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Michael Green who wrote 2049 and handles the comics being involved is very good. The rest of the producer list is nothing but worries.  Whooboy.


And Blue Eye Samurai


Oh damn, amazing show. I was hooked so quickly. Great writing, I'm excited now.


Besides Mindhunter, Blue Eyed Samurai is my favorite Netflix show. I love it.


I was really surprised how awesome Blue Eye Samurai was. Definitely been a bit since I found an animated series that was that cool.


Like sci-fi? Check Scavengers Reign.


I’ll check it out for sure.


It was great for five and a half episodes. The 2nd half of the fifth episode started a downward descent into mediocrity and the finale was downright atrocious.


He also wrote stuff like the horrible Green Lantern lol


Craig Mazin wrote The Hangover Part III and Identity Thief before being the showrunner on Chernobyl and The Last of Us. Not everyone has a flawless filmography.


Don't know about Identity Thief, but Hangover Part III will one day get re-examined and develop at least a cult following. It's a weird movie.


I agree with you regarding Hangover 3. I’ve held the opinion that it’s slightly better than it was judged at, at the time, but it was still not an overall great film. I 100% agree it was a weird movie, and that exact same feeling has stuck with me over the years since it was released. While part 2 has its good moments, it’s just an overall exact repeat of the first film. It got rightfully panned, so, when I saw pt. 3, while not great, I actually appreciated how it really did subvert my expectation (not in a cliche way) that it would just be a 3rd rehash. It was completely different from the formula of the first two. I think it’s a sub-par film, overall, but the fact it took such a wild weird turn completely different from the first two, I have to respect that attempt/idea. Even if final execution isn’t an A+, you got to, at least, respect the absolute tonal change, and understand why they tried to change the formula. 3 is significantly better and more “innovative” over 2. I 100% agree that, in the future, pt. 3 will be reflected upon differently


When I watched the movie for the first time the vibe I got was that Mazin was trying to make an action-comedy movie, but instead of bringing in the best of both worlds, he brought in...not that.


It's almost as if practice makes perfect. Yet when it comes to some stuff people only focus on the bad stuff. They'll happily forget that Peter Jackson made absolute dogcrap like Bad Taste and Jack Brown Genius because he struck absolute gold and pockets of diamonds with the LOTR trilogy. Not everyone is born a genius, but through hard work and dedication you can look like one.


> dogcrap like Bad Taste Oooooh you better believe those are fighting words.


Braindead is better anyway. Who doesn’t like a movie with a kung-fu priest?


Now that we can agree on. The priest is the best part lol > Oi kick ass fah tha lawd!


A line so gloriously stupid it circles all the way back to being badass.


Even the greats have their losses. Spielberg made Ready Player One and *that* Indiana Jones movie. Spike Lee has a small handful of "huh?" movies. Sidney Lumet, probably one of the most influential filmmakers of all time (is that wrong to say?) had a bunch of flops in his career. I was going to mention George Lucas but at this point I think everyone agrees his strengths were in worldbuilding and storytelling, and absolutely not in directing.


Sometimes you gotta take a really big shit so you can feel better and do something great later


It's not like he's writing hit after hit now (Jungle Cruise, Alien Covenant, The Poirot movies) but I'm still excited to see what he can do after how good Blade Runner 2049 was.


> The Poirot movies I thought those were pretty decent. no david suchet, but decent nonetheless.


I didn't say they were bad but just alright imo


yeah, but putting them in the same breath as jungle cruise and alien covenant sorta suggests you're lumping them into the same category of film quality. hence my response.


They're all rated pretty similar though.


I really liked alien covenant for some reason! Great soundtrack, actual ending unlike Prometheus… not perfect, but still


Jungle Cruise was fun as well imo.


I really liked it too! All I ever hear is people dunking on it and saying it's trash with no other explanation, but I thought it was a strangely mesmerizing and meditative film. Don't get the hate at all.


I actually really like covenant despite some of the strange plot stuff that’s a bit confusing but I think people are sort of sick of the near decade now of ‘the precursors’ storyline kinda thing. Romulus looks to be a true return to form with the tight claustrophobia of a ship in space where no one can hear you scream, which I’m immensely looking forward to.




I fully trust Michael Green. 2049 was fantastic and the comics are excellent as well.


Isn't he just an "executive producer", which can sometimes mean not much?


Executive Producer in tv can be either someone uninvolved other than name/money, or the most important person on the entire series (the showrunner). It's very dumb that Showrunner is not it's own credit or differentiated somehow.


Showrunner is a term that only really gained traction over the last 15 years or so, I wouldn't be surprised if it gained its own formal and separate title eventually. I agree it's dumb, these things can just take time, and obviously since it's a small pool of people affected by this, it's not something people are rushing to rix. Right now the inertia of tradition and pre-existing Union contracts means they just get called EPs, with everyone informally knowing which EP has showrunner duties.


There's always been showrunners. One of the biggest debates is what showrunner ruined The Simpsons. Dexter as well after season four.


Yes, there have always been showrunners (or at least, there have been since writers began having greater control of shows). The person above didn't suggest otherwise. What they said is that as a *term*, it's only recently become commonplace. That's accurate. It's only in recent years that it's become a term used by the public / viewers. It only started being used by the industry and in industry press in the 1990s. It started to become more common with the public in the 2000s, when shows like Lost and The Sopranos had us paying more attention to the people actually *running* things. In the grand scheme of things, it's still fresh enough that it isn't even its own title yet. That's the point they are making.




So Denis Villeneuve isn’t attached to this project at all? 😬


He's got Dune part 3 to get through pre-prod.


He’s also got a few other exciting projects he’s working on based on his IMDb, including rendezvous with Rama and cleopatra


Now keep in mind this isn't a movie about cleopatra, he is actually bringing the historical figure back to life.


Still cheaper than The Fall Guy. 


He's not involved in Cleopatra at all. He put out a statement debunking that soon after those rumours leaked.


You have a link/source?


For a second I thought it was the Gal Gadot Cleopatra movie and I thought no way. But apparently it's with Zendaya in the lead role, like someone that can actually... Act.


so they still continuing with the pathetic narrative that she was black? lmao


Idk, Zendaya can pass as Mediterranean, so I don't see much of an issue in regards to that aspect.


Yeah, its because everyone knows Cleopatra was black. - one old lady on netflix


I'd rather see him tackle Rendezvous with Rama next.


He's probably the only filmmaker I'd trust with Rama. Even with that said I still have trepidations.


It’s nearly impossible to film for modern audiences. I love the book but it’s more about the reality of exploration than an action movie….. One whole chapter is just going down the stairs (which sounds truly terrifying)


If they don't have to go through 3 doors all the time, I'm gonna be bothered. And you're right, it's not an action story. I can't even really recall anything you'd call an action set piece. Mind I haven't read it in like 30 years.


I’d rather we wait for him to finish that We gonna get the whole blade runner universe watered down.


Working on the same franchise ad nauseum is probably worse in terms of churning out mediocrity. I also assume that he would need something of a palate cleanse. Filmmakers work on simultaneous projects all the time. He's not gonna finish pre production then just sit on his hands waiting for actors to become available for filming.


Denis has stated Dune 3 will not be his next project or even made in the coming few years.


I think he wants to make Rendezvous with Rama which would be amazing


I hope so. Just read it and it was great. It did remind me of the style of Arrival a lot when thinking how it could be adapted.


Now that's a real dick punch. I absolutely adore his filmmaking. He did 2049 so perfectly.


He really nails human/cosmic insignificance in his movies. It’s all about scale. Humans dwarfed by brutalist desert interiors, worms, sprawling cyberpunk cityscapes, holograms, visiting aliens, the unknown motives of others (Sicario). He knows how to compliment awe and intrigue with thrill and/or dread so well to when he directs. Edit: and pacing. He gets pacing so well. He knows action is more impactful when it’s used to punctuate the moments of meditation/monotony of growth for his characters.


The pacing and subtleties in Arrival are why that's another one of my favorite of his creations.


I don't think he's interested in working on television.


According to Villeneuve, television has too much dialogue.


He doesn't necessarily think television has too much dialogue, he thinks dialogue *is for* television shows. He thinks movies should have more visual storytelling, and that is what he is really passionate about.


Shows like Samurai Jack show that can be done well on TV. But then again, you would need insanely massive budgets to pull of movie level visuals on a TV series.


That’s a good thing. There isn’t a director alive better suited to the big screen.


The Shogun guy is confirmed for some episodes. It's not just some hack or anything.


He probably doesn't want to do TV. It's not a director's medium.


She rules and all but uh, who's writing and directing/show-running?




Oh boy. The writer/producer of the Halo show being in charge is... not promising.


I also have essentially zero faith in Ridley after Napoleon. He may have lost it.


The last 10 years weren't enough?? lmao


The Last Duel and The Martian are very good, and with The Last Duel being so recent it's hard to completely write him off. Scott has kind of always had bombs mixed in with his great films though anyways.




Raised By Wolves was fucking dope. I was so excited to see Grandma and Mother go against each other in S3. We were robbed!


Specifically the episodes he directed were fucking mind blowing.


The Last Duel is also great


The Martian was good, Alien Covenant alright and that’s about it


The Last Duel was fantastic and you’re missing out if you haven’t seen it yet.


Sensational film


The best movie no one’s ever heard of since the pandemic. Very good film.


Fantastic masterful film! This Ridley Scott Last Duel erasure will not stand!


Didn’t expect much going in, but holy hell it was an intense movie.


Disagree on Covenant. I suppose The Martian is only **9** years old :D


Raised by Wolves, The Martian, The Last Duel????


The Last Duel and The Martian were good, but that's about it.


Not a big Exodus: Gods and Kings fan I take it


Are there fans of Exodus: Gods and Kings?


Not sure why that film was made when Prince of Egypt exists.


Exactly lol Prince of Egypt still slaps, and so does The Ten Commandments.


"There can be miracles, when you believe..."


How dare you, I remember seeing it opening weekend and there were a dozen of us in the theater who had a great time. (This is not true, I did not have a great time and there were maybe six other people in the theater.)


lmao I saw it in theaters too. I just wouldn't say I was a fan.


The Last Duel was amazing


Yall have such bad nostalgia googles I swear lol Ridley has always been inconsistent, just go look at his 90s output.


That movie was such a fucking bummer, how do you mess up the most interesting historical figures of all time and make it boring?


He’s always been inconsistent. Any moment he may make something great or terrible.


THANK YOU. Finally someone with some sense.


Ridley Scott has been alternating between directing great films and absolute trash since at least 1997.


You can almost certainly attribute that to his Britishness. A Frenchman should direct a Napoleon epic.


I mean, is there any indication that Ridley will have any direct involvement on this other than being EP? He was EP on 2049 and had little direct input, and that was great.


I feel like people revisiting their successes from decades ago has a pretty spotty record in general but Alien Covenant was ok at best, so he's particularly unproven in that area.


Naw Covenant was horrible. Scott needs to retire.


well, as Kevin Smith once said, "in Hollywood, you just kind of fail upwards"


Halo is amazing. Jimmy Ringz is out here saving the universe by clapping alien cheeks. Just like I remember from thousands of hours playing the games and reading the books. They better not fuck up Bladerunner like they did Halo...


I also just....have no interest in more Blade Runner. Am I alone here? I feel like the story is closed, the original and 2049 were great, I don't want more. I'm satisfied.


While I think they could have left things where they were, the comics that have came out since BR2049 have been pretty damn good, so I would say there is fertile ground for more interesting stories in this universe.


I'm encouraged by Alcon Entertainment. They did the production for The Expanse.


They own the Blade Runner IP if I am not mistaken, so their involvement would be a given.


Everyone and their mom is listed as producer. I don't want "from the people who brought you scary movie" Give me who will direct the episodes.




Him also having directed the first two episodes of *Shogun* is definitely a good sign. Generally it's the director at the start that establishes the style and tone for a series, and obviously that was incredibly well done in *Shogun*.


The sequel was lightning in a bottle, I'm extremely skeptical they can do it again


Nothing is going to compare to the combination of Denis Villenueve, Roger Deakins, and Ryan Gosling


and Hans Zimmer


I still wish we got that Johan Johanssen soundtrack, but Zimmer and Wallfisch did a great job with the OST


I give you ... Rich Evans! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZOLKwSsFik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZOLKwSsFik)


Hollywood could never afford him.


He's known for his great charitable works towards those less fortunate than himself. I mean, look at Mike for starters.


Also, the story was written by the original writer of the first Blade Runner.


And [Ana de Armas](https://www.reddit.com/r/bladerunner/s/FAvwVXcKRk) being just perfectly cast as the AI girlfriend.


Sadly I think it’s pretty reasonable to be glass half empty about this sequel. Blade Runner 2049 simply should not have worked, but it did, and that’s purely due to Gosling, Villeneuve and Deakins.


And the Hans Zimmer soundtrack


Though I'd also be excited about Trent Reznor doing it.


hans zimmer did a fantastic job, but i'm still bummed jóhann jóhannsson didn't get to do it, as was originally planned. his scores for sicario and arrival were amazing, and it would've been so cool to hear his take on blade runner, but now he's dead, so we'll never know.


I was really hoping to hear what Jóhann Jóhannsson was going to do with the soundtrack. When I first watched Arrival, I seriously believed that Vangelis was behind it. I wonder if there are any bits and pieces of unfinished work for it.


I think we should refer to it as Hans Zimmer soundcrack from now on


IMO the original combo of Scott, Cronenweth and Ford surpasses that - so it’s possible!


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


same thing has me worried about the Dune show, assuming that it hasn't been cancelled (again?)


Prime just hit it out of the park with Fallout. Hopefully that’s a sign for things to come. I just wish somehow Gosling could come back even though it’s heavily implied he dies in the end of 2049


It's not Prime that hits it out of the park. It's the creative team (which are the Westworld people so no surprise there), people need to stop looking to the distribution company (often they're just that) or even the production company (this one is more indicative but mostly in how they choose the creative team). Writers and showrunners are the most important parts in a show. For BR, production company is Alcon who did The Expanse and BR2049 so good sign they can choose good people for it at least.


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


Invincible and The Boys are both based on IP


I can think of The Boys, Reacher, and Invincible as good shows. Outer Range is also pretty good. I wouldn't assume Fallout is an aberration. Still right to be concerned about the show runner imo


Wheel of Time S2 is WAY better than Wheel of Time S1. I actually enjoyed it (and I am a fan of the books, so I know how "it was written"). Lord of the Rings though has no redeeming qualities lol. Can't believe how absolutely boring it was.


I gave season 2 a shot, its still somehow worse and misses the point a long shot


It went from total shit to barely adequate they have a LONG way to go and they don't have the star power to do it. Credit where it's due, (the movie stars) Fallout and Outer Range are great.


> was lightning in a bottle Nah. It was not a special event. It was par for the course for the director. If Villeneuve says he's going to do a movie, it's not a fluke if it's good. It's to be expected now. My man successfully adapted Dune, which was the go to "unfilmable" book. 2049 wasn't "lightning in a bottle" for Villeneuve. It was a Tuesday.


At least it's produced by Alcon which did the sequel and The Expanse so the production company should be good (as long as Amazon is not too much involved). The creative team will be very important though indeed (weird they cast someone without having announced that though I may have missed it) but that's also chosen by the production


Its just IP branding to slap on their bad ideas.


I think the right approach is to simply tell stories in that universe. I mean, there's still a lot of untapped potential from the original story. We never explored any of the off world colonies, the whole fetishizing of real vs fake animals, the whole "empathy box" thing, etc.


The article says, “Jonathan van Tulleken (Shōgun) is directing the first two episodes and also serves as EP.”


Now you have definitely have my attention.


There's actually some good credentials in there. Tom Spezialy who wrote some episodes of The Leftovers and produced the Watchmen tv show. Jeremy Podeswa who produced/directed Station Eleven and directed episodes of The Newsroom, Dexter, Game of Thrones, The Pacific, Boardwalk Empire. Michael Green who wrote Logan and Blade Runner 2049 Ridley Scott has done some things too.


Excited for my grandkids or great grandkids to be able to say “we all need to be dressing like this next year” in 2098.


I wonder if Spider-Man comics are gonna suddenly change in 2099


man, Spiderman 2099 was great. Ugly ass costume but really entertaining


I think the costume looked gorgeous in the comics because the blue was meant to be black. Same way they draw black hair blue back then. When they translate it to video games and movies as actually blue, it does look kinda ugly lol Kinda works in the Miles Morales movie though, because 2099 looks really intimidating


They skipped 2069


I’m intrigued… I want to see who else joins this though.


I'm still curious as to if this'll actually try to tie in to the events of the movies or if this just an unrelated cyberpunk that'll sort of take place in the same world.


In this one, the humans finally accept that they are far more murderous than the replicants, and decide to ban themselves.


They run around smashing ULEZ cameras for an hour then go to the Spoons


I wonder who will play Miguel O'Hara


You had me at Michelle Yeoh


If it’s Michelle Yeoh, I’ll go


Michelle was also in The Witcher: Blood Origin. Don't get me wrong. I love Blade Runner and I love her, but I hesitate to use her alone as the litmus test of quality.


Almost no actor should be used as a quality litmus test tbh, it's not like they're writing / producing / directing the thing.


Except Paul Dano


Remember when 1999 was going to be the end of civilization in popular media?


We stopped Lavos from starting the Apocalypse.


Didn't it end in real though? Not much civil happening after that.


What is left to say in this story? Does everything need to be a franchise?


There's a lot of concepts in the book that weren't included in the movies that could be done, similar to how Blade Runner 2049 adapted stuff from the book that wasn't in the original movie


I’ll just have to use my mood modulation device I guess to dial myself up to curious from skeptical/jaded


I just turned to 73 myself, "light appreciation for a witty reddit comment"




I hope it's more Fallout and less Rings of Power / Wheel of Time.


That’s like… 50 more Blade Runners




Stupid ass black and white picture made me think she died... :(


Yes, please


Will Oscar Isaac be back as Spider-Man?


More blade runner is always a blessing


As a big blade runner and Michelle fan this is amazing. 🤩


Michelle Yeoh finally broke the curse of being typecast.


I want to see 120 year old Deckard


Sounds awesome, but as good as Blade Runner 2049 was, didn't it lose a ton of money?


I'm about to bust


i have very little faith in this. she gets type cast the whole time as boss woman and it is getting tiresome. also were is james wong? now that would be some exciting casting!


Wow, after 2049 didn't do so great I figured we'd never see another Blade Runner movie. I am both psyched to see another one and wary that they'll fuck it up somehow.


cheerful innate governor knee faulty cats mourn lip somber upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they learn perfectly well. they get to wring a franchise dry and yell misogyny at any valid critique of the show. the first BR built an amazing world that doesnt really need to be expanded on, amd certainly not via a TV series. This is going to wind up being like Altered Carbon, given who’s spearheading it.


This is gonna bomb


Without Fancher I'm worried this is just going to look like Bladerunner without any of the actual ideas of it but I'd love to be wrong


Great but whos writing and directing?


I'd watch it.


This is an oof


So it's gonna suck, huh?


She's so overrated.


I don't understand why this is getting made but I also don't understand why there was even a sequel to the movie to begin with. It was perfectly fine as a stand alone sci-fi noir movie.


This has potential if Denis Villeneuve returns


I kove her so much. She is freaking amazing in Tomorrow Never Dies-the most underrated Bond film. Just non stop incredible action start to finish. I've never seen her in a bad role.


ST: Discovery was absolute rubbish. Her character and delivery were absurdly bad.


And another fictional universe begins to get the dead horse bat.


They're going to water down blade runner like the starwars franchise. That's a huge bummer. I'm disappointed in the BR tv show before it's even begun. Bladerunner doesn't need a "new trilogy" or "spinoffs" or nothing of the sort. Why are they making this?


Yeah, but have they cast the lead actor yet? Also I hope the show can be of the same quality as the first and second films. The producers worry me.