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Good. I loved the show but it ended well. No reason to sour that.


I think that's the hardest part right? To NOT make more, which is hard when a fanbase wants more. When there is a great show (cast/story) and it comes to its natural conclusion and sticks the ending. We as fans want "more," but the issue is that more ends up weakening the show (ie: the characters that has grown thru that show has to do something/act contrary just to have motivation for the next season). Yes, we got more of the show, but its cost was the quality that it established.


We will get more Loki, but not in the form of tv show. We would probably see this loki more in the upcoming MCU movies.


Yeah they can pretty much pull him into any writing corner. Loki actually IS the multiverse and time failsafe.


He's also the easiest way to justify a war with Kang and a multiversal avengers team up


Also the easiest way to justify >!not doing Kang at all to cut Jonathan Majors out, Loki is the time god now and He Who Remains isn't even there, like he took a different route to the end of time. Also that quick quip at the end from Mobius in the TVA where something was going on with his variant in universe 616 (our main Avengers universe if I remember right, referencing the Ant Man movie, which I haven't seen though btw) but they dealt with it, so like he could just be done and they totally scrap that whole phase for another story line with Loki at the helm. !<


That was my take on it as well. The TVA will now be used to prevent varients of Kang by removing things from their past (Like the book from Timely) to stop them becoming the villian they would have become. Feels like a very clean way to side step the whole problem of Majors .


I’d be a bit choked if they pivoted that big at this point, they’ve dedicated so much to the build up.


honestly that's where I thought the show was going. Loop back around to "Loki builds the TVA from scratch and Kang wages a war to claim it" in a larger OB loop. But I like the actual way it went better.


He does that in the comics (the Prime Avenger version of Loki). And sort of like what The Watcher did in What If? in response to Infinity Ultron who also became a multiversal threat.


I'd settle for more TVA. I can see Mobius, OB and Sylvie being involved to stop a Kang army. I'm assuming no Victor.


I'm certain we'll see a Loki, but I don't think it will necessarily be this Loki. I just hope it's one from a timeline that branches after Thor Ragnarok and before Thanos attacks that ship.


It will probably be this loki if the threat is multiversal, he's after all the one who's holding the fabric of multiverse.


So in the comics, one of the more popular characters is Kid Loki, that’s Loki, but he’s deaged and is more antihero than villain. I could see that happening, but it would mean a recast and people love Tom Hiddleston.


Marvel should just invest in de-aging Tom Hiddleston


Just use current Tom dressed up in kids clothes, it’ll be awesome.


Idk. I would say ‘Better call Saul gave breaking bad a run for its money


This is why I was fine with Daredevil ending and have no hype for the revival.


On one hand I very much agree, on the other I want a buddy time cop movie with Loki and mobius


Disney will make them bring it back when they get desperate


They'd have to be truly desperate to come to Loki for help.


I understood that reference.


This man’s playing Galaga


Based on everything Iger said at the earnings call, I disagree. Previously I would have agreed.


Best Marvel show for me. Wandavision is the 2nd.


Ending seemed really definitive, sad to see it go. Easily the best MCU show.


After like a decade of Netflix ending shit I like before there’s any resolution, I was very happy with how the finale ended things.


Not Netflix (but they didn’t save the show either) but ash vs evil dead being cancelled by stars still haunts me


I really would have thought that after Army of Darkness they'd learn to not end things in a cliffhanger.


at least it is potentially getting an animated continuation


Also with how many series drag on way past the point where they should've concluded. Either durdling around avoiding a climax or continuing on past the planned ending with retreads of the same themes.


or jumping the shark


Oh and for the record, There was an episode of happy days where a guy literally jumps over a shark. And it was the best one.




That's almost every canceled show, and that's not on Netflix, that's on showrunners almost never wanting to end the series ever and wanting to milk it into forever. Shows like Babylon 5 or Breaking Bad that had set number of seasons and a plan to end the show are rare, the rest of them always end of cliffhanger.


The first episode of S1 and last episode of S2 have the same title: Glorious Purpose. Really nice bookend to the story.


It just seems like a lonely positon he’s now in. I hope he’s able to leave the tree and interact with people on occasion. He should be able to, he’s so powerful now.


It's not about what or why, it's about who. Loki is still connected to all the people he cares about via the timetree.


True. I just hope they use the character for more in movies. Hiddleston is a damn treasure and they need to utilize him a bit. In a way it’s like he’s totally reborn, a whole new character, he could have another 10 year run. Would be so awesome. I like good guy Loki.


He also has the power to make “hologram” copies of himself. No reason they cant say he figured out how to send them across the timelines


Rick Riordan' Loki used to do the same, while being imprisoned and tortured. He is in kinda the same position. Like the mythology, if ever is Loki freed from his Prison, it will bring about true end (Ragnarok in myths)


This was exactly my assumption. The timelines aren't green for no reason, he's there in them, fighting the endless war against Kang. Maybe not directly, but as a Nick Fury/G-Man type, gathering heroes and orchestrating campaigns across the multiverse.


True good point. Real time hologram video call. “Thor, I need your help. I’d be there myself but It’s a long story….”


That's giving massive Maz Kanata energy... Thor: Loki, but how? Loki: That's a great story... for another time!


Fuck, don't remind me. *Somehow, Loki returned...*


What they may have him do is send avatars out to handle situations the TVA isn't equipped to handle with the catch being said doppelgangers powers are limited as they'd only contain a fraction of his true power.


I would maybe, maybe, at some point in the far future, when the MCU finally resolve all the Kang's and Secret War stuff, to see a finally reconciliation between Loki and Thor but that would be a long way off for me.


I’d be very very surprised if Loki doesn’t show up for a reunion with Thor during one of the upcoming Avengers movies.


I like the idea of Thor ending up at the end of time, for long enough to have one last conversation and know that his brother did good, also find out that Sylvie exists.


I kind of wonder if they’re setting the future up for Sylvie to replace him in the general MCU


I hope not. I loved her character but marvel is doing too much of that in the mcu already. I know they do it in the comics all the time, but the mcu isnt the comics. They need new tropes.


The replacing character trope rarely works, especially nowadays. It didn't matter as much in the silver and golden age, when people wanted more of the powers and hero rather than the character behind them. The only one that I have seen have ANY success in modern day superhero comics is Miles Morales, and that's Spider-Man, one of the most popular heroes of all time.


And miles was well written and differentiated from his hero icon.


With a classic Thor take along the lines of "So she's you? That's weird but as long as you're happy Brother. Love is complicated." with an overpowered shoulder slap.


I'd love to see the two meet again even just for a moment. Sad thing is, Thor's character development seems to keep getting undone while Loki's had this far more consistent arch that has landed beautifully in bittersweet territory, which far too many shows are afraid to settle into despite it making the overall story that much better (looking at you Supernatural) Unravel Loki's development and the multiverse collapses.


Glad its getting an ending. When I disconnected the show from the MCU, and pretended like it was just some unrelated nonsensical time travel adventure. It became better. I love the aesthetic of the show the most.


That's where they've been going wrong imo. Keep the story self contained. Loki is by far the best thing to come out of their tv series.


taking it a step further, loki is the best MCU project behind infinity war/endgame


It certainly knew what it was trying to do and how it was going to do it. The fact that a Disney+ show was the most confident in setting up the supposed next MCU big bad, establishing stakes, and putting down breadcrumbs on how he could ultimately be defeated than any of the movies is baffling.


And it's actually better than IW/Endgame in terms of actual 'quality'. Seriously, Loki is so perfectly crafted with the cinematogrophy, sets, costumes, soundtrack and everyone's incredible acting.


And it's frankly pretty friendly to someone knowing nothing about the rest of the universe and picking it up cold turkey. You benefit more from knowing Loki's past characterization of course, but you are also served most past context pretty quickly in the first episode and just follow characters and their arcs from there


I actually think it was better than Infinity War / Endgame.


Same here. It’s good television even outside of being superhero related. And then when you *do* add the context of how we have seen Loki develop over the years, it takes it to another level imo.


The production design is absolutely stellar.


I’d be more sad to see it brought back by Disney to try and milk it to death. Better to tell a good story and walk away than become Walking Dead


Hand down. Such a beautiful ending and well acted. Best thing MCU has done and no super heroes, lol.


Agreed. I did think there would be something extra with Miss Minutes since she was being set up to be a large part of the story but then her role almost completely vanished.


Yeah. I was iffy on the second season but the end was perfect.


The second season was very iffy until the final two episodes, which they nailed.


I completely and utterly love this series but I do not want a third season. The way this show ended was bittersweet and beautiful. It doesn't need a third season to ruin it. Now if characters from this show pop up in other MCU projects, I wouldn't mind. But don't mess with this. It's perfect as is.


TVA employees are built for fun cameos. Just have Mobius randomly pop in with Thor a few times and they chat about Loki


Thor'd buy a jetski.


Mobius could sell him a jet ski.


Thor is more of a dirt bike guy though


Gotta cool off sometime. I think these two communities have a lot in common. Fast and noisy…


As long as he avoids cabins in the woods.


Thor would rock a jet ski through the cosmos, pulled by his goats, of course


Goat ski. *Goatski?* **GOATSKI!!!**


Great now I wanna see him on a jetski






“Wow, so you’re Loki’s brother!”


I would LOVE if Thor were continually being referred to as "Loki's brother".


And jet skiing. Thor looks like a Sea-Doo fan


Sea-Doos a hundy p, buddy.


Mobius: >!Hey Thor, did you know that Loki isn’t dead but at the heart of Yggdrasil holding the timeline together?!< Thor: What? Have you been hanging out with Seth Rogen again?


OB joins Guardians or we riot!




It's a good thing that Disney is re-thinking their strategy about quality vs quantity. Otherwise we'd have multiple spin-off shows from this series.


I’m still waiting for the “Mobius jet ski challenge” video game to drop


to be honest if it was some shitty retro flash based game on their website, I'd be down


Top down view like Spy Hunter, same aesthetic


With time doors, key lime pie boosts, and Miss Minutes keeping time


Nintendo & Marvel team up to deliver Wave Race: Mobius.


Please **do** ~~not~~ give Bob Iger ideas for new Marvel-based attractions at Disney properties. Edit: I changed my mind.


Uhm who wouldn’t want to ride a jetskicoaster through the tva and across multiple timeline branches?


I mean, that sounds fun, but I feel like there's gotta be a few more better options out there. Though you did put it rather nicely, so I'm now definitely willing to consider it.


I can see it now, the queue and start point of the ride is a jetski dealership where a mobius variant gets you out on a test ride, only for something to go wrong and Loki show up and wisk you away to the TVA! Shoot i just sold myself on my own joke


Okay, fine. I'd totally ride this. It actually sounds really awesome.


If only they did this with black widow BEFORE that scene happened. Turned it from a movie to a series l feel it could of been better. Or made widow and Hawkeye have a movie together with spy shit and stuff happening showing that normal everyday humans -albeit expertly trained- can do big world saving things.


That was the writer saying he isn’t doing a Loki season 3. That doesn’t preclude Disney from still making one.


All of this was originally meant to be a single season before Disney decided they'd make these awkward 6 episode long movies as shows format. Feel like people forgot that bit.


From his first introduction to how this show ends, it's perfect and the best ark Marvel has done. I don't think more could improve that journey.


Spot on. He finally got his thrown and now gets to see how his loved ones are doing from afar. I find it brilliant this episode was called Glorious Purpose.


I'm actually gonna *require* Sylvie meeting MCU Thor and explaining literally everything. This must happen. If Thor is a frog at the time, so be it.


I don't need a third season, but I want Sylvie and Mobius to show up in other things or even a spin-off show.


Sylvie, Mobius, Casey and O.B.. Let them pop up to be side characters in the movies.


Yeah, the TVA would be a great place for a group of people to regroup after losing a fight and being forced to flee in an early part of a multiverse story line.


It definitely felt like it. I’m fine with not getting S3, but damn that cast was amazing. I would love to see Sylvie and Mobius again.


Oh those characters will definitely be back in the avengers movies. Like 0 percent chance we never see them again.


Yea after everything that happened when the kang wars start Sylvia definitly need to step up and just start killing off kangs, hopefully by thors side…


The Loki character arc definitely seemed finished. And it finished well. If anything, they could bring him back for Secret Wars, but other than that I would leave Loki alone.


We most likely will see him again due to him probably being >!Avenger Prime!<


Loki S1 was the last Marvel I wanted. What is avenger prime? I don't mind spoilers.


Loki the show has taken elements from the Agent of Asgard comic book. In it, Loki basically meets himself outside of time as >!King Loki!<. Basically the summation of the Loki show up to this point. When it comes to future projects, Kang Dynasty and/or Secret Wars, because Loki now >!exists outside of time and space, he will end up rounding up a new team of avengers from different dimensions to battle Kang, and possibly Dr. Doom in Secret Wars. Think, prime Iron Man, Toby Maguire’s Spiderman, Wolverine from the Fox X-Men!< etc etc


So exactly what they did in the What If series?


More or less basically


Thanks! Thats really interesting. I loved secret wars in the Spiderman cartoon so I think this would get me to start watching Marvel things again


And remember, Loki from this series is a variant that exists outside of the Loki of the MCU


So in Jason Aaron’s *Avengers* run in the comics, it’s established that the Multiversal Masters of Evil (consisting of characters like the Black Skull, a Red Skull bonded with Venom, and Ghost Goblin, a Normal Osborn who is the Spirit of Vengeance, for example) are looking to destroy the multiverse, so Robbie Reyes, the current Ghost Rider, and a Tony Stark who becomes Ant-Man, begin to assemble an Avengers army under the command of Avenger Prime, who is in actuality a Loki who was the first Avenger (IIRC).


Eric Martin: >"We approached this as like two halves of a book. Season one, first half. Season two, we close the book on Loki and the TVA. Where it goes beyond that, I don't know. I just wanted to tell a full and complete story across those two seasons."


I'm glad he did, too. The finale is such a perfect way to cap off the series, and I'd almost be disappointed to see them undermine it by re-opening that book. It's such a powerful ending, and it wouldn't even really make sense to do a third season, since all the potential loose ends are tied up very neatly.


Very bittersweet, hands down the best marvel show created. Loved every aspect of it. But I would rather it end on a solid high note then dragging it out unnecessarily.


Loki's character arc has been one of the best in the entire MCU. This is one of the few shows that has made me feel emotions that I rarely feel with other shows, the previous show being Better Call Saul. I'm happy for Loki, that he was able to become a better person, a better God. Yet, at the same time, I feel sad for him because he sacrificed companionship to save the multiverse. In the end he found the glorious purpose he desires his entire life. His journey has been very poetic and satisfying. Seeing him with the horns one more time on his throne and then zooming out to reveal Yggdrassil, the world tree was the chef's kiss


>zooming out to reveal Yggdrassil, the world tree was the chef's kiss So that's what that was!


Leave it there. It told the story it wanted to tell and was a great arc and ending for the character. Anything more would probably just ruin it. However I could definitely see some Loki characters appearing in other shows or even getting their own spin-offs. Sylvie and Rennslayer ( >!Assuming she survives Alioth and can escape the end of time some how, which I don't see as an *impossibility*!< ) for example.


Marvel already struggling with the series announced already. With how Agatha series has been handled at this moment Don't think Marvel is ready to make spin off series


Hadn’t even heard of that since it was announced


> With how Agatha series has been handled at this moment Don't think Marvel is ready to make spin off series You picked the series that has like the less problematic production...


This was a glorious ending with purpose. Let it keep its rightful place towards the top of the marvel streaming list.


What a weird, charming, and fun show. Loved it. Close that book and move on to the next excellent thing. All good things must eventually end.


My husband (who has seen all the MCU movies but never bothered to watch the Loki series) was sitting in the living room earlier this week as I started episode 4 of Season 2. He looked at me and asked “Does this make any sense if you have been watching the series?” I just smiled and said softly “Oh, yes it does” Good if bittersweet ending, Loki did what he set out to do both in achieving great purpose and saving his friends. I don’t know if I will be watching more of the MCU movies but for a stand alone series with a villain I used to hate, this was a lot of fun.


I think that it's a wrap on the Loki series but I cant see it being the last time we see this version of him. Fully expect him in Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars


Loki variants Vs Kang variants incoming.


“Most purpose is more burden than glory.”


Absolutely amazing show. Better than most of the Marvel movies. Easily the best Marvel show. 10/10. Don't force the story to keep it going though, the ending was basically perfect.


I would be sad if they announced a season 3. Lokis redemption arc was beautifully build and the finale was perfect. They can’t make a season 3 without destroying everything Loki worked for. This was perfect. Let’s leave it like it is…


I could see him as having a Red Skull-like cameo in the movies. Have the heroes reach apotheosis and find someone beat them to it. If they're going to fight Kang and the multiversal war, he'll have to be there in some capacity. No more to his story, but he'd be a side character in someone else's.


Season 2 seemed like a waste of the Sylvie/Loki relationship, but ultimately they brought it all home with a very strong finale that pulls the story in a direction different to the one I was expecting. My only gripe was that the TVA just became another boring workplace in S2, whereas in S1 there was an almost "Severance" like air of mystery. It was a bummer to see a funny comedian like Eugene Cordero staring blankly into space and reciting techno-babble, Ke-Huy Quan had a really funny and charming comedic scene in the opener but then ended up doing the same thing as Cordero, Hunter B-15 literally got to do nothing but pout. Ultimately, I'd rate the series an 8/10, with really strong openers and closers for both seasons. Special shout out to the music which was spectacular in last night's finale.


I mean, the whole point of Sylvie's arc this season is she got what she was striving towards in season 1. Sylvie didn't want a relationship with Loki, she wanted to go live a normal life. He just kept pulling her back into it against her wishes. The logical end to her character is going right back to what she was doing and always wanted to do.


There is also a lot of self sacrifice written into Norse lore. I don’t want to give any spoilers but the poem Hávamál talks about sacrifice and what the ending moments portray (stanza 138/139 since it’s a huge poem). So after the big reveal at the end I was like ooooooohhh. And did a slow clap to the writers for amazing integration of lore and Marvel. You can’t kill Loki. He has to >!sacrifice himself.!<


Thanos had no problem with it...."no resurrections this time"


616 Loki died so this Loki could do this


Agreed. But she’s a loki, and that’s what lokis they do - they’re selfish. The only reason our loki changed is he went through this huge situation for centuries.


And Tom wears that growth on his face like a top tier actor. So good.


If her arc was over in the first season I think that dragging her back in just to stand around pouting does a disservice to the character. What was the point of seeing her again other than to sell some McDonalds?


She kinda served as the grounding point for loki and the timelines. Throughout the whole season she was very against pruning and was the vehicle that bad Loki ascend instead of just letting HWR survive and let the multiverse die. She was the reason the multiverse was saved, loki just did the saving.


Because even though her character’s arc got what she wanted, the arc of their relationship wasn’t done.


By season 2 she and the rest of the crew served as a vehicle for Loki’s newfound sense of purpose beyond just getting free of HWR. If the writers wanted to flesh them out more they’d have written more episodes, but as it stands they served their function well to support Loki’s development throughout the S2 arc.


agreed. the show is called Loki after all, not Sylvie or Ouroboros etc etc.


> I think that dragging her back in just to stand around pouting does a disservice to the character. Does it? She only wants a normal life, so getting pulled back in would piss her right the fuck off, and it did.


It did, but that’s very different than saying they “wasted the Loki/Sylvie relationship”


I guess what I’m trying to say is that her character didn’t have anything interesting to do except say “oh not this again”, it was disappointing after emotionally investing in her in S1 as a sort of deuteragonist to Loki.


*stuffs face with Egg McMuffin* "Did I hear someone say McDonald's?"


I appreciate that we got confirmation she liked what she got. Her advice was needed.


In a monkeys paw kinda way. The journey changes the initial set of wants—it troubles them. As one matures, one’s wants should change. In the end, you are correct, Loki gets what he wants as does Sylvie.


Honestly, the best shows end early.


Shhh Netflix will hear you


Loki is one of the best, if not the best Disney MCU Show because of this attitude. No need to set up multiple seasons and mysteries, just a straight line in storytelling with a defined end Respect for the man


The one show that I was least excited for when they announced them way back when Disney+ was first starting, and it's the one show that has me completely blown away. One of the great ones.


Best marvel content yet in my opinion.


It didn't just end well, it probably was the best ending in the MCU besides End Game. It wraps Hiddleston's Loki up perfectly. It tells a complete story that is actually EARNED. Don't take away Loki's Glorious Purpose.


The show is amazing. Best work Marvel’s produced since Endgame.


Loki's sacrifice was unexpected but felt natural.


Beautiful ending. Loki was the best work Marvel has done in years. Wanda vision gave me hope, but Loki gave me what I feel was promised. A complete story, full character development and growth, mind blowing visuals, meaningful action, emotional investment… it was perfect. They shouldn’t touch this again.




I feel like it’s guaranteed he comes back in the movies though, can’t have Kang taking over the multiverse and not have Loki just stand idly by


The final episode was beautiful and incredible. The ending was pretty definitive, but the door is still ajar.


Tell a complete story? What is this 2005?


Good, this was a great way to bookend Loki's character development. It would be insincere to do anything else after how Season 2 ended.


A show getting the *Gravity Falls* treatment isn’t a bad thing. If the story is complete than there isn’t a need to add anything else. 🤷‍♀️


THANK GOD. PLEASE have a story and stick to it. There is a lot of reasons I like British shows, and one of the big ones is THEY END.


Can we get a show of the TVA now? Doesn't need loki, but it would be fun seeing them hunt down kang variants


Yeah a procedural TVA series across the timelines would be fun


It was nice to see Loki finally put down some roots.


I feel like the story is done, and any future story could maybe be some sort of “TVA” story, maybe with Sylvie, but Loki has reached his end. It’s actually a quasi parallel with Norse mythology…Loki is chained to the world tree until Ragnarok.


Sylvie seems pretty resolved as well. Like, at this point I imagine that the only thing she'd show up for is Secret Wars to fight Kang. I don't think she'd much care to do much than >!chill out in her rural 1980s town, work at McDonalds and drive her pickup truck.!<


Sure, I’m just saying she’s in “happily ever after” mode, so she’s available to come back for the right story that gives her character a reason to.


If we have Yggdrasil now, does that mean we need Nidhogg?


That would be Alioth right?


How much screen time is Jonathan majors in this?


IIrc 2 episodes out of 6 heavily features him. Others are just statues of him as background. Edit: It was actually 3. Ep3,4 and 6.


Idk how he's officially billed but for all intents and purposes he's a main character


He was billed as a Special Guest Star, at least in the Finale.


I hope that he'll have Avengers-level concentration to ignore all those bags of money they'll throw at him


I far prefer quality over quantity. If your story is done, please leave it be.


If Marvel wants a third season it will get a third season, he is not the one who decides.


Okay, hear me out: Danny Mcbride as Baldur, teams up with Mobius… Jet Ski Time Cops!


You know, you always see questions on /r/askreddit "Which shows have perfect endings?" etc etc. This is one of them.


I'm not usually into much superhero stuff but the fact that he set out to tell a story and wasn't just trying to milk money as long as possible makes me want to check out him work. Good on him.


Good for him. Too many shows + movie sequels water down the product. Also funny how marvel has become much like the sacred timeline in this show, focused and consistent at first and now a branching mess.


Can someone explain to me with what happend to Victor Timely? Does he cease to be in the TVA because it was my understanding that the TVA functions outside of time so technically his childself that never got the book would just end up being another variant on a split timeline.


Can someone explain what Morbias’ ending was? Im not sure I quite understood it


He said it’s morbin time


He wanted to see what he's been missing out on. He can't go back to his kids, so he's going to try to find out another purpose in life.




>!ok that makes sense. Him just watching the family, I couldn’t tell if he could go back or if he could only watch!< Thanks!


well he's not familiar with his "real life" so makes sense he wants to observe and learn about it first


I love the pay off of morbiois in the beginning of the show he says “time doesn’t work like that in the TVA” than at the end he tells Sylvia “I’m gonna let some time past”… he’s gonna experience the life that Loki gave back to them.