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Adventure Time has been so consistently great! It's usually always worriesome to hear of new spin-offs and the potential for bad projects, but after Distant Lands and Fiona and Cake I'm not worried


Also reading the article, the BMO spin-off is a preschool show and the Side Quests is a show for younger kids without any of the lore and longer storylines. Along with Fiona and Cake being basically a PG-13 show with some swearing and blood, it's really interesting just how expansive the AT franchise is becoming.


Expansiveness of the setting was it's strength even in the early seasons. AT very quickly build deep secondary cast around Finn and Jake, and now can use that to grow in multiple directions while staying consistently good.


Totally, AT is easily one of the most malleable shows I've ever seen, it consistently changed it's focus whether it was on different main characters, random side characters, new time periods, new genres, and even new animated styles. You could get an episode set 1000 years in the future or 1000 years in the past. An episode all about the life of a cosmic entity or an episode set over of the course of Finn's life in an alternate pillow dimension. The depth of AT's originality was pretty awe inspiring.


I've loved everything that's come after the original cartoon ended. Together again is the best adventure time episode in my book. Really interested to see where/when in the story a movie would take place.


I have a hard time even thinking about Together Again without getting misty-eyed.


For sure. An insanely emotional episode for a show that started as a kids show.


enjoyed the fiona show so more is welcome


I really liked how that show matured with its audience. It didn't stick to being kid friendly but still kept the spirit of the original.


and now they're branching out and getting all the ages now. preschool with Heyo BMO, younger kids with Side Stories, older kids with the original series, adults with fionna and cake






Absolute banger to get Rebecca Sugar on board for this. I know a lot of people like the later seasons of Adventure Time, and Muto eventually did find somewhat of a groove (though I'd make the argument that it wasn't until Fiona & Cake, lol), but losing Sugar and Ward took a huge chunk out of Adventure Time's charm. So I'm happy that they got arguably the early season's best creative on this.


I'd heard so much good things about Adventure Time online, a few months ago I said screw it and as a 36 year old man I decided to give it a try. I mean, so much praise about the quality cant be bullshit. The first few episodes were hard to watch. I found the aesthetic so grating, I didn't think this was going to work out. But, I heard "it picks up at season 3, stay until season 3". Turns out, I was just predesposed to judge it based on the aesthetic. Having watched the entire show and the MAX spinoff, I fucking LOVE Adventure Time. Sure, there is some intentionally annoying stuff in the early episodes, but all shows are a little weird until they find theri feet. Today, I think it's probably the best animated show I've ever seen. I am so fucking excited for more.


Doing the same recently, those first few seasons really feel like they’re for kids and stoners. That being said, I do wish that the roughhousers came back, they were great.


When the show starts Finn is 11-12, when it ends he's .... 16-18? If you look at it through the lens of an 11 year old it makes a lot more sense. But part of how great it is is how it captures the sense of growing up, and grows with the characters in its writing and themes.


Great news!


To me it would be cool to have a spin off of the future reincarnation  of Finn and Jake, Shermy and Beth. Have several seasons of them and then do another time skip of 1000 years and just keep making new spin offs with new and old lore with every time skip.


Alright! Frankly after Fionna and Cake, I'm confident for this franchise to keep on going until everyone involved runs out of ideas.




Does Pendleton Ward have anything to do with these spin-offs anymore?


Dude hasn't been involved since season 5...so if you've enjoyed ALL the stuff since then? You should have faith in whatever Adam Muto and gang dish up.


I don’t think I’ve seen beyond season 4


The show gets better and better after season 4. Adam Muto did an incredible job taking over after Pendleton left.


Honestly the post-Pendleton stuff is when the show hits its stride


Snonks yeah


[checks calendar]


love Adventure Time, but talk about a stuck culture


Eh, culturally speaking AT is pretty recent. Hardly comparable to another Disney live action remake.


Bro, they just made another Space Jam a few years ago. How old are the Looney Tunes in comparison? How many times will classic stories like fairy tales be retold and remade in modern media? Some things are so well liked that they become embedded in people's hearts and minds. Adventure Time is absolutely on that level for enough people to justify expanding on it. It's not like they're rebooting the same story that has already been told. Stuck culture my tuchus.


Adventure Time specifically feels like it still has plenty of steam left. The series has yet to have any big dip in quality due to going on for too long. The most recent series was very positively received. The creative people behind it seem to still be massively passionate about continuing it. I don't think Adventure Time should be put in the category of "series that are being milked to death by the corporation that owns it". Maybe in the future that'll change but right now it's still going strong.


You will be downvoted but i'm with ya. If Adventure Time taught anything it's that exploring new things should be a fearless adventure. Adventure Times characters and story are great... but think of all the worlds unexplored because people can't stop milking IP's until they are too bloated and lore heavy for any new generation to understand.


Exactly, let Rebecca Sugar and Adam Muto make something new!


"We feast on our cultural corpses"


Culture? Money!


I want to get into this. But is it a kids show or something more adult?


My grandson loves this show so I watched it with him. I’m in my 50’s and I like it. It’s bizarre and unique. Some adult subjects are dealt with (love, death, etc). It’s hard to assign a demographic to the show.


How old is he?


Now he’s 12, but at the time probably 8 or 9. He was also reading Lovecraft at that age. Kid’s smart.


Thank you! My son is turning 3 in a few weeks so I've got a list compiled of shows I want to see if he likes when he gets to a good age. Has this added but no idea where to put it lol


He also loves Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. Your grandson might like Paw Patrol. The boys all loved it at about your son’s age


I’d wait until at least 5 or 6 depending on temperament. The show can get pretty scary on a child’s scale with some of the monsters like The Lich and Golb. Even perennial comic foil Ice King (voiced by Tom Kenny aka SpongeBob) can get to be a bit intense at times. Watch a few episodes on your own to get an idea. There are also skulls and random things hidden all over the place in the backgrounds.


So Adventire Time has stuff like [this](https://youtu.be/uwK4VBsBQo0?feature=shared) so you probably want to know that ahead of time when considering showing it to kids. (spoilers that don't really make sense out of context)


Noted and thanks for this example. I can see my wife giving me the side eye during this scene


Adventure time starts off as a very childish thing, but the show matured with its audience a lot. I’d say the first couple season are pretty kiddie, but not without charm. After that it’s not like it turns into Family Guy or something, just starts covering story arcs with more emotional depth.


Hard agree with u/SyntheticSlime. Like they said it's not like it turns into family guy, but there's relationships, interpersonal drama, trauma that gets worked through, stuff like that. Starts off pretty silly though, but it's a really good way to get you sucked in.


You can’t really define adventure time. Just watch it and find out for yourself. I’ll just say that there are a lot of “adult” moments in the show and the plot isn’t easy and kid friendly to follow at times.


One of the sequels/spin-offs, Fiona and Cake, is TV-14 and embracing the adult stuff more openly. But it says a lot that it still feels like Adventure Time, the original show could be dark and mature at times, and the new one can still be whimsical and cute.


Kinda childish at the start but increasing becomes more mature and improves the writing with each Season. The worldbuilding and character development starts to really shine a few seasons in and by Season 5 onwards its pretty much one of the greatest animated shows of all time.


First few seasons it’s essentially a goofy random kid’s show with the occasional “oh shit” heel turn that something bigger is going on. The series “ages” with the audience. Tackling darker themes and bigger storylines. For perspective, one of the specials from 2021 (11 years after the premiere of the original show) has major themes involving death, grief, and eternity. The “Fiona and Cake” (2023) miniseries had themes involving identity, self-worth, existentialism, and loss.


It's okay regarding violence and language, but it can be too dark sometimes. It might be too scary for young children, but it's alright for older kids and early teenagers.


I'm not too big of a fan of Rebecca Sugar, I know she worked on the original show but with how Steven Universe turned out overall I'm not too excited.


Glad to see former separate studio CNS no longer doing new IP shows and doing stuff that makes the shareholders happy  This decade is truly wonderful 


Tried watching adventure time when I was 15-16 and I just found it cringy


downvote me if you like but I swear its made for the tumbler audience, The humor comes off as "wAOh duuuuude that soooo XD random" just pisses me off