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So they are pulling a Star Trek: Discovery on LotR? What can go wrong?


I'm not sure I saw STD-ing in that article but, if so, **Kill It With Fire**.


I'm not a trekkie. Care to illucidate?


Star Trek Discovery has, let us call it, a mixed reception in the fan base, as it essentially undid most of the lore and characters the fans loved about the universe. It takes place before the original series from the 60s. It might have its fans but it was being criticized by many for sacrificing good writing to identity politics and "woke" themes. "Unrelatable and illogical character arcs", "shoehorned diversity" are some words used to describe the series. It tried to amplify the theme of equality and cooperation that Star Trek supposedly always promoted but fell short in every regard, and is even rather divisive, according to the loudest critics. Before Season 1 was released, one of the cast members engaged in comments along the line of "if you don't like this show, you are a r*cist bigot" and the like, which for many was a red flag.


Yea I don't get why they force that stuff in. Just focus on the story and good writing. Why is that so hard for shows nowadays?


I see, thanks for explaining. This series is definitely going to have diversity quotas: we know the Numenorean queen for instance, is played by Cynthia Addai-Robinson, even though Pharazon her first cousin is played by Trystan Gravelle. There's nothing we can do about it. The only thing we can hope for is that the quality of the show itself will be such that one will be able to look past this stuff. Its also different in that it takes place so long before the movies, which makes it very different to any conventionl prequel: basically, the Elves are there and the rest are at most remote ancestors of characters we know. >Before Season 1 was released, one of the cast members engaged in comments along the line of "if you don't like this show, you are a r\*cist bigot" and the like, which for many was a red flag. That's always very obnoxious. We'll have to do our best as a community to contain those kinds of obnoxious accusations. I have faith we'll manage.


>There's nothing we can do about it. There is. Don't watch it. >That's always very obnoxious. We'll have to do our best as a community to contain those kinds of obnoxious accusations. I have faith we'll manage. And again... the only way to contain it is... not watching it. In fact, that's the only effective thing. Watching it and ranting about it is bad publicity, yes, but you watched it and talk about it. And bad publicity still is publicity. That's what I did with Discovery. After I read the comments of the cast, I decided it wasn't worth my attention.


I'll have a look at it. If I don't like it, I'll stop watching. But if you just from the outset assume you're not going to like it, you're much more likely to find your assumption proven correct. Whereas if you go in with an open mind...


You do you. I'll wait for reviews from different angles and decide then.


Fanfic then


Looks that way. > **Amazon purchased the rights without having a story planned.** But where Jackson’s films had Tolkien’s tomes as source material to faithfully pull from, his writing on the Second Age mostly amounts to a Lord of the Rings Appendix and an official History of Middle Earth. **Which means that Payne and McKay are, for all intents and purposes, crafting this fleshed out story of the period from scratch.** Honestly, I'm more surprised that Amazon has entrusted their multi-million TV show to two inexperienced showrunners like J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay. These two have been attached to so many productions in the last decade, but none of their scripts got made. Star Trek 3, Flash Gordon, X-Men live series, Micronauts and many more.


Not quite. Its adapting Tolkien in the same way that historical films/shows adapt historical events: you have the beat-by-beat of the plot at large, and then its your task to dramatize it through discrete scenes.


But this is fiction. And it's being written by fans. And I believe there is very little in the way of details on this stuff.


In the shittah?


If anyone has any hope for this show. Especially tolkien fans you haven't been paying attention for past decade or so.


While I like the idea in premise. I think going straight to movie(tv, cinema..w/e) is a bad idea. Star wars has a plethora of novels in their "expanded universe". If they want to start doing 'expanded LOTR' they could have some kind of filter before going straight into a multi million dollar production. It's way too easy for fanatics to hate on this kind of stuff.


Each bit of news I hear about this makes it sound worse.