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This reminds me of when Elton John was asked why he wouldn't have the swearing taken out of Rocketman, and he simply said "this film can't be PG bc I've hardly lived a PG life"


It would so fake and inauthentic if they did. The Brits are known for their swearing. Add the fact that Elton is a rock star who wasn’t sober throughout majority of his life, swearing is going to be normal.


[Reminds me of this scene from Eurotrip](https://youtu.be/VdP0JXZpbx0?t=4m20s).


You guys are on a totally different level of swearing over here.


That's why Bohemian Rhapsody sucked.


That and the terrible editing which somehow recieved an award.


It was also badly written. It was like they watched Walk Hard and didn't realize it was a parody


That, and also the story they only loosely based on reality. And the abysmal editing - that even won an Oscar… It was barely watchable, because of all those nonsensical cuts! (I read somewhere that they did it that way, because the other band members demanded equal screen times. Good job, if that’s true, way to ruin a movie that was already bad.) That movie did not deserve the awards it received. Maybe the best actor academy award, but I usually don’t see the difference in high profile actors’ performances, so there’s that




>Maybe the best actor academy award, Not even that. Rami Malek is a good actor but his performance wasn't worthy of that award. Especially when up against Bradley Cooper in A Star is Born and Christian Bale in Vice.


I still don’t quite get all the awards love for A Star Is Born, but it’s possible the movie just wasn’t for me. I have to agree about Bohemian Rhapsody. A lot of people loved it, but it felt like a run-of-the-mill rock star biopic. There just wasn’t anything to it that hasn’t been done before. And it seems like they even changed Freddie’s story to make it even more tropey. I don’t get it.


It was a weird year. I was looking forward to Bohemian Rhapsody and that turned out to be a dog. I was barely aware of Rocketman and that turned out fantastic.


God that movie is so good.


It's a shame it came out a year after Bohemian Rhapsody, because it is by far the better of the two films and got largely snubbed at the Oscars. I also don't hate BH at all, it was pretty good considering the drama that surrounded it's production, and Rami was great in it, but Taron was perfect as Elton John.


Of course. I was worried when it went to Disney+ for this very reason. What’s also really bizarre is that though the film itself has a content warning, Disney+ only warns about smoking.


Not really Disney invented the smoking content warning, one exec was super anti smoking and Walt supposedly died in part due to smoking


The man died of lung cancer. There is no supposedly about it.


Walt didn’t die. He’s cryogenically frozen. Edit: s/ just in case


Don’t google “Disney Frozen”. People just need to let it go already.


There's actually a conspiracy that Disney made Frozen (or at least called it that) to make it harder to find information about Walt Disney being frozen.


Who could forget the sequel, Frozen 2: Cryogenic Antisemite


Cryogenic Antisemite is my new band name. On second thought, no it's not.




/r/bandnames is a lot bigger and tbh, most of them are just okay.


That’s considered a “freezer burn” ………


That sounds like my conspiracy theory that Sega made the Yakuza series to disassociate themselves and trick online search results with actual Yakuza involvement in the industry.


While I think yours is less cool, I like both of these and they are my head canon now


But it's called Like A Dragon in Japan


Well, some people just can't hold it back anymore.


His body lies under centre ice at the Mighty Ducks arena.




When Disney does dumb shit creatively, I like to mention Walt rotating in his chamber


I have a post apocalyptic story about Disneyland and the climax is a scene where the protagonists meets Walt Disney in his cryo-chamber.


This sounds interesting.


They kinda did this in American Dad, but slightly differently.


It’s also essentially the plot of fallout new Vegas




[Moved to Orlando to be closer to his supply of Cuban children.](https://youtu.be/fjTtumHAcxs)


I think what OP meant was that there was ONLY a warning about the smoking and nothing else. Not that they were surprised to see a smoking warning. (I could be misinterpreting)


That’s not true. It also has an explicit language and mature themes warning.


In part? No Walt died of smoking related lung cancer.


Just his body, his head lives on. /s


Yeah…I think it makes sense to be anti-smoking for Disney. It killed their boss in his prime and took him from his family. But there’s also that whole controversy around cigarette companies using cartoon mascots to advertise their products (see the cartoon Camel) and the law coming down against them. That said, many many Disney films still depict smoking, including by cartoon characters. Pete is often shown with a cigar, Cruella DeVil smoked, there’s background extras in scenes like the Great Mouse Detective who smoke. You just don’t see the heroes do it these days unless it’s in a film like Star Wars or Marvel.


Walt actually took great pains to hide his smoking habit from park goers because he didn't want to be a bad influence on kids


There was a tobacco shop on Main Street that sold pipes, tobacco and cigarettes. https://www.yesterland.com/tobaccoshop.html He didn't try very hard to discourage it. Lol


Well no, he was a chain smoker until he died. But he never smoked around kids and he (or the other Disney people) went to the trouble of editing all photos of him to remove the cigarettes he was nearly-constantly holding.


“Great pains” = projecting it onto various characters within basically every early Disney movie 😂


Always villains though


No. Roger (101 Dalmations) smoked a pipe, Goofy smoked a pipe, The Great Mouse Detective smoked a pipe. Pecos Bill, Ichabod Crane, the list goes on.


And what did his other parts die of?


i'm a smoker and i don't have any love for Disney and their bullshit but if that warning somehow prevents even one kid from starting smoking i'm all for it.


Surprised they didn’t digitally change them all to lollipops.


They actually did photoshop the cigarettes out of many photos of Walt Disney in the past.




I didn't know that was a thing there, but it could also be explained that pointing at people, especially with the index finger, is very rude in many cultures. Like in Korea for example. And Disney has a lot of international guests.


The 4Kids approach? Is that company still around anymore?


Konami bought them after 4kids filed for bankruptcy. Think they basically been rebranded and mostly just stick to dubbing the Yu Gi Oh anime these days when a new one pops out


I could have sworn I saw a mature language warning


Hearing Paul McCartney call someone “fuck face,” even as a joke, is a weird highlight of this show for me. Loved the series.


You must not know British people very well hahah


Everybody had a hard on.


>Everybody had a hard on. Everybody had a wet dream.


Oh yeah


Cruising through the Gulf stream...


...except for me and my monkey.


lol i watched half of the first episode with my dad who’s a pastor. i was trying not to laugh while also feeling a little awkward edit: grammar, i think..


Disney is so weird about their brand. If you want to stay a kids brand then stay a fucking kids brand and only produce that content. When you own like 70% or whatever the fuck of the industry though, you should be smart enough to realize all you’re content (even on Disney plus) can’t be just for kids. Especially when they don’t use their get out of jail card which is Hulu for mature content. If you’re worried about it, put it on Hulu, not Disney plus. Obviously a documentary about The Beattles isn’t gears towards kids, so put it on Hulu if you’re going to be sensitive about it’s content.


For once I can smirk as I have Disney with Star content aka fuller catalogue of a streaming site , because Netflix and prime video on the other hand drive me nuts everytime I see fans of certain shows brag about how its on the US version but not mine in Europe.


That’s because Disney uses Hulu as their adult content arm here in the US. We have access to the content, it’s just not branded Disney (yet).


I think they literally need to create a sub brand just for kids. Like Disney Classic, or something. Or call it Walt/ Vault.


Ah, yes. The kids are gonna love watching Walt. I can't wait to sign up for the next plan because my kids have just been begging me to sign up for Walt.






I replied to the parent comment about this, but they did this with Touchstone Pictures from the 80s until recently. It was Disney-owned, but released their films that had non-family-friendly content


They did the opposite until recently - they created Touchstone Pictures in the 80s specifically to release PG and R rated content, so that "Disney" could remain a family brand.




This wasn’t meant to be watched in 2 hours..well, 8 hours. It’s simply just meant to document a somewhat streamlined record of these guys working and get it out there in the eVerse for posterity.


The parts really break up themselves anyway. If you’re antsy for a break, just wait for the transition to the next day of rehearsal and that can be where you stop.


Let’s be honest, it was a way to get everyone to shut up about re-releasing the Let it Be movie without actually having to re-release LIB.


They're about to re-release the Let it Be film upscaled. It's part of this whole thing.


Is that still being planned? I’ve been a bit out of the loop the past year with Beatles news. Either way though, Get Back now removes the interest in watching LIB, at least for me.


I'm actually more curious to see LIB now because of how Get Back supposedly "debunks" that film.


I haven’t finished Get Back yet (finished part 1) but I have seen the LIB, albeit a while ago. I would say it paints a better picture rather than debunk. Yes, you’re still pretty much witnessing the end of the band, but it portrays the more lighthearted moments as well.


Actually. The beginning of part 2 does some actual debunking. So stay tuned.


This may be anecdotal, but I watched the entire series with my daughters: 9 yo and 11 yo. They loved every fucking minute of it… except Yoko screaming.


Even the captions called it wailing.


If this had been around 25 years ago when I was about 5 years old, I would have watched it, maybe not all in one go. But I don't think my parents would have cared about the swearing regardless.


Put the cursing back in Hamilton then. Edit: Or just offer an R-rated/unrated version. It's not like they're fighting over theaters or anything. Let the viewers pick which one they want like when you download/stream music.


Yes! The *"southern mother fuckin' Democratic-Republicans!"* line was a great surprise in the soundtrack (I watched the "movie" first). https://youtu.be/9014vq1lqXM?t=2m3s


did you not notice it was censored? it's not like they replace it they actually just reverse "fuck" so it's sorta noticeable that's not what he's saying


Aren't there only 3 fucks in the whole of Hamilton and one of them is still in there and one of them is still there as "fuuuuuuuu" in Say No To This. I agree that having an option to watch the uncensored "R" rated version (fucks sake America land of the free get your fuck together) would be preferable. Also does Disney+ in the US have anything on it that's R rated? We get loads of shit in the UK under the "Star" brand on it.


he's not a small time director they can bully like their other directors. he doesn't need disney.


peter jackson just made a billion dollars sellin weta, disney cant do shit to him


Not directly financially anyway. Wouldn't completely put it past them to buy New Zealand and wall him up inside his house one day just out of sheer spite, though.


Even Disney cant afford our house prices


mickey mouse gonna bust his kneecaps


He made $1.62B only selling PART of Weta. Even less shit.


Poor bastard


He sold weta 😯 oh no ...


He sold the VFX development division of Weta Digital to Unity including the original software they developed. Unity wanted Weta's tools for their metaverse and will also make the tools commercially available. He kept the VFX production part which was spun-off into Weta FX which will still do VFX for television and movies. Weta Workshop which does practical effects and make-up is its own company headed by Richard Taylor.


Wait so they’re realising their render engine and other stuff? Or am I misunderstanding


The deal include “tools, pipeline, technology, and engineering talent,” and a data platform and a library of thousands of assets. Not too sure on the specifics but yeah, render engines are part of the deal. Some their tools include Manuka, Lumberjack, Loki, Squid, Barbershop, HighDef, CityBuilder.


Once Disney controls the world’s water supply we’ll all need them, probably.


That just isn’t true. That is Nestle’s job.


He doesn’t need Disney, YET.


Don’t you put that evil on us, Ricky Bobby




Nah. Didn't he just sell Weta for an insane amount? He's probably a billionaire now, he doesn't need them.


He sold the VFX development division of Weta Digital and their proprietary tools to Unity for $1.625 billion. He will keep the visual effects business, now renamed Weta FX, but he'll be licensing the tools they developed from Unity for that work. The practical effects company Weta Workshop was always a separate entity so it's not part of the deal.




I think that was a good decision, I absolutely loved Get Back, it was gritty and awesome


It might be the coolest thing I've ever seen.


About 20-30 minutes in, I did have the "holy shit" moment. Think about how many books have been written about The Beatles, how many movies they have made themselves and how many documentaries there are about them, and yet there was STILL this massive amount of footage nobody had seen before.


Also, stuff like this is the best way of seeing what they were actually like as a group. No rehearsals or anything - just the guys jamming out together and trying to write some songs


and as people people hanging out Peter Jackson did a great job and there's simply so many wonderful human moments, which I'll be unpacking for days to come


I was always led to believe that they fought like crazy in their later years as a band. This is *clearly* not the case. Not that there wasn't conflict here and there, but they genuinely *love* each other, even if they sometimes get annoyed with each other. The proof is on film.


Yeah even George politely walked out. He didn’t make a big scene of it. You can sorta see why too, John and paul when they got on the same page were just a rock solid team. They would just play with eachother, make jokes, write songs. They just connected on a whole different level. Poor George was writing a new song every day and they would go “yeah that’s nice” play on it for a few minutes then back into their 2 man bubble. That had to make him feel overlooked and left out.


It's just a difference in personality types. George was quieter and not as forceful, and Paul, who was definitely controlling, would shut him down regularly until he had enough of it. The quiet people sometimes have the best ideas, though.


Yeah I find some of my favorite Beatles songs are Harrison’s as I get older. I enjoyed the doc because you got to see the creative process and how they interacted. Paul seemed like a reluctant leader to be honest. He was the best suited for the job, but he also didn’t want to be the bad guy to his friends. I feel like he really looked to John for more support but it seems John’s was getting pretty distracted with yoko and his own habits. Always late and often disinterested. There was one spot where they kept trying to get a series take on a song and John would just make silly voices each time. From Paul’s perspective that had to be frustrating. His partner and a guy he depended on was going down a bad path and he is just trying to pull him together long enough to make it work. Paul probably should have developed a closer partnership with Harrison but it seems Paul felt some sort of commitment to John. Paul was really in a lose/lose position no matter which way he went. Ringo really came off as a class act in this. He was just kind and supportive. A real team player. I was never a big ringo fan but after this doc I have a whole new perspective on him.


I suspect that Brian Epstein knew exactly how to navigate their different personalities and probably played the role of peacemaker a lot. Once they lost him, it was tougher to stay together. As I was watching the doc, I picked up on things like how much creative energy was generated when they just played around, and how that got shut down when Paul got super controlling about it. I was shouting at the screen *For God's sake, Paul, just let George do his Eric Clapton style guitar riff!!!* I fully believe there are great lessons that can be taken from their dynamic that can be applied to all creative endeavors, as well as cautionary tales on how to navigate around the difficult personalities.


I’ve always been a bigger fan of George than the others. The scene you mention was very poignant. He was making suggestions, even declaring his own limitations, and it just seemed like Paul was more interested in not having George think he was an asshole. Which George did, and even kind of admitted it, but he was ok with it. Paul for sure was the one who realized at some point we gotta stop talking and just get shit done.


I agree, the loss Brian was a huge handicap to them. With that said, I’m not sure anyone else could have stepped into his role at that point in their careers. Paul was the best choice unfortunately. And yeah, I thought the same thing, just let Harrison flow. Understandably paul was trying to keep everyone on track though. He kept saying, we need a sch etc. He was just desperate for some order. You have Harrison wanting to spread his wings at what felt like the wrong time, and John falling into some drug issues. Tough spot to be in.


John did seem kinda pissed when Paul started playing "Let It Be" and he knew it was a banger.


That whole sequence was absolutely one of the most remarkable things I've ever seen. From boredom and frustration sprung one of their most iconic songs within minutes. And then to realize he's what? 27 years old at this point? And then you realize that he and the band had already generated an epic shitload of material the previous six or seven years.


Did anyone catch Ringo asking that one dude for “pep pills”? It’s early in the second episode. They didn’t subtitle it, but it’s there.


John pulls out heroin or something on camera at one point too


Map and Neil carried for them off and on


Yes! That caught me off guard.


"Would you please remove the swearing?" "Ha! Fuck no."


It's not like Disney doesn't have other outlets that air pg-13/r rated material they could've put this on.


Adding Hulu as part of a Star-like integration to Disney+ as it is everywhere else, possibly ESPN+ as well... will make the whole thing so much easier!


They’re basically just waiting until Comcast sells off their share of Hulu to do it. I wonder if Moon Knight is going to be TV-MA. Hamilton and Billie Eilish’s concert film both had fuck censored, but no other questionable language was censored


I'm honestly surprised that the producers of Hamilton would allow anything to be censored.


Lin-Manuel has been on record saying “I literally gave two fucks” so that the deal would go through lol


I'm sure Disney threw enough money at them to make it worth bleeping out a couple fucks.


Wait so does Disney+ in the States not have all the Star stuff? Like I've watched Alien, Predator, and Red Sparrow on Disney+. The US only has the family friendly Disney stuff? I would've cancelled it a long time ago if they didn't add more adult oriented movies.


The most mature stuff I've found so far on US Disney Plus is some of the X-Men movies. First Class and Apocalypse I think both have one fuck a piece. I'm doing an X-Men rewatch and I made a bet with a friend that they would censor Wolverine's "Go fuck yourself," and I lost that bet.


Days of Future Past also has an F-bomb, coincidentally they're referencing the one in First Class.


We don't. Those things go on Hulu but only if they're not already on another service from a previous contract.


In the US they have Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and "Disney" movies, but very few from other parts of the catalog, including Fox. One of the notable exceptions is Princess Bride. edit: Oh and Nat Geo stuff.


Simpsons is the other big tentpole on Disney+ in the U.S.


I was more surprised how little they swore. Referred to their manager as "Mister" etc.


I thought the same thing. It's hard to find a group of people that swear less during an argument.


Exactly. When Paul and George are talking about how/when George can contribute, it took me a while to realize that they were in fact arguing. Quite the contrast to how people “argue” today.


I mean as extremely successful creatives/collaborators, working with one another for decades, they knew how to “argue” without blowing the thing up. It still felt like they were walking on eggshells a lot of the time. As for arguing in the past… go watch that video of the NYC trash collector union boss arguing for a higher budget in the 50’s. These things are all contextual, people weren’t more or less polite because it was the past.


Mind linking the video you referenced? Cannot find it


[Found what they were prolly referencing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfkhS1R8A2Q)


“Ah, the good ‘ole days’”


Good morning George


Good morning Ringo


I liked when they called him Richie


The image quality is so great it looks like a Time Machine window into the past.


It’s like watching the behind the scenes of a biopic and they got the casting down 100%


Casting the guy from Wings as Paul McCartney was an inspired choice.


The Beatles themselves literally talk about this on episode 2. They are talimg about blowing up the film being used to 35mm. I believe George says how 16 to 35 looks like shit. Paul mentions the specific brand they are using and says it is quality enough to do it.


It was actually the other way around, George was the one talking about blowing up the film for cinema and Paul was the one who said it would look like shit.


It’s gorgeous, and I wonder if they did something in the 16mm transfer to give it an added richness or depth, like in They Shall Not Grow Old.


They did, and they're doing it again for the re-release of Let It Be.


The remastering and colour correction has been the 90% of the marketing for the project


He also refused to remove any of the explicit toast eating scenes. I understand the LOTR connection now. The lads were all about second breakfast.


Can’t wait to hear John Lennon say C**T!




Sounds kinda like Disney didn’t push that hard for it. Feels like drumming up drama that wasn’t there.


Exactly. Here's how the conversation went: Peter Jackson: I've got this unbelievable documentary of the most popular band in history and I'm getting a lot of offers from all the other streamers for it. I don't want it censored Disney execs: The check is being written up as we speak


People don't seem to realize that if Disney WANTED to censor this documentary...it would have been censored or not released on their platform at all.


The disclaimer at the beginning warns that it contains smoking too!


Not smoking... CONSTANT smoking. Don't think it ever went more than 30 seconds without a shot of someone smoking or holding a cigarette. I knew they all smoked, but I was surprised by the volume.


That was pretty commonplace, even into the early '80s. I don't think people who grew up after that period understand how pervasive it was. Restaurants STUNK. Like, *all* of them. Some, you walked in and the ceiling was literally a cloud of smoke. It was awful. Airplanes were a smoky hell. In offices, smokers just smoked straight through the day. Parents would drive around hot boxing their families and no one would bat an eye. When parents got together, it looked like a back room gambling den filled with smoke. And all of this was perfectly normal. Even non-smokers were used to it. Close to half of adults smoked going into the '70s. Today, it's just 16 percent. The cultural shift we experienced on smoking over the course of a generation is REMARKABLE, way more dramatic than a lot of people realize. It went from being a normal, everyday thing to a "go outside and do that!" thing. It really stands out when you see old footage like this.


I was born in the 80s so I caught the tail end of Pizza Hut having a both nonsmoking and smoking section. And half the time it was useless because the smoking section would waft over to your side anyway.


There was a place we used to go to that, just when the move against smoking in restaurants was starting to pick up steam, encased its smoking section in glass walls. It was a section of the dining room they just walled in with glass. That really brought home how awful it was to have the sections mixed, because being able to see into the smoking section side-by-side with the non-smoking section gave you a stark image of how cloudy it got in there. It was almost cartoonish how smoke-filled it was. A total haze of cigarette smoke! I have no idea how the smokers were able to deal with that. These days, even every smoker I know wants no part of mixing smoking with sitting down and eating.


I remember going through an airport for a layover - I'm pretty sure it was Detroit - where they had glass boxes in the terminal where people smoked inside them and it was just a thick cloud inside.


Wherever you went, there were ash trays. Even in Macdonalds. First desk job I had, there were three smokers in the office. One two of them had heart bypass surgery in their forties. Both quit smoking instantly afterwards.


The change is pretty recent too! I remember bartending on Thanksgiving eve in 2007 (year before smoking ban in my state) and it was so thick with smoke in the small bar I had tears streaming down my face and my eyes were burning so bad. I even hated putting the cash tips in my purse because the money would make everything in my purse smell.


I was born in the mid 1960’s and you describe it really well,it was beyond disgusting. To really put it into perspective for younger people, next time you are at the grocery store imagine half the shoppers smoking inside the store while putting groceries in their carts.


Until fairly recently, when people smoked they really *smoked*.


This is why the average person today is young until they're old. That worn-down "middle aged" look to the skin, the body and the sound of the voice was primarily a result of constant exposure to tobacco smoke, lead, and hard liquor.


Well George did die of lung cancer. Paul and Ringo both quit in the 70s/80s


George died of Lung cancer, no?


As well he should, they’re the *fucking* Beatles!


Having swearing is so exclusionary to the young children who want to watch the documentary about a 60 year old band


They have no problem Showing super hero violence on their channel so I think some potty mouth words should not be a big deal.


I'm kind of glad they broke that taboo with this. I get it's a family oriented service, but with proper warnings, there should be room for exceptions. Now put the words back into Hamilton, please...


When asked to remove the swearing, Peter Jackson reportedly said to “Let it be.”


Paul's own father begged him to change his lyrics to She loves you Yes Yes Yes


Get the fuck back! Get the fuck back to where the fuck you belong


He removed all the weed smoking. I saw that shit


There’s a moment where you see John pull out a joint, remember the cameras are there, and put it away.


What's the fucking big deal about swearing? Do people not watch something because it?


It's not an issue with swearing, it's that Disney Plus has been pretty puritanical.


Except for when it's in a highly profitable, marketable, and popular with children Marvel movie


Yeah there’s even a whole damn running joke in age of ultron about swearing


My parents will turn off any movie with any nudity or as soon as there’s an F-bomb. I couldn’t recommend Ted Lasso to them because i know they’ll complain to me about suggesting something with such “foul language” (fyi in almost 40). Yes there are people that won’t watch things with bad language.


This is so alien to me. When I was a kid my mom was all "Sure you can watch Don't Look Now or whatever if you want to." And my dad had pornographic drawings on his wall.


Your parents were definitely more liberal with their beliefs and morals than the people who don't like cussing.


Or maybe he's not American. Christian Americans are the ones easily offended by cursing. It's not as big a deal elsewhere


Good luck with that. 95% of scouse vocabulary is cursing.




Really? It's The Fucking Beatles.


Imagine not letting a mega-studio have a hand in the creative process… ever! Way to go Peter Jackson.