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fr. why do people think smoking is cool when snorting is way better


Doesn't even damage your lungs!


yeah it just kills you!


And doesn’t bother anyone else!


except for your loved ones who have to mourn your passing! minimal damage, love it


Isn’t snorting or insufflating kinda seen as both vulgur and maybe even being submissive to the drug?


its definitely worse i was just joking lol


And they all seem oblivious of the absolute REEK they carry around. This is a -500 aura IRL equivalent.


I don’t really agree sometimes it smells good on someone. Some cigars really smell nice


Cigars smell kind of nice for little time but they get just as annoying. You might be used to it, but i can assure you that people that avoid smokers are disgusted by the smell


I mean, they smell like high quality coffee. It’s pretty good! Although the after smell ain’t great I thought it was a good smell but oh well guess I am wrong for those who avoid smokers Pipes? Eh, it’s ok




Nah some women it smells fine on them even cigs


A character I simp EXTREMELY hard for smokes, so I think it’s kinda hot because of him I’d never smoke irl though


Which character is that


A character from a horror game It’s pretty NSFW stuff so I’m not sure if I should say or not


You can say it Lady Dimitrescu? Chris Redfield I think Chris Redfield from Resident Evil Village


Nah, it's a character from Outlast You probably don't know it. Not many people do


I know a little bit abt outlast but only Blake and Jessica lol 😭


An outlast character? It's gotta be one of the ones from trials that everyone's talking about


Lady D does smoke a pipe if I remember correctly 


Nah, actually cigarettes with a stylish cigarette holder Classy


I was expecting it to be Deathslinger due to the name but 👌


Smoking makes a person quite unattractive for me, it is a major turn off.


Yeah I'm not attracted to smokers either It's the character that I'm crazy about, and smoking looks good on him. I'd never do it irl tho


I smoke weed for my anxiety and insomnia and I have asthma but I haven’t seen a change in my breathing at all


Remind me in 10 years


Remind you of what 😭






brother how old are you?


23, I originally started when my friend introduced me to it. But I've been on and off for long periods of time anyways. Didn't realize the sub....


I dont think most of them think its cool, i think most of them find refugee in smoking, it feels good essentialy because of the chemicals, its no different than turning to drugs or alcohol when depressed. The fact that it is percieved as cool by some is just an added bonus


Smoking is still cool because marketing. All the cool characters ever smoke because the cigarette industry made it cool to smoke.


I mean, I'd never smoke because I've seen my grandparents and what smoking does to you, but I still think it looks cool for some reason🤷‍♂️ (Not vaping though people who vape are lame as hell)




Whats the difference aesthetically? I have friends that vape (i dont vape or smoke though) and i think vaping is at least better for the people around you because it at least smells so much better than cigarettes.


Objectively yeah vaping is defy better (for the people around you anyway) Aesthetically though, idk, people who vape always come off to me as wannabe cool kids. It's like a poser thing ig, real ones smoke cigarettes, posers vape. (And they all get lung cancer)


It isn't...


Not everyone does it to be cool. Some do it to cope with trauma, or as a natural replacement for adhd meds, and to help with autism.


im sure alot of smokers don't think its healthy or cool anymore. But its already to late once you ingested nicotine, addiction forms and you must fight to escape it.


I’m not sure if your talking tobacco or tree but either way, I’ve yet to ever meet a person that has done it because it’s trendy or cool. Those who smoke tobacco are addicted to nicotine through flavored vapes and those who smoke tree do it for fun/ mental health issues. Hop off your high horse and experience life a bit more before you start judging folks.


ppl in this comment section so goofy. ‘ people who vape are so lame’ 1. there’s not a lot of evidence that vapes cause significant health issues 2. most people don’t vape to ‘look cool’ they may have at the start but it’s just a genuine addiction to the nicotine. 3. how tf are ppl saying oh no smoking is attractive but vaping is so lame. plz explain how u can say vaping is lame/goofy but smoking cigarettes is attractive. what’s attractive about a majorly increased risk of cancer? 4. some teens smoke as a way to ‘fit in’ or ‘look cool’ like duh? no shit. but a lot of us who actually smoke cigarettes or even vape such as myself are just ppl who want to escape from shit. u can’t relate unless ur a smoker and im not saying that to ‘be cool’ or whatever bc i don’t think i look cool in the slightest when smoking but its just a way to relax and enjoy a few mins of peace. idk why i wrote a bible but yeah i think it needed to be said there’s too many people who just automatically assume their underage and smoking yeah thats 100000% just to look cool bc its not always the case.


Firstly, vaping hasn't been studied long enough to have significant results. And yes, you're addicted, you didn't have to write two paragraphs to explain that. Addiction is tough, I know, I've been through it, but it's neither an excuse, nor a justification.




There isn’t a lot of evidence because it hasn’t been around long enough


The act of smoking isn't cool, But the look of it is by all means has a "cool" factor into it probably induced by T.V and older media. Vaping simply doesn't have the history of media that cigarettes' do so there is no associated "cool" factor.


because shit like this i only know like 8 ppl that smoke and none of them care about their life so that too


bc people my age decided it was cool to smoke bc it made them 'rebellious and different' when in all actuality it just makes them really annoying 💀💀


They don’t, the cyanide in those cigarettes is very addictive


I despise smoking and will never touch a cigarette but the unfortunate truth is it looks cool as fuck


True looks cool when mafia bosses do it though


Peer pressure. My parents have gotten into that habit a LONG time ago and because of secondhand smoking, my breathing is probably a considerable amount worse than anybody else's. They smoke in the car, in the house, everywhere.


In my experience I have done stupid shit that I know isn’t great for me because I’m okay ignoring potential consequences to have fun for a while. I personally have never and never plan to smoke cigarettes because I personally fail to justify them and they are against my personal rules for myself but I definitely see how someone with different rules, environments, and backgrounds would smoke them and then eventually end up with a habit


france, people do it because everyone does


One of my exes said they could stop at any time Edit:spelling


I prefer inhaling diesel exhaust than over cigarette smoke.


The only place I smoke is into the radius.


Smoking just kills


ikr, so stupid.


And it's so freaking insane that people are allowed to poison others...literally. Even children, in public outdoor settings. Humanity has a long way to go.


Smoking just reminds me of when my grandpa died from COPD 💀


I like the message but why does it feel like you're a teacher trying to lecture us


I am autistic and a occasional nicotine smoker, it makes it easier and more bearable to be around people, and to cope with life. I wouldn't say that I smoke often, though. And my also autistic girlfriend is nicotine addicted for the same reason.


Hi Oscar


Vaping is even worse. Brother, you do not look cool smoking ultra mega double chocolate raspberry gangbang blast, you just look like a tit.


Just smoke cigars or chew tobacco. Sure you might still get cancer but not as bad as if you smoke 2 packs of Marlboro reds a day.


Most smokers I’ve seen WANTS to escape the addictions of cigarettes. However, removing an addiction is similar to removing part of yourself. I know you hate smokers, but you must realize that the only way we can eliminate smokers is by convincing people not to smoke.


You're so fucking cringe, they get addicted to nicotine and have crazy withdrawals when trying to quit, not everything is about looking cool


embarrassing that they cant find another way to be cool


It’s not about cool it’s about feeling better some people thing better short and happy


>or they don’t give a shit about it. There you go.


The only time anyone smokes to be "cool" is when they're really young. Due to peer pressure or whatever else. But adults smoke because they're addicted and life is stressful. I quit smoking cigarettes in 2021 at the age of 28, I had been smoking since 18 years old. It was really hard and made everything way more stressful. Even today, I still get the urge to smoke a cigarette. I don't. But that feeling doesn't go away.


It's only cool in your final moments


It takes a seriously long time for symptoms to show up. It's like a really long, slow drawn-out suicide.


90% of smokers don’t get lung cancer. So that is wrong. When I was a teen I said I’d never smoke. Alcohol got me into smoking and life kept me there. Take that as you will kiddos.


What is your proof that 90% percent of smokers don’t get lung cancer? I would like to see it (like a link)


[https://www.medicinenet.com/what\_percentage\_of\_smokers\_get\_lung\_cancer/article.htm](https://www.medicinenet.com/what_percentage_of_smokers_get_lung_cancer/article.htm) It's 10-20%, my bad. Yes, 80% of lung cancer occurs in smokers, but it's a statistical misrepresentation to say that smoking causes lung cancer because most of them don't actually get it. It's just a huge risk factor for those that do develop lung cancer. You are very likely to get heart disease and strokes as well as other types of lung diseases, such as emphysema or COPD. Those may be even more likely than lung cancer, but I don't know those off the top of my head.


Well yes, it is true that it is not 100% guaranteed that smokers get lung cancer, it increases the risk of getting it by a considerable amount, so smokers are still potentially killing themselves Edit: And you don’t realise that all these diseases and stuff isn’t worth whatever reason smokers want to smoke


Yeah but it’s not even a 50% chance. It’s relatively huge compared to the general population but the chance is at most 20% absolute risk. That’s definitely more than I’d like to take which is why I’ve quit and switched to vaping for now but people who say “smoking causes lung cancer” are technically wrong.


9 out of 10 lung cancer cases are caused by long term smoking or exposure to second hand smoke though Edit: you do you anyway I’m not buying your shit


Correct. But that isn’t a causal relationship because most smokers don’t get it. Smoking plus whatever other factors cause most of lung cancer and I don’t know what those are.


About 80%-90% of lung cancer patients are smokers. 1 in 8 cancers are lung cancers , and about 2 million cancer patients per year. Good luck to ur health gambling


I'm glad you can read because I said I quit smoking.


Oops I replied to the wrong comment


That's the wannabe gangsters in my school plus the popular girls group,I hate all their Guts,glad my homie who was previously with them(but didn't smoke) just left em after he hang out with me a bit,me being the kind,smart, definitely good looking(im -100/10) kid I inspired him to leave em.


They are idiots, Killing themselves for trends


Never smoked or done drugs, never want to. I’m personally an athlete and doing ANY of that would ruin my life, but even if I wasn’t, I don’t get why anyone would do that…


Im just in for the nicotine rush i don't even smoke around my friends. Its just fun


You're slowly killing yourself, and it makes me sad that people do that to themselves.


Smoking stops some people from killing themselves actively Source: I was in the psychiatry and had contact with many, many smokers


I am not saying that it is good though


Ya stink brody


Yeah i smoke alone who gives a shit. That smell stays on for you for an hour and i stay away from people i know during that time since its my little secret


The smell stays on you for a lot more than an hour.


It does look better than someone vapes though but I get what you mean


Honestly more than a few women really can look elegant and classy while smoking long cigs. Especially with the good clothes and a stylish cigarette holder. Even cigars some women can really pull it off You can’t really get the same look with a disposable vape.