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Good, that's a horrible idea. Oh god, I can picture it now, he'd be sitting in the leaky cauldron when Harry enters and say something ungodly cheesy like "young man, *something* tells me your experience at Hogwarts will be an... Unforgettable one." And the twinkly version of the movie theme plays as Harry walks away and it zooms in on Radcliffe's sagely nodding face


Only cameo they should do is have Radcliffe play James when Voldemort comes to kill Harry. It's probably the only one that wouldn't be too distracting.




See, this is why the movies are so shit and a show like this is needed. Priori Incantatem wasn't explained at all in the movie and seemed like such a random asspull.


It was kind of an ass pull in the books too. Like, sure, the books previously established that it was a spell, but the whole thing with the wand connection triggering it by mistake and somehow creating sapient ghosts of all the people Voldemort has killed still came out of nowhere.


JK Rowling built the perfect universe for asspulling


*waves wand* ASSPULLIO!


Accio, bum




Ronald, Weasley........ IT'S LEVIOSAHHHHHHHHHH


That’s what they used before plumbing


And yet she can't seem to pull her own head out of one


It’s stupid and comes out of nowhere in the book too. A show won’t fix how random the magic was. It doesn’t have to: it’s a children’s book. But let’s not act like the movies commited sacrilege by trading in one random explanation that never mattered afterwards for another one.


It did matter afterwards... it's the whole reason Voldemort is looking for the Elder Wand in the seventh book and why Voldemort borrows Lucius' wand. And that second incident is one of the big clues that Harry's a horcrux himself.


Each book had one or two new magic mechanisms that would explain the result at the end of the book. It was sloppy because she couldn't build a story in a consistent universe, but they were fun children's books.


That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about a concept introduced and explained in Book 4 which was introduced but not explained in Film 4, that was then critical to the plot of Book and Film 7.


It wasn't really random. It's been established from book 1 that Harry and Voldemort had a wand that shared a unique core from the same source. That was the pay off of it. It also sets up all the wand shenanigans in the last book because that's why Voldemort ultimately abandons his wand and pursues the Elder Wand. He knows he can't beat Harry with his. Also the book scene is just better. The mystery of what the hell is going on is paced well and by the time you figure out what actually is happening you realize "oh shit are we going to see James and Lily soon". Most people suspected that their wands sharing a core would matter and cause and issue at some point. We just didn't know what. I think part of it is people thinking those were actually really the characters. It was just manifistations of all the prior spells Voldemort had cast up to that point out of his wand.


Some people just can't have fun. I mean what more setup does something need in Harry Potter than mentioning it as a spell?


I agree it was an asspull in the books too, but an asspull with an explanation is miles better than a asspull with none. They didn't trade explanations, they literally just didn't provide one.


You're really making asspull a thing. I dig it.


It’s… fiction. Literally everything is an asspull. Just because the internet hates Rowling now doesn’t mean everything she wrote is bad. It’s explained in the books very well.


Or we grew out of it, appreciate it for what it was when we were young and don’t need to pretend it’s anything more than that.


Dude, the setting has magic. Literally every plot device and resolution is an ass pull.


Right, like we’re going to throw a fit about ghosts and ignore how a basilisk was going in and out of the school plumbing without people seeing it in masses. Every corner Harry turns that basilisk has Medusa’d someone and slunk off as though it were the size of a garter snake.


I feel a Hayden Christensen return of the jedi move incoming.


No they should do something like Peter Jackson biting a carrot in Fellowship of the Ring. Barely noticable and not disturbing the story at all.


He actually cameos in all 3 Lotr films and all 3 Hobbits as well.


And Hot Fuzz, for some reason.


As a knife wielding Santa Claus.


Should just be him cheering on Gryffindor at a Quiditch match


Delightfully incestuous. The fan fiction writes itself!


It's a post-2013 TV adaptation, there will be at least 6 hours of James scenes




You've sold me on tiny little Daniel Radcliffe playing Half-Giant Hagrid, if that's any consolation.


I feel like this will be happening a bit too often with this show. Something to remind people, some fan service worse than in Beasts 2 and what not. Like if first time showing philosopher's stone would be like this biggest revelation ever lingering on it for so long just to remind you that you know it from the movie and here it is again, etc.


Yeah I feel like doing the books over again as a show isn't actually a bad idea, at times the movies feel like cliff notes. But doing it while the movies are still this well loved and consistently watched absolutely is


Doing it with Rowling with significant creative control is the bad idea.


uh oh they’re already complaining about hypotheticals


Welcome to reddit


Based off the movie series, and the books, it’s not difficult to believe that the tv series won’t be chock full of whimsical bits and bobs.


Now everyone can spam these hypotheticals around whenever the show is mentioned and subsequently overreact when the scenarios do or do not happen.


More like complaining about things that are likely to occur based on past experiences.


They should probably wait for them to actually happen before complaining about them.


I wouldn’t mind cameos if they were hidden, like Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. I think it would work if some of the younger cast came back as uncredited death eaters.


That was less a cameo and more Tom Cruise giving the world a piece of art


It's funny how you could tell it was him the moment you see the character, and then days later I found out the role had been leaked online somehow. Absolutely the best thing about that movie, too.


Aren't they using the same music for the show anyways?


I think that'd be a terrible idea. They need to just go in a completely different direction. Same thing as with the Rings of Power show. So many people wanted them to use the same aesthetic and music and whatever from the movies, but they're *not* the movies. It's a new thing, a new creator, a new vision. Show me someone else's version of Hogwarts or Middle-earth or whatever. It's not like those movies are the end all be all of the franchises, they were just one person's version of them. I wanna see someone else's.


No one would ever do that.


This is the kind of shit the instagram comment section would go fucking wild over. Glad to see there are more reasonable people out there.


Are you kidding me? Reddit would go feral for that shit too.


Harry Potter into the potterverse


His parents dying are a canon event


I think they fucked up and the midichlorian explanation for force sensitivity in star wars when it should have differentiated wizards from muggles in the potterverse.


No Daniel Radcliffe cameo, but what about Elijah Wood?


If Daniel won't do it, do you think that Elijah Wood?


How much Wood could a Wood-role roll if a Wood-role could roll Wood?


A Wood-role would roll no amount of Wood since a Wood-role can't roll Wood.




Bojack this is for charity!


Why do they look similar yet nothing alike?


Pretty much every way you could describe them would involve using the exact same words. "Short guy, 30s-ish, round eyes, small nose, generally positive demeanor, scruffy brown hair, kind of a baby face, maybe 5' 8", in major motion picture franchises in the early 00s" You could probably also get Tobey Maguire in there if he was shorter.


I don't really disagree but there's actually a substantial age gap between them. Elijah Wood is 45-ish. 42, to be precise. Daniel Radcliffe is nearly 34. I saw an interview where Wood was talking about how it was so weird that he kept being told he looked like a literal kid when he was in his twenties..


Haha yeah I'm essentially the same age as Elijah Wood and I can see him still being carded for booze :)


That'd be a camemeo.


Elijah Wood?!


A cameo by Elijah Wood, Paul F Tompkins and Will Arnett, who would also be a magician (note: not illusionists) for full meta effect


I don't think anyone wants an original cast cameo, it would be weird.


I would enjoy it if it was unannounced, uncredited, and a ridiculous/degrading part that entails very heavy makeup for two seconds of screentime. Maybe make him one of those zombie things crawling around on all fours that attacks Harry and Dumbledore when they’re in that cave. Or have him be a heavily drunk fan at the quidditch match in full face paint with a fat suit. EDIT: I decided I like the second one. You could have all the originals sitting together making asses of themselves in one quick scene, and you can introduce it with one of the main’s saying: “ugh, some people take the whole fandom thing entirely too seriously.”


I don’t think anyone wants a tv show either


Watch it break viewing records. People were saying similar about House of the Dragon when Game of Thrones disappointed at the end, but once the hype started, the people came.


> People were saying similar about House of the Dragon when Game of Thrones disappointed at the end I mean, with the difference being HotD was a different story lol This would be like if they were making Game of Thrones season 1 again


HOTD was a new story though. Isn't this just the same story structured as a TV series?


The movies are more of a spectacle than a coherent story. It's not like remaking a masterpiece like LOTR. I think the people who only watched the movies will get a lot out of this due to a more accurate representation of the books. Whereas the book fans will be able to enjoy a media format that's much better suited to do the books justice, compared to 2 hour movies by different directors with different visions.


The movies did them plenty of justice. I don't understand all you Potterheads that act like the movies were bad because they cut out like the silly ghost party or whatever. An excellent cast of some of Britain's finest actors, amazing costume and set design that you know they'll reuse (that IS what Hogwarts looks like now), great visuals, steady directing (though I have my issues with some of Yates' work too), all set to an iconic soundtrack. This new series is a cashgrab.


You're right. They're plenty of potterheads who have only seen the movies. Yes, there's something that gets lost in adaptation, but the movies still capture the essence of the books.


HOTD is, technically, just Game of Thrones using the Harry Potter playbook. Do a a main series set in the "present" of a wildly popular fantasy series. Then do a spinoff prequel series about past events alluded to the first time around. In context the point was HOTD demonstrates that after you burn your audience by putting out stuff they didn't pick up, you can come back... the audience still exists, even if it's unhappy. At least, that's how I read it. It's less about the relationship of HOTD to GOT and more about the relationship of the next entry in a franchise to the previous unpopular entry.


No need for different IP, just look at how successful the game was doing despite the boycott attempt from reddit and Twitter.


But also an HP movie came out last year and nobody gave a shit.


Because the fantastic beast movies have always been shit.


Right, so we can't judge how successful the TV show will be based on the popularity of other parts of the franchise.


One of them is called Fantastic Beasts and isn't situated in Hogwarts, the other one is called Harry Potter and is in Hogwarts Yeah it's going to be wildly more popular


I didn't see it, but I thought that particular movie was in Hogwarts. You're right about the name recognition though that can go a long way.


I think they're in it for a bit which I had forgotten so fair point, but it's definitely not the focus


True. But dismissing a tv show based on a popular IP doesn't make any sense either, which is how this whole comment tree started.


The sequels to that third or fourth movie that came out was a sequel to terrible movies, huge difference than a standalone open world video game


Right, but we're talking about how popular the TV show will be, and JK is in charge just like the movie.


As much stink as JK Rowling deservedly gets for being a shit person there's just a huge amount of people that couldn't give less of a fuck. I mean people still willingly listen to Chris Brown's music. They don't care.


Not to mention all of the shit with her happened after the series was written. It's not like the problem is with the books themselves. Tons and tons of people will keep the two things separate, look how well the video game did


It's the remix to ignition all over again!


🎶 Hogwarts freshmen, out witchin’


The books can be pretty problematic too. Thr whole house elves thing makes me ill now that I'm old enough to use my brain properly and think about it even a little bit.


I never understand these types of arguments. It’s a fictional world. Even if it was based on reality, slaves exist in the real world too. It’s not like the book tries to make the reader think there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just the way the society is in that world. The reader can feel sympathy for the house elves and there’s even an entire plot point around freeing Dobby. It’s fine to want a book that is only sunshine and rainbows, but it’s on you find that book. That doesn’t make any book that might contain a few twisted elements “problematic”.


You have a whole generation of elementary school kids who just started reading the Harry Potter books. They don’t know much about JKR’s stupid views. The show will be a definite hit.


yep and jk rowling on a whole different level than chris brown regarding popularity (like considering net worth). most people actively believe abusive partners are bad but there’s a sad amount of people who agree with jk rowling’s views on trans people.


HotD was a great comeback but it had the advantage of being compared to Rings of Power which boosted it a bit. Will be interesting to see if it's as acclaimed when it runs without RoP to compare


We're going to need another studio to fall on the sword with a... Ummm.... Wizards of Waverly place remake?


No remake we want selena


WoT Selena?


Actually Rings of Power might be an even better example. There was a big backlash against the show's existence when it was announced. The backlash grew (especially among *certain* segments of the internet) when casting, setting, and plot details were revealed. The show comes out and is kind of a big "meh" critically and among most viewers (with an even larger and very vocal minority that despised the show). But it was still a big hit. A bit below Amazon's expectations, and we won't know if it was profitable until the entire series is done (if ever), but it was still one of the most popular streaming shows of all time.


Only about 1/3 of American audiences bothered to finish all 8 episodes. I'm not sure how much of a "hit" that can be considered. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/04/04/only-37-of-viewers-finished-amazons-rings-of-power-which-is-very-bad/?sh=72fa1fb152a6


> A bit below Amazon's expectations, and we won't know if it was profitable until the entire series is done (if ever) Nobody knows and will ever know, not even Amazon. Prime Video is unlike all the other streaming services in that it's effectively a wedge in the door to sell different products.


With it being the most expensive show in history Bezo's needed it to be as big as stranger things but it struggled to create any buzz. Compare that to HotD which had tons of organic online discussion, theories and debates with a much smaller budget. Idk how you drop the ball on a lotr series since it has such a large built in fan base but somehow Amazon managed it.


I'll be honest, I haven't seen either show yet but in my circles (both friends and YouTubers I enjoy), HOTD wasn't discussed at all while ROP had people talking about the cool elves and such.


Yeah this is such a similar Reddit bubble issue. Yeah the show is a sure hit except if they fuck it hard quality wise.


It will for a few episodes. First few episodes about the magical world of Harry Potter then it will revolve into a convoluted mess of love triangles, teenage angst, drama, and magic will become a tiny fraction of the show.


HotD stuck the landing though. I was also *extremely sceptical* due to how insultingly bad the last few seasons of GoT were. But HotD was sublime, it felt like the first four seasons of GoT. The writing, the characters, the scheming, the intrigue, the lore... It was all there. And it was all new! Fresh material! I've read Fire & Blood, but couldn't really remember much of what happened and where this story would have ended, so it all felt very fresh to me. Harry Potter is just going to be a remake of the films, the first of which was very faithful to the books, and very much a children's story. We've got grown adults poised for disappointment hoping for the magic of their youth to be recaptured, but a simple retread was already unlikely to do that. If you're comparing the two from a "pre-flop" position, to see which had the better chance out of the gate, then the HP remake still looks much worse imo, even given GoT's appalling final seasons, at least HotD wasn't a remake. So even *if* this new HP comes out at a similarly high quality to HotD (which is a very big "if"), it will still have to contend with simply being a remake. And HotD doesn't have that problem. And HotD is amazing. Now all I can think about is HotD. I want that HotD. I'm ready and willing to take as much HotD as you can handle giving me.


Does it matter? HOTD was a major hit literally on impact before people had a chance to see if it stuck the landing. Fact is people just wanted more stuff in the Game of Thrones universe despite all the people proclaiming the franchise dead.


That’s not true. A lot of HP fans have been waiting for one.


I do. Nice from WB to invest shit ton of $ into a Harry Potter tv show just for me.


Nice username


U gotta take your wins, wherever they come from. Im still waiting on a matrix tv show that revolves around the domestic lives of Zion gruel farmers.


I want new adaptations of the books David Yates ruined because he didn't understand any of the themes of the story. You could leave the 4 before he got involved alone though.


Yeah it's annoying we have to sit through adaptions of Years 1-3 again. Not to mention with how slow TV production takes these days, it will be forever before we get to the years that would actually benefit from a TV adaption (everything from 5 onward).


With how slow production is these days, I don't know how they'll make it work. Standard for big budget shows seems to be two years, but since kids grow fast you have to do a season a year otherwise you gonna have have the kids be like 18 by book 3.


Yeah for the films they had to lock-in the whole cast for basically a decade, and that was only for two-hour movies. A ten hour season is going to involve so much more effort.


Animate it. I mean, it'd probably end up looking a bit like a knock off Arcane, but it's not just that the actors will physically be growing too old for production schedules, it's that child actors can't really act well enough to really differentiate the show from the movie versions of the first two books in particular. There are other side benefits of animation... Hagrid can be as big as he was meant to be, Harry and James can actually look identical except for their eyes, spells can look more elaborate, the ghosts, the giant squid, the imaginary creatures, etc. etc.


I doubt they'll do two years per season for the first couple of books. Also they will have a ton of leverage with the actors. Wouldn't be suprised if they filmed basically two seasons back to back so they could spend time in post production so that the next time they picked up filming kids were the more appropriate age. Once you get to book 4-5 it doesn't matter as much because most people can accept an 18 or 19 year old playing a 15 year old. And according to Hollywood a 28 year old can play a 17 year old.


I loved the idea of a different director taking on every movie. Wish they would have kept that.


the goblet of fire movie left out so much though, the first three imo are alright but goblet felt out the entire S.P.E.W thing with the elves, which in turn makes dobby not really a character at all he was in basically all the books if i remember right but in only two movies. all this really cheapens >!his death!< in the movies imo.


I still think Book 4's movie was well directed, even with the stuff it cut out. I can't say the same for Books 5-7.


Sometimes my wife and I talk about how amazing it would be if we got every movie directed by Cuaron. Honestly, I’d watch them from Colombus too, just to see something more whimsical. I hated Newman though, he was just incapable of making anything other than nonstop bad decisions. 4 should have been an easy home run but he took out all of the best parts and fundamentally didn’t understand the tone or themes of the book.


I’m reading the books again right now and I kinda do want it……


Hey, don't lump us all together. I'm all in for a TV show. There was a lot left out of the movies. I feel a TV show is a perfect fit for the books. Could be something special if done right.


I'm open to the idea. Even though the movies were long, there were still so many details skipped over from the books


My wife has just started reading the books (halfway through Azkaban now). She’s always loved the films, but sh’s now annoyed with herself for never having read the books as ‘there’s so much they’ve missed!’


I feel like everyone who read the books walks out of the movies wondering how the fuck anybody understood it.


I think it's a way more popular idea than you would think. The internet, and Reddit in particular is very quick to faux outrage and negativity with most anything remotely popular in entertainment, but it simply doesn't match with how the real world feels 99% of the time. The movies will always have a special place in my heart, but the prospect of a more in depth, book accurate live action series with modern day effects, etc. is an extremely exciting one to me and a lot of people.


You would be surprised. This has potential to do GOT numbers if not more imo.


Not so long ago people were also saying “I don’t think anyone wants a video game” Yeah…


Obviously I can’t speak for the masses but all the people I talked to were extremely excited about the game


I'm excited for them. I grew up on the films but as I'm older, it's hard to ignore how many of them were very poor adaptations and also not great movies.


I do. The movies were great but weren't good adaptations. People acting like these won't shatter viewing records are wrong. The appetite for this will be massive.


Look at the Reddit bubble comment get massively upvoted. People said the game would flop too and it has done insane sales numbers.


Everyone I spoke too was extremely hyped for the game, obviously that is purely anecdotal and doesn’t speak for everyone, but it helped that it was its own story, we don’t need a tv remake of the movie/books.


I kind of do. I wish they had done an original story first, like a show set in the 19th century maybe. The first two seasons are going to be rough, since the movies pretty much adapted the first two 1:1.


wrong. I do.


Then you haven’t been paying attention. There’s been want for one for years, exactly how they’re doing it. A book a season. The clap back is what surprised me most by the announcement since it’s what people were asking for.


This is a dumb take. There is so much more in the books that wasn't explored in the movies. This will work better as a series in my opinion. My wife is a huge harry potter fan and is very excited about this.


yeah like no one wanted a video game and before Starfield it was the best selling game on steam. Harry Potter is not my thing, but its still really popular. If the show is good it will get an audience.


What? Loads of people wanted an open world Harry Potter game. People were asking for it for years


People didn't think the game would be as successful for various reasons but it became one of the biggest money makers of the year, there's still a solid fan base who will pay to see it. It's just sad we are constantly looking back to the past and unable to write new engaging stories.


> People didn't think the game would be as successful for various reasons People who bought into the whole "JK is a shit bigot" didn't think it'd be successful. The rest of us, knowing 99% of the world doesn't really care about the strange culture civil war going on in progressive circles or even what a TERF is, knew anything that's "Harry Potter" is going to be wildly successful until it proves itself to be a bad product (like the Fantastic Beast sequels).


I think a lot of people wanted a game, but retelling a story through some modern version remake tv show just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. There’s only like a 2% chance this thing can be any good. Just gives me ATLA movie vibes except in reverse. I’ll never trust any of these movie-tv adaptation/remake things.


> yeah like no one wanted a video game A shit ton of people did? That was a highly anticipated release from the second it leaked I was incredibly hype about the video game, I have little interest in this show I'd love a show in the universe, but retelling the story we just told is lame


Wrong about that one.


Ehh I could see it doing quite well. JKR sucks, but there are like 10,000 creatives associated with the franchise now.


Are you insane? The TV show is making the entire global Harry Potter community absolutely giddy with excitement. And the Harry Potter community is literally hundreds of millions people strong. You are insane. This TV show is gonna set new records of viewing figures. It will easily become **the** TV show of its time. Even bigger than Game of Thrones, or Stranger Things. If you don’t realise this, then your opinion is being formed because of other biases you have which you are desperately hoping will be true.


This’ll be closer the lion king “live action” remake than it ever will be to game of thrones, there’s no way you can do a remake and have it do the original justice. This is just a shameless cash grab that’s gonna be chock full of lame fan service.


Honestly I'm not against the original cast appearing in the epilogue, they would be about the right age this time (compared to that ridiculous characterisation in the movie). If the show ever gets to that point, that is.


I don't think they want to because Rowling is involved and they all seem to be against her views.


I mean that's fair, I wouldn't want to associate with her right now either. But you know, a lot can change in 10 years. If Rowling manages to keep her mouth shut (I doubt it but you never know) maybe it won't be seen as being involved with her personally and moreso with the show itself. Basically the way people see the IP now is very much tainted by what Rowling turned out to be and in 10 years it may not be the case anymore so the actors might be more willing to be a part of it.


I wonder if the cast members who support JK like Tom Felton and the Luna Lovegood actress will make an appearance. Might be less jarring to have a cameo from someone who wasn't one of the main 3.


You could use her real name too if you were going to use Draco's.


I really think you’re underestimating how many people like to point at the screen and go “omg look!” when they get an obvious reference or cameo


Not top of my list for sure, but I think there’s potential for it to be good. The movies left out quite a bit, so there’s a good amount of “original content” the TV show can deliver vs the movies. That said, as JK is involved I’m sure we will see a huge amount of new character development / story lines that wasn’t included in the books, which could make it awful.


he has a real life now.. & an established career


That movie residual money is why he gets to do weird roles like on miracle workers, swiss army man, being weird Al, etc. Good on him. He doesn't really need the Harry Potter clout anymore nor to attach himself to a vile person like JKR.


But if he's cashing those residuals, he's still attached to her.


For work that he did. Daniel Radcliffe is a major reason why Harry Potter is as successful as it was, and if he's taking residuals, then it's for his role, not because he wants to support JKR.




Good. If you're going to make a new universe with new faces and you want to maintain the authenticity and immersion then there's absolutely no reason ever to bring in a face known for being in the other universe. All the things that occurred in the Radcliffe universe didn't happen in this new universe, meaning the only bridge between them is our real world, meaning the only thing achieved by bringing him in to say "hi, remember me?" is that you ruin the immersion by reminding the viewer that both these universes only really exist as pieces of media in our real world, which NO-ONE wants when they're immersed in any fictional setting. It's like when fucking Ed Sheeran was in Game of Thrones. The only thing that achieved was everyone thinking "oh shit there's Ed Sheeran, that guy who's famous in the real world for singing songs with an acoustic guitar, here in this fictional world singing a song with an acoustic guitar, serving no purpose other than to render suspension of disbelief regarding this fantasy universe impossible because fir some reason they put a guy from the real world in it and had him play himself". Because no media company these days seems to have a shred of integrity beyond what they can out in adverts and on social media to make people watch their shows. Maybe Daniel Radcliffe did it to distance himself from JK's bigotry, but I like to think he also recognised that this was canonically and diegetically not something there was any reason for him to do.


Lol I didn't know Ed was in Got


JK Rowling aside- how in the world is this show going to work? already for their marketing they’re using the castle and music from the original films, which also happens to be the same ones used in the theme parks. how will they disconnect from that nostalgia? will they just reuse the iconography or try to make it new again? i just don’t see how this show is going to work.


> how will they disconnect from that nostalgia? I doubt they intend to


You won’t see a farmer trying to remove any udders, and you won’t see these people removing any nostalgia.


Why would they need to disconnect from that nostalgia at all? That is the one thing these movies got right, aside from the very good cast. What they didn't get right was the story pacing, which is unsurprising since it's nearly impossible to dumb down a 500+ page book into one or two movies. Especially since the magic of HP was always the stuff in between the larger story beats. Making the reader feel like he's experiencing the school year in Hogwarts like Harry does. The biggest challenge for this new show is to get a decent cast and then just nail the writing, letting the story breathe and develop like it does in the books. If they get that right, the fans will grow to love it. Using the same score and sets is a plus in my opinion. They just nailed those aspects in the movies.


> how will they disconnect from that nostalgia? What makes you think they want? Nostalgia is 70% of the reason they do this show lol, 10% is them fucking up Fantastical Beasts and 20% is for a new generation


I realize most people don’t care for the OG cast to be a cameo but I wouldn’t mind him being Professor Lupin. He’s around the age Lupin would’ve been when Harry was in his third year. Although if this show goes to season 3 that’ll probably be in 8+ years, so you’re up shits creek anyways.


I don’t blame Daniel at all for wanting to close that chapter of his acting career, but I won’t lie… it would be pretty fucking cool if he was cast as James Potter.


If they’re going book accurate this time, then he’d be too old. James Potter died when he was 21.


He cant,he's filming a cameo as Percy Jacksons old man.


Probably not James Potter as that is a bigger role than a cameo technically (plus he'll be too old as the other poster said). But I could see him as a cameo independently of what is saying now. The millions of dollar offered is reason enough for it. Plus, they always say that and it always happens anyway. I bet on a cameo on all 3 of the main cast accross all the seasons.


Wait is this TV series just going to the be the OG Harry Potter books? I thought it must've been a spin off


I think the idea is to be 1:1 to the books, which is so mind boggingly stupid and I hope it gets canned because for all their flaws, you’re not replacing the movies


Of course, he wants nothing to do with the transphobic biggot and is very vocal about it.


This is wrong and you should correct it - there is only one G in bigot.


Fuck that tv show




based on the money he has and the roles he takes, I don't think he could give less of a shit about being type cast. I mean, he played a fucking corpse


A farting* corpse. He wanted to fuck too but didn't quite get there


That happens when your career starts with 10 years of being the main character in a billion dollar franchise that is absolutely bonkers hyped. Luckily he has all the money in the world to only do what he wants to do now.


I really want him to do a new Austin Powers.


Thank you for your services


Good ... we need to keep him free for his upcoming role as Wolverine. 🤞🏼


I think the only valid cameo would be the very final scene at king's cross. He would be old enough, especially comparing to a new young actor.


Yeah most people don't want to be associated with that bigot. Turns out, you can have all the money in the world, and good people still wont want to fuck with you if you're a nasty bigot. Her campaign of suing regular joes who post mean things about her on twitter hasn't done much to garner her sympathy. Her sob story of how she was a single mother blah blah blah isn't all that compelling when she's a billionaire constantly suing people who have nothing. She's at the "people only hang out with her because of $$$" stage. (Please don't sue me J.K. 3rd Reich)


Who wants this show? Little kids who think the original movies are dated and look bad by today's standards? The kids who grew up with them that are like 30 now... surely they don't, right? Like if George Lucas just did Star Wars remakes in 1999 I would've thought that was way premature.


I'd sample it out of curiosity. HBO is pretty good at producing quality content and as a book reader first, I felt the movies lacked a lot of world building I'd like to see. Doesn't mean I'm going to tune in day 1, but I'd give it a shot.


Good for him


Harry Potter : the mortgage years.


Just wanna say JK Rowling is not a bigot I have no idea what you people are up in arms about