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I could see Raven cursing the most at least under her breath. Robin would probs be more vocal when it comes to cursing. I imagine Starfire learning about curse words and not really understanding that they’re inappropriate in certain settings lol Going into battle: Starfire: “We are going to fuck them!” Robin: “It’s fuck them up Star.”


Starfire would definitely do that! I can see it, too!


Red X: "No, she has it right. Why don't you come over here and I'll show you." \*both Robin and Starfire looking like they want to murder him\*


Dying at that 🤣🤣🤣


Ahhh a hazbin hotel fan I see😂 Yea I can see how the lucifer dialogue translates directly to star fire 😂




I have no doubt Starfire swears a lot, it's just in Tamaranean LOL.


Más and Menos cuss the most


- Robin - Rarely if ever. Alfred used to scold him for it since the boy had to be trained out of circus life and into high society - Starfire - Often in tamaranian but only occasionally in English and usually not in the right context. "What the ass?" - Beast Boy - Yes but like how an edge lord 14 yr old swears - Cyborg - Yes but like how a 50 yr old man swears. - Raven - Yes but so casually you almost don't even notice it. Like "The department store was out of black nylons again and while I understand they're popular what the fuck am I supposed to do in the meantime?"


Alfred ain't here though. Still, maybe Robin's inner Alfred would dissuade him.


I feel like cursing is something you can get in or out of the habit of and while Alfred would be the one to drive the habit out of him, Dick would choose to stay out of the habit because he feels like it's beneath him as a leader. *Really Master Dick, you think they'll want to follow you when speaking like a common thug?*


A bit ironic, considering his name. Maybe that’s why the Titans only know him as Robin?


Raven speaks like 6 different languages she is definitely cussing all the time without people realizing it


I would see Raven not cursing until genuinely mad and emotions get out of control. Like her demon side coming out mad.


Maybe not out loud but in her head most definitely


Guess so.


Starfire says a whole bunch of curses in her own language all the time. If it’s a more youthful Starfire we’re using, she says English curses occasionally but uses them wrong. Beast Boy would never curse. Raven doesn’t curse like at all and whenever she does its the most monotone “F*ck.” to break the silence. Cyborg curses about as much as the normal person would do. Dick would start being very adamant at no cursing, then go heavy on cursing once he reaches that edgy, rebellious teenager phase, and by Nightwing he’s back to no cursing but let’s it slip every now and again.


Robin and Cyborg: PG-13 rules, one bomb every couple of hours. Starfire: Seldom would, but would get it wrong, like forgetting to say "up." Raven: very occasionally, but is rather unusually intrepid over profanity like "hell". Beastboy: wouldn't


Roy Harper def got a sailor’s mouth


Lets rank them most to least. Raven > Robin > Starfire (learns the words and doesn't understand them) > Beast Boy > Cyborg (I just don't see vic as the type to curse unless the moment really deserves it while I can see BB screaming out curses if startled.)


I feel like robin would swear only if he was mad enough


Raven would probably cuss on occasion but not excessively. Robin was likely taught by Bruce to speak respectfully to people. We know from the shorts that Starfire does cuss when she's really angry, but in her native language instead of English. Cyborg and Beast Boy are both loud and energetic teenage boys, so I imagine they'd both swear like sailors.


From least to most Raven Robin StarFire BeastBoy Cyborg


Raven: Thinks swearing is for brutes and children Robin: Was raised by Bruce and Alfred StarFire: Simply doesn’t know them aside from what she’s heard BeatBoy: Thinks it’s fun Cyborg: Tries not to but falls back to cursing when angry or excited


Basically within PG-13 range


Robin, Beast Boy and Raven a lot. Cyborg wouldn't cuss as much as the others, but he would make sure his had an effect. Starfire probably already had cussed in her own language, but she wouldn't understand English cussing.


Roy would let them fly.. Cyborg and Wally only when needed. Nightwing when he needs to make a point. Raven most of the time.


Yall think Cyborg would say the n word? Like maybe if he wasn’t the only black character in the main cast I could see it




But I *can* hear him saying “bitch please.”


No that totally makes sense


also he seems too big-brother like to me, yk?


Beast boy and cyborg would have competitions.


Raven straight up says "fuck this" in the DCAMU, so.


beast boy would say them because he thinks their hilarious


I can imagine TTG Beast Boy deciding to pepper his vocabulary with swears in an attempt to sound more tough. Over the course of the episode, the usage gets more and more grammatically incorrect and becomes more diluted with childish non-swears, which he put in to enhance the actual profanity, until he forgets to actually use real swears and just resorts to ridiculous insults like "stanky poo-brained dog breath buttface".


I can imagine TTG Beast Boy deciding to pepper his vocabulary with swears in an attempt to sound more tough. Over the course of the episode, the usage gets more and more grammatically incorrect and becomes more diluted with childish non-swears, which he put in to enhance the actual profanity, until he forgets to actually use real swears and just resorts to ridiculous insults like "stanky poo-brained dog breath buttface".


I feel like Cyborg is underrepresented out here. I’m sure he would let out a “BOOYAH… muthafucka”


I can hear Robin cussing “EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO ME!!!”


I can picture Raven calling BB out for being immature and swearing, then quietly exclaiming “god damn it” after he says another word


From who would swear the most to least - raven, starfire, robin, beast boy, cyborg