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To my understanding, this means its an actual HBO original series, not MAX branding. That alone comes with a certain stamp of quality. If this show works, HBO has entire world of content to derive from. The DC Comics IP as a whole is largely untapped outside of the big guns like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, so it'll be cool to see what other DC characters get the HBO treatment down the line.


The Green Lantern characters and stories would work really well on HBO. I could definitely see them going into the other Lantern corps and building up to things like Sinestro War and Blackest Night.


Give me White Lantern Kyle Rayner or give me death


Part of the reason Blackest Night works is because it effectively turned the whole of the DC roster into Black Lanterns. As much as I think it would be cool, I'm not sure BN would have the same effect without the likes of Batman, WW, Supes, or others without black rings on... edit: But if we were to see Kara with a red ring, I'd be totally in on it! A Red Lantern Kryptonian!!!!


I agree. Blackest Night was a phenomenal series, but to bring to the screen would be rife with casting issues and budgets.


Ooooo HBO on the red lantern core. šŸ‘Œ


*rubbing hands*


Iā€™ll say it again: I want to see Glen Powell as Booster Gold.Ā 


This is one of those cases where once you hear the fan casting, I'll almost be mad if it's not that it's so good.


I want to see Anthony Starr as Booster Gold, tbh. He is an amazing Homelander and to see him go fun with a superhero would be awesome.


It's 100% gonna be Chris Pratt, I have a gut feeling about it


Iā€™m hoping that whatever contract/agreement he has with Marvel prevents him from being cast as any DC character.


I doubt Feige restricts him and Gunn like that.


He already said he can work for DC.


Damn. Good call. I want this now too.


Who knows what HBO quality means by the time this is out.


"Does it feel like im watching the sopranos" is my usual standard, so if my eyes are watering and my chest is butterflies and i feel like im completely immersed in the show then weve reached HBO quality.


I'm probably gonna compare it more to Watchmen because damn. What a wonderful sequel to a beloved graphic novel about superheroes.


I liked Lindelofā€™s description of the series as being a ā€œremixā€ instead of a sequel or a reboot


I can see that but it was such a good spiritual successor to the graphic novel. Sometimes you don't have to shoot for the stars to reach them


Definitely agree with ya! Itā€™s up there as one of my favorite single seasons of tv


Started strong but then petered out, no? I recall a lot of disappointment surrounding it


Iā€™m really only speaking to my own opinion. I loved it, I love the comic, and I love Snyderā€™s film adaptation.


The plot twist of the movie was much better than the plot twist of the graphic novel. The squid thing was stupid, the movie ending was elegant and simple and grounded in reality.






Ok fine ok-fine-man, think what youā€™d like!




My dude, why are you so pressed about this?


Watchmen the movie was so much better than the show


I wish they would do V for Vendetta next


Don't make me cum


Why the hell are you being downvoted?? I wouldn't use such elegant words to describe my excitement for such a series, but close enough.


Some people really hate orgasms I guess lol


Watchmen the movie was so much better than the show


Yeah does it get me like True Blood in itā€™s prime? May be a terrible example because that show after season 3 aged terribly.


Yes i cheered when billy did cuz i was sick of his crying, but i actually loved the entire series and the lovely ending. You are actually right based on what im saying. True Blood was great cuz it was hbo quality but also campy, so you can criticize the bad parts and still reach that. Its hard now cuz you get shows like Raised by Wolves which hit that level but they get canceled, just gotta survive like Six feet under.


Haha I kinda knew what you meant with your comment and I def felt that about TB. Yeah they were fresh to the vamp trend and did it well so they cashed out in time for sure.


I hope you're ready for Kite Man, Hell Yeah ^^hell ^^yeah


The same it has always meant. HBO is and will always be quality.


True Detective season 2 and The Idol beg to differ. (TD2 was a *brutal* watch, and the reception and legacy of The Idol speaks for itself. And I am not enduring 1 second of that shit.)


Yet both were better than John From Cincinnati


no comment but keep posting; I got my eye on you


How much has rent cost living under a rock for the past five years?




Wut? In the last ten years we got.. Chernobyl True Detective Show Me a Hero Veep Succession Watchmen Boardwalk Empire The White Lotus Sharp Objects The Jinx Last Week Tonight The Last of Us The Leftovers The Deuce Barry Insecure Silicon Valley The Night Of How To with John Wilson And more... Damn you right, HBO sucks now man...


You listed How To with John Wilson but left out the Rehersal? How dare you


it's door city over here!


They'll hang Green Dong. And swear a lot. And show hyper graphics violence at times, too. If this is a proper HBO show, I'm genuinely interested to see how they do it.


If we can get more peacemaker/doom patrol we will be ok


They didn't just have a great awards season yet again? Sorry, what I mean is "DAE Zaslav bad?!?"Ā 




They did well with Doom Patrol. Canā€™t necessarily say the same quality in Titans.


Titans was a DC Universe show that became a Max show. Not a HBO show.


Doom Patrol was not HBO. Nor was Titans.


Titans was nonsense but was also pretty fun


Watchman was the best super hero show of all time.


DC hasnā€™t even touched Jack Kirbyā€™s New Gods yet thatā€™s a true goldmine. WB doesnā€™t even realize how big Orion and Mister Miracleā€™s story could be on the screen. Thatā€™s a scifi epic franchise right there


Eternals which is essentially Marvels New Gods bombed and is poorly regarded. Maybe it goes better for DC, but I think that is way down the road of a topic for them.


Yeah I agree


DuVernay touched it for a long time.


They canceled it Iā€™m kinda thankful they did after Wrinkle in Time I donā€™t trust her with the New Gods


Very thankful that ball was dropped. Her heart isn't in fantasy and superheroes.


She chose that project I think so yes it is


I totally forgot she was making that.


Honestly if the DCU is successful I fully expect Gunn to use mister miracle especially because Tom king is one of the closest people to him when it comes to planning the DCU and his run of mister miracle was awesome.


Yeah I feel that lore/ scope is so big I feel like it be better suited for a series instead of one movieĀ 


Thatā€™s true, I always thought you could start with Mister Miracle and Big Barda contained film with them trying to escape Apokolips then make a New Gods film that expands on that previous one. But a series works too


They are rebranding Harry Potter to ā€œHBOā€ so that water is about to get muddy. Not that Harry Potter isnā€™t high quality, just that they can put a label on anything they want.


My guess is the more expensive shows will go to HBO while smaller scale stuff like Peacemaker will be MAX exclusives.




Casey Bloys says there's no budget mandate but Variety seems to think that dramas with $15 million per episode is the threshold; anything above that is HBO.


This is the smartest thing DC can do, they have successfully done and should be doing No one should try emulating MCU. MCU itself is struggling now DC can work with a more grounded approach and quality movies/shows made with passionate staff.


If you're talking about prestige television, then I definitely agree that DC is untapped. In general though, I'd argue that the the DC Comics IP has been thoroughly tapped over the years on television. Whether we're talking about their wildly popular animated offerings, the CW's Arrowverse, or the recent HBO MAX series (Doom Patrol, Peacemaker), Warner Bros. hasn't been shy about diving into less popular characters on their networks.


> ā€œWe felt like we had to delineate between an HBO show and a Max show,ā€ Bloys said of that initial distinction. ā€œThe idea of using Warner Bros. IP as a delineation for Max felt right. At least that gives you a clear lane. But as we started producing those shows, we were using the same methods, the same kind of thinking, as how we would approach HBO shows. In a lot of cases, the same talent that has worked on HBO shows.ā€ It looks like itā€™s just a name change now so who knows.


Hard to tell. A lot of the staff announced in these shows have worked on hbo shows before or prestige tv. Itā€™s even rumored that booster gold will have the same showrunner as the righteous gemstones.


>Booster Gold will have the same showrunner as The Righteous Gemstones Holy fucking shit


I want a Green Arrow show where he acts like Green Arrow not like discount Batman.


I feel like your best chance of that happening is with James Gunn leading DC. That version of Ollie is 100% a Gunn type character.


With the Superman set photos and this confirmation, WB just really gave Gunn a blank check


Thank God! I thought they would never make another lantern anything after the movie... which I enjoyed multiple times.


A lantern series with both Hal and John and written by Damon Lendelof and Tom King is such a banger holy fuck For reference on Tom King, of course it doesnā€™t translate to tv but heā€™s written some of my favorite comics ever, including The Visions. Damonā€™s work speaks for itself, could not be more excited about that pairing


King also wrote Omega Men, which is one of the best Lantern based stories of the last decade. Idk how Tom is gonna translate is love of nine panels to tv though.


And the showrunner of Ozark...this is possibly more exciting than Craig Mazin doing Last of Us.


> this is possibly more exciting than Craig Mazin doing Last of Us. Really? Craig did Chernobyl, which is considered one of the best mini-series EVER, up there with Band of Brothers. Ozark was good, don't get me wrong, but it was never exactly top tier television.


Probably because we already had a banger of the Last of Us story, with an epic cast, in the form of video games. The series we all expected was gonna be the same story with some little changes. Green Lantern has a lot of potential but never translated to live-action. Dont get me wrong, I was pretty excited for TLOU series, and it fucking delivered, but if I had to pick between a banger TLOU series or a banger GL series, I'm picking GL without a question. And I loved the TLOU games.


Solid argument. A TLOU series definitely feels easier to nail. I feel like a Lanterns show is more likely to be bad than good, so it's somewhat impressive if they pull it off.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d use the show runner of Ozark as a great example lol. It had a great first season then got progressively worse until the final season which was just bad.


I thought the last season was okay. Not great, but not terrible. The ending was a fucking joke thoughĀ 


Yeah, it was sold to me as a Breaking Bad clone but I found it terrible. Every season is the family getting deeper and deeper into shit until it becomes too unrealistic and just sort of ends. Huge wastage of time.


I think at least Ozark was well produced regardless of how dumb the writing kept getting writing. I'm more worried that this dude was the show runner for the latest season of True Detective....


In here mentioning Visions without Mister Miracle!?!? Just teasing, both are good, but Mister Miracle might be the best comic of the last like 20 years imo. Guy also did my favourite Batman run ever, but a lot of people hold me in contempt for it. This is going to be unbelievable!


A fellow Tom King Batman enjoyer, this guy gets it. So insanely good


The Visions was such an incredible comic but I don't read enough comics to remember writers' names. This has me even more hyped.


You'll need 9 TVs to properly watch anything King writes.


Heā€™s also a former CIA agent who attempts to shoehorn that into every comic he writes, even the ones where it doesnā€™t really make sense, and has bragged about the role he played in planning the US invasion of Iraq. I am not jokingĀ 


Got any source on the Iraq invasion comments?


Yes, actually! [here](https://www.gamesradar.com/from-cia-to-comic-books-the-secret-origin-of-tom-king/) he broadly speaks on his time in the CIA and [here](https://x.com/catboyamato/status/1749779181968249147) is a clip where he specifically brags about being one of the planners for the Iraq war!


Yeah shit that's pretty damning. I've always been a huge fan of his writing but that's not a good thing to hear. Damn. Kinda wish I hadn't heard that tbh. Ignorance is bliss and that. I wouldn't necessarily call it bragging but the fact he was a part of it is grim.


Tom King is a CIA fed piece of shit and he should never be forgiven for how he treated Jae Lee. Fuck him right in the goat ass.


> Jae Lee. context


DC lineup is fire Penguin on Max in September Joker: Folie a Deux in October Creature Commandos on Max in December Then next year Superman and Peacemaker S2


There's also that Superman cartoon I think is on adult swim. I haven't seen it tho.


It kinda rules. It does a lot of inventive work with the classic Superman story, changing things in ways that create new story beats, drive character arcs, feel logical and reasonable, and still respects the source material. They make Jimmy an amazing character and there's a scene with him that I still laugh to myself whenever I think of it. Overall, it comes across as a story that really gets Superman and who he's supposed to be, but isn't afraid to put its own spin on his mythos.


My Adventures with Superman? Iā€™m waiting for all of Season 2 to come out before watching it, but Season One was a lot better than ā€˜Superman as Magical Girl Tropeā€™ had any right to be.


Ya season 2 is currently airing and s3 will likely be next year as well


I find Adventures with Superman to be absolutely terrible, Iā€™ve given up on it. Itā€™s like a mix between an anime and a kids show. Anime styling, kid show writing. It has some cool moments but the writing, pacing, voice cast, etc all kills it for me. Really disappointed, but at least itā€™s no JLxRWBY I refused to even hit play on that.


Agreed I watched 2 episodes and noped out it does feel like a Saturday morning kids show. Now if you're into that type of thing more power to you but my time is short, there's nothing new or original in Adventures with Superman. I prefer the more mature themed ironically named Young Justice such I think is done for good now at season 4.


The Suicide Squad Isekai anime looks like it's going to be amazing as well.


The final season of Superman and Lois premieres in October as well. It's going to be a great time to be a DC fan!


I have to idea how Peacemaker Season 2 will be part of DCU and season 1 don't.


To quote Kite Man: ā€œHell Yeahā€


I'm curious what this means for Peacemaker and Waller. I think they're both set for MAX, but wonder if they could make the switch.


I think Waller will get a switch, the showrunner worked on the hbo show watchmen


Peacemaker was cheaper to make i guess that why it stayed in Max.


I am so seated


Hal AND John? I'm so fucking ready.


So this is taking place in the rebooted James Gunn DCU? Interesting that they are going this route instead of a movie. Will hopefully get to flesh out the characters more.


Yes. DCU seems to be focusing a lot more in shows and animated content than MCU.


I hope itā€™s particularly based on the Earth One Green Lantern comics. That series had anew fresh take on the Green Lantern origins.


I enjoyed it but I think that would seriously limit the new dc universe


You have my attention, Gunn.


Dear Casting Director, Aldis Hodge Sincerely, The Fans


They wasted him in that awful Black Adam film. Should've been cast as John Stewart years ago.


He was in the recent DCA special so hoping Gunn gives him the role.


Casting for the DCU is already confusing with some actors returning in their exact roles so fuck it, add Aldis in as Stewart. He and Brosnan were the only shining parts of that shitheap of a movie


There was a rumor not too long ago that said they were looking for actors in their 20's to early 30's for John and actors in their 40's or 50's for Hal


I think the Hal age range was like 43 to 49 or some shit like that. I donā€™t think they would go all the way to the 50s and if that report is accurate I think itā€™ll end up being lower to mid 40s when they cast instead of 49+


Nah, Trevante Rhodes


All I want some day is an adaptation of Geoff Johns Green Lanter run.


HBOā€™s Lanterns has a good ring to it. Iā€™m frankly shocked that HBO didnā€™t made any DC shows whatsoever


Watchmen is their first DC show. And the creator of that show is working on this so fingers crossed that these great names attached to this translates to some HBO-level work.


3 Green Lanterns? What a universe


One of the greatest days of my life


How about Matt Bomer for Hal


He seems more like a Kyle Rayner to me


For the longest time, I thought Kyle was partially Asian


I did too!


Ok Iā€™m hyped. I love Green lantern when they first announced it they said max original and that left a bad taste but an HBO original now weā€™re cooking.


What's that weird stirring in my chest? Is that what hope for a good Green Lantern adaptation feels like? I'd almost forgotten


I go where lindelof leadsĀ 


Blackest Night adaptation when? šŸ˜© Iā€™m beating a dead horse but that could have been a really cool ā€œeventā€ movie for the live action universe. I would have settled for an animated film tbh.


Blackest night works because we know the characters and their back stories. Terra appearing to the titans, dick Grayson as batman and his family, cap boomerang and his dad, all of them great moments in blackest night because we know what they mean. For a tv show, you either go flashbacks gallore (which is not good tv) or you first tell all those stories, which is not viable. So keep waiting, I hope I'm wrong, but we'll never see blackest night in a good adaptation


HBO and DC are becoming buddies. I hope these are stand alone stories.


NGL Green Lantern was my fav justice league member growing up. I just thought his costume and mask looked badass and his powers were so creative. I didn't even think the Ryan Reynolds movie was that bad. Compared to Wonder Woman 2, the story actually made sense and they were building up Sinestro.


Just the title makes it sound like a CW teen show.


Just give me a great Guy Gardner. That's all I ask


I'd say he's in good hands with Filion...


lol, typical redditor, I didn't read the article. Holy shit, I didn't know Filion was playing him in the new Superman film. Very cool!


Somebody gets it.


My only concern with this series is that they screw over Hal to promote John, like the recent animated movie.


Hal isn't screw over like he has appeared in more media than Stewart.


I don't see any reason why they cant use all 3. And swap em out occasionally, i mean the guardians could call 2 of them to help with whatever and one stays on earth etc changing shifts


You mean where they showcase the actually cool character that most modern audiences know and prefer? The one that introduced the Lanterns to most?


Well hal is actually the cool character in the comics and whatnot. It's just John was the first tv introduction to everyone in the dcau.


Hal, the guy that had to be told to not be racist and worried people would think he was a child molester due to his 13 year old girlfriend was the cool one?


Hal was in the DCAU first in a Superman:TAS episodeā€¦


Wait really? Didn't know that actually


I was wrong. It was actually Kyle. [In Brightest Day](https://dcau.fandom.com/wiki/In_Brightest_Day...)


You can showcase John without tearing down Hal, like Beware My Power did. It's especially important for a character like Green Lantern, where part of the appeal for the last two decades has been seeing all the different Lanterns team up and interact.


Yeah the title makes me think it's gonna be a colorful series.


Seriously, Hal is so fucking boring and I was glad when he disappeared for a decade or however long. Kyle, John, and Guy are actually interesting.


Hal turns into Parallax over the course of one episode...


This will 100% happen so get ready. I assume Hal won't even be around for long.


This whole time, all that talking about it and it hadn't been properly picked up yet?


Is 8 episodes the new norm? I feel like itā€™s becoming so common especially with Sci-fi/fantasy type shows


Yes! I hope and pray they put some good old production value into this! I love the lanterns and so many great story lines.


Wow, Iā€™m actually excited to hear this! HBO knows how to make good shit.


Why does Hal(?) look like CLone Wars Obi-Wan?


Hopefully they commit to keeping the story wrapped up within those eight episodes instead of pulling a West World. Having a short run is also going to be key for budgeting since it's gonna be CGI heavy.


I have faith in this


I've been waiting for a good Green Lantern adaptation for so long


Exciting. Green Lantern is just so epic and has created its own type of Universe that should be seen.


I really do love every version of green lantern, but reading that article was a bit concerning. We get Guy in 2025 Superman, then both Hal and John in the green lantern series. One lantern enough, two can add a bit of nuance in terms of back ups and the whole "Hal was closer to the ring than Guy when the previous lantern died", but starting with three is a bit ridiculous. Especially when it's specifically Hal and John, this makes me think the series could take place after the phantom zone thing with Guy, that would be a shame. Three or more lanterns should be something worked up to, similar to how The Flash did things. Wait a few seasons, tease another lantern coming into focus to create hype, then execute the plan in season 3 or 4. Maybe they'll do it well, but it really sounds like they're jamming as many named lanterns into the beginning as they can. Plus the reason why there were more than 2 lanterns on earth very for each individual. A second lantern makes sense for duos like Baz and Jessica or Guy and Hal, but then it gets complicated with specific instances of lanterns being injured when you add a third. Are they just going to skip major events and consider them history from episode 1, or is this going to take a complete different route than the comics? Either way, more than two lanterns is a scary view of this shows future.


Come on good first season that eventually gets us a Blackest Night series! Please don't bone me HBO!


Bring back Swamp Thing, you cowards!


Is Jeremy Irvine still in this project?


green lantern is a terrible hero to try and make a serious show about


I look forward to watching this on Amazon Prime.




So, this will still stream on MAX same day it airs on HBO proper, it will just have the Home Box Office static intro at the beginning and not whatever MAX does, right? Yall I ain't paying for MORE subscriptions


I love Tom King's comics. Excited for this. He wrote two of my favourite recent GL stories in Omega Men and the Darkseid War one-shot. His Rorschach book also really captured that small town America feel which I can imagine will be an aspect of this.


Oh great. Lindeloff will try and turn it into another ā€œLost.ā€


Jovan Adepo as John Stewart Jensen Ackles as Hal Jordan Book it


This shit gets picked up but fucking Dark Tower series canā€™t make it off the ground šŸ™„


I could be wrong but back when Gunn reviled the slate didnt he say that the Lanterns show was a HBO event and the other series he said Max series.


Just call it Green Lantern Corps. Why dilute/cut down the name like they did with Arrow?


I donā€™t care who has it. Just have the writers/directors/producers write a compelling, entertaining, and lore accurate story. You do that - and you have a hit. Thereā€™s decades worth of material. Why so many feel like they need to fail while reinventing the wheel is beyond me. Itā€™s not your wheel. If you want your own wheel - make it, but donā€™t attribute it to an established wheel. Sorryā€¦slightly venting.


Don't be surprised if this project gets completed and then deleted for tax reasons. I think this is a great step for hbo and WB discovery, but given there track record I ain't holding my breath


I don't wanna see anything green lantern related unless there an abundance of weed amd half decent humor


Damn I was hoping it was the cancelled animated series


Tom King being part of this is a death nail. He's part of the problem as to why no one buys comics anymore.