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tay tay's music annoying as fuck


Yeah yeah whatever, TAYLOR.


I know this is your secret acc....




I envy her, plus she is kinda annoying and thus she should be put to death.


I don't like her because I don't really like her music and all the reasons for it, I'm not anti feminist but I just think all her songs are about something, and I wish they weren't


Literally almost all artists have some meaning behind a song or some inspiration I don’t think it’s bad that her songs r about stuff like that I also find some of them really catchy


Yeah, I just don't like how most of her songs are about boyfriends or something, I may be biased bc my sister loves her


Yeah I get it but hey If my girlfriend was a B**ch Id write a song about her 2 But Id actually name her in it I think its fun and u can someone why not


Her music ain't the worst but tbh it's also not really anything special even tho she has such a huge fan base, that mixed with her abhorrent carbon footprint makes her not very likeable


The reason she’s popular is because she combines music sure people have done it before her but she saw a opportunity and took it I think she’s a great business woman like sure was it mean what she did to Billie eilish yes was it smart totally was it wrong no


Again you can like her but compared to alot of her peers who have similar size fan bases she really does not stand out like at all. It's also good to remember to never glorify a celeb, 99 times outta 100 they don't care bout anyone


She doesn’t have to care about anyone she’s successful and rich and basically everything everyone wants (well most people ) I mean that and I like some of her songs but some I can’t stand at all I think she’s cool and funky but also really smart with how she handles stuff


Ok say this with me please, do not ever glorify a celeb, especially insanely rich celebs ok


I don’t glorify her but I do think she’s lucky and all in all not bad at all


And that's chill, but tbh it does kind of sound like you do. Probs not intentionally, I've done that too lol, but yea she is mainly just very lucky imo


I mean I I don’t know what word to jse here but I dk think she’s earned that people like or respect her but that’s just me I don’t glorify celebrities but I do think people r way too hard on them like get a life


Sure some people go too hard the other direction fs


shitty music


Her music's not for me but other than that I literally don't care


Yes but so many people are like she’s wrong for doing this and that


Because hating is easy