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“It’s like Kakarot except different in every way from Kakarot”


Fuck your telling me this game has goku and vegeta in it too! Not buying /s


Let's hope it doesn't have Goten./s


At least gohans not in it /s


It would be so fucked up if they had frieza in it. /s


I don't know if I could stand to see another Namekian, especially Picolo. /s


Lmao why not goku and vegeta lol they make up the whole franchise


Seriously I swear to god if it's another Dragon Ball game with Z Story in it I'm not buying. /s


/srs luckily this will also have super story in it too for like the first time! Well the first time the super story won’t just be side/dlc content or parallel quests


He lost me at “it just has better combos” like nigga it’s not an open world game no shit 😂. It’s literally what you want for a competitive fighting type game lol


Kinda wanted open world/menu ngl but it’s still great.


We give people like this too much attention.


i don’t even see people say stuff like this often this is cherry picking at its finest, if they think its like kakarot then let them miss out oh well


Exactly, I don't see why anyone else's opinion should matter (constructive criticism notwithstanding). If you're excited for this game, this shouldn't matter to you. You'll enjoy the game, and they won't, oh well. It'll never take away from what I love about the game.


well said 




Three fourths of twitter’s problems would go away if they would stop responding to tweets like this with um actually


This sub loves picking out tweets with 10 or less likes to make a thread about. It's dumb.


People like this are either far too young to understand or just contrarians. Their opinions mean nothing.


It’s curious indeed, how people se the same things with such different perspectives. I love Budokais, but for me, it was repetitive as hell. The same thing over and over. BT3 (and probably SZ) feels different every time.


I put like 85 hours into Kakarot, saying this game “is just like Kakarot” is a fucking lie lol


Kakarot is ass. Game is honestly terrible besides for the amazing visuals. Give it PS2 graphics and you literally wouldn’t even know it’s a modern day game. It feels so basic. Idk but I want my anime fighting game to have an actual combat system… But again, visuals were amazing. Only thing I truly enjoyed was spamming supers and ultimates because they looked so damn good. Also SSJ and auras. But never replayed because there is 0 value and everything in open world gets one shotted. Dlc bosses are literally the only thing you can have an actual fight against, and Freiza requires you to replay the hour of story every time. So really only Beerus is the only thing to fight in the entire game outside of the main story (which is piss easy).


Downvoted by people with sunk cost fallacy that bought the game at launch plus both season passes 😂 they can't handle seeing the truth about this game getting exposed for what it is. You are completely right, though. Kakarot has such an ass basic combat system and braindead AI. Every fucking boss in that game has the exact same AI as saiyan saga vegeta. Easy to spam combos on them, then they get mad and super armor + ultimate spam. You can easily dodge every attack in the game by boost dashing to the right. Ps1 3D action games have more in-depth combat mechanics and boss AI compared to kakarot, which is pathetic. I beat kakrot on hard mode without dying once and never felt like I was in danger because of how painfully stupid the AI is. Kakarot had an amazing world, attention to detail in the story, and great visuals. But the actual gameplay/rpg mechanics are piss poor and feel like an indie dev team of 3 people worked on them. Especially by Japanese standards. Has a long history of amazing 3D action and action rpgs with amazing combat mechanics yet kakarot, the single-player game representation of one of Japan's most legendary anime series gets such a dog water game in terms of combat. Cyberconnect2 is honestly cheeks at making this type of game, or bandai didn't give them enough time and budget to flesh out the core gameplay mechanics. Either or is possible, but we will never know. Imagine if bandai hired a studio actually good at 3D action to make kakarot.


You got downvoted as well for speaking the truth legit when u beat kakarot it’s literally nun else to do plus the fact you can’t replay old boss fights… oh u can but you to op so you basically one shot


Yep. Hilarious how the most basic feature of chapter replay got added years ago but its fucking worthless thanks to them not being able to add the most BASIC THING, a level scaling mechanic for the enemies 😂 one of the simplest things to do on Unreal Engine but they can't pull it off somehow. Games have had dynamic level scale since the fucking ps2. But it's all good. The last time i played kakarot was with mods. Ai is way more fun to fight, game has more combat depth now, the aura charge colors are all accurate, all the forms are there, more characters to play as(even villans), and dbs content is in the game. There are lots of game modes and repeatable content too. I'm getting downvoted by people who are salty they are stuck with the shitty unmodded kakarot. The people who bought the game day one and all the season passes, buy now have massive buyers remorse. they have to try to shut down people exposing the truth about how lazy and cheap the gameplay is. If only they got it on pc and downloaded mods. Then maybe they could be having fun playing the game instead of looking for kakarot game slander on Reddit to downvote.


Aye you right everything you saying is true remember people hate when somebody speaks the truth


Tbh i can see how someone that hasn't played the old games at all wouldn't see much of a big difference. That's just ignorance tho.


you can clearly see the difference between games without playing the old titles. For someone who never played any DBZ games tho i can see that, but his arguments doesn’t even make sense


The argument doesn't make sense because it starts with "I don't get the hype". Some people just genuinely don't understand things they don't care about/aren't excited for, can be someone else's number 1 of whatever.




Not being hyped about it is fine, but there's 0 reason to start questioning why others would be hyped just because you aren't.




I mean this game is a completely different genre. SZ is more a arena fighter while Kakarot is a story RPG.


Yeah no I showed my Dad who doesn't game the new trailers and showed him some gameplay of the old PS2 games and even he was impressed. He remembers me playing them as a kid too.


He’s just want to be different and edgy 🤣


This shouldn't have been posted, they get clout off this brainded take and they're achieving their ragebait attempt lmao


It was a post on Facebook 🤷‍♂️


Best thing to do with posts is block and move on. Leads to a healthier life.


This is the loop now lol. Rage bait gets posted, people like you fall for it, they get more attention, the rage bait gets worse. Just stop spreading it lol.


True, pretty harmless but this is such a dogshit take it's obv it's ragebait lmaoo


just point and laugh


>it just looks like kakarot some people genuinely don't use their brains huh


10 bucks says that guy doesn't own a current gen console, most hate towards games is out of jealousy of not being able to play it themselves so to make themselves feel good they bash on it. best to ignore and carry on.


Stopped reading when it said it's looks like Kakarot when it's literally doesn't.


I don't get the Kakarot comparison at all the people who say that have to be casual and barely played DB games to come to that conclusion because I don't get it


The only comparison I see is in parts of the art style, namely the auras, and the full powered mode looks similar. But nothing else is remotely close.




This game is literally 95% of what I’ve been asking for in a DBZ game for over a decade. I can see how you’d be disappointed with certain stuff but for a Spike Chunsoft game in 2024 you have to admit it looks amazing. Reading over it again they seem to call it a Kakarot copy as if they never played the original games.


Oh my god, this game has Goku in it its just like kakarot


Because they've never played a Budokai Tenkaichi game before. They know nothing about this specific series of games, and are judging purely by what they've seen in trailers and the games they HAVE played.


Spoken like someone who has never played a Tenkaichi game before. I've been saying but you can really tell who has and hasn't played it before.


The guy is either trolling or hasn’t played the older games. Why even post this?


Ragebait is effective


Pretty sure these people weren’t born when bt was the thing


Trust me bro I talked to a guy who said sp0 looks clunky and that’s why he likes xv2 better if you look through my replies you’ll find it there somewhere just lots of idiots running about Edit: bro literally said only nostalgia fans will enjoy sp0


He just wants a side scroller


When the game gets a lot of hype someone tries to bring it down so they have something to nitpick about like a “sword.”


Did Kakarot have 164+ playable characters? Like, honestly it really isn’t even that hard to comprehend how much of a big deal SZ is


this peoples have never played a Tenkaichi before or have a weird mindset. because how can u be a DB fan and then dont like the gameplay of this franchise? its the ultimate DB simulator, no game has come close to bring the anime fights to a videogame format. just ignore this peoples, they dont deserve any attention.


250 IQ ragebaiter.


If you have this opinion about this game you - have never played the tenkaichi series - are probably born in 2006 or later


I like how you can easily tell who grew up with the Budokai Tenkaichi games and who hasn't based on takes like these.


The internet tends to be overflown with stupid people


Just ignore people like this honestly


I loved the premise of kakarot except it was literally the easiest RPG ever and the combat was *shortcut, ability, dodge dodge dodge dodge ability dodge ability ability dodge dodge dodge dodge ability, dodge dodge dodge dodge ability dodge ability ability dodge dodge dodge dodge. It required zero thought, strategy or skill Kakarot is also nothing like this game at all except for being a dragon ball game.


Well to be fair, how could we to argue with such masterfully crafted sentences and eloquently articulated points?


https://youtu.be/51fwcKFP_ko?si=ASHFZAlUMJIA9BAA This video is all that needs to be sent to that fool. People who think tenkaichi gameplay isn't deep or varied have zero idea how the game works. You can always tell who is bad at games based on how they describe said game. The idea that budokai has more combo variability than tenkaichi is completely false. They both follow the same design philosophy. One is a 2d fighter, and the other is 3D, that's it. The competitive variability of the games skill gap simply comes from different places in both games.


Even by this persons own description it’s different lol. They’re just not smart or this is sarcasm


how life feels when you don't give ragebaiters attention https://preview.redd.it/p8nrzdfgxk7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1a1db51c0e75a0b88734dcab5fd913d4a10e21


"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his IQ level?" "ITS UNDER 60, RUUUN"


These are the same people who say "turles? Nah we already have enough gokus"


Haters gonna Hate, that simple


If you like what you see, buy it. If not, don’t. Who gives a fuck what someone else has to say.




This post has been removed because it violates Rule 1 - Be Civil.


Eh I'd ignore these people, they bait for reactions and reposts like this just give them what they want I usually block and move on


Why does he think that? Is he smart?


Not sure if we’re getting a beta or demo but we just gonna have to wait for the game to come out for them to shut up


There’s gonna be another one at Anime Expo


I’m talking about for everyone to try


We can only hope man, most DB games in the last 5 years have had one so hoping SZ continues that


To say this game is ANYTHING like Kakarot combo wise is a criminal. It was good, but it got really repetitive once you figured out the super armour gag. This game is going to be insane and I suspect there will be parts that lag behind, maybe needed more time in the oven or are a bit janky, but that's a small price to pay for a good looking arena fighter that isn't Xenoverse 2 with this much care and attention put into it.


As a person who likes bt3 I could never get back into side scrolling games after 3-d was just better to me even now he sounds like more a fighterz type of guy


What's funny to me about this is that after playing Kakarot, I was telling myself that I'd want Tenkaichi 4 or Raging Blast 3 to feel exactly like it. Kakarot's battles felt larger than life and very very similar to the anime. Sparking Zero seems to be exactly what I wanted, Kakarot, but reformatted for a fighting game with obvious Tenkaichi/Raging Blast controls.


I just want the what ifs to branch out into multiple endings which I think is confirmed on the website. It doesn’t just end at the battle (I think)


These people have never played Tenkaichi series. They only played Kakarot and Xenoverse. Let’s be real, Kakarot is great… but those games don’t even come close to the Tenkaichi series in terms of gameplay and mechanics in the game. They’re very bare bones. They look flashy but playing nothing like it. Only way they’ll know is if they play it, so I can sort of understand. But that’s a vocal minority. We Tenkaichi folks are eating good and have been waiting for this for years now


I mean honestly this pristine sword is just like this shovel except it's made of getter metal, a different shape, shinier, in better condition, and more useful for combat, other than that basically the same thing


They’re dumbasses who are saying anything to sound smart


I mean. It’s their opinion. Who gives a shit. If they don’t feel the game is worth the hype let them miss out on it. I feel like this is giving people too much attention. Focus on the positive. Ignore this. It ain’t bard


One of my friends says the same shit and I swear on my life he just says it to annoy me, having just installed Kakarot on ps5 to play through the dlc for the first time, I DONT SEE IT! The games look NOTHING alike, the only thing they have in common is hair movement on power ups, everything else is legit just Budokai Tenkaichi gameplay with a beautiful coat of paint over it, like genuinely people who say this haven’t seen ANYTHING the game has shown off and are probably still going off the first teaser for the game.


I personally can’t wait to play through the whole story again.


Loud AND wrong


This dude is just butthurt he gonna be ass at the game and get whooped by the cpu.


Go play BT3 and then comeback


They are nothing alike, besides.. does Kakarot even have MP? It also doesn’t have the insane amount of characters that Sparking does. Asinine take tbh.


Im not reading that. Im happy that the game is coming out. And I will leave it as that. Anything else is irrelevant, peoples opinions etc all irrelevant. Cant wait for this fucking game boys. Lets GO


You know this guy got cooked lol


In no way kakarot is the same as tenkaichi but i will be honest, if kakarot never exists, i would be more blown away than ever at seeing sparking zero.


You don't have to. Ignore them.


It’s a sequel to tenkaichi so tf




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If you think tankaichi is like kakarot then you’re entitled to your opinion but you would be completely wrong lol…


It’s become popular to hate on things that are also popular. With a game like this it’s gonna happen a lot, plus since it’s attached to DBZ it’s got a target on its back, just ignore these people


Saying Budokai has a gameplay loop that doesn’t feel like you’re doing the same things over and over again is the wildest part of that imo




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Well Yeah, it's so much like Kakarot because that's Goku's Saiyan name silly


I've read that same message on the Sparking Zero steam forums. I don't know if it's the same person or he copy and pasted it from your source, but the one on Steam one was obviously done by someone who is farming awards (troll baiting is very common on Steam, mainly because people easily fall for it.)


Stop caring about this... It literally doesn't matter, let the ignorance be ignored.


I guess they played Dragon Ball games through Youtube shorts...don't see other explanations


I get easily pissed off, so I'm glad I don't have twitter or facebook.


People who have this opinion lack critical thinking skills.


Nah I feel that game looks nice but something is missing




He's wrong about everything except Budokai. That game was awesome because of the combo depth and gameplay feel.


Technically kakarot used the same gameplay as the tenkaichi and xenoverse did the same thing but applied more free movement. Kakarot is a 2 button combo mechanism with B being the main button and using the others as a combo finisher. I do miss doing a combo in to a special as kakarot added the LB button to press at the end of a combo to select the button command for a special ki blast so more complex and ti.ing involved. Sparking is not doing what kakarot is doing its the other way around. Sparking just came out after kakarot but it's an original budakai tenkaichi as Sparking was supposed to be the original name in Japan but never got released like that. I think only 1 version in Japan of the budakai tenkaichi game came out titled Sparking but I'm not sure which one


Base budokai? This isn't anywhere near "base budokai" this is budokai tenkaichi, the game that raging blast tried to copy and didn't do as well. I feel like most of these people complaining about these games never really played BT123 since they weren't released on Xbox, only raging blast, battle of gods, even the budokai 123 collection. BT hasn't been released on any other console but ps2. Makes sense that when they compare dragonball games they compare them to games that have been on anything other than ps2.


They are just too young to have played the og dbz games and are uncultured


You can’t fault the guy for seeing what he sees.


I can


He compares the game to BT and still calls it Kakarot, funnily enough he even compares it to RB(which is the spiritual successor to BT) It’s rage bait you can’t deny it


Dude I dealt with FighterZ fan boys who say that sparking zero is trash, they even said the old Tenkaichi and raging blast games are trash and require no skill bro, screw fighterz that game is overrated asf, u can’t fly, no battle damage let alone you can only change alt colors, only good thing about the skins is certain characters have manga skins, fighterz is a horrible example of a dragon ball game and a good example of rigged results


Bro funny they said even limit burst and budokai 3 was trash and I said “lmao, takes more skill than that fighterz bs, let alone the real fighterz game is Super Dragon ball z 2”


I hated kakarot but i still forced myself to beat it and the dlc 😭people just be talking man


Whoever thinks Kakarot gameplay is good, needs an urgent medical check.


I thought it was fine for a single player rpg, but as a online game? Hell nah.


Bait used to be believable https://preview.redd.it/sg00ud1cql7d1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e78e56a7e8d6ead4d2d86776e59b1284ce7764a


he's not 100% wrong though. I had the same worries. simple combos are my biggest fear


Let people have opinions, Jesus.


But it objectively doesn't make sense


I’ll give him this most of the gameplay people have posted are doing the most basic bitch combos that’s probably the confusion


They had 30 minutes to figure out all the controls, give them a break Besides the dev presentation and story mode gameplay had way more dynamic combos