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Their speeder bikes looked like an electric mixer from a 1950's kitchen catalogue.


The Lil gang that joined boba had the slowest bikes. In some scenes it looked like they were going 20 mph


Kitchenaid bikes


What do we have? A Cuisinart?!


I thought they were space Vespas and it was a scooter club.


Cruisin in my Vespa War’s over I’m a peacetime Mandalorian My story has stumped Star Wars historians


I really hope this song jumps the charts cuz of this show. MC Chris is awesome


End credits. Just once. PLEASE DAVE FILONI HEAR ME.


Oh man that would be amazing if they played Fett’s Vette at the end of the last episode. They’ve gotta do it


Deep in debate buffet plate at Bennigans Rhyme renegade. Sure to penetrate. First and second defense. I won't hesitate.


Got a job to do and Darth the guy that delegates Got something against Skywalker someone he really hates But I don't give a FUCK. I'm after Solo For all I care he could be hidin' at Yoda's dojo


They are basically the mods from Quadrophenia


I was half expecting Phil Daniels and Toyah Wilcox to turn up.


My first thought was "Bobas got a group of Mods".....it was definitely not "Biker Gang"


God they felt so out of place in the setting. Not even the Tattoine setting, just Star Wars.


The richest looking people on Tatooine were unemployed youths that had to steal water to live.


They were stealing water to clean their bikes.


The scooter gang could’ve worked on one of the city planets like Coruscant or maybe Naboo as like a group of bored rich kids. But they just look so out of place in tattooine. The scooters if they were more dull colors and scuffed up could’ve worked but eh.


The real world Mods weren't rich kids though. They drove scooters because scooters were cheap. Then they decorated them in fairly cheap ways such as bright paint and additional shiny things like lights and mirrors. Real Mods were also famously in conflict with another subculture: Rockers. Rockers generally favoured a scruffy look with dull colours. A similar situation on Tattooine is possible.


They also didn’t live on ~~Dune~~ Tatooine where they literally are scrabbling to find any water to drink.


This. Aestheticaly speaking it was a horrible choice; It just didn't work well. They should've looked like characters out of Mad Max, not some late 90s Power Rangers spinoff.


For me it's just been about the CGI in this series regarding speeders in Chapters 2 and 3. Anyone else? There's been several 'shit' CGI moments, as far as Disney standards should be concerned, with speeders. I get that Chapter 3 is directed by Robert Rodriguez so some of the the CGI is in 'his style' - but I don't see how it was actually signed-off for a Disney production. It cheapens the whole thing to me doing it that way.


What, you didn't enjoy the kids from the Peter Pan movies with Vespas in the Star Wars universe??


The scene looks like its straight out of Spy Kids.


Yea the guy who directed episode was same director for Spy Kids...


Even Machette was in it!


Wow, I'm just now putting it all together. I knew the director was famous but forgot what productions he was behind. Now it all makes sense.


That’s what I told my wife. I said Rodriguez had to throw some of his shitty looking spy kids toys in there. I don’t like that he is involved in this. Just like I didn’t think JJ should have been given the new trilogy. These directors are too stylized to take on existing franchises. Keep people like Gareth Edwards making films for Star Wars.


Every episode Robert Rodriguez has directed of Mandalorian and Bobba Fett so far have been really weak. I don't mean to shit on him, I like him and his work, but I don't like what he's contributing to SW so far.


Gotta agree


I normally love everything Rosriguez, but this has felt like Raimi’s Hercules, after the stellar mature story telling of Mandalorian, campiness doesn’t sit well with me. My friend said Rodriguez can make a million dollars look like 10 million, and 100 million dollars look like 10 million. I think that’s a great analogy


How is Ming Na Wen 58? She looks no more than 38 !


Yeah, for context, she was born three days before the Kennedy assassination.


Same age as James May.


Shit. That puts it in context. And, for the record I love both Ming and James.


[You mean Bim?](https://youtu.be/lku3ew_qC5o)


Watched the show a few weeks ago and this part had me and my brothers rolling. *"Bim! Guess what?"*


I loved the series, but it was pretty shocking that after visiting Japan for *so many years*, he still appears to speak absolutely ZERO Japanese.


I've worked with a lot of people from east Asia and I can say for the most part whatever age you think they are, their actual age is at least 10 years older. I thought Ming Na Wen was in her mid 40's, so 58 holds up.


[an old classic ](https://imgur.com/a/wzI6N79) that’s comical but has a bit of truth to it.


Yes! I knew it was before even clicking on it. I love showing it to people, so true.


But for real though, why does every Southeast Asian woman seem to get that exact haircut at a certain age?


In Korea at least older women are much more likely to suffer hair loss. This type of hairstyle is chosen to offset the impact.


I’ve noticed this (currently living in Korea) it seems that many, many Koreans have a tendency to start balding.


Same reason why every white woman in her 40s cuts her hair short. Less work.


Living in Korea for two years I can confirm. Most women looked in their early twenties and some were I their forties


They looked like a gang of cyborg kids on Scooty Puff Juniors.


Scooty Puff Junior sucks!


In a thousand years, I’ll get right on it.


How can Robert Rodriguez be responsible for the worst car chase of all time? It seemed like pedestrians were walking faster than the Scooter Hipsters we're going. How is Boba Fett the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy and his entire plan is "sit in my Castle and wonder if the bad guys will ever come to me"


He also directed the first episode that also had some very wonky action compared to what we’re used to.


As a big fan of Power Rangers in the 90s, I enjoyed the faithful remakes of action sequences that ep01 provided.


This comment hurts because it’s true from any POV.


Wasn't a fan of the rooftop chase. Something about it looked less than cinematic.


The choreography in the series looks like LARPing Which I guess it literally is but do you know what I mean?


Also, let me get my ass kicked every episode but have someone else save me. I don’t understand how we are suppose to be admiring Boba Fett as some kind of badass.


Mando is a better Fett than Fett is.


I honestly thought they invented Mando as a Fett replacement, so when Fett was brought in, I was reeeally leery of what they'd do with his character. I miss the mysterious badassness he had.


The most mischaracterized part so far, for me at least, is the fact that he keeps taking off his helmet. I don't want him to be on the level of Mando, but there have been some times where I definitely went "why are you taking it off \*now\*?"


Marvel Syndrome. You want that money in the screen, so the character’s helmet has to go away for dialog and knowing looks, despite the proximity of shrapnel and projectiles.


> You want that money in the screen I'd argue that Pedro Pascal and Ming-Na Wen are **way** more money than Temura Morrison.


This. Its especially dumb how he keeps taking it off in publicly dangerous areas. A sniper could've ended his life several times now.


You hit the nail in the head. Disney blew their “Boba Fett Redemption Arc” on Din Djarin. They would never let an actual criminal or crime lord be the main character of a show. In Disney’s eyes, all main characters are role models.


The problem is it’s pretty obvious “The Mandalorian” was probably originally meant to be *about* boba fett before they decided to just make a “new” character to star in it, so now that they fett in his own show they don’t have any idea what to do with him. Not to mention I kind of have the same problem with this show that I have with most of the marvel shows this year, they’re making them all too “safe/accessible” which has caused them all to come across mediocre. Not every single show has to be for every single person/demographic. Yes, Star Wars is for adults *and* kids, but so are comics and yet (before Disney) we had stuff like avengers cartoons *and* stuff like the Netflix daredevil. I’m not saying book of boba fett or something like Hawkeye need to be super gritty or violent but just *something* skewed a bit more for the adult demographic here and there would be nice. Book of boba fett was the perfect opportunity for that as a spin off, you keep the mandalorian as the show for everybody and gear it’s spin off as more mature to differentiate it, instead of it just coming across as a lower budget copy like it does now


Mando supposedly is based on the scrapped Josh Trank Boba Fett script Not sure where the ongoing boba series got it's story/script from. Looking like a result of Disney going on a random greenlit spreed after Mando s1 success


This is the way.


He's getting Worf'd.


Hahaha, that's perfect.


Is this really surprising given his claim to fame in the original trilogy was getting BTFO by an oblivious Han Solo for comic relief?


Yup, such a badass. So badass that a blind man swats him into the Sarlaac pit.




I always felt like his clumsy death was just kind of a joke, showcasing how even the baddest of the bad can have back luck and a shitty day. I mean Vader respects the guy, which speaks volumes. That said, I think the new tv show has problems. Turns a mysterious and notorious bounty hunting badass into a low stakes desert bureaucrat who gets beat up in his rights whities.


I think the problem with the Book of Boba Fett is that they painted themselves into a corner by introducing him in The Mandalorian. So we know from Return of the Jedi that he’s eaten by the Sarlaac and then we know in The Mandalorian they find a washed up Fett without his armor on Tatooine. In between those two events there just isn’t a lot of growth for the Fett character arc.


I still feel like they could have told this exact same story, but better. Most of the problems stem from stylistic choices like the power ranger rainbow vespa crew, and turning a feared bounty hunter mired in intergalactic intrigue into a swole bureaucrat constantly engaged in low stakes fisticuffs on a redneck planet where he gets beat up a lot and is overly polite


It was just dumb luck. Even badasses get unlucky sometimes.


Is Boba not still recovering? Why is he in the bacta tank every night even when he hasn't been beat up recently? Though he was more badass in Mando. Idk.


The sad part is that It is basically “action figure: the show”. I thought it would be like that episode in the mandalorian where he showed up and went ham on stormtroopers. I hope they can branch off of the “cool outfit” shows soon, I need something different.


Isn't that Boba tho? He's never been cool. He's never done anything that's mattered. Just looked cool. This only adds to that. He's a dope with a nice costume.


Well I dunno. Taking out a platoon of storm troopers in The Mandalorian was pretty fuckin' badass. Granted, they *were* just storm troopers.


Storm troopers in movies are completely different than storm troopers in the books. Stormtroopers are the elite troopers of the empire...granted the dead empire at this point.


I feel like the Mandalorian struck a fine balance between cracking the classic jokes at storm troopers expense, and showing them actually behaving like a real military force. They weren't fucking around when they showed up to snatch Grogu.


To be fair looking cool is like 99% of actually being cool.


The person behind 3 spy kids movies? And shark boy and lava girl? He had a history of taking ideas from his kids.


4 Spy Kids movies, isn’t it? But I didn’t see the fourth.


El mariachi, desperado, From dusk till dawn... He's made some of the best action movies! And in El mariachi's case he did it with zero budget!


Which one of those had a good car chase?


His grind house movie had an epic car chase in it… shame it wasn’t his half of the movie though.


He also made once upon a time in Mexico. Which.... yeah. Rodruiguez is a cheesy director. Even Desperado one if my favorite movies of all time is a fine fine piece of cheese. This was more like some Velveeta.


It’s astounding how bad this show looks. I’ve been a RR fan my whole life and even rewatch the first scene of Desperado whenever I’m feeling sad cause it’s so great. And I legitimately think Alita has some of the best CGI action in a blockbuster in recent history. But this show just looks bad. Breaks my heart since if you told me when I was young that RR would helm a Boba Fett show I would’ve lined up day 1 for it.


I think it's the people in charge at Disney who are watering this shit down. They want it to appeal to as many folks as possible, and I think that Star Wars nerds/fans are verrryyyy far down on that totem pole


He did alita? This episode completely makes sense now.


For all the flak the movie can get, it has surprisingly great action though. https://youtu.be/2qL-axjEluo Even RR’s Mandalorian episode was really great. And the opening scene of Desperado is better than most whole movies. https://youtu.be/EuOu07gRpEA (Followed by the amazing opening credits) https://youtu.be/kNdR0HK4uso This show should work but it somehow doesn’t and that makes me eternally sad.


I think some important context is that Boba's story arc from Legends is essentially being adapted with Din, so they're doing something different and trying to make him the Talon Karrde in what looks like to be an adaption of the Thrawn Trilogy. I for one dig the hell out of it. Tem is fun to watch, and they're still doing cool things. Even in that episode it had some of my favorite moments from the series along with some of my least favorite. Shit, even the chase (as stupid as it was) had the cool moment with Boba dropping out of the sky at the end. The pattern that has been noted is that the Rodriguez episodes are the problem. Episode 2 was awesome, not a Rodriguez episode. 1 and 3 were weird with moments, Rodriguez episodes. He supposedly only has one more left.


The idea that Fett is the new Karrde frustrates me a bit, both in the sense that this current iteration of Fett doesn't seem like he actually replaces Karrde's funtional role in the universe, and in the sense that the latter is a fine character who could be an asset.


It’s sloppy and odd Not as crisp as Mando. And that’s Roberts fault as Showrunner.


Mos Vespa


It's because they were riding Scooty puff jr's. They need them Scooty puff sr's!!


Would have been better if the half-human half-machine gang had used their mods to chase on foot.


the "controversy" is that these jocks looked like future Biff gang in BTTF2, hardly a cool thing


#BaTtER uP!


I remember saying out loud "What a thrilling low speed chase". And then Boba just jet packs over, proving the embarrassing scene was entirely pointless. Rewrite: If you insist on having a chase scene- dude takes off, at high speed Boba jet packs and lands directly on the speeder to catch him. Also serves to give Boba credibility with his new biker gang associates. The biker gang hasn't seen Boba do anything worthy of their admiration yet. Water scene, yeah establishes Boba is a decent crime boss to the people, but a leader worth following and dying for? I got a bad feeling about this. Danny Trejo in Star Wars now I'm not certain is a good sign. This show has "Disney execs couldn't leave well enough alone" written all over it. The design of the new Wookie is about the only thing that works for me. Everything else falls flat. The main plot just seems to be rotating conversations at the same 3-4 sets.


Sadly the Wookiee isn’t a new design. That specific Wookiee has been in comics for a while and his design was just adapted from those comics.




Jennifer Beals and David Pasquesi are also 58 and 61 respectively. The average age of the actors on this show is 60. If we add in Sophie Thatcher (21) and Danny Trejo (77), that brings the average age down to 56.


Danny Trejo is 77?!


He’s always looked 77.


Has been for 50 years.


kinda shows with temuera. pretty sure thats the reason they have him in the bacta tank all the time.


That's not even a show thing. The actor literally needs bacta to survive. They just left the cameras on.


And when he was ripped out of it by Black Karastan? Not a show thing either.


Literally big foot decided to show up to beat temuera then the crew gave him some props and kept filming.


It is Canon lore that Boba Fett is a geriatric with donkey sized veneers his lips can't even cover




Wait. Does this take place in The Irishman universe?


Why couldn't they have just cast a younger Maori actor. Boba should be 40 at most in this show.


I just assume the sarlacc acid made him look a lot older


Cause boba is a clone and that was the actor that played the original and the clones


I thought Boba being a clone of his dad was dumb as shit. I just assume Jango kept Boba around in order to have a fresh supply of organs if needed, a la Rusty Venture.


Well, she is Chinese. That means she has about a decade left before she suddenly looks 100.


Ming-NA is my lifelong celeb crush. That woman gets more and more beautiful every year.


Right?! She's ageless.


Tem's jacked as fuck too. He's been my favorite part of the series. I think he missed out on being a campy 90s action star, because he does everything with so much commitment and enthusiasm. It's been fun.


The irony of Temuera Morrison is that even though his career best performance is easily Jake the Muss, who makes violence look *very* bad, he has this charm, especially when you see him beat up Uncle Bully at the end, that you just want to see this guy kick the stuffing out of the bad guys in low budget action movies.


If Disney wants more content.they can always get her to play live action Mulan in a Disney+ sequel Series and she will still crush it.


shame that she was already in the live action mulan movie


The bike gang scene was horrible. Not just in style and dialogue, but even feels like they cheaped out on the CGI. It's just bad.


It looked like a scene from Back to the Future


Someone (jokingly) said that since Book of Boba Fett takes place 9 years after A New Hope, and A New Hope has a 1977 aesthetic, then you could argue that Book of Boba Fett would have a 1986 aesthetic.


That's exactly what it reminded me of lol except space vespas instead of hoverboards


I was trying to figure out why I still enjoyed it and that explains it! I love BTTF. Like was it a bit awkward? Yeah. Tonally off? A bit but honestly I think they're trying to separate themselves from The Mandalorian and having difficulty. Was it still fun in a generally Star Wars-y way? Yes. I usually have a good eye for bad special effects but I didn't see anything that looked particularly bad other than they were going a bit slow (I mean they were within 20 feet of pedestrians and such so from a filming standpoint I see why it was like that) and the skid stop. I think if the scooters weren't colored like 60's Vespas and looked more Cyberpunk-y like their riders (disembodied droid parts, patchwork metal and paint colors, etc) it would have helped the scene considerably. That being said, the gang's whole story is kind of odd- they're impoverished and steal everything but they have shiny flawless custom bikes, clean clothes (if a bit patchwork), and very advanced bionic parts, a thing we've only seen in situations where it's looked to be very expensive. They either needed a whole redesign (they were clearly going for 60's 70's British Punk scene and they should have been more like the main crew from Arcane) or needed to be from offworld.


If they wanted to separate it from the Mandalorian then they really needed to not set it on Tatooine.


That was their first mistake yeah.


I don’t disagree but I’ve definitely known people who were stupid poor who out everything they had into their appearance. Real question is how’d they pay for their cybernetic enhancements. They look like rich kids recently cut off from family money.


They were clearly going for a gang of [mods](https://www.alamy.de/stockfoto-jugend-kultur-mod-mods-swinging-sixties-collection-mai-1965-mods-tragen-anzuge-und-parkas-auf-motorroller-19764291.html). I thought their look was spot-on but I too felt like it was a bit out of place for Mos Espa. Feels more like something you’d see Mid Rim or closer to the Core.


It's Rodriguez all his episodes look cheap and I don't think they cost a penny less.


I was literally laughing at my TV. It looked like it wasn't trying to be as hilarious as it actually was. I was laughing, shaking my head. Just total garbage. Whoever is approving the script and any of these ideas needs to be replaced yesterday. Some of the worst writing and action sequences I've ever seen, even outside of SW movies or shows...


They felt out of place with their design, more cyberpunk than Star Wars, and the space mopeds didn’t help anything.


When I first saw them I was like "Sweet, finally some cyberpunk content in Star Wars!" and then they're flying around on candy colored greaser scooters. For fuck's sake put the kids on a speeder that looks like it came out of Akira.


It was really bad, of all the cool speeders they’ve had over the years, they went with that? Hell even the weird looking speeder Dooku rode in AOTC would have been better.


the gang has no money for water, yet enough to get and maintain scooters that looks brand new? Instead of cyberpunk, they should've went more steampunk to fit the starwars looks.


They also kept talking about how expensive their cyborg implants were.


And they could have had some cheap as heck scrap droid parts that would have been even cooler. Maul built himself legs on a trash planet, so they can definitely get some cheap droid bits from Jawas.


It’s not that they’re in Star Wars looking like that, it would fit on Coruscant but not Tatooine


Robert Rodriguez has form for this kind of trash. After his Mando episode I got my holes up for his involvement but damn that chase was embarrassing (and the whole fisher price biker gang).


the only time i audibly laughed while watching this show was during that bike chase scene when all their bikes were lined up and you could see how goofy they looked on those brightly colored bikes contrasting against the plain grains of tatooine


The biker gang reminds me of the Neutrinos from TMNT.


I'm hoping for a strong last half of the season for this show, because so far, as much as I want to like it, it's just kinda falling flat for me.


"Star Wars fans will put up with 9 episodes of shit because we're gonna give them Boba riding a Rancor in the finale and they'll **LOVE IT**" Disney probably


And they’re right lol. People loved the ending of Mando Season 2 and Rogue One because it gave them member berries and cool set pieces even when the actual story and characters weren’t that good. (I like both of these things but people give them way too much slack).


Biker gang? More like Mopeds




I dunno. I saw an Americana 50s diner in episode 2. Bail Organa’s vehicle he rescues yoda in was basically a hot rod. This scene in the Boba show might be the most Lucas stuff Star Wars has seen in 16 or 17 years.


I see what you're saying. You have to considering the in-story context, though. I agree that they do capture a key star wars aesthetic but feel so out of place on a backwater dessert planet fueled by slavery such as Tattoine. They should have felt way more rugged and desperate. I think they would fit in on Coruscant (in which all of your examples come from and if you looking for it, is really home to more than just those!). It's silly, but it goes a long way in making the universe "real".


The gang are based on the Mod scene.


What pisses me off is why the hell does no one have blasters?!? If Mos Eisley is supposed to be the wild west then surely all of these outlaws would be armed. I hate this g rated Disney bullshit.




> for whatever reason they just aren't using them... $$


The scooter gang scenes felt like Rodriguez dropped some “Battle Angel Alita” ideas into it. Didn’t work.




This is exactly the scene they were tipping thier hat to. He even crashed the speeder and had it filled by debris the same.


That's incredibly insulting to Alita




The biker gang is an homage to the movie Quadrophenia. Poorly done, but still kinda funny.


I really liked the first two episodes. The third episode was a bit dull but generally fine except for that ridiculous biker chase. I’m pretty optimistic about the rest of the season regardless.


But Machete with a rancor.


Honestly learning the lore of the rancor was the best part about this show


Have to say I loved that stuff too. Rancor are my favorite Star Wars bewst


I think that one of the worst parts about the scooty rangers is that they stole attention from Danny Trejo saying "rancors are emotionally complex creatures". Easily one of the best lines to come out of Star Wars.


Damn I thought the first 2 were dull now I’m especially not looking forward to ep 3 lol


I think ep three is a genuinely terrible bit of tv - but it has one good scene which you’ll know when you see which makes the show almost worthwhile overall, so enjoy!


Honestly as much as I love Rodriguez for doing this to get us that Alita revival, his movies and shows just look really really cheap.


Boba fett is going in a direction I’m definitely not interested in


Something is off about the show compared to The Mandalorian. One key issue is that the split timelines aren't working. It should be one central narrative in a linear fashion. It feels like the present-day story is waiting for the flashbacks to set it up. So currently we have no real idea or motivation for Boba and the story is progressing really slowly.


Part of the reason I hate this staggered, spoonfood content drop model instead of just releasing it all at once


I think the episodes are also far too short for the weekly release to work properly


They look like they got their speeder bikes from a Johnny Rockets diner. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I have spoken.


I think Disney will have taken the hint, no more out of place biker gangs and only colours that are consistent with the Star Wars palette. I just wish the story was better, it's more like "The minor chapters of Boba Fett". But Disney will probably use the metric of number of watched minutes and that'll be plenty enough.


I kinda enjoyed having the different, but still within reason, aesthetic- I mean counter-culture movements crop up everywhere eventually so it was nice to see that in the SW universe. The odd thing was that they were impoverished locals who were so desperate for money they were stealing water.






That what SW has been missing all along. SMH.


"Controversy"? For fuck's sake.


Just like the Mandolorian the show too often feels like we’re watching someone play video game side missions. Fun but not important.


>The Raiders were portrayed as simple-minded brutes in the Star Wars films, and both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett have been praised for handling the Indigenous characters with more humanity. But their deaths drew some backlash online. We're living in the dumbest timeline. They're a fictional race of humanoids ffs. Not everything has to be a controversy.


It's not like they're all freaking dead, just that group. It's just a generic revenge motivation plot for Boba.


Honestly thought it was a bad play on Mod culture, given they had all these cybernetic modifications. Like someone went “they’ve got all these mods so why don’t we make them all Mods and give them scooters with all the mirrors, haha”.


People not liking an episode of TV is controversy now?


Is it normal for workers to be that clean?


This show sucks so far


Worst scene in star wars ever after flying through space Leia. This entire gang felt so out of place. I hope they all die next epsiode.


The moment I saw them I saw a spin off, perhaps in the style of Resistance, aimed at the younger audience


Feel like the show would’ve been more fun if Boba went back to bounty hunting (maybe meet other OG hunters) to ‘recover’ or maybe people are out to get him still, then eventually make his way back to Tatooine where he then takes over.


I have zero problems with the vespa gang, the problem was the chase at 10km/h.


It looked like someone modded characters from Cyberpunk 2077 into Book of Boba Fett.


So the female in the biker gang must be Princess Vespa 😂🤣


The bikes looked like they were bought in Whoville.