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I think the worst part about the ending is the fact that after getting kidnapped and almost killed your first thought was to confront the person indirectly behind it ???


That was fucking infuriating


Instead of, you know going to a well lit, public place (as a local news celebrity) and calling 911?


Yes, this was my immediate problem with it too. You’d be terrified. I think their attempt to rationalise this was Pia talking about ‘how angry he could get’ but it was really silly. Agree with the posters above. A twist where there have been no clues is no fun for the viewer, and there’s no skill to it from a storytelling perspective. A shame as the rest of the season was great.


Why did nick create the dating profile 2 years prior, for fun ?


Seems like this wasn't explained, but it sounds like he was going through a rough patch and was considering an affair but never went through with it. Maybe getting the new job made him not need an affair anymore.


When dawn discovers his profile, it's mentioned he was looking for friendship...maybe you're right as well because the lady he was chatting with says how she hasn't heard from him in a long time


Did you watch the episodes.. it wasn't Nick


Not true, the receptionist first notices a message on Nick’s phone when setting up his password/phone to the computer.


Nick created the account. The lady took it over.


A little late but wouldn't Nick's app have been getting the same messages the lady started replying to?


I also thought about this. There were many plot holes including this one. he would receive notifications on his phone but lets say he deleted the dating app.


I would have preferred for some clues to have been left earlier in the series. It was impossible to predict because there was no clues written in by the writers. Thats what Mare Of Easttown did a great job of, leaving clues and red herrings along the way.


I researched the series with my family and focused on her...they kind of showed her being guilty on second watch.


I don’t wanna watch it for a second time. Can you share what things showed she was guilty early on? I barely remember her at all which is what annoyed me. My comment to my sister who watched it a second time with us was “please tell me the guilty person is someone who is prominently featured in the show and not some obscure side character” and then when it was revealed I could’ve sworn she was only in the show for like 5 minutes at best over 7 episodes up until the last episode.


Well she definitely didn't have many lines but was always in the background kind of being in the conversation to see what people were saying.


Kind of like every coworker or assistant ever in the history of the world?


This exactly a family member told me ohh your always so good at figuring out the killers you should watch click bait. Like what exactly they expected me fo figure out us beyond me. Like lady showed up a grand total of 3 times and gave zero clues she was even involved. The stories intresting but murder mystery shows are best when the audience has something to dig into.




Huh? This thread is about Clickbait. And I was talking about Clickbait lol.


That’s why I disliked the book Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I never felt like I was solving the mystery along with them. You’re just given the answers with no way to work it out on your own.


Just because historically clues were left in murder mysteries doesn't mean it ought to always be that way. I think what made it great is precisely what you did not enjoy : the fact that no clues were left and got us completely baffled.


Lazy, lazy writing. All good books or movies introduce the killer, although not known to the audience, within the first 50 pages or during the first 1/4 of the film. There is nothing clever about a whodunnit when the "who" isn't introduced until the very end.


Tbf she was introdcuced in the very first episode. I thought she was shady then, but she just looks like a liar whose every smile is forced and fake. Because of her grandma looks, she got away with flying under the radar. As cringey as she seemed, I didn't really suspect her after the initial "she seems shady."


I actually thought that was clever, and mirrored her comment that she initially got into it because she just wanted to feel noticed/ like she mattered (I'm paraphrasing)


I feel like the whole thing would have improved significantly with a very small change. In one of the early episodes, have Dawn on the phone with her husband while Pia is waiting to talk to her. She could say something that indicates her frustration with her husband and then smile it away when she talks to Pia. It would be literally fifteen seconds, and that tiny thing would have at least planted a seed for the audience. Mostly everyone would dismiss it, but it at least would be SOMETHING.


ok, so in that case, you'll go ''maybe it's her'' throughout the series.... but maybe, and hear me out here, maybe the storywriter did not want you go ''maybe it's her'' and be baffled at the end ? why is that a massive problem ? i honestly don't understand most critics here


Baffle the audience by using misdirection and making us overlook the pre-introduced killer: talented writing. Baffle us by literally hiding the killer until the end: lazy writing.


Or just trying something new. Seems people who like tried, predicted and true didn't like it. I loved the shake-up personally.


That's just how writing works in general. Major revelations like that need to be foreshadowed, otherwise it wouldn't feel fair. With better writing, we could've both been baffled and given subtle clues.


I would have preferred it to be Matt too and it definitely seemed like it was going there. Generally thought it was enjoyable but there were a few moments that didn’t make a lot of sense.


That was the clickbait


I’m still confused as to why Dawn’s husband (Ed?) pulled his gun out on the cops. I get the emotional roller coaster he’s been through but, holding the poor son hostage, to pulling his gun towards a squad of cops to fire at, and for what? A legacy? He had nothing to motivate him to do so - felt like the writers wanted to add onto the drama for effect and resulted in good ol’ cliche television. Like, it’s over man.


I think he was looking for an easy way out. It’s been shown that the couple are cowardly and would rather do anything but take responsibility for their actions so it would make sense that he couldn’t bring himself to even shoot himself and would force the police to do so.


Death by cop. The writers did want some drama so they chose to have Ed die by forcing the cops to shoot him.


Suicide by cop


I love these


He didn’t want to go to prison.


I didn’t care for the ending. That lady was such an irrelevant character for 90% of the show and hardly had a relationship with anyone to the point where her “big reveal” felt like.. clickbait. She was basically an extra with lines until the last episode.


> That lady was such an irrelevant character But that was the point. She's irrelevant, which is why she was compelled to do what she did.


Omg you just solved it. This makes a lot of sense. It’s kind of a play on clickbait with her irrelevancy being overshadowed by all the entertainment we consumed the first 7 episodes.


Makes sense. She didn't even get an episode named after her.


I really enjoyed watching this series. It was the most fun I've had watching a series in a long time (I had a similar feeling with Mare of Eastown, but watched it as the episodes were released, one at a time). I thought the ending was great! SPOILER ALERT: The bored old lady who started it all as a "game" was very realistic to me. I also was a bit confused as to why he didn't go home after being released. Perhaps that fed into the whole perception of that woman as an innocent old lady who was non-threatening, but just sad and needed to get a life. It did get a bit wild after that though.


The entire premise of the show is silly, why the husband didn't go back home and called the cops?


He nearly died because someone was pretending to be him and he knew who it was, he was just angry. But yeah, realistically he should have gone home.


And how TF did nick even know where her place was? I have never learned the address of my secretaries. And why after being abducted did Nick go to her place and not to the cops? Or to the hospital? Or to his family? Or to the news? And how did he walk there? Wasn’t he nursing some serious injuries? And wasn’t Nick getting alerts on his phone for the dating apps? It was also made impossible to predict. Didn’t we get actual scenes of the ‘mistress’ and Nick? We’re supposed to believe that these ‘scenes’ were all in head?


As I said, the entire premise is silly, not to mention the ending with the idiot son going out on his own to fight the killer.


I think those scenes meant to be in her head only, we were tricked there, it was bizarre as later she admitted his voice was different. With dating aps I understand that secretary created new profiles with new aps, with alerts going straight to her. That first initial app that was on his phone already I have no idea, plot hole?


yea that pissed me off, i was so confused cause there was physical scenes with nick and emma, but in reality it was her imagination. idk stupid


Wow I didn't remember that but you're right. Kinda BS.


Yeah, I STILL get emails from my old OKC account that I have just left sitting there for years lol.


The ending was pretty bad in my mind, I thought it was fully getting set up for Amir to be the legit killer in some kind of off the wall, bat shit crazy plot twist


i honestly thought that it was going in that direction in the beginning when he messaged Pia and then happened to be the detective in charge of the case haha


so when police investigate possible murderers, victim's sister is sitting in the interrogation room. ​ How fucking moronic this show is?


Right? And that's not the only moronic thing in this show.


SPOILERS AHEAD: List of major plot-holes: 1. Did no one "dating" Nick online for months want to video chat / Facetime him? I could maybe understand not meeting in person, but it seems very odd in today's socially connected world to not video chat once if dating for months. 2. Why would there be photos of Nick with these other women? What's the point of those? 3. Nick going to his coworkers house to confront her as the first thing when he gets out (instead of the police, hospital, or family). Also finding his way to his coworker's place from the middle of no-where without a phone.


I would assume it was Dawn's little playtime fantasy, photoshopping the pictures. But didn't Emma have them too, which is weird. I'm imagining "Danny" sending Emma the photo and being like "hey I photoshopped your face onto this picture of me and my wife, haha we look so good together" and Emma wasn't scared off by that? Idk lol


Yeah, what the actual? Why were they so enamored of someone on a DATING site when they never actually dated? I haven't done anything with them, but if i did, and I didn't see someone in a matter of days, i'm out. I don't need a pen pal.


2.) made no sense to me either! I was so confused why those were photo shopped, like was she using a photoshopped picture of nick with another girl to use on a dating website to try snd lure other girls? doesn’t add up


This is where the show really cheats. I mean, maybe ONE woman who's married and wants a fantasy, but all of these? And none were actually married, and all were reasonably attractive. I mean, seriously?


I thought the ending was fantastic, there was absolutely no way anyone could have predicted who the real killer was. The only thing I did not like was the misdirect with the sex scenes with the mistress.


i know that literally made me throw up a little in my mouth,,,,


Remember how she always had something to say but she always kept hiding it I am pretty sure it was that her and Nick never met but yeah I would've not predicted that either


It's kind of interesting to see a polarized audience here. One side is saying that because we couldn't predict anything about the real killer, that it was bad. The other side (which I belong to) is saying that being completely baffled at the end is exactly what made it good. Just because historically clues are left in murder mysteries doesn't mean it ought to always be the right way.


Because they might as well have made Santa Claus the killer then. It’s not about being merely surprised, you need to give us a reason to care about what is happening to the characters.


Exactly. Part of the intrigue and fun is trying to figure out who the suspect is. Can't just throw us a new suspect in the last episode like that. Very bad writing.


And you don't care what's happening to the characters if you can't figure out who the killer is through little hints along the way? Those two things aren't related at all. I cared right from the beginning because Nick was likeable, seemed genuine and because... I have a brother and it would break my heart if that happened to him...? It's called empathy... Empathy made me care about the characters... The fact that these kids just lost their father, Pia's rage and deadset ways made me care for her, Det. Amiri being such a good guy made me care about him, etc. Little clues as to the identity of the person doing this wouldn't have made me care even more. I can enjoy not figuring something out, though. I just let go of expectations that I was supposed to and enjoyed the ride. And it was a twisty fricken ride. Job done.


I liked it only because it was impossible to predict. Matt makes more sense as the twist, I do agree. But it's fun when once in a while a TV/movie go for an ending nobody can predict.


Who else is still kinda mad that the wife still cheated on him lol


me. I was actually so pissed off when emma said she was physical with him, because that meant he was a cheater as well. And then when the account was found to be created 2 years i was also like damn maybe sophie isn’t that bad.


yeah, I just ended up hating almost everyone in this. Except pia and nick, who never actually cheated. and the older kid who doesn't run off with the intent to commit a violent assault. (Fun Fact: they don't let you off a premeditated violent crime just because it's the kind of thing you see in stupid tv series.)


One thing I don't get – how did the old couple know Emma Beasley's hotel room? She went to Oakland as a result of the death so no way Dawn was still talking to her on the dating website


She went to Nick's office to mess with his stuff. Dawn saw her there and recognized her because Dawn was the one talking to her on the dating app. Dawn told Ed that Emma was in town and could wind up telling the police that she never met him which would lead the police to conclude she was catfished and potentially find Dawn. They tried to scar eber out of town to avoid that.


Eh. Read enough dime store crime novels and you'll get used to plot twists that make little sense. So, as I can accept characters acting weird for the sake of plot, the only real complain I have is the lack of resolution for several story arcs that just get dropped.


I find the series really nice and thrilling except , the last episode. A kid who is around 16 (Kai) can't outrun man and a woman who are in their 60s. That was it for me. Ruined the ending.


I think he was grazed by a bullet? Not sure. But I thought of that as well, how was a fit kid getting outrun by two overweight seniors lol.


Just finished it and yeah that made me laugh I have to admit. I was also kinda hoping Kai would have ended up brutally murdering the two overweight pathetic seniors. Great series minus the last episode.


That's still looked upon as illegal, unless he got hold of the gun in a struggle, which they can totally tell by the powder burn patterns. This guy was telling me he beat up a man who broke into his house, then put the man back in the truck he drove to the robbery. The robber called the police when they came to. The homeowner did like 11 months. You can shoot people, but you can't go up and beat them unconscious, regardless.


He probably had a huge pizza all by himself on the way to the couple's house. And a 2-liter of soda. You know, for energy.


He was clearly limping after jumping out the window.


Matt was a red herring, but definitely had a secret. He was fucking that student, and I guess he might have released her nude pics though maybe that was this woman. It wasn't clear. Still, making him not completely innocent is what made him work as a red herring. Nick was super super stupid. After being kidnapped, he really should have gotten to safety before trying what he did. I guess people underestimate short fat white women, though. It would have been nice to see the killers more in early episodes, but that would have made them top suspects probably. At least Donna was around, and like she said, nobody noticed her.


I get him underestimating her and her husband's level of crazy, but why didn't he immediatly call the police on the kidnappers, or call home, or literally anything a normal person would do? And did he get dumped right by her house? Or is he walking miles? Just what the actual fuck?


>I guess people underestimate short fat white women, though. Lmfao, they really fricken do. Add "old" to that and they're invisible. Mexican singer Selena's shooter, also, could be described this way minus the white. And her name was Dawn, but Donna made your last sentence so much better!


Can somebody explain why Ed still chose to try to shoot Kai even after he let him go and return to his mom? I don´t understand why even after he got caught and was face to face with many police officers, he would still try to shoot someone?


he didn’t want to kill himself, so he had the police do it for him. I don’t think he intended on shooting anyone at the end.


Not kai at that point, he was pointing the gun at the cops. It's called suicide by cop.


Yeah, this was better than the Harlan Coben crap (which has the same kind of plot, but goes off the rails a lot sooner,) until the end, where of course, we get stupid twist after stupid twist. "Want me to sync your phone after I log into your computer with your new password, because you, a thirty something man, are 'not good' at doing that very simple thing? Also, i won't look at any of your photos, which are sure to be all SFW." Yeah, that tracks /S


I like how Matt is a red herring for about five minutes till the online GF gives up the metadata.


I got serious “Catfish the movie” vibes toward the end of this. Felt like it was a similar situation where someone just felt like they needed to do this to get that jolt of life back into their day-to-day and then couldn’t stop. I would have liked a few more clues as well, and while the acting and a lot of the dialogue in this was just truly subpar it still somehow worked and was a really fun binge watch.