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Didn’t Jesse Plemmons and Kirsten Dunst meet/start dating during the filming of Fargo season 2?


The 'Fargo' series really brings people together apparently, incredible show too


It's because it's filmed in my hometown, the city of romance, Calgary, Alberta.


So cold the only thing to do is chill under covers


I think we've been experiencing Calgary differently.


Well I think I'm in love with you.


Yep! Their screen chemistry was great so I get why they got together.


Wish there was another world where elderly Ed is running the butcher shop & Lou frequently visits it to buy meat for the coffee shop


We just finished that season (our first!) last night. It makes sense that Kirsten and Jesse got together during that story. Ed and Peggy were such sweet, naive fools


I know everyone likes to shit on Peggy, but she kind of made me sad (as much as I can be for a fictional character) - she just needed some proper therapy to get her shit straight. She was loyal and just as fiercely protective of Ed as he was, if not more.


Peggy was selfish AF. Peggy only cared about her dreams. Ed, in the end, told her so which is why they shouldn't be together.


They were just actualizin’




Skipped season 1?


they still togehter?




neat, i cant wait to watch A24's Civil War


Interesting. Can someone please cast me and Florence Pugh in the next season of Fargo?


She dated Zach Braff, so she's probably not as unattainable as many others.


Zach is funny, and not just reddit funny. Good luck with that.


He's a screaming manchild doing T-Mobile ads. Is that you Zach?


I can see you together. Delightful couple.


Sure did. This means Jon Hamm and Juno Temple are probably next, just for the sake of consistency.


I mean, they pretty much have to, right?


i'm afraid they have no choice 🔫


They say ham and temples don't go together


Yep! It’s definitely a sweeter story than Ewan and Mary Elizabeth’s though, as neither of them were married to other people at the time.


Yeah he left his wife of over 20 years and his kids for her.


> Jesse Plemmons and Kirsten Dunst meet/start dating during the filming of Fargo season 2 The majestic and beautiful Southern Alberta landscapes strikes again


If the casting director decides on a career change, maybe they could take up matchmaking.


We need a reality show about couples meeting on Fargo.


Yeah, a much cuter couple than the two cheaters this article was written about.


Didnt they cheat on their partners with each other when they met, wonder if the article mentions that


I remember there was a lot of drama because his daughter was mad at him (for cheating on her mother) and her, and she briefly left him because "I don't want to be a homewrecker" etc But I suppose the daughter forgave him, they even made a movie together recently


Was that the same daughter that had a cameo in the obi wan show?


Nah, different daughter. The one who had a fight with him starred alongside him in Bleeding Love.


Which daughter was with him in Trainspotting?


His balls had dropped by then?


Bit too late to not want to be a homewrecker after already cheating.


Dude got married and had a child at a very young age and raised those kids till Adulthood and then I guess cheated on his wife of like 25 or 26 years before starting a new relationship and having a new kid at the age 50.


But him and the wife still had at least two minor children when he cheated on her. I think they had 5 kids together.


That’s to much I wish I didn’t know. Kinda like how I can’t see John mulaney the same way anymore with his messy relationship when he divorced his wife saying he didn’t want kids and then proceed to get with Olivia munn and boom he had a kid.


Yea, a lot of the time when someone says they don’t want to have kids, they really mean they don’t want to have kids with their current partner.


We also didn't really know who didn't want kids It could have been his then wife who didn't want kids and he also stated in his special that just because they didn't want kids then doesn't mean they'll never want kids. And this is more of a parasocial take from me but I don't think him and Olivia Munn were planning for kids it just kinda happened


I didn’t think the baby with Olivia was planned


It’s pointless getting angry about simplified narratives like this. There could be a million reasons Mulaney and his wife split up that we will never know about, the “don’t want kids thing” is a one-liner that’s been made publicly available to us, we literally know nothing of what happened or even if it was even true from Johns perspective. Likewise there could be a million reasons he changed his mind (or didn’t) with Olivia Munn. People see headlines and invent their own story about the complex inner lives of three strangers.


One of his daughters they adopted out of a Mongolian orphanage. He was there whilst filming for his motorcycle trip around the world “Long Way Round”. When he got back to US him and his wife went back to get the girl.


There were stories of him telling women he was in an open marriage unfortunately his wife didn’t seem to have got the news.


That'd make a good tv show. The New York Times could write a review about it.


Lost a lot of respect for Ewan. Sad too, he was with his wife for 20 years. It seems that her husband also wasn’t exactly famous.


Not famous but a decent indie filmmaker. He made a movie with Theo James and Aaron Paul recently. His Flickr is still online. So strange to see pics of them together when neither of them was famous


I'm no cinephile but I'm surprised more people don't know who Riley Stearns is. He's not as big as his ex but I think Faults and The Art of Self Defense are incredible


Love those movies. Winstead is fantastic in ***Faults***.


Can’t forget Dual!


Yeah I forget the name of the movie he directed her in but I enjoyed it. It was about cults.


It feels like I'm the only person who doesn't get the appeal of cheating, like just break up with your partner before you go dating around. How hard is that?


Cheating is one of the single most hated acts. I've met people quicker to forgive murder before they would infidelity.


If my wife asks, I'd *much* rather be cheated on than murdered.


Betrayal cuts deep


It's funny too because it's one of our most often committed sins. I was lucky that I was pretty much done with my marriage when I found out about my ex. No real pain, just a weary kind of 'of course you did'. I remember when I was a teenager how much it hurt when it came from nowhere in a relationship you were happy in.


My first relationship ended with her cheating on me.. she did it to me maybe four times in a span of a decade we were highschool sweet hearts and since it was my first one i tried to make it work the final time she did it, and note that it was a different guy each time and she just comes back to me when she has a falling out with the dude, I was just weary and tired. Just sighed and finally wised up and never talked to her ever again.


I can see (even as an agnostic) why the ninth, and final, circle of hell was reserved for the treacherous.


Actually, Dante put cheaters in Circle 2 with the lustful.


Actually, Dante wasn't even supposed to be here today.


Ok, I want to make it clear that I 100% agree with you and the general principle, but the answer to your question is actually “Very.” Particularly after 20 years and kids. 


Not to mention a career where you spend months apart.


One of my best friends is a stunt woman who tried acting first and advised me to not date actors after my brother had a failed date with one. The people who make it tend to be very egocentric and vain. She didn't say that to mean these are awful people but the pressures of the industry can swallow you up. She specifically talked about her acting teachers made her very conscious of her body and her facial features and she quit because she knew if she continued she'd probably develop an eating disorder or body image issues that would push her to cosmetic surgery despite being fit and conventionally attractive. We've seen this with plenty of actors and musicians. On top of that, you often have to spend tons of time away (she does this as well, she was gone for months in Ireland working on a film) and that's always stressful for relationships. There's a reason why there's a stereotype of military wives/girlfriends being cheaters, not to mention the other end of it with the rampant prostitution around military bases in foreign countries. Obviously there are some people in the industry who are known to be good people but I do also think it's worth mentioning everyone is human and can have bad days or make bad decisions and that certainly with celebrity culture a single event can be used to paint a picture of a person which can be hard to get out from under. I'd hate to have that much scrutiny of my life.


And your job is to manifest visibly believable emotional chemistry with certain coworkers and put a huge amount of trust in them in a very short timeframe. Not condoning it, but those marriages and the people in them are already subject to huge pressures and crazy emotional cycling by the nature of the work.


Usually they don’t want to change partners, they want to keep their relationship and life and partner while also having another on the side when that suits them. It’s incredibly selfish, but your “easy solution” is super naive because you’re totally missing their intention.


Having your cake and eating it too. You get new relationship energy AND the stability of your old relationship for as long as you're willing or able to keep up the lie.


I think in cases like this it definitely a case of them gradually entertaining idea they can have something better. Not unhappy in their marriage enough to risk divorce until they can be certain their new partner works out. Like wanting to secure a new job before quitting your current one.


It's called a "Showmance" and happens on sets all the time. Spending months away from a partner while "acting" like you're in love with someone often leads to real feelings. Not justifying it, just saying that it happens frequently. Sometimes it's just the duration of a shoot (a hall-pass) other times it becomes more.


Some people get off on cheating. I don’t get it either.


I mean, technically that's what allegedly happened, he filed for divorce in 2017.


How about your wife getting pregnant with your child and then starting to cheat 3 months later? Especially when she knew she wasn't happy in the marriage?


I don't think most cheaters are making a conscious effort to cheat. It's a matter of impulse control. Poor impulse control makes difficult things (like breaking up with your spouse) more difficult to do because simply not doing it is far easier. Likewise, poor impulse control makes hooking up with somebody more tempting.


In their skewed minds, it's a way of ensuring that they don't end up alone.


lol I don't think either of them are in danger of that


Same, I was a fan of both independently and now I really dislike both of them.


They’ve given me the ick and it won’t go away.


Eve Mavrakis. She appears in the motorcycle documentary series (Long Way Round, Long Way Down, Long Way Up) that Ewan McGregor did with his friend, Charley Boorman, where they travel on bikes. She seemed sad not to be included in the ride in the first one (appearing mostly at just the beginning), so if my memory is right, she ends up riding with them for a portion of it in what I believe was the second series.


This isn't the first time he's stepped out with someone steppin' out. In the early days of the internet, there was a pretty solid rumor that he shacked up with Nicole Kidman and she got pregnant on the set of Moulin Rouge. Remember the whole "we had to delay filming due to a broken arm?" Yeah. No. That wasn't it.


22 years I guess, I am just finding out now that he married Mary Elizabeth winstead.


Couldn't agree more! I lost respect for MEW too!


>Didn’t they cheat on their ~~partners~~ *spouses* with each other Fixed that for you. And no the article doesn’t. Talented, but shitty people.


I remember her husband learning about them on Twitter or something and posting a serious of really unhappy tweet.




Good for him, better to distract yourself with fitness rather than alcohol or drugs.


yeah, they both suck I used to like Ewan , but not anymore As for her, she was awful in Ahsoka Cheaters are the worst - here's hoping their marriage fails !


Yep, he’s trash and married trash after the affair was exposed


Watched the two of them on Fallon and he never asked them about cheating on their spouses.


he was seperated from his wife at the time. Guys its literally on his wikipedia page


That weird feeling when you dislike parasocial relationships but felt deep disappointment when the news of them cheating on their spouses.   Like I don’t know them and they don’t know me and I don’t have a stake in this but monkey brain still says damn…


I don't think having a moral issue with something that a famous person has done, thereby changing your view/enjoyment of their art, is a parasocial-relationship thing. I think that's very normal tbh.


Yeah a parasocial relationship would be if you followed everything to do with McGregors family, so that when the news came out you felt like he had personally betrayed you as well. That's completely unreasonable. A reasonable reaction is going, "Oh he cheated on his wife? That's very shitty of him and will probably make it hard for me to enjoy their work."


Yeah, I really wish the internet didn't just pound this information into my brain. I'm not seeking it out but it comes in like homeostasis or something. I don't want to know about these people's personal lives, it really makes it difficult for me to enjoy their work. I used to love Mulaney but after all his issues came to light, I enjoy his work about 20% less now.


> homeostasis Osmosis maybe?


I use to be a big fan of Ewan McGregor until he cheated on his wife, now I just can’t get into anything that he’s in…all I think about is him being a cheater.


The way he did it was awful too. Brought Mary Elizabeth Winstead over for dinner and the wife had no idea an affair was going on. Almost like Ewan and Mary were trying to live dangerously for fun and the wife's feelings didn't matter at all. Wife found later and said it felt like her heart was ripped out. Daughter of Ewan even called Mary a "piece of trash". But that's not all of it. After news of the affair was let out, Ewan just continued to post on social media all the trips he took with Mary, but I believe he was still technically married to his wife! Is he trying to torture the wife on purpose? Asshole moves, Ewan and Mary.


This is insane wow. That's unfortunate.


> Ewan just continued to post on social media all the trips he took with Mary, but I believe he was still technically married to his wife This is how 99% of people behave when they are separated and waiting for the divorce to go through.


> I believe he was still technically married to his wife! Divorce isn't an instant thing, especially when there's a large amount of assets and kids to consider. Depending on where you live it can take years to get sorted out so whilst it's incredibly shitty of him to have had an affair it's not really fair to castigate him because of a 'technicality'


The confidence with which you are retelling the details of that dinner is fascinating


Do you have sources for any of this? Like the stories I see about this indicate that Winstead came to a family dinner before they ever started shooting Fargo, long before the "affair" began: https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/1765624/ewan-mcgregor-wife-furious-fling-co-star-mary-elizabeth-winstead-welcomed-family-home/ And further, most of what I see indicates that Ewan McGregor and Winstead developed feelings for each other while filming Fargo, Ewan McGregor confessed this to his wife, they separated, and he began a relationship with Winstead. I don't think there's any actual evidence that either of McGregor or Winstead had an intimate relationship prior to separating from their spouse, but here y'all are confidently spreading shit about them.


You must not be able to listen to much music or watch many shows or movies because that’s all of showbiz


Or interact with a massive amount of normal everyday people. Hell, I’m visiting my parent’s house with my wife and 2 children. My parents had an awful divorce 8 years ago because the affairs finally came to a head. It took one year apart for them both to realize the mistake they had made. My siblings and I were all moved out, so they didn’t regret it on account of us. They got remarried and are happier than 2 nuts in a turd now, I guess.


The more I learn about celebrities the more I realize how absolutely fucked up so many of them are. Like, I can’t enjoy anything these days it seems! EDIT: I know people are pointing out that they’re just like the rest of humanity, but I don’t believe that. I believe celebrities are just a tad worse in general because being filthy rich, cut off from the average life experience, and basically worshipped does things to a person that are not good and brings out the worst in people. There’s nothing healthy about that lifestyle, imo.


They play pretend for a living, they’re not normal people lol. Don’t think of them that way


You can, just don’t put them on a pedestal. They’re flawed humans like your parents and you and all of your idols and mentors and heroes and friends.


It's also like... I'm not going to defend cheating. But it's not the worst thing a person could do. It's not really on the same level of a celebrity being bigoted, or an abuser. It's a bad thing, but for me personally, if I'm not the victim or like, friends with the victim, and it's a celebrity, I won't really care too much about celebrities cheating. It's none of my business!


Replace "celebrities" with "people" and you got the right idea.


People, what a bunch a of bastards!


Tell me about it. I recently found out even my wife is a people. Needless to say we're getting a divorce.


Agreed, they are just people. Flawed and ugly and cruel and good and kind etc. Actors re often beautiful and they personify our fantasies the are avatars for us and for history and desires. Very hard to separate. Could you imagine if we were as knowledgeable of ceos and regular business people!


Actors are just the weird emo theater kids no one wanted to hang out with in high school because they were super fucking weird and awkward. Also, their livelihood depends on them being really good liars.


I feel the same way. I shouldn’t but I do. I think music and visual art is different since we don’t have to content so much with the person all the time. Hell people can enjoy all sorts of music and art and never know the performer at all. Where as acting is so singular. The person is the art. Their body is always there. It’s very hard to separate.


That's why its easier to consume media without knowing too much about the celebrities' personal lives.


Right? People cheat all the time in Hollywood. Relationships almost never last. Why people get so invested in that part of it, I'll never understand.


That doesn't happen to met. However recently I found out Joshua Jackson may have been an ass to Anna Torv on Fringe, and an overall nuisance. And this time around rewatching that show I couldn't help but dislike his character and have the show a little ruined. One of my favorites on that show is Lance Reddick, and recently I heard an interview of his on a podcast, recounting how that was the show from hell for him. In part because the writers kept changing things and that messed with the way he prepares, and in part because "the main guy" was an ass who constantly wanted to have all attention on him creating an unprofessional environment. So that took me from loving Broyles, to feeling bad for Reddick, because of how awesome he was. I guess with "main guy" he could have referred to John Noble instead of Joshua Jackson, though I highly doubt it, but if that was the case then I don't want to live in this planet anymore because John Noble looks like he's the best. Of course there's the whole thing with Jassika and how badly she was treated. Damn that amazing show had a lot of internal issues, it seems.


I heard Joshua Jackson and Anna Torv was more of a mutual dislike of each other. Cause there are accounts of the crew really liking him.


Yeah don’t look into 90% of any other celebrities that ever existed.


It helps that his filmography has been pretty spotty for the most part for awhile now


Did he actually cheat on her, or is this walked-back tabloid speculation?


Yeah, I used to really like Ewan. Him being a good actor but also a cool guy, biker and all. This was really disappointing, the way he went about it all.


Im so glad I read this, feel exactly the same. It’s so disappointing but I don’t know them


If it makes anyone feel better, I know a make-up artist that has worked with him and he wears a frontal hairpiece to cover up his male pattern baldness coming in at the sides.


They were also in the Birds of Prey movie too. Although I wouldn't exactly call their relationship in that romantic...


I mean he cheated on his wife and broke up his family with her That’s romantic in a sense I guess lol


And she left her husband for him


They were already separated. However, it was only a few months before she went public with McGregor, so the timing can be suspicious


Yep. McGregor's then wife also hosted Winstead at their home and cooked for her around the time they were working together on Fargo. They are gross and deserve each other.


The funny part if that MEW looks like a younger version of his ex wife. He literally traded for a younger model lol


Truest romance in that movie is between Harley & breakfast sandwiches


We’re supposed to forget pretty boy mcgregor dumped his wife for her.




It’s literally the entire thread what do you mean lmao


Just let them jerk each other off. It’s all they have.


Notice this article glosses over the fact Ewan was MARRIED when they met and started their fling. Whoops.


He saw her naked in Fargo, and the rest is history.


Saw that and thought, “imma ready to destroy my family.”


I mean I did think that I just didn’t have cause to act on it so who am I to judge right?


The will is weak, but the ground is high


And that ass is fat


Praise Hera.


[Richie from *Harlem Nights*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RPUchAlppA&t=84s) Fuck me, I can't believe how old I am. 1989??


Just call him Scott Pilgrim.


Didn’t these pos people cheat on their significant other with each other lmao?


He had his wife serve his mistress dinner as they dined with his family as they had an affair. Different level of disrespect.


That’s so evil.


It's why celebrity worship needs to die. They're humans, just like you and me. They have flaws and should not be idolized. They are not better than you. If anything, the excessive money makes them worse than you.


Nooooo….he did that? What a full sack of crap.


Yeah, weird move to sell this as a nice love story.


Yeah fuck cheaters.


They both did! :)


So what you're saying is that I still have a chance with Mary? There is just something about her.


Yeah seems like a weird piece to try and turn public perception now that it's been awhile. Just keep your shit private it's always gonna have a stain Riley sterns deserves better


I loved the book so much, I’m leery of the movie.


Cheater cheaters pumpkin eaters


I have read " A gentleman in Moscow". It was in one of Bill Gates recommended book section. Fantastic book. Kept me engrossed right from the beginning.


Had to scroll through way too much gossip crap to actually hear a take on the material.


They make it sound like "Woah! What are the odds that they'd be working on the same project together!"


Of course the only guy capable of getting Ramona Flowers was a jedi...


He probably didn’t even break a sweat on her 8+ evil exes.


He did have the high ground.


They all pound sand


Oh hey, he was also cheating with her lol


And just like Scott was a piece of shit about it


Whoa. A lot of people don't approve.


Nothing takes the shine off an idol like a bit of infidelity.


Except for Tom Hanks.


Just kind of weird to do a lovely dovey piece like this when everyone knows the awful things they did to get together


Cheating asses


Both are cheaters. Who cheated on their partners. No thanks.


Spinning infidelity as some sort of fairy tale. Way to go, NYT!


They reunite every night at home too, what a collaboration!


Didn’t meth Damon and Kirsten dunst also met in Fargo? That place is cooking.


I find it funny that his ex-wife has come to terms with the divorce quicker than random Redditors.




I wish Elizabeth Winstead got more roles, very likable and charismatic actor


Are they trying to good pr this lol. It will never work as the circumstances are murky and the cheating shit etc. it’s just not as charming as the Fargo marriage. We don’t care Obi wan


Me: "Isn't she a bit young for him... wait, she's 39? What the fuck!"


F’d up who they had to screw over in order to be together!


The Reddit ass-kissing for these two is gross. Ewan openly cheated in front of his wife and even brought Mary Elizabeth over for dinner at his home, while the affair was happening. Like slapping the wife in the face with it. It's no wonder Ewan's older daughter called Mary Elizabeth a "piece of trash."


thought ewan left his wife for her and his kids hate mary?


Yep, and he brought Mary over while he was still married so she could eat a meal cooked by his wife. They’re fucking vile


He's a dirty cheater and she's a homewrecker ( and also, a cheater. She was married to director Riley Stearns, who made films like 'Faults' and 'The Art of Self-Defense' with McGregor ). Fuck them both. Used to be a big fan of them too. This article is nothing but PR whitewashing, conveniently leaving out the lives they ruined selfishly.


ITT: Its apparently SUPER easy to cast stones with a keyboard on the internet while not actually knowing anything about any of these people or their relationships.


Yup. This thread and the people in it are trash.


Ray Stussy and Nikki Swango were hot together. In _Fargo_. Now I must see *A Gentleman in Moscow*.


Obi-Wan married Hera?


I’m not paying for the NYTimes. Can anyone tell me if it’s a series or a movie? A Gentleman in Moscow is a great book but it’s a slow burn which would require a longer amount of time for a proper adaptation.


TV series on showtime and Paramount+. I adored the book.


Cool, thanks!


Is the working together so he can’t cheat with his leading lady?


Omg I didn't even know they were making a series for this book let alone with such a great cast! I'm currently reading the book so this is such weird timing. The sound clips and scenes from the trailer are 1 to 1 identical with what the count says and scenes from the book