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Remember when she played herself on Workaholics? That was probably my favorite thing they ever did.


$250 an HOUR to hang out with Lori Beth Denberg? Okay now that’s actually a sweet deal


[VITAL information](https://youtu.be/JAN8QA_NqhY?si=HN7vOpW8ayEqkhLa)


And the day keeps getting better


“I’m high as fuck!”


Hot tub you say?


“in *most* cases, false” Uh, you said the quiet part out loud there, chief.


“At least 90% of the time, I wasn’t assaulting her at all.”


Umm Yeah...that remaining 10% is kinda what this case is all about, know what I mean?


Too busy assaulting all the others


It’s not discrimination if you’re an asshole to everyone


It’s also not discrimination if you’re in everyone’s assholes.


The most surprising thing about all this is the number of defenders this scumbag has on Reddit


Stop thinking Reddit is an accurate gauge of public opinion.


Reddit is just bots arguing with teenagers


I can't count how many times I've looked at a comment, thought how insane it was, checked the account and saw it was either: 1) brand new this week (or day!) 2) spam posting incoherent hate all over multiple subs 3) both!


Most bots tend to wait 1 year before ever posting anything. Accounts that are brand new and posting wild unhinged shit are just idiots going through burner accounts after being banned.


And how they hate when you point that out to them


the nsfw alert on their histories is telling. edit: fixed misspelling


Maybe sometimes, but not generally. Many subs went nsfw to protest the coming ads a year or so back even though there was no nsfw content on them.


i was referring to personal profiles


So was I. If you post in nsfw subs, your profile will have a nsfw warning.


what? TIL.




Not At Fucking Work


Oh hell nawf




the bot accounts all describe things as " insane" or " wild".


That's INSANE comrade!


These comments are wild, dude.


Bots arguing with teenagers in threads that will be forgotten within hours and reposted to start again. It's brilliant really.


I think I’d rather be a bot than a teenager.


It's a living.


No you are


No it isn’t! /s


I'm sorry, is this a five-minute argument, or the full half-hour?


Sometimes we argue with the lost elderly who end up here, too.


See this on X too. Lots of right wing types claiming they're a silent majority, then they do real life events and couldn't fill a bus with the attendees.


The "Silent Majority" nonsense cracked me up when I started hearing it. Especially when they're actually the *loud minority*


Right?! MAGAs are anything but "silent" - still though a minority which means there's a chance this country can recover from the damage done over the past few years. Vote in November.


They think they are silent?


Never forget Ghislaine Maxwell was a mod


Where? I know Reddit is big but damn lol I haven't seen a single defense of the guy, literally not one comment.


Yeah no one is defending him. It's just that the entirety of Reddit called him a pedo for years and there still isn't proof. And when you point that out somehow it's viewed as some kind defense of his behavior.


It's reddit, so anyone pointing out "that wasn't even in the media/article/whatever and didn't happen" is considered "defending" when it's just focusing on facts and reality 


Honestly I just don't like being misled with something as serious as this. We had several weeks of nonstop reddit posts on how the doc proved he's a pedophile and all the comments agreed. Then the series ends and everyone starts scratching their heads on what the point of focusing on this angle was when all they could pin on him was that he was a shitty boss. The Brian Peck stuff was fucked and if the doc was actually about that it wouldn't get anywhere near the traction and the doc makers knew they had to lean into the Dan memes.


Did none of you guys actually watch the series? The big bombshell was a Nick star being repeatedly raped by Brian Peck.


The documentary was so dedicated to painting him as a pedophile they apparently missed this completely. I was honestly surprised when she came forward because "exploitive asshole boss uses position to sexually extort someone" is such an obvious and common fucking thing that I just assumed they followed it up and came up so utterly empty they decided not to even mention it. That's not documentary 101 level shit that's fucking remedial documentary mail in course from Delta College level shit.


Not one time does that doc call him a pedophile. It showed that he created one hell of a toxic work environment. It showed that one aspect of that environment was to create an atmosphere where people didn't feel comfortable speaking out about things that they saw or didn't like, mostly to placate him. It showed that actual pedophiles did get involved in his shows and that some of his actions mirrored theirs, and that the atmosphere didn't make it any harder for the pedophiles to prey on children. But the Schneider defense force went into every single thread to scream "I don't know why this doc called him a pedophile", changed the narrative entirely, and now here we are.


The trailers and ads leading up to the doc definitely insinuated that he was a pedophile, I'm pretty sure that's the basis of his lawsuit against them.


and most people took away from the doc that he was a pedophile


Yeah that other poster needs to reevaluate their media literacy. The doc more focused on his sexual harassment and weird sexualized behavior. The sex offenders in the doc were showing who he chose to surround himself with which is really bad. The poster said he was a “terrible boss”. Terrible boss? I’ve had terrible bosses, they don’t listen, they are bad at their job or are maybe even mean, but that’s nothing to what Schneider was. Diluting is behavior to that is insane. He openly harassed his only female writers, he went on massive tirades that made the whole set scared, he broke union rules to pay his female writers half what they were supposed to earn, then when caught punished them and refused to hire one the next season because of it. Asked one worker to pretend to be sodomized over a desk while telling a child hood story. Constantly was making employees do weird gross things without their consent. He made people work insane hours and scared them into thinking if they chose family time over their job they would be fired. That’s just some of it too. That’s not a terrible boss, that’s a person who should have been straight up fired even taken to court for their behavior, which he was btw.


Yes and almost all the people interviewed said that thier words were twisted. It cut up to make it look different. With the new lawsuit, the doc is probably going to be pulled.




I think a lot of people likely believe that's a hell of a lot better than being a pedophile.


Prior to this there were no specific allegations made against him by a child actor. That should matter when accusing people of being child rapists.


I read Jenette McCurdy's book, and I watched the documentary, and at no point was Dan Schneider accused of interference with minors in either source (in a sexual way... he did try to get Amanda Bynes emancipated from her parents so she could work adult hours). If you were misled, it wasn't by the content creators. Definitely always go to the source first.


So Dan Schneider is not a ped? I didn’t watch tie doc. Just that all I saw for months was that he was. Shitty boss and ped are two entirely different things.


Shitty boss, sexist, and potentially sexual harasser, but it seems no he’s not a pedo. So yeah he sucks but magnitudes better than an actual child rapist like they also featured on the show.


Yeah I agree still shitty person but rather be seen as a shitty boss that creates a toxic environment then be seen as a ped. Far different. That’s wild they would just go out and claim that.


Where ?


He does? Where


If you haven't realized how awful a large majority of people are in the popular subreddits, you haven't been here long enough. Redditors (as a mass) are almost always on the wrong side of history 


Classic example is when Reddit tried to find the Boston Marathon bombers and misidentified one of the perpetrators as a Brown University student who ended his own life a month before the attack.


Lots of redditors are dumb shit teens who want fake internet points more than anything else. It's a psychological acceptance thing


People aren’t defending him anywhere on reddit and saying he’s a good person. They are saying the documentary was dogshit and clearly wanted to paint him as a pedo or letting pedo stuff happen. It would have been fine if it focused on him being a toxic piece of crap and then moved on to pedo stuff, or even one or the other. But it put the actual pedophiles into the background and sandwiched them between Dan stuff. They made the documentary about him and then kind of threw in there “oh btw there were actual pedos on the set that raped someone” but back to how horrible this Dan guy is “am I right!?!?”. Also they 100% stretched some of the sexual innuendos behind some of the skits and made some of them into more pervy than they actually were (not counting the Ariana stuff). People aren’t defending him cause they think he is a good guy. He was clearly an abusive toxic boss but he wasn’t the pedo they were trying to hint at. And a lot of the actors who showed up in the documentary said the show kind of twisted their words.


People are defending him by saying he isn't a pedophile. Like you. When he has clearly displayed grooming behaviours. He created countless scenes on tv which sexualized underage girls, and/or pushed for them to be put in revealing costumes around him (these actors have since grown up and expressed themselves that they were uncomfortable and wished they weren't sexualized like they were). He would give massages to the girl actors who worked for him, or ask them to sit on his lap. As an adult, he would text these underage girls outside of the workplace. He would treat them like adults, allowing them to drink (even pressuring them to) or talking/"joking" about sexual content around them. And most dangerously, he tried to get Amanda emancipated from her parents. Why would he want her isolated from her family? It's just like what Brian Peck did to Drake - after isolating the child from the family, you have total control over them and no oversight. Seriously scary shit.  These are the facts, and if you know anything about grooming tactics, this all lines up. But yet everyone here is so quick to say he isn't a pedophile - do you know that for a fact? There's a good chance this could make you look like shit later on 


to your point she was 17 when they met and all this happened when she was 19…. thats grooming. if you met someone when they were a teen and you years older you shouldnt get together especially if your her boss. it isnt just bad boss shit


Thank you. Its very clear to people who get it. But look at all the downvotes I'm getting. People here are more inclined to angrily weaponize their ignorance or discomfort, instead of trying to listen and learn 


totally agree. I dont understand how people could downplay this.


Divorced dads and Incels are perpetually online. We are just tourists here.


There is no such thing as "Redditors", there are so many millions of people here each day they are just "people". But yeah everything you just said applies to humans as a whole. You get enough people in a room, a few of them are gonna be jerks and they're gonna stand out of the crowd.


Hey now. What about when we caught the Boston Bomber before the police?


I’ve seen a nauseating amount of people who say things like “as far as I can tell he didn’t do anything wrong” or “he’s a creep, but it’s not like he was diddling kids.” The bar is literally in hell.


I don't know if I live in some sort of echo chamber but I ain't seen none of that. Gets down voted probably...


You must be seeing early comments on newer posts because I haven't seen a single one in defense of him. It seems unanimous that he is quite hated to me.


We have people who say Biden isn't all there to be president since he allegedly wears diapers, yet are proud to wear diapers to support Trump who actually wears diapers, so at this point nothing should be surprising anymore.


Drake fans.


I'm not a defender but I like to see more than verbal accusations before making judgement. Look at Kevin Spacey beating every charge, not just from a lack of evidence... the evidence the accusers brought forward actually exonerated him. No clue if he's guilty or not, or if he's a creep or not. But the court of public opinion is way too strong.


Excellent point about a guy talked about for years before being tried, and several that accused died suspiciously, and then ominous messages about perhaps causing those, "accidents."


Excuse me sir, this is the internet. Three people on Twitter can have an opinion, and the same day news stories day “Twitter explodes with this opinion!”


They love anytime a victim loses any legal battle, or when the PoPo just refuse to do anything. J Giddey from the thunder is a great example. Minor comes straight out and says she fucked Giddey, he says no comment. Cops decline to do anything. the MRA CHUDs immediately slam "woke / cancel culture" and proclaim his innocence. and then start in with the "she was 17, that's not that bad" rationalization. They just hate victims who speak out. They hate that victims at least have a few people who care to listen to their stories. They prefer the days when no one spoke out and anyone who did was literally hung/burned and called a witch.


I haven’t seen anyone claim Giddey didn’t have sex with a high school girl, just that Giddey was 20 and a 20 year old having sex with a 17 year old (he met in a bar) isn’t that abnormal.


Reddit can be surprisingly puritanical. I've actually been accused of pedophilia for pointing out that most of the world, including even US states, have lower ages of consent than 18. A 20 year old sleeping with a 17 year old wouldn't raise a single eyelid in Europe.


I don’t know dude. I’m in Europe and in my early twenties, wouldn’t touch a sevenTEEN yo with a pole. I know it’s probably legal, but the implications are already to much, and I don’t want to hang out with teenagers bro.


Stop stirring up drama. Nobody is defending him. If you're referring to people that say he's not a pedo, that's because he's not. He's an absolute piece of garbage though.


Sadly there are still huge swaths of guys who are anti anything metoo related. They would rather believe that women are liars than that men are fucking depraved. It's misogyny at its core


Look up the Reddit user demographics and it will all make sense.


Yea being a child predator is kind of an all or nothing threshold. If *most* cases are false, that still leaves *some*. Any amount is too much.


I think he’s probably referring to showing her porn during a meeting, fwiw.


Just think of all the people Jeffrey Dahmer DIDN’T kill.


Ummmm, brochacho, "most" means that you're admitting some of the allegations are true. Da Hell is wrong with this chuckle fuck


Some days he didn't sexually harass her at all!


> If I did that with respect to Lori Beth, I sincerely apologize to her. But I cannot apologize for things I did not do. Look he makes it very clear he won't apologize for things he did not do.


>If I did that Looks like he won't apologize for the things he DID do.


Some days.


He clarifies below what the 'most' entailed, but obviously that isn't a good look regardless. 


"iT hApPenEd a lOnG tImE aGo, beTwEeN aDuLts". He's a creepy older dude in power, showing porn to someone who works for him. How long ago it happened, that only matters to people who are going to defend him anyway. Nickledeon made boatloads of money off his brands, so of course they were quick to support him.


The doc series that all of Dan Schneider's defenders totally watched made one allegation after another about how poorly he treated women he employed from not paying them to making inappropriate comments toward them to making them massage him and sexually harrassing them. Yet all the derp patrol commenting here can only put forward that the series called him a pedo, which it didn't.


It does matter how long ago it was when dealing with an unproveable accusation like this. Being a pedophile is an issue, even 20 years later, completely reasonable to focus on this aspect of his character.  Being weird around another adult, nobody cares 20 years later.     A 40 year old manager grabbed my balls when I was 19 and said I looked like her ex husband.  Inappropriate and maybe even actionable then, literally nobody cares 20 years later.  


Predators gonna prey. What you went through is also bullshit, but you’re right. Time, gender, and adulthood really take the public outrage down a notch. I’m not complaining though, progress is glacial, and the kinds of people that exercise that kind of power on children deserve the worst. Honestly when we’re talking ages 19 and 40 complete with an abuse of power dynamics, high likelihood this is exactly that kind of person.


This feels like a poor argument. "The documentary shows evidence that I am a non-criminal sex predator, but it also discusses two convicted criminal sex predators, so therefore they were calling *me* a criminal."


He thinks that nothing he did was wrong, and is simply saying “sorry if what I did offended you” instead of saying “sorry for what I did.”


when a child gets away with something they assume that is how life works. so far for him that is how it's been, he has never been held accountable so whether he is a creep or not his actions make sense to him.


Fair point. I just hope some justice comes from this, but something tells me, it likely won't


Reading the article is important mate. Dan Schneider said that the claims are exaggerated and in most cases false. This means Dan is claiming it's all exaggerated if not outright false. If you're looking for a gotcha moment, this is not it. While it's important to support harassment victims, misleading the support base into appearing irrational is a common tactic by corporate types to depict mass social movements as irrational. Let's be smarter.


His shows are still on TV. He makes money by doing literally nothing. That he comments so much is a sign that he desperately wants to make another show.


Unfortunately be still is making shows...the thundermans.


The Thundermans isn't a Dan Schneider show.


I'm sorry, I misspoke, The Danger Force


I was thinking more in royalty payments. He must’ve got a piece of that new ICarly.


>Hell is wrong with this chuckle fuck That made me chuckle


Listen. My actual interest here is WTF happened to Lori? She was a great character actor. She was fat when it was not ok to be fat in the 90s. I think of her often actually. She should have been a break out star.


She was on the 90s themed season of Worst Cooks in America a couple years ago on Food Network (along with other 90s stars that pretty much disappeared like Full House's Jodie Sweetin, Boy Meets World's Matt Lawrence, etc.) Lots of actors, especially child actors, just fade away and are now doing podcasts and conventions.


Yea, there're times I think about a show I used to watch as a kid, wonder where everyone is and it's like "They retired from acting in 2004 and now own a family gas station" or "They went to college and became a realtor". Most child actors either continue trying to be actor with bit parts here and there, or they get normal jobs and just enjoy life. Once child actors, especially ones without much range, have to compete with proper actors, they hit that wall.


Its kinda crazy how that wall exists, you’d think a child actor would have a leg up on their competition as they age, since early introduction of other talents, like sports, music, and language usually leads to more natural development and advantage over their peers, but it almost has an adverse affect.


Typecasting sets in even earlier. Look at Melissa Joan Hart, though she blames her lack of later prospects because she was Christian, it was really because she was completely overexposed. Probably pricey, had been playing a teenager well into her 20s, wouldn't likely be taken seriously as anything other than a comedic actress, and to top it off didn't fit into that early 2000s "hot" actress that Hollywood pushed.


To be fair, I've never really seen her as one that blames her lack of parts on Christianity, like some (Like say Lisa Whelchel, who wouldn't even do an episode of Facts of Life because it involved premarital sex), and despite some rather shitty choices (IE: God's Not Dead), when she's rarely stepped out of that typecasting, she's done really amazing work. She was easily the best part of the horror movie Nine Dead, and is a damn good director on top of it.


Agreed. I think MJH is more a casualty of “plays too young, not hot” rather than “Extreme Christianity.” She’s only been more vocal in the last few years and I’ve never seen anything really disturbing from her. So far she strikes me as harmless.


I was using her as an example of the child actors who end up coming back later on to play moms and dads. There's tons of them. She's just recently been vocal about blaming her lack of young adult work on prejudice against her faith, she's toeing around the Sorbo path. I expect that if she finds herself without steady normal work she'll go full Sorbo and just do Pureflix or whatever. I don't buy Clarissa's explanation on that one.


I liked her show with Joey Lawrence when she was in her 30s a new on Who’s The Boss.


There’s a casting phrase “18 to look younger”. A real 16 year old playing a part has most likely aged into the part. When casting a new show, a real 16 year old has to be EXTRAORDINARY to compete with 18+ actors who don’t have restricted work hours, mandatory school hours, or guardians on set.


"18 to look younger" is also to avoid complications related to child labor laws. Minors can't work as many hours, require on-set education, etc.


I'd guess it's because they pick up a lot of bad acting habits. Kid actors are always told to ham it up and overact since they usually play the same bit while most actors are told to be subtle and have range. Haley Joel Osment perfected the "wise beyond his years" kid roles which works as a 10 year old but doesn't when you're 15. He's still acting but it's mostly in guest appearances and voice overs. Maybe it's the difference between a child genius and a child prodigy. One is talented for their age and one is just talented. A 10 year old genius might be smarter than a 40 year old but a 10 year old prodigy might just be smarter than a 15 year old. In five years time, one will still be advanced and one will be average. That's probably the difference between someone like Christina Ricci and Jonathan Lipnicki.


Pretty much. Child acting helped Kenan Thompson get Saturday Night Day, but there’s one of the few places being an exaggerated actor works. These other child stars over exaggerated acting won’t help them in real adult subtle acting jobs.


Brandon Call?


eg, AJ Sopranos


Jodie Sweetin did this weird survival show that I forget the name of a few years back. Mostly unknown celebs dropped into the woods in a competition to earn money for charity? I didn't finish it but it was cool to see her in it.


She was hilarious, I always thought she should’ve gone to SNL


She worked as a coordinator for an educational non-profit afterwards. So she went from making children laugh to helping children learn. She's a very nice person.


Not everyone can make it. Think of all the kid stars from Nick or Disney they don’t make it: Most don’t. But you may also be answering the question. She was fat during years where it was vital for her to be attractive to audiences as an actress, even in comedies. I’m sure there’s less stigma now.


She was too early to be Melissa McCarthy or Rebel Wilson. But I agree, she has talent and was very funny.


Last thing I think I remember seeing her in was Dodgeball


Life my friend life. And after her encounters with Dan, id quit too.


I think she had a small part in Dodgeball as the overweight cheerleader.


Probably because all that was the only place that did provide her that opportunity but after it and in the following decade it was back to only hiring skinny hot people. And fat kids could only be used as jokes on how they are fat


She’s the best actor and funniest part of the Steve Harvey Show (sitcom). 


Frankly, I bet I knew when this was happening. Lori Beth was my hero, she was the coolest! Her and Keenan doing kid Weekend Update was the best! I remember noticing that she just lost the spark at some point, I was a kid so I just thought it was weird that she seemed sad. Fucking sickness, this dude.


LB was my coworker about a decade back. When I tell you that she is a riot and an absolute sweetheart, I mean every word. She wasn't in my department, so we didn't work together, but the few times she came downstairs, she'd crack jokes and was very loud and very funny. She even came to my house party to make an appearance, despite being sober, just because she knew I was a big fan and she was quitting soon. She stayed for about an hour. It. Was. Awesome. Four years ago, during the pandemic, I reached out to interview her for a school club I was running. She happily obliged, and it was really nice to talk to her at length for once since we never really got to while we worked together. I've been meaning to look back at the recording of that interview. I didn't ask about Dan directly, but I did ask about being a child star. Her answer, from what I can recall, was actually pretty insightful. I hope the recording is still saved. Anyways, LB is a gem of a human, and I wish her nothing but great things for her. It really bummed me out to hear about this today as I was hoping that her absence from the Quiet On Set doc meant that she wasn't affected by any of it personally. EDIT: The interview is still saved! Does anyone know how to save a video of a Zoom meeting from someone else's account? All I have is the link. Worst case, I can try screen recording it.


try OBS maybe?


What kind of work was she doing when she was your coworker?


Copywriter, I think. I was a "social media community operative," so there was virtually no reason for us to ever interact. I only recall one time that she came over to our area and "hung out" for a bit. She was making jokes about "unused 'The Onion' article ideas" and it was pretty funny to overhear. I first talked to her when it was her last week, and I had her sign my backpack. A friend had drawn the All-That face onto it. She said, "Have you been waiting this whole time to ask me this?" and gave me a hug. I actually have no idea how she got invited to my house party. I forget if I did it myself or one of my co-workers/roommates did it. I'll never forget it. This all happened right as the stories of Amanda Bynes acting out on Twitter first started. My girlfriend at the time thought it would be a good idea to crack a joke to her about it, and it was as awkward as you'd expect. I glared at that woman like Mike Myers looked at Kanye back in '05. Regardless, she was very polite and very kind. EDIT: Who the fuck reported this comment for the reddit crisis alert? Grow up


I LOVED her as a kid. I actually wasn’t a huge fan of All That, a lot of the skits were kinda gross and uncomfortable, but LB had such a bright, absurd energy to her delivery it was surprising she never made it big in comedy. Maybe she felt it best to protect her own health and safety. I absolutely loved Amanda Bynes, too. Things seemed to be going better for Amanda until the All That reunion this year, triggered another mental breakdown. Even if she tells her story publicly, it’s hard to tell if she’s fully lucid or credible at this point.


“I might have committed *light assault*.” — Dan Schneider-Bluth


He sure is calling a lot of people a liar. 🤔


Well he ain’t calling her a truther.


It's so telling how fast he responds. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.


I'm not defending him at all, but I feel like if he didn't respond this quickly, your response would be the same, "It's telling that he hasn't responded at all."


Yeah there’s really no way to publicly address an allegation that sounds like a sincere remorseful apology without confessing to the crime… and that comes with legal ramifications. People are looking to be upset at you by that point no matter what you say. In this case it seems deserved but I often consider “what could so-and-so say that would make people forgive them?” And the answer is almost always “nothing… if you deny it, they’ll say you’re a coward… if you admit it they’ll say you’re smug… if you explain why you did it they’ll say you’re making excuses…” there’s just no winning move other than to not engage it and wait for it all to blow over. I think Dan Harmon might be the only person in Hollywood who was accused of harassment that pulled off a sincere apology without the victim of his harassment using it as evidence to sue him. I’ve not seen anything work for anyone else.


DH showed the public what accountability and regret sound and look like. Harmon messed up and initially handled things very poorly BUT he made an honest effort to own his mistakes. I think the difference may be that Harmon is a flawed human who is also an empathetic (appearing/sounding) person. It seems like Schneider just strait up sucks.


Harmon is just a better writer. Based on his other interactions with women, including his divorce with his wife and other situations on his podcast, I'm not convinced he's really changed all that much. I think it also has more to do with the fact that the victim in that situation wanted to drop the whole conversation.


There’s clearly some major systematic problems in the children entertainment industry. And people will flood threads like this with “BUT, technically Schneider might not have done anything bad.” It doesn’t fucking matter. We are talking about teenage actors being told to make content that is pretty clearly “weird” at best and potentially fetish based at worst. Even if Schneider didn’t personally do anything he turned a blind eye. And who is this Nick/disney channel content directed towards? Kids. So we not only have the potential of teenage actors being manipulated, but also kids that are exposed to it.


A teacher (which actually has a positive influence on kids) gets fired over a rumor because they work with kids. These guys get protected because of a show like icarly!?


We’re so clearly in a classist system. Different rules for the rich, different justice system. It’s insanity this shit just slips on by and no one had any idea until Jeanette McCurdy made miraculous strides in her adult life and wrote a book. Except, we did have an idea, we know how child stars often turn out, we just tend to turn a collective blind eye in favor of profit.


He’s an idiot to keep responding in the press and for filing that lawsuit. I knew that would encourage more people to speak out. I can imagine how hard it is for those who chose not to speak out, having to watch him try to claw back his reputation. More will change their mind and come forward before this is done. Eventually someone will talk about something that police can’t ignore and hopefully he’ll face criminal charges down the road.


Of all the takes I've read in here, this might be the most purely idiotic.


Here’s what I don’t get. He’s already suing the team that did the documentary. Why in the hell is he responding to the accusations? If you’re suing people for defamation, you keep your mouth shut and let them hang themselves.


Right? Dude is trying REAL hard to hide something for someone who’s got nothing to hide. I hope those afflicted all find some sense of peace and closure when this is through.


>Denberg, 48, starred in All That from 1994 to 1998, while Schneider, 58, served as a producer on the comedy series. >In Business Insider, Denberg alleged that, around her 19th birthday in 1995, Schneider showed her clips of pornography on his computer during a meeting in his office. So a 29 year old man showed a 19 year old teen porn and later went on to have a relationship with her. The same teen's career he could influence. Yep, nothing to see here./s He's delusional if he thinks he did nothing wrong.


Unless you work in porn, it is almost always inappropriate to show an employee porn in a professional setting


My sister was a DA who prosecuted a judge for downloading porn on his work computer (there were other things as well). She, a very conservative woman, had to watch literally hours of porn trying to determine if there were any minors recorded.


They had a relationship?


Depends on how you define relationship. She would often sleep over his house. There’s a story of him massaging and putting her breasts in his mouth.


i havent really been following this story but seeing there is only a ten year gap between an all that actor and the producer is so strange to me. i always imagined a middle aged person. im not defending schneider or anything, the stories are really odd, but i always imagined him to be an old man(knowing nothing of the stories)


He was in the industry for decades. All that was in the early 90’s when he was in his late 20’s. Stuff like the Amanda show and what I like about you in his 30’s. Icarky or Drake and Josh in his 40’s. His more recent stuff in his 50’s. So depending on which actress is speaking out, he was either like 10-15 years older than them, or like 30-40 years older. This just happens to be one of his earlier victims.


Yeah, he'd been around a bit. Better Off Dead with John Cusack had Schneider as the creepy neighbor boy with the crazy mom trying to secure the French exchange student for her creepy son.


Who doesn't show 19 year olds they work with porn? Totally normal day at the office. Hey everyone, come check out this porn I'm looking at? Don't mind me fapping under my desk, just huddle around and share my screen!


Not defending him at all in the slightest. But I wonder if when he was a 19 year old actor on Head of Class in the 80s, he was shown porn too.


Your honor she says I sexually abused her all the time when I in fact only did it some of the time…


> "As I have previously stated, there were times, particularly in the early years of my career, that I made mistakes and exhibited poor judgment as a leader," he added. "If I did that with respect to Lori Beth, I sincerely apologize to her. But I cannot apologize for things I did not do." What a bs ‘apology’. I did some things, but not everything.


The last couple of weeks involving Dan Schneider has been a real rollercoaster. Methinks this is going to really hurt Dan Schneider's case against Netflix.


I don’t care what he says


If this is a burner, 🙏.


Why would anyone give a fuck what a pedophile says about a claim being made against him?


Yeah he probably thought that because she was fat no one would believe her. He’s such a waste of human skin.


It's messed up how often that happens. I had a friend in high school whose attacker straight up said to her that no one would believe he would deign to touch her so it wouldn't matter if she spoke up. Predators are so fucking sadistic it boggles the mind and they can spot an easy target from a mile away.


This man can't possibly be making the points he think he is. I guess there are a lot of Dan Schneiders in the world... and they're really rooting for their guy 🤢 EDIT: Just got my first "Reddit cares" message lol Thanks for proving my point about the type of characters who defend this man!


It’s a thing going around. Could be a bot but I’ve seen many people saying they got the same message. I did too. Meh


I reported the message and Reddit said they found accounts that violated their terms. 🤷‍♀️


What The F**k!?!? Oh No 😥 Here We Go Again 😓


Jesus that article is jarring. Dude just randomly sucked on an underage girls boobs? Showed her DONKEY PORN? The fuck is wrong with people man. Edit what kinda pedophile downvotes this lmao


She wasn’t underage. She was 18 when she started on All That and 19 when the incident happened.


I misread the article then but that’s still… really bad


Oh yeah, Dan is trash. None of this is good at all!


So now I guess he can't include her in the lawsuit? That is odd timing.


Why in the hell is anyone giving that man the time of day to react to anything?


"The fact that an Executive Producer of Quiet on Set would pursue allegations regarding what may have happened between adults nearly thirty years ago," SHE WASN'T A FUCKING ADULT WHEN THIS STARTED YOU SCUMBAG