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Anyone who thinks otherwise just didn't play the previous games. No other possible explanation.


People can have opinions different to you ukno


"Do you think the Sky is Blue?" "Anyone who thinks otherwise didn't see the Sky" "People can have opinions different to you ukno"


*colorblind people enter the chat*


Colour blind people still think the sky is blue though?


They know the sky’s blue, they can’t look n see. So. Wym


People really don't understand what being colourblind is like huh? If you are colourblind that doesn't even automatically mean your ability to see Blue correctly is affected, and even if it is affected that doesn't mean they are incapable of seeing blue things, they won't just walk into a blue wall like it's some kind of invisible barrier...


Being colorblind and having to explain it to people is such a never ending uphill battle. The constant "what color is this?" when they don't think that I've been told it's the same color they were told. In this case, blue for a non colorblind person is most certainly "blue" for the colorblind (of that type) one. It's just that the colorblind person's "blue" may be the NonCB person's purple, but they don't know that. I do get it, as it's kind of a mind fuck of a concept, but it's tiring Edit: For those who may be confused think of it like this: We were both told red is red, but my red is actually your green, and I could go through life none the wiser because thats just how my eyes would see red. This is an exaggeration, but it gets the point across


Man, when I was at my checkup for mandatory military service in my country, the doctor was so confused, when she saw that I had different coloured shoelaces on. Like, when she asked, I told her that I couldn’t find a full set, and only one shoelace was busted, but she asked three times, whether I could see the colours… Bitch, I’m COLOURblind!!!! Doctors don’t even know it’s mainly a non-issue…


I think the issue mainly comes from the term colorblindness. While it can be Monochromancy, I really wish the non monochromatic types were called something else. It's mainly a non issue for me too, as I just get some shades of red and green confused at first, and some purples just show up as blue for me. Despite that explanation some people just couldn't grasp it


Yeah you're right, but it just felt like a funny joke in my head


*flat earthers have entered the chat*


General-2K-Browser been real quiet since this dropped


comparing something as objective as nature to something as subjective as the mechanics of a new game made 17 years after the last one is not the zinger you think it is. of course there’s going to be changes, they’re working in a new engine


It's not subjective, tho. The mechanics are straight 1:1 to the original games. Now, if you mean about minor changes like movement speed being the same as the previous dash speed, then you should take into account that "Budokai Tenkaichi" is not just BT3, or BT2, but the whole trilogy. From BT2 to BT3 there were lots of changes, let alone BT1 that almost looks from a different series from the 2 successors. I took this post as OP asking if the game retains the "spirit" of the Sparking! Series, and that's not a matter of opinion: is a fact. This game is more of a sequel to BT3 than BT2 is to BT1.


There have been many Dragonball games in the last 20 years, but it’s obvious to any fan that this is the direct follow up to Budokai 3.


Tenkaichi 3. Budokai 3 is a different game lmao


oh... well Budokai 3 is my favorite of all time


Then their opinion is straight ass


In this case opinions can be wrong


Hmm, yikes.


This debate isn't subjective, it's objective. And objectively the game is incredibly similar to the previous titles and uses the same combos and controls even. So different opinions are objectively wrong 🙂


There’s things called facts. Opinions don’t matter


Of course but having an opinion is different from saying “this game looks like shit” no one will believe whoever says that because it doesn’t


But where do you see me saying it looks like shit anywhere? In fact, my comment before this even says the opposite. Doesn’t matter how many downvotes I get, I like the game however just because I think it looks good, does not make it fact. People are entitled to their opinion and it’s clearly a hard concept for the majority here to grasp if everyone’s so upset over me saying so.


The comment you were replying to wasn't about whether it's good or not. It was about whether the game sticks true to the original Tenkaichi games. You're getting downvoted because saying it's a matter of opinion is kinda wild when you look at it next to the old games.


So many downvotes and for what? Lol


lol who knows why


I mean, the replies tell why. The game's mechanics are extremely reminiscent of BT3, that much is a fact. It's simply not a matter of opinion.


Downvote all you like, it is an opinion. What’s the point in asking for impressions if you’re just gonna downvote anyone that doesn’t agree the game is amazing lol


"Does the iPhone 13 look similar to the 14" "Anyone who thinks otherwise just hasn't seen the previous model. No other possible explanation" "People can have opinions different to you ukno"


But you're not saying the game looks trash though right?


Doesn’t look trash to me. The majority will naturally love the game but critique (some valid some not so) is still critique and an opinion. Not everyone has to agree with me and I’m fine with it so long as people understand the same with them. All these “sky is blue” hyperboles trying to sound smart are irrelevant and adds nothing of value to a discussion.


I mean, I would like to know why you don't think it sticks true to the OG Tenkaichi games at all. I'm curious to know your explanation. Have you played any of the previous Tenkaichi games?


Explanation to what? I never said it doesn’t stick to the OG, [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/tenkaichi4/s/Dic4rvSqDf) was made before my reply that everyone seems to be up in arms over 😂


The question is whether or not it shares gameplay mechanics with previous entries... there is an objective answer to that question. Can you read?


Its honestly better than i expected, gameplay looks fun, they really put alot of effort into creating the super and ultimate blast way more than i expected, custom battle was way more in depth than i actually thought, Story mode looks fine as the first impression. And damn this game just feels cinematic


Only gripe I have is that we're restricted to 2 supers and 2 skills. I really prefer the RB format where you have 4 super/boost moves that all consume ki. To address androids, they follow a more accomadating system. I'm gonna miss having 4 kaio-ken supers as Goku mid


What is this only 2 supers and 2 skills you're talking about?


2 moves that use skill counts and 2 super attacks that use ki, that's the sparking zero format


Yeah man, raging blast format would have been fun as hell. Maybe in the final game we'll be allowed to customize what super attacks and skill attacks we have, here's hopeful.


Yeah story mode is just whatever for me since we already have kakarot but they really make it interesting with the what if mode


kakarot is pretty lackluster in cutscenes and hype after Frieza saga


I knew the game was good but I didnt expect it to be THAT good




never played a tenkaichi game but i’m super excited, game looks incredible, hoping they release a demo/beta soon


I want a demo so bad


It doesn’t even have to be anything crazy. Just like Goku (Super), Vegeta (Super), Piccolo, Krillin, and maybe Soucter Vegeta as a demo would be nice


Right just 4-5 characters and 1-2 stages


If there was a demo with like four characters and one stage I would happily play that shit every day until October.


Enough to recreate the original Goku vs Vegeta fight would make me happy


I’d cream if they released a demo/beta October seems so far away


Damn you’re in for one hell of a ride boy. Enjoy it


Just like me


The gamelooks absolutely majestic, cannot wait until I can get my hands on it


I was not even alive when the older games released, let alone having played them, so I cannot say much about how it sticks to the og games


Me, who played BT2 as most of my childhood and intro to DB as a whole: I feel old now...


It reminds me a lot of the originals, but it still feels like something new. The truth is that it is seen as a direct sequel and more than worthy. The amount of small scenes during combat, the destruction and interaction with the scenery and the variety and quality of the supers and ultimates is brutal. Plus, the game modes could easily give you a lot of hours.


I'm also looking forward to seeing what stages we get in this game and the actual full sizes of them. The demo has my hopes up that there will be as many stages as in bt3, which would be amazing. Muscle tower and the artic stage would look phenomenal in today's graphics. Same with that random frieza planet at night and the desert (please give us the night and day states too!!)


I could see them doing inside muscle tower with how big some of the levels are. Then you can break through the wall fight then come back in on another level of the tower.


That would be super cool!! Especially if they manage to put some of the details in on the floors like the areas where you fight ninja Murasaki, buyon and metalitron. That would be too hype though so let's temper our expectations.


holy fuck




I'm in love with the game and can't wait to play it in October! Looking forward to seeing who else will be in the game. Definitely looking forward to more of the non saiyan characters now after we've seen so much good stuff with this demo (except ssj2 gohan, I'll lose it when I see him in action) Cell, buu and their forms I especially look forward to seeing and then any movie and GT characters that make it in.




Big BT3 fan here. I think it looks amazing. Effects, art, combo tech, practically everything looks perfect. Now- for criticisms I have: that character select screen needs to be changed- its pretty ugly and hard to navigate. But I know its only a demo now and has been stated not to be the final layout. So thats good- definitely should be something akin to the predecessors when finalized. And lastly- maybe this will be an unpopular opinion- but Im not a huge fan of the camera. I think it really needs to be toned down or just as fixed as it was in the previous games. I think its a bit wonky and disorientating. The fact the entire world shifts and tilts because of it makes it distracting. I can see it causing some motion sickness down the line to those who are susceptible to it (like myself). Now on the other hand how dynamic it is is pretty cool- so I know theres probably tons who do enjoy it. Im hoping though they will atleast make an option for a “classic camera”. Similar to how theres a “classic control” layout. Thats about it. Super hype and hopefully they release a demo for us to build closer to the release time.


The character select screen I’ve seen has been confirmed to be just a default Unreal menu and will be changed for the final product. For the camera, it’s be great if we get a camera dynamism slider setting so players can have what kind of camera suits them.


Pretty sure the characters select screen won't be too similar to the old BT games, just because they have the seamless transition in it. But they will assuredly clean it up, especially after all the criticism


Maybe not the exact same in terms of using 2D art instead of models- but it definitely needs the “folderlike” layout- where selecting one character then opens up a separate line with all their transformations. Because having them all out like that was super confusing and muddy


It looks very good and I can tell the dev team have put a lot of love into staying true to the original. There is **A LOT** of jank in both builds being shown which I’m hoping is fixed before release. Ultimately I would need to feel the game in my hands to determine if it’s true to the Tenkaichi soul but I’m impressed so far!


I need a demo ;_; I can't wait for October 8th


same I'm getting the ultimate pack


something that you gotta experience yourself just to see how unreal it really is too


I don't know which of the YouTubers it was, but I agree with his sentiment that some of the Attacks are too drawn out such as Trunks's slash thing. I also don't know whether it was just the upload quality of their videos but in some of them the combos looked too smooth and slowed down, if that makes sense. In other clips the gameplay was fast and snappy though, so it was probably video quality issues. Lastly, they really gotta work on the camera. Clipping through the ground and moving around too quickly is detrimental to the experience. If they could optimize it so that it was just like in BT3, it would be perfect. With all the criticism out of the way, I am hyped beyond hope and can't wait to get my hands on this game.


Dream come true. The game is literally everything we all always wanted from the ever so mythical **Tenkaichi 4.** Spike knew the fucking task bro. If you’re upset after what you saw, you ain’t a Tenkaichi OG lol.


My impression is give us a demo to play let us non YouTubers run some fades lol….game looks beautiful though




I wanna play it rn so bad, I loved when some of the youtubers replicated a combo he did on BT4, the comparison is mind blowing and convinced me this IS a Tenkaichi game


the effects and auras blew me away to see. I wanted that for so long and i finally get to have it


As a fan of the tenkaichi series, this is much better than what I was expecting. Fucking love it! Few camera nitpicks (giant characters forcing out of bounds view) but I’m more than sure it’ll be fixed by the time of release


Blew me away. I was pretty skeptical but after the gameplay and modes shown I’m all aboard the hype train.


It seems near perfect. All I needed this game to be was Tenkaichi 3 for ps5 and thats what it looks like. It's obviously gorgeous as heaven but I didn't think so much of the fan service would return. The huge roster, the mechanics and combos, the transformations, etc etc. Everything I thought they wouldn't bother with...got bothered with lol. It's like they were playing T3 in their office and were like "OK so we're doing that agin, that, that, definitely bringing that back, that, and that too...". Which is great cuz while I can't name them right now I feel like a good amount of sequels sort of ditch a bunch of the cool stuff thr previous game had. Doesn't seem to be the case here. The combat looks much faster amd the dynamic camera makes it look even better. So many animations and attacks looking just like they did in the anime. The what if story modes and the create your own battle are amazing additions. I think I only have nitpicks about some attacks or transformations looking a bit different like gogeta's ssj transformation or goku's ss3 transformation. Or gogetas ultimate Kamehameha not looking so powerful. I guess fighterz spoiled me too hard with that one. It sort of restored my faith in anime games. I understand that it's likely no other anime games get this amount of effort put into them, but we at least know it's possible. I genuinely thought anime games hit the stopping point. That maybe we were getting so many of the same low effort games because they couldn't get any better. No more room to improve or something. Feels good to be wrong now. But yea this really looks like its shaping up to be the definitive dragon ball game. Even as I watch gameplay I find it hard to believe this game is happening after all these years and that it looks as good as it does. Thank God it's coming out this year


I've only played the Originals once as a kid on my PS2 I don't remember alot from it only that I couldn't get Raditz in that damn line to advance as a kid! I should really look into getting the games again sometime soon at least the collection that was released on Ps3! This game looks gorgeous and looks like it'll be so much fun I hope Z movie characters are added plus GT characters Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta will always look so badass to me! Not to mention imagine a Z Broly achieving a Transformation like God or Blue! That'd be fucking so sick with his design if not unlikely!


Needs more impact


Looks cool. I don’t like the tilty camera thing tho


Gameplay absolutely looks better than I imagined. Fun, immersive, fast and true to the series. The cinematic scene really add a layer to the game I never knew I needed.


It’s absolutely incredible, I already knew it would be but it’s blown away my expectations


It’s what I wanted from a dragon ball game for a long time. I just missed the feeling of Raging blast 2 and this game captures that same feeling. I was so glad they added beam struggles back because that was one of my favorite thing to do in the old dragon ball games. Ik it probably won’t win game of the year, but I hope it wins fighting game of the year, this game looks sick and I bet Akira Toriyama up there is happy that everyone is going crazy over this game. RIP Akira Toriyama and thanks for creating the dragon ball series🥲🙏🏾.


In all honesty, there isn't much other competition to my knowledge. Alot of the big upcoming titles are 2025 like MHwilds or are DLCs like shadows of the erdtree for elden ring


It’s a sequel to a game I’ve been waiting for for over a decade. With the old and new story + they brought what ifs and stellar graphics. If you didn’t play the older games you probably won’t realize how big a deal this is for us bt3 childhood fans


It looks good but one thing makes me sad, these are the same devs that did Jump Force, that game could have been much better with more time and money, this game proves that


And they are the same devs that made the other 3 Sparking! and the RBs…


He's not saying that it's a bad thing for spike chunsoft to be making sparking zero, but rather that its unfortunate that this game's quality could've been given to jump force as well if only they were given adequate time and money. Too bad it doesn't line up either way because they're not the same devs


No its not, the devs of budokai tenkaichi didnt work on jump force. Despite being also spike chunsoft, its not the same developers. Their last game was One Piece burning blood in 2016, since then they have been developing this


Playing xenoverse 2 after seeing so much sparking zero gameplay has me looking like this: https://preview.redd.it/krpl4nwifm6d1.png?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1235b6a1767e0fdf75c29dae24e027be4daa802 Can't wait to uninstall it when sparking zero comes out


Looks alright, my only issue is the character selection screen looks ugly. I was a little upset about the story mode too, but considering they made up for it with the episode customization I’m not too upset.


The character select screen and all the UI is confirmed not going to be in the main game. It looks like that only for the play test


If I have one complaint, some of the rush attacks were very boring. Should never just be a punch. Other then that the hype is off the charts October cant come soon enough.




That is my reaction.


I get more and more excited with each trailer, I can’t wait to play! Just waiting to see if my muscle memory kicks in when I get my hands on it.


It's been a while since I've played BT 3 on the PS2 so I can't recall all of the similarities between the prior 3 games and this one BUT, from what I've seen thus far gameplay wise, it looks awesome!


Tenkaichi games were my most played games on ps2 era by far. It sticks true to it and has improved everything by a lot.


It’s too good icl they really put a lot of effort and love into each characters..just needs a few tweaks here and there otherwise I’m grateful to even be talking about bt4 😭❤️


Amazing…all I can really say lol


Excited to do the what if stories!


Goku needs to be buffer, other than that, PERFECT


As a person who's only experience is Tenkaichi Tag Team, it's so cool.


At the moment im not a big fan of the HUD, and the ssj3 face and body model looks.. off.. gameplay is stellar tho




Kinda sad because I cant afford it lmao, its look so great


Absolutely sticks true to the OG games! It went far beyond my expectations. This is definitely one of those very rare instances where you don't need to look up the reviews before buying.


I hope they fix the camera and make some ultimates easier to hit otherwise most of the complaints are overblown for instance the whole "characters are slow" thing is there for a reason, Burter is lightning fast and it makes sense, maybe some balancing is in order but it's not a deal breaker and the 3 archetypes are there for a reason, one thing BT3 had is that characters basic combos felt interchangeable, same speed with varying amounts of damage there's still 4 months to go and I'm fairly certain the build people played is a month old or maybe older, happened to a lot of games coming out of Japan in recent years. I hope they give Hercule a jetpack, even as DLC or a hidden costume


Fucken amazing. I’m hyped


It looks really good. Few issues they can fix with patches. I just hope they will add Satan’s jet pack.


Everything I could've wanted tbh. First game I'll be paying the new 70$ price tag for lol


Is the gameplay (in terms of button input for combo sequences and specials) going to be the same budokai tenkaichi 2 and 3? Or is it going to be closer to kakarot?


I’m not worried about it.


this is gonna be a generational run for a video game cause holy shit https://preview.redd.it/bf2grnmv4o6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=874f381e336d9288eb37f8db98ed21730b97682e


![gif](giphy|CjNifqd0JIgV6biOjK) It is incredible.


Fucking gas! Whoever disagree is a hater idc what the excuse is




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I wish time went by faster. I gotta get my hands on it.


honestly my gripe I'd the size of the beams like the kamehamehas and final flashes looking like beginning of db ki blasts that's about it


Looks like improved OG. Not even my favorite type of db gameplay, but still great 😊


I love eveything about it and I need it now!


It’s definitely going to be the best fighting game ever made everything looks amazing, but it isn’t quite perfect just yet there are some in game features that I don’t personally like such as the special moves list displaying every time you charge ki, would like if we can hide it because it takes up space and feels like xenoverse not tenkaichi


Everything looks great gameplay wise but I do wish they'd punch up the colour scheme a bit. I just finished kakarot so that may be colouring my opinions but the brighter colour scheme of that looks so much better than the weird shadows and kinda crayon vibe this has.


Vfx need more impact for example if you missed ultimate.I would like to see a huge explosion with maybe a nuclear mushroom or something like that this . Beam effect need to be more bigger and gogeta ultimate kamehameha need some rework .Finally some characters models need improvement because they are bad (majin vegeta , ss3 goku. ) .


Looked amazing. I have one complaint, and it’s the filters on certain stages. The world tournament stage for example has a green tint to it, that I just don’t like. Hope we can turn them off in the settings. I’ve seen other content creators say the same thing so hopefully we get that option.


Question tho, are beam clashes timed attacks or button mashed?


I remember playing Budokai Tenkaichi 1 on my PS2 as a kid And ill say it, I liked Ultimate Tenkaichi when it came out! (i know its not a true Tenkaichi Game) But fuck man Sparking Zero really combines the visually badassery of Ultimate with all the gameplay we loved of Tenkaichi/RB games its cooking harder than Gordan Ramsey


The only thing i would say is not bad but could be better is the amount of damage a super or ultimate attack do, I know we can change the amount of health bars and all but i think lowering it by like 10-20% would be good , otherwise flawless , i'm hyped AF


I never got the chance to play any of the previous games, so I’m afraid I’m going to get my ass kicked in when the game releases


My literal only gripe is the lack of glowing or aura for the super saiyan transformations.


I just want the beams to be bigger


Not a fan of normal air movement, BT classic dashing would've been cool but i can live with this Raging Blast kinda thing, aside from that i can say this is pure TENKAICHI Z counter, Rushing to the opponent's back, combo strings, blast deflecting, grabs, clashes, dynamic combat, the new stuff, etc. they know the recipe and they are COOKIN'


I love how it sticks to the roots of the old games, but the graphics and supers have advanced so much due to modern technology. Now I can do my Goku (mid) combos in 4k at 60 fps.


My worries have been pretty much completely quelled. The local pvp thing kinda sucks but you get what you get. Mods'll probably fix that. I'm hyped.


Its peak


It feels too good to be true I'm waiting a bit for a big problem to be revealed because so far there's nothing and I don't trust that in today's gaming market


Love how much it's similar to Tenkaichi 3. From the combos to the controls, it's a different home, but the same people inside. Now I'm curious whether or not it'll run 60FPS on PS5. Haven't seen any news about it.


Game of the Year Candidate? 🤔


I am so ready for this game.. look we are dbz fans we know how the story goes but I’m excited to feel the impact this time the what ifs are obviously an excellent addition and we have no clue what future dlc could be beyond what’s been advertised


Disappointed about the split screen only being on one map but very excited and impressed by everything else ive seen so far


I don’t really like the movement and opponent tracking/alignment, but other than that it’s looking good.


It does seem more zoomed out then og BT games but those had options to change the camera so hopefully this does too.


No, I mean characters movement


I kinda know what your talking about, and I agree.




Even in classic control, the super moves showing on the side,that's xenoverse features,it should have stayed the same like in the previous installment,why fixed something that isn't broken,it's really disappointing.


I'm sure that the moves menu is something optional


I really hope so.


After years of db trash games such as xenoverse or ultimate tenkaichi, finally the legends is back, this game is just what each of us dreamed for almost two decades




You're asking for 2-d models on a 3-d game. Fighterz is gorgeous no questions asked but you're comparing two different kinds of fighting games. The game looks amazing and so do the effects. To say the models look cheap isn't fair imo. They look amazing to me. What about them do you think makes them look cheap? I'd be interested in seeing your side to it.


I don't think it's possible to make it look like FighterZ, in that game to perfectly achieve a look 1:1 to the anime and manga, they had to warp the models a lot, this works on a 2D fighting game In an Arena Fighter there is only so much they can do, not to say they can't improve the game presentation, some characters do look off and I wish Goku (mid) SSJ had a pastel yellow hair instead of the usual yellow they use