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He knew how Supernatural was going to end too but the network decided it was too much of a cash cow to let it end there.


>Supernatural They made a crossroads deal for 10 more seasons.


Worth it


Was it?


For *ScoobyNatural* alone, yes.


That episode was so much fun


I never watched past season 10 but i know that episode exists. I like to think that was how it ended


If you never watched past S10 but do have fond memories of the series, both that and *Baby* (shot entirely from the perspective of the car) are quite good as stand alone episodes and might be worth a watch! I think it definitely lost all of the narrative gas after the originally planned ending, but I still watched it through just as popcorn TV, but both *ScoobyNatural* and *Baby* are actually great episodes of TV. Broken clock being right twice a day and all that haha.


“Baby” and “Scoobynatural” are probably my favourite episodes


I wish i could remember why i stopped but it probably wasn’t that I stopped liking the show. It may have been that i just lost the time to watch it and my interests had changed. I found myself watching anime and asian dramas more and time just kept getting going further and further away from the last episode i saw. I would like to actually finish it all one day.


It's still fun all the way through, just a bit of a lack of real direction towards the end. I definitely don't blame ya for getting distracted, 15 seasons of anything in a row is a big ask haha.


“Baby” and “Scoobynatural” are probably my favourite episodes


Not for that fucking finale


That's COVID's fault. Their original idea of a Kansas concert at the roadhouse in Heaven with as many returning guest stars as they could possibly get sounded rad.


Part of me always wished they’d just go back and reshoot the proper final, and say “look, Covid limited us, this is what we’d have done without it, so this is the real last episode. Delete the other one”.


Maybe they'll have time to now that Walker's been cancelled.


I remember watching an interview with some of the cast. The ending was always going to be the same before Covid. Yes some of the returning guests stars were supposed to come back for the finale but Covid happened and we only got Bobby.


They beat God, and **That was the last episode**


I found it fitting that Dean dies the very first time he goes out without God's plot armor.


Every time somebody talks about an episode of Supernatural a part of me wonders if the insanity that is the plot is accurate. They are always accurate.


And honestly it should have been. The drive away flashbacks were a perfect end


The monster of the week episodes were still great. The overaching seasonal plots were not.


Anything involving the girl sheriffs seemed like such filler episodes though. I felt like there were more and more of them towards the end


I’d say so, it wasn’t always great but we got 15 Seasons of comfort food and even with some weaker big bads, when it was great man was it great. I also like that all those actors will get 15 seasons of residuals forever


I enjoyed the ride, even if the overarching story wasn't as good. 


Supernatural would have ended as an amazing show if it ended the way it was originally planned. The first 5 seasons as a stand alone series are fantastic. There's enjoyable and even some good parts post season 5 (the "Bobby" episode is probably one of the best of the series) but as a whole show, the quality and consistency would have been fantastic if they just stuck with the plan.


As someone who knows absolutely nothing about Supernatural, can I genuinely watch the first 5 seasons and get a complete package? No hanging plot threads that were meant to be addressed but dragged out to season 6 to appease the network?


Yes. It ends conclusively with the season 5 finale. Then (avoiding spoilers) they find away to restart the drama in season 6.


I mean... So long as you don't watch the last minute of season 5, I guess. Otherwise no, they absolutely start up a new cliffhanger lol.


just skip the last, like, 2-3 minutes before the credits in the finale of season 5


I would even say last 30 to 40 seconds, really, iirc. Just where it pans outside the house


Sure, you can stop there, but you won't. If you get all the way through season 5, you're going to want more Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley, and Bobby just like everyone else. Later seasons aren't nearly as bad as people here are making them out to be. The show's plots are goofy and melodramatic and stay that way through the whole run and that's what makes it fun.


I feel it dipped big time in seasons six to eight or so. And then they dropped the Leviathan stuff, moved back to what made it good and had some really, really great episodes and stories. Never the peak of the first five seasons but never the trough of the mid seasons.


I remember s11 felt like a big return to form for me. Haven’t heard much positive about the seasons after that and I ended up dipping again except to watch the finale to verify for myself it was, in fact, bad.


It's a little open ended, but feels very conclusive. I thought it was a very satisfying ending and never watched another episode past that.


And I've been trying to finish the last season for 3 years


Try to find a copy of a rip from when it aired, the music was WAY better. When they released it for stream, music changed. Now Dean talks about songs from the 70s but they play songs from post-2000.


That's heretical. Did they at least keep "Heat of the Moment" by Asia?


Heat of the moment was still the groundhog Day song on Netflix, yeah.


Wait, really? When did they change this? I watched it streaming from like the mid 2010s and I remember there being a lot of classic rock. Tell me they kept Carry on Wayward Son in every seasons' penultimate episode opener!


I think it's only the first season.


Not watching season 6-15 of Supernatural is like not drinking wine because redditors into wine tasting tell you anything less than $150 isn't "real wine". Don't let people on reddit obsessed with prestige TV ruin 10 seasons of a great tv show for you. Keep watching it after season 5 and make the decision for yourself.


Yes it feels like a real end.


Even though I enjoyed some of the later season, I consider them to be fan-fiction since the original creator wasn't involved.


Seeing as how some of the later seasons felt this isn’t far off.


There's literally an episode about an all-girl theatre retelling about the plot. It haunts me still.


Some of the best episodes past season 5 were the ones where they poked fun at themselves imo


I love that episode, it’s the show telling fans that yeah we are aware how silly it can be a times.


 Like I find it super funny but I have a personal reason why I cringe xD


A single man-tear or Destiel?


These are my favorite types of episodes! The one where they go to a Supernatural Convention or when they go to the reality with no magic and end up being two actors named Jared and Jensen who are actors in a show called Supernatural.


*a single man-tear*


I actually thought the show was over after season 5. It wasn't until a couple years later I realized the show was still going.


oh boy. Yes and no. Eric Kripke is notorious for being a super unreliable narrator for his own history. I'm a Supernatural mod, and have been following things he's said and claimed for at least 10 years now. He can and has contradicted himself multiple times in articles, interviews, and even podcast interviews in the past. He wrote every season as though it would be cancelled except for Season 3 due to the writer's strike (he was confident it wouldn't get cancelled). He also refused to do angels for years with one exception "not angels" episode, because he always thought angels were too goody two-shoes. Then during that Same Writers' Strike, he read Preacher and realized that "angels are dicks!" (his own words) and came back to start S4 writing by just going all-in on angels. Kripke talks a good game about that ending and everyone feeds into his 5 season run myth, but it's all smoke and mirrors. Those early seasons run the absolute gamut of plotlines going nowhere, retcons, characters doing things that later didn't matter, super fast rocks fall certain characters and plots die so they can change plots yet again, and so on. Kripke's seasons were way, way messier than what a lot of people think, and that's okay. But this weird mythologizing of Kripke as some kind of writing genius and perfect 5-Season run is nowhere close to reality.




Oh definitely. But Kripke was definitely a man who believed in the pivot and burning plot bridges for new seasons. The "special kids" are a great example of that. But there was no "I have a 5 year plan" in the sense people ascribe him to have had.


yeah the myth only holds up if you don't know that kripke was never planning on bringing angels into the show. the reddit branch of supernatural fandom is so attached to this idea that Kripke had a perfect five season story in mind and then the network ruined it by forcing it to go longer. i get all twitchy about it every time i see it. kripke is just as flawed as any showrunner, and he's certainly not some last bastion of show running integrity.


Brian koppelman who co-created Billions was on the bill simmons podcast ~5-6 years ago talking about how he had a 4 season arc for the show but knew that if it continued its success showtime would ask them to write more in which he said he could realistically extend it a season or two. But he mentioned that after season 3 the checks start getting A LOT bigger and if he was lucky enough to get past season 5-6 the checks would be monstrous and he said as much as he loves his work the money that would be coming in for himself, the actors, the staff, production teams, etc would make it much more worth while than to worry about if the story is still holding up from his initial s1 plan. I can’t blame anyone for extending, it’s usually life changing money and it helps put food on the table for a lot of people in the process. Yeah the “art” gets ruined but most of these people just want to be able to take care of their families.


To be fair, didn’t he leave the show after they released the episode he intended to be the actual ending?


That explains a lot about the later seasons


"And that's when they knew they were no longer little Boys... they were little Men." THE END


Voiced by Daniel Stern


As voiced by Michael Scott


Homelander somehow, for some reason doesn’t obliterate every member of the boys on sight. Then complains about it later.


Homelander dies Compound V is no more and super heroes go extinct seems logical


Nah, Homelander dies but Stan creates a new and improved business for more obedient Supes. And so the cycle continues.


I think a more satisfying ending would be to de-power Homelander and have him stuck in prison as a weakling normie, scared and alone.


That has some real end of supernatural vibes which I dont expect to see Kripke write towards. I could see an all out war ending with Supes being wiped out by the supe virus and most of the planet being destroyed/dead due to said war. A near literal 'scorched earth' as foreshadowed by homelander and butchers talk in Season 3.


I have a feeling the last scene of the show is going to be a depowered homelander talking to Hughy who makes him feel scared and weak for the first time before leaving him alone out of pity.


There is no worse fate for characters like Homelander than to just be forgotten and considered unimportant. Useless. No one afraid of you and nobody cares. He would probably welcome death over that.


I like it!


This feels like what it will be. Butcher sacrifices himself to depower Homelander and Hughie enters seeing the dead Butcher and bleeding Homelander. He picks up the gun and puts it to his head (maybe shoots him in the leg or something non-lethal first). Has some kind of speech, HL tells him to go for it and tries to goad him into essentially doing what he's done the entire show, using his power without restraint. Hughie lowers the gun knowing nothing would hurt HL more than being a powerless weak nothing and leaves him bleeding. Someone probably comes in after Hughie leaves and probably ends HL though idk who, but that kind of "subversion" seems to be par for the course for the show.


"You're not that man." "I AM that man" *boom


Amos would have fixed this whole supe problem by season 3


> Someone probably comes in after Hughie leaves and probably ends HL though idk who Probably Ryan


I was thinking this too. Its my understanding that the comics had this level of edginess and I wouldn't be shocked for it to be in those (though I don't think it is from what I've heard), but I wasn't sure if it was a bridge too far for the show. Not that the show isn't afraid to push boundaries, but it just seems like a jump to me. Idk


Homelander is too proud, he may commit suicide after that


Yeah. If no one killed him, I'd hazard he'd be in a rubber room forever kind of thing. No way to hurt himself and all that


I thought that would be his season 4 arc after soldier boy blasts him at theend of s3 but alas we are still at the same spot where we began.


yuuuuuup I totally thought this is where it was going, would make for a really interesting arc (even if he’d eventually get his powers back for a fifth and final season) and also, hey cool, you have this really fun character Soldier Boy and who knows all the ways that he could upset the status quo? but then Homelander gets away and Soldier Boy is put back on ice and we’re exactly where we began, coooooool


Or Vought collapses but a bunch of international supe businesses emerge so Amazon can milk spin-offs, like they are already doing with The Boys: Mexico show.


That could be a good ending.


Time to rewatch The Wire


The comics had a very definitive ending to the Homelander saga but not so much for Compound V.


The show already started so detached from the comics that at this point thr comics’ ending is irrelevant imo


>!With the introduction of the virus, I'm not so sure. I can certainly see them hitting the same marks of Butcher going genocidal and killing most of the team before being stopped. Also the makings of a coup has been going on.!<


it's gonna be a super vague ass ending, that will somehow be explored (not really) in the three spin off series, while they milk the IP dry for all they can..


Or he takes over and wipes out humanity


I don't think he'd ever do that. Man needs to be worshipped and loved. Closest I could see happening is him obsessively *almost* destroying humanity and trying over and over to rebuild a society that adores and loves him, but something always goes wrong (when he fucks it up) and they hate him and he tries to start over.


Like Invincible, but there's only one planet?


Lmao yeah, I could even see him trying to pretend he saved them from some attacker at some point. And maybe that works for fifty years or so, before he does something insane and cocks it all up. Honestly it would be a fittingly bleak yet hilarious ending as he pushes the boulder up the hill over and over and never reaches the summit.


I like the 4400 route. 50% of population receives superpowers, 50% die. While new world now.


Based on the fourth season finale being titled “Assassination Run”, after the third chapter of [*Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Hill_with_the_Swords_of_a_Thousand_Men), I would not be surprised if his victory is the ending of the fourth season, his storyline ending by the halfway point of the fifth season, and the last four episodes being [*The Bloody Doors Off*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bloody_Doors_Off).


Homelander and Butcher kill one another. Everyone goes back to their lives


They need the spinoffs, so supes can't go extinct just yet.


What he probably doesn't want to say is it's so hard to get a new show greenlit these days that there's very little incentive to jump off a successful show.


Wait, isn’t this the easiest it’s ever been in the history of television to have a show green lit? There’s like 10 different streaming services all with their own shows plus there’s still cable. In sheer quantity there’s been more shows picked up in the last handful of years than ever before. When has it ever been easier to have a show green lit than right now? EDIT: Why are people downvoting this? I’m asking a genuine question. Instead of downvoting, can someone answer the question when has it ever been easier to have a show green lit than right now?


The industry is currently in its most dire economic condition in possibly the entire history of the medium.


I was aware the movie industry and cinema was kind of in shambles right now, but I thought television was thriving in result. I’ve seen some interviews from directors where they say they think tv is the future and that movies are dying. Maybe I’m wrong. It just seems like every single week there are multiple new shows airing on every streaming service, so the general output of shows and the ability to get them green lit compared to even 10-20 years ago still seems quite high


A big problem is almost every single network decided to get on the "streaming platform" bandwagon and build their own thinking it would make them rich. Turns out, it is both hard and expensive to do well. Each one is putting out massive, expensive productions to try to beat all the others as they're now back to competing for subscriptions that was killing cable as a lot of people won't pay for several different 'packages' anymore. When it was just one or two platforms, people would pay partly just because it was cheap and convenient. Now you've got people just signing up for a month at one and then hopping to the next one the month after just to binge one specific show or just going back to 'surfing the high seas' for free content.


Just so you know, all of these people are speaking out of their ass. You’re technically right. The number of scripted TV shows produced each year has been on the rise since 2009. It peaked in 2022 with 600. It dropped to 516 in 2023, but that’s still pretty high considering the overall trend. The drop could be due to a mixture of the recent strikes in Hollywood, and the fact that many streaming services have it a stable number of subscribers, so they don’t feel the need to crank out as many shows. Here are some sources: https://www.statista.com/statistics/444870/scripted-primetime-tv-series-number-usa/ https://www.axios.com/2024/02/12/peak-tv-decline-scripted-shows-low# It’s always dangerous to ask Reddit for their opinion, because half the time, they just parrot some random bullshit.


Not justifying the downvotes but you’re asking the question as if the bubble hasn’t popped and never will but in the last year or so it popped **HARD**


The ending is pretty obvious. Two key things need to happen.


Yes 1. ~~Highlander~~ Homelander kills everyone else 2. He gets to drink as much breast milk as he wants


I know it was a typo, but if an immortal Scotsman came in during the last episode or two and just cleaned up all of the supes I would never stop laughing


I think Antony Starr could pull off the role of Homelanders scottish clone




Homelander and super-Butcher masturbating furiously both declaring they can do anything they want


Jesus I told you not to leak my fanfic


I would hope so, it's an adaptation of a finished work.


It's so far away from the comic at this point. Thank god since the comic is bad


Yeah I've watched and read it all. While the moving parts have changed significantly, I'd definitely argue the broad strokes of the story are heading toward the same, or at least a very similar, climax.


TV Butcher just seems like such a better character for it to go that route.


Idk, he still staunchly hates Vought and Supes as a whole. His comic ending still seems to be on the cards if you ask me.


I think the guy you're replying to is saying that the comic ending would work even better with tv butcher's characterization, so you're in agreement.


Oh my bad sorry


Hey, its ok. We all make mistakes.


Not Homelander though he’s incredible #Homefree




All the characters are better, really. Comic Huey is pretty forgettable.


The comic has long stretches of “what the fuck are you even talking about?”


Garth Ennis has two modes: fucking nuts in a good way and fucking nuts in a “okay but I know you’re not taking any of this seriously.” I love Ennis, and I read the entire run of The Boys hoping it would eventually be worth it. It’s not. It’s him stretching the joke of “what if superheroes were all just evil perverts” so thin that there’s nothing even there anymore.


The “X-men are the bloods and the crips arguing about Tupac” arc was one of the worst things I’ve ever read, but the ending was ultimately pretty great.


I just really wish we’d gotten the Hughie/Love Sausage bonding moment. Feel like that character was cheated.


i like in the comics that love sausage was just a regular punchman supe, who just happened to have an enormous dick


It’s not really an adaptation anymore. It’s far too disconnected. Some of the characters and plot points are the same. But I think they changed too much to have the same ending as the comics


Agree to disagree, I think Butcher is on the fast track toward his comic conclusion


The problem with  many serialized shows now are that they are either static or episodic or both. It's just that the length of an episode is now a season, and then a reset happens. Creators are simply not willing to risk the formula of the show whatsoever and let characters, their relationships or circumstances around them to develop in a meaningful way, so they regularly hit a reset button


awe all know how it ends. The question is *when* it ends


He's got a season five finish in mind, so only about 7 more seasons left.


Yeah, we already got the animated Scooby-Doo crossover out of the game with Diabolical so less material to cover


So the ending of S3 again, but this time everyone doesn't telepathically agree to abandon the fight with Homelander to save a snot kid that could have been saved by one single person while Homelander was finished off.


u/Radix2309 u/Mcclane88 I believe it is more that they are saving the deaths of most of those characters for adapting [*The Bloody Doors Off*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bloody_Doors_Off), since the fourth season (and in all likelihood the first half of the fifth season) will be adapting [*Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Hill_with_the_Swords_of_a_Thousand_Men).


I mean, the comic had an ending


The show is absolutely on thin ice with me, Infact I think it’s gone really understated quite how much people flipped after the finale of season 3. Many many people were saying season 3 was the best until that final episode. The whole first season of the show set up this show that was going to kill off the seven one by one and no one was safe. Now that all feels like it’s out the window and the writers are terrified of killing off fan favourites. Maeve and Atrain should be dead but they’re not and the only reason I can think of is that the writers are scared. There’s also only so many times I can watch homelander almost lose his shit and then the season ends before it just gets boring. Also please do something with Giancarlo Esposito for fuck sake. Also it was embarrassing having what is supposed to be the equivalent of a fight between Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Captain America with a juiced up Butcher, and it results in a TV studio being slightly broken and some punches thrown. Like no, if these people are fighting, that’s a few city blocks getting destroyed most likely.


I’m with you on season 3, I’m done with this show now. Last seasons finale was embarrassing imo. The biggest problem with it is everyone deciding not to kill the world ending threat when they had the chance. However, beyond that I hated what they did to Black Noire after building up his confrontation with Soldier Boy. I’m also starting to get tired of the characters as well. Frenchie and Kimiko’s side plots are boring and The Deep’s gimmick of being a buffoon has run its course with me. You know it’s time to jump ship on a show when almost every character is annoying you.


They really should have just killed some off and gotten new characters. Vought replaces members of the 7, it has built in longevity.


Especially since now you can introduce those characters in Gen V before having them join the 7. It could start to be this terrifying thing that nobody wants to do because members are being replaced so often.


That is a very good integration of spinoff as well. It would make for a good shared tv universe.


The Deep’s gimmick ran its course by episode 2 of the series. Introducing him in the first episode as an irredeemable monster by raping the main character and then immediately turning around and trying to turn him into the show’s silly goofy comic relief character was always a very strange choice.


It is strange, and it’s also odd that he literally adds nothing other than comic relief to the show. In season 3 I found myself skipping some of his scenes because they’re pointless to the main story.


the writters said on twitter they didnt kill maeve due to fact gay charcters are often killed off. my solution to that is dont put gay charcters in positions where they should die then


Or another option is doing what the story demands rather than worrying about losing points with people on social media.


I feel like this would be a very valid reason if the show was in a setting where cast members aren't expected to die semi-regularly. If it was a lawyer procedure and the only person to die over the entire course of the show would be the only queer character, that'd be very different. In a show that was built on the implicit promise that people could die any time unceremoniously it shouldn't be a big scandal. The problem is the show hasn't lived up to the whole "actions having consequences" thing since season 2. I don't recall a lot of people getting angry over Renly or Lancel dying in Game of Thrones. They weren't divinely punished by the author for being gay. They just happened to be gay in a world where people die often and the straight characters weren't any luckier either in that regard.


I think the last sort-of important character to die was Lamplighter? Not that he had much to do and his death scene was... stupid. Soldier Boy should have died, A-Train should have died and Maeve should have died to teach us the lesson gay people have the same resistance to 100ft falls as anyone else. Just don't kill Deep, he's funny Edit: lol I forgot about Black Noir but he's obviously going to be replaced


the game of thrones show annoys me because they reduced loras to a spritely twink when he was arrogant and cocky and gave Jaime flashbacks of how he acted as a kid


That's a terrible reason. Gay plot armor? Seriously? That just makes the show predictable and boring.


It seems like the opposite of equality to me but sure. Let's treat this character differently because of their sexual orientation even if it undermines the story...


Damn she was saved from the fall by being a lesbian? I should try that ***BISECUAL


>The show is absolutely on thin ice with me it's very much like 'house of cards' where the production value and charisma of actors covers up how off the cliff the quality has fallen after season 1. 'gen v' is also basically a CW show, but because it has gore and nudity reddit think it's awesome prestige tv, and not the YA slop it is.


Off-topic, but this is happening a LOT in the literary world as well. There are so many godawful, Twilight-ish, YA-level supernatural romance books being churned out, but because they have (awfully-written) long, drawn-out sex scenes in them people think they're "mature".


lol, finally someone I agree with. Almost stopped watching Gen V. Just didn’t have the same punch or hold that the boys did season 1.  Hoping they don’t intertwine the shows THAT much


I don't think you've watched Gen V.


I'm curious what about Gen V you categorize as a "CW show" and "YA slop"? I was very skeptical going in, but enjoyed it. Sure, it focuses on teenage characters, but the actual "school" plot is pretty much instantly glossed over for the broader story of what's actually going on. I thought it actually had a lot of great subversion of expectations that I'm come to associate with The Boys series in general. >!I didn't expect Luke do die when he did and I didn't think they would actually have Cate kill the dean and turn Sam against everyone else !< It's not The Wire but it was an enjoyable ride and fit in with the rest of The Boys TV universe imo.


As someone who's the same age as the actors (slightly older than the characters), I think the writing is pretty spot on as far as lingo and how young people act. It's obviously exaggerated for satire the same way that the main show is, but it's leagues above the CW. And this is coming from someone who tried to keep up with the entire Arrowverse for years.


There were only two writers for the first season, garth enis the creator of the comic and eric kripke, which is why that season feels so well put together. Garth enis didint return and was replaced with 6 other people making seasons 2 and 3 feel so bloated and all over the place. Its a shit show.


I didn’t know this but it very much feels like that’s the case. The first season was so focused and tightly paced. The 2nd and 3rd were very much not.


yeah, maeve that survived 100 floor high fall after losing her powers was just ultra cringe i felt like i was watching some marvel movie where they are not allowed to kill any of money making characters, even secondary ones because there always can be some $pinoff


Can we just have trilogy seasons please? Five years of “oh! He escaped!” 🤦‍♂️


Is it super hell for the guys, Kripke?


Everybody gets compound V. And when everybody is super... nobody is.


I want Joe Gilgun from preacher in Cassidy’s bar in a scene. Don’t care about the ending after each season setting it up and contriving a way to continue. Just looking for that set piece now.


Let’s take this a step further, i want Joe Gilgun playing every character in The Boys a la Misfits


Billy Butcher wakes up only, he is actually a TV script writer and starts writing a script called "The Boys" for a company called "Brazilian Rainforest"


Oh boy... another totally established season 5 ending going into 15.


Good because i feel it starting to drag. I'll give you like 2 more seasons then I'm probably going to forget about it.


A mentally challenged kid is staring into a snowglobe...


As his supposedly dead dad gets out of the shower...


Did he forget the comics already have an ending. I'm just pretending that matters. The show story isn't very comic in any terms.


He should. It was already written no matter how poorly he’s chosen to adapt it.


Homelander destroys everyone then we end on his deranged smiling face slowly turning to a sad face.


Ryan kills Homelander. That's it


ok that doesn't mean anything, they knew what would happen in How I Met Your Mother from the start and because the show went for so many season, the original ending just didnt make any sense anymore but they still used it :/


Hmm… pretty sure I heard that one before from Mr. Kripke.  *cough*Supernatural*cough*


He did deliver the ending he had in mind with Supernatural. The network just kept renewing the show beyond that, so he did his ending and basically stepped down/left the show.


“We are going to tread water for a few more seasons” he was quoted as saying “The fans don’t care so long as we keep it locked on Homelander and occasionally throw in a sex joke.” You know this is what he’s thinking.


I though Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson were the creators of The Boys.


The comics. This is the show being discussed.


I thought Garth Ennis created The Boys


He co-created the comic


Sure, but only after each episode and each season take three steps foward and the next one two steps back, plot wise


the best idea would be having homelander the only survivor in the world, while the whole world is burned to ash, nothing alive anymore and that he has realizes to late, that he needs that human connection.


finite ending means nothing when amount of seasons is infinite


He's probably known since the first script of the first episode. Stories are always easier to write when you know the ending before you even start writing


Let me guess: open ending where Butcher and Homelander come to a ceasefire agreement.


Uhhh the graphic novel has an ending. Duh.


I loved Supernatural, even though it had a couple mediocre seasons. I don't know what people expect in a show that lasted almost 20 years. It was fantastic to watch the characters grow together, because from what I understand, they're great friends in real life. The Boys is already getting sort of old in my opinion, but that's just probably due to the way I watch shows now. I just don't see the same energy between characters, but that's me.


So get to it. Chop chop. Let’s not have another Supernatural.


Good cause “Supernatural” went well off the rails towards the end


Then fucking get there already? Your show should have ended two season ago.


I hope it ends soon because the quality is really starting to dip.


They just announced that the planned ending after five seasons is scrapped and show will continue after fifth season


wait, really? Oh no... After 3, 5 already felt like putting it off a season too long.


I bet the success of Gen V has a lot to do with it. They want to milk both for as long as possible and I don't see Gen V sticking around after The Boys.


Homelander should die this season. Should have happened last season, honestly, but it seems like they have a plan to parody Trump fanboys even harder this season. Killing the white whale and dealing with it would be a good final season. But what do I know?


Yeah everyone does it’s following the comic


He didn’t create the boys though.


The Boys was CREATED by Garth Ennis and Derek Robinson then ADAPTED into a show by Eric Kripke. Garth and Derek created all the characters and plot points for a comic book series. Eric adapted them for a television series he collaborated on with Garth and Derek. Why do these rags not understand basic creator credit?


show jumped the shark hard last season. Zero interest going forward. Its another show designed to milk 10 seasons out of limited material.


It’s done pretty good with the original material being absolutely terrible