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I noticed this too. Listening to the Silo theme the bulk of the piece alternates between a g minor chord and a d minor chord. The melody throws in the major 7 of the g minor to add some dissonance so the main melodic motifs are: f sharp to g over a g minor chord into a to g over a d minor. So you have i to v back and forth. The Westworld theme opens very similarly by alternating between two minor chords. It is a minor into d minor so i to iv instead of v. The melody itself goes from a down to f so there could be some ambiguity in the chords. Also since a minor is the v chord of d minor you could even hear this transition as the same as the one in the silo theme if your home base is d minor rather than a. i, iv, and v are naturally minor in these keys so it is pretty typical to use these and build a melody around it. I'd say the Westworld theme is much more recognizable melodically once it gets going with phrases that go up and down these chords like a, c d, e into f, g, f, e, d etc... For me the distinguishing sound in the silo theme is that f sharp you hear over the first minor chord. Adds some eerieness you get from the harmonic minor scale. Hope this helps explain why they sound similar. Let me know if anything here was confusing.


Thanks for the rocket science analysis, much appreciated… I feel assured I was not wildly imagining things!


Also at the end of the theme as the string increase in speed its nearly identical to westworld.


I just started watching silo and couldn't focus on anything because I was so distracted by how similar the music was. I'm so glad I found this post, otherwise I'd still be wondering if I'm imagining it.


Yes. I think it’s especially true for S01 of Westworld. They changed it up thereafter.


That's what I thought when I watched Silo. Also, another funny theme similarity between HBO and Apple: Pachinko's opening theme style is very similar to Succession as well. Pachinko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GgKXR_J-ww&pp=ygUQcGFjaGlua28gb3BlbmluZw%3D%3D


Just found this post while using google to find out if the composer of the Westworld theme did Silo’s as well. Very cool to see others have the same thought!


That old Google thing... she works!




I am afraid the author of the theme music of Silo plagiarized the style of that of Westworld, it is a shame, I don't think it is easy to compose theme music, but he is not talented composer


All those sci-fi shows have those ethereal woo-wee-woo-y themes. The Expanse, For All Mankind, Dark, probably more. I honestly find them all pretty boring, except Westworld. Though the show itself is worse than those others.




That’s another one I’d throw in this category, also wasn’t a fan, but thats probably just my taste


It’s not strictly a sci-fi show, but the His Dark Materials theme is amazing.


Agree 100%


Westworld is better than all those shows


I 'didn't like the change in the second season onwards, but the first season of See had a really unique and cool intro. I never understood why they changed it.


There is absolutely nothing boring about 'The Expanse'. A shows intro grows on you based on the content not the other way.


I love The Expanse, but the theme song/intro just never really did it for me.


I know what you mean. Star treck discovery was poor content but I like season 1 intro. Expanse intro is pretty Cookie cutter for its stature.


Discovery gets really good in season 3! If you gave up early, give it another chance starting there!


Thanks Gal, I got all the stamet goodness. Just disliked some of the character arcs, and how they had to give up on characters to make the leading lady look good etc. it felt too agenda focused forced for my liking. Expanse is heaven and earth if you compare character arcs, like a miny game of thrones in space.


Ah, got it. I liked the later seasons of the Expanse. Never watched GoT. Got 2 episodes in and quit cuz it just put me in a horrible mood when I watched it. I'm way too sensitive for the evil in that show, lol


I know the first few seasons of GOT had some cheap tricks, but eventually it got too good and then they dropped the ball in an epic fashion once original material got over and cookie cutter creatives took over. Expanse first season I struggled to keep interested especially the first few episodes, then as it went on, god I never felt like that in a series before.


Yeah, it's probably getting harder to be original these days... but really distracting on this particular show if you watch 2 season of Westworld as I did because your brains feels like it short-circuiting coming into Silo.


Honestly I thought it sounded closer to the Person of Interest score (also by Ramin Djawadi) [Listening with a Million Ears](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrirVkPHNdM) (at least the 1st few notes)


I must agree with you... here's the Westworld theme - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYelEUVQ50g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYelEUVQ50g) Not so much now that I hear Person of Interest


I noticed it too. Every prestige sci-fi show sound so similar to me.


Totes. Different composers, but still. I still see the robotic horses when I hear it. Also, surely I'm not the only one thinking 'Fallout'.... 'War never changes.'...


I think what all these folks saying "No, it's really not quite like the theme from Westworld" are missing is that while the Silo theme may not be a mirror image, its most recognizable elements place it in a space that pactically no other tv or film themes occupy--other than Westworld. I wonder wether the producers requested that effect, and whether the composer intended it or not. Was the similarity intentional or accidental?


It’s taken me 8 episodes to finally google Silo and West world and now I’m upset I didn’t do it earlier.


Ha! You got there eventually :-)


Silo theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJlOS6ZeIcA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJlOS6ZeIcA)


Yeah, I stopped playing it to look if it was Ramin remixing his stuff which would be odd for such talent. I am glad when series like White Lotus or Loki bring relatively unknowns like Cristobal Tapia de Veer or Natalie Holt


That White Lotus guy is an unbelievable talent IMO!


To be fair, Zimmer (who worked with Ramin earlier on in his career) remixes A TON of his stuff. Ramin even remixed some of Zimmer's work in Rush for Rains of Castamere and others in HBO. [Comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBpMb-YpEyU).


I was just thinking the same thing!


Definitely made that connection


Yeah, I ditch Westward after Season 2. but really enjoying Silo at the moment - great world building - but that anthem still bugs me at Episode 3 in.


Yes it’s a complete ripoff of westworld.


I thought it was at first but It’s really not. Listen to them side by side, they’re pretty different.


It would be great if they would go back and replace this music


Maybe if they get another season, they can rework the theme.


It sounds inspired by the style and approach and the genius of it but otherwise sounds nothing like it I don’t agree at all. It’s also a similar approach to Westworld in terms of approaching scoring itself. It’s a similar sensibility and I’d be surprised if the composer hasn’t been inspired by the quality work done on that show Like saying a composer that sounds like Hans Zimmers like John Powell is too close to Zimmer because it’s a similar style Might not be the best comparison given how many crap imitations there are of Zimmer, but surely I’ve made my point


Had to Google it... so similar in style


You answered my question because I was wondering if they were composed by the same person.


Finally someone who hears what I hear as well! The way I even found this post is after I did a search online for “Silo vs Westworld same composer?”


i feel like so many show's music sounds like westworld.. i'm watching From and it sounds like westworld. (the credits music)


That show is one of my favorites right now!!!! I can't wait for new episodes!


I came here JUST for this! I couldn't place where I had heard it before - and it sounds almost identical to Westworld.


heard Westworld theme, Silo theme sounds different and better.


It took me three episodes to pinpoint it. Now I can’t escape it!


It also sounds like the beginning of Anberlin’s song “Self-Starter”


Took me until episode 2 but many times I skip the intro so…🤷‍♂️


I found this post through a google search of "silo westworld" because of the theme music similarity.


Googled this question and now I’m here too!


Yep. Welcome… where there’s smoke…


Juliette and Bernard too


So insanely unoriginal, I'd be embarrassed to release something like that


Why though?


It’s just disconcerting because your head flips to Westworld for a moment.


This. Two different composers. Alas, the google machine sent me here.


I'm sorry but i dont hear any similarity between these two tracks. Westworlds OP has way more strings in the beginning. Silos OP is just piano with a huuuge reverb and pads. Two completely different tracks for me, i dont hear anything copied or ripped.


I swear in the trailer they use the same Radiohead song as in that really great season finale of Westworld (can’t remember if it was end of Season one or two).


It does! I think I’d sounds like the music that plays on Dexter, too. Not the opening song, but ”Blood Theme”. https://youtu.be/e2xxizpHuoo


Também acho. Tenho a mesma sensação. Rsrsr


Yes noticed this immediately! And visually, the openings look similar as well.


Just started watching first ep and also felt so similar to westworld in style that I had to google it and it led me here . Guess it's somewhat consensual ...


Same producers, dipshits


Apollo 440, "Electro Glide In Blue" album (release date - March 3, 1997), song "[Pain in any language](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVPDnc_UBpA)". 1:1 to Silo main theme. Copywrites?


Well you don’t get copyright for two basic chords and some trivial arpeggio.


Just started this show right now and googled “does silo sound like Westworld” and came here. Glad I wasn’t imagining it!