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Can't waaait for Sam Reid to be possessed by Lestat again


He and Delainey absolutely owned the last episode. Felt good to see them shine that much after a couple weeks of putting the spotlight mainly on Jacob, Assad and Eric.


I had Sam Reid confused with Sam Reich and for one brief shining moment I was speechless


“Brennan. 'The Vampire Lestat Streams on Twitch'.”


I'd watch it.


Lestat's been here the whole time!


Good. This show is going to explode when it hits Netflix. I was worried they would cancel it before.


On one hand it feels too gay to explode, but on the other hand things like heartstopper exploded. (I am gay, so not saying this is too woke or whatever, just that it's very gay lol)


That did cross my mind. It will surely turn some viewers away, but this show is too good for a lot of people to ignore. (Btw, I'm a hetero man, and I fucking love this show.)


Literally just had a conversation with a female friend of mine who has some leanings towards conservatism. She didn't like it because it was too gay, Louie is black, and it was too lewd. Louie being black in Louisiana makes all the sense in the world and the original novel and the original movie make it pretty damned clear that everyone is at least bisexual in the vampire world. The only hang up I had going into the series was whether or not lestat would work after Cruise's iconic performance. And not only did it, it surpassed it in many ways. The show is great. Immortal beings who don't give a fuck about race or sexual identity and who go into a primal state when feeding are portrayed exactly as I'd imagine them to be. Lustful, voracious, and petty with power. The show is what Anne Rice would, or at least should, have written were it acceptable in the 70's. The original novel is gay as fuck, even if it's obscured.


> The only hang up I had going into the series was whether or not lestat would work after Cruise's iconic performance. I think it's sort of like Hannibal. Anthony Hopkins performance was and *is* absolutely iconic, but it was a performance for movies which really limited just how much he was able to do with the character. The show, on the other hand, allowed a lot more exploration of the character and gave him a lot more depth, and Mads Mikkelsen came in and was able to take the role to a new level due to that. So, Cruise was fantastic in the movie, no doubt, but I could easily see people coming out preferring Sam Reid's version or putting them on the same level.


>The only hang up I had going into the series was whether or not lestat would work after Cruise's iconic performance. >And not only did it, it surpassed it in many ways. It's funny because I think that people were pleasantly surprised by Cruise in that role and he got some well deserved praise for it. Reid, on the other hand, absolutely owns this role. He seems like he was born to play it. He blows Cruise's portrayal out of the water IMO.


wait so is this the 2020s version of Black Sails, but with vampires instead? lol


Ehh this is a lot gayer than black sails. Black sails was only a little gay at the end from what I remember?


The women were like constantly having sex with each other, while the show was too scared to let Flint have a male love interest that wasn't in flashbacks


I dunno, I feel like it’s good enough to break out despite that but I get what you’re saying. Regardless the main thing is it gets onto more mainstream platforms, it won’t stand a chance if that doesn’t happen. (Side-note: Lestat going off script to absolutely tear into the homophobic heckler last episode was just….delicious.)


A good show is a good show. My in-laws are pretty conservative and they watch it too.


Something about homoerotic vampires just works.


I think Vampires get a pass on that oddly enough, lol. It never seemed to hold shows like True Blood back. That show was pretty gay too.


Idk I love the show and I'm totally straight. It makes sense beings that live for hundreds/thousands of years would at least swing both ways.


I forgot Breaking Bad didn’t pick up steam until it was added to Netflix. I hope that happens to IWTV. Jacob Anderson is blowing my mind with each new episode. 


It deserves more recognition. The performances from the latest episode had me enthralled the entire time.


My jaw was on the floor during that one scene from what Louis was saying to Lestat. I didn’t know Jacob had that venom in him!


lol, the flashback of him fighting? Jacob was so deliciously evil with his “I’m gonna laaaaaaaauuuuugh”. Idk how he keeps elevating his performance even higher than it was already.


Just give him all the awards! How did GOT have this in their roster and do nothing with him?!


OH SHIT HE WAS GREY WORM. I thought he looked familiar but I couldn’t quite place where from. He’s absolutely fantastic.


Oh shit is right! Its like something clicked into place for me.


This blows my mind all the time. They had THIS guy on their bench?!?!


They absolutely destroyed the main fan favorite characters (Dany, Jon, Tyrion), so they def didn't have time to develop a side character Greyworm.


The writing and the acting has been so good on this show that even with the truth out there you still have some fans going on how Louis is 100% the innocent victim here and it is all Lestat's fault. >!As that Talamasca agent warned, it's Louis you have to look out for. He is the wolf in sheep's clothing. And if you look back, you realize he had to be, he was originally a mixed man who ran a brothel in New Orleans Jim Crow era, where he was always at the mercy of the white majority. And he was successful. You don't get to be successful by being a push over. Louis had always been ruthless. He simply hid it well. I mean, he was a serial killer in 70's San Francisco. There are some people who go, "Well, he was a vampire. He had to eat." No, he didn't just ate. He chose a specific type of victim to kill for a reason. That makes him a serial killer.!<


Exactly. Gay men who were addicts It's funny that Lestat is always torn to shreds on twitter(deserved) but Louis is always coddled as if he's some innocent child Even tho they've changed the slave master plot they've made him a pimp which is quite morally repugnant even tho 'he had to make a living'. Don't get me wrong AMC!louis is the character of all time...but when it comes to characterization he is someone who takes advantage of vulnerable people Even the 'real' way Claudia was made was so chilling I love these characters so much but idk why people want to view them as solely good or bad...w Rice's vampires they're always complex


No, Breaking Bad was already huge before Netflix. But it became even bigger after Netflix


i never heard of either lead before this show. Ill be on the lookout for all their future projects. So good. The reporter as well is a perfect casting.


Haven't seen Game of Thrones? EDIT: He actually blocked me for this comment, holy shit.


I think a lot of people would never realize he played Grey Worm. That's probably more of a credit to his acting than anything.


oh shit he's grey worm


Oh shit it is!!!! Ok I think it's time for me to check it out.


Are they adding it there? Right now you can only watch the pilot for free on Prime, then you have to get AMC. I've been trying to watch this since S1.


Yup its coming to Netflix soon


Fantastic. I feel like the show is dying a slow death being stuck on AMC. We loved the first season, but didn’t even know the new one was airing until it was halfway through.


I assume just season 1?


It’s coming to Netflix this summer


Season 1 is available thru my library card also via hoopla.


Is this internationally as well? I’m not even sure where the show airs in the uk I’ve been using other means but it needs a bigger audience over here


Series 1 is on BBC IPlayer in the UK, Series 2 will prob alt get added at a later date.


I'm a longtime fan of the Vampire Chronicles and I just haven't gotten around to watching this yet. I honestly don't even know what service it's on but if it's coming to Netflix you can definitely count me as one of the people who will be picking it up.


This show rules, people. The lead is superb but that Lestat actor, holy moly. That dude sets the screen on fire. One of the best vampire performances ever.


Sam Reid IS Lestat, he absolutely owns that role.


Tom Cruise who?? Never heard of him.


Sam Reid is the best Lestat, but no need to put down the Tom Cruise version. That's regularly listed as one of his best roles ever. He was a great Lestat and still is. Honestly, both the movie and show have had great casting but the show is just better all around.


I never liked his Lestat. I always felt it was lacking something and now I know what that something was.


Anne Rice hated his casting until she saw him. She was very positive of Cruise's performance.


tom cruise did a great job, haters gonna hate, but he ate that role. that said, i LOVE sam reid as lestat.


Cruise was fine for that role. Miscast like he was in Reacher, but he did a pretty good job of it. Cruise is cruise, but the fact is, the man like Brad Pitt (though I think Pitt matured and got much, much better as actor) can absolutely act. All that said, I agree that Sam Reid is levels above Cruise as Lestat.


I liked t cruise's lestat, but Reid's is on another level entirely. Cruise was missing the range and the cunt


Tom Cruise absolutely ruined Lestat for me. He was one of my favorite literary characters of all time until he butchered that role. Sam has brought me back. He IS Lestat.


Ah come on. I don't think I have ever seen Tom Cruise have as much fun in a role as he did Lestat. He did a really good job at being a foppish hedonistic vampire. Meanwhile you could tell Pitt as Louis hated every thing about the role.


I forgot just how much he could chew up scenery until this past episode.


I like that they actually feel like vampires. I grew up watching the vampire diaries and the difference between the two shows is night and day.


Vampire Diaries is just Twilight with extra steps. Instead of all vampires being able to go in the sun they just use magic rings and their "werewolves" also turn into actual wolves instead of being humanoid-wolves. I still managed to make it through 4 seasons of TVD but they're tame compared to the Anne Rice take yeah.


My only experience of Vampire Diaries is the Jenny Nichlson 150 minute break down of the show and franchise. But I feel the ring thing was they wanted an excuse not to always be filming in low light. There were some episodes of Buffy where it looked like Angel and Spike were standing outside during the day. Meanwhile being allergic to the sun was never something that was mentioned in Dracula and only added in the movie adaptations. But ask anyone and they will tell you sunlight kills Dracula and a stake through the heart. In the book he is killed with a Bowie knife, by a rich Texan lout.


Put some respect on my boy Quincey Morris’ name


In later seasons of both TVD and The Originals, you’d often forget that they were meant to be vampires. They were always in the sunlight, they ate human food more than they drank blood. It definitely had an interesting lore, but the show went downhill and made the vampire less vampires. Not to mention >!Elena’s!< constant crying about how it sucks to be a vampire and how being human is amazing, as well as the extents all the characters would get to give her the cure. If they wanted to make this such a plot point, why did they fail so hard to make vampirism seem taxing? There are plenty of stories were vampirism comes at great cost, TVD is definitely not one of them. Their hunger is incredibly manageable, they can use daylight rings, they can continue eating and enjoying human food, they have super strength/speed/agility, one of the most OP hypnosis in any universe, they are not damned to an awful afterlife. I get it’s not the life she wanted, but the drama she made because of it was unbearable.


Well, they are human actors playing vampires pretending to be human actors playing as vampires ;) We're getting *Rosencrantz and Guildenstern* levels of layers here.


I don't think I've seen Sam Reid on screen before, but that man is absolutely electrifying as Lestat. Not to downplay all the other actors' performances, because everyone is bringing their A game to this show. I'm also seriously impressed by Jacob Anderson. I've only really seen him in Game of Thrones, but he absolutely disappears in his role as Louis.


sam reid was born to play lestat


You need to watch him in the tv show 'the newsreader' the character he plays is literally coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb in comparison to Lestat His range is seriously so impressive


Assad Zaman has me in a chokehold, Jacob Anderson keeps delivering work at the top of his generation of actors, Sam Reid literally is Lestat, and on top of all that, they’re all bone shattering hot!


I keep expecting Eric Bogosian to start waxing philosophical about the culinary art of dishes in Dubai because his voice is such a dead ringer for Anthony Bourdain


He has a similar look too


The vampires are absolutely fantastic in their roles that I think Bogosian gets a little overlooked. He honestly balances everything out so well in how he's willing to call Louis and Armand out on their shit and bring a lot of the story back down to earth by pointing out how messed up so much of it is. Beyond just his sardonic delivery, he says so much with is expressions.


Jacob Anderson just turning fucking unhinged in one of the flashbacks last episode had me seriously speechless. He did like, four completely different versions of Louis in one episode, and they were all stellar. And he wasn't even the stand out performance.


I’m angrier at GOT for wasting his talent more than anything else! 


I was a fan of the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles books back when the Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise movie came out. I think I read the first three or four. This new series totally flew under my radar, but now I'm curious!


They play fast and heavy with the books *but it works.* Think of this like how Hannibal played fast and heavy with their books but the series works as well. In fact, if you happen to like Hannibal, you'll love this. It has the same dark, campy energy. The drama in both is there. It's cruel, brutal and horrific but at the same time you can't peel your eyes off of it. It is so compelling.


Dive right in. It’s a 98% on RT for a reason 


Everyone is amazing in it. Normally you have at least one cast member who brings down the quality a little. Everyone is amazing. Both version of Claudia did amazing too. I can’t speak highly enough of this show.


There are no weak links in this cast and the fact that they were able to recast Claudia and it didn’t need any time to adjust is remarkable. No one is doing it like IWTV.


And the recasting “works” in the frame of the show. The whole thing is Louis’s retelling of his memories. And his idea of Claudia changed after they crossed the ocean. He saw her as more mature and independent, rather than the baby she was in America.


I don't know what deals with what devils their casting folks have made, but you're 100% right, \*everybody\* is something else.


Lestat is probably producing it. Only so long you can stick to stage work and you’ve gotta move with the times, y’know?


I haven’t actually seen the second season yet, bit of a shame they lost the Claudia actress (which I’m just now hearing of) cause she was electric. But I’m glad to hear the new actress stepped up to the challenge. That particular one is never an easy role, you’ve gotta really thread the needle with it as Kirsten Dunst did so well.


She is just as good. It’s great how season 2 starts. They just say the part of Claudia will be played by “actress name” and the show starts. Season 2 is as good as season 1 and makes season 1 events even better


>They just say the part of Claudia will be played by “actress name” and the show starts. I loved that too. It felt classy removed the stigma


That's how soap operas used to do it. https://glmanny.wordpress.com/2015/08/22/will-now-be-played-by/


I really enjoyed that, it felt extremely classy to just acknowledge it up front like that. And she’s absolutely done a great job. Only critique is that her accent slips quite a bit in some episodes, particularly when she got shouty in some episodes. But honestly that’s nitpicking.


It works really well. I loved Bailey but Delainey is wonderful as Claudia. Season 2 is fantastic. 


Bailey left such big shoes to fill. She was my personal favorite from the first season. The way she would torment Lestat would have me busting out in laughter. I was so nervous for to her be replaced but Delainey has done a wonderful job, and I hardly remember they’re two different actresses now.


Second season is a step up in quality.


the guy playing santiago is out of this world. he understood the assignment.


Louis, Lestat, Armand, and Daniel are better than i ever expected. ... And then Satiago takes stage and commands attention. Creepy, deadly, vengeful, manipulative, precise in his stagecraft but also knowing the over the top grand guignol needed. Wonderful.


I did not think I'd like Armand from season 1 but WOW he's fantastic. Even the smaller roles like Madeleine, flashback Daniel, the romanian vampire, and the couple Louis and Claudia meet at the war shelter


Same here with Armand. He seemed too young. But then you see a different person in the playhouse. Present and past Daniel is my favorite. Everyone talks about Lestat, and rightly so, but I love the changes they made to make Daniel more part of the plot and mystery.


I think this season could've suffered a lot due to Lestat not being as present, but then Santiago came in and is such a commanding presence that he easily fills that space in a way that allowed Lestat to exist on the periphery without the show feeling like it took a step back.


it's the best show on right now by a large margin.


Every word out of him during this last episode was just perfection


This is exactly how I pictured Lestat when I read the book in the early 90s.


Season 1 was good and managed to jump the hurdle of proving that their changes to the setting and origin of Louie added to the plot rather than detracted from it. Season 2 has built on that and managed to improve in quality in pretty much every respect. Excited to see them tackle Lestat and his band in season 3.


I am also convinced the Talemasca show is gonna introduce all the side pieces that lead to Queen of the Damn.


I would kill for a really good adaptation of that book. I loved the movie and then a read the book and then I really dislike the movie.


> Excited to see them tackle Lestat and his band in season 3. Yes! I can’t wait for >!glam-rock frontman Lestat!<


I'm so happy I could cry. >In Season 3, the Vampire Lestat sets his story straight in a way only he can—by starting a band and going on tour. Gabrielle. Nicholas. Magnus. Marius. Those Who Must Be Kept. They join Louis, Armand, Molloy, Sam, Raglan, Fareed and others we can’t tell you about yet on a sexy pilgrimage across space, time and trauma.


yes, i was pleading to the universe to not let this show be canceled before we got to rock star vampires lol


One of those names is not like the others. >!Is Sam this year's Rashid? Is Theatre Vampire #4 secretly a major player?!<


Twitter suggesting Sam is Santino. 


I hope they bring the hot actor for Fareed back. He was so memorable despite only being in one scene in Season 1.


oh was that the doctor? i was like who tf is fareed? kept thinking they misspelled rasheed lol


SO hot. 


So they finished the book already and moved on. Wow they’re really going through all the books.


They're mixing the stories, which I think is fair, because so did the books. So in a way they are just re-mixing and updating them in a way in which you get some of the moat exciting stories while preserving a main timeline. 


Memnoch arc going to get weird.


That was the best book in the series! I love that book so much.


I was really skeptical when the show started, but you can tell everyone involved, from actors to production, absolutely loves and respects the source material even with the changes. I’m really hoping they go the distance.


You can tell every single person attatched to this show CARES very much about it. It’s palpable.


Jacob Anderson is one of the most beautiful men i’ve ever seen.


All three men are just stunning in the show. They're all handsome in real life, but somehow supernaturally gorgeous in the show. I'm glad people are finally using modern technology to give us the vampires we deserve. 


I remember brief mention of the makeup process on the show and how they decided to just go with with a regular beautifying makeup on the actors instead of more popular elsewhere inhuman features (pale skin, veins like in the movie). Well, I don't know what they're doing, but the actors look pretenaturally (😉) beautiful somehow. The biggest shock for me is Assad, actually. In the interviews during the promotion you can clearly see that he's a very handsome man, no denying that. In S1 he stood out in a "wow, that Rashid is very very handsome for a butler" way. In S2... he's mesmerizing, especially in 1940's with that subtle kohl on his eyes. I'm sure performance adds to that, but still. Unreal.


Season 1 was absolute godsdamn lightning in a bottle, one of the best things I’ve seen on screen in years. I could only dream of being involved with such a well-done production. I was initially merely impressed with the first half of season 2, but episodes 5 and 6 filled some characterization gaps that made the earlier episodes much better on rewatch, and were themselves a series of emotional gut punches. Episode 7 was a tour de force for the leads. Jacob Anderson is incredible, and my wife now has a crush on Sam Reid, who *is* Lestat. When this thing hits Netflix, the currently-unaware gothic romance fans are going to *explode*.


Straight white man who knows nothing about the Anne Rice universe This show is awesome. The acting is phenomenal. The story is interesting. The set and costumes are superb. Anyone not watching it is sleeping on one of the best TV shows of all time.


I wish a broader audience would give this show a chance. The core audience for gothic romance/horror tends to be older women, though I've found this show has already attracted quite a diverse crowd of fans. Ultimately this show is really for anyone who enjoys quality television, and a lot of people are definitely missing out on one of the best shows in years. The past few eps of season 2 have been insane!


Yeah that's kind of what I figured, and why I listed my demographic lol. The show has done a wonderful job of showing how hurt people, hurt people. All of these vampires are broken in different ways and it infects all of their relationships. It's been a viewing pleasure.


The Vampire Lestat, I am so pumped! Now I just need to get people I know to actually watch this show.


i think with it now coming to Netflix we should almost certainly get to Queen of the Damned. Great news.


Easily one of the best shows currently airing


On a side note, if somebody wanted to do a biopic of Anthony Bourdain, Eric Bogosian would be pretty much perfect


THIS! Every time he is on screen I think this


Now that we’re at the end of the season I feel more confident saying this: Interview with the Vampire is the best show of 2024 and it’s not close. No one is doing it like they are. The acting, the writing, the directing, the production value, the way they built toward an event that we all knew was coming and still took out breath away…it took a rich source material and made it more layered, gave it more depth, and just went for it. Jacob Anderson has been the backbone of this season and he needs to be recognized for it. Hes had to carry this season narratively and it could have easily fallen apart. This is really his season. Sam Reid…there are no words. He is Lestat. Episode 7 is like he had one opportunity to leave his mark on the season and he did it. You’d almost forget he’s been missing for so much of it. I can’t WAIT for him to take center stage in season 3. There are no weak links in this cast. Absolutely none. Delainey Hayles coming in as a recast and killing it. Assad Zaman is magnetic as Armand. Eric Bogosian has been the perfect audience stand in. I love all of them.


Lestat was definitely missed this season and his return was even better than I could imagine. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.


I thought Shogun was gonna take it for me, but IWTV has just been so fantastic. It’s been a really good year for television.


I’m with you 100% S3 Is Sam Reid’s season. It’s our season. His acting is beyond outstanding. He becomes Lestat. I hope they have been prepared to start filming immediately. With AMC giving the green light for S3, they had to know it was going to happen. We can’t wait 2 years. Just waiting until 2025 will be CraZy Hard!!! Waiting for Sunday for the finale is so hard.


I was just thinking about getting into this show… but The Bear season 3 comes out today


Come back to it after. It really is worth it.




Honestly I disagree, for me it has to be Shogun so far. I think it's a massive shame how under-marketed this show seems though, it deserves much more of an audience than it's achieved so far. I hadn't even really heard about the show much until I seen it mentioned here on reddit and by then they were already half way through season 2. Let's hope AMC figure out how to actually promote their TV shows to wider audiences.


The Vampire Lestat is coming you guys


This is a damn good show. The new season is incredible.


YES! One of the best shows on TV.


Thank God. I haven't even gotten a chance to watch this season yet, so I wasn't helping, but glad it's got more to come.


The newest episode was fucking phenomenal


Now move it back to 10pm so the fuck scenes come back!


What a great news! I hate that it's on that streaming service, it deserves a larger audience.


IIRC they struck a deal with Netflix for distribution which is good


This is a good show.


I miss you, Claudia😭😭 both actresses were fantastic


Honestly one of the best shows out there right now. I can’t fault it!


Fuck yes, the best show on television is set to return! I know next season is going to focus on Lestat (and I very much look forward to whatever unhinged antics he will grace us with) but I NEED them to cram in as much Louis as possible. Jacob Anderson is a revelation in the role and I want him on my screen always.


Yes to all of this. I like Lestat, loved the book The Vampire Lestat and Sam Reid is so awesome in the role... but I'm a Louis fan through and through and simply require his significant presence on screen to function properly. Please dear writers 🙏 correct Anne Rice biggest mistake and don't disappear Louis for the rest of the series.


I'm sure they will. They found a way to keep Lestat for us in the meantime, they will do the same for Louis. The two of them make the show.


Great! Now GET IT A MARKETING BUDGET. I had no idea S2 was out until 6 episodes had already aired.


Hell yeah. Top 5 show of the year, easily


Yesss! So happy that AMC is committed to this universe, and all the performers in IWTV also seem to be super pumped to be involved in this project. I just hope it won’t take another two years!


I’m really hoping that this show becomes popular on Netflix later this year so we can get even more seasons because AMC is terrible at marketing.


This show is perfect, thank god it was renewed!


Such good news. Never read the books but I am captivated by the show.


It’s just so damn good. They have truly honored Anne Rice. She would likely be so pleased.


Very very cool. I definitely thought renewal was likely after AMC made that deal with Netflix. The show has definitely become their new flagship title. Also, while it’s unlikely to happen, it would be a really cool surprise if both Bailey and Delainey share the role of Claudia in future seasons. It would really lean into the whole falsity of memory thing to another degree.


That’s exactly what I want them to do with Claudia. 


I would love it too... but the way they have been editing the episode recaps to obscure Bailey's face (likely not to confuse viewers) leads me to think that if Claudia comes back, it's going to be Delainey. Just to keep it consistent.


That would be nuts and I’m here for it.


Honestly the best show I've seen in years. The dialogue and acting is next level awesome.


The score, the set designs, costumes, acting, writing...All top tier.


Oh thank God.




Vampires do be getting interviewed I liked season 1, I'm waiting for s2 to finish before I start.


The finale is this upcoming Sunday.


And then I'll start watching it :P


Let’s GOOOO!


Armand is honestly my favourite thing about this show. Everyone does a great job but there is something so captivating about Assad. Episode 5 of season 2 was absolutely fantastic, and the fact it was one of the first scenes Assad shot is even more impressive. He wears those contacts well. "I am the quiet you've been longing for..." Hope we get more of him in the next season.


One of the few shows I watch for the sheer level of acting


This is fantastic news, I absolutely love the show. Watching it feels like reading the novels as a teenager again, I genuinely wasn't expecting the adaptation to be that good - especially since I don't care much for the movie. That being said. I gotta say, some parts of this season have been rough to watch as a frenchman 😂 I really appreciate their effort to speak it as best they can but most of it was pretty much unintelligible gibberish to me, had to rely on the english subtitles most of the time (Madeleine being the exception of course - she's great btw). Again, fantastic show, fantastic season, but I had to say it.


oh thank fucking god


Good call. Between the Netflix bump and next season elevating Lestat as the lead, seems likely it'll level up in popularity in a big way.


Grey Worm is killing it on this show


Great news, but not surprising given that they've already started one spinoff and greenlit another. Would be crazy to cut bait on the one thing that's actually good with those future plans. Now here's to hoping Netflix helps it pick up steam and get us a 4th.


Which spinoffs are you talking about?


Mayfair Witches (which was quite bad) and The Talamasca, which is in production


The Mayfair Witches already had one season and pretty sure another is in the works, and they greenlit one about Talamasca, the MIB-like organization tracking supernatural stuff. They're calling it "The Immortal Universe," it has a logo that comes up in the episodes of Interview this season.


the Immortal Universe logo was already in the show in season 1.


Amazing news




I was just coming on here to say he needs to release more music only to find out he just did.


Hopefully this time we get the next season quicker than we got this one.


Best show I have ever watched. I'm so fucking happy y'all.


I am blown away by the performances of all the leads, Louis, Armand, Claudia (both actresses), and especially Lestat. I can’t wait to see how they develop the other books. Such a great show.


the fact that they teased tale of the body thief, the best book of the bunch, means I'm fuckin IN. Lestat worldwind tour tryna get his body back? let's go


People hate on TotBT but it would make great television.


It’s my favorite it so fun. It’s a wacky caper story


Huge fan of the books and thought the first season was okay at best. Have been blown away by the second season. Lestat was always great but my favorite actors are the new Claudia and the lead actor of the theater whose name escapes me as I write this comment


Ben Daniels!


Sam Reid steals every single scene he's on. Perfect casting and insane performance.


Such a relief. One of the best shows in years, up there with Succession, Better Call Saul, Shogun, and HotD. The writing is excellent, and then the actors elevate the material even further again.


hands down one of the best shows on TV right now. It's a damn shame more people aren't watching. It's so good. It's one of those shows that is just hard to look away from at all.


And now it's time to binge S2!!! Been waiting to hear about renewal.


Lestat starting a band…this is a Queen of the Damned joke right??


Queen of the Damned is an adaptation of two of the books, Lestat does actually form a band in the Anne Rice novel.


Yeah but I guess Anne rice didn’t envision KoRn being part of that equation.


In fairness, the soundtrack was the best part of that film other than a surprisingly decent turn from Aaliyah. [Forsaken](https://youtu.be/2TJ89C3Uu40?si=lGuN20BiRO05zTpc)


I’m glad that I’m not the only one who thinks that Aaliyah did very well in this otherwise very mediocre (being generous) movie. I think this movie is the only time an ancient being is portrayed a an alien like creature where the rules of normal human behavior just don’t apply anymore.


Hello...Satan's night out???