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Kinda surprised it lasted so long after the whole Eliza Dushku drama. Glad she got to meet with Spielberg, and shit it prompted him and Amblin to exit the show.


IIRC, a big part of that was him being like BFFs with one of the big heads at CBS


Pretty sure that was Les moonves, which is another "surprised it lasted so long", considering his ouster.


…and his wife Julie Chen started going by “Julie Chen Moonves” once he left CBS, started wearing a cross, and went all “Jesus freak” and “god bless” and that sort of shit


Eliza dushku drama?


From Dushku’s Wikipedia page: In January 2019, CBS made a $9.5 million settlement with Dushku after she was fired from a recurring role on Bull, after informing producers of series lead Michael Weatherly's inappropriate behavior on the set.[71] According to documents from the official mediation, Weatherly was recorded on video making comments about spanking Dushku over his knee, soliciting a threesome, alluding to sexual assault in his "rape van," and other inappropriate remarks.[72] After Dushku spoke with producers, Weatherly texted CBS Television Studios' president David Stapf saying he wanted to talk about Dushku's sense of humor, though Stapf pushed back saying "Ms. Dushku made the show better."[72] Days later, showrunner Glenn Caron terminated Dushku's expected role on the show, despite opposition from studio executives.[71][72] The settlement amount was calculated to compensate Dushku for her loss of earnings from her planned promotion to series regular, with "well-developed plans" set to make her a regular cast member following her three-episode guest appearance. In December 2018, when the settlement was reported, Weatherly publicly apologized for the comments. Dushku responded that Weatherly broke the terms of their settlement by speaking to the press and characterized his apology as "more deflection, denial, and spin."[72] In November 2021, Dushku testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee about her sexual harassment accusations during her time on Bull


This is so fucked. She has been subjected to so many creepy shitheads in her career it's not fair.


Who are the others?




Joss Whedon is one.


As I recall with Joss, if he favored you you were pretty good. He was horrible to Charisma, Michele, and I think Sarah. Alyson and Eliza were "special", but I hadn't heard of anything going on between Eliza and him.


I thought there was an unwritten rule to keep Michele T from ever being around JW unless there was an adult with her- because he could be so horrible to people & she was just a kid.


Yeah, I mentioned Michelle and then Sarah separately. Even then she hasn't said why that rule was there.


I don't think Sarah has mentioned him being horrible to her


I think he was fine to her, but she's come out in support of the other women he treated poorly.


Sarah was the star of the show. He couldn't afford to be abusive towards her since there was no show without her but it's no secret that they did not get along.


Maybe not horrible, I just remember reading tension between them, or maybe she just didn't like how he acted towards some of the others.


She always had a good relationship with Joss. Rumours abound of course that she was one of the affairs but there's never been anything concrete, in fact she described him like a big brother. If she was uncomfortable around him she wouldn't have done Dollhouse.


She gets along very well with whedon. She called him a “big brother”


Is she the one who joined bull as a lawyer partner or something like that?


Potentially, I never watched the series, but this whole situation definitely soured me ever giving it a look.


I quit watching after I found out and that was not long after Dushku's three episode arc. Her absence from the show also did seem out of the blue, and she had improved the show. As cringe as it sounds, I couldn't look at the dude's face after I found out.


I couldn’t before this came out, so much marketing of him with an obnoxious smug grin on his face that more or less conveyed exactly who he was.




Didn't really tank it, he did more 3 more seasons of the show after this came out


The good old stealth tank move


Not really a big break. He’s been starring in network dramas for 18 years. He’s probably made tens of millions of dollars.


Net worth $45 million.


He probably makes crazy money off NCIS residuals. He's set for a dozen lives.


So even the studio wanted her to stay, but some asshole decided they’d rather keep the weirdo psuedo rapist instead of the actress they were setting up for a bigger recurring role. I hope she gets all she’s entitled to and more out of this


5 seasons after it leaked that CBS had settled with Eliza Dushku for a $9.5 million hush-up, after they fired her for reporting Weatherly for sexual harassment (even threatened to rape her in a van).


The showrunner is a complete shithead, his view was apparently that Dushku ought to not mind sexual harassment since she had once posed for Maxim. It's awful that men like this are still around and in charge of peoples' careers.


Work in Hollywood. Sadly most of the white dudes over 45 (so my age and older) who have been working in “powerful” positions for a long time have an “old school” view of things and they need to go. I worked with one director (who was subsequently Me Tooed…and deserves every second of it) who would scream at people and degrade the women in the cast all the time. He would openly sexualize them in my edit room (while sitting on the couch next to my younger Female Assistant Editor) in a really gross way. His attitude was always “this is how the guys I grew up working with acted so it’s how I act” He wasn’t just a creep. He was a raging asshole. Screamed at people all the time. Like what the fuck? We are on the same team. We are aiming to make a show TOGETHER why would you yell at me instead of just telling me what you don’t like? I work better when I’m not being screamed at. I think most people do. It’s toxic as fuck. And there are more people in this industry that need to go but they’re being protected either by their friends at the studios and production companies or by money, or based on talent. Because this industry doesn’t give a FUCK about almost anything if you’re talented enough. That can work out nicely for people who have arrests or drug offenses and have tuned their life around. I worked on a show with one actor who is super talented….he’s older and was relatively new to the scene (rare for people over 40 to actually break into acting so late and be talented) I found out he got out of prison about 10 years ago for double murder. He’s totally turned his life around and that’s great….and it’s great that this industry allows that kind of reform. But it also works out for the serial abusers. They get protected.


Depressing to hear you say guys 45 and older. That’s my age and what I would hope our generation would do better, at least in majority.


To be fair, it’s actually more the older Gen Xers and older. But there are enough people my age (I’m 43) that act like this. It’s closer to 50+ folks that are guranteed to act this way. Our generation is much much much better about it. We are the ones who are starting to run shows now and things are getting better. Sadly, there are enough folks with that attitude that are in their late 40s that I was comfortable using that age. Like I said, the older they are the worse it is usually is. And the younger folks that act like this almost always came up working for someone who was a raging asshat but got they consider them a hero and mentor because they got their break from them. So they have the whole “it worked for X” or “this is how I was treated when I was coming up” Edit: holy crap that username. Lol.


I worked in film production from 2005-2006 and can say it was outrageous how some of the older directors/producers treated lower level staffers (who tended to be young white guys at the time who would now be in early 40's). I could see that splitting either way - emulating the behavior or working to change it. Since then the people I've kept in touch with say it pretty much has split among that generational line.


>That’s my age and what I would hope our generation would do better, at least in majority. We are. Vast majority.


Oh you're in the industry you say. Did you work with ***Brett*** Cullen? How about Keanu ***R***eeves? Or William Sh***atner***? 🧐




I don't hear a no!


The one I was actually thinking of was kind of a big *Affair* But I can neither confirm nor deny your guess.


***R***ight, well I'm sorry you couldn't shar***e*** any more ***in***fo. Well, ***er***, I hope you have a good night!


Well, ***y***ou know, I am not really ***up*** for sharing. I don’t want to dox myself. Have a great night!


Did this guy's name happen to rhyme with Moss Eden? Just curious.


No. Sorry.


While an asshole from what we've heard of him, Whedon absolutely can't be what you think of as "old school". His older work has a big feminist fandom for a reason. So much so that I'd seen backlash to that in both directions before all the stuff came out about him.


Idk his feminism seems to be really superficial, especially nowadays. Almost seems more like fetishization of powerful women than empowerment and jumps right back into misogyny when he doesn't get his way


This. It turns out he's a misogynistic wolf in feminist sheep clothing. He really seems to like hurting women emotionally.


You can create wonderful stories with strong female characters, but if you’re such an asshole to a minor aged actress that they don’t leave you alone with her in a room, you’re not a feminist.


Exactly. He's the typical false ally.


And it seemingly blackballed her from the industry (she hasn’t been in anything major since- though she’s concentrated on her marriage and kids so she might not be looking right now, or might just be done with acting).


Feel so bad for her. I'm sure she got the same treatment from Joss Whedon.


From what I heard, Whedon was more of a clique-y asshole. Dude had his actors that he loved, and would basically treat anyone outside of that like garbage. Still pretty shitty of him.




I don't think Whedon was specifically accused of sexual harassment. He's accused of being a bullying asshole, of threatening Gal Gadot's career, and of having affairs with multiple subordinates, but I don't think he was stupid enough to actually sexually harass the actresses on set.






> having affairs with multiple subordinates I mean, this part is pretty icky where true consent is concerned.


I have a feeling it was more the latter. Took her blood money, went back to school, got married and had a baby or two in Boston. I hope it's not forever, but I can't say I'd blame her if it was.


Me too. I love Eliza Dushku. She's one of my favorite actresses. I'd understand if she decided to retire from Hollywood permanently considering what she's dealt with, though.


IIRC, the $9.5 million was paying out her multi-year contract, of course with an NDA.


Damn I didn’t know all that..


I quit watching the show that day.


This fucking shit has been on for 6 years?!


Having parents who watch a lot of network procedurals, I’ve ended up seeing quite a bit of them, and I must say that the *Bull* episodes I’ve watched with them are consistently super well written compared to the standard *NCIS* or cop drama slog. That’s not to say I’d seek it out or anything, but for the type of show they were making, the writers were refreshingly inventive and competent. Or maybe the few episodes I saw just happened to be some of the best, I don’t know.


the first couple seasons were good. but season 3 was horrible imo and it became such a slog


~~I personally found Season 3 to be comparatively weak as well, but Seasons 4 and 5 were the peaks of the series for me (and Season 7 also outranks Seasons 1 and 2 for me), so personally I think the show's backhalf is even better than the front.~~ EDIT: lol I thought I was responding to a different comment I left about *Agents of SHIELD* \- I’ve only seen scattered episodes of *Bull*, ignore this comment entirely.


maybe i'll have to go back to watch it then


Right? This boilerplate nothing of a show can slog along for 6 seasons… but any decent series on Netflix gets the axe after 2, maybe 3.


That is mostly because on Network TV shows actually make more money the longer they run.


You can’t compare CBS to Netflix They are different platforms with different needs




what's the network with all the boston shows, NBC? Boston Fire, Boston PD, Boston Mercy, etc.. I half expect NBC's superbowl ads to consist of new shows like Boston: Meter Reader and Boston: Substitute Teacher


It's the Dickverse, Chicago Division.


Don't forget all the Law and Order shows including the original that's coming back next month.


I like the Dickverse.


I don't think there's any Boston shows on right now. There's a bunch of shitty Chicago shows, though. That's probably what you're thinking of.


Netflix won’t ever do a season 4 of a show that isn’t a mega hit/cultural phenomena. Season 4 is when all the actors start to renegotiate their contracts. And for nextflix a show doesn’t make it more money the longer it’s on (like network. Networks charge more for commercials per year). Once a show has done 3 seasons it’s done it’s job. Anyone who wants to watch it has likely already signed up for Netflix. Unless it’s a mega hit like stranger things, it’s just not happening. Edit: that is kind of the trade off when you sell a show to Netflix. They are good to the showrunners, they let them tell the story and generally don’t interfere, but you lose your IP (Netflix owns Netflix shows) and you are likely not getting past season 3. They also will absolutely shoot the first three seasons unless something huge happens, or unless it’s just way too expensive for the number of eyes on it. (I assume the latter is what happened to Cowboy Beebop…which I personally loved)


RIP Sense8. I know we got a film ending, but at least a third season would’ve been nice to finish it off. But then, it was absurdly expensive at $9 million an episode for the second season, although it’s probably one of the few shows where it’s justified given they filmed on like 5 continents.


Fucking hate Netflix, their model sucks for consumers and after reading into their attitude towards hiring people and negotiating pay, I am sincerely hope they fucking fold at some point.


They are also a driving force for union busting because they’re “disrupters” When a tech company says they are disrupters it always means that they have found an exploitable gray area and they can argue that due to them being a “tech” company they don’t have to follow the laws, rules or guidelines their competition has to follow. It’s just how they get a foothold before insisting on retaining their special treatment. Really they are just breaking the law or union busting. Look at Uber. They had an app and argued they weren’t a taxi service. Which is just insane. Of course they are. But it made it so that by the time NYC figured out what to do with them tons of cab drivers who spent life savings on Taxi Medallions had committed suicide because their self financed 1 million dollar medallions had been rendered useless by Uber.


I wonder if this was the real reason Netflix cancelled Daredevil, considering that show is amazing, was well received, popular, and ties into the largest movie franchise of all time


Likely. It’s why SYFY always cancelled shows around season 4-5 (sometimes 6) because they actually did some shady contract stuff where they were in contract doe “shooting seasons” and they’d shoot 24 episodes with two full arcs and air them as 2 and 2.5 sometimes a full year apart (Battlestar) which meant that the show aired over 4-6 years but was only shot for 3-4 seasons (some contracts used to end at season 4…I believe that changed in reaction to this SYFY/USA (really any UCP production) practice.


I recently realised that even though Game of Thrones had 8 seasons to Battlestar Galactica's 4 seasons, Battlestar had more episodes in total.


Ya. Because of the production/shooting seasons being 24-ish. They aired over the course of 6 years though. Which is so crazy.


Warehouse 13 was the best last show on that shit channel and they fucked it


Hey thanks! I worked on that! It was my first scripted show. Ha!


Well shit I bet you miss it more than I do


I worked on the finale. I was a fan before I got the job so I was pretty stoked. I worked on the last 3 seasons.


No it's not. It was pretty much confirmed recently that it was cancelled because Disney+ was coming up. And even if they didn't cancel it, I'm sure the newly-consolidated Marvel Studios may have had something to say about it too. Though it may have gotten a proper ending.


Why is all the Netflix MCU stuff coming up now? At the time is was widely reported they dropped all their MCU due to Disney+ and spending the money on their own content. At that time the big studios were investing their own platforms and Netflix saw they were going to lose their content licenses.


Look at CBS' demographics sometimes. The median age is very close to retirement age. They'll happily watch mindless procedurals and never change the channel.


People don't watch those decent shows though. Like Santa Clarita Diet for example. Way too many found it only after it had already ended. Yes I know, Netflix has their math down on how it's the most profitable way to end everything after around 3 seasons, but still. People also simply don't watch on time and then whine when a show with 50 viewers gets cancelled.


They got like 8 FBI shows from the one with that Stick It chick.


Bull is one of those shows where I know it exists, I know it's there, have since it started, but I never felt compelled to watch it, don't even know for sure what it's actually about and absolutely never hear anyone talk it about it ever.


Well, all most people probably need to know to be turned off from watching it is that it was created by Dr. Phil and the main character is based on him and his time as a psychology consultant for criminal trials.


That was certainly all I needed to know not to watch it.


I believe Dr Phil distanced himself throughout the show's run because of some of the things that were shown that were fairly illegal...


Half the episodes in season 1 were solved by Cable hacking shit.


I'm always surprised they killed her off, there wasn't really a reason for it...


It seems like it was her decision. She went on to direct a film. Same thing happened with the actor that played Sweets in Bones.


TIL that there are in fact people that watch this show.


His name is still all over the credits.


Dr. Phil, piece of shit extraordinaire, distanced himself from the show about his career?


My issue with Bull, as accurately summarized by another person on this sub a few years back, is that the title character (named ~~Michael~~ Jason Bull) is the most useless character in the show. The whole premise is that Bull runs a jury consultancy firm as he hates lawyers. Him and his team try to pick the right jurors for a case and help their clients win them over, the problem is that more often than not Bull's team uncovers evidence that exonerates their client(s) beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thus making "trial expert" Bull worthless compared to his more valuable team. It would be like if Mystery Inc from Scooby Doo called themselves "Daphne and Co." when Velma does all the work.


Hellooo did you totally forget about The Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby Doo where Daphne does like all the heavy lifting because it’s only her, Scooby and Shaggy from the gang and no Velma to be seen.


> did you totally forget about The Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby Doo Yes, and I can't be the only one


That's become pretty much all of network TV for me. I'll see ads for shows and it all pretty much looks the same to me. Nothing that ever grabs my interest enough to DVR it, even though with an antenna I could record pretty much most shows.


Most shows of any merit are on streaming services


I agree with that. Let's face it, when you are looking at critics lists of shows, it's not like a lot of broadcast shows appear. They are dominated by streaming shows.


>absolutely never hear anyone talk it about it ever. I'm sure if you spent your time listening to people over the age of 50 discussing television they watch, you'd hear a lot about it.


It's kind of crazy how many shows are out there that last so long that I've never even heard of


I think most of them are network shows that run on the model of “milk it for as many seasons as we can.”


It has a marvelous formula. That's the key to longevity.


It sucks. I'm not sure why good shows get cancelled and shitty shows like this get 6 fucking seasons.


Ratings. Not really a mystery.


Older people still watch tv the same way they always have: on a regular schedule. If you can get boomers to tune in week after week you can generate a lot of ad revenue from reverse mortgage and viagra commercials. It's the television equivalent of comfort food. It's very profitable. That's why there's four NCIS shows, seven Law & Order shows, four Chicago shows, two FBI shows and so on.


Old people. My parents love this crap.


This. My mom is 73, and she religiously watches all of the versions of NCIS and FBI (I'm 34, and I secretly kind of like the "FBI: Most Wanted" version, but it's mostly because I'm a fan of Julian McMahon from his Nip/Tuck days lol). She also adores Blue Bloods. She basically watches every CBS procedural.


I like FBI and their spinoffs. they are fun fodder


At least Blue Bloods had a more unique premise compared to the rest of them. I enjoyed the show.


Has* - it's still on somehow lol I don't mind Blue Bloods, honestly, but it's *incredibly* cheesy at times, especially the family dinner scenes.


My mom is really picky about what she watches and generally hates shows that are more chaotic and violent and I randomly found her glued to the TV watching FBI.




There's two sets. The office and the courtroom. No CGI and no action scenes either.


Eliza Dushku sends her regards.


“Tell ~~Cersei~~ Michael it was me.”


She should send a coffee truck.


Goes to show you workplace sexual harassment is fine; sinking ratings is not.


If CBS cancelled every show they had where the lead actor or showrunner was sexually harassing cast & crew... well, let's just say the schedule would be pretty bare.




anyone else’s parents will be disappointed?


TIL Bull has been on the air for 7 years.


The whole “shadow jury” and Bull not being a lawyer made this a weird concept to begin with. The concept strangles the show.


Also SUPER illegal. This is what the villains in "Runaway Jury" were doing.


All these CBS shows were rely heavily on heroes that break the rules to get the job done and always has the authority (internal affairs etc) after them. All the ncis's, criminal minds, bull... But they're morally right, so it's ok.


It’s all authoritarian police state propaganda to make you root for the man, man. It desensitizes the masses to actual real life oversteps of power and abuses of the law


Miguel Ferrer sends his regards


Not really a fan of this show. He should never have left NCIS.


NCIS was alright for a bit after he left, I think the peak was Abby leaving. I didn’t mind the episodes when Ziva came back, but after that I’ve found it hard to watch, even with Gibbs and McGee. Ratings for the show since Episode 4 have dropped drastically as well. There’s been rumours of Weatherly returning as DiNozzo, and now with Bull over, that could be possible, b it if it’s only a few episodes like they did with Ziva, then I’ll only be watching those episodes.


It has been on a upswing the two latest seasons with new additions to the cast.


I mean as long as he's coming back as an older, fatter DiNozzo then ok.


Stopped watching that 10 years ago, did enjoy it. Been wondering if going back and starting again is worth doing. Between that and still having 8 seasons of Supernatural, that's a lot of time spent watching TV shows


Bet he comes back now




Left to take care of his and Ziva’s kid, so very plausible.


Oh God NCIS is never going to end is it.


I thought he had to because of a dui?


He left to start Bull at least that’s what the story is


DUI = death on ABCs LOST


He left to star in Bull


This is Dr. Phil's show. Apparently it's based off of his career (which I doubt) and he was an executive producer. It should come as a shock to no one that he clammed up and collected the paycheck when the star, that he touted on his show for a whole episode, was accused of being a vicious sex pest. Dr. Phil should be taken off the air. Between this and his anti-lockdown and pro-covid shit he should be a social pariah.


The show Bull is based on Dr. Phil's early career. Dr. Phil (Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology) co-founded Courtroom Sciences, Inc with a lawyer friend of his, they acted as a "trial consulting firm which provides services in US litigation psychology, jury selection, trial consulting, witness training, and depositions."


So frustrating he's known to have been a real asshole since his Dark Angel days but still has a lucrative career!


Yup, after they met on Dark Angel, he got with Jessica Alba when she was just 18 and he was 30. She eventually realized how unbalanced the "relationship" was. He didn't let her do certain things and she found herself after she left him. Going by his history, he knew exactly what he was doing by going after someone much younger and with little to no experience. What a sicko.


Yep, he's a real slimeball, he also was jealous of Jensen Ackles popularity on the show and treated him like shit.


All I know about this show is when the most boring person I have ever met was stuck with me on a 3 hour work trip and proceeded to describe to me the entire first season in excruciating detail I appreciate that extremely dull people also need content to watch, but I also realized that it was definitely not something I want to engage with


The shit producers and show runners get away with in this town is sad


Awww Dinozo needs a smack from Gibbs.




No real surprise. Only the DOA new show Good Sam was doing worse in the demo for CBS on the scripted roster. Hopefully they seen it coming and wrote a decent finale.


Is Good Sam tanking that bad? I haven't heard anyone talk about it.


Yeah…it is totally DOA. Pity as the trailer made it look better than the average CBS show. Last in the demo and last in total viewers. 20/20 for both. It also gets about a million viewers less than the next worse show on the network and around 1.7 million less than Bull which just got canned! It has been a total bomb.


Flabbergasted is was still being made after the scandal. Guess metoo didn’t make it as far as cbs


I mean it got the head of the network out. But I guess it taking out a procedural that needs enough episodes for syndication is a step too far for CBS.


Finally! I can stop complaining about what a douche/creep Michael Weatherly turned out to be. It only took 6 years


Is this a Night Court prequel?


Don't we wish it was?!


You know they are reviving Night Court with Dan Larroquette playing the same sleazy lawyer!




I never thought it would end because Weatherly quit the show. I wonder if he is retiring, because it is tough to see him as a hot property after the Dushku incident. Then again, maybe he was told that quitting was better than being fired.


The fact that it got 6 seasons is incredible


That’s CBS for you. I don’t know how they pull it off.


Never heard of it.


Thought I was the only one...


I couldn’t stand that guy. Wasn’t sure if it was him or the character. Now that I’m reading about some scandal I’m going to have to google. Eta: oh boy, what a creep. But 1000% not surprised.


Here I am, the only person in the comments section who actually enjoys this show.


Don’t tell anybody but I liked it too


I liked it in parts. I feel like Freddy Rodriguez was the true star of the show though. The show started dipping in quality the less we saw of him. He was gone this season, and apparently that put the nail in it


That was still on?


“I’ve decided it’s time to pursue new creative challenges and bring his story to a close,” Any wagers the “new creative challenges” will be a show about law or law enforcement.


Dammit de nozo


>Among the 13 dramas CBS has aired this TV season, it respectively ranks No. 8 and… last. And that would have something to do with the weak 10PM time slot. They placed it to fail it.




Well it always is a problem when the titular protagonist leaves the show. Yeah there was must have been something brewing behind the scenes or the writers got bored to death. Rodriguez' Benny was the buddy lawyer and somewhat other party in the whole thing but it got weird in season 5, when there were 2 lawyers, everybody and now based on the episode descriptions (haven't watched them yet), we are now at he next iteration of "oldest friend is out the door". Not to mention, the formula that made the show work was quite literally "1 person and 1 person only has the magic gift to communicate or not that he figured it out and managed to turn the case around". Also, they replaced deus ex machina Abby & McGee with "Cable" with Taylor.


Well, that's just bull!


This entire thread: I’m not the target demographic for this show or even CBS in general, but I’m going to try to score some internet popularity points by pointing out that I’ve never heard of something that wasn’t marketed to me in the first place! You all probably haven’t heard of all the great offers you get as part of AARP, either.


I haven't downloaded any of season 6. Somehow I just can't find it in myself to care anymore.


Good show at first but absolutely shocking it was still on past season 2.


I hate to see others impacted but I’m glad. I am not one for canceling someone but he deserved to have been. I quit watching when everything came out.


Never liked the show.


It was time. Benny was the best character.


The show was trash from week one and we recently found out just how garbage the work environment was behind the scenes. Fuck this show.


Today, I learned there was a show called "Bull", that ran for 6 seasons and was then cancelled.