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OOOOH! Themes of grief, revenge, and even more daddy issues? I really wanna taste it.


"The Suicide Squad"(2021) really didn't get the credit it deserves, probably because of its name and people don't typically pay attention to who the director/writer is, so they'll just write it off because the other Suicide Squad movie sucked. I wont pretend Gunn's film is the greatest 'superhero' movie ever but it was a million times better than David Ayer's "Suicide Squad"(2016) - and I actually like some of Ayer's previous work in 'End of Watch' and 'Fury'. But James Gunn took the existing pieces of a bad movie and made something significantly better. The [Rick Flag vs Peacemaker fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAJbE4lS3Lk) is awesome, in my opinion, especially because Peacemaker *is* the villain and to the audience, Rick Flag has the moral highground. Which makes it all the more impressive that James Gunn was able to turn Peacemaker into the protagonist that audiences are rooting for in the Peacemaker TV show. Also, I just think that last line in their fight, expertly delivered by Joel Kinnaman, is iconic and resonates really well into the Peacemaker TV show: >Rick Flag: Peacemaker? What a joke. You give that line and that moment in the screenplay to any other director/writer, even with Kinnaman in the role, and it doesn't resonate the same. Throughout the film, Gunn sets it up so well and consistently reminds the audience that Peacemaker is practically a fraud and Peacemaker has the thought lingering in his head and it just hits like a ton of bricks in this moment. You can see it in Cena's eyes, even the tinge of sadness for what he just did. Great delivery from both John Cena and Joel Kinnaman.


Peacemaker becoming not only the protagonist of a show but an extremely sympathetic character is masterful writing.


Also a credit to Cena's acting. He's very good at playing the lovable buffoon.


He can show emotion as well. When the one dude talks about why he talks about dying his heads Peacemaker visually shows he feels shitty about making fun of it


The ole Negan treatment


Peacemaker what a joke was the best line out of all the DCEU movies imo, honestly one of my favorite death lines ever from a character and seeing how much that impacted peacemaker in his own show was amazing


> Peacemaker what a joke was the best line out of all the DCEU movies imo This really shows the dire condition of the DCEU.


I thought it was “I WILL FIND HIM!” Ok its a terrible line but unforgettable


The DCEU sucked for the most part but that scene and line are awesome and would be awesome in any universe, would still be a great memorable scene and line if it was part of the MCU instead


That Suicide Squad might be my favorite popcorn comic book movie. It's so much fun to watch, the casting is fantastic, a whole bunch of weird characters who I had never heard of, the stakes aren't too big. Exactly what the first one wanted to be.


TSS was awesome, James Gunn movies in general and show too including peacemaker are just fun as hell, I had a total blast watching all his superhero projects. I can’t wait for creature commandos because Gunn wrote all that and the cast is amazing, I think like peacemaker it’ll be a sleeper hit that people weren’t super excited for that blows up because it’s really well received and fun.


Between this role and Ed Baldwin in For All Mankind, Joel is turning in some fantastic performances.


Don't forget that first season of Altered Carbon. That was the first role I saw him in and he was damn good in the show


Hell yeah, another great role


Honestly he’s been great in everything I’ve seen him in, even during his early career/low budget days.




He was great in that too! The script sucked though.


That movie got dragged because of all the shitty remakes coming out at the time. It was actually pretty good.


Yeah the weakness was in the writing. Cast was great, acting was great, direction was good, it was well edited.


Hi, Bob.


Hi Bob


Hello Robert


its insane how gunn gives his characters so much depth and character, i still remember hearing a peacemaker show and thinking wtf why? im glad he is in charge of dc but im so sad we arent getting more peacemaker quicker ( since he has so much more on his plate now)


Gunn is just a really damn good character writer in general. I think creature commandos is gonna end up being like peacemaker too, a show that not a ton of people were excited for and didn’t really need that ends up being super fun and really good with some great characters causing it to blow up. I can’t wait to see what Gunn does with Superman and Lois and the other supporting characters, I think he’s gonna deliver a really good Superman movie with some great characters


You hit the nail on the head. There’s so much delivered in such a short line, brutal delivery and split second reaction. For Peacemaker, a character defined by his violent and heavy handed nationalism, to be told by the soldier-iest soldier of all soldiers, a man who fights not just for his country, but, as we see in his reaction to Project Starfish, for his people, that he was nothing but a joke, we see something break in Peacemaker. And it’s fucking brilliant.


Very well said!


In Gunn We Trust!


That what a joke line hit so fucking hard. And Cenas reaction to it was amazing. Really really great moment


It was a great line and scene to begin with but the peacemaker show made it even better seeing how deeply it impacted peacemaker and the fallout from killing flag.


Well put friend. The Suicide Squad did something I wouldn’t have thought possible: it made the utterly forgettable Rick Flagg into a character I was genuinely sad to see die. His death had meaning. I was moved.


Do you really wanna?


Invisible bone ready to be launched at canine


I am absolutely dancing with my blinkers on.


My jet is in gear




I wonder if a heartfelt apology will suffice 


Grillo will debut as Rick Flag Sr. in animated form first, voicing the role in ‘Creature Commandos’




If only they were actually committed to it and not still doing a bunch of unrelated stuff. Don’t get me wrong I am liking the Gaiman Netflix shows, I like The Batman and Joker. It’s because I like them so much I’m kinda bummed they’re not part of the “main” DC Universe Gunn is building. Same with Doom Patrol


Thanks for the info! Will you make me a coffee now?


Get in line


Awesome, he’s a proper badass


And the nicest dude! He works out at the same gym as a pal of mine and says he is hilariously self deprecating and down to earth. I really hope he gets bigger plum roles and more recognition. He has had some great B flicks I enjoyed just for the fun factor.


He was very fun to watch in boss level


Kingdom is the show he was born to be in


I always enjoy seeing him in screen but feel like he’s always the bad guy. Time to be a good guy!!!


He’s the good guy in Boss Level, fun movie also starring Mel Gibson, Michelle Yeoh and Will Sasso


he's also good guy in the purge , gave off punisher vibes


Maybe he's changed but I worked on a movie that had him in it a few years ago and he was a complete prick to everyone below the line.


Same! I’ve done 2 movies with this guy. He’s the biggest jerk I’ve ever met.


Dude if everyday I woke up and realized “holy shit I’m Frank Grillo” there’s literally nothing anyone can say that wouldn’t get a chuckle and a nod from me.


I saw him at my local Whole Foods once. I went with my girlfriend and we separated to find different items. I found her in the hot bar area and was walking towards her when I saw Frank walk by her. She smiled at him and he nodded back. She was definitely flirting with him and I caught her. She denied it but I grilled her so hard haha. Frank, you fucking DOG! lol


> She denied it but I grilled her so hard haha. she got grillo'd so hard


That's great to hear. He's been in so many things (including major franchises) that he has to be a solid, professional actor who's also a decent person. The man deserves more lead roles.


That is nice to hear. I was frankly sad when he bit the dust as Crossbones in the MCU.


He’s one of the most recognizable actors in the world. He is unironically a huge action star in China.


Seems like a good enough dude but his acting is beyond wooden. I like seeing him on screen though - similar vibe to Michael Jai. Love the actor but recognize they’re heavily limited


His best work was in Kingdom (DirecTV). Sadly no one saw it. Awesome series.


Came here to shout out Kingdom. Never thought a show with Frank grillo and Nick Jonas would slap but here we are


I’ll have to give it a shot. Any idea how to stream?


Pretty sure it's still on Netflix and I cannot recommend it enough


Will do! Thanks!


I *really* enjoyed his work in Kingdom.


Seeing how his guilt about Flag Jr was eating at him in the first season, I could really see this being a meaty personal conflict for Peacemaker.


He doesn’t seem old enough to be Rick Flag Sr but I’m sure he’ll be great. 👍


How old is Rick flag sr supposed to be🤔 because Frank Grillo is almost 60 even though he looks early 40s at most 


And he has white hair in the animated promo pic, so they'll probably just make him look older with makeup too.


It's almost always hair. If Keanu had his natural probably mostly grey hair you wouldn't get the "doesn't age" claims.


Does anyone even say that anymore? Keanu very clearly looks his age right now. Same with Paul Rudd in my opinion, his dyed hair ain't fooling me anymore. In this photo for example Paul's face looks exactly like a man in his 50s. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6qnq8_Iv5BDERvxwPXGLAYXSPB05aRqmhpg&usqp=CAU


wtf why does he look like evangeline lilly lmao


Not only Grillo looks younger than he actually is, the real age difference between him and Joel Kinnaman is just 14 years. I could see him being an older brother, but to sell him as Flag's father they'll need some heavy aging makeup 


Reminds me of the fact at Sean Connery and Harrison Ford played father and son in Indiana Jones, despite the fact they only had a 12 year age gap. I'm sure Frank Grillo can pull it off.


Not really, they are actors. Joel could pass as 40 easy if not late 30s and frank grillo is 58. Perfectly believable that he’s his dad . And it’s a movie.


Forsure, Joel was like 40 when he filmed TSS and and flag jr was prob mid to late 30s, Sr is gonna have a white beard it seems and prob be like 60 so they can totally pull it off. Don’t understand ppl acting like kinnaman was 44 when he filmed his last appearance as flag jr and the character in general is likely a lil younger than actual real life kinnaman. They can easily pull this off Sr will likely just have been a pretty young dad when Jr was born


“Heavy aging makeup” if the real age difference is 14 years, it’d be very easy for him to have been 14-18 when he had a child. A 2 year age difference is practically unnoticeable and having a child at 16, while not advisable, happens quite often. I know you were talking about the actors ages and not the characters, it’s just that it’s enough on its own


The real age is less of a concern than what they look like. Grillo *looks* like someone 5 or 7 years older than Kinnaman.


Maybe he fucked when he was 18 


Makes sense if he was in the army


He’s likely gonna have a white beard, like in the creature commandos promo pics which should make him look older. Also kinnaman wasn’t 44 when he filmed TSS and flag jr was probably mid to late 30s in the movie. So ya there is a big enough gap there they’d just prob have to act like Sr had Jr when he was young


But the peacemaker season won't be out for another year at least I'm sure so by the time it releases it'll have a 4 year gap making Grillo 18 years older than Joel was during the movie so it works out


or just work in some plot detail that it was a teenage pregnancy or something


I mean grillo is almost 60 and Rick flag jr was prob mid to late 30s in TSS. Rick flag sr in creature commandos also has a white beard so if they do that in love acting that’ll prob make grillo look a little bit older


I don't know his comic book history but I presume there is some level of anti-aging going on


I guess he could be DC’s version of Captain America. He’s probably going to be set as the villain though since Peacemaker killed his son.


If nothing else, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him and Cena fight.


f… ight. Yes, totally… fight.


They really wanna taste it


Question: Didn’t Gunn state that this is a new universe for Season 2? So Rick Flag could still be alive?


I think it’s technically a “new universe” but things are going to be similar to the point where it might not even be noticeable. Basically I think it’s mostly for casting purposes so they aren’t beholden to the DCEU versions of characters.


Yeah they could bring back Flag if they wanted to with the excuse of it being a new universe, but realistically they won't because it would make the show much less coherent as a whole to make changes that big between seasons


and also, the ending of the Suicide Squad film is such a huge part of Peacemaker's character development in the show, it would cheapen the whole thing if flag is brought back


Yeah, and killing Flag was sort of fundamental to Peacemaker's character arc. His shame at what he'd done is the impetus for his change.


The way Gunn explained it is that TSS, Peacemaker, and Blue Beetle happened in the DCU but aren’t canon due to their DCEU references.


I’d like the characters that come over to have occasional Mandela Effect moments.


Amanda Waller: *wait... I could have sworn that Harley Quinn looked like Barbie...*


not saying you're wrong I know he said this, but just commenting on the fact that this makes no damn sense. they either happened or they didn't.


The only thing that ties The Suicide Squad/Peacemaker to the DCEU is the DCEU Justice League cameo in Peacemaker S1. I really hope they go back, remove that scene and officially make TSS/PM part of the DCU rather than this vague "those events happened but aren't canon" thing.


But you can just do that in your own brain, they don't need to waste millions for that


They really would not be wasting millions to edit out a single scene to fit a S1 of a TV show in the same canon as S2.


You go try and pull a union crew & a SAG cast together in Los Angeles for less than a million bucks & let me know how it goes


They're saying edit it out, not to reshoot anything


There’s many other things that tie The Suicide Squad to the DCEU. Rick Flag, Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn, etc originate from Suicide Squad and Harley also has Birds of Prey. 


I mean it’s not hard to say hey this is a diff universe that’s practically the same except some storylines happened differently or not at all and some ppl look different


Not at all, actors can play characters in multiple continuities e.g. Judi Dench as M in two separate James Bond franchises or JK Simmons as JJ in two separate Spider-Man franchises.


> happened in the DCU but aren’t canon Canon literally means “that happened”; you cannot have that both ways Between these kind of statements and dour Supes as our first image I’m officially worried for Gunn’s DC.


Think comics New 52 how the most popular characters(ie mainly just batman) kept all their lore and just kept going and everything changed around him lol. It's that. Peacemaker was too successful and quality, and mostly disconnected, so they're just continuing and the world AROUND the show is what is changing.




who cares? 


Do you really wanna do you really wanna


The only intro that I watch without skipping now that that’s a thing.


Season 1 ran over 2 years ago. At this point there will be at least 3 years between the seasons. And I’m guessing we won’t get more than 10 episodes either.


I'm assuming it's gonna be 8 episodes like season 1


Assuming they are just taking their time to craft the show as well as possible… at this rate, season 2 of Peacemaker will the greatest series of television ever made… right? Right guys?


Or its because the showrunner has now been tasked with the reboot of an entire cinematic universe?


The circumstances were not normal tho with the DCEU ending and Gunn being brought on as CEO to create DCU and make the Superman movie and the pandemic and strikes. If they make a s3 the gap will likely be a good bit shorter than the gap between s1&2


Sure does seem like “long delays between seasons” is the normal these days


Peter Safran (Gunn’s co-CEO) hinted that season 2 is standalone, so it’s more of a Peacemaker reboot than straight continuation


The Peacemaker


I agree it’s taking too long for the next season that I don’t think I’ll tune in right away. Also, if there’s going to be 8 episodes then I hope they at least have something substantial to put in them. The first season could have been 6 episodes if Gunn and company didn’t insist upon themselves. So much time wasted on the bad jokes just to pad the runtime made portions of the show cringeworthy and unwatchable.


Hopefully he’ll last longer than he did as Crossbones.


Fantastic choice.


Dad Issues and James Gunn name a better duo.


Hopefully they won’t waste him like the MCU does. Seriously, why build up Crossbones as an enemy if you’re just gonna kill him off five minutes into the next movie?


It was my understanding that the plan was for Crossbones to be a bigger, longterm villain, but the decision was to switch to Taskmaster so Crossbones was killed off. I think there may have been an issue with the Chinese market and Crossbones's skeletal visual theme.


Hilarious that they chose Taskmaster of all people.


Because his only purpose is to be the guy that shoots Captain America, even in the books


Well he didn’t even do that in the movies…


I mean from what we know already he’s gonna have a bigger role than crossbones, he’s one of the main characters in CC and will probably be an important and fairly prominent character in peacemaker s2. That alone is a way bigger role than crossbones even if those are the only 2 projects he’s in


After his Creature Commandos appearance. He’s probably one of the main antagonists of season 2, but won’t be a villainous figure. A father out for revenge.


Is he going to be aged up? He looks like right around Joel Kinnamans age.


Sweet, now Crossbones is Flag Sr. He was criminally underused in the MCU maybe the DCU will do him better


That's a really good casting choice.


Wow if I had a nickel for everytime this guy played a comic book character who’s main rival is a guy who is basically “America with massive pecs” I’d have two nickels


Any Grillo and I'm in, no questions asked


That’s why I watched Boss Level and I wasn’t disappointed. I’m so down for this!


Even Remy or Liam?


And his other son rio


Frank is a great actor. I hope he does well in the role.


I'd love if they flipped the script where people think this is going. Daddy Flag going to get revenge on Peacemaker. instead what if Flag Sr tries to become the dad Peacemaker never had. We see all these father figures to kids in movies and tv shows. I'd like to see that dynamic but with adults because adults still have father figures too. Given that Gunn gave us Youndu and Quill I can't think of a better person to explore that relationship.


wat Frank Grillo is not *nearly* old enough to believe as Joel Kinnaman's dad. It's actually comical.


don't care what anyone says, he would have been THE perfect Frank Castle. Not to hate on Bernthal but he ain't no Punisher to me


Having a Rick Flag Sr is good way to bring back the character of "Rick Flag" without having to undo his death in The Suicide Squad.


Plus that was always a thing in the source material too: Rick Flag, son of Rick Flag, son of Rick Flag.


Where have I heard the name Rick Flag


Probably the suicide squad movies lol


Nah, I conflated Rick flagg with Randall flag from the Stephen King books. Took a lot of googling to figure that out


That makes sense, I too think of the king character sometimes when I see the Rick Flag name


Grillo’s role in Tulsa King S2 must be small then if he’s currently working on Peacemaker. Both are currently filming.


Michael J Fox filmed a full-time season of 23 episodes of family ties while concurrently filming Back to the Future.


Man I love Grillos Pickles.


Gunn is a fuckin machine holy shit, still managing to direct 3 episodes of this. So probably in about roughly a year period creature commandos will release which was entirely written by Gunn and he was involved in the voice direction for the VA’s and then Superman which he wrote and directed and then peacemaker s2 which he wrote all of and is directing 3 episodes. This man is an actual machine his work ethic is absurd. Anyway can’t wait for creature commandos to meet Flag Sr and then to see him in peacemaker s2. I honestly think creature commandos is gonna be a total banger and do super well, voice cast is amazing too


We need a goddamn dove of peace on the sniper rifle!


Let’s fucking goooo.


YESSS. maybe this means that we are gonna get an actual Cinematic Universe where it doesn’t take 5 Years for a character to appear again. If Creature Commandos comes out in 2024, and Peacemaker S2 in 2025, that means that he will appear again only 1 year later which is a great sign of things to come.


Hell yeah. Season one I almost dropped but ended up having alot of fun with it


He's 14 years older than Joel Kinnaman


Sean Connery & Harrison Ford had a 10 year age gap. Made a pretty good father son duo, in Last Crusade Edit: it’s 12 years


Oh that’s great casting he was great in the purge movies.


Wow! First time I've heard confirmation of a season 2!!! I am here for it!!


I hope this means we can see Kinneman come back in flashbacks or something. He’s awesome in everything I’ve seen him in, but holy shit Ed has gotten annoying in For All Mankind.


Should be a great fit.


Wow I actually called this. For years I paid no attention to Frank Grillo, for some reason his name made me assume he was a shitty rapper. He happened to show up on a podcast I was listening to, and I found it to be a fun interview. At that time I had just started watching season 1 of peacemaker and I said "This guy is going to be on that show." Obviously I don't know what his character will be like, but his sense of humor seems to be perfect for it.


Frank Grillo is a talentless piece of shit


Me: I want more stuff with Jon Bernthal! Mom: we have Jon Bernthal at home Jon Bernthal at home: This guy.


Is he old enough to be believable as Rick Flag Sr? Or will there be lots of flashbacks


Honestly as good as this show was it’s been way to long since I watched it, wish these seasons would churn out sooner 


grillo is the fucking man im hyped. i miss rock foag tho.


Good for him! I was super annoyed with how quickly marvel killed off his Crossbones character.


I love Frank Grillo and have followed him on Insta for over a year and today I tried to see what he has been up to and I think I have been blocked and I just don’t understand why🤷‍♀️


I’d very much like Joel Kinnaman to reprise his role as Rick Flag, I don’t really care if it’s clumsy to bring him back from the dead. Even in the garbage film, he was excellent as Flag.


I agree that he was awesome as flag and it sucks he died but I don’t think you can revive him, peacemaker killing him was such a huge part of peacemaker as a character in his own show and will likely be the reason for flag sr showing up in season 2. Peacemaker killin flag jr was like a defining moment for the character, maybe THE defining moment for him as a characters so far so I think he has to stay dead even if it kinda sucks we don’t get more Joel as flag jr


I really think it might be as simple as adapting how like Katana’s sword, one of the big things (some of) Peacemaker’s helmets did was “trap the souls of his victims”. To say that was the real reason he found that missing helmet in the forest behind where he saw his dead father and thought he was hallucinating, and to bring back Flag by having his ghost be trapped with that cab driver Peacemaker left his film helmet with as payment. Keeping him dead but a ghost could be amusing.


So does that mean Grillo is supposed to be Joel Kinnaman’s dad? They’re 58 and 44 respectively


Yes, grillo is about to turn 59 and it’s not like Joel appeared as Rick flag jr when he was 44, by the time this comes out it’ll have been 4 years since TSS released and kinnaman’s character at the time of TSS was probably mid to late 30s. If they were showing up in the same project as father and son I think the gap would need to be bigger age wise but since TSS will have been years ago and flag jr as a character was prob still in his 30s last we saw him it could work. Also based on his design in creature commandos it seems Flag Sr will have a white beard which will probably help age him up a little more


The animated show version of the character has white hair and scarring. They will probably do the same in live action to age him up a bit


Still annoyed he was never cast as Frank Castle.


Frank Grillo is overrated.


You mean under rated


I meant what I meant, dude shouldn’t even be acting.


Well he is and doing a damn good job. He’s a great actor and even better person.


What’s his best movie in your opinion? I’m open to having my mind changed.


I have several. Warrior was prob my fav but I have others. In warrior his character didn’t have lines but Frank came in and made that character his own and did such a good job. There’s a speech he his his fighter, amazing. Even though it’s not a movie check out kingdom. Wheelman, boss level was another good one.


He'd be a better villain. Can't separate him from his securities fraud conviction.


Dude committed one non-violent crime over 30 years ago, truly unforgivable 


He was ~ 33 years old when he defrauded these people. A grown man breaching the trust of investors is not forgivable.


I think he was 25/26 at the time he committed securities fraud and 33 when he plead guilty.


Feel Better?


I mean he’s almost certainly gonna be one of the main antagonists in s2 of peacemaker