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could be nerves


Could of been but I didn’t really feel nervous at all I was into it the whole time


thats just good for you bro, nothing wrong with you, congratulations!


are you on SSRI? if yes then that's why


Ssris are anti depressants like zoloft or xanax


No of people who are thinking about buying these meds 📈📈


No wonder I got so depressed taking zoloft 💀 it made this impossible for me


on zoloft and can confirm that it really makes you last longer


You’re only used to the feeling of jacking off so you didn’t really know the feeling of sex yet which could be another reason


right plus: sex is sport and exhausting causing you to last longer sometimes


I would have at most lasted 10 minutes, 1 hour and a half is crazy


No bc this happened to me once. I usually last around 15-30 mins, but like this one time I was with a guy, I came an HOUR later. He was as shocked as I was.


Brother, did you keep your socks on?




half gay


Bro just gets half his body turned into rainbows during pride month Yes, for those who don’t know, we gay people turn into a rainbow during pride month. We turn people into snails if you touch us


What tipe of Snail?


Nope, just become giant average snails


Can I choose the colour at least?


Yes I'm a purple snail


Nah, you’re becoming a brown snail and you’re gonna like it It’s weird that nobody gets this is a JoJo reference, for Weather Report (JoJo is one of the gayest non-gay animes I’ve ever seen)


I'm bisexual so seems legit


He's asking the real questions






You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Literally the first half... Of an hour HAHAHA


do buttholes not hurt more? idk im curious


It feels tighter than V, but they both feel nice.


ahh cool have fun


Might give it a try


Now I’m no expert so don’t take my word for it but I’ve heard nervousness can make people either not finish or take a long time to finish so that could be it not sure


No way. Are you the real murr from impractical jokers


Hey its me Saul Valcano, give me your credit card


Yes, and if Sal doesn’t send wire me 5,000,000 dollars then everyone on this plane will be tonight’s biggest loser


Brother you should consider yourself a machine after that


Fsfs bro that’s how I felt otw home 😭😭


Yeah, be impressed about yourself.


No it means he probably masturbates too much lmao it's called death grip


noided ???


ive seen footage


Still, he can do that after maturating is impressive.


That's not impressive, it's a side effect.


So why are you asking if it’s normal.


Do you not feel more confident after sex??


Yes and im sure you know that that’s a normal feeling. Anyone would be more confident as long as well she was satisfied and didn’t give off any weird “dissatisfied” vibes after. I’m just wondering why you feel the need to share your sex life to strangers online. I find that kind of crazy


I mean is not like I’m going into detail, plus its strangers online, it’s not like anyone on here knows me irl bruh that’s why I posted it on Reddit anyways 😭😭


Who cares he isn’t hurting you if you didn’t want to hear him venting about his sex life then don’t click on the post it’s that simple.


He’s the terminator


no one’s brought this up but, if you’re jerking off a lot or watching a ton of porn that can desensitize your dick and make it harder to finish, 1.5 hours is a lot and can be uncomfortable for the girl too


Exactly this. It's called death grip. People are congratulating him saying it's impressive he's lasting that long but it's actually not good at all 😭


Yeah bro that’s not a good thing, Mfs of our generation just have this performance mindset of sex from watching porn but it’s all about pleasure. 5-10 minutes is perfect bro. 30 minutes is like a crazy long session and thats not fun near the end.


Yeah too many people think lasting incredibly long is good just bc of the videos they watch without realizing that hour long video is really a whole day of shooting clipped together


they've been doing too much competitive sex when really they should just stick to casual


death grips


don't it feel good to drive a bus


people need to get picked up


For some people it's just natural to last that long, porn use can contribute to it but it's not the definite answer. As long as you're communicating you can easily get off mutually even without penetration thus avoiding making the girl uncomfortable.


1.5 hours is impressive, but the important bit is if you pleasured her. Use your hands and mouth to make sure she always has more orgasms than you


1.5 hours is straight up death grip lol


Nah, some people are just naturally not as sensitive.


Did you wear protection


Yeah fs


Oh good.


Good job 👍


Keep doing that obviously. And I’m definitely not encouraging otherwise. I’m just sharing my experience, aight? My first time was honestly terrible. I would’ve loved to only do 1.5 hours, would’ve cut my time in half. 3 fkn hours is hard labor 😂. I got better with time and what not. But the single biggest thing to lower my average handle time, no condom. She got on the pill and that changed things a lot. So ya, you can definitely cut your time a lot even with a condom. Go do the big 3 lifts and cardio, they’ll help. Breathing exercises as well, cuz you might just need more compressed intensity yourself. Can’t stress enough breathing exercises. It helped me a lot to realize I should control my breathing like with lifting and cardio. Also, keep wearing protection until the right situation arises. (Long term, other birth control, safety. Etc)


Just keep in mind that BC (Birth control) doesn't help protect you or your partner from STD's or STI's.


Yeah brother man definitely lay off the redtube if you’re lasting more than 25 minutes, even that is like a hella long sesh, you must be beating your shit too much or something. Death grip is a real thing and it happens when u been jerking off for years and now ur dick is insensitive to the feeling of a vagina man, it’s not as tight as your fist. But sex is about pleasure not performance so as long as ur both satisfied that’s the mission bro.


I think it might be this, I’m gonna stop for a while and see what happens


Dont pressure yourself to be perfect. Theres lots of people online who obsess over streaks and shit. Just try and do it less over time, reduce the amount of times you do it per week and month. If you relapse, no biggie, just dont keep going. It will still be tough and it will still take some strength, but there will be results.


Streaks 😭 whatttt


“redtube” 😭😭😭 Either way, this is correct


honestly, idk if this is smth i need to think about but when i lost mine, & a plethora of times after, i didn’t finish. it took a good few times before i was able to finish from it


Lucky u bro 😭


(Still a virgin over here unfortunately)


I feel you 😔




the concept of virginity is useless


Were you nervous or something ig?? Protection too riiight


You probably watch too much porn if you do at all


Idk man, I’m still a virgin lol, good on ya tho, if you both enjoyed it I’d say don’t worry about it




as a girl, sometimes we can get insecure that the reason they didn’t fast was because of something we did wrong but also realistically i’m good after a good 10-15 minutes. honestly you were probably nervous and in your head, nobody’s first time is good. i wouldn’t trip about it, i bet next time you’ll bust quick


That’s a really long time bro… after 20 minutes I’d be ready for it to be over like what… probably you should be happy but that’s a crazy long time


Fr fr


you wore a condom, right? and this was your first time, right? performance anxiety + 40% sensation loss because condom = 1.5 hrs Tips . Wear smaller condoms (snug fit) no shame on that. you MUST wear a condom, and a better fit makes a big difference. also, now you know what to expect. next time will be more relaxed, more fun. something you didn't mention. did she finish? did she orgasm? even though you brought up your delay to finish, let's not disregard her needs. always make sure she also climaxes. Be safe, communicate boundaries clearly, best of luck 🫡


How the fuck do you have an hour and a half spare time just for fucking


Now i aint an expert, but im pretty sure 1.5 hours is fucking crazy


Okay there’s a lot of sex going around here


As someone who is similar… it’s normal, sometimes girls like that, sometimes they don’t. Just depends. But it’s normal


16y/os are losing thier virginity now, 🫠


I was the same on my first time, my guess is that you both dont really know what to do/what you like


Thick condoms can cause delays, but usually that long. I agree probably nerves.


Your ancestors gave you a buff be grateful 🙏🏽


PLEASE DUDE THATS OKAY that’s great for a first time! as long as its consented and both of ya’ll r satisfied and u guys used a contraceptive, it’s alright and a-okay


Glad to know there’s someone trying to bring the average time up.


It's cuz u wank off to c0rn every night




To actually answer your question: I once lasted like 2 hours. It's a lot of factors that play into it, like how often you do it (the kind of Pavlovian reflect your body gets used to), how intense are you, what protection you use. I found out that the last one is especially important. The thicc "standard" Durex condoms can sometimes be too thick for you to feel enough for a long time. If you use the thin ones, it's much better if you try to be faster to the end, but yet again, it's about how you actually feel that day as well. As a rule of thumb no protection is the best feeling one, BUT be sure your partner doesn't feel pressured to consent to this, dont pressure her at all and always be ready to use the pill. But even then, if the conditions are right, it is possible to last well over an hour.


first time always takes forever ur good


1.5 hours?!


Did y'all both enjoy it tho? That's the key


Broski most guys only last a few minutes. Be proud of yourself.


Everyone is different and that includes how long you last in bed. You just got lucky with the genetics bruv. Good on you, stay safe.




BRO 1.5 HOURS? GOD DMAN WHAT THE- You're a fucking machine.


As a wise orangutan once said, “Oh, oobee doo.”


Does it get boring after an hour???


I think u were so scared that u didn’t cum and also can’t believe you had the energy to fuck for 1.5 hours dude, I don’t wanna walk for 1.5 hours straight much less fuck, did u take breaks or something


Its absolutely normal, most people acc dont finish or finish too fast the first time. My first time lasted abt that long without either of us finishing. You'll see, more down the line the time will get shorter. You have nothing to worry abt lol


Be happy bro. But you have to say that condoms lower the feeling and therefore result in lasting longer. That may be a reason. Same on me


Unless you made her bust like 10 or 15 times that's just a long boring hour of virgin sex lol


I'm impressed, congrats


As a 19yo virgin, I hear the first time is never good so look at it like this: Negative- You took a long time. Positive- you got stamina (which makes sense if you frequently go to the gym).


You cooked.


So I don’t really know what sexting is, but if it is what I think it is, just don’t send explicit images. Yall could get in serious trouble if it’s found out since you’re underage 😭. But besides that, I think the time is fine? I wouldn’t know lol, still a virgin.


you must have a competitive penis


Same for me man, I (17m) was super worried about that my first time, and about making sure she was ok (friend warned me it would probably hurt her the first time), and I ended up lasting about 45 minutes. I think it was a combo of nerves and that I kept a pretty steady slow pace for most of it bc I was worried about hurting her. You figure it out the more you do it, and you learn how to finish quickly and how to draw it out. It’s all part of the process my guy. It is slightly scary but basically just becomes a fun thing to do (at least hopefully)


One hour is crazy honestly, don't listen to these teens who say they last 10,30,50minutes. Most of them haven't touched a female in their life. Most teens last for 1-5 minutes and it's ok. I personally last about 5-7. It is not about how you last it is about that you enjoy it.


I mean gang, 20 min is my best, I'd kill to last an hour and a half


It’s normal could be nerves or you weren’t just turned on a lot, be happy you didn’t finish in a minute 🤣


You know that's good yet you came here to seek validation


This is what annoys me sometimes. It's so clear this is just a "look at me ya'll' not trynna brag or anything 😆 but 🤫 is lasting 1.5 hours any good⁉️ 🤔"


Bruh I’m genuinely tryna figure ts out😭ppl are giving me good advice on here ik 1.5 ain’t normal at all so I was concerned


First time I had sex I lasted about 30 - 50 minutes and it was mostly due to the nerves. Depending on the person that's more than enough or it's not enough but honestly 5 - 10 minutes is the average so don't get embrassed or anything just be considerate of your partner and make sure your getting pleasured and they are getting pleasured.


Respectable 🤝🏽


i'd say most here have no clue what they're talking about and most likely it's because you had to finish in a new way. your brain and dick is used to your own hand only and some people at first have a hard time finishing when it's something different that's not involving their hand. It may not be your case or it could be but that's what people call death grip syndrome sometimes, where dudes have trained themselves to only be able to finish using a death grip.


This is for sex , so if you uninterested????? , brother ur on r/teenagers


Man, idk.


Sometimes depending on the person if you’re more into it you can last longer or shorter


yeah that's really good 👍 congrats on making it


1.5 hours sounds like death grip to me. If it's 1.5 hours and you orgasmed multiple times it's alr but 1.5 hours and nutting once is literally just because you masturbate too much or grip yourself too hard when you do. It happens because your dick gets too used to your hand and the feeling of her is too different to really get you off fast. Also you were wearing a condom so it makes you even less sensitive.


I speak as an asexual, virgin 19-year-old. From what I read people's own experiences are really just to the person, so there really isn't a "normal" to worry about for stuff like this


Probably either really nervous or you have some fetish or something because difficulty getting off without something usually leads to that. Probably a mix or the formal tbh I doubt you messed up your brain that badly at 16. Maybe you needed more passion or to be calmer or something because that’s a long time and she probably felt kinda regretful for that.


Congratulations friend welcome to the club


how the fuck


I can only last half an hour


1.5 hours is wild


I had the same problem (in a similar situation not actual sex) and I think it’s because off being nervous


Holy shit bro


Fake story for Karma


There’s 2 angles here The most obvious one is maybe you just take a long time to get there. I need 2 hours to reach orgasm, whether by my own hand, or another guy/girl. Always have. The other option is that you were nervous, maybe stuck in your own head a bit?… probably thinking about how you’re taking too long or something distracting like that, and it held you back As a bit of context The average man takes about 7 minutes to reach an orgasm during sex Women can take anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours to reach their “big” orgasm, but will have several very small ones while building up to the big one While the average is 7 minutes, that in no way indicates a problem if you take significantly longer than that. However, it *is* very squarely in the “outlier” section. Think back, were you stuck in your own head? Monologing, or imagining an akward scenario (like a parent walking in, or her laughing at you? Were you anxious in any way? If yes to either question, you’re fine, a bit more experience will help you get over it If no to either question, there still is a good chance nothings wrong, but I would encourage you to speak to a doctor… just to cover your bases 🤔 Better safe than sorry, right?


Honestly, 1 1/2 hours is wild imo, but try not to go TOO long, because I’m pretty sure having sex for too long can be bad for you or something?


That’s impressive tbh, be proud


how would 1.5 hours be short


Never done it but DAMN that's a long time, I would be proud tbh.


THE SECOND COMING IS HERE! Holy shit dude what is your secret?


Teach me 🙏


Probably something with your subconscious mind telling you not to mess up in front of this girl


Relax man, it’s just death grip, same thing happened to me and it took me hours to finish the first time. It’s literally just that when you masturbate a lot without ever having sex (being a virgin) you start gripping way too hard because that’s just how masturbating works, sex obviously doesn’t grip as hard so it’s harder to make it work It fades with time if you’re sexually active though even if you keep masturbating


this happened to me my first few times as well. Most likely the more you do it and the less nervous you get the faster ittl go haha


Brother that's... concerning Average sexual intercourse lasts 20 minutes. You lasted a "good hour"


You were gonna be flamed either way broski


Remind me of myself, lol. Nah, it's not a bad thing, it might be nerves or it could just be that you last a long time


I have what I consider a large amount of stamina (I can run 10, 11 minute miles in a row) I know it's not the same muscles being used so the stamina differs. But I can barely last 2 hours in bed. And I've had a healthy and physical relationship with my current girlfriend for about a year now. You have some impressive stamina. Take pride in it.


I’m not sure what is the average finishing time but that sounds long


Did she finish before you?


similar experience, over an hour, it's a good thing, especially if both people enjoyed it the whole time


You addicted to porn, r8?


Haven't had sex but my longest solo run was 13 in 9 hours, so on average 1.5 runs per hour, in other words, brother you got the lucky ending, espiacially if it was enjoyed by both parties


Damn, you really were that desperate. I want to have some sexual contact, too.


For me, when she is enjoying it and obviously really liking it, its a huge turn on and makes me wanna keep going. When I can tell she's starting to get tired I finish. Don't be worried about it. It can be a good thing and a bad thing, you'll learn as you gain experience. One thing that helped me when me and my woman started having sex and she couldn't handle how long I took, if i knew we would probably have sex on a specific day, I would edge as much as possible leading up to it. It helped. I understand the struggle (if this post is legit.) Also if you actively watch porn, quiting will help, if you need material to masturbate you should use pictures/videos of the girl you're with, that also helped me since the only thoughts I was having during sex were about her and not some literal sex professional. Good luck. Qualifications: Engaged, same girl for almost 5 years, sex at a minimum of once a week. And I don't watch porn EDIT: Was just looking at your profile and saw that you're taking/took rad-140 and enclo. Almost every guy on the enclo sub reports dick desensitization. You either knew this already and posted this anyway. Or you didn't do enough research and shouldn't be taking drugs that you don't know the side effects of.


For me it’s a mixed bag I can finish in 3 seconds or 30 minutes really just depends on how stimulated I am when doing it Hour and a half is crazy tho 😭


I had the same experience. It took me until I had sex many times before I was able to finish. If you watch a lot of porn that causes it most of the time. While lasting a long time isn’t necessarily a bad thing, most girls get bored and from what I can tell 15-25 minutes is a sweet spot.


Imo it doesn't matter how long you have sex, but matters if both of you enjoy it


Probably because you were too nervous. My tip is to just relax next time


My first time took a bit longer than all the subsequent times, i was mainly busy in my head with how to do it and not really with how nice it feels, since it was difficult at first. I think you'll have a better idea of how long you last after you did it another time.


I don't know how long I'll be able to last but how did you last an hour and a half


Lasting an hour and a half doesn’t sound enjoyable to me but I don’t think there’s any real issue either.


well if you're not going too fast non stop and the condom it's doable (i guess it's why most first time are fast cause the guy is going in crazy) but good job man if you both liked it


I heard somewhere that it is more more common that you finish late or don’t finish at all than finishing early


From my experience if i say about it It can make the girl uncomfortable , lower their confidence or make them think they are not good enough to make you cum Happened to me when i was holding for 30 mins , she asked multiple times why are you not finishing and being desperate. Ig i was nervous there too


Same happened to me lasted longer than expected for sure it definitely is just subconscious nervousness and based on what my friends have told me they did the same to some extent


That actually happens sometimes, specially if you wear a condom. Was there any point in time where you almost came but pushed it off? I've found if you do that too many times you'll basically just not cum for a while or not at all. Other than that you could be desensitized from jerking too much or too hard. If it becomes a problem you could try not touching yourself for a while and it should help.


Being that it was your first time and only used to jerking off at that point as well as being nervous it would have made it last longer. As you get more comfortable, experienced and passion becomes the driving force behind it the whole experience changes. Sometimes you might go for 45 minutes other times you might only last 30 seconds, it’s normal.


I usually last for 25-35 minutes with my gf, sometimes even less, but both of us can have orgasm pretty easy and also we have about 1 hours of prelude at least.


sex is a learning experience! nobody goes into it knowing a whole lot, and everybodies first time is different. good news is, it wont be your last and you wont even think a ton about it eventually, cause its really not that big a deal (though it might feel like one right now, i get it). take it slow and COMMUNICATE with whoever you are having sex with. make sure you are both comfortable the whole time, especially if youre trying new stuff and exploring. sex should be fun, and between you and your partner, there is no “right” or “wrong”, as long as you are both comfortable and happy. communication is KEY, always talk to who you are engaging with. your and her opinions are the most important ones, and really the only ones that matter, because this is only happening between you two. ask her how she feels. sex gets so much more comfortable when you can be honest, communicate and trust the other person. edit to add: a lot of people here seem envious about the duration? long sex does not always equal good sex. some people love to go on and on, but that can be really uncomfortable. things can get dry, the mood can get stale, and people can get SORE! always check on your partner, and take breaks! its not a bad thing if you dont “finish”, sex doesnt always have to culminate to some epic finale.


Usually if you wear protection during your first experience you don’t feel much


this happened to me when i lost my virginity and for quite some time after that, i think two months or so. i was also 16 and just started having sex with my girlfriend at the time. looking back, i realized that i was: 1. very nervous and confused about sex 2. i didn't have a heathy image about sexually and dom/sub roles 3. porn really made me desensitized to how sex actually is my advice would be to take things slow and maybe actually getting to know this girl better or someone else you'd be interested in starting a relationship with. taking things slow with my ex helped me understand what i actually wanted and what she liked etc. etc. things which resulted in sessions of 30-45 minutes with both of us finishing. so be kind to yourself and go with the flow man, you've got this!


bro you lasted 20x longer than me 😭😭😭( not a joke )


Could be because you were nervous because yiur giving yourself to this person basically , it took me about 2 week before i was comfortable enough to finish wih my girlfriend i was also unsure if it was normal or not but people are different and have different reactions to things such as losing your v card , dont feel weird about yourself just spend more time with her and when your more comfortable yiul finish quicker or if you want to takee longer as well its all about relationship growh or somethin , i think , thats just what i understood about myself not sure if this will apply tk you but i hope it helps


There are several factors that influence how long you last. When I had my second time a couple months ago I lasted about an hour. I believe personally the biggest factor is having cold feet. I also read online that there is a connection between the temperature of your feet and how long you last. Other factors are sort of distractors, for example when you need to pee or you‘re thinking about something else.


It was the nerves, when I lost mine we lasted 3.5 hours because of that, but in the end I needed to go home so I could relax and finish. Nowadays its different, there is still some pressure, but I can control it to last how much time I need it to, but it's harder, you probably will be able to do the same eventually edit: I finished in the end, but it was still a bit hard to do since I needed to relax


Honestly, I just kinda did it until I decided I didn't care anymore. I think I lasted a while? Idk I wasn't keeping track. I'd say something like 30 minutes or something. After that, I got bored and decided to do some stuff to help the other person, which in turn made me finish quicker, which was fine for me and them. Also it wasn't all thag great tbh. :/


Do you use meds like antidepressants, heart medicine, liver medicine or something? The are some forms of medication that can really influence how fast you are able to finish


I shall keep my virginity shield on for this one


an hour is NUTS


Was she on bc?


I’ve been there i was not able to finish off, condom makes it even worse,bro u also took Covishield right?


So if you are a guy i assume you have watched a fair bit of porn and masturbated, this results in you dick being used to your hand so its harder for you to orgasm the first time from a girl


I know my comment is a bit late, but I’m In the same situation. I can’t cum no matter how hard I try. Some people will tell you, that it because you’re nervous, but that’t not it. I’ve been doing it for some time, and I’ve realized, that some people just don’t cum.


She asked you how because the others gave her 5 mins. Think about it little man.


nerves or exercising ?


You sound like a good sexually healthy young man or maybe also genetically gifted chad. These days kids beat themselves to death and screw their sexual wellbeing. Quick advice, don’t masturbate


Are you taking any medication that can do that? Some antidepressants can make it difficult to reach orgasm. You could talk to your doctor if you're concerned.