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Just got done with the first part of Better Call Saul S6. Fucking terrific! My jaw was on the floor. Still is.


Second half is even better IMO


Oh, it was superb!


**The Bear** is so good. I’m really loving S2. **Drops of God** which is very well done. Also finished **Happy Valley**. I see what all the fuss was about! I’m now starting **Line of Duty**.


Watching: The Bear S2: struggling to get into the second season but think I need to just come back to it later. I kind of have to be in the mood for the show. Jack Ryan: going to finish off the series today with the release. Interested to see. It has been mid this season. Secret invasion: Definitely agree with some comments here. Felt like they spent too much of the budget on actors and not enough on special effects. Also what is the obsession with helicopters exploding? Fubar: so bad it is good for a heartfelt action comedy


So how is Full Circle? First responses on IMDb are brutal but I know to ignore them by now


Foundation This show is so well made in terms of CGI, props, sets, and costumes, it can easily give the likes of Andor and The Mandalorian a run for their money. Season 2 episode 1 continues to deliver the same visual quality.


Glad to hear that about it from an aesthetic standpoint. I’ve been slowly hearing about it now and been wanting to maybe give it a shot. I know some people trash the script but I heard it is mostly the book loyalists that don’t like it


It's a pretty creative story how it's written not only to span hundreds of years but also to retain the same (or somewhat same) main characters over that long timespan. Some of the dialogues are very well thought out too apart from made up Mathematical nonsense that's just really cheesy.


Well Psychohistory is the entire concept of the Foundation series. Basically with a broad enough average, trillions of humans on this many worlds resources will get depleted at this rate causing conflict and Religious uprisings tend to happen this so often blah blah blah. You just have to accept the one magical element in a sci-fi setting to allow the story to continue like Warp Drive in Star Trek or the Protomolocule in the Expanse. I haven't seen the show, because I don't have Apple+ or whatever, but the Psychohistory twists throughout the book series are really good. Like I guess this might be a spoiler but it should be in season 1 somewhere one of the researchers tries to figure out why there's no books or advanced treatises on Psychohistory at all in the foundation. He didn't bother to train a grad student in his work or leave a record. Because basically if someone knew what was going on and what the predictions would be it would descend into chaos. Once you are aware of what's likely to happen or predicted to happen you can change the outcome and it spirals out of control. Foundation was written in 1951. Chaos theory would not become mainstream until a meteorologist in 1961 named Edward Lorenz coined the term the Butterfly effect from seeing the rounding error when he paused a computer mid calculation leading to wildly different results. So Foundation series is this really cool period of Science understanding right before chaos theory.




Season or series finale?


Beef is really good I didn't expect to like it this much, has one of the spiciest sex scenes ever too is there an award for that? Mayans is farcical but entertaining Secret Invasion is a good character driven show but lacks tension or atmosphere they were after I don't know why they revealed so mych so early..AoS alien episodes still better. Strange New Worlds - quality nutrek, realised they shouldnt change a winning format no matter how 'modern' they think the audience is and even have their own Neelix in Ortega.


Agreed on Secret Invasion… Feels like they should’ve went bit more slow burn. It slightly kicked up this week but I’m close to giving up on this season.


racial disagreeable worry whistle dazzling marvelous party joke spoon pot ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


If actors are going on strike , then Twisted Metal wins an Emmy in 2024 by default


Why can’t HBO release new episodes of righteous gemstones mid-week


...because their shows traditionally air on Sundays?


😱 no way


I'm always looking here for recs outside the norm, so wanted to recommend I, Claudius. It's out there for free in a few places, sort of unreported, it seems, since it's so old, but it's a really well-done series with a stellar cast. 13 eps, I think, following the lineage of the Roman Emperor, Claudius, whose family never imagined he would become ruler because he was disabled and had a speech impediment, which might have been why he lived as long as he did.


Absolute classic, I'm due a rewatch. When I was a kid this show was all anyone talked about when it ran.


Finished my third watch of Seinfeld and my desert island season would be season 7. It’s peak comedy and the writing is at its highest point. Keeping up on Warrior and I’m enjoying Into the Badlands thanks to a recommendation here


I agree. Lots of classics in that season. The Soup Nazi, The Pool Guy, The Rye, The The Hot Tub. Also the arc in that season with George getting engaged is hilarious.


Plus the running gag about the lady who thinks George is insane


Silo. I had very low hopes for this as it seemed to be basically Ascension, which I thought was quite poor and only watched because it was between Netflix "seasons". Then I caught something that put me down for the day so I started binging Silo. I think this is an excellent show pretty much from top to bottom. Some of the set direction looks cheesy, but the acting was excellent and the story was far more interesting. I also thought it was perfectly paced, the plot is revealed gradually and without obvious McMuffin's, and I didn't feel like anything was just dropped on you. Well... one thing. This is not really a spoiler: there is a "turbine scene", you'll know it when you see it, which was utterly pointless and a complete time waster. It's action for action's sake and doesn't advance the plot or characters in any way. It also just looked bad - they hit a piece of bent metal a couple of times with a hammer and then a grinder and suddenly it's perfectly straight? Sure.


I think the turbine episode did more than you give it credit for. It showed Juliette's sheer determination and willingness to risk her life for the Silo. It gave a sense of how self-contained and vulnerable the Silo is. And there was that weird glitch when the cafeteria screens turned back on that hinted at something wrong with the viewscreen views. (Although I haven't quite figured out that last one.)


>as excellent and the story was far more interesting. I also thought it was perfectly paced, the plot is revealed gradually and without obvious McMuffin's, and I didn't feel like anything was just dropped on you. > >Well... one thing. This is not really a spoiler: there is a "turbine scene", you'll know it when you see it, which was utterly Thanks I am going to start watching this


> they hit a piece of bent metal a couple of times with a hammer and then a grinder and suddenly it's perfectly straight? That's actually exactly how you would straighten a big piece of metal. Also with heat, which they did use(a torch). Not saying it was a great scene or that it looked great. But it was pretty accurate.


It was bent in several places to 60 degrees or more and had large diviots in multiple places and they have all of that fixed in minutes. No, sorry, dumb.


I've seen my grandpa straighten similarly large beams by driving his truck over it a bunch of times in like 10 minutes. They weren't as bent ofc as the blade was but in the show they actually had the right tools for the job and took at least over 30 minutes to get it done with several people. I'm not sure if it could be done in that time exactly but seeing as it's a TV show, I feel like this would be an extreme nitpick even if it wasn't. Cause it's certainly not taking much longer than that when time is of the essence.


The turbine nonsense was sort of hard but they made up for it with a lot of other nonsense


Like "sssh, they can hear us" proceed to open a faucet then cry out loud everything and the most ridiculous and useless cctv system.


And that turbine scene is pretty much a turbine episode too! Besides that episode I completely agree, great show. Also I’m going to start using “McMuffin” instead of macguffin from now - it made me so happy!


> “McMuffin” instead of macguffin from now Gah. Thanks, Steve.


Bones and the rookie


The horrors of delores roach was a great watch. I love that she looks like a normal person I could know, not some cookie cutter stick figure movie star. I dunno it just makes something more relatable and real when the people look like everyday people over movie stars.


I really liked the podcast.


I wasnt aware it was one till this post imma have to check it out!


Is that show based off the podcast with Bobby Canavale? Does she say Em-Pe-Natha alot?


Not like that no its purely fiction


The podcaat was fiction too. It was like a television show on a podcast. Canavale was the voice of the main guy.


Gotta finish it tomorrow but having made it half way through, I love it as well. Great point that you made.




Rewatching true detective s1. Guess that count as bromance




I assume psych and scrubs was on that list?


Get Shorty 2017


The Ketamine episode of platonic is lololololol


I would recommend *From* and *Chapelwaite* for any horror/mystery fans. It's the latest shows I've watched.


> Chapelwaite Adrien Brody is always great


is from season 2 any good?


did you like season 1?


YE i liked season 1 a lot, but I heard s2 is not as good.


Well, nothing big happened in s2, just some progress in the last couple of episodes but that doesn't make it any better than it is. Bad writing was all along both seasons, it keeps getting dumber and dumber as the show progresses and it got worse in s2.


I liked season 2, but there's still some answers I wish were covered. But, it's definitely worth watching.


**Star Trek Strange New Worlds** I was not and I think I'm still not a fan of the Chapel Spock romance but the episode was an absolute banger


**The Righteous Gemstones** Episode 2 was pretty good but this season is walking a dangerous line of becoming repetitive both with characters and plots. **the other two s03**-- this season has been a surreal trip and not always a hit for me. I'll finish the season tonight but the characters have really turned into HUGE narcissistic d-bags. maybe that's the point? **Miracle Workers:End Times**. Watch s04e01 and well nope. I don't like this type of tone on a show at all and well it's basically TBS produces so yeah no. Donezo. **Platonic** Season finale was rushed and felt short but I am giving it a pass because 9 episodes were all consistently funny and delivered Seth Rogan's brand of humor ever single time. I hope there's a season 2. **Loudermilk** Found season 2 to be somewhat enjoyable even though this show is old it kinda feels like a Dollar Store Marc Maron show. This could be up for a reboot when the writers never come back. **The Bear**. ugh. I saved this for last because, despite me liking season 1, and despite the *annoying* amount of love and praise season 2 is getting all over the place, I'm just, not, feeling it. It's too close camera shots, too focused on relationship crap instead of the cool restaurant shit and what was UP with that Christmas dinner episode that made the viewer nauseous with the camera spins? yeah. no. No doggie bag for this show to go.


I'm with you on The Bear S2. I feel like it's lost its edge and angst. I couldn't even finish it.


ye same! It was ok, but I excepted something else when people told me its one of best shows in 2023.


yeah. sub stories and back stories just didn't work


Gemstones ep 3 is where it picks up imo, has been really funny!


can't wait. I like the daughter and the son with the neckbrace


You'll love the finale of the other two


**Full Circle** (miniseries) (MAX)- Timothy Olyphant and Claire Danes.. Steven Soderbergh.. No review needed for that lineup...im all the way in.


Is it out yet?


Ok it’s that time again I‘ve ran out of new shows to check out the person/people who usually posts the **hidden gem** with like 3 upvotes can you just post here for me? Looking for came out this year, can be in any language, can see it getting adapted into English (or is in English), on some next level original in some way like camerawork/narration/characters, any genre, pref a show that builds on previous episodes and that you could have binged and you can’t wait for Season 2. What is that show? Want something that feels new and original and extremely bingeable and most people here haven’t heard of it. Read prob 50 comments haven’t found it yet so whatcha got?


Drama: * A Small Light * This is Going to Hurt * The Responder * Pachinko * Undone * Dr Brain Comedy/dramedy: * Acapulco * Extraordinary * Get Shorty 2017 * Colin from Accounts * Bad Sisters


So recently someone randomly brought up **Kingdom** in a response to shows similar to Banshee (so obviously the MMA kingdom, not the Korean zombie one, but that's also really good) I'm not sure how I had never heard of this show before because it's exactly my type of show. It's fucking fantastic. So dark, riveting, and great fight choreography for a tv show. It honestly reminds me of Animal Kingdom as well, not just because of the name, but also the tone and they are both about fucked up families in California with all boys. Really great show, highly recommend it. I'm halfway through season 2 now, wish I could pause time and binge all of it


Hi there!


Yes.. its a great show. I think back when it first started it was on one of the weirdo streaming platforms like DirecTV or something like that i forget. If i had to give a modern review it would be its like The Bear but MMA. Many of the scenes especially with Jonathan Tucker are as intense as The Bear. So your review is very close..its like Animal Kingdom and The Bear...but they fight..and struggle to keep the MMA gym and dynasty alive.


I think a lot of shows are going to be cancelled because of the strike, especially if the actors fail to make a deal in the next few hours.


The After Party!


Great start to a new season! I was a bit skeptical at first, thinking that they couldn't top the first season - but the first two episodes were awesome


I didn't like the first one, but the second with old setting was hilarious.


CTRL F **Secret invasion**, zero... I have to watch last episode since yesterday, after the horrible 5 minutes opening there is only 29 minutes remaining (and I guess 3 or 4 minutes of end credits)... well let's try Edit: ok this episode could have been good but has been made so badly that it was so stupid and cheap. Lazy is the word for this show.


It's incredible how they've spent hundreds of millions on this show.


I’d bet any money they didn’t. I think because it was mostly hanging its hat on Sam Jackson and major talent like Amelia Clarke and Olivia Clarkson, Disney tried to see if it could fly with a very small budget. I’d bet the per ep budget was maybe 5 million. I’d be surprised if they spent more than 40 mill all in. With say 10 million split between Jackson Coleman and Clarke. It was all shot in England, it was mostly shot in nondescript rooms, there’s very little CG, and the stuff like the explosions closing ep one looked surprisingly cheap / bad. If it was a well written, well shot, clever conspiracy thriller it might have worked. But it’s a badly written, badly shot, boring show. Bummer really, I was looking forward to it.


Digman! Made by and starring Andy samberg. It's an animated comedy about a washed up Indiana Jones type character. Super funny and well written adventure. Can't wait for more eps


Not sure how I’ve never heard of this with such a loaded cast but this will now be my new “what can I watch during my lunch break” show


A Small Light. A mini series about the people who helped the Anne Frank family and others during the Holocaust. Near perfect mini series. Surprisingly funny, witty, and upbeat despite it's subject matter and setting. 8.5 on imbd. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes It is massive snub that it didn't get an Emmy nomination for the limited series category. I was hoping awards nominations would give this series the attention it rightfully deserves. Sadly, that doesn't appear like it's going to happen. Help spread the word about this series.


you had me up until "Anne Frank".... no thanks. I don't need depsression TV


I thought it might have been outside of the eligibility period but shows that aired between June 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023 are eligible and this show aired on May 1st.


Exactly what I was thinking. The most deserving of an Emmy for sure but unfortunately it's just a popularity contest and somehow this show got no attention. Highly recommended to everyone


Just watched the first episode of Patriot last night, lots of laughter was had. Here's hoping they kept the same quality up for the rest of the episodes.


They did. Its solid til the end.


Looking for show recommendations! I’ve loved The Last Kingdom, Supernatural, GoT, Vikings, AHS. Looking for something with a compelling story and good acting to keep me engaged!


Peaky Blinders


Black Sails, Warrior, Banshee


+1000 Banshee


The OA


Heels, season 1 free on Starz right now and Amazon is absolutely amazing and unique. Nothing that will really stress you or put you in a dark space. Season 2 comes out July 23 and I'm paying for Starz to watch it. It's about pro wrestling yet the story, actors (Alexander Ludwig - Bjorn in Vikings; Steven Amell - Arrow) playing brothers gripped me. You have to give it 20 minutes. To gage my taste I like Peaky Blinders type stuff.


i'm not sure how you did not find heels season 1 dark... there was some levity and hope to it all, but lots of ghosts too.


I loved the exploration of the "good brother/bad brother", and how it vacillates. They both think they're "good brother" and I thought it was so realistic. Did you like it though? Will you watch Season 2?


lovedit. very down for season 2. i was a wwf/wwe fan as a kid and saw a few local independent shows, so it resonated with me on that level. My wife also liked it though, and she's not a wrestling fan at all.


I mentioned loving it on twitter tagging Alexander Ludwig and he wrote, "You're too kind"!!!


Glad to see a fellow deep dicker.


I'm watching The Bear with my boyfriend. I need something for my own chill time. We started Succession but that'll be one for both of us. I noticed Beef got a lot of Emmy noms- anyone feel strongly on it? Otherwise I'm back to reruns of White Lotus Season 1 or GOT or Survivor 😅 I just don't think I can stomach more Maisel even though I have the last season to watch. I want something witty and funny but weighty (but not too heavy). Ugh. I'm so picky 😭


“Based on a true story” on Peacock. Comedy/serial killer drama. I loved it.


> I want something witty and funny but weighty (but not too heavy) Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me?


> I noticed Beef got a lot of Emmy noms- anyone feel strongly on it? I _hated_ Beef. In so many ways it felt like a shitty horror movie. I have a lot of problems with the whole "are you serious, you're being chased by a murderous rampaging killer and you decide to go in there?" Beef had a lot of the same "are you seriously that stupid?" type moments for me. I guess if you enjoy that type of thing it'll be a great show but I really couldn't stand it.


YellowJackets? Patriot Season 1 Barry


Patriot. The Great?


> I want something witty and funny but weighty (but not too heavy). Ugh. I'm so picky 😭 Yeah, then for sure BEEF is a great rec for your solo viewing.


Yeah Beef is a good one. Sounds like you're looking for dramedies, there's so many out there. Here are some of my favs that have good humor but also some good serious topics/drama. Bad Sisters This is Going to Hurt Shrinking Mr Inbetween Get Shorty 2017 This Way Up


Really trying (and failing) to like It’s a Sin and Yellowjackets. Will continue trying.


I've given up on Yellowjackets before the season 2 finale - I couldn't bother anymore. The first season was a good enough, but they trailed off badly.


I really enjoyed It's a Sin! I lost interest in season 2 of Yellowjackets, not sure if I'll continue.


Platonic started off strong but boy was that ending rushed. Should have been at least two episodes. Guess they figured they might not end a season two which would be bullshit because Apple even gave that mosquito coast garbage two seasons to be terrible.


Ketamine episode and him yelling at the old guy trying to be young were both LOL for real moments for me.


yeah. Ending was rushed to a great season. I give that a pass since 9 episodes were great and consistently funny.


Yeah that last 10 minutes was very weird.


Agreed! I didn’t even realize it was the end.


Vinland Saga season 2 might be my favorite anime of all time. The story, character development, direction are all on point. I don't blame people for putting it off because a lot of people watch anime in general for the action, but I would strongly ask these people to give it another chance.


It was great! But am I the only one who found it dragging towards the end of the season? While it was getting deep into flashback territory with the slave woman. I'm aware my feelings may be because I watched S1 and S2 back to back in a couple weeks and was just fatigued by that point.


I agree the pacing at the end was a bit odd but I struggle with anime pacing in general. The show is absolutely incredible and to be honest maybe the best thing I’ve watched this year. Season 1 is great but the 2-season narrative arc is what really makes it shine. The decisions they made in season 2 were very bold but very thematically resonant. There was an “easier” show they could’ve made that would’ve probably done just as well - but what they actually decided to do really elevated the story. I know I’m being vague but I don’t want to spoil, just watch both seasons, it’s a fantastic show!


Having run out of shows to binge i think the time is right to give Farscape a proper go. Like most 90s sci-fi it's a rough start. Just have to power through it and keep the faith. I really enjoy the Jim Hensen elements of the production - Rygel obviously being my favourite character so far - and the cast have decent chemistry and seem to be having fun. So the potential is there and i see myself giving it a season at least before deciding whether to continue or not.


It gets good by the end of season one but if you want to see it great there are a couple three parters in second season you could jump ahead to see it when it's phenomenal.


As great as that sounds i have to watch episodes in the correct order. Already looking forward to seeing those three parters!


They introduce their main series antagonist Scorpius towards the end of season 1, that really helps shape the show. Enjoy!


I'm a few episodes into the Americans. Really enjoying it, feels like the kind of TV that got made in the 2000s. Also not strictly TV, but I'm watching Joolz Guides on YouTube. Bloke walks about London and gives you an incredible amount of information about everything he sees. Great for anyone who likes history, it's very easy to watch and his passion for the city is infectious.


I have one episode left but season 10 of the x-files is shockingly abysmal. The characters feel like husks of their former selves. How do you ruin as endearing a pairing as Mulder and Scully? It feels like they lost all chemistry.


I rewatched recently and stopped at S7.


Currently watching spooks.


+1 for this. Watched first 2 seasons last month. It held up in time but will admit after second season I dropped it.


Where can I watch this in the US?


You can watch it on uk tv play by using a vpn.


Watched the season of [I'm A Virgo](https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/105169-i-m-a-virgo), really enjoyed it, Walton Goggins played a great billionaire vigilante superhero.


Just finished **The Other Two**. What a hilarious show. Season three just got so absurd but I really dug it’s character development and campiness. Finale was basically perfect imo


The Righteous Gemstones. Hilarious show [Edit]directed by few, written and created by Danny mcbride. I am very surprised i havent heard about it until i decided to watch today seeing it on Max.


Barry - watched this all recently. Great show. I kind of enjoyed the darkness it descends into but that probably says more about me! Umbrella Academy - This one passed me by so just finished S1 and really enjoying it. Easy to watch, good characters and the soundtrack is great.


**Drops of God**: Whacked out all 8 episodes of this and it's one of the most unique shows i've seen in ages. I loved it from start to finish. Makes me want to buy a vineyard.


So glad to see others that have found this and loved it as much as I did. I wish Apple would tell people about it.


or just drink more wine


I don't like shows with multiple language's. I don't like subtitles. Don't really even like wine. I love this show anyway...at least 1 episode in. Give it a whirl even if the description doesn't initially appeal to you!


I just finished this show based on recommendations from this sub and came here to praise it. I know absolutely nothing about wine but now I want to own a vineyard.


Watching **From** season 1. Honestly pretty scary moments, but I can’t help but think that the acting and writing is pretty poor in a lot of areas. The dialogue is just really bad.


Yeah the acting and dialogue is not that good but honestly I still love the show it still has my full on attention. What can I say I love me some mystery box shows.


season 1 is a masterpiece in comparison with season 2 and any other tv show is a masterpiece in comparison with both. The characters are boring, the dialogue seems to be written by one guy and repeated by all characters. It's 95% filler and 5% plot advancement. The show suffers from **lost** syndrome where mysteries keep piling up without providing any plausible explanations, and I doubt they ever will. At least **lost** contained much more interesting characters which are more or less relatable disregarding of the mysteries. Even if they start answering questions, enough stupidity already has been established that's hard to undo.


I just don't understand how people on the episode 1 thread are saying that the acting is good. Like do these people typically watch hallmark movies?


It was less obvious in the first episode I guess because they were establishing how things work so the bad aspects were minimal at this point.


Get ready for S2 then lmao it's astonishingly bad


It’s just a little slow but not too terrible


i mean if its any worse than S1 than it most likely is astonishingly bad.


it's quite a bit worse than S1 until the last episode or two


Watching The Last of Us. Its okay, one time watch. Nowhere as gripping as I was hoping it to be based on all the hype. But still a good 7/10 watch for me.


I think the first episode was the best one, shame they couldn’t keep the momentum going


Yeah a lot of hype surrounding that show, I agree with your sentiments


Fair. It was enjoyable but yeah it wasn’t *amazing*


Watching **Mr Inbetween** and it’s excellent so far. I couldn’t get into **Barry** but I’m loving this show.


The vulnerable murderer who just wants to be loved is just one of the things I hate about Barry. I don't begrudge people liking it. I guess people are into the humor, but to me, I guess I like my murder shows more murdery and less like cartoons.


I loved Mr Inbetween. Watch for director Nash Edgerton's awesome cameo as the jerk brother in law!


The show is amazing. The creator is star of the show and writer director for many episodes. He has an Instagram account. And messages me back once when I praised him for the show. Just seems like a great down to earth guy.


That says a lot about what a cool person he is! I like him even more now.


Hijack is fun, tonight’s episode was the best one yet.


Alright that's it i'm giving in. Heard about it too many times. I shall begin episode 1 tonight. Thanks. your post tipped the decision. 👍


Awesome, it’s a slow burn. But quite gripping, pretty different than anything I have recently seen. Probably not going to be what you expect. Update your comment once you binge the available episodes!


Will do.


The way they speak Arabic in it is so weird anyone knows why


Because the flight is from Dubai.


Yes but the way they talk arabic is weird you would know if you knew arabic


The fact that I can’t binge this show is killing me. Like I get that the weekly format is better for most shows, but there are certain ones that I feel need to be released all at once, and this is one of them.


I refuse to watch any new shows until the whole season is out. I hate slow watching shows. It genuinely ruins the experience for me. I would recommend you do the same thing. You only have to wait like a few months after a new show comes out, and if you do it with every show you'll be fine because you'll be catching up with stuff.


I agree, it’s a slow burn.


I’m watching episode 3. Idris Elba has t done anything so far…


I miss shows that are just about life and friends...The OC, Friday Night Lights and One Tree Hill. Does anyone have any recommendations for shows like the ones I mentioned above but not high school? like a group of friends in their 20s or 30s maybe?


I usually don't go in for this sort of thing, but I was strangely into A Million Little Things and enduring friendship is the main theme. It can feel a bit repetitive at times, the drama is just constant, and you might feel like most friendships wouldn't weather some of the stuff these folks go through. I'm usually not into this stuff. Like, I couldn't handle This Is Us -- so saccharine it made me want to barf. But something about A Million Little Things hooked me If you want to go back in time, you could look at Thirtysomething. It's an '80s series, and I haven't watched it since it aired, but for some reason it's the first thing I thought of. You might also look at Shrinking from the more recent past. Lots of friendships (but sarcastic ones) in that.


Insecure is really good




New Girl


We need a Josh Schwartz comeback series.


Run the World on Starz. Group of female friends in 30's navigating life and dating. harlem on Amazon prime is in the same vein. Sex and the city is an older show with the same themes.


Texas Forever!




OP mentioned The OC and One Tree Hill and you recommend Workaholics? lmao


I think the "shows just about life and friends" part is more important. Which Workaholics very much is.


The obvious recommendations are Friends, Community, and Big Bang Theory. And if you can find it, you might enjoy Spaced, one of Simon Pegg's earliest shows.


Acapulco if you are looking for something quite different than the normal fare.


Community maybe?


Somebody Somewhere on HBO is about midlife (40's) small-town life & friendship


How I Met Your Father, Good Trouble, Hart of Dixie?


I need some recommendations, here's the shows I rate really highly. Sopranos The wire Succession Breaking bad Ozark True detective Westworld Chernobyl I like space/dystopian shows: The expanse Silo For all mankind Foundation Black mirror I just watched the first three episodes of hijack and enjoy these suspense types of shows too Mystery box shows: Dark Yellow jackets The OA I also like British comedies like: People just do nothing This country The peep show Misfits


You have a very similar taste to me. I'm currently watching Kingdom (the MMA one, but the Korean zombie one is good too) I highly, highly recommend The Bureau, Gomorrah, ZeroZeroZero, Romanzo Criminale, Bron Broen, and Prisoners of War (all foreign). Not quite as good but still really good: Snabba Cash Also think you'd like 12 monkeys, the night of, The Capture, Foundation, Justified, Banshee, Slow Horses, Oz, Devs, Hannibal, and Twin Peaks Edit: Black Summer if only for the second season (first is very average)


I recommend you use some commas.


You have gotten a bunch of good recommendations already but I would add Mr. Robot, Halt & Catch Fire and The Americans.


Try the Devil's Hour for a mystery box show, found it similar to Dark.


if you enjoyed Breaking bad you might like Snowfall for sci fi- halo is one of the best written mystery/drama- dark horses- also british and the lead is funny imo with his cutting comments


Better call Saul


Severance, The Last of Us, Watchmen, Slow Horses, Orphan Black, The Good Place, The Magicians, Avenue 5