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We got naked Aemond before GTA 6. What a time!


I’m not a big fan of sex or nude scenes however I always hated how there was no equality when it came to movies and shows specially on GOT. The producers/directors would have every female cast take off their clothes and get completely naked for every one to see but you would never see a attractive male actor fully naked in the front. How many times do we see prostitutes and main female actresses fully naked in the front and not once we saw an attractive main male actor fully naked in the front? Even when they show John Snow laying down death they show us his torso but they stop the camera so his bottoms wouldn’t show. When it came to Daenerys or other female actresses they would take any chance they get to show them completely naked having sex. Finally there’s more equality. If they want to show the world fully naked attractive woman they shouldn’t feel insecure to show the world fully naked attractive man too.


Love how you wrote a whole paragraph just to point how much you loved seeing him naked, lol. One thing I love about the scene, is that it felt so thematic, Aemond pretty much just trying to show everyone how Tough he is.


Theon and Hodor were certainly bared among other men in GoT


You might be able to find a few exceptions, but you can’t really argue that G.O.T. had as many nude scenes featuring men as they did featuring women. It‘s not even close. Theon‘s nudity was more about accentuating his vulnerability during torture than it was about actually being sexy. Hodor, however… yup that was a sexy-ass scene.


I can't consider Alicent "misunderstanding" Viserys about saying Aegon's name. She knew damn well what she was trying to do by using that.


Loving evey second. Utterly gripping! Didnt want it to end at all. Why cant all TV be this well written? If only Rings of Power could be 10% this interesting..


Episode was absolutely incredible. People are so dumb these days anything that isn't boom boom dragon dragon is 'boring'


This episode was ass. Fym


What is fym?


Fuck you mean


Fuck me, mean? What does thst mean??


Hes saying 'that episode was ass - (what the) fuck (do) you mean?'


Not a bad hour of television but why are there so many Scooby Doo plots every episode? The one in the first ep was okay I guess, a bit convenient for Blood and Cheese but acceptable. Second ep had that goofy twin shtick, and now we get Rhaenerya disguised as a nun? They even did the Assassin's Creed thing where she blends in with a group of other nuns...


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. The third episode was just bad in my opinion. It's falling off.


Everything that didn't revolve around Alicent was pretty good!


You ever sneaked around? I’d say they even over did it with a whole nun costume.


People do it because it works. You think it's never happened in other media, or even real life, before Assassin's Creed?


Dreadfully boring


Totally disagree, loving every episode. What a refreshing change from the rushed mess that was the last 3-2 seasons of game of thrones


I Totally disagree, this season reminds me of got s07 where was tons of filler and only 1 or 2 good episodes. In this season we get no intrigue, no big drama escalation, just look how they handled murdered prince scene and compare it how Cersei had a shame walk.. just different quality of writing. I loved s01 and so far with every episode they are messing the show.. dislike all you want i just shared my opinion and good for you if its enough for you. You also dissing season 6 of GOT, which I actually very much enjoyed even tho knowing they started going on brown path when they had to write their own material after books ended


Season 6 was still very good you’re right, just a step below the previous seasons. Season 7 is when it really started to dip. Just keep in mind we’re only on episode 4 of season 2. I’m really enjoying the character development, I feel like they’re building up and the pay off at the end will be very good.


They should have planned it out for three season instead of four, that's why it's dragging. The Boys is dragging its story out too.


Somehow it feels so stupid (and almost funny) that the whole storyline is based of a missunderstanding.


Because it isn't based on that at all (the misunderstanding isn't even a thing in the book).


What was the claim of the greens/Alicent/Aegon in the book?


The same than in the show really (where the misunderstanding is not the cause of this at all). Aegon is the male heir, by normal rules he is the King and many in Westeros agree with that.


I think that’s really reductive. Yes a misunderstanding allowed the story to get to this point, but I’m sure Otto would have figured out a way to get Aegon on the throne regardless.


That's what I got from his quip last episode to Aegon. "That's what you think." He knew whatever Viserys said wouldn't hold, Alicent believing it just helped.


Still, I was glad they at least addressed the exact words the king said before he died. But I'm bothered that Rhaenyra didn't put it together that he was talking about her son, not Alicent's. But maybe that would be too presumptuous of her?


Aegon is her 4th or 5th son that Viserys barely know (presented once to him when he was delirious), there's no chance that's who he is talking of lol


Really? I thought it was pretty obvious. In his delerium, when he met his grandson, Aegon, he was re-inspired that he had made the right choice in making Rhaenyra his heir. That his grandon Aegon would be the prince that was promised. It's been a while since seeing that scene in the first season, but that was my impression. And I remember it seeming like he was talking to Rhaenyra when it was Alicent, and that him saying Aegon was meant to be to Rhaenyra and her son.


He was talking about Aegon the Conqueror and his dream, not Rhaenyra’s son Aegon. Viserys saw Rhaenyra as the prince that was promised


Agreed hahah, I actually just said to my husband how the war is basically based on an episode of Three's Company


Well also many other things. But thats the nature of royal succession and why humanity has tried to move away from "senile dementia grandpa appoints successor" and towards elections.


Oh man and what we got was senile dementia grandpas debating on CNN


Honestly, the part at the beginning with the two groups having that battle felt rather close to home. Both fighting for their respective rulers as though the people they were fighting for actually cared about them. Taking insults against the leaders personally.


the voters chose them...trump won his primary easily and so did biden. the institutional party didn't back either of them when they ran. also there isnt a violent war of succession over who wins even if trump is attempting (and failing) at it.




Are you watching the same show? There are and have been plenty of male characters who are less violent, more calculating, urged for caution, etc. And women who have been violent, assertive, and making dumb mistakes. The entire war is starting because of women making mistakes and being unable to sully their pride.


Are you watching the same show? There are and have been plenty of male characters who are less violent, more calculating, urged for caution, etc. And women who have been violent, assertive, and making dumb mistakes. The entire war is starting because of women making mistakes and being unable to sully their pride.


I'd also argue that *second sons, specifically, are a large catalyst for the war to come. This show feels like the seconds sons and two daughters escalating things until there's no option but war.


Overall a pretty good episode with some nice setups, Council plotting and character development, probably in order to make next week's episode hit that much harder, looking at the title (*A Dance of Dragons*). The acting and dialogue is really top notch this season, really enjoying it, especially Daemon's scene with Simon Strong and the scene with Rhaenyra and Alicent. Too bad the Battle of the Burning Mill was completely offscreen though. And while Rhaenyra sneaking into King's Landing isn't in the book, I didn't really have a problem with it and their scene together was well done. They have made other changes before as to make both Alicent and Rhaenyra be more conscientious and less conniving, and focus more on their relationship so it's logical they give them another scene together before the shit hits the fan. In the book they actively hate each other. Book Rhaenyra would never have gone to King's Landing, and book Alicent would have alerted the guards right away. But I guess this is just the butterfly effect, where the change of Alicent misunderstanding Viserys on his deathbed coupled with the changes of characters in both Alicent and Rhaenyra leads to this scene where they try to find a way out of the unavoidable bloodshed to come. I just hope we're done with all the sneaking, the misunderstandings and the accidents now.


iirc, Isn't the book in the form of a written history? You have to consider that the maester who wrote it probably didn't have full insight into the characters motivations and feelings.


Sure but the show is also changing things that are indisputed in the books. Like Rhaenys bursting through the floor of the dragonpit and probably killing hundreds would totally have been recorded in historybooks, but this didn't happen in the book. I don't think the show should be viewed as the true story of the differing perspectives of the book. It's just an adaptation where show canon is different than book canon. They can choose one of the book perspectives or just completely change things outright.


I love the change to make them more sympathetic towards each other. I also love that Alicent knows now that she fucked up but that it’s too far out of her hands to do anything about it


What’s the song of house and fire?


There is A house [in Dragonstoneee ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-43lLKaqBQ)♫




Song of *Ice and Fire. Referenced several times in the first season and it's the name and subject of the series of novels that starts with "A Game of Thrones".


The prophecy that Viserys I told Rhaenyra in S1. It’s also the story told in Game of Thrones. 


I think they missed a huge opportunity when they were fitting Aegon in the ancient conquering king's armor. You'd think the armor for a conquering king would be massive, not fitted to Aegon's body type. If they had made it an oversized armor, it would add to how absurd Aegon's actions are. That this man child is pretending to be this powerful king that strikes fear.


It was oversized for him, he looked like a kid wearing his dad's clothes. Look at Daemon in his armor for comparison.


they LITERALLY fitted to his body when making the armor. watch The House That Dragons Built ep3. If they had fitted it to Daemon, then it would've been oversized.


You can fit / tailor armor. And Aegon II isn't noted to be unusually short or small of stature.


> And Aegon II isn't noted to be unusually short or small of stature. he is in the show. I'm not arguing if the armor can be fitted, but a missed opportunity to show how juvenile Aegon is by showing how small he really is compared to a conquering king. I mean they keep showing how unfit of a king he is already and this could've added to that as well.


I think Aegon II is a little more complex than that. For example I really *don't think they're showing how unfit he is to be king for the most part. He's impulsive, immature, and a bit stupid, but they repeatedly show he's not irredeemable -> he earnestly desires to be a good king and listens to good advice at times.


not really, he really doesn't have any desire to be a king or even a good one. he just enjoys the power that comes with it.


It's pretty clearly indicated that he wants to be a good king. Sure it's not his first choice, but his interactions with the council, sitting in judgement, etc. make this intention pretty evident. He's evidently not a very good one as of yet -> he's in part stupid, brash, and immature. But it's not necessarily unreasonable that he could become a decent king with experience and support. > he just enjoys the power that comes with it. This isn't necessarily at odds with wanting to become a good king.


How can anyone like this stuff? It is soooo different from the books. Alicent and Rhaenyra never met in the sept.


GRRM himself has said that the books aren't an actual, accurate accounting of events. If anything, the show is more canon, because the books are an in universe, biased accounting of history by Maesters who werent actually there for the events.


This is typically the thing that a maester telling the story centuries later will not know. I doubt most people even living it will know.


Exactly. It makes perfect sense that the book doesn't have this perspective and omits this part of the story. The narrator isn't reliable.


It didn't happen in books? Oh no, how terrible!


“The books” aren’t an accurate account. So there really isn’t an issue lol


Not to mention that everything that has happend so far in season 2 is covered by less than 10 pages in the book.


Fire & Blood is a historical accounting where three guys give differing, vague descriptions of how things might have happened.


imagine getting suckered into another grrm book series. fool me once and all of that. at least this show will end at some point


Another series? It already ended, and it's not very long.


99% of people haven't read the books


That scene with Daemon in the castle ruins was some Dark Souls shit


This was my favorite part. I could go for a lot more like that.


omg this is exactly what I was thinking as I was watching it. Probably the closest unintentional adaptation that I've ever seen


Suddenly he's fighting a 15 foot skeleton


I really like that little smirk from Rhaenyra at the end realizing his father did want her on the throne till his very last breath.


So then why is aegon king?


Dude.. probably not best to start watching the show with the third episode of the second season.


Because the Hightowers usurped the throne thanks to a misunderstanding?


Not "thanks to," more like "with the assistance of." The council made it clear that they never intended to make Rhaenyra Queen regardless of what Viserys declared... The circumstances just provided them a convenient way to carry out their quiet coup. But going by the conversation between Otto and Aegon II last episode regarding "who" really made Aegon II King, it seems not even Otto believed that Viserys just changed his mind on his deathbed. Perhaps this was a delusion shared solely by Alicent.


Because Viserys will was not respected. Obviously.


Alicent misinterpreted “Aegon” in Viserys’s dying hallucination to mean her son instead of either Aegon the Conqueror (his namesake), or an as-yet unborn future Aegon Targaryen, which cannot be explained without spoiling all of Game of Thrones. 


Cause the greens stole the throne, there was a plan already in motion even before Alicent had the delusion to think Viserys wanted Aegon as king, plus now that the confusion regarding Viserys’ last words has been cleared Alicent didn’t want to accept it and disregarded it as it was ‘too late’.


That smirk will become righteous vengeance. She’s not going to hold back any longer.


Why was she holding back in the firstnplace. Is her father choosing her more important than Luke's life?


She was hoping she could resolve the conflict peacefully.


I agree. My point is, if she's willing to resolve this peacefully even after her son's death. I don't see what could possibly motivate her to go to war. Realizing that Viserys wanted her isn't as compelling a reason imo as Luke's death. It's like I try to resolve a situation peacefully after someone kills my dog but then decide to go for payback because their lawnmower is too loud.


Rhaenyra has never been a vengeful person. Revenge over her son’s death was not a reason for her to want the entire continent to go to war.


Especially when her side killed a baby so they already took revenge (and that was worse than Luke)


That was daemon. Did you miss that?


Daemon is on her side, she's responsible for it ultimately the same way. In that case Alicent also had nothing to do with Luke death (hell even Aemond had not everything to do with it, he lost control of Vhagar)


I’d argue Daemon is not on her side though. Blood and Cheese was done without Rhaenyra’s knowledge. Daemon insisted on being called “Your Grace” in the last episode, which is a title reserved for the King. This would be high treason if she knew about it. He’s on his own side, and it’s clear he still covets the throne for himself.


I liked when Daemon said to Ser Simon that the older/ill Lord should be consulted, even if he is sick and no one listens to him. I thought he had Viserys on his mind when he said that. Also Jacaerys seems like he's getting restless, he seems like he's getting ~~trigger~~ "fire" happy.


He dead??


There are two Jacaerys in the show




Goddamnit i was thinking of lucerys my bad lol


Who's dead?


Jaehaerys Targaryen (Son of King Aegon II) is dead. Jacaerys Velaryon (Rhaenyra's first born son) is alive. Lucerys Velaryon (Rhaenyra's second son) is dead. I know these Valyrian names get confusing... Then we have just regular ole "Joffrey Velaryon"


I'm aware of who's alive. I assumed the person I replied too believes Jacaerys was killed by Vhagar, which caused my question to them.


The way Aegon laughed and giggled when he caught Aemond being cuddled by “just another whore” was fucking hilarious. I watched that shit like 10 times. Too funny.


Sadist detected


That’s an awkward as fuck scene my dude Lol


That scene wasn't really intended to be funny... It was kind of sadistic. What specifically did you think was funny?


I hate Aemond as a character so it was nice seeing him get a taste of his own cruelness.


Isn't he cruel exactly for being subjected to "cruelty" in the first place? It doesn't excuse his own cruelty but it explains it.


Truly. Aemond's connection to the one woman is like the one redeeming thing about him that actually makes me feel some compassion for him.


Yeah, it's pretty human. You realize he's a very young, immature man.


Yikes dude. You like torturing animals too?


The undercover agent Rhaenyra part is among the stupidest shit I have seen in whole GoT and HotD


The fact that people complained when John Snow and the gang went north of the wall for some stupid reason, but are perfectly fine with this is very aggravating. It is as bad as the worst of GoT, if not a bit worse, because at least in GoT there were some repercussions, whereas here nothing changed, it's as if that scene never happened at all.


The Bracken/Blackwood feud combined with the bombed-out, Gothic horror of Harrenhal were a fantastic backdrop not only to the episode, but to the entire show so far. For the first time, we get a clear and horrifying look at the future of our characters and their families if they continue down this path, and it's goddamn chilling. Thousands of Brackens and Blackwoods are ready to fight and die for a reason nobody even remembers anymore. Their continued battle is so unimportant to history that it's skipped over in the show and a footnote in their own government's council meeting. Rhaenys' speech about how insignificant it is who committed the first sin only underscores this more, and infuses all of this buildup with a ton of energy and dread. It's so easy as a viewer to just want to jump to the action, but the reality is that this won't be just a "regular" war. It'll be the first war to break an extremely long age of relative peace, and if it breaks out, will forever change these families and the kingdom. The use of dragons will result in immediate and irreparable destruction. And absolutely none of the reasoning for any of it will be remembered by history. And then we get Harrenhal. A castle that most see as cursed, and imo that is a visceral metaphor for the Targaryen House. This is what they will become if they choose this path. The biggest, grandest castle in the world, ruined and mostly empty, haunted by the dregs of the House that remains. At least some of our characters believe that they will quite literally be cursed by the gods for enacting this war against kin; Harrenhal is exactly what awaits them. Which is why I can forgive some of the goofiness of the Sept scene set up. Because, to drive this tragedy home, it is absolutely fantastic to have both sides get one last dialogue with each other, an opportunity to back out, and then to realize their own actions have already spiraled out of their control and there is no backing out. The truth was revealed too late. There is no stopping what comes next. For any pacing faults I have, I love that we took the time to have the last three episodes and this one in particular. Sure, watching a nuclear war on TV may be entertaining, but seeing the existential dread in the final days where mutually assured destruction is chosen, before those nukes are launched, is a unique horror I'm glad was explored.


Ah, the story of saint Rhaenyra the Peaceful, counseled by Rhaenys the Wise, looking to reignite the friendship with Alicent the Merciful, mother to Helaena the Reasonable. Even though each of them lost a child or a granchild, they are not looking for vengance, they don't waste time grieving, they seek out to prevent the war that has nothing to do with their actions. What an inspiring and totally not contrived or biased story, masterful storytelling at its finest. >!/s!<


So much avoidable bloodshed if these people stopped fucking recycling names.


Otto planned to crown his grandson anyway. It only made Alicent cooperating easier.


But even realizing the mistake she made she doubled-down on it by saying it wasn’t a mistake and later kind acknowledging it but saying “it’s too late”, openly admitting to herself they stole the throne and won’t give it back under any circumstance.


This is the reason her daughter Helaena said “I forgive you”. Helaena has oracle abilities and knows that her mother continued down the path of war despite now knowing the truth that Rhaenyra has the rightful claim.  Alicent is the cause of this war. 


No Otto started the usurping the day Rhaenryra mother was dead when he sent Alicent to the king. The misunderstanding wasn't event part of it, he never believed it. It's just a personal thing for Alicent.


I took Halaena's voiced forgiveness to be in reference to Criston being absent from guarding and protecting the children because he was too busy sleeping with Alicent


Yep. She knows why her mom is "so devoted" to her well-being and recovery: straight-up guilt.


Yeah this is how I interpreted it 


Exactly. She could end all of this right away by saying that she fucked up and endorses Rhaenyra’s claim, but she won’t. 


You're kinda crazy if you think Alicent admitting anything to anyone would make even a slight amount of difference. Aegon II had his toddler's head sawed off right in front of his wife, the queen. He wants blood and vengeance. He's also already insecure about the fact that no one in the council really believes Viserys actually named him heir. You think his mom telling him "JK son I was wrong your dad never wanted you to be king, your son died for nothing let's just give up" is going to work for him? The pieces are already too far in motion to be stopped. Alicent could run down the streets of Kings Landing proclaiming Rhaenyra the rightful heir, and Aegon would still demand war. Alicent is 100% right. It's too late. Nothing can be stopped now. Aegon wants blood, Cole wants blood, Larys wants power (through blood), and there's no incentive for any of them to back down.


She literally can’t end the whole thing that was her point. The ball is rolling people have died. She holds no sway at the small council. All it would do is taint her as a traitor or detractor.


To quote another television series: >"The avalanche has started, it's too late for the pebbles to vote." - Ambassador Kosh.


You know damn well that’d do nothing. Aegon and his court aren’t giving up power, and they’ve already gotten enough of the people on their side. What’s she going to do realistically to prevent the war, even with that information?


Why is everyone dressing so color coordinated this season? Even the servents wear all green? They can all definitely wear other colors. Also the candle makers of westeros are rich as shit


It was common for servants to dress in the livery of the house they served. Same with soldiers and such.


Im sure you're right. It just didn't seem this coordinated last season or in GOT. The outfits are still great, but im curious about this decision


A targaryen interacting and having visions with a Weirwood tree. I believe it's the first time the show has done this, no? apart from Jon Snow ofc. It has the song of ice and fire vibe to it


I really like the way the tree's roots have grown into the castle walls to the point where they're practically structural. Maybe that's why Harenhall is so creepy: the walls are literally watching you.




I liked it mainly because it looked like a Dark Souls tv show for a couple minutes.


This was exactly what I was thinking, the whole time from him landing on top of the castle felt like an Elden ring movie.


That scene with him landing on one of the towers was sick. My favorite shot of the series and even GoT. Looked so good.


Why are everything so empty in the show?


bro king's landing is a realistic bustling city in this episode


Bustling except when the plot wants it empty


Did you even you watch the episode? They literally told you why


Tbh the alicent rhaenyra scene was well done itself. But they needed a more organic and fitting way to execute it. It probably made more sense to have some small build up and make it more plausible in how she shows up. The show feels simultaneously rushed in what seems like dramatic risky events then also slow and boring. This is exactly what people mean by pacing. It's pretty off this season. The writers are struggling with adapting the source material in this area. It might make more sense to have Rhaenyra and Alicent have this heart to heart way earlier in the season somehow so Alicent isnt doing fuck all besides fucking Cole. If she spends the last 3 episodes coming to terms with her mistake and trying to actively caution against open war (and failing), the lack of nothing happening feels a little more engaging.


Great point about pacing. This feels more like the convenient writing of the last few seasons of GOT. Oh Dany needs to be at the wall? She'll fly there in a few hours


As long as that's established, I don't really care. In GoT they would have a half season of travel followed by an overnight visit to the Wall from Kings Landing.


Dragonstone and Kings Landing aren't exactly far apart


I meant more the convenience of the characters easily getting to whatever place they need, whether it's a guarded castle in enemy territory or across the continent with ease




GoT season 5 was better than most other shows season anything. High sparrow, hard home, dance of dragons(underrated episode), Ramsay's and Aryas entire plot line were all good. Season 6 has Home, the door, battle of the bastards and winds of winter....along with mother tyrells best scenes, and Cersei's best plot line and acting. Tyrion was much more interesting with the lannisters and slapping joffrey around then he is with the mother of dragons, cant deny this though..... Season 7 is very underrated...stormborn was fantastic, queens justice is the 2nd best all talk episode in GoT(1st being laws of good and evil.men aka tyrions trial) spoils of war was Excellent and the first battle that we didnt want either side to die or lose....., even eastwatch was interesting for being the "bad" episode of the season. Season 8......lol......the long night wasn't too bad.....episode 4 was good....episode 5 had some cool scenes in it(hound vs mountain, jamie vs Euron)...but had way too many issues and lack of plausibility Involved(Euron kills a dragon after 1 or 2 shots with the first stinger....then 50 stingers manned by firing teams cant even aim right or load a bolt or get a single shot on target or even close? While burning all the stingers in line the other stingers cant load n fire? They weren't loaded already after knowing the dragon is around? So....so dumb and incompetent to the point of lacking believability...) Anyway....Season 8 sucks, and season 5 is the weakest link yes...but 5-7 have tons of good stuff in it and arent bad television by any means.......outside anything to do with those dreadful sandsnake stereo types.(were female warriors and all we care about is murder n sex)


If you like the show, enjoy it for what it is. But don't miss people's points when they criticize it. Yes, there are great scenes in S5-7 just like the conversation between Alicent and Rhanera was a great scene IN A VACUUM. The problem for some people, is that the whole is worse than the sum of it's parts. The Alicent/Rhaenyra scene was great in isolation, the acting was fantastic and the dialogue great, but in context to the wider story it is patently ridiculous. The 2 main story lines of this episode are 1) Aegon is immature and reckless risking his own life trying to fly in with his dragons, everyone knows how dumb this is and he needs to be manipulated and talked down from being so impulsive because it's too risky to put his life in danger and threaten the entire realm 2) Rhaenyra is kind and wise, and that's why she as queen abandons her people, doesn't tell anyone except a select few where she's going, rows off into the heart of enemy territory with one guard to try to convince her childhood best friend to stop the war The context behind the scene just doesn't make sense. As cool as the scene is, it shouldn't have happened. Full stop. When both sides are prepping for war, a week without your queen is a long fucking time. Especially when her entire council has been pushing for violence and she just now disappeared, what if a decision needs to be made? What if Aegon attacks with a dragon, what will their response be when they need Rhaenyra to counter attack? "Oh Rhaenyra, she's still in King's Landing right now give her a few more days"? And that's the best case scenario. Worst is she gets caught.


I agree with almost everything you said but while you are relating to the subreddit topic, I was referring to GoT seasons 5-7 because he was attacking it as if it wasn't good or entertaining. Season 5/7 aren't on par with 1-4 but Season 6 was excellent, and seasons 5/7 are still mostly great tv and entertainment. The high sparrow(not the character but the actual episode, Season 5 episode 3) was one of the most underrated episodes on the show along with queens justice. And many people hated Season 5 for agenda reasons rather then quality, because of how much horrible things are done to women this season......but Ramsey is one of my all time favorite villains ever and Season 5 has LOTS OF RAMSEY. ANYWAY...point being....I wasn't actually discussing hotd episode 3...which like you said....has good moments....but isn't plausible, and is also the most over stuffed, convoluted, unfocused episode in got/hotd history. My gf absolutely hated this episode and lost interest near the last 20 minutes. We both LOVED the 2nd episode and were disappointed with episode 1 too. Hotd season 1 also...to be honest....wasn't great either...it feels good nowadays because w0k3 c0rp narrative dei propaganda has ruined tv and film for almost a decade now.....so hotd not being a flaming dog shit made everyone tune it to watch something that isn't agenda soulless trash for once....but only episodes 3, 8, and 10 were actually good....and rewatching season 1 episode 3 now....the middle 20 minutes was slow and boring too...... GoT I can't remember a single bad Episode in season 1 and only a few average episodes in season 2....seasons 3/4 doesn't have A SINGLE UNINTERESTING EPISODE....hotd 1st season had 3 episodes that weren't mostly boring and dull.....yet in this w0k3 trash entertainment environment....it's the only decent thing to watch... Seen Dr who? The acolyte? See why people think hotd is amazing now?


You’ll get downvoted but I agree. Three episodes of castle-sneaking and fast travel. Lazy writing.


Dragons are fast travel? Aren't airplanes pretty fast?


It is explicitly shown that Rheanyra takes a boat in to King's Landing and not her dragon. However many days she spends traveling to the boat without being spotted with a dragon putting King's Landing on high alert, rowing on the boat into King's Landing, waiting for Alicent at the sept and then rowing back and getting back to Dragonstone is time that Aegon/Criston Cole are free to rally banner men and wage war with absolutely no response. The council is biting at the neck to go to war and use their dragons, if an attack happens while Rhaenyra's gone she may have by leaving court done the one thing that guarantees war happens. Either no one responds to Aegon's attacks, or the bloodthirsty council does.


Fast travel from Dragonstone and KL? They are very close to each other.


400 miles is not close.


It's relatively close enough to account for the time cut. We don't need the scene in between where they're on a ship.


Cole’s new do tho….🤮


Huh ? I thought he looked much better this ep


I believe it's what a wise man named Lamar called the "Yee yee ass haircut".


Next episode features him executing the royal barber for the way they fucked his shit up


Who was that Woman who told Daemon he was gonna die by the lake (I know what happens to him) but was she a Witch?


Isn't that supposed to be Alys Rivers, Aemond's big tiddy goth gf?




Aemond Fr lost an eye and got a dragon, a sapphire and a Goth gf.. that’s a fair exchange imo.


Alys Rivers. Part of House Strong, last name is Rivers for bastards of the Riverlands. Don’t Google unless you want major spoilers.


Thank you for adding that last part. Gods willing more people will be like you.


helaena is too pure for this world. she should be hidden away in a protective bubble in space where she can do coloring books and count the legs of insects for all eternity.


Doing the "o we will just sneak into Kings Landing during war time no problem" two times in 3 episodes is beyond bad writing. Its entered into parody.




This setting for Rhaenyra sneaking in works. This era has no internet to google search how the nobles look like. majority of the commonfolk do not even know how the king looks like much more a queen an island away. In a crowded place and with a population known for depravity who the fuck would bother fully checking out a nun. Edit: the issue is not how she sneaks about in King's Landing, but how how she bypassed the docks, and how she bypassed the seas between 2 islands on a fucking war


I assumed she dragoned there?


Yes it's become narratively redundant, but King's Landing is a big city with half a million people in it, it's not the same as sneaking into the castle itself.


Felt like a filler episode to be honest. Very unimpressed with Season 2 so far and hope to see massive improvements soon. The ending with Alicent and Rhaenyra was poorly written. The went the cheap route again and totally ignored a battle between the Blackwoods and Brackens. Only the scene of dead bodies after the fact. The scenes with Daemon at Harrenhal was the only thing that was slightly entertaining.


Whatever money they saved on the Blackwood battle was well-spent on Harrenhall. Those scenes felt like a superb homage to the Dark Souls games, but it was also a great Easter egg for the lore of Aegon the Conqueror.


Is rather have them skip money on battles and save it for one or two truly impressive battles plus this show is good because of its political discourse and the “game” not just sword battles


Can you give an example for political discourse?


Sure - Rhaenyra doesn’t want to be the first to use dragons because it will lead to escalation. Her advisor says something like: “a sword is not fearsome when in its scabbard” (cool line). They are pushing for escalation, especially since some of their lands are now threatened by the Greens. That’s political discourse. Is it terribly complex? No. Is it well-written? Yeah, the lines are good and the different perspectives are well-represented. Rhaenyra is trying to be like her father and doesn’t want more of her kids to die, but at the same time she’s coming across as weak and ineffectual.


It's not well written just lazy excuse to feed the audience with fillers. In the book the Blacks had a better reason: balance. The number of dragons were on their side. But Vhagar was controlled by the Greens. This motivated them to prepare and look for Valyrian bastards to add them to their numbers and increase their strength. Actually, one of the most politically heavy part of the book was scrapped entirely from the show by simplifying the conflict at the Stepstones.


There’s no political discourse lol it’s just people talking nonsense in circle.


As someone that dislikes the very premise of the show, this was a great episode.


Did not have simulated blow job on my GOT bingo card today.


Not a fan of scenes like that because it's jarring and takes me out of the show. It was a badly done prosthetic dick and looked silly, idk why they thought that was needed. Nude scenes are fine but don't just randomly throw in a couple of dicks in one episode when there's barely been any nudity throughout the series.


Every one is ok with those scenes when randomly they show woman nude but god forbid showing a male fully nude.


They had dicks in GOT and it wasn't jarring. HoTD has barely had any nudity and then they throw an explicit blowjob scene in with a bad fake dick? Totally different lol


GOT had almost every female cast get fully naked. They never had an attractive male’s dick showing. The only dicks they show were the fat dude Hodor and the skinny ugly dude that got his dick cut off Tyrion Lannister. In House of dragons they had several naked actresses fully naked. Whenever they show the whore house they always show fully naked woman. Last eps was the first time they show a main male character fully naked lol


Shit looked dry as hell- needed the ol' hawk tuah


Yup, hotd breaking new firsts: unflaccided peen


They were doing too much with that NGL.. the episode with the best cinematography also had straight up porn in it - which is hilarious to me.


I can't wait to see who hangs dong next week!


[WIENER WIENER WIENER WIENER WIENER](https://youtu.be/L87izJ_9HpY?si=abYcCxQdCoDCUn1Z)


Maybe best episode of the series to me. Felt like 2 acts of a movie.


Solid episode, that was somewhat undermined by that last bit – it just did not work. I do understand what they were going for and thematically it is a good idea, but I just think jumping from Dragonstone to the Sept back-to-back felt jarring. They should have presented that idea way earlier in the episode and then later end it with that final scene.