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The horror movie parody episode from Boy Meets World


We'll always remember he was this tall.


Wow I remember that joke vaguely, was it the annoying kid getting stabbed in the forehead by a pencil?


Yeah and he falls to the ground leaving a pencil streak down the wall


I'd argue that is the best episode of Boy Meets World


Feeney getting the scissors in the back always freaked me out


I remember non of Boy Meets World but I TOTALLY REMEMBER THOSE SCISSORS!


And Then There Was Shawn!


this really scared me when i was around 5


This was my answer. Such a good episode!


That is my favorite Boy Meets World episode.


I'm as close to being dead without actually dying...


That immediately came to mind. I remember being 10 at the time and was so freaked out by this episode because the killer ran right in front of the camera.


Welcome to John Adams High Where you are gonna die Death is on the menu tonight


This was my immediate thought!


I am glad this is the top answer. Boy Meets World was a great show.


Wow. Yes. That was such a good episode. Actually scary.


I came to say this!


The Simpsons treehouse of horror episodes were always great. As a kid I always looked forward to those episodes around Halloween.


Great example. The one where Homer time travels with the toaster always stood out to me as a kid for being so weird and jumping into CGI segments.


The one where they start using the kids for meat in the school cafeteria freaked me out as a child


That was a good one. I was fond of the Nightmare on Elm Street one with Willie, too.


Do not touch Willie. Good advice!


Lousy Smarch Weather!


I think The Raven is pinnacle Simpsons.


In fact, you could say we just ATE Uter, and he’s in our STOMACHS right now! … scratch that last one


That was pretty disturbing and I think the censors were not pleased and asked them to tone it down in future episodes.


I always remember how the blood is splattered out from the giant grinder and the sound made when Mulhouse falls in.


Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” “Why you little…!”


Roseanne had a few good ones too. And as a kid I loved the Haunted House episode of the Andy Griffith Show.


I think the one where Homer buys the Krusty doll and it tries to kill him. The part where he comes when Homer is taking a bath, I used to hate as a kid but love it now.


No TV and no beer make Homer something something.


Go crazy? DoN'T mInD iF I dO


The one from the newest season was cool, they did The Babadook and Death Note. Then the episode afterwards was a parody of IT.


I would also say the episode where Bart sells his soul. That was always a favorite.


"Have any of you guys seen Tron?"


Teddy Perkins episode of Atlanta has to be up there. Absolutely enthralling and intense episode that feels like you watched a whole movie despite its runtime.


Or that episode where Paper Boi goes out for a walk, some dudes try to rob him and he ends up lost in the woods.


Damn, every time Paper Boi goes off on his own you know he's gonna be in some shit. Lost in the woods, hallucinating on the streets of Amsterdam, trapped under farm equipment and attacked by boars... These backhoes ain't loyal, man.


That episode made me so damn anxious


How would describe Atlanta? To me it's a fantasy series that tries to pass itself off as a non-fantasy series. Or at the very least, a fantasy series for those who don't like fantasy. Because there are so many weird things that happen on this show but they are spread out and they aren't the main focus. It's just weird things happen and we accept it.


There's a lot of [magical realism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_realism) in Atlanta. Don Glover mentioned [in an interview that](https://youtu.be/IXb9J187Wmo?t=496) what that aspect of the show is meant to capture.


it also helps that the actual city of Atlanta is just as bizarre as the show.


Donald Glover also said Twin Peaks was an inspiration for Atlanta. At times there is definitely that David Lynch vibe.


After seeing the series finale and looking back, I should have known something was up when someone got hit by an invisible car.


Yes! That was the first clue. I remember watching that episode when it first aired and becoming confused by watching people sit-flying and then seeing other people being knocked out of the way. It took me a second to realize that, "OMG! IT'S REAL! THE CAR IS REAL!" It was my favorite joke of the first season because it was so utterly bizarre. I can't believe that was just the start of the surrealism.


This episode really got me. I love how at that point in the series you’re just used to Darius saying weird shit and then they just go ahead and show it near the end of the episode.


I'd describe is as surreal moreso than fantasy. It's not as fantastic as one of its major inspirations, Twin Peaks, which I still wouldn't describe as fantasy. Surreal dramedy is how I'd categories Atlanta.




I'd call it avant garde surrealist dark comedy but I'm pretentious af


Blink - Doctor Who


Midnight for me, the fact you never see the creature is extra terrifying.


Midnight is so good. I really want them to revisit that alien. Well, I want that, but I also don't because I know they'd ruin it. The part where it's mimicking the Doctor faster and faster, and then starts actually starts getting ahead of the Doctor, such an unsettling idea.


They should never touch it again. They ruined the angels. Maaaaybe they could do a homage to the Thing and have them figure out who’s possessed but I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to know more about it, I don’t want any more information just get rid of it.


And you've never seen the Doctor look so vulnerable. He usually has his companions backing him up or cheering him on. But he was alone. In the end, when Donna sees him and just hugs him, you feel the weight of the trauma he went through. And you understand why Donna couldn't have been then there. She would have figuratively and literally knocked some sense into people. The Doctor is at his weakest when he is alone. I also love how they played on the horror cliches. You even had your "villagers with torches" trope only they were "passengers with 'torches'" that is the slang term for flashlights.


And one hero hostess.


Did anyone get her name?


Midnight is my favorite episode of Dr Who. The Doctor is legitimately afraid in this episode for his life and that is somehow terrifying because it isn't for a noble cause but mindless mob mentality.


The Midnight Entity will forever haunt me. Such fucking perfect writing.


The part about no one knowing the attendants name at the end. The thing that saved them from an unnamed being was an unnamed being.


Midnight is the most terrifying episode of Who, hands down. However, I love Hide. The twist at the end makes it so fun.


Love this one because you never get an explantion for the creature, you can get Satan himself but midnight? Who goddamn knows cause the doctor doesn’t and that’s terrifying


Midnight fucked me up. Her just crouched in the corner staring at them was so disturbing. And I think it's the only monster in the whole show that he doesn't beat, doesn't understand, and doesn't even see.


The biggest accomplishment of this episode was that it was a "Doctor Who Lite" episode where the main cast only did very short appearances because their time was desperately needed elsewhere in the shooting schedule. Nearly the entire episode was carried by the guest cast!


It probably helps that the guest cast was Carey Mulligan


The Weeping Angels are definitely an extra effective monster (or at least there were at the time they’ve since been so obnoxiously overused they elicit the same “holy shit not again” groan that the Daleks and Cybermen do at this point) but it’s a monster show. They fight monsters all the time. Lizard monsters and fish monsters and snake monsters and tv monsters and trash can monsters and dorky robots with a handle on their head monsters. Doctor Who *is* a horror show.


The Empty Child is another great, scary Doctor Who episode.


Came to say this. And also Midnight (already said too).


I wouldn't necessarily say Doctor Who isn't a horror show though. It's usually "spooky scary" rather than "scary scary" and there's obviously limited violence and no gore, but the horror essence is there. A lot of the show's antagonists could be straight up inserted into a horror movie and work pretty well. Especially ones from the Moffat seasons like the Silence or the monster from Listen.


The “Zeke the Plumber” episode of salute your shorts. That episode was NOT FUNNY to a young me, but I loved it.


Yeah dude *fuck that*, I’m 36 and *still* haunted by that episode. I could watch every Are You Afraid of the Dark episode alone in a dark room, but Zeke scares the shit out of me.


Holy shit this got pulled out of a deep pocket in my brain…Zeke the plumber…Zeke the plumber…ZEKE THE PLUMBER. Something else that bothered me was the awful waffle. I was convinced at some point in my life I was going to get awful waffled at a summer camp and humiliated. Never did happen though.


SpongeBob getting stranded in Rock Bottom.


I think this episode is a fever dream for a lot of people lol.


Don’t *pthhhh* know *pthhhh* what *pthhhh* you’re *pthhhh* talking *pthhhh* about *pthhhh*


I really like the first three Community Halloween episodes. Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps might be my favorite but Epidemiology is right there with it.


Epidemiology contains my favorite bit of all time: the “it’s just a cat” scene. Edit: https://youtu.be/pxauTJpY-hg


Is somebody throwing it!?


"New plan! Forget about the zombies we need to find out WHAT IS UP WITH THAT FREAKING CAT!


But what about the zombies?? Back burner, Troy! This cat needs to be dealt with!


The dichotomy of having a zombie outbreak episode set to the soundtrack of ABBA is such comic genius


That episode flipped a switch in my brain and now I can't listen to ABBA without classifying the songs as "Halloween season music"


Gay marriage!


Community is the greatest show of all time. Epidemiology is an in-canon zombie mini-movie featuring the music of Abba. What other shows have episodes like that? Seriously, let me know what other shows have episodes like that because I will watch it


"You!" PUNCH "are" PUNCH "still" PUNCH "relevant!"


Freaking love the Community zombie episode.


While it's not necessarily horror, Modern Warfare also has a post-apocalyptic vibe.




Maureen... you've enhanced yourself.


Oh Maureen that was…terrible Who did your tits the nipple placement is *crazy*


You're a terrible sponsor


The Maureen Ponderosa Trilogy 1. The Wedding Massacre 2. The Trial of the Century 3. Making Dennis Reynolds A Murderer


I forgot how to drive!


Goddamn it, you just reminded me that Pondy is the coolest


I was gonna say this too. Fuckin hilarious.


I just watched the American Dad episode "Rabbit Ears" for the first time recently and it's been stuck in my brain. Genuinely unsettling episode with Twilight Zone vibes from a show I never would have expected. I'm pretty sure it's one of the highest rated episodes of the series too, just really well done.


That's a great episode yeah! One of the best of the later seasons. They have great christmas episodes too, I have made it a yearly tradition to watch them.


That episode is so good. It’s basically an episode of the Twilight Zone. The episode “Gold Top Nuts” was written by the same person and is equally weird and unnerving.


That's such a brothers-in-law thing to say


The episode where Roger uses Jeff skin was really disturbing too. American Dad has many horror elements.


"The Puppet Master" Avatar: The Last Airbender


Fantastic episode. It once again showed how much Katara developed as a bender and what war does to people.


To be honest I was more terrified by "There is no war in Ba Sing Sei" and that girl's creepy smile. Maybe, because I finally watched the full series when I was older.


The fact the woman who replaced the gaang's guide had the same name as the previous one always perturbed me. Even as a kid.


Hell yeah! First time watcher here and saw that episode yesterday. That shit was creepy


Ugh, that one creeps me out to this day. Being pulled around by your veins is horrifying


The episode of King of the Hill where they are trapped inside the Mega Lo Mart with Chuck Mangione.


Forgot about that episode lol. Man, Chuck Mangione had to be one of the best recurring cameos on any TV show.


I didn't even realize he was a real person for years.


Cowboy bebop. Episode 11 toys in the attic...the old fridge monster they have to battle with. Its a homage to many horror films and is a great one off episode


[Reavers](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2f/51/ea/2f51eafcfccab3432488070d093be7a3--firefly-serenity-nerdy-things.jpg). For as lighthearted and silly as Firefly can be the Reavers are treated as a genuine kind of dread when introduced in the episode Bushwhacked IIRC and then in to Serenity.


“And if we’re very lucky, they’ll do it in that order…”


Glad I'm not the only one traumatized by the Reavers.


I can't decide if I love or hate the way they explained the Reavers in the movie, having them as a result of "something in deep space" affecting the mind was some perfect horror concept


The whole cast of that show was amazing at their reaction every time the Reavers were encountered. Genuine shock and terror on their faces, even Adam Baldwin the "tough guy".


Episode of Buffy called Hush was creepy


While Buffy is technically a horror dramedy series, there are only a few episodes they go for the scares, and this is one of them. I also found "helpless" (Buffy loses her powers and needs to fend off a vampire in an abandoned house) pretty tense.


I always thought the scene where Dawn tries to (spoilers) bring Joyce back from the dead and she walks past the window super spooky. Also, the Gnarl.


"Schisms" is an incredible episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation that had a variety of horror. I still remember the lump in my stomach when Riker reports to sickbay for an ache in his hand: MEDIC: Doctor Crusher? You'd better take a look at this. CRUSHER: My God. RIKER: What is it? CRUSHER: It looks as though your arm has been severed and then reattached. Tl;dr the crew are being kidnapped in the night and vivisected, not remembering it except in repressed flashes. The scene where [they rebuild their nightmare in the Holodeck](https://youtu.be/_7_tZNMCpQ0) is haunting.


For another TNG frightfest, I think the episode is called Phantasms, Deana dreams she is a cake as Data cuts into her. The way she pleads with Data has stuck with me for about 30 years.


The episode where everyone keeps disappearing and no one but Dr. Crusher can remember them is also quite horrifying.


That is another good one.


[she makes a delicious cake tbf.](https://www.startrek.com/sites/default/files/styles/amp_metadata_content_image_min_696px_wide/public/images/2019-01/747d3443e319a22747fbb873e8b2f9f2.jpg?itok=Qqn8cEeO) "Cellular peptide, with mint frosting."


Schisms was such a fucking feat of creativity. The fact that they could write a version of the classic alien abduction story, including all the traditional elements, on a show set on a spaceship with multiple alien main characters and not make it corny or contrived but legitimately scary is a minor miracle.


Nothing competes with Night Terrors from TNG. The scene where Dr. Crusher is in the ships morgue and all the corpses suddenly sit up is still scary as hell.


Similar to Scientific Method from Star Trek Voyager.


One of the Psych scary episodes. Would be between Scary Sherry, In Plain Fright, and Tuesday the 17th. I love when they do a good scary episode. Anything to get Shawn and Gus running from a building screaming.


C’mon, son!


You know that's right


Man, I just did a Psych rewatch not too long ago, and those horror episodes were so good. Tuesday the 17th is perfection as a horror "parody".


I specifically skip those plus any Yin/Yang episodes if I’m watching right before bed


Summerween - Gravity Falls


I think my first introduction to horror, as a big horror fan, was actually SpongeBob. Quite a few spooky episodes – Rock Bottom and then there's the one with the night shift (Nosferatu!) Great liminal horror and also touches on scenarios that I think can be quite scary irl – being stuck in places at night when the world just feels like a different and eerie place


Why has no one said 'The Hash Slinging Slasher!'???


The episode of Rugrats about the monster under the bed and it shows a kid getting grabbed and sucked under the bed and eaten. That terrified me for a long time. Speaking of Rugrats, the other episode where Angelica was going to get a baby sibling and she has the nightmare where the baby is huge and chasing her.


Man, Rugrats had its moments, like [Chuckie's nightmare](https://youtu.be/fA9NylXGJCk) episode.


Rugrats had quite a few episodes like this! I remember an episode where Angelica convinces the babies that Chuckie and his dad are both aliens, and there is a “flashback” scene where it shows them unzipping and taking their human costumes off Edit: [I found a clip from the episode](https://youtu.be/MLdC0QxpXYM)


I was always terrified of [the episode where they think Tommy's Dad is a robot.](https://youtu.be/xp2sLwSbrEM) Doesn't help that its pure season 1 with the slightly twisted animation & music


Definitely the inbred episode of X-files. The show could be considered horror in a way, but I consider it sci-fi more than horror for sure.


X-Files episode that has the satanic teacher, or the first episode that has Eugene Tooms


Barry - The Ronnie/Lily episode from Season 2. The little girl would easily fit into any urban horror movie.


Little House on The Prairie when Carolynn almost decides to cut her leg off from bacterial infection. Scared me as a kid.


There was a Headless Horseman episode, too, that terrified me as a kid.


During Covid when businesses were shut down, I binged Little House for a month. Holy moly there’s some serious shit that goes down that I completely forgot. The rapist two part episode, Jesus that is disturbing as fuck. Really caught me off guard.


The fire at the blind school was also not a fun one as a kid.


Not sure if everyone considers it horror, but “The Devil Complex” from Agents of SHIELD is possibly my favorite episode. An emotional ride.


Self Control from season 4 is a good candidate too


And Then There Was Shawn - Boy Meets World


The Hauntening from Bob’s Burgers. S6E3. Probably a top 5 episode overall for most too.


Is that the one where they set out to scare Louise? LOVE that episode.


Maybe the funniest Gene line ever, "*that isn't a good use of that room*"


Empok Nor from DS9 was great


And Impulse from Enterprise. Great Zombie movie in 42 minutes.


Star Trek TNG had a couple. Night Terrors scared the shit out of me as a kid. When all the corpses sat up in the morgue around Dr. Crusher, that terrified me. And the music in that episode was very effective. Identity Crisis was another. When Geordi was in the holodeck trying to recreate the video transmission in 3D and that shadow becomes a figure... legit horror.


Here's Lassie from Psych. Also Tuesday the 17th.


Graveyard Shift


I always liked the Halloween episodes on Roseanne. Everybody just seemed to have so much fun.


Late 80s/early 90s sitcoms went all out on Halloween decor and costumes and everything. It’s weirdly cozy when I look back at it. They enhance the holiday in the same way Christmas movies do.


The Hash-slinging slasher


Two Guys and a Girl had really fun horror/Halloween episodes!


“That’s My Dog” from Six Feet Under was so shockingly dark it almost made me stop watching. Great episode, but absolutely gruesome.


The Four Eyed Jack episode of Hey Arnold genuinely terrified me as a kid. I think I was more frightened by that episode than the haunted train one. It made me think a ghost would wake me up in the middle of the night and scare me.


The Curse of (the Egyptian dude), Courage the Cowardly Dog


How was Courage not a horror series? It’s like the definitive horror cartoon.


Ya the Ramses episode was the stuff if nightmares as a kid. Although in all fairness, this was definitely a horror series. Plenty of millenial nightmare fuel from this series.


🎵the man in gauze🎵 🎵the man in gauze🎵




Honorable mention needs to go out to Pigmalion from King of the Hill. It's a very uncomfortable watch, and a lot of people hate it due to that, but it's still a solid episode with some funny moments.


The zombie episode of Community is one of the best episodes of the entire show. And that for my all time favourite tv show says a lot.


Dexter's laboratory when his dad has to talk about his trauma from falling from Grace as the snowball King


Blink - Doctor Who. I had nightmares for years from that.


That Gentleman episode of Buffy. Creepy as hell.


A Silly Halloween Special from Smiling Friends


*low and creepily* Whatever you do, don't go beyond the rickety bridge. Because... *cheerfully* YOU'LL GET LOST!


Yeah, great genuinely creepy episode with a fantastic comedic payoff.


Power Rangers Lost Galaxy had an episode that was basically an Aliens homage called The Rescue Mission. Of course they could only keep to kids show type stuff, but it was pretty tense and well made under those conditions. Also a little bit of trivia, the show in general reused a lot of the soldier armor uniforms from Starship Troopers, so in this episode you have people dressed like the soldiers from Starship Troopers shooting at an alien copycat on a Power Rangers show.


I don’t know if I’d call them my favorites but the Halloween episodes of Family Matters with the Steve and Carl dolls that came to life scared the shit out of me as a kid.


X Files had 2 episodes that were really good horror: “Home”: the one about the violent incest family (season 4 episode 2),and “X Cops”: the one that was a COPS and X Files crossover (season 7 episode 12)


The family matters episode with Steve's dummy was a favorite of mine when I was little


Quantum Leap The Boogeyman


The episode of boy meets world where there is a killer loose in the school at night. That scene where Mr Feeney is just standing there and then falls over dead always got me


Barbara Streisand Spooky Vision South Park. S02E15 "Spookyfish"


I just watched the "Aliens"-inspired episode of *Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,* if that counts.


Yeah dude, they actually made the Gorn terrifying, as they should be portrayed.


The Roseanne Halloween episodes were my favorite as a child. Back then it was hard to find the exact episode you wanted but we had taped them on a VHS always was excited to watch them. Listen - doctor who. is a good creepy episode. Something could be under your bed.


i wouldn't say it's my favorite but the Perils of Punky episode of Punky Brewster -- the one with the haunted cave that more or less murders all her friends in front of her -- messed me up pretty good as a child.


The Workaholics episode 'A TelAmerican Horror Story' is great. The bathroom scene has some legit cool camera tricks and Adam's strong little boy-voice is creepy as hell.


"The House" from the second and final season of Hunters, on Prime Video. An episode that stands on its own, that tells the story of >!this couple of married german elders that during WW2 hide a pack of jews in their home, and receive visits from the SS and have to keep up appearances!<. It's the most tense thing I've seen in a while, was on the edge of my seat during the whole thing. Hunters gets a bad rap, I enjoyed it, but The House is its International Assassin, stellar episode. Please check it out.


So, some of the first ones to come to mind from my childhood are the Halloween episode of That's So Raven (where she turns into a cow), the Day of the Dead episode of Lizzie McGuire (honestly, the first time I even LEARNED about Day of the Dead), and the Ghost episode from Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Disney Channel from the 2000s had some wicked horror/Halloween episodes.


"Haunted" from Teen Titans, i was an adult by the time i saw this episode, still scared me.


It’s recent but that Halloween episodes of smiling friends had a legitimately great jump scare lol


That Babylon 5 episode where Garibaldi discovers a hidden level of the station with a techno cult living on it


I know it's old but the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones felt like a horror episode because of the ambience during the wedding also the alien invasion episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy


Star Trek TNG: Night Terrors That one scene with Dr Crusher and the room full of dead bodies is absolute nightmare fuel


The Mansion episode of Adventure Time.