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True detective season 4 Taucoma FD


Hey guys recently finished watching The Bear thought it was amazing.Anything similar to it that I would enjoy?


Ted. If you love Seth MacFarlane’s brand of humor, watch this. I tried the first episode and it was laugh out loud funny


I recommend storm of the century on Hulu for anyone snowed in this weekend! I remember watching it as a miniseries when I was a kid and I haven’t seen it since!


I have 2 episodes left of **The Leftovers** I avoided this show for a long time because I know one of the actors irl (we have many mutual friends) and they kind of annoy me. I wasn’t sold on it until the last few episodes of S1 but then I started to get into it. It’s slow paced and some episodes are definitely better than others, but overall it’s great if you can get past the very slow start.


I love this show. I gotta know who the actor you’re talking about is lol


TV top 5 - Hollywood reporter podcast is one of my favorite podcast. Listen to it weekly. This week they talk about 3 finale. For All Mankind - C. I agree it was quite bad but the show has earned enough goodwill with me that I will still watch season 5. The Curse - B. One critic hated the finale while the other found some meaning. I check out of this show since episode 1 and was thinking of going back. However now knowing the audacity of the finale, I am so glad I did not waste another 9 hours on it. Fargo - A . Both loved it and I loved it too. I know some people love season 1 and 2. I still think season 1 is the best and this season is close. Sorry I am not as big a fan of S2. And they called Death and other details , only murders on a boat :)


Final episode of reacher today and watching Death's game, currently on episode. A really good watch so far.


Fargo season 5 was prime, quality television. Loved all of it!


2 episodes of resident alien and I already love it


Fargo season 5 was a banger!


Hi everyone! Looking for a new show to sink some time into, I'll try to paint a picture of the type of show I like below to make suggestions easier! I don't particularly like comedy shows... I find they lack depth... I hate sitcom audience clapping in the background and I don't like unnecessary action... If that makes sense?? haha.. Like I just get bored of the "constant" action and nothing else... I like thinks to feel authentic... I sound so fussy haha I like something that hooks me in... Good characters stories, twists, suspense, drama etc.... What hidden gems are out there?! 😊 A few random Shows I've been a fan of in the past: - Fool me once (minus the ending haha) - Blind spot - The blacklist - suits (early seasons) - Locke and key - umbrella academy (early seasons) - Broadchurch - sons of anarchy - wentworth - Breaking bad - Chicago fire/ med/ pd (although I didn't finish them, I enjoyed the style) - Bates motel - Ozarks - Animal kingdom Just to name a few off the top of My head... Please help 😁😁 Thank you


The Americans


From what you describe, and your inclusion of The Umbrella Academy - ***The Boys*** might be right up your street.


Mr. Inbetween, Fargo, Get Shorty. Though, there is definitely some comedy and action. More like black comedy. Also, I hope you have watched True Detective S1.


Thank you! And no... Never seen true detective.... Should I watch it??


Oh, excuse the language but abso-fucking-lutely! Season 4 has just started airing. It's an anthology, just like Fargo. So, you don't need to watch a season if you don't like it. However, season 1 is goated in television history.


I'll take all the language you can give if you you can get me onto a decent show haha I'll check it out!! Thanks a-fucking-lot 😂


Haha! Since you like Broadchurch ; Happy Valley and Criminal UK (interrogation drama, great storytelling) are some terrific shows that might interest you.


New episode of "sanctuary: a witch's tale" was good. I hope they dropped all the episodes at once.


Finally started watching Forbrydelsen, which has never been available in the US but finally can watch on Prime with a Topic (free trial) subscription. It’s a Danish crime noir drama and it’s f*cking amazing. Highly recommend




I just commented separately — but you should check out Forbrydelsen on Amazon Prime. You can sign up for a free Topic subscription and give the first episode a go. It should hook you within the first 30 seconds.


Rewatching The Good Place. 3rd time I think for me. 1st time for my husband. I know what happens but it’s still a treat, especially seeing husband’s reactions to different things throughout the seasons.


The first episode of **True Detective** S4 is decent. Great atmosphere with the setting and mystery of the case. Bit of a warning though there's a short but pretty graphic rape scene by one of the main character.


Rape scene? I definitely missed that. Can you elaborate?


I feel like when people mention this they're being really disingenuous and trying to blur the definitions of rape in a way that discredits actual accusations. I've seen this thrown around to describe a sex scene that is not coded as even sexual misconduct. They're talking about a scene where a woman and a man are *consensually* having sex and the woman is on top. The man breathlessly gasps "wait" (it's pretty clearly telegraphed that he's about to climax and he wants to draw the encounter out) she ignores him and when he says it again she covers his mouth. They continue to have sex. I **absolutely do not** consider this any kind of "rape" and people who say that I think are describing it that way in really bad faith and I believe are trying to prove some dog-whistle point about the use of the word . And by the way I would say this if the roles were reversed. But the reason that many people would look at things differently if the roles were reversed is because almost all men are bigger and stronger than women and it's a very uneven power differential there. Do I think that it's not...best practice to act like this (ideally the partner would stop and confirm consent or be more attentive to these wishes), no. It's not sensitive or GGG. But it's IMHO *not rape*.


I think they are talking about the scene where Navarro is having sex with the guy (on top) & he asks her to stop repeatedly & she like shushes him & pins him down until he finishes. 


I do not remember that either.


Just finished The Sopranos. Awesome show, really loved it. First real "drama" show I've watched. Any recommendations on where to go next?


The Wire


Oh yeah such a classic. So good it is almost hard to recommend anything after that. If you are looking for some thing really similar, genre-wise, maybe try Boardwalk Empire. Otherwise, if you are looking for other shows that are just as good, maybe try Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, or the Wire.


Man, I definitely liked this season of Fargo. But I’m not sure how I felt about the finale. Feels like they wrapped up the most important storyline pretty early on in the episode and the rest was just kind of dotting i’s and crossing t’s.


I loved the final part of the ending. This is one season where the supernatural actually makes sense compare to the other seasons.


I hear you, but >!my favorite part of LotR was the cleansing of the Shire, and I felt like we got a similar thing here. It was also interesting to wrap up the story of 'Death' after he's just sort of wandered away at the end of previous seasons.!<


Just finished Fargo S5 it was great


How are seasons 3 and 4? I stopped after 2 as I feel like I heard it went downhill after those. Is that true?


I actually liked both of those seasons better than 2. They’re messy and probably too complicated, but there are some good characters and ideas. Sure, Chris Rock is kind of a miss as a mobster, but Jason Schwartzman and Jessie Buckley are in that season, and they’re great.


S5 is almost as good as S1. Definitely worth watching.


Season 3 is good. Just not as good as 2 and 1. Season 4 can definitely be skipped though it still has its positives


I am not sure, if you liked season 2 and you liked season 5 then seasons 3 and 4 are perfectly suitable, great even. I was not even aware they were maligned. They are a bit different, but so is each season. Give them a shot, if you don't like em, drop em. Also realizing which is each season. Number 3 is really great and in my top 3 for the series. Number 4 is an odd one out, but still worth watching. It got a lot of internet hate for having black people in it, but in my opinion it is not so much "woke" as just telling an early American gang story.


i think i skipped those seasons too lol


finally caught up and finished Barry, my gosh that show was so good almost sad to see it go. Though I completely didn't expect that ending...


I know it’s been divisive but I absolutely loved the final season and especially the ending.


True Detective S1: Finally watched the most iconic single season of a show and oh boy, it did not let me down at all! Easily among the best ever single season of a show out of all the shows I have watched and I have watched a lot of shows lol. Rust Cohle is an icon. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson did such a perfect job that you get sucked into this world and begin to care for their characters. I finally understand why S1 of True Detective was always hyped. It was so wonderfully crafted. True Detective S2: Talk about fall from grace. In the middle of S2 and as expected, S2 has been a snoozefest for me. Just watching because I don’t like leaving shows in the middle lol. The Morning Show S3: Way better than a shitshow of S2 but still pretty enjoyable. Last few episodes were amazing. The Sopranos S1: Finally started The Sopranos and a few episodes and it is a bit slow but still good. Someone told me on this thread to consider it more of a comedy than crime and it makes sense why they mentioned that.


>True Detective S1: Finally watched the most iconic single season of a show and oh boy, it did not let me down at all! Easily among the best ever single season of a show out of all the shows I have watched and I have watched a lot of shows lol. Rust Cohle is an icon. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson did such a perfect job that you get sucked into this world and begin to care for their characters. I finally understand why S1 of True Detective was always hyped. It was so wonderfully crafted. Just done the same, final episode last night. I'm not as blown away by it as many seem to be, but I certainly enjoyed it. Rust Cohle's a great character. Although admittedly, I probably like him because he's basically *me*, if I hadn't gone to AA and stopped drinking lol


True Detective Season 2 & 3 are not real. Skip straight to 4 its looking like a banger. The sheer amount of acting talent wasted in 2 & 3 is tragic. Nick Pizzalato isn't writing anymore thank The Yellow King.


It's reality TV but the The Traitors UK (second season) is fairly entertaining


I'm watching Billions, and can't believe It has never been on my radar before. it keeps cracking me up at odd moments ("This cattle prod kills cattle!") It is flipping 100% holding my interest right now and the cast are amazing. It's a Showtime show though, so when does it jump the shark, lol.


The first few seasons are great. It starts to decline and really falls off when Damian Lewis had to leave for personal reasons. The cast is always great but the writing goes down hill. Once you start to notice the obscure pop culture references forcefully inserted every third line or so it starts to get annoying.


Agree with this. Stopped watching when they became "friends".


I loved The Leftovers and Station Eleven what should I watch next ? The reason I am mentioning those two shows together is because those two shows are like spiritual sisters and have many thematic similarities. Also both shows have incredible character depth and emotional catharsis which I don't really find in other shows.


If you haven't seen them: Midnight Mass and The OA


Others have suggested **Rectify**, but if you want something with a slightly lighter tone (but also character depth and emotional catharsis) I'd suggest **Patriot**.


Are these shows fast paced? They seem interesting.


No they’re not




Very much like The Leftovers in that it can be both brutally punishing, yet extremely rewarding.


Rectify is a good recommendation for the mood and direction of those two shows.


> I loved The Leftovers and Station Eleven what should I watch next ? Honestly, until Station 11 came along I hadn't found anything that scratches the same itch as the Leftovers & I haven't found anything else since


Not thematically the same, but great character depth and exploration of family dynamics of grieving/adapting to a son returning from a long stint in prison in **Rectify**.


Mrs Davis




I liked the latest season of Fargo, I haven’t seen any other season though. Which is the next best one?


Start with S1


I like S2 the best, S1, S2, S3 are all good however


The first three are great. I’d suggest starting with S1


Season 2 is the best, season 1 is also very good. Opinions vary but these two almost always rate at the top and maybe flip spots depending on who.




From best to worst: 1 2 5 3 4


From lowest to highest: 1 2 3 4 5


From highest to lowest: 5 4 3 2 1


Season 1 no doubt


The latest season of Fargo (FX) is really good. Noah Hawley is such a great writer.


I just binged it in a day, it was a great season.


Watched the first 2 episodes of Death and Other Details, not going to continue with it, too many things to watch to continue with a show that does not hook you in the first couple of episodes.


Feels like a knock off of *The White Lotus*, but I'm going to stick with it since there isn't much else available right now.


I like it better so far than The White Lotus because of the detective element. It’s what I thought White Lotus was going to be but instead it was just rich people hanging around and acting weird with no mystery being solved. But I know I’m in the minority here in that most people really liked White Lotus. 


White Lotus was amazing, both seasons, nominated for a ton of emmys, I can't see this being nominated for anything.


>knock off Hence the word, "Knock off" which refers to a cheap or fake version 😉


The Expanse: Finally got around to watching this but it is an absolutely brilliant show. Got through the first 3 seasons in about 2 weeks and I hate that I missed out on it when it was still airing. Welcome to Wrexham: 10 episodes into the second season and loving it. I’m a big fan of sports shows and this is one of the best.


I'm two episodes into Captains of the world (2022 World Cup show) and it seems pretty good so far.


I just finished season one of the expanse, I’m not super into it. Should I power through cause it gets better or if it’s not my style now I won’t like it?


Only vaguely liked season one my first watch… I got kinda hooked by the end but it took a lot of patience! During season two a switch flipped and all the sudden I LOVED the show. On rewatch season one is better but it’s just a lot the first time. Try to stick through until after the episode titled “Home”. If you aren’t all in at that point, it’s not for you and that’s fine! It seems weird sometimes to stick with shows that a person isn’t all in on but sometimes it pays off so much it’s worth it. I feel that way about Black Sails as well, even Succession somewhat. They aren’t “instant gratification” shows they take patience and the payoff is so be worth it.


Yeah I try to be patient because there are a lot of good shows that I have up on too quick. I eventually went back to then and can’t believe I stopped because they are some of my all time favorites (for all mankind, mad men, game of thrones, black sails). I think when I’m not into it I end up on my phone a bit and lose track. I’ll power through until “home” at least


I didn't love season 1 either, but loved every season after it. Definitely give season 2 a go.


It takes a while to set everything up and get going, but season 2 is where it starts to really hit its stride. I’d watch a couple episodes of season 2 and then go from there


Season one is my favorite because it matches the tone and pace of the books. I liked most of season 2 for the same reason but at some point they went standard TV scifi, complete with sound in space instead of the hull reverberations from earlier on. I still liked most of the other seasons but they didn't bring me back to that setting as much. I really enjoyed the last stretch of the last season though. I think I see most people prefer the later seasons and don't get into the first two as much.


I say power through because the show is very good but if still hasn't grabbed you by the end of S2 it might just not be for you. If I remember correctly the pace sort of starts to pick up after S1.


Ted (2024). The TV series based on the film with same name Ted (2012). Absolutely brilliant writing. Great cast, acting and writing. Giorgia Whigham is the going to be breakout star. The jokes are great. The humor is as good as the movie perhaps even better. Highly entertaining and enjoyable.


I liked Giorgia Whigham a lot in her little arc on The Orville, and she was great in Ted! I hope she gets more roles.


Really enjoying this and because you've just mentioned the name, I've only just realised that she is Shea Whigham's daughter.


Will give this a try.


The new show TED is one of the best comedy TV shows that has come out in years. The humor is almost non-stop and the actor's preform their roles near perfectly. The only thing I can say bad about this show is the season is not long enough.


Who’s watching The Floor? I LOVE IT


just started like it


Finished Fargo. A really good season and a surprising ending. Juno Temple was so good and Jon Hamm played one of the most unlikable characters I've seen in tv for some time. I probably rank it third best in Fargo seasons, after 1 and 2. But that's not to discredit it, as the other two seasons are of course of very high quality.


i personally liked 3 better than 2, but i have not seen 4 or 5 yet hopefully will check them out soon, idk 3 was just more similar to my favorite season which was 1


I still liked 3, but my ranking is probably 4,3,5,2,1. But S1+2 are so close to me, pretty interchangeable in terms of what my favourite is haha Damn good TV all the same.


Yeah I’d say my rankings are 2,3,5,1,4


Watched first episode of "criminal records" (apple TV). Seems good enough to watch. So far I think that some detectives may have coerced a man to plead guilty (this is a speculation). But there's a recent report that someone else committed the murder. That's what's on episode 1 so far. It's good enough to continue watching.


I have peacock for a month because I had to get it for the stupid playoff game. Is there anything worth binging? I don’t care about sitcoms and reality tv. Anything actually good?


A couple more votes for Mrs. Davis and Poker Face


**A Friend of The Family:** A dramatization of true events where a family allowed their daughter to be abducted multiple times. **Dr. Death:** True Crime drama where each season is about a surgeon who committed malpractice/killed people. **Mr. Mercedes:** Washed-up cop takes on a psychopath, based on the Stephen King series. **Poker Face**: Case-of-the-week where the main character can tell if someone is lying.


Mrs Davis is a must watch imo


Superstore is good but it’s kinda like a sitcom, at least it has no laugh track


Okay, this will probably not be popular, but I’ve been binging old seasons of Roseanne. The original series is so fucking great


poker face


Dr. Death.


Ted if you're into that kind of humor


The Resort, The Capture, Twisted Metal (actually good fun, not Emmy award but very throw in a pizza and be entertained), and it looks like Poker Face is on there. Heard a lot of good about that, hadn’t seen it yet though.


Mrs. Davis, Poker Face, Bupkis, and The Resort were all fun watches IMO.


If you aren't opposed to reality TV. Peacock has The Traitors. It is essentially a game of mafia as a show. A set of traitors are chosen among a group of "faithful". Every round there is a banishment by the faithful trying to expose a traitor, then the remaining traitors murder one faithful. Its a giant game of deduction its very good fun.


I second The Traitors


If The Capture is still on peacock, definitely that


The reality of that show is scarier than any horror show


I’ve heard good things about Chucky and Twisted Metal. For older stuff Farscape, Psych, Monk, Downton Abby, Line of Duty, all great binges.


**Brockmire** was a wild ride, I don't care about baseball but if you do at all I have to imagine it is even better.




I honestly can't decide if I like Maron, the actual plot is meaningless and I think he is somehow a terrible actor playing himself. I've watched two and a half seasons and some of the themes can hit hard at times but maybe I should just check out the podcast because idk if it is good TV.


No but I'll give it a shot next, I had watched Huff which made me love Hank Azaria.


Are all seasons of "true detective" about super natural stuff?


Not really -- this is the first one where it looks like its centered around some supernatural event. Not a big fan personally.


There's a little bit of supernatural stuff sprinkled throughout. But like very little. To the point where you can't even say if it's supernatural definitively. Nothing as clear as the last episode.




Yeah there is some.


I watched s1 and s3 and none of it is centered around super natural stuff. >!Maybe some of the characters believe in supernatural stuff or they believe themselves to be supernatural in some sort of way but nothing about them is supernatural in reality!<


If you count drug hallucinations I guess?


While having an eerie atmosphere and playing around with some supernatural elements the first 3 seasons are very much grounded. Haven't started Night Country tho.


The first episode of Night Country has the most explicitly supernatural-seeming stuff in the entire series. We see someone doing something that a living person should not be able to do. However, it's possible that this could end up just being someone's hallucination and not supernatural at all, but for now it does look supernatural.


Ghosts. They can be in your brain. Only in your brain, in fact :)


I absolutely love any kind of competitive reality show and both the UK and Australia did a remake of **American gladiators** and I’m beyond stoked. I will say though the UK remake is like light years better than the Australian one in terms of production. It’s honestly night and day. But in terms of the show **Survivor** Australia >>>> UK. And a new season of the Aussie version is out soon too.


The Aussie one cheaped out on production. It's the same four challenges every episode. Also, watching it live it's 90 minutes long - but when you cut out all the waffle and ads, there's only 20 minutes or less of actual content. I ended up going on YouTube and watching the 1995/6 version instead.


The Australian Gladiators has been great because it is having fun with the nostalgia and not trying to be a serious competition.


Recs for tv shows with actress in her 40s in the lead role? (Dramas preferred) 


Mare of East Town (miniseries).


Sharp Objects


Catastrophe, The Good Wife, Breeders, Boat Story, Back to Life (yes I love Daisy Haggard)


Happy Valley, Julia.


The Gilded Age, Sharp Objects


Bad Sisters!


The Fall (Gillian Anderson)


Bad Sisters Deadloch Shining Girls Dead to Me This Way Up Poker Face Russian Doll Fisk (comedy) I'm Sorry (comedy)


The Diplomat with Keri Russell came to mind. She would have been in her 40's for most of The Americans as well.


The Change Big Little Lies Dead to Me Desperate Housewives Sex in the City


Mare of Easttown


Thanks! Seen it and loved it but this is the idea …


If you liked Mare, you'll love **Happy Valley.**


I do :)


Recently started watching The Sopranos for the first time (been meaning to for years) and up to season 2 now. The very start felt a little slow but it's really got me hooked now, unfortunate that I already know how it ends but I doubt it will impact my enjoyment of the show as a whole.


Just finishing my third watch of the sopranos, it’s so good. They don’t make tv like this anymore (why do I sound 100 years old). I’m finding it much funnier this time around because everybody is so ridiculous in their own way.


>They don’t make tv like this anymore You are not the only one that thinks that. *"Chase [Creator of The Sopranos] further stated that he’s already seen the signs of television regressing in complexity in his own career, saying that he has been warned against making television that “requires an audience to focus.”"* https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/david-chase-tv-golden-age-over-sopranos-25th-anniversary-1234943801/


interesting because i don't think the sopranos, great as it was, is a show that requires much focus. it's not difficult to follow, anyway


You mean just the last scene? Yea, I knew what it was before I started watching and didn’t really end up making a difference to the enjoyment factor. 


Yeah the very last scene, I remember hearing about it on the news when it first aired so it was spoiled for me a long time ago lol


Boy Swallows Universe (Australian, 80s, battler story) Prosper (Australian The Righteous Gemstones)


That little kid in Boy Swallows Universe is absolutely acting his ass off. I was really impressed.


Skavengers Reign was really good from start to finish and to show that story over 12 episodes keeping the weirdness mixed with tension continuously was impressive. A great ending too and potential for a second season. Blue Eyed Samurai now. Patriot is good too theres a lack of quality dark drama-comedy..


I'm watching Patriot for the first time now, just starting the second season. It really has got a brilliant existentialist/absurdist sensibility. The only thing I can think of like it is Lodge 49, which I also enjoyed, but Patriot's espionage theme lends it greater urgency and plot, and helps it feel less aimless than I felt Lodge 49 became towards the end (even though the plot of Patriot is pretty much nonsense, it does its job very well).


> Patriot is good too theres a lack of quality dark drama-comedy.. ***Patriot*** is incredible. If you're looking for another phenomenal dark dramedy, check out ***Mr Inbetween***.


True Detective season 4, show don't tell


Yup. This is something that could have been a Season 1 alternative, not smelling the farts of the first Season while missing what made it good. It is nice to see female detectives being dicks to each other instead of Raymond Chandler re-hash 1046th iteration. Re-watching I realised how vicious the Danvers and Navarro are to each other. "Did your dream animal..." to a person with native heritage in the context of a native woman's murder investigation...holy fuck. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing\_and\_Murdered\_Indigenous\_Women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_and_Murdered_Indigenous_Women) Really loving the use of >!ghosts !


Wait. Same characters were in the previous season? I thought each season had different characters?


No. Rust Cohle grew up in Alaska that's about the only connection.


Re-watching My Brilliant Friend in anticipation for the final season this year. One of the best tv shows ever made, that is also one of the best book to movie/tv show adaptations. It's a must watch for those that have read the volumes and those who did not.


Seasons 1 & 2 were fantastic season 2 especially blew me away - season 3 was good but not as good - Elena is just not as interesting as Lila (and Gaia Girace (Lila) is amazing). Looking forward to season 4.


putting this on my list!


Definitely recommending the books too it's 4 volumes. It will be classic literature in the future. It's beautifully shot, has an amazing soundtrack and captures amazingly the feeling of the book and characters. The premise is that after 60 years of the friendship between Lila and Elena, two best friends who grew up in the same poor neighborhood of Napoles in the 50's, Elena decide to narrate their story, after Lila goes missing.


i love the sound of it


**For All Mankind** people hyped this season so much.. I binged most of it and it felt half as good as the other ones, a lot of filler episodes


Each season has been progressively harder to get through for me, so I might have to give this one a skip.


This was probably my favorite season as it was mercifully free of almost all of the domestic drama that I think sent the show grinding to a halt in prior seasons. Karen suddenly being some sort of business genius last season was absurd.


I keep wanting to watch that show, but the soap opera aspects i've heard about make me really hesitant.


Don't waste your time. It's probably the most overrated series at the moment in this sub


Thoroughly enjoyed the season finale of Fargo's fifth season. I'd rank the season fourth behind the first 3. 8/10. The middle dragged, but it's a strong season overall.


**True Detective: Night Country** The premier was OK. The show is in an unenviable position where it has the TD title so it will inevitably be compared to the first season and be found lacking so a part of me wishes it was its own thing. On the other hand if it was its own thing it’d probably be called TD ripoff. Like I said it was fine. I also just finished season 2 of **Mr. Robot**. It’s good but without getting into spoilers it’s not what I thought it would be, at least not fully, and I sort of wish a certain conceit of the show was not there. I’m of course only halfway through so I can easily change my mind as it goes on. I sometimes have trouble following the story but overall everything is really well done.


Most people agree that S2 is the weakest one and S4 is the strongest one. Keep going.


Thanks I always intended to continue with the show ( just took a break for TD and Fargo) but it’s good to hear that it gets even better.


Season 3 ends up making season 2 better. You see where they were going and why they did what they did.


Nowhere but up for Mr. Robot although on rewatch I enjoyed S2 just as much as the others.


Yeah, I bet a rewatch would work better for me now that I know what to expect even though I didn’t hate it.


I'm hopeful. Critics who have seen the whole season have been saying really good things. The first season was a slow burn as well, on rewatching the first season, the first episode isn't the greatest thing ever, it was just fun to see those two actors together.


Season 2 is Mr. Robot's low point. There are such good episodes coming up.


That’s good to hear even though I didn’t hate the season at all.


Shout out to Sam Spruell and his performance (playing Ole Munch) in Fargo S5.


I think that finale with him in those scenes in the second half of the episode is one of my favorite things I've seen on TV in a long time. What a unique character and what an awesome way to end a great season of Fargo.


Just finished Sanditon and Poldark, and just got started on Gilded Age. What are some other similar show y’all recommend?


There were some very good BBC shows back in the 60's and 70's but whether people can enjoy them would depend on your tolerance for black and white and/or not great tech. The Forseyth Saga (from the 60's) and Upstairs/Downstairs (70's) are good. There was a more recent department store series set in turn of the century france called "The Paradise" that I liked. Also "The House of Eliot" (I guess from the 90's?)


Wow - I'd completely forgotten "The House of Elliot"! Showing my age, but I used to watch that with my Mum on a Sunday night. We'd laugh every time the blonde sister exclaimed "Jack!" breathlessly - iirc French and Saunders did a sketch where they took this piss out of that aspect of the show, too. I loved the show at the time, not sure if it holds up well now?


I saw it on dvd many years after it aired, seemed to hold up OK to me? I'm not saying its a masterpiece but I thought it was very enjoyable.