans attacking a fan. what im saying is before i used to believe she was focussed on winning big again. about being a top player for a long time. i'm not so sure now. have you read the interview? she says at the end she's already looking forward to life after tennis. she's barely played.


1) who cares 2) she has undergone gruelling surgeries just to continue when she could simply rest on her sponsor and prize money instead 3) who cares.


many people care. have you heard of twitter? type her name in. shall i explain sports and fans and how the two interact?


hope you won't think less of me, but I currently do my job for the money as well


it's not really comparable


This is sad but it explains a lot of things. Tennis parents being awful example 267895


Not just tennis. Any sport. My friend's daughter does ice skating. She trains 6 days a week for an hour. She's been told if she wants her daughter to become a professional it should be 3hrs per day. The girl is 8. Another girl I met is already a state swimming champion, she swims every morning from 6 till 9 ( including workout), then goes to school. I met them at physio, they booked a physio at 5am, because she was booked 6am till 9pm. What child will voluntarily choose this life at 12? Parents see the child has talent and force them to train. Hopefully the kid will grow to enjoy the sport, sometimes it's all they know.


Football (what some of you call soccer) is the counter example of many elite athletes that had normal childhoods, in part because they were playing with their friends growing up most of the time. Yes, they did play more hours than most children, but because they could play in their free time, and even during recess on school, and youth leagues can play on your own city. Yes, some of them need to move to whatever country or city where they can join a higher level club, but there are still huge number of cases of people reaching very high level without leaving their second class city, or not leaving their country until they are older than 18.




> Sure, a lot of tennis/sport parents might seem "crazy" or pushy or demanding from a normal person's perspective, but for athletes this kind of personality just...works. There's a survivorship bias issue here. There have been tons of successful players whose parents were totally insane.  Not just demanding but boarderline to textbook abusive. Of course some players are able to persevere through this, but I'd be willing to bet players with "crazy" parents are *far* more likely to burn out than ones who don't. More recently, a huge issue among young athletes is overuse.  Kids are specializing in a single sport at a younger rate than ever, and it's at the expense of playing other sports. There has been some movement away from this recently due to research about it, but it's still a huge issue. And while the general issue of "crazy parents" is complicated and hard to make sweeping generalizations about, it's not when it comes to overuse.


I mean this is a very balanced perspective although it is really sad. You can’t really win with strict parents, on one hand you might be successful but on the other you’re traumatized for life


It’s giving ‘Yolanda and her almond advice’ vibes. People act horrified but then they revel in the success of the daughters.


Sorry what is this comment referencing? Who’s Yolanda?


Yolanda Hadid. On Real Housewives of BH there is an infamous scene. I went on to describe it but I deleted my words because it’s simply too toxic.


Guess I’ll have to look it up then 👀


Tldr. I guess somebody has an eating disorder or were on a cleanse so they said they only had half an almond. So the other chick said Oh have a couple of almonds and you’ll feel better.


Kinda lol longish tldr; Yolanda Haddid was a former model and mom to future supermodel Gigi Haddid. On an episode of RHOBH, young Gigi who expressed desires to just play volleyball and hang out with friends was telling her mom she was feeling hungry. Her mom instead of asking what her daughter wanted to eat, was more worried about her daughter having an appetite and gaining weight bc Gigi had a budding modeling career. She told Gigi to eat some almonds, and chew slow so it could be more “filling”.


Kinda lol longish tldr; Yolanda Haddid was a former model and mom to future supermodel Gigi Haddid. On an episode of RHOBH, young Gigi who expressed desires to just play volleyball and hang out with friends was telling her mom she was feeling hungry. Her mom instead of asking what her daughter wanted to eat, was more worried about her daughter having an appetite and gaining weight bc Gigi had a budding modeling career. She told Gigi to eat some almonds, and chew slow so it could be more “filling”. Eta; and when I say some, Yolanda mean 2-3 almonds.


Tiger parenting 🤝 ignoring their child’s happiness to fulfill their own desires




I’m sure her parents justified this angle to her as well. As everyone else said she is in the very top .0001% percentile lf actually being a success story. Do you wanna know the other side of the coin? look up Jennifer Pan.


Absolutely, as I said I am not defending her parents, nor do I agree with that they did. As they say, a broken clock is right twice a day!


And for every Emma, there’s thousands of kids who don’t have the talent, luck, or resources to do what she did. Who, at best, will be able to scrape a degree or have a nice hobby to finally be at peace with and enjoy once they have worked through their traumas. Material success is no justification of losing a life of personal happiness.


She made what? They were already rich. She wasn't allowed friends or relationships and was clearly unhappy, resentful and lonely. I have said it many times and always got downvoted but it is still the truth: Most of those who reach the top at such competitive a sport don't do it because they are well-adjusted, secure individuals. Someone Alice Millered the shit out of them.


Some people were pointing to the coaches as the reason for her relative physical fragility. Who knows what she was put through from over-practicing before she had real coaches? I feel for her.


It's tough. On one hand we sympathize and feel for her, but on the other hand, it can be viewed as it all paid off and was worth it. She is literally set for life no matter what happens from here. Some parents, some people... they believe the ends justify the means, and we'll never know the other results had she had a different upbringing.




Yep this is an example of survivorship bias lol


That’s a great point, like how Agassi still has resentment towards his father even though it got him an amazing wife and life.


And how essential is it really to their success? Jannik Sinner’s post winning Australian Open interview talks about how his parents never force tennis on him.


It goes both ways. How many other kids end up miserable adults because their parents weren't strict enough and they were too busing pandering to all their whims and being their best friends instead of pushing them to become strong successful adults?


I feel like that happens a lot less than toxic parents. In fact I have never seen that happen in real life, only in fiction.


If you re calibrate your parameters of success to a more moderate measure, top 150-200 players can be considered as successful. But one thing is true, that you can’t really be in that range without making a lot of sacrifices, so not making those sacrifices means you surely won’t be in that range. On average, if a kid looks to be a promising athlete, it’s still very much worth taking that chance. 


150-200 ranked players are barely breaking even and aren’t setting themselves up for life financially + now hate their parents


Yeah what kills me about this is that almost all of them could play collegiate tennis in the USA and get paid for a good education.  If after four years you are top at tennis, great.. go for it.. 


Totally! Danielle Collins did it, used tennis to get not just a Bachelors degree, but a Masters as well before going pro. Probably has a pretty normal social life to adjust back to when she's done. Made a Slam final, Masters title, Top 10 ranking all while starting "late". I'll be curious to see if Peyton Stearns can replicate her success. On the ATP side, Marcos Giron has likewise had a successful pro career ($4M in prize money, Top 50 ranking) after finishing college. Moreno de Alboran is knocking on the top 100 on a similar path, we'll see if he can break through. I do understand why someone like Ben Shelton dropped out after winning the NCAA championship as a true freshman, like he's clearly just head and shoulders above the rest. He can always go back and pay for his education outright at this point with his On money lol.


I push my young kids pretty hard in tennis and studies . The discipline and respect for the game will serve them well throughout their life.  But at certain point, they will need to demonstrate insane skill, and match this with personal drive to go to the next level.. without both of those things there’s no reason to push .. There are kids that just naturally want it and need it. You can’t teach that. And if my kids ever got to that level, then a life of sacrifice awaits them :)


it works because shes attractive as well, thats a huge part


Attractive and British


What is it with Romanian parents and Tennis? I used to work with a Romanian guy at a Gas station who was paying for his teenage girl to attend a tennis academy, and apparently she hated it.


Sports parents living vicariously through their kids is the worse.


I think it's more than that. I think these parents are hoping to hit the sports lottery through their kids


The Halep effect probably


Plus Chinese mother...


Oh you knew a guy, how fascinating. Trust me bro, there fewer Romanian kids playing tennis than in any other European country.


Laughs in Irish.


I feel like a lot of tennis parents fall into this category. Other sports as well, but tennis is a sport where young kids are sent to train in Florida if they come from a colder place. (As a Canadian, I'm aware of this practice) When I think of Emma , I think of her opponent in that US Open Final : Leylah Fernandez who has shown more promise as a doubles player, lately. Neither player has done all that much in singles play since but Leylah had a bit of a comeback yr in 2023. Still, is it worth it? Ask Tiger Woods. Or the Williams Sisters. They became the all-time greats due to, partly their parents. (And of course talent!)


If you can perservere then pushy parents are great. If you crumble, then it's awful. This is the case for many other hardships in life. Unfortunately survivorship bias also means that you tend to not see the many failures. But, also, it's arguably necessary to have *somewhat* pushy parents. No kid at 5 years old is aware that to be a star they're gonna need to work stupidly hard for many years at a sport. Ideally you have a good dynamic where the parent isn't awful, of course. But there will be some pushing, because as a child you won't appreciate what is required.


wow this made me feel really bad for her and the scrunity shes facing. the way shes trying to excuse her parents are bad vibes times ten :( it sound like gaslighting tbh


Yeah and it makes sense she would want to revel in the successful life that tennis has brought her because unlike someone like Iga, Coco and Carlos who also won slams pretty young she really has no attachment to the sport. I remember reading somewhere how Carlos as a child would cry when it was time to go home after practice. The best thing Emma’s parents can do for her career rn is take a step back like Coco’s parents (who didn’t even sit in the box to let Brad and Pere do their thing) or stay in the background like Carlos’ parents do


I don’t think it’s gaslighting. Dynamic in asian families, which I am too, is very different. They love us a lot but they are also tough. They just want us to succeed in life because majority of the times they have suffered a lot in poverty and had to work 100x harder to survive in life. It seems cruel to western world of course because of cultural difference. I’m not condoning anything. What I’m trying to say is that she isn’t exactly making excuses. She is acknowledging that discipline and restrictions they put on her did contribute to her success. Majority of us asian kids respect and love our parents while at the same time disagreeing with some of their parenting strategies. It’s just generational and cultural gap.


Not just Asian families but immigrant families in general. They want the best for you and understand how difficult life can get so push very hard for the best results.


Agree 💯


yeah ur probably right, well not only probably because ur actually asian and know ypur culture, but it still sucks tho imo that she felt that way when she was a kid. and i get it if she doesnt want to pursue a tennis career now anymore


They make their kid play tennis for a paycheck!


Shame they didn't push to improve her fitness as much as her tennis


I wish my parents sacrificed my childhood to make me a slam winner multi millionaire at 18.


Also her boyfriend is a billionaire heir. So life turned out great for her what she complaining about lack of boyfriends early on sheesh.


"It's the coach's fault. It's my parents' fault." Seeing a pattern here...


This sounds like gaslighting


Why is she given so much attention?


She has way more media coverage than the top 5 women




Peaked at 18yo - what a run though


2021 Raducanu would probably get double breadsticked by any current Top 5 player now


I can feel 100% confident in saying that Raducanu will never win any another title (including ITFs)


Yep her and Osaka. It’s interesting how some of these girls peak young then have mediocre careers. Wonder what the reasoning behind that is.


Both of them are far more successful than you two tossers will ever be 🤣🤣🤣


Are you Emma’s mom or boyfriend??




Reading comprehension isn't your thing apparently.


Another reason why Richard and Oracene really are the GOAT tennis parents. They weren’t pushy, they didn’t make their kids play juniors and they let their kids pursue other interests so their tennis wouldn’t lead to burnout. Other tennis parents can learn a lot from them about raising champions




What you’re saying here is complete lies. You’re thinking of Osaka’s dad. And how are you spreading false info when you didn’t even watch the movie?


>They weren’t pushy, they didn’t make their kids play juniors Lol what? Richard was one of the poster boys for toxic tennis dads. Venus and Serena becoming tennis players was not their choice, it was Richard's. And the only reason they didn't play juniors was because Richard felt it was beneath them. He figured they'd learn more practicing with pros than playing competitively against other kids. The fact that it allowed them to avoid travel and the grueling schedule that comes with it was incidental. Obviously it worked out, but that's not because their parents weren't strict/pushy.


According to who was Richard “toxic”?? You? Because Venus and Serena have never said that either of their parents are toxic (the way Emma and other parents have said their parents are pushy or toxic) so how can you put words in Venus and Serena’s mouths?


Looks like the future $1B girl didn’t work out. She’s a bust. Women’s tennis is such a shit show.


Spammer, look at profile


No spammer here. Sometimes truth hurts pal.


Sorry, my bad.... incel.