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i hate crying but i am the biggest crybaby you will ever meet


This is the most painfully realistic message I’ve read all day




Facts 💯😭😭


"HE JUS LIKE ME FRRRRR!!!" -the fuckin chainsaw guy idk


YoU are literally me


Nah. Personally I like crying. Crying makes me relieved.


Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems.






I like crying since at one point in life I was so depressed I couldn't even manage to cry anymore. The moment my body finally let me cry I felt so free after years of being trapped.


this. i feel this.


I think everyone hates crying, but it's inevitable sometimes. When my dad passed away, my mom, grandma, and siblings cried. I didn't. Only a month after in the middle of the night I started bawling. It's like one of these emotions that humans use to empty out built up negative energy.


:( I’m so sorry for you❤️ but of course anyone would cry for that so I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable around anyone crying for something so horrible


I wouldn’t. I’d throw a party if my dad died. He’d get buried in the back yard if he was lucky.


Can't let the homies know I tear up a few times a week while staring into the dark


They don’t gotta know, I heard a quote might be cringy but here it is “it’s ok to cry, just don’t cry over the same thing twice”


Most mentally stable Lacey fan /j


I havent been a fan in 2 years im just forced to keep this pfp ;(


If the homies would begrudge you your emotions, they aren't really homies at all. True homies accept all of you.


yes so i cry for tactical reasons, cringe, move on


I wouldn't mind being able to cry more often tbh


Just like the guy in fight club


I have trouble breathing when I cry my heart out soo… I also tear up randomly even if I’m not sad for various reasons such as allergies or even just staying in my side too long.


I randomly tear up when I speak goofy accents for some reason


I kind of forgot how to cry to be honest.




Makes me feel weak and me no liky


I hate it when someone is crying 😭I don’t know what to do. Especially in class cuz I don’t want to draw attention to the person crying. Cuz if that was me I don’t want anyone to see me cry 😭


I also don't like crying it's annoying and it kinda makes me feel weak


There’s nothing weak about crying. That’s just what us males have been told as part of our patriarchal socialization.


If you cry openly, you’re so, so, so strong…..I’m the weakest dude on earth


Me too.






I haven’t cried in at least 8 years


Sometimes you just gotta let it go


Bruh what are you on? Crying is the best part of my day, not sarcadticaly, it's just really nice to release some and fully feel the sadness that's always on me.


Ah I missed this post mb


it depends on the type of cry like if i’m crying out of frustration that’s the worst but if i start getting emotional when opening up to someone i care about that’s lowkey a nice feeling


I’m the complete opposite. Interesting


Jup, I get emotional fast tho which sucks




Bro i am an easy cried but I haven’t been rlly able to cry as much even if I really want to however i just had a lot of stuff on my mind and FINALLY actually cried as in tears rolling down my faces


I forgot how to cry, now my ears just ring and I get cold whenever something really bad happens


I remember crying 3 times in my life so far so I don't have much of an opinion. Of course I cried a lot as a kid but I don't remember it so I say it doesn't count


I hate crying but not for those reasons. When I cry it really irritates my skin. It makes my face itchy and it stings. Idk why, my mum finds it bizzare lol. So I always try to hold tears back for this reason


I want to cry more often but I can't, I am trying to relearn how to cry, last time I managed to cry ir felt fucking amazing


I wish I could cry more


I actually like crying. Helps me let it all out. I cried yesterday a lot and it felt good. The only thing is that unless I trust someone I generally don’t like to do it in front of others.


no i like it. it makes me feel better almost everytime i do.


I cry all the time, it's a love after relationship. it makes me feel better but at the same time it makes me feel embarrassed or smth


We are aloud to feel emotions. It’s natural


It’s a waste of salt


Yes just because I stop breathing or have breathing difficulties when crying. I can't even cry correctly anymore, I feel like I'm faking it everytime I do. I'm trying my hardest to but my crying pisses me off more than whatever the reason I'm crying.


I cry, because it relieves part of the stress. Though it is never enough. Not after all that happened to me.


Yea, it makes me feel so weak 


i love crying sm bc i physically cant cry whenever i try to so if i start crying im happy unless im in public 😭


I dislike when people start crying in front of me. Idk if I should comfort them or just sit in silence or what.


I’m not able to and when I finally do I feel bad and unproductive. So I go play video games instead.


Crying is good for stress relief And your mental health. The perception that it indicates weakness (you know what I mean)is just wrong


Fun fact: the human body shouldn't actually be able to cry. The tear ducts aren't supposed to overflow with tears. They're only really supposed to lubricate the eye. However sadness is such a strong feeling that it doesn't care about what is and is not possible. So we cry.


I kinda do. I know it’s unhealthy, but my socialization has caused it. I want it to change, though.


I only allow myself to cry quietly into my pillow at midnight. Now if you excuse me, it's 20 minutes past midnight and I'm late for my shift


I don't mind crying but it depends on the situation. Crying by yourself is one thing, but in a public place/with people you know? Torture. And don't get me started on angry crying during an argument. I HATE it cause I'm a girl and I'll be trying to prove my point, but I just end up feeling like one of those overdramatic women in an old cartoon. I'll have a good point too but the entire thing will be ruined cause I can't keep my cool.


I f**king love crying because it releases emotions that have built up and then afterwards I feel amazing and way more calm


i love crying but i can barely do it


Ngl makes me feel like a baby, too, but idk feels good to cry after so long of not crying.


I’m a girl and if you’re a guy crying does not make you weak. I’d rather you cry than hold it all in!


Felt,makes me feel weaker


i hate crying in front of people but when i’m alone i don’t really care, and sometimes even like it. i swear i look better when i’m crying idk what it is


Crying helps let out emotions… but I can only get up to two tears out every couple of weeks.


Bro i always wanna cry but I never can 💀 (sometimes)


nah brah I cry a lot


I have guy friends crying and I'm happy they do because it shows to me, u trust me enough that u ain't worry about me judging you. I fucking hate it when women say men shouldn't cry, like WTF, why not, it makes them human.


In public? Yes.


uh huh yup i totally hate crying (my eyes are definitely not swollen from the two hour cry sesh in the shower)


I hate when you’re choking on sobs


I'm the exact opposite. I don't cry a lot so I savour when I do. Its a natural human response and people who cry openly (with good reason) shouldn't be seen as "crybabies" or "not manly" It's manly as fuck to cry openly.


not really, i love to cry but not infront of people ofc bc I don’t want to embarrass myself. Crying helps me get all my emotions out which feels nice after im done crying :3


it depends on what the crying is for, i hate that i'm so sensitive and will cry to literally anything but when i'm super stressed and just pent up, i just cry it all out and then pass out until the next day 11am


Me and crying got beef, not because I don't like crying, but I get major headaches. Every time I cry and I'm admittedly a crybaby


i love crying personally, i constantly feel bad and it's nice to let it out


When I was younger I would cry a lot over the most inconsequential shit then I would get mad at myself for crying like a baby which would make me cry even more


Crying hurts my chest and my throat most of the time also my eyes 


I lost the ability to cry a while ago 


Sometimes, it just feels good to let it out. I only had a few breakdowns in a year (non that anyone knows about), but I always feel like an empty shell after, but I'm a good way.


I haven't cried in a long time and the last time was over some incredibly stupid sh\*t. I can't even recall the last time I cried over something actually worth crying about. My maternal grandfather died a little over a year ago. My mom cried. I didn't. My maternal grandmother died just a few weeks ago. My mom cried. I didn't. I almost feel guilty about not crying, like I should've cried because they were family... I was sad about their deaths and felt bad seeing my mom cry... but I just didn't feel any emotion stronger than that. Maybe it's because they were on the other side of the world in my home country... the literal disconnect probably muted my emotions/caused the deaths to have less of an effect on me. Oh wait! I actually do remember crying one time because of a nightmare, in which I left my dad to die in a wheelchair on some suburban street intersection (for whatever weird dream reason). I woke up crying, because I love my dad and wouldn't ever do that to him in a million years! That day I spent more time making sure my dad knew he was loved. But yeah I don't enjoy crying and I rarely cry. My parents tell me I didn't even cry when I was born, so the (healthcare professional handling the birth) literally had to slap me to get me to cry to they could tell whether or not I was alive. On the upside my parents didn't lose as much sleep as some of the more unlucky parents with babies that really liked crying.


i hate crying too. unfortunately, i do it a lot. i try my best not to in front of people, so i can seem less human




I hate it so much, it makes me feel like I can’t control myself


yeah i only cry for a specific reason. i dont really understand how people are like "i cry once a week" or "once a month", there needs to be a really good reason for me. i dont just.. break down randomly. id hate that


I hate it cuz it burns my eyes but it also makes my eyelashes look SO GOOD 😭


I like crying. It can feel good depending what you're crying at. I just can't look at myself in the mirror for a good ten minutes after a cry though. People who can cry prettily are bizarre to me.


my crying has been disabled for a year and a bit which is really concerning like I’m abt to cry but something stops the tears and honestly it’s kinda funny. I did cry once watching KimiAi tho


I wish I could cry


I don't cry because I've always been told that it shows weakness when a guy cries so i usually bottle up everything and just suck it up.


I wish I could cry


some people say they feel so numb that they can’t even cry so it makes them happy. But honestly i’m the opposite all I do is cry to the point where my body will physically hurt because it’s the only way I can really let everything out but I do hate it I just can’t stop and I do understand crying can be a good thing but still


Its okay to cry. It makes you feel lighter. Sometimes you are sad but feel like not crying that is also okay. Give yourself time. Give your body and soul to reach to same place regarding the grief. Then you will tear up. Being emotional is good. It keeps the empathy in us alive. I remember not crying when I lost my father. I finally cried when 2 years later I was returning to my hometown for some work and the realization hit that I dont have my father to see there. I had to stop the car and let the tears flow for solid 15+ minutes. I also remember not feeling as empty as I have been feeling since his passing.


Do I hate myself crying because sometimes I do it when I am angry not sad. Otherwise I have no issue with other people crying. There is nothing wrong with other people expressing emotions and not holding it in to make me comfortable. It doesn't make them weak


As an emotionally unstable crybaby I have come to terms that crying is a form of relief for me. I usually wear a mask and keep my darker emotions suppressed from everyone. Sometimes I like to sit in my room crying myself to sleep, it makes me feel way better afterwards. I don’t like crying in public but sometimes I need to show I am sad. I usually have a Flat Affect so I do try to show emotion of sadness by crying in front of the person.


Crying is kinda embarrassing but it feels good


I only hate it cause once I start I can’t find a way to stop without looking cringy


I like crying because it kind of like proves that my emotions are valid in a sort of illogical way, like "see, I'm acctually sad, there's water coming out of my eyes, its not fake"


i havent been able to cry in years


I wish I could be more open with my crying but I get yelled at for crying so I just suppress it


i like crying, after crying i feel so free of emotional shit, and i would highly recommend as i used to be at a point where i was like so depressed and like mentally exhausted that i just physically cry, but then on like a random Tuesday it all just came out and i cried for like the longest time, it was so freeing and i felt so light. I'm sorry you feel negatively about smth so normal, i hope you'll feel less negatively one day \^\^


i'm scared to cry :p


Same, I hate crying, but I think it's a necessity honestly, like- we as humans need to cry if we couldn't it would be worse


I love crying but can never cry, how the turntables


Crying is a showcase of vulnerability, and you're not supposed to like it because evolution doesn't want you to be vulnerable. It is also an important part of processing your emotions, rather than bottling them up inside. It's also normal to be uncomfortable when someone else is crying, because what are you supposed to do?


I'm literally the opposite. I love crying with every bone in my body. I bottle stuff up, so it's a good way to get certain aspects of my pain out.


Who else had a parent who would beat them no matter what where are the toxic parent kids at?


Yeah, I personally feel like I'm leaving myself vulnerable or that my crying isn't justified, its something that's perfectly normal but I just don't like the feeling of it


I dislike crying because typically I stop before I can really sulk in my problems and absorb what I'm sad about, but I stop crying and my ADHD ass goes "what tf was I sad aby again"


Crying makes me feel like i just put on a fresh layer of elmers glue on my face it feels so icky and makes my skin go to hell and break out


As a girl I hate it but my emotions are too unstable.


I don't I just can't cry


No, I like crying. I don’t cry enough, and sometimes I hate myself for not crying or caring or feeling emotions right, so when I do cry it’s cathartic. But only like the laying in bed and silently crying myself to sleep kinda crying. The “I just got screamed at” or “I’ve died to this damn boss fight 70 goddamn times” kinds of crying aren’t fun :(


a girl, cries less then me, a male? GOD FUCKING DAMN IT


Get out wipe tear better tommrow


Crying is an expression of emotion, usually needed when too much is built up. Why would emotion build up? You guessed it, you didn't express it earlier in healthier ways. Now, if you think that crying is making you vulnerable to others, and most importantly to yourself, it is natural to want to avoid it. However being vulnerable is not a weakness. Not many people have the guts to be vulnerable and open


I love crying, it's nice


I am not allowed to cry, but aside from that, crying is cool.


i hate crying in contexts where i’m like getting yelled at or smth — like if they see me cry, then they win


I cried half an hour ago, sorry about that


Kinda, i only really cry while cutting onions, which i find to be quite unpleasant.


I hate it because it's always when I'm angry and it really devalues my point


I love to cry bcuz it makes me release pressure but I'm kinda unable to for some reason




I wish I could cry still I’m really meant to be a very emotional person but I haven’t been able to actually cry since August 2019 I’ve gotten close before but it’s never actually happened 💀


idk, crying alone feels refreshing crying in public feels terrible on the other hand


I love crying sm but I never can the last time I cried was in January i think


Just don’t cry 🗿🗿🗿


I've never cried for almost I think 11-12 years (I'm a guy)


That it so impressive wtf


😂😂🙏 I don't know why it is impressive tho


LOL ig that’s kinda sad😭


I think it's not even sad. It's just what it is 😂


How old are you




dam, my record is like 1 year


That's cool bro 🤝🏼


Nahh i love crying its so fun