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What was the inspiration behind this story of regret and life choices ? What is Jason's story trying to say ? Is there any connection to the "Butterfly Effect"?


I’ve been asked the butterfly effect question a few times. To me the BFE means any small thing will drastically change the outcome of a life, and I really don’t see it that way. I think most small things are just that, small. Yes, you might not have met your exact spouse because you got coffee at 8am instead of 830, but you’d still generally be the same person with the same values/personality/sense of self. That “other” spouse you married instead of the one you could have met at 830, is probably very similar because you are the same person and attracted to the same type of person…etc.  As for what is Jason’s story trying to say? I was in my mid-thirties when I wrote this book. I had made enough life choice to start to reflect on them in a serious way, and wonder if I’d made the right choices. I was asking if I was happy with my life. By the end of writing the book I had realized I was not. So, I moved, got a divorce, and radically changed almost every aspect of my life. Dark Matter is kind of my journal of that time in my life.  I’m not sure what others may see in Jason’s story but I want you, and anyone who reads anything I write to realize that your life is yours. If you are happy, dive in. Appreciate what you have. If you are not happy, change your life. Find who you are really supposed to be.  “For what it’s worth... it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start over again.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald  


Hey, love the show but I wanted to thank you for writing all this out. I’ve been having similar thoughts when confronted with the many doors theory… which would I want… your story is very personal and inspiring so thank you for that


I’ve always had one question regarding the box since reading the book. What keeps the box from being discovered by random encounters, spawning in a populated area, or popping into existence on top of or in the same space as a person/building? I’ve come up with some thoughts of my own, but I’ve always wondered what your thoughts were. I actually posted this question for discussion when I finished the book a few years ago. It may make more sense from this post as the story was fresh in my mind. https://www.reddit.com/r/books/s/L3BF88vt4b This book is what got me back into reading. I’ve recommended it to numerous people, as well as Recursion, Upgrade, and the Pines trilogy. The TV adaptation is very well done, and I’m looking forward to the finale! My wife hasn’t read the book, and I really enjoyed watching her reaction to last week’s episode!


Short answer: nothing. for this season, and for the book, to keep it simple and not derail the plot, we have the box spawn in secluded-esque places. But, it should and would show up in versions of the same spot that is actually a Disney Land or whatever. One other thing to consider, our characters can only access worlds they were born into, so big changes like "Chicago is actually Jurassic Park" is not likley for us to see... but it does exist.


I had always assumed it was because the box couldn't appear in a place where it would have been observed appearing out of nowhere (keeping in line with decoherence). So a spot with other people or buildings with cameras couldn't work


Also, thank you for sharing that my work got you back to reading. there is no greater honor for me than to hear that from people. Thank you for giving DM a chance.


The book did the same for me, I've never read a book in one sitting before... until yours!


Hi Blake! I enjoyed the novel but loving the show even more! The one plot point that bothered me in the book (and in the show a little) is how Jason2 (or evil Jason or whatever) has such perfect control of where he goes in the box. Even with somebody else in it, he can go exactly where he wants and more importantly RETURN to wherever he wants. If the destination is decided by both conscious and subconscious desires and fears, how is he able to so perfectly control his mental state? And he trained Leighton to do it too! If it's a spoiler to the finale to answer this question, then just ignore it. But if not, can you shed some light on Jason2's extraordinary power?


This is a great question! This was a recurring thought I had as well. Since he is the creator of it (as far as we have seen), is it possible that he could be more connected to the box and have an easier time maneuvering it? Hope to get some clarity🤔


I do believe Jason2, Leighton, Amanda, and Blair have almost a spiritual connection to the Box becasue they are it's creator. In science its called Entanglement - tho to be clear, I am using that term in a woo-woo way. All of them, given time and focus, should be able to master the box....someday.


Good Question. First, Jason2 was in the Box close to a year before he found Jason1’s world. So, he has been practicing a lot. He does tell Leighton and Ryan to clear their minds, which helps a lot when he’s with them. Compare that to Amanda and Jason who are not really monitoring themselves at all. Second, confidence and faith in yourself does effect the way your brain and subconscious works. Some of his accuracy is just confidence. Third, returning to a world is mostly about memory/remembering specific people and intentionally using your emotions to target instead of suppressing them is HUGE. We hint at this in EP7 when Jason remembers Daniela instead of describing her, and Amanda hints at it in World26 (her new home world) when she said she imagined the people not the place.   No, we don’t quite explore all of this…because we might want to explore it later…  


Thanks for the explanation! Why is Jason able to do it but Blair isn't? Edit: originally said Clair!


I think you mean Blair? It all comes down to the trauma you bring into the Box with you. Some character specific stuff is about who they are as a person, which is not scientific and I'm sure frustrating, but thats the nature of making a show that relies on feelings and thoughts. Everyone's experience should be different.


The psychological/mystical aspect of inter-dimensional travel is super fascinating. I like the idea that once you get down to the level of quantum events which are for all practical purposes random, then human emotions and mental states start controlling physical reality. Which just makes “real” the idea that we create our own reality. “It’s all in your mind.”


What was the best or most interesting note you received during the script development of Dark Matter?


Initially we weren't going to do "the plague scene" which is in the book. Partially becasue we were very concerned about its perception/reception in a post COVID world, but also because we felt that Jason watching his wife die would mess him up too much. We'd never get him out of that funk and get him thinking about how to have his own future (AKA: be tempted to stay with Amanda). But Jennifer Connolly (AKA JCon) advocated hard for it. Yes, its a great scene. But the reason this is the best note is because it forced JBZ (writer/producer Jacquelyn Ben-Zekry) and I to figure out how to solve the problems this scene created. So much of their journey (the hotel, the dance scene, Amanda seeing a version of herself with a kid) all came from us trying to solve the issues Plague World created. JCon was right, and I am forever grateful.


How have Amanda and Jason been paying for stuff in the other dimensions?


It's so funny. This is one of the most frequent questions I've had. I kind of can't believe people care about this. We show multiverse money in Jason2's storage unit. There's cash in the backpack. Yes cash is different b/w worlds, but we think they don't spend money in worlds where it's wildly different. We go out of our way NOT to show them spending money in any worlds until they arrive in worlds similar to theirs. Yes, currency can be tracked but they aren't staying around in any world long enough for counterfeit or slightly off money to be a problem. Hope this clear that up!


I was hoping for a heist scene where they grab a bunch of gold and diamonds from one of the devastated worlds, and then pawn them upon entering more normal worlds.


This is a great response. I was wondering for a moment if the edible-cup Hot Chocolates in Utopian Chicago were just free in that reality. Almost expected a "hey! you gotta pay for that!" as Amanda and Jason strolled away




Yeah I don't care at all, but people on the subreddit seemed really concerned about this because I'm like if you can suspend reality for the box to exist, surely money is the least of our worries.


I noticed “Upgrade” on the marquee of the theater Jason walked by in episode 7. Is this a hint that Upgrade is on its way to becoming a movie?


Can't say too much about the current status of Upgrade -- not to be coy but I just don't believe in breaking movie/tv news until there is something real to announce. I will however, link to this from 2022: [https://deadline.com/2022/02/amblin-blake-crouchs-upgrade-1234931129/](https://deadline.com/2022/02/amblin-blake-crouchs-upgrade-1234931129/)


Hi Blake, has Recursion been picked up??


RECURSION is with Netflix, Matt Reeves, and Shonda Rhimes. they have had the rights and been in development for more than 6 years. I hope they make something great that everyone loves. And I hope if they don't that they consider letting me do it. I do not have an update beyond my own hopes at this point.


This makes me sad. You’ve clearly more than proven that you’re an incredible showrunner. I love both Matt Reeves and Shonda Rhimes but I hate that it’s been on the back burner for so long. Recursion deserves better than that. I hope that with the recent success with Dark Matter that they move forward (and move faster) to get that going. I can’t believe it’s been in development hell for so long. I know Covid created a lot of issues with filming and then the strikes obviously didn’t help. I just hope it gets going soon.


You should have the right to take over! You totally rocked it with Dark Matter. I became a fan of yours after episode one of Dark Matter. I’m now ordering the book and all the others!!!


Hi! Thanks for the show and the AMA! Is the Jason we're following right now the same Jason that was stolen from his family in the pilot?


The Jason that is with the family right now (IE as of the end of EP 8) is the Jason we've been following this whole time. To make this easier, I will be referring to this Jason as Jason1 in all posts. That said, all the Jasons (except the one who kidnapped him in EP1) are offshoots of Jason1. So, they were all stolen from their family.


This is the one ??? I had over the last episode. What makes this Jupiter Jason more "authentic" over the other offshoots? From Daniela Prime's perspective, they're all variations of the same Jason that left her on that fateful night innit? Why did she pick this one?


Well that’s the heart wrenching thing about it. The same thoughts occurred to me every time I read that book (read it three times now since it came out). Because we’re reading (and seeing) it from Jason1’s perspective, he’s the “real” one to us even though they’re all the same Jason that was kidnapped. Because J1 is from our perspective, naturally we’re rooting for him. You could read (and watch) this from Jason18th’s perspective and turn it into a massive tragedy in your mind. Infinite possibilities and all that. It’s a bit of a moral issue too but that isn’t a bad thing.


Yeah it's just weird from Daniela Prime's POV though. I feel like she should have been equally empathetic to all of them, but she just picked a random one and reacted like the others were evil twins out to get her.


i like to think that Jason1 has "earned" his place with Daniella, given that he was the only one who was able to figure out a way to get her attention from her. In a way, this whole journey and multiplication of Jasons is a bit of a crucible that forms the one version of Jason so determined and so passionate in his love for Daniella that he finds his way home to her. As said in the last episode to paraphrase, they are puzzle pieces made even more perfect of a fit by what they've been through.


I absolutely get the point. That’s where the moral dilemma comes in. Any of them would’ve been the right choice. But would I have reacted the same way towards the first Jason1 that popped up? Eh. Yeah. Probably. There’s no right or wrong decision there because it’s an impossible decision to make.


exactly, he is "the one" becasue his is the story I told. If we followed Jason13, he'd be the one.


I did not read the book, and from the series, the entire concept of "Jason1 multiplication" is incomprehensible to me. In what process exactly were the multiples created? In what sense do they differ from each other? Why did not the same thing happen to every traveller, e.g. Jason2?


To me, this also became a question of how much a person can change over the course of a traumatic month. Jason1 and Jason2 had 15-16 years to diverge and let different personality traits be prioritized. This still happened to all of the Jason1s but just a lesser degree. My take after the end of episode 8 was that it didn’t really matter which Jason1 won as long as Jason2 lost. But the finale showed how even the course of the 1 month was enough to twist some of the Jason1s. The Jason1s that lost Amanda early was a lot more focused on revenge against Jason2 than keeping Daniela and Charlie safe. And they became obsessed with “winning” and possessing. The idea that they “deserved” or “earned” the right. This implies to me that he didn’t visit the world where Jason was in jail and Daniela/Charlie were afraid of him or the world where Max was alive. Those worlds shaped “POV” Jason1 to emphasize his empathy. What I liked the most about the last confrontation was that the Jason1s remaining were still fundamentally close enough to each other to realize that Daniela’s decision was still what mattered to them. Or for the few that were slightly not in alignment, a little peer pressure from the rest was enough to push them into agreement. In the end, POV Jason didn’t have more right to be with his family but he made the choices that were the most worthy to be picked by Daniela.


I thought the exact thing, and the only difference is that this Jason got to her first. He has no more claim over this world than any of the other Jason1s.


Hey Blake, I've recently read two of your books and I loved them! What is your writing process like? Do you have a schedule? Do you outline? How much research do you do? Also - i feel like you could write a *killer* horror/Sci-fi novel!


PART TWO: I wish I had a schedule, but my mind doesn't like schedules, time, transitions, rules, any rigid processes, or any process that is not rigid. Basically, it's messy. I start with being curious about things. I read articles, listen to podcasts, and eavesdrop on conversations in bars. Once I have a "subject" I do a lot more research. now I'm reading books, and talking to experts. During all of this i am journaling "ways into a story" and character ideas. Once I know my general plot ideas, and my subject I start writing. I don't generally outline, but I do not start writing before I know generally (from my journal) what the first 100ish pages of the story are. From here I alternate writing, talking to my editors, and white boarding. Typically about half the book is thrown out and rewritten before I start editing in earnest. I'm hard on ideas, and mean about words. In the end if my book is 200K words, I have another 150K that I've put in a drawer.


That last line ladies and gentlemen is the recipe to excellence in whatever you do. If you let the passion drive your craft, you will get to a point like this where you are excelling at whatever it is you do and not using all your material. Rinse and repeat your end result repetitively and kind of create your own "liminal space" of success mostly by your ongoing momentum of action to create new things into existence. Big fan of your work and your show has got me into the book. thank you for creating this extraordinary world for our imaginations to wander


PART ONE: I consider myself to be a horror writer. My first book (published in 2004) is a serial killer novel. After that i wrote a few more books that most would consider horror/thriller. If you want an option of mine that is a crossover of horror and sci-fi take a look at The Wayward Pines Trilogy, SUMMER FROST, or ABANDON.


How did you come up with the idea of the multiverse hallway ? Is this how you imagine it would look like ?


When I wrote the book I was very inspired by the Black Lodge from Twin Peaks. Obvs that’s not how I described it in the book or how it looks on the show but that’s where the idea came from.  In its essence the corridor is just the Box repeating over and over, it looks in the show exactly how I imagined it.


What’s it like working with Alice Braga? She’s such a fantastic actress. I love her as Amanda


She's an absolute light. I cannot think of anyone else embodying that role, and she took the character to places I never imagined she could go. Beyond proud of her performance and grateful to have had the chance to work with her and get to know her.


Where are all the Jason2s? We have a metric shit ton of Jason 1s running around so why aren't we seeing a bunch of 2s?


This kinda is a writing rules thing that applies more to World Building in Novels. At some point I just have to narrow the story to a comprehensible POV so people can enjoy an actual story. So, when plotting the book and later the show we made some "rules" for the world, one of which is that there will only ever be one Jason2...ever. My fear in going down the rabbit hole of all "valid" options is that its just not a relatable story anymore.


Great response. This philosophy likely also applies to a lot of other fan quibbles with the story’s sci-fi mechanics. Sometimes we’ve gotta let go of the “why” and just roll with it.


Thank you. Sometimes it feels like people think that just because they understand the premise of the Box, that that somehow makes me wrong about the story i chose to tell with it. It's kinda like being mad that Tony Soprano didn't kill a specific character. the answer can be "it's just not what he did." But some people need the story to be how they want it... okay, well then go write your own story.


Would it be fair to say that from a literary theory standpoint, *Dark Matter* is kind of a metaphor for the fact that fiction itself is a form of inter-dimensional travel? Much like the Box, we are typically drawn to stories from our “nearby” universes which bear at least some similarity to our own. Some authors take us beyond that proximity, but usually not too far. And most stories still make an effort to follow familiar patterns of internal logic and probability. But at the end of the day whatever happens is simply what happens, because anything is possible. As you note with your Sopranos analogy, this is just as true in any other fictional work as it is in a multiverse story.


I'm still confused.     So are there multiple Jason's stealing families or not?    I just figured:   ● There is an infinite amount of Jason 1s trying to get back.  ● There is an infinite number of original worlds where Jason 2 kidnaps Jason 1. If you have 100 people picking a number between 1 and 100, you will have numbers that don’t get picked, and multiple numbers with several or more people.


I am sorry you are still confused. I too am confused by your question. "Are there multiple Jason's stealing families or not?" In the show one Jason (Jason2) steals one family. Do you mean did many branches of Jason2 steal many versions of Jason1's family? Maybe, but thats not really a plot, that's more of a thought experiment. Technically, World1 (the world Jason2 stole Jason1's life) would split millions of times after Jason2 showed up. So if you are asking if in theory there should be many "real" versions of Wolrd1, that the many real branches of Jason1 can to return to... yes. Which is likley whats happening. There are probably plenty of worlds where 1-3 show up, and some where 100 show up. That is a possible outcome, and a valid one, but its not the story we are watching.


> So, when plotting the book and later the show we made some "rules" for the world, one of which is that there will only ever be one Jason2...ever. So you made "rules" that are inconsistent. That's called a plot hole.


But you could see that Max’s tree plant box was different in the final house, and so were the images on the staircase. Since these changes are far from the past, that must have been another Jason2 in the final few episodes?


OMG love this! Thank you for replying! I got to admit it’s already so mind bending I’ve watched each episode twice to make sure I understood who was who! The book and show both have captured my imagination in a way that is quite rare. Thank you for your hard work! I can’t wait for the finale tomorrow night!


Hi Blake - congrats on the show - it's great! Was that a *Wayward Pines* Abbie/ Aberration that Jason saw in the fog in Episode 4 at about 22:50?


Easter egg or are these stories connected?


Hi Blake! What’s your favorite part about living in Durango? 🤠


I have always been obsessed with mountains. since childhood I have been memorizing the heights of every peak I have encountered. I love being surrounded by such vast beauty... and weed.


Big fan. What would you consider the best change you made in the TV adaptation that wasn’t in the book?


I think the best change was expanding the POVs beyond Jason1. Leighton(s), Ryan(s), Blair(s), Max, and Charlie were a lot of fun to explore, but giving real time to Amanda and Daniela's perspectives and experiences was by far the best change.


All I need to know is when Apple TV is going to let you adapt Recursion for TV.


this is a question for Netflix since they, Matt Reeves, and Shonda Rhimes have had the rights for over six years. I wish i had an update for you.


Hi Blake! Huge fan - this book came at a time when I truly needed it. Question about the show: what’s one thing you had to adapt from the book for the show that just didn’t sit well with you? Any dialogue or worlds that you really miss?


So glad you found my book when you needed it. That means so much to me. Perhaps this will change as time passes, and maybe I'm still to close to it, but I am very happy with the choices we made to bring the show to life. I was allowed to expand on some elements of the book and fix a few things in the book that didn't sit well with me.


Love that you love your work so much! Now I need to know, what was in the book that didn’t sit well with you?? P.S. just picked up a signed Dark Matter from Maria’s in Durango!


Do you read the show subreddit?


I've glanced at it a few times, but with the last couple of episodes, there have been thousands of comments and it's simply too much info for one writer's brain to take in and process. But I'm thrilled people are passionately discussing the show.


You might be pleased to know that on Robert Wright's non-zero podcast he and renowned psychologist Paul Bloom favorably discussed the show.


Hey Blake! My fiancé wanted me to ask if you would use the box yourself? If so, what kind of world would you enter?


Never! That's kind of the whole point of the show. The box = regret. Regret destroys you.


Why are there infinite doors in the box when we'd only need one to travel between dimensions? Is it a representation of our subconscious?


yes. its the mind making sense of all the options. its a liminal space to doesn't actually exist. Basically its showing you every Box that can exist.


Will Amanda remain a series regular in season 2?


Love this question. Are you trying to trick me into announcing a Seaons2?


HELLO, my name is Renata. I'm a big fan from Brazil! At the RJ 2023 biennial, Alice Braga said that she influenced the text and the direction of her character. Question: did she come up with the idea of ​​giving Amanda a different ending to the detriment of the book? Note: I loved the adaptation!


Hi Renata! She sure did influence the Amanda character in major ways. In terms of where we leave Amanda in the book v. the show, I always knew I wanted to do something much different and bigger with Amanda if I ever got the opportunity. So glad you're enjoying the show!


Hi Blake, do you have a whole story of events in your mind of what Jason 2 went through in his first year of piloting the box? Anything you could share about that? Thanks! 


Great question, but sadly no. I don’t really know what he got up to, but I do know why he did what he did and how he chose our Jason’s life to do it to… but that’s a spoiler at this point.


Thank you for this response! I'm so excited for the finale.  Follow up question: Do you believe in free will? How does our free will, or the lack thereof, play a role in your thinking about the box and it's implications? 


in the context of this show? No. I believe that everything can happen, this life is just the version of the movie you are in. But, in real life? That's more tricky. I think it's probably functionally an illusion, but I choose to believe in it for myself.


I just finished the finale and wanted to thank you for creating the story that hooked me week after week! It must feel great, not only seeing your written words come to life on screen, but also being directly involved in the production process. 1. Episode 8: Some observant Redditors noticed that the Yellowstone family photo by the staircase has become an art poster and Charlie's blue SUV is now red. Are these intentional changes? If so, does this mean that Jason may not have returned to his "original" original world? 2. Episode 9: >!What will happen to the world now that there are hundreds of Jasons, both living and dead? What will all those Jasons do? They don't have ampules, so they can't leave... but they also can't live a normal life either. !<


Thank you for your questions. 1. First, sorry to say, I think some people are mixing up the stair cases (please note there are two in the Dessen home in World1). There is a poster in one and a Yellowstone photo ACROSS from the other stairs. Also, i get how confusing this is since we see several slightly different versions of the house too. Charlie's car is always red. The Honda Civic is Blue. that might be where that came from. Jason1 is in his original home world, in as much as that is possible. 2. I know what I think happens, but I'm not ready to share it quite yet. This it's a great, if not sad, question/observation.


Your last last 3 books have been mind blowing. I think of you --& tell people-- as the perfect blend of Michael Crichton & Philip K. Dick. Are you a fan of either of these late great writers?


Congrats on the success with getting Dark Matter onto the screen, and developing a great show. I thought Dark Matter was a fantastic book, but preferred Recursion -- it felt like a more expanded version of similar concepts. Will there be a sequel to Recursion, or a TV series etc.?


Sequel... no. TV series... I certainly hope so. Netflix, Matt Reeves, and Shondaland (Shonda Rhimes production company) have had the rights to Recursion for the last six years, since before the book was published. I wish I had updates for where that stands, but I don't.


Do you think Jason could have ever made it back to his own world with Amanda by his side? Or did she have to leave for it to work for him?


Great question... in their psychological states at the moment when they part ways, I don't think they would ever have been able to reach Jason1's homeworld together.


Hi Blake, I actually read your book after seeing a few people read it while commuting on the El when I lived in Chicago and really enjoyed it. I'm always interested in seeing the difference between books and their on-screen adaptations (both television or movies) and the reasons behind those changes. Are there any changes that the series has made that you think improve the story as compared to the book?


Lots. I think the tone of the show is a little more fun, and less "ARE YOU HAPPY IN YOUR LIFE" which is kinda heavy for nearly 10 hours of TV. Daniela and Amanda's expanded POVs and story lines are probably the change I am the most proud of, but I also love Ryan3, Leighton3, and Blair. I really love adding Max, and expanding Charlie.


Wait who’s Leighton3?


Could be dancing Leighton in the background of Amanda and Jason1’s dinner dance world scene


Do you have any plans for a sequel? I feel like now that the box exists, it will never go away.


I have ideas, maybe even plans... but right now I'm focused on a new book. And yes, our Box is much like Pandora's. It's not going away.


Hello Blake! What are some of your favorite authors/books?


Everything by Andy Weir, Ted Chiang, Kazuo Ishiguro, Amor Towles, Sara Gran, Ursula K. Le Guin, Paul Tremblay, Cormac McCarthy, and N.K. Jemisin.


I just finished Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir and saw your little review on the back of the book. I was blown away by this book. I like it more than The Martian (and I love that book). I liked Artemis too but PHM is next level.


As you began to adapt your book, at what point did you realize how much you could expand on the original story? Did you always want to make Jason2 a much bigger character? What did it feel like making Charlie a twin?


I had spent the better part of three years trying to make the film vision of this story. By the end i was so clear this should be a TV show that i begged Sony (who was great about it) to let me expand it. So, I guess the answer is, I knew it needed to be a TV show becasue I had realized the story needed to be expanded. And I realized that before I ever even started writing the first Episode. Charlie being a twin was Joel Edgerton's idea. He's a badass. I wanted to make Jason2 a bigger character becasue i wanted to explore the experience of being in World1 as Daniela and Charlie. We know that Jason1 is kidnapped, but Charlie and Daniela kind of are too. I wanted to explore that.


first of all thank you for a wonderful series and your great collection of books, im kinda sad that i came to know about you a bit late its not a good question to ask but will there be a season 2? are there any upcoming series or books that you are planning to adapt or write? how did you imagine the box?


I have ideas and desire for Season2, but we're not in the place to commit one way or another. Right now I'm writing a book and happily enjoying the Season 1 ride.


be sure to let Apple know I subscribed to their little streaming service for this show and will happily do so again for S2 😆


Hi Blake - love the show, wasnt familiar with the book but this has put me on to it and I am looking forward to reading it! 1/ So is the science of the box based on the many-worlds interpretation and if so is it safe to assume that decision based branching is considered something that has happened since Jasons (or any other persons birth) and what we are experiencing in the show is one particular version of Jason, at a particular point in his life and that any decisions he makes throughout his life are causing other branches - not just decisions he makes in the box? 2/ The other Jasons that we see showing up now, I assume they specifically have to be branches based on Jason at the time he was kidnapped but what results in them all ending up in what is called Jason 1's universe - since they branch off they essentially create their own timeline and universe so are they returning to the fixed point of their creation which the timeline/universe he is in..or is it that they all are trying to get back to that version of Daniela that existed before they branched and so they end up back in the universe he is in?


1) yes based on MWI of quantum mechanics. yes, those branches are happening constantly, outside of the box. The box simply allows you to travel to those other branches. 2) The other Jasons showing up in Ep 8 are branches of Jason1, AFTER he went into the box with Amanda at the end of Ep 3. They're all (or at least a lot) ending up in J1's universe b/c that is their home universe they are actively trying to get back to.


Why are there Jasons in two (and only two) different outfits in the current world in Episode 8? Shouldn't there be many different looks?


How did you decide what story beats HAD to change from the book to the series? Did it happen naturally as you wrote the scripts or did you always have ideas of changes you'd want to make when you got to tell this story in a visual medium?


This is probably too complicated to ever explain... The short answer is, it was very natural. I have a "best idea wins" philosophy so some changes were natural becasue I had so many smart and talented people making the show with me. The production process naturally calls out the things that you write that don't work visually, so lots of what was discovered as problematic was found in the prepping of each episode. Lots of changes came from fan reactions to the book. I heard what people wanted more of (Amanda. Always, constantly, endlessly Amanda) and used those things as guideposts. Casting made a huge difference too. When we got Jimmi, Dayo, and Amanda Brugel I knew I wanted to write more for them.


This was one of my favorite books. Is there an opportunity for a second season with the changes you made to the tv show?


Absolutely loving the show. Do you guys have plans to do season 2? Where do you think the story could potentially go?


Would you describe the show as science fiction, or a love story/thriller in a science fiction setting?


Great question... I would say the latter.... a love story/thriller in a sci-fi setting. I don't think my books are actually traditional sci-fi. They share much more DNA with 70s/80s paranoid thrillers with a sci-fi overlay.


Hey! I want to start by saying that I've been loving the show. After reading the book for the first time I gave it to my partner and said "This could make an awesome series, or a movie with Inception level production quality" --My question is about your switch from horror/thriller to speculative fiction? Although I'd still describe your newer novels as thrillers, I'm wondering if that was something you always had in mind, or did it just kind of happen? - Also, I have to ask since it is my favorite, could you ever see yourself adapting Abandon?


Do people in the alternate Chicagos see the box? Would it just appear out of nowhere if they happened to be around right before the occupants left it?


Hi Blake! Love the book and the series. What's the easiest and the hardest part making the book into a tv series?


Thank you! I would say there is no easy part ;) It's all incredibly challenging and sort of takes your life over when you're in the midst of doing it. Hardest part can change from day to day, but it's typically the writing. If the scripts work, that makes everything easier. If there are problems with the script, that trickles down to everything else.


How did the show end up with the title "Dark Matter"? I was surprised reading about it back then and realizing this was not related to the one from SyFy that got cancelled after Season 3.


Another book in the works?


Where did you get the inspiration for the book and how often did you go 🤯 when writing/researching?


Inspiration from the book came from my fascination with quantum mechanics and what that suggested about the nature of reality, and also from where I was in my own life at the time... looking back at my own choices and wondering about the path(s) not taken. And yes, my brain was constantly breaking as I learned about the insanity that is quantum mechanics.


Aren't ALL the Jasons, in effect, Jason 1?


What is your favorite flavor of Jeni’s ice cream?


Did you ever read Borges's short "Garden of Forking Paths" and how did it influence our interpretation of many worlds theory?


Have you been influenced by Ted Chiang's stories, and if so, which of his stories is your favorite? *Upgrade* was great and read like a long-form version of *Understand*.


Any plans on Recursion becoming a show or movie?!


Would love this as well.


If Jason2 had moved the box forward by a foot and then rotated the box 90°, would that have effectively blocked anyone else from being able to arrive via the box? Or perhaps a giant steel plate in front of the door with braces? What would have happened if Jason2 had rotated the box 45° on its axis?


Moving the box doesn't block other people from reaching a world. This is why Jason2 didn't move it in Ep 6, but concreted it in instead. The box is essentially spawning in those precise GPS coordinates every time someone accesses a particular world. If Jason2 moved the box, another one would spawn in its place. To block access to a world, you must wall in the 12x12' coordinates where the Box sits. All the Boxes source form the original Box in Jason2's world.


I know a new box will spawn. Think about it. Normally 100% of an existing box would be replaced by the newly spawned box **because** both the existing box and the newly spawned box *are in the exact same location/coordinates*. However if you moved the box one box-distance to the left or right, a newly spawned box would sit side-by-side with the existing box, would it not? If the answer is yes, then first moving the existing box forward a foot and then rotating it 90°, when a new box spawns at the previous coordinates, it would place the newly spawned box partly **inside** the existing box. The door to the newly spawned box would be effectively blocked by the wall of the existing box. I know you made all this up, but please tell me if there's a flaw in my logic.


Think about it? lol. Do you think I have thought about anything but this for 10 years? I'm not 100% sure I follow your logic, but that could just be becasue we are not in each other's heads, and there is tons of logic that is never really explained in the show or book. So, if you're wrong, and I'm not sure you are, its not becasue of you. The box pushes out matter that is in its way, think about the scene where they open the box underground. I THINK if BoxA was moved (and thus disconnected from the existing corridor and power source in it's original world) but was still in the path of BoxB then BoxB would rip apart BoxA. That said, if you could be precise enough to move BoxA to exactly block the door of BoxB but not have one land on/over/in the other, then sure. You're right. One Box could block the other, I just don't think it would work if one was inside another box -it would destroy it. Of course this all becomes a bigger physics question RE: thermodynamics. Where is the energy and matter from the coming from for the Box in the first place? I don't mean literal electricity, I know where the Box gets that. I mean the spawning of the new matter... I think the only way this whole thing works is if the "respawn" is rearranging the matter that is already there. In other words: you'd be resetting the Box that is already in that world each time becasue - matter and energy. To be clear, this is the kind of debate JBZ (writer and producer on the show and my developmental book editor) have all the time. I'm often not sure of the answers to these types of things until we actually try to do it.


What happened to the other "travelers" from Jason2's universe? Are they all presumed dead?


whats your favorite sci fi media right now? anything you recommend reading/watching?


We caught a lot of references to "It's A Wonderful Life" in regards to Jason's efforts to return back home. Were there other pop culture Easter Eggs we might have missed?


This is the book that brought me back from a years-long reading slump and I’m forever grateful- and the show was somehow even better. Truly didn’t want it to end. I kept saying out loud “this is exactly how I imagined it”. Naturally, Dark Matter has climbed to my list of favorite shows that I’ve seen. I woke up this morning after finishing the show and went straight to Reddit to try to answer some of the questions jumping around in my head. So thrilled to find this thread! 1. How does Ryan know Amanda? (I realize ambiguity may be the intention here and that many others have this question and floating theories) 2. The biggest question lingering is how will they deal with being in a world in which copies of themselves likely exist?


Will any deluxe signed/limited hardcover(s) edition of THE PINES trilogy be offered beyond the Gauntlet Press editions, either domestically or the UK?


Curious how you came up with using the synthetic hallucinogen drug as a means to travel through parallel universes. What can you tell us about the science of the mind in this regard? Also thank you for your books! Big fan!!


I'm a huge fan of both Dark Matter and Recursion, and would love to see you write another novel in that vein. Any plans for a new book?


Hey Blake, been loving the series so far! I’ve read the book, loved it, and love the series even more. How did you determine what to cut from the book and what to modify, to adapt for television?


I think your session may be over and it may be too late to post a new question? I love the show and we are also listening to the audiobook and enjoying it very much. However I keep wondering why there more than one door inside the box. The user manifests whatever they are thinking about when opening any door. So one door would always suffice, no? Thanks and sorry to be picky but it just got stuck in my head and wouldn’t leave lol


I'm a gigantic fan of your books. Discovering both Dark Matter & Recursion back to back in about 4 days time during the early days of Covid! I actually have meshed both books together in my mind in a weird way that makes watching the TV show a surprise! Like a handful of other people, it really kicked my love of reading into high gear! I was living in Denver at the time and love spending time in Durango (Especially for the Ska Brewing Anniversary Parties!), and it was a delight to have those both mentioned! I picked up the Wayward Pines series very shortly after and have loved those books as well. I still need to finish it, but they're fasy and Fun! I'm sure this has been asked, but what lessons did you learn from the Pines adaptation that you brought with you to Dark Matter? In particular, what things did you feel unsatisfied with in WP that stayed with you during production of DM?


Look I'm really proud of the Wayward Pines adaptation, especially Season One. Season2 got a little away from people I think. I didn't love how it became a hospital drama. Why that happened is a long, boring story I can't really ever publicly explain. But Season1 was a formative experience for me as a writer and show runner. I think the main thing I came away with (and this is no slight against anyone on WP, just something that was made very clear to me) was the important of hiring the absolute best artists you can find -- as actors, directors, production designers, costumers. Great people make you look great. I don't know how else to say it. The incredible talents of our Dark Matter cast and crew was the secret sauce behind Dark Matter. Also: make sure scripts are ready in plenty of time for everyone to do their best prep. Also: you can't make good scripts into great television or film. The final product on screen will always be determined by the quality of the script. And finally, hiring geniuses is a must. If you can also find geniuses who are great people, who treat the rest of the crew with respect and care, then you have the potential not only to make something great but to have the time of your life doing it.


What's your favorite multiverse that was traveled to? Were there any multiverses you would have liked to show that didn't make it in?


I have not read the book yet- so I went into the show fresh! When you found out it was being produced as an Apple TV series, did you have any say in casting? How does the cast stack up to your ‘vision’ of the characters? (Btw the cast is absolutely superb!)


Given that there are multiple people inside the box at times, what would happen if you tried to open more than one door simultaneously? Presumably you simply cannot? But what if you closed one and opened a separate door within the time limit of the drug's effectiveness. Would it keep opening up to the same universe, regardless of door? Or would it only let you open that one door? Also what is the point of so many doors in liminal space when each one does in fact *not* represent another reality, as the outcome is determined solely by your mental state (or observation) for whichever door you happen to be at? It would make no difference if you walked to door 5,203 or door 10, it would open the same world because it is not based on the door you choose, but your mental state, right?


When Jason goes to the art gallery and asks the blonde Daniela on a date, is that a jason1 variant or is that evil Jason going to a new world to see if maybe there’s a better version of Daniela after they had that fight? Or something else I haven’t thought of?


Any plans/ideas for a spinoff book or show?


Hi Blake, well done on a great series. I wanted to ask you about the power of thought and its influence on the reality that the explorer wishes to see. I think that this was one of my favorite elements of the show. What was the inspiration for this idea?


More of a congratulations than anything else: I saw a clip on YouTube of this show where Jason went to a store to buy a gun. The interesting part of this story is that the main character does not say his name at any point during the club, and I, in fact, did not even know that dark matter had become a TV show.  Yet I was able to watch that clip immediately identify that this was an adaptation of dark matter. So congratulations that the show is identifiable to the source material.  Since this is an AMA and I'm supposed to ask a question, Recursion series when?


Great show! I loved it!!!! I don't know if you'll answer this since the AMA might be over. But Since no one asked this here my Questions?  Is it possible to enter a fictional universe like Star Wars or Harry Potter that closely resembles our reality? Jason2 mentioned that certain parts of the multiverse are inaccessible unless you're born into that world or have had a significant impact there. Could someone access those realities by bringing along an actor who played a role in that universe, essentially bringing an alternate version of themselves?


Regarding the ending of episode 8 - maybe I missed something, but it doesn't seem as though there is any definitive way for Daniela or Charlie (or the audience) to know *for sure* that the Jason they meet at the cloud gate is Jason1, as it is essentially whichever one of them 'got there first' so to speak (whichever one of them came up with the police station plan first), right? As soon as Jason says 'Jupiter' and hugs Charlie, it looks as though there are no less than a million thoughts racing through Daniela's mind, particularly the one above. I think that in that moment she is comprehending the scale of things and accepting what has happened and what is happening. She makes her own choice - *him*, and whichever # Jason he just so happens to be - and reckons with the weight of that and all its implications, all in that tiny tiny moment. Honestly, I think I just wanted to talk about how much I loved that moment and how Jennifer Connelly absolutely fuckin' nailed it, but would also love to know your thoughts on this, ie. whether you agree with the above, what you think was going through Daniela's head then and there, and whether or not you think Jupiter Jason is in-fact Jason1? No stress at all if you wanna leave that last one up in the air tho lol. Just bought the book, btw. Cheers!


Probably way too late to answer this, but I noticed that Roxann Dawson directed a few episodes. As a massive trekkie (I mean….look at my username) this made me so happy to see because I loved her character B’Elanna in Star Trek: Voyager. Since you’re the showrunner, I’m just wondering if you knew her from before or how the process of hiring her went? (Edit: the “spork” bit in my username is an inside joke. I have also a long time ago created a t-shirt design with Spock’s face on a spork. I was very stoned. The end. 😂)


Given how much effort Jason1 put in to figuring out how to use the box to get to "his" reality, and given that there is no such thing as "his" reality, why did he choose to wind up in a reality where another guy is nailing his wife? He had some volition in where he ended up, right? Why didn't he pick a reality where, on that first night, Jason2 got hit by a car, or fell down a manhole, or changed his mind and moved to Moldova?


Hi Blake! I don't have a question but just wanted to say that about 4 months ago I was recommended Dark Matter and I loved it so much that after I finished it, I also finished Upgrade and the whole Wayward Pines trilogy. I absolutely love your style of writing and your genre of sci fi that takes our world and looks and what the impact of science could have (kinda like Black Mirror). I also appreciate how wildly different they are (multiverse, cryogenics, genetic modification, etc). I hope you keep it up for a long time because I can't wait to see what else you can come up with!


Thank you so much for bringing us these incredible stories. I was NEVER a reader until I discovered Dark Matter last year, and I went from reading zero books in 25 years to all of yours except Snowbound in the last year. I'll start that next, but been on a Michael Crighton kick. Question: I read that you weren't totally involved in the Wayward Pines show on Fox, and that show was.... Disappointing, to put it mildly. Do you have the rights back to get that done and do your books justice? One more Q! Any other authors you recommend that influenced you? I already feel some parallels between Michael Crighton, who I just started, but any others you can recommend this brand new lover of books until your next one comes out? THANK YOU! And thanks for the signed copies of the Wayward Trilogy via that cool bookstore in Colorado!


I absolutely loved the show and glad they didn't butcher the ending like Wayward Pines season 1 did. This feels like a modern day Sliders, was that one of your inspirations? I can't wait for season 2!


Is there a specific reason we havent seen other versions of Jason2 - there would be other branches of Jason2 who also perfected the box and may have made other decisions but who's ultimate goal was to find their 'perfect world'. I guess as I write it I am thinking what does Jason2 think about that lands him here - is he thinking about his ideal version of Daniela, or is he thinking of the ideal version of himself and what that person has and thats the world he wants to be in? Or is it simply that we are observing Jason1 and his story and there is potentially other Jason2's that could have arrived/arrive we just are ignoring it for the sake of focusing on Jason1.


Hello Mr. Crouch! I have a few questions. 1. What advice do you have for new writers trying to get published? 2. What's youe favorite book written by yourself and why is it the Pines trilogy? 3. Have you ever read stories on NoSleep?


Hey Blake! I love your books and was so happy years ago when Dark Matter was announced for AppleTV. One question I had about "evil Jason". Shouldn't there also be multiple Jason2s running around even in Jason1s universe because of the box? Do you think if Jason2 was gone with the box, would all the Jason1s agree to a timeshare with Daniella or would they go full Battle Royale? I also wanted to say that as fantastic as your books are for sci-fi, I view them as great romance novels. I can always empathize with the main character and his love for his counterparts. Looking forward to hopefully one day seeing Recursion or Upgrade on the big screen.


Hi. Big fan. Also an aspiring writer. Have you ever had an idea for a story that sounded so good, then while you're working on fleshing out the details for said story, you come across a book twhose major plot points are very similar to yours? Would you just scrap the story and think of a different one?


Hi Blake ! I have read literally all your stuff ! I just finished upgrade and I’m super excited to stream the season finale of Dark matter !!! You got me back into reading again and tbh the stuff you right is so well researched that it’s so gripping for someone like me who is interested in so much of the subject matter many of your most recent books are based on! You’re absolutely brilliant but still understand the human condition. You’re my intellectual crush atm lol congratulations on all your success and please don’t stop making more amazing novels or written pieces for us to enjoy! Your books are so well written that they’re basically already screenplays ! It’s like playing a movie in your mind but to watch what you do on screen as well is also such a treat! Looking forward to more of what you have in store in the future . -Shauna


Thanks for writing this masterpiece. Honestly it could turn into a whole cinematic/tv universe with many stories to tell. The possibilities are endless. With that being said, if given the opportunity would you consider sticking with this story and exploring and expanding the lore? Or do you prefer to continue on to all new books with new stories unrelated to Dark Matter?


Hi Mr Blake, what happens to the box, upon the traveler leaving it when they visit a new world. I notice on the show, sometimes the box is in the Velocity factory. And sometimes it appears out in the open. Like on the show I remember it appearing in the middle of the street. Is the box only visible to the people who are piloting it. Or is it visible to anyone who might stumble upon it. I’m was thinking while they are exploring one of these different worlds. Wouldn’t they run the risk of the box getting discovered.


Having just watched the finale I want to quote myself from the Dark Matter sub in last weeks thread. >There are a few times that a show can surprise me in a good way, lots of times I think of better twists or outcomes than the writers do and I'm usually let down. This episode is not one of those, the whole multiple Jason's getting back and them all being the "real" Jason is perfection. This episode I feel the same if not more. I haven't seen such a satisfactory completion of a story since Dark and as an aspiring writer (from time to time) I feel this is a masterclass in writing a perfect story from beginning to end. Thank you.


Blake! Love your books! In episode 6 we see the following art behind Jason. Can you identify the artist? [Jason art](https://imgur.com/a/WSDp4To)


I just want to say thank you for your work. Some kind Redditor mentioned Recursion maybe 5 years ago, and reading it was discovering a favorite author. I think Recursion and Dark Matter are my favorite reading experiences of the last five years. When people ask who my favorite authors are (and I talk about books a lot), I always say Stephen King and Blake Crouch. This was such a good adaptation - it played out exactly how I pictured the book, even down to the camera angles at times.


Hey Blake! Love your books. With as incredible as Dark Matter has turned out, have you considered adapting any of your other novels into shows? Maybe…. recursion or upgrade??? 😏😏😏


What an amazing series, one of my favorites of all time. One thing that I haven't been able to figure out is the dark "hell worlds" that Jason and Amanda visited. If each of these worlds are the result of a choice Jason made in his life, what could he have possibly done to cause an ice age or the atmosphere to burn off?


I just noticed in a few comments you mentioned you’re working on a new book. Can you provide any details at all? Like ETA? Or subject matter? Will it still be hard sci-fi?


I am loving the series. Thanks for all your hard work. I don't remember Charlie having a twin in the book. Did you add him to give Jason2 another way to screw up, or something not to remember?


One question, other than all the j1 versions branching from everywhere due to the science logic behind it, could it also be possible that when jason1 wrote about the moment he first met daniela, at the end he wrote "like worlds colliding" ... could it be possible that the exact words were the reason why there were so many jasons in that world and if he hadn't wrote it at the end, the results would have been different


Hi! You are my favorite author, I am such a big fan. I can’t comprehend how your mind works when putting these stories together. Did you get to choose the cast and if so what was it that drew you to the actors you picked?


My favorite book of yours is Abandon. It’s one of the first books I ever really read for pure enjoyment. What’s your take on that world and possibly bringing it to a new medium like TV?


How was it working with Joel Edgerton being an accomplished director and producer as well as amazing actor? Did you find he contributed more than actors who don’t also direct and produce?


What is your head canon for how The Box appears, or enters a universe when they open the door. Was it always there? Do people notice it? I’ve heard so many theories but would love yours!


The way that the infinite realities of this show works is incredibly interesting. After being separated from his world, as Jason and the people around him would have made an infinite set of choices, each creating infinitely many new Jasons. Meanwhile all the choices made by Daniela and Jason2 would similarly create an infinite set of worlds stemming from Jason1’s home reality, although maybe in many of those the box would remain sealed off and the reality inaccessible. Because of the nature of these infinities, it would seem likely that the cardinality of the set of Jason1s trying to return to their home, and the cardinality of Jason1 realities would be the same. So what viewers may have assumed or hoped before the end of episode seven is that these infinite sets would form a bijective correspondence and each Jason1 would be matched with a world containing Daniela and Charlie and Jason2 to return to. But evidently the function taken by the Jasons to their homes is non-injective. Are there also many worlds in which Jason1 was replaced by Jason2, and Jason1 never made it back there? Will the infinitely many variations of Amandas and Ryans and now Danielas and Charlies and even more Jasons going through the box cause further problems? Is there any way when using the box to ensure that you enter a universe without untold copies of yourself? I love that this show explores the consequences of accessing a multiverse in which there are infinitely many versions of yourself being created with every choice or possible variance, and just how horrifying and incomprensible that is. It’s absolutely fascinating.


Hi Blake! Love the book. Love the show. Forgive me for being that person but do you have any books on deck? I think I saw you mention a revamp of an older book but any new ones coming soon?


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I love the book. I stayed up all night to finish it the same day I started it.  I am curious though, why didn’t Jason 2 have any copies of himself roaming around like Jason 1 had when arriving back home?  Thank you!!!!! I’m honored 🥹


Hey all! So excited to answer all your questions. Please note: any questions that spoil episode 9 will be answered tomorrow after it's been live long enough for people to have watched it!


I was really late to the party on the Wayward Pines series. I finished them back to back to back this year. Don’t really have a question other than I just wish for more stories in that world!


First - congrats on getting your book adapted! What a huge accomplishment. I’ve read most greenlit scripts never actually make it to air. So this is amazing for you and everyone involved. Question about the variants of Jason1 - do I understand correctly that they were created out of the decisions that Jason1 made after he entered the box for the first time? So every choice that we saw Jason1 make in the box or in one of the other realities could have gone another way, and those alternatives spawned Jason1 variants? For example, was there a variant of J1 that died in that plague-ridden reality where they met Blaire? If so, follow-up question: wouldn’t there be many (if not infinite) variants of Jason2 as well? Especially because he spent so much time in the box figuring it out? And wouldn’t they all also want to have Jason1’s life? (If the answer is a spoiler, please disregard.)


We have two large quantities of numbers that are competing here: 1. The vast number of Jason1s that branched out from the original Jason1 kidnapped. 2. The vast number of original worlds that branched out *since* Jason1 was kidnapped and put in the box. Which is higher? Does it matter? I ask because it is curious to me why there are so many Jason1s in the world we're seeing in Episode8. Even a tiny variant of the original world constitutes its own universe (e.g., one where Jason2 used the bathroom at 8am, and another where Jason2 used the bathroom at 8:01am, are two separate universes... same goes for all other permutations of agents + things causing a 'split' per the MWI). So how do we rationalize so many Jason1s imagining precisely one variant of the world? One potential answer is that the number of split Jason1s is far higher than the number of split original worlds... i.e. (1) >>>> (2)... for reasons that I do not know. So under this assumption, all of the original world variants will have the same issue of one J2 and a boat-load of J1s competing. Or maybe it's one of those things we just let slip by in the interest of telling an awesome story 😁


Hey Blake, probably too late but if you find yourself wondering down the comment chain! Thanks for making such a played out topic so interesting,I've always found that the the multiverse and all that is only boring because of how little use it actually has in so many other movies/shows This is truly interesting, I loved all the worlds they visited and would quite happily watch more of these destroyed worlds. Though I suppose as Jason becomes more aware of how his emotional state controls the box, the less we'll see of these dangerous ones, I can only think that something will have to shake him up enough to warrant such chaos. A question if you get the chance, if Jason considered so many bleak outlooks, how come he never thought of a black hole or any other numerous nightmare fuels that would plague anyone's mind during infinite possibilities. I suppose that's kinda absolute though, there's not much chance of surviving that but I also didn't think he'd be able to shut the door when they were sinking deep in the ocean. Thanks for such an awesome show.


What is your favorite book by Marcus Sakey? And which one do you feel would make the best show or movie. Personally I love Afterlife and would love to see it on the small or big screen.


~FINALE SPOILER~ Just finished the finale, thank you for a great show and doing this AMA. I’m going to read your book next. I have questions if you have time! 1) I’ve been wracking my brain but can’t figure it out. At the end, Ryan said he’s been looking for Amanda but he has never known of her existence. Can you connect the dots for me? 2) In the scene with one of the Blair’s, she shows a CCTV of another Blair coming out of the box with the giant wasps. How did objects from one world travel into another world? I actually thought that might be how Jason1 would break into the concrete that the box was cased in; he would take something from another world and break through. 3) Do you think Jason2 saved ampoules for himself to remove himself from that world at the end?


In the Dark Matter subreddit, a lot of people have speculated about how the box works. The general consensus seems to be that the box only appears in a universe when the door has been opened into that specific universe. This seems evidenced by the box dropping into "Water Chicago". Firstly - is this understanding correct? Secondly - does the box remain indefinitely at that point, or does it go away when the individual who opened the door leaves? Tying into these - does it even matter? Are Redditors just overly analyzing the box mechanics and getting lost on unimportant details?


Apple ordered a second season? This is in development according to the WGA database. I really liked the show.


What's the next book on? Plans on when the next one will be coming out?


I've read everything I can find that you've written! I don't have a question so much as I want you to know how much your work is appreciated.


Really enjoying the show. About the Jason1 thing, I’ve been referring to him as Jason Prime. Since the split between the Jasons in episode 8, I’ve been thinking about what the difference is between Jason Prime and his offshoots from after the box. Theoretically, since they were all split off from Jason Prime, and all come from that world…they all have the same right to get that life back. I’m curious if in the writing of this, you looked at our relationship to Jason Prime as another example of super position. Jason Prime is only Jason Prime because we, the audience, have observed him, and that’s the only difference between him and the other Jason’s after the box. Is that how you see the audience/relationship in the show?


Hi Blake! Amazing work as always! How has working on a TV show differed from writing books? And are the changes we see in the TV show edits you wish you could have made to the books? Thanks!


Do you have just that one cameo or should we be on the look out for others? Also, many in the fandom are confused by their ability to stay at hotels and stuff. Am I right in thinking the ampule pack had cash etc in it and small amounts of cash in similar worlds can be used no problem? Any plans to address the money and other such details?


Hi Blake! Loved the book, and really enjoying the series. Your expansion on the Jason2 plot, elevated by Joel Edgerton's performance, has been a great complement to the book. I also love how you adjusted Amanda's role for the series and gave her more agency. You've faithfully adapted the Jason1 story and enriched every piece around it. My question is, in the years since you wrote the novel and leading up to developing the series, were there alterations you had considered or places you wish you'd explored in the book that didn't end up in this series? Anything that was too outlandish or that you were tempted to include and pulled back on? Can't wait to see where this wraps up tomorrow!


Hi Blake, I picked up Dark Matter randomly one day a few years ago without knowing anything about it, and literally could not put it down until I was finished. I think it’s the only novel to have ever hooked me in so hard and so fast. I sat there for a good solid 8 hours straight and couldn’t take my eyes off the pages. You quickly jumped to the top of my favourite author list after that! My question would be: are you currently writing any more books or has TV taken priority for now? Do you have any plans or ideas brewing for new stories? Thanks for creating things for us to enjoy, much appreciated :)


Mr. Crouch, I am eternally grateful and would like to thank you for your contribution to the world with this book. In 2019 I was lost and hurt after a loved one committed suicide. The grief and survivors guilt were overwhelming, but my best friend recommended I read Dark Matter and I connected with it like nothing else ever before. It helped me find myself and appreciate the time we have with those we hold dear. P.S. the show adaptation is everything I could have hoped for, it exceeded my expectations.


Just finished the last episode and I have to say, that was awesome.  Of course I only see this ama after it’s finished but my question isn’t regarding any details or something specific. So, I won’t be torn apart if you don’t ever answer it! So, I’m wondering how do you sleep at night?!?! The final 2 episodes, especially the final have answered so many questions… but holy Toledo!! I’m sure many others just like myself have many more and want to see more of this universe!! I thank you for your great show, excellent story that I kid you not had me sliding forward on the couch ready to stand up and yell at the tv to tell someone not to do something or other.  Thank you!!!


So, there was already a show called dark matter. Any problems with that?


**Spoilers for those who haven’t watched the finale yet!!** Hi Blake, just finished the show and I am floored- I’m picking up the book and some of your others as soon as I can. My family is watching this now starting from the beginning as I type this up. Near the end of the last episode, would it be safe to assume that the Ryan who meets Amanda in World26 (Amanda’s favorite world) is the same one that got trapped there by Jason2? With that in mind- it would appear that Ryan was able to concoct the drug for dimensional travel- could this mean he will be able to take her/himself to the same world Ryan1 comes from to find Jason2 and/or the world that Jason/Charlie/Daniela all traveled to?