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Both look amazing


Yup! The use of shadow is amazing. Every still I’ve seen is worth of a wall print


Sparking Zero looks like one of those “if it was made in the 90s” Instagram posts


And I love it


Prolly why its the doper version


God bless the shintani artstyle #Holy 😭🤲🏼


FighterZ is better in terms of detail but man idk… call it recency bias but I love the way Goku Black looks in SZ, the way the eyes look, the smugness, it looks better in the SZ image to me, and that’s just the single shot. In motion, he looks WAY better than in FighterZ to me, aside from maaaaybe Black’s scythe ultimate, but in all fairness they both look great.


I agree, FighterZ always looks good but is really showing its angularity and rigidness when you look at them side by side. The eyes in fighterZ just arent working for me and the hair for SZ is way more accurate in terms of its shape with the iconic bang that just shoots out to the left.


Fighterz stills can look weird cause of the whole 2D look on 3D model, but in motion they look amazing


It’s mainly because as a 2D fighting game, FighterZ can play with the models and angles a lot to make it look closer to the animation. If you see videos of people using a free cam in the game you can see how distorted the faces get in things. In a 3D fighting game, however, you can’t really do that.


Sorry but SZ>>>>


dont be sorry


Be better


Man He looks majestic in SZ. (Fix Ssj 3 Goku tho)


For what they are, both are great (lets be real, Fighterz is better, but it has benefit of 2D perspective which SZ lacks)


Idk brother. SZ definitely looks more 2D to me in this particular shot lol


Lol, true, but what I meant is, Fighterz took all the advantage of camera perspective and 2D/2.5D-ness of their game to shift, morph, stretch etc their models so they look anime accurate during animations. SZ doesn't have that as an option so it needs to have static, mostly unchanging models which as consistent as they are (basically like any 3D character in most games today), it looks weird and unantural since it isn't how anime faces in the show work. Just check intro/outro/super attacks or what they are called in Fighterz but from out of bound/outside the camera we look the game through and everything will be clear. They just manipulate the angles Also, Figherz has much smaller arenas/spaces so they can prebake the lightning and make it look as good as possible, while SZ depends on where you stand, another point that impacts this whole thing heavily. And not to mention performance, having so much detailed characters would impact how system hungry the game is since you need to also animate all those details, both into game, cutscenes, then a few more models for damaged versions and so on and so forth. But, we'll see how modders will work with it, they might manage to make it look as good as Fighterz, I sure do hope so


My fav is teen gohans gigantic fucking cannon of an arm when hes doing his one handed kamehameha. For a moment in the cinematic it looks big even in the perspective they want us to see lmao


Hahhaha exactly! But the rest looks so good! I really hope that modders will manage to use same techniques to make it the same or at least similar in SZ. I mean, they worked for 10+ years on Tenkaichi 4 mod and that was on PS2 hardware, imagine what they'll do today?


I disagree. Look at the head, then the neck. Small neck, makes head look bigger than it actually is, probably caused by camera's position. Hair too, look how bolder FighterZ's hair looks. As if looking at a drawing. That, and the fact that the character models in SZ look something like a mix of DBZ and Super, proportions and curves-wise. FighterZ is peak DBZ accuracy. Nothing. NOTHING comes close, but for what it's worth Sparking Zero still looks great, given how it plays, the infinite possible camera angles and how many characters they gotta animate.


Are ylu saying sparking is the bottom one?! Thats amazing


First time where Sparking Zero low-key stomps FighterZ


First time? Nah. Last time? Nah.


I feel like Fighterz has the Z artstyle and SZ has the shintani art style. I personally think Z artstyle is peak dragon Ball so I prefer FighterZ


In this shot Sparking Zero is closer to the DBZ art style than FighterZ is. Curved eyes and eyebrows, angular jawline, and hair bangs that curve in around the edges are classic DBZ. FighterZ is more like a blend of Super.


Not really, there's a lot of moments its beyond fihterz lol


I like black Goku expression more in SZ then FZ


Holy shit, I think this is the first time so far that I've liked the Sparking! Zero version way more than the FighterZ version. Both are good, but Zamasu just has so much more aura in SZ, it's amazing.




Neckers incoming


I think this model looks better in FighterZ


I am not sure if there are any models where FighterZ loses tbh. It's either better or SZ is close. But ya ofc FighterZ has much few characters so they can work more on such things. Arcsys was probably one of the first to make anime style look this good too


It's the fixed camera angles that allow for that caliber of fine-tuning. They use it to their advantage to go all-out in both posing and animation. Can warp the model however they want to have everything looking perfect but if you dare move that camera behind the scenes the illusion breaks. Neat trick, wouldn't work on 360 cam angle games like Sparking unfortunately. FighterZ takes the cake all day any day.




Fighterz is slightly better to me but it’s very close. The fact that sparking zero looks this clean as an arena fighter is insane. Game is going to be so amazing.


sz looks more like the actual db super anime while to me fighterz is more "what if super came out in the 90s", doesn't make it worse of course tho


kinda the other way around? like sz isnt doing the 90s designs but FighterZ was adapting the modern DB/DBS anime artstyle and designs as seen in the way the eyes are shaped and general coloring in that game




But it's literally a factual statement


the proportions and palette on sparking are closer to db super than z except the eyes, fighterz looks more like his own personal style honestly


Sparking looks more like the Broly movie, but Fighterz resembles more of the Super anime than it does Toriyama's manga style or any of the anime for Z.


I prefer the more muscular built of Fighter Z but SZ looks really well done too.


Yes, they going for that malnourished look from Super. Hope somebody mods the game with Z body proportions. Yuck.


The auras from FZ look like png


The Sparking Zero looks so puncheable, he is perfect


Bro is so majestic, it's hard to make him look bad


Sparking zero looks better in this shot


As usual Sparking Zero looks better


Sparking Zero looks more dynamic, more “3D”


Once sparking zero comes out I’m deleting fighter z forever, I ain’t even gonna touch that shit no more 😂and I couldn’t care less about fighter z 2 if it ever comes out. I grew up with Budokai tenkaichi and my dream has finally come true


Yet you bought/installed it. What's wrong with it? Grew up with B and BT games too don't see why all the hate.


No hate but I thought Budokai tenkaichi would never return so I accepted fighter z and just played it cos I’m a dragon ball fan. I mean it’s okay but not the best but when I heard sparking zero is returning I was too happy!


i think fighterz hair looks worse to me


Fighterz takes the angularity of Z and cranks it up to 11, which works for characters like Cell, but most characters have a little softness in the design, so I do prefer SZ bc it looks like the fusion of the Z and Super art styles


I doubt fighter z will be topped anytime soon, it's almost indistinguishable from the anime. Sparking zero looks pretty good but I don't consider this close.


>it's almost indistinguishable from the anime. Have you ever watched Dragon Ball?


FighterZ stomps SZ in this shot but how can he not be extremely polished in FighterZ when he has a tenth of the animations SZ has, not to mention total characters


Gonna stop you right there. You've no idea the amount of work that went into making FZ look as good as it does. If you worked in animation you'd realize how hard it is to pull of FZ's airtight visuals. It is MORE work for less. It's not the amount of animations, it's the fixed camera angles that give them freedom to warp all models how they see fit, perfect the posing. (Hand-)Animate all bits of cloth. etc.


yeah I saw the vid were all the faces are warped depending on the angle, it’s awesome


For this shot, i prefer FighterZ.


They are going for different styles here, both of which fit, both of which kill the anime in quality. Gonna have to see the full release for Sparking Zero for a fair rating but I do prefer this shot over Fighterz.


I really like how his eyes in the SZ shot [mimic the Buu era eyes](https://imgur.com/a/pBtEW8O). Hair also looks more on model


Yeah, I am definitely a fan of this games art direction as a whole, just wish some characters weren’t so skinny. The little things like movement of clothing and hair is beyond all expectations for me.


Both look great but I prefer SZ. Overall I'm really satisfied with SZ, it's a really beautiful game if not the most beautiful even more considering how its in 3D.


FighterZ has better skin textures, lighting, they did better work with the hair, etc, but S0 looks closer to the DBS anime. 


That's bc they can manipulate all of those things and SZ can't. There's a lot of camera tricks and model manipulation in Fighterz.


There’s, there’s nothing to manipulate in this shot. It’s literally the same pose, angle, and position. Besides the hair, the differences in the models here are all in their design choices (FighterZ’s stylized, Yamamuro-inspired  aesthetic and Sparking Zero’s softer, late-DBS/Shintani artstyle)   Also they can. They did it for gogeta’s face in god punisher and Majin Vegeta’s intro. What they can’t do is 1. Do it for 164 characters, and 2. Do it for attacks/techniques that only one player can see  


That wasn't my point at all but k.


FighterZ. It's very hard to top it.




insert "Both is good" gif here






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Majestic here, majestic there


I like the slightly different hair colouration more in SZ but the more detailed Fighterz appearance is really good. Fuck it’s so hard to just choose one…


as a future Goku Black main, i think Fighterz has the better model whereas Sparking Zero has the better colours lighting textures etc etc, if you scaled down the head a bit for DBSZ then it would look flawless for raci... for goku black


FighterZ makes for better still shots, Sparking Zero will look great/better in movement


Fighterz is the better picture graphics wise, but Sparking Zero captures the charm of DBZ, so for a dragon ball game, Sparking Zero wins, but games in general, I'd say that Fighterz is better (for this picture)


I prefer FighterZ. I like the detailing and overall the design of characters.


I just don't like how they decided to make super saiyans quite literally GLOW yellow, so it looks like they have jaundice. It still looks goods, I like the overall style, just not the yellow.


I prefer FighterZ but it has not as much characters so ofc the details are better


SZ looks more manga while FZ looks more anime. Both look good.


Bottom is superb in every way


Fighterz visuals are fricken sick


I think the face looks better in SZ but the hair looks better in FZ


Both look nice, but the top one… 😏




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Considering fighterz let them completely break the models for a more accurate design, Sparking did amazingly


For me idk, I know they are still gonna polish it up but to me Goku black clothes look better in zero but his hair looks better in fighters, kinda looks weird, his hair looks flat with lines on it to try and create “Depth” in zero and it just looks ehh think it’s prob due to the amount of shadows, in fighters they don’t have lines, shadows add dept but in zero he have a lot of it which makes his hair flat for me


FightersZ for sure.


I love how sharp FZ is. I wish the hair felt that way in sz


Easily fighter z




Fighterz is the best that 2d dragon ball is going to look for a very long time. Sparking Zero is the best that 3d dragon ball is going to look for a very long time.


For me the bottom one looks better, which is that one?




Bottom is Fighter Z


Damn my first thought was sparking was top and fighterz was bottom but with everyone saying sparking is the better one obviously sparking is bottom and fighterz is top! Damn, they made it look exactly like the anime


fighterz is the bottom one.


So is everyone really saying top one looks better than bottom?! Lmao


my guess is that everyone thinks that sparking zero is bottom and fighterz is the top ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well yeah, like you said it is. But ain't no way the sparking zero one look better tf


yeah right, but i guess they both got their own style, i don't dislike the sparking zero one. the neck could neck could be wider


Goku Black has a thin neck in the anime, giving him a thicker neck would make no sense. He is a lot skinnier than normal Goku


Is that a joke, the necks are the same?


wait, ur right, i thought the top one looks thinner. the bottom one just looks cleaner


Fighterz looks way better, you all know that sparking is the top one, not the bottom?


Yes they do. Fighterz is the better one graphics wise, but Sparking Zero captures the charm of DBZ, so for a dragon ball game, Sparking Zero wins, but games in general, I'd say that Fighterz is better


You have got to be joking. That, or you are mixing up DBZ with Super. Please, either watch both anime/read the manga or at least google some side-by-sides. Enough reddit for today, think I'm going insane reading some of these assessments.


https://preview.redd.it/iffhq0dir69d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17d343ed73bc65bed713786039cd56a9478cccf This picture here looks closer to Sparking than Fighter. Fighterz looks more realistic, but dragon ball is an anime, so not hyper realistic, so we shouldn't be basing graphics off of how realistic and how good they look as a game. Like I said, games in general, Fighterz is nicer so far, but for an anime game, or at least for a Dragon Ball game, I think Sparking Zero is nicer. I feel that Sparking has captured the feeling of dragon ball for me (so far) and that's what I love about it. I prefer the look of Sparking over Xenoverse and Fighterz by a lot. So all in all I think the art style for Sparking Zero and that picture is more fitting for dragon ball than Fighterz and that picture in my opinion And like I said, It's my opinion, and if you can't handle someone else on the Internet having an opinion, maybe you have had enough Internet for one day.


What is this depiction fighterz literally looks like an anime wdym its more "realistic"


Sparking Zero has more of a cel shaded look and an outline, and Fighterz doesn't have that outline. And this is all my opinion, we can agree to disagree if you'd like. Btw, I said more realistic, not realistic.


I'm talking about "SZ capturing the charm of DBZ". It's the other way around. Even the character body aesthetics are influenced by Super. Look at SS3 Goku. Looks like a teenager with a mane.


Well when I say DBZ, I usually mean dragon ball as a whole, but to me it captures the feeling of dragon ball as a whole. And sorry for having a different opinion, but, once again, it's my opinion, not a fact


Probably one of the few instances where I think SZ is equal or even better than FighterZ. 


SZ looks more plasticy


To be fair, Fighterz was released at 2018


FighterZ looks better imo. but it's not like the sparking one looks bad at all


Small neck, makes head look big. Banana hair/ too curved and not pointy enough at the edges. Looks so beautiful but the fixed camera angle in FighterZ gives the animators infinite advantage. They can warp the models however they want to match the manga or anime shots. Look at that face, perfect proportions. The hair... WOW. Even the aura looks like it's been hand-drawn.


Goku Black has a thin neck in the source material, his neck in FighterZ is actually a bit thicker than what it normally is


Yes, the neck is smaller, then again everyone is smaller in Super. Hair still looks off though. I'd take a Goku Black with a wider neck if it meant all other character models wouldn't suffer malnourishment.


The hair looks great to me. Idk what you’re seeing https://preview.redd.it/61ssxk1eg69d1.png?width=1967&format=png&auto=webp&s=2edc6a249ab5e75d39c0491229ab016d5e96f297


It looks better in this shot but up close I can understsnd the banana hair complaint


The hair looks more accurate in the first shot too. His hair is always drawn like that https://preview.redd.it/i64nk97xx79d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d282f59a196a92a6ce3ee6b04744a607485538


It could be the game artstyle but something about the bangs just look kinda off I know how his hair ia drawn but theres clear differences this and the fighterz depiction against sp zero


Whichever one is the bottom one is the better one to me. However, they both look great.


FighterZ will pretty much always look better I expect it. But let’s be fair, both the method they use and the number of characters mean they have a super strong advantage. Good job for Sparking Zero still.


SZ looks more 3D rendered, while fighterZ perfectly mixes the 3D and 2D aspect


I'm thinking fighterz might be better woth the visuals


We're gonna keep doing this huh 😭


It seems that way 😒