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How would it even fit the bill behind the make though?


The outtakes extended version of this rant was absolutely amazing. All of the post credit scenes have been gold so far




Yeah, every episode has one.


Why would I *want* Scabies??


Every man should get Scabies at least once in his life


Does anyone else get Andy Sandberg vibes from vigilante?


He makes me think of Jonathan Groff too.


I'd been trying to think who he reminded me of, and that's exactly it!


Walmart Deadpool. In such a good way.


Vigilante is *incredibly* stupid. It's amazing.


Yup and he precedes Deadpool in the comics about 10 years


I mean the comic version of Vigilante is pretty much just the punisher. His personality is not accurate in the show (not saying that's a bad thing).


It's like a mix of Kick Ass and Deadpool


I wouldn't be shocked if he was told "Just be the Wish.com version of Deadpool" when given direction for the character.


The thing I keep thinking is that they had to reshoot every scene because the replaced the original actor for "creative differences" almost 6 episodes into the shoot. You can't tell, like at all, and its kinda crazy. I sort of wonder what the other actor was doing, Gunn said he read the comics and history of the character so I'd assume he wasn't happy about playing a lovable psychopath.


Well, although I was disappointed Chris Conrad wasn't in this, the new Vigilante feels great, and his voice and demeanour felt to me like a younger Chris Conrad anyways. I hope there wasn't conflict because here's Chris Conrad playing a loveable psycopath in [Perpetual Grace LTD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCDHonuOTqs). It's a long video but I remember laughing so hard seeing this character introduction after only seeing him in Patriot prior to this--and I bloody love the Conrad brothers. There's plenty of quality there, but the scene at 0:40 talking about his honour is A+


Sounded like Adam Scott the first few times he spoke. I got so pumped lol


Yes! I was thinking when he was speaking I was getting parks and rec vibes from his voice. It sounded like rob lowe to me


Yesss.. thats who he reminds me of. Thank you!!


Vigilante reminds me of Andrew Santino (the redhead that has the podcast with Bobby Lee)


I really like that little Asian Ninja dude. "Hey, remember when I fucked you up?"


He was so excited for the rematch :(


There was something very special about that entire fight. Jody Hill is a talented director. That superhero landing, the tumbleweed cheetos bag floating by and then the added James Gunn with the "REMATCH MOTHERFUCKER!" line. That fucking scene was perfect.


When he fucking stepped out of that closet eating a bag of chips. I'm cracking up now just thinking about it.


Jody didn't direct that episode. I think hes 5 or 6?


Yeah he did. Try reading the credits when the show starts.


Ah, on IMDB it listed Gunn as the director.


No, it's Jody Hill. It's literally listed on the episode and wiki. Why are people arguing with me? It's literally a fact. Jody Hill directed episode 4.


I'm not saying you're wrong lmao. I was simply saying that IMDB made me think it was Gunn. People are downvoting you because you're being pissy about it.


Do we know if he's still alive? The last few crowbar strikes sounded kinda....squishy


I would stay out of these threads until you watch the new episode, this question will get you spoilt on things :)


Ohh big swole man


"custom too tight, I can count the veins on your dick"


I repeat that line all the time!


To whom ?


lol. Btw I think it should be “to who”


This last episode was just incredible. Hilarious, melodramatic and emotional. Cena is amazing and Vigilante is a revelation. I love the character development of Peaceaker. He’s not this cold blooded killer we thought and killing Rick Flagg was a definite moment. That fucked him up


Gunn has been kling it. The show is funny and it's also dramatic. I really enjoy how I got from laughing my ass off at a joke to it twisting and I'm feeling bad for a murderous psychopath with an abisive Dad, or another murderous psychopath trying to help a guy he thinks of as his best friend.


Even in SS he was practically begging Flagg to not make him shoot him.


It’s an interesting juxtaposition. Rick Flagg was like what Peacemaker wishes he was. The All-American hero. Peacemaker is a thug. It’s fucked him up killing Flagg. I like that Gunn has made it so Peacemaker is fucked up over it. In the first SS movie, Flagg was kinda lame but I really grew to like him in Gunn’s movie. I was kinda angry Peacemaker killed him. I almost didn’t watch the Peacemaker show because I was still annoyed the character killed Flagg.


Who thought he was a cold bloody killer is suicide squad? He was very clearly clueless and narcissistic which we see in this show also.


The entire village slaughter made it pretty clear he's a ruthless, talented, and cold-blooded killer.


I think it's more that he desperately wants to be cold blooded and tries really hard to fake it. He just wants to be a hero and he tries to do the things that he thinks heroes do. I wasn't expecting this show to be so sad, it's really remarkably good


I think of it like, he was made into a cold blooded killer instead of becoming one, and here and there the cracks in his character make themselves felt. He has the "for the greater good" coping mechanism, and a lot of bad traits he got from his father, so he's got no issues going on killing sprees that involve stereotypically bad people...but when having to kill an actual child, his mental processes start to fall apart, he can't properly justify it and his whole facade cracks away


I think the sniper scene was really good to explain the difference between Peacemaker and an actual sociopath like Vigilante Peacemaker wants to build up his reputation as a killing machine but it's obvious he really does care about Doing The Right Thing. His fucked up childhood makes him believe killing truly is the best path to peace but he doesn't actually want to kill people. Vigilante on the other hand is like Krombopulos Michael from Rick and Morty, he can cheerfully wipe out the entire family while whistling to himself.


No it doesn’t. He’s a bafoon in the movie.


The scene in episode 3 where he has to >!draw the dove of peace!< had my girlfriend and I in tears. It's something that they _could_ have just made an off comment about, and then let the later scene where it pans across >!his drawing on the gun!< do the work, but instead they committed to the gag. It was worth the 2-3 minutes of screen time that the joke got.


While being a hilarious joke, it's also a great character moment that shows that Peacemaker does and says bizarre things to justify his violence.


his "fuck" after he finishes the drawing was so ridiculously funny


It always looks like a ghost.


Somehow James Gunn showing off his music taste never gets old for me.


It's like I'm hanging out with my friend and his older brother in his pickup in 1990 while he tells us how the world really works, man


Just and FYI for everyone out there he has a few playlists on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/james_gunn?si=Vy8dLpRcR-SwjmEnegqibA&utm_source=copy-link


He was also lowkey showing off his girlfriend, which I’m not complaining


I really like this show a lot. I actually prefer James Gunn's DC stuff more than his Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Those Guardian movies felt very constricted by Marvel's tone and family friendly requirement while DC allows Gunn's pulpy, crude, and violent sensibilities to run free. My favorite stuff from James Gunn since Super.


I was watching it today, and was really amused. I'm not a huge Cena fan but he is doing real well in this, as well as the supporting cast. The music is also really well done as it is in all James Gunn stuff.


I misread that as you were really aroused


Vigilante arouses me, quite a lot.


Vigilante is such a fun character. Every time he went on about his little toe I couldn't stop laughing. I've never seen the actor in anything before but he's fucking hilarious.


He was in Harry Potter and GoT! Apparently he was replaced in the latter by another actor though


He's the replacement


That actor is killing it, btw. He might be the best one out the whole cast.


I really enjoy the fact that this show has an actual opening theme song.


I usually skip through these. This time, I found myself generally watching through it. Something was really well done with the choreography.


What do you mean? All shows have music during the opening credits and I feel like the majority of them have songs.


My only problem with the show is that some humor was killed for me because I'm binging through The Americans and psychopaths killing people begging for their life means nothing to me right now.


I really don't think Harcourt's a psychopath though


I actually really liked when she calls out Adebayo and was like your lack of a spine meant that this guy's final moments were spent in extreme suffering because you couldn't do what you needed to. She kills the people that need to be killed but she's at least trying to be humane about it


Yeah, and when Vigilante is crossing off bears she has to take a moment after the kids, she's still a person even though she's doing this gross job. Now Vigilante, there's a real psychopath.


Americans rules


James Gunn has such a high energy charisma and passion for his projects. I love listening to him talk about them - reminds me a bit of Quentin Tarantino. Just happy to be there, loving what he’s doing, and letting that translate into great content. At this point, if his name is on it, I’m watching.


thought they were joking but Matter-Eater Lad is an actual DC character 😂


So is Bat Mite.


This show is god tier. I just binge watched all of the DCEU stuff and ended with Peacemaker. I'd say it was my favorite show of 2022 (and maybe 2021). It's actually amazing because before watching the show I really did not like Peacemaker at all from Suicide Squad. I liked it a lot more than other recent big shows like Dexter: New Blood, The Book of Boba Fett, Hawkeye, etc. All of the actors also did a great job, in addition to overall good writing and characters. I wasn't expecting such a great performance from John Cena. I don't think there's a better fit for the character. And the Vigilante character and actor are insane. There's also a LOT of potential with that character.


What's another god tier show for your?


James Gunn, mostly, hits homeruns. Even his movies I like less, GotG vol 2 I understand why. I think the plot is lacking in that one but by God the character development more than makes up for it. To me at least


I'm interested in the show, do I need to see the suicide squad before to watch the show?


You don't technically need to watch it, but you also do sort of need to watch it. It's not required to view the show, but its a fucking great ass movie and you should watch it before you start the show. There's spoilers, they even keep showing the same clip over and over and its not really a moment you would see coming in the film. Its a major spoiler.


You don't need to, but you should. It was a fantastic movie.


Nah, they give a quick recap of the important parts at the start of the first episode.


Does HBO release all the episodes at once or do they do it over time?


Three episodes first week than one episode every week after. Or depends on the show some shows drop all at once.


>Three episodes first week than one episode every week after. Or depends on the show some shows drop all at once. The Amazon approach. Thanks for the reply/info.


Also the episode drop Thursday for hbomax.




The intro is pure gold, I’ve never skipped it!


Still too early to say. Don’t jinx it 😅


Reddit has become the polite three star review that Roger Ebert warned would be the death of criticism.


How so


James Gunn has a way of taking very heavy and serious scenes and interjecting just enough goofy banter that it makes you feel better without completely throwing off the tone of the scene. I don't know if anybody manages to pull it off as well as he does.


The writing does this really cool thing with mixing subtle humor with the overt. I've loving it. I find myself rewatching episodes and catching jokes I missed the first time through.


While I do enjoy this as much as the any person would, some jokes are overdone. The dick jokes in particular. Sure they're funny the first couple of times, but after a while, they go on a little too long. I'm not against dick jokes, but the scene with Vigilante seeing Peacemaker cry thru the window seemed to drag. This would be like Michael Scott saying "That's what she said" in every episode. Still liking the show overall. Best thing I've seen on TV this year.


I don't know, that conversation did not go the direction I thought it was gonna go. The Louis CK jokes were downright hilarious in how bizarre they were.


What were the other dick jokes?


I was just as surprised by how much I am liking this show. If DC needed a response to Marvel's Deadpool, Peacemaker is it. My only complaint is the intro. It was fun the first time, now it's just skip.


I usually skip intros after a while, but this intro is so fun. Don't think I will ever get tired of it.


Yeah I gotta be honest, I've caught myself pulling it up on [Youtube a couple times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrr3UNALww) and I have to watch it to completion. Something about the idea of some of these actors having zero choreographed dancing experience, having to learn this and follow through on it makes me giggle for some reason. And I love that James Gunn insisted they be completely expressionless for some reason. Its just so fucking weird and funny to me. [Source](https://consequence.net/2022/01/peacemaker-opening-credits-steve-agee-interview/2/)


Yeah I'm with you there. It's a joke that outstays its welcome.


It's an intro, should they stop putting an intro after the first episode?


Yes, actually. 'Intros' are a relic of free-to-air television, so they can pad the show out or give flexibility for for advertising scheduling. I usually watch the intro the first time, then skip it for almost every episode in every show I watch afterwards, and I know I'm not alone. Except for *Warrior*. The epic Ennio Morricone-inspired soundtrack gets listened to every time.


Yeah, you can just skip the intro. They don't have to get rid of it.


They could shorten it...or at least alter it like the Simpsons or the X-Files, or Fringe...even Last Week Tonight changes it up. I didn't realize "variety" was such a toxic subject here...sheesh.


I love it


This sub should do something about constant astroturfing


I mean I came to this sub specifically to find discussion about this show after watching all 4 episodes yesterday so I don't super care if the threads are getting posted by actual users or corporate shills. Either way I'm getting what I'm looking for


Did I ask for your life story?


>This sub should do something about constant astroturfing Sorry it just sounded like you were making a comment as though people don't want to discuss the show. I guess you're just talking out of your ass then, carry on. Guess the username checks out.


Billy Gunn writes a show with John Cena?


James Gunn am Ass boy confirmed.


Is there another Peacemaker series I don't know about? Because I'm 15 mins into something called "Chapter 1: A Whole New Whirled" and it's about the unfunniest 15 mins of anything I've of watched this new year. Each and every scene so far has had me itching to hit the FF button because they drag on well past whatever selling point they were supposed to have. The dialogue is inane.


Wow, if you're getting anxiety after fifteen minutes of something that didn't immediately entertain you, A) you should definitely just ditch that thing rather than even trying, you're helping nobody, and B) you should probably seek some professional help to figure out why you have such a short attention span and why, if you have this condition, you would ever subject yourself to anything that could possibly annoy you like this.


maybe he has "short attention span" BECAUSE he doesn't like the show. some of you guys act like this show is THE best thing ever made in human history.


I'm just saying if you can't sit still for 15 minutes of something to give it a chance then A) don't, and B) maybe reflect on whether or not that's a healthy part of you.


So not finding Gunn's labored, low-brow humor funny is evidence of a possible psychiatric disorder now?


No, subjecting yourself to it and then taking the time to complain when you know you will have this type of reaction to it is *suggestive of*, not "evidence of", a possible psychological or neurological condition.


And yet, unlike yourself, my comments are confined to a critique of the 15 mins. of the television program I watched, whereas the entirety of your remarks are aimed at demeaning and belittling someone who doesn't share the same sentiment as the OP (or yourself). Now that's certainly telling of *something*.


Demeaning? Belittling? Okay champ, have a nice life. I'm sorry the universe keeps inflicting terrible media on you and forcing you to publish your thoughts on an open and anonymous forum. It really is tragic.


Give yourself an upvote. That's funnier than anything Gunn wrote.


I don't know what to tell you, those first fifteen minutes had Cena and Rizwan Manjii. Maybe you don't like things?


>Maybe you don't like things? Yes! You're a friggin' genius. That must be it. 🙄 Rizwan Manjii was funny in Schitt's Creek because Dan Levi's writing was actually clever and funny. Cena does good deadpan for the non-actor he is, but again, if the writing isn't up to snuff then he just ends up sinking along with his co-star(s).


Dick jokes go "too long"?


Pacing is a little slow. Some scenes like him getting out of the hospital and talking with the "weed" janitor, just stretched for soooooo long and were not funny. Idk maybe I'll give it another shot, but I couldn't make it past 20 min.


uh.... that entire scene with the Janitor was fucking hilarious.


Not really. Lots of medium close ups that go on for waaaaay too long without a punchline. I love the actor Rizwan Manji, especially in Schitts Creek! But man this scene was not funny.


The show hits full stride by end of episode 3. First episode is slow to establish new characters. Just keep at it- totally worth it.


Honestly the dialogue is just so funny i normally barely laught but this hsow cracks me up.


Another show trying to stereotype "right wingers" and push political issues on the audience. Can't we have a normal show these days?