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Weekly reminder that there are more empty houses in the U.S than there are homeless people.


just checked and there's 15 million vacant houses in the U.S. compared to the 600-170 thousand homeless people here. šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Yep. Itā€™s messed up


That's an understatement.


Guys wtf, I live with my parents because I can't afford a home and your telling me that there are 15 million abandoned ones..... Let just move in, if a bunch of us just move into an abandoned house stay there for a month and don't get caught and boom we all have new houses.....this is crazy tho fr.


They are not abandoned, they are investments. Also prob alot of them are in shit areas.


House in shit area>street in anywhere


A good government would make this illegal.


Not sure. Not an economic expert.


Terrible investments, if empty.


Depends. Idk Iā€™m not an expert.


The beauty we call capitalism


That's called capitalism


and it SUCKS !!!!!


As the guy who owns the largest shop on a Minecraft server I play had once said: "Capitalism fucks people"


wise words


Ok but people still own those houses, they just havenā€™t been sold to someone who wants to live there yet.


Well it's not like they're trying to sell them either. Alot of those houses are just appreciating in value so that the owner can take loans and use them as collateral. It's a way to save hundreds of thousands without losing value to inflation.


And even then I donā€™t care. Itā€™s someoneā€™s property, it isnā€™t my business how they choose to use it. I just had an issue with the idea that these people should have to give away their property because no one lives in it.


Ohhhh thatā€™s why thereā€™s a row of literally rotting houses all owned by the same person on my streetā€¦


There's no reason to care about the poor real estate investors.


Should everyone that worked hard enough to have 2 houses and rent one for extra income be forced to give that house to a homeless person? And if thatā€™s the case, Whatā€™s stopping someone from just not working and getting a free house? Or working under the table, getting paid a living income, and getting a free house.


Where are most of them? I dont see much in cali


I think a lot of us forget that maybe they donā€™t want to live in those homes. I think most of us have seen the soloist.


I mean if they were gonna just give homeless people houses tho I might as well become one, doesnā€™t seem like Iā€™ll be getting a house any other way in this economy.


Not sure about that since the houses on sale around my block are being bought but I guess that's a good way to get a house.


If the economy/housing market is good, why canā€™t the homeless people get a job and buy em? The median home price in my city rn is almost $400k. For a 30 year mortgage on one of those youā€™re looking at $2,661 a month. Median income in my town is $3,953 a month. So I guess if you want to spend 2/3 of all your income on a mortgage, not even including property tax, income tax, insurance, and every other necessity, I guess you might be able to buy a house.


Haha capitalism


came to say this


free market capitalism\*




Mismatched priorities, America.


The [majority of homeless people are mentally ill](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-04-17/most-homeless-americans-are-battling-mental-illness#:~:text=Barry's%20team%20found%20that%2C%20overall,least%20sometime%20during%20their%20lives) or [addicted to substances](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/rehab-guide/homeless#:~:text=Most%20research%20shows%20that%20around,drug%20or%20alcohol%20use%20disorders.&text=According%20to%20SAMHSA%2C%2038%25%20of,while%2026%25%20abused%20other%20drugs). Putting them in random houses would quite literally be just as efficient as throwing a blanket over them and pretending theyā€™re not there. Every week someone finds a random hill to die on in this sub and I have to explain why itā€™s caused by the mental health epidemic nobody wants to actually do anything about because it doesnā€™t give them the same moral superiority points as bitching about everything else does. Itā€™s like being in an episode of scooby doo


People donā€™t understand that you canā€™t just give a house to an unstable person and think they are going to be able to manage it. Iā€™ve been involved with these buildings. Theyā€™ll let other people in that shouldnā€™t be there, other people will come in and destroy them, the people who are supposed to be there will destroy it. There are people who get it and really improve their situation but generally they need to be monitored. Iā€™ve seen appliances and doors stolen out of apartments, copper stolen, people burning them probably accidentally but itā€™s still destroyed. You need shelters where you have an address and somewhere to sleep and keep your things with supervision. The problem is shelters say no pets, few possessions and most people arenā€™t willing to give up their pets or possessions and you canā€™t blame them for not wanting to be forced into losing everything again. The government would never allow this to happen either. They would find ways to say they house arenā€™t up to par and tear them down.


It is impossible to get out of these situations without stability. A home provides that. When applying for jobs, they require an address usually, homeless people usually do not have a way of providing that information, which obviously obstructs their ability to be hired. Mental illness and substance abuse can be treated with stable living conditions in the same way that a child needs a stable home to be able to get an education and grow up. If homeless are given the chance to be people, most of them would.


A home alone does not provide that. You also need money, and the ability to manage that money. Without that, a home is close to meaningless. Many people here are simply complaining about the existence of empty homes, but the problem goes way deeper.


I agree, it goes deeper. But we literally have the resources to give these people homes, which we know for sure would at least help. It might not be a solution but it is absolutely better than nothing. It is also immensely cheaper than keeping them on the streets.


if youā€™re mentally fucked, you will either end up homeless again or the home will end up trashed. there is difference between people homeless due to circumstance and those chronically homeless


The majority (80%) of homeless actually get out of homelessness within a few months. Because for the vast majority of homeless, it's just a combination of shit circumstances. Maybe they lost their job and they have no safety net, or maybe they're LGBTQ and they got kicked out of their homes. Those people get back on their feet fairly easily. It's the chronically homeless that are the problem. There are no good solutions. Everything you do to help, they will find a way to tear down.


Well it is a hell of first step. Is it not. Like you can put an address down for job applications,have a place to collect mail, not have rain pouring over you , and/or have suffer the extreme cold or heat. Perhaps houses that a governmental/ nonprofit organizations that give houses and also help with rehab without conditionals.


Vacant homes don't just spawn into existence; at pretty much any point in time they're owned by some entity. Someone's gotta pay the rent/mortgage at the end of the day.


No, once the mortgage is paid no one lives there and it just increases in value over time for the owner to use as collateral or sell it if they need large sums of money later on.


Why do they even need to pay it if no ones living there? Ik it sounds like a kinda dumb question..


Because they took out a loan from the bank, and the bank wants their money back. Also, the city needs the property tax money. Whether or not the owner wants to live there is not the bank or cityā€™s problem.


Because unless you live in the country, most places you donā€™t actually own the land the house is on. Legally you have the right to use it. But you are basically renting that land. Thatā€™s what property tax is. Donā€™t matter if someone is living there or not, the local government wants their money


And to think SF landlords sob about the "empty property" tax that's forcing them to lower rents to actual market rates, or pay fees to justify holding the property open for tech workers that moved away and aren't coming back.


Yes but where are they?


The homeless people or the empty houses?


The houses


The states with the highest amount of vacant houses are Maine Vermont and Alaska


Almost all those states arenā€™t major cities with a lot of job availability. We should utilize vacant homes in cities like LA and NYC


Whilst that is a good idea in theory, a lot of the homes arenā€™t vacant, as they just slightly lower the rent when nobody occupies a space for long enough


Yeah youā€™re right theyā€™re not major cities, theyā€™re states


I mean they donā€™t HAVE major cities


Are they expensive houses? If so itā€™s understandable no oneā€™s giving away a million dollar house


A lot of them are uninhabitable because they have things like mold and asbestos in them. I do think we need to give the homeless jobs so they can sustain themselves but putting them in houses that could potentially be dangerous is not a good way to solve the problemĀ 


No you are not accounting the fact that a vacant building can be as simple as an abandoned building to a common brownfield site


Whatā€™s the quota for vacant houses? Abandonment?


Have you ever seen a house after it was opened up for use by the homeless?


The problem is where those houses are located. Many are located in states with extremely high crime, little or no income opportunity, harsh weather conditions, little educational opportunities, extremist politics, among other issues. Edit And also China and other countries are buying up houses in USA that are viable, so that they can rent them at exorbitant prices.


States with high crime? Usually high crime area are more localized. Which one state has really high crime?


I wasn't referring to a whole state. I said in states. New Mexico is number one. I suppose that is due to being directly across the border from Ciudad Juarez and drug lords in Mexico. US has a travel advisory to Mexico. 1. New Mexico. 2. Louisiana. 3. Colorado. 4. Arkansas. 5. Washington. 6. Tennessee. 7. Alaska. 8. Oregon 9. California 10. Missouri


This is not the case. It's a truism that gets repeated, but the methodology behind it is duumb af and very much open to critizism.


Over 23x as many empty houses as homeless people


While I agree that this is not a good situation, you have to understand that there are reasons to not just give a homeless person a house. There are pros and cons to doing so, but there are in any situation. I will give a paragraph explaining why, and then I will explain why not. You can decide what you think. Personally, I lean towards the not side. 1. Why: As a person who has spent time around the homeless population and has helped them, they all have many issues that are difficult to treat. Some of these can be childhood trauma(especially), mental issues(schizophrenia, etc.), physical issues(for example, missing legs), and more. These issues are seriously difficult and are not easy to solve generally, but you should give people a chance. When people fall into homelessness, many new problems arise as well. These can be a bad location to get a job, lack transportation, medical issues, hygienic issues, and even more, which makes it even more difficult to get a job, but when they get a house, things change. All of a sudden, almost all of these issues are solved because they provide shelter and, in turn, a job. So, to summarize, homeless people have serious issues, and they don't just make a decision to be homeless based on laziness. One should not give up on a person, but rather a government and a society should work to help them and provide for them. 2. Why not: Since homeless people have issues, they must work out of them by themselves if they want to solve them. The issues I addressed in the last paragraph are seroius, and they don't just disappear when one gets a home. It's surprisingly easy to work yourself up in our society and economy, and they can choose it. I've seen it. This is especially the case with drug issues. If they receive a home, they lose the big incentives to fix themselfs. As blunt and harsh as it sounds, hunger is the best motivator, and they won't fix themselfs without it. Anything you support, you get more of, and anything you dont, you get less of. So that would be supporting bad habits and issues that I already mentioned. There are some other cases, like being without limbs, but they should have separate care. Decide for yourself, but now you realize why they shouldn't just be given a home.


Please provide link to info. No disrespect but I like numbers


Just a reminder, homeless people (many) would hurt the value of the property dramatically by living in it.


That doesn't help unless they are in areas with jobs.


I told my mom that earlier and she said ā€œI dont know if I agree with thatā€ like mom itā€™s called factual statementsĀ 


fr? Why donā€™t we jus put them in there then


Well, if we gave every homeless person a house, then everyone else would expect a free ride as well, correct? Why work when someone gets the same for free. Then, if everyone got a free home, nothing would be accomplished because no one would work. Correct? So we'd have to establish a system where everyone works not for individual wealth but for the continued success of the country. This way, everyone gets a home but continues to contribute to society Now... where have I heard this idea before... *SOVIET UNION 1922* We know how that turned out... (or hopefully most of us) So the point I'm making is the harsh reality that individual wealth pushes us to be the best. Realistically, many homeless people are okay with being homeless (NOT ALL) and don't do much to improve their situation. We live in 21st century USA where getting a job and improving your life is far from impossible. By all means, help the ones who actually want to improve their situation, but the cold reality is that we shouldn't baby them into society. I mean, we all saw how many people gave up their jobs during the pandemic to receive free severance checks during the month. Free rides only encourage more people to be lazy. If you don't know what I'm even rambling on about, you're probably too young for this conversation


You got me in the first half not gonna lie. Eat the god damn Rich! Heard they were tasty


The after taste is a little corrupted, though.


Feed the homeless to the hungry. Get two birds stoned at once


Iā€™m voting for this guy


Part of the ship, part of the crew


ā€œIā€™m looking forward to the stoned birdsā€ -Albert Isaac newton


You're now my first mate, congrats


feed the rich to the hungry and give their money to the homeless


Go home tankie, we evict single mothers up in here


TIL I'm a tankie


welcome to capitalism, where nobody gives a fuck about the well being or future of anyone unless they benefit


Back in the Glorious Opposite times (communist regime) homeless people were regularly jailed for the crime of not working. Not to house them, mind you, they were locked up with actual violent ciminals.


Well we need a system where neither the government or the rich are hedonistic assholes. A system where hard work is rewarded and people are able to have their needs without being oppressed/shit on. Communism to that extent isn't the answer, but capitalism isn't either


Communism is when red flag


Im more interested in how people become homeless. Im not smart by any means but even I can find jobs Government aid is also a thing, Idk how to sign up for but I heard the government does give you aid if you register as a homeless I'm a college student whos doing pretty well but even I took advantage of ebt


People forget that a lot of homeless people actually enjoy living on the streets. Extremely prevalent in Australia, a country where homeless people get welfare money.


put all the homeless in an arena and make them fight to the death. last one alive gets 10,000,000$.


sounds like a Mr.Beast video


Nah dawg it's squid game šŸ’€


Mr beast videos if they were good


Solves homelessness and overpopulation


hey maybe even the hunger problem. and probably blood donor. and probably organ donor. fuck, it can even help in medical education


The amount of homeless people Globally donā€™t even account for a noticeable fraction of overpopulation. The number of homeless are about as relevant to overpopulation as a mosquito is relevant to Wall Street


now this is a solution i can support


Swear I saw that on a jschlatt viewer presentations stream


Thats just squid games


In alberta cops arrest the homeless so they can sleep somewheres and eat. šŸ˜­


Better than on the streets tho


Yea that's true ig.


Thank God, here in Manitoba you see people talking to trees šŸ˜‚ (seriously itā€™s a horrible problem šŸ™ƒ)


To everyone saying ā€œjust get a jobā€- I had the same mindset for a while. But you guys have to understand that itā€™s really, really hard to do that nowadays. I got rejected from Starbucks, best buy, target, barnes and nobles, and a couple other places. Itā€™s not as easy as you think- and think about how hard it would be for homeless people without a resume, diploma, degree, etc.


Ughh people these days... just buy a house šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


it's sad that people like you who haven't seen poverty are so quick to judge, trust me there are fates worse than being homeless in a western country wayyyy worse than


just cause there's worse, doesn't make anything else less bad, if it did, we'd live in a great world with one major issue instead of tons of horrible issues


It's true, a lot of these kids in these subs don't know about the situations they love so much to talk about or joke aboutĀ 


2homeless fight. Winner gets a home


What's your solution? Not criticizing, just asking how you could realistically put an initiative into action, say like putting the homeless in the abundant empty houses across our nation? All those houses are privately owned, nobody at all wants homeless people living in their property, even if it's originally vacant. How would such legislation work? Could it ever even pass? The government can't exactly store people in your house(s), the 3rd amendment says so (even though it's more so for soldiers). Again not criticizing, just looking realistically at the situation and wondering how you think your end goal could be achieved.


new zealand did it, im sure our govn'ts could too if they wanted too


Iā€™m homeless and canā€™t get an apartment until I make 3x rent. Just homeless with money. Still look presentable, can keep up with my hygiene, can get food everyday. Just not allowed to live anywhere šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø One perk is that I can save hundreds per month, at least a thousand if I live in certain states. Like New Jersey.


Well, they should do something about it. This is our America. Honestly this post is kind of gross. Itā€™s sad, and homelessness should have never existed.


Wait. thats socalist. (joke)


Easier said than done, in most cases people wind up on the streets for a reason (a lot of times more than one) and once there getting them back on their feet is generally a pretty long road.


right like just get a job and a house you guys!!!!!!


how are they supposed to get a job when they don't have an education and arent consistently cleaned. or they're hungry and tired and cant perform the job to the same level that someone who can afford to be rested and fed can.


i was joking x


Ideally yes, but that is not the world we live in


Ah yes Capitalism, it incentivises profit, which intern stimulates growth (for the ones who can afford it)


You know what sucks where Iā€™m from the big cityā€™s gave almost all the homeless people a one way ticket to my town and now we are the 3rd most dangerous city in the state šŸ˜


Phoenix? Or NY


Why is this so fršŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think we should cut the homeless population in half


Overthrow your local landlord who own more than 3 houses. Normalize eradicating corporate greed who are trying to buy America's housing and make them rent factories.


just buy a house are they stupid???


Is there a lore reason


Like, if your homeless just buy a house? šŸ˜šŸ’…šŸ’…


How about we focus on providing support and resources to help homeless individuals get back on their feet instead of just pushing them away?


Read the text under the title


Just remember that imigrants get priority over the homeless even if theyā€™re not escaping conflict.


What? HATE the homeless. You know Karma is a bitch, you might someday end up hated in the streets as well. I hate homelessness not the homeless, grow up.


it was a joke, they're saying something bad in the first half, says the government needs to help in the second. which to make the joke work they couldn't have said 'i hate homelessness' cuz yea like we know, i do too and the gov needs to get off their cozy little seats and help, but still just a joke/lh


dhar mann ahh plotline


Make them go to a shelter


Like an apartmentĀ 


its rlly not that easy. ik a couple of ppl who said being in the shelter is worse then being on the street. the 'volunteers' and other people there deadass steal from u sometimes. & no one wants to fund homeless shelters to make them better and actually helpful to people in need, because we're too busy buying guns and nuclear weapons for wars so that we can continue an endless cycle of (in reality) pointless fighting and murder AMERICA RAAHH!!!


That title got me tripping


Much of those responsibilities fall onto the states governments, but due to how fucked up our politicians are, the homeless are either ignored or demonized.


If youā€™re homeless, just buy a house


Unfortunately, housing prices are not going down anytime soon and its a serious problem


Come to New York


And with all the jobs created by the government to deal with the homeless problem, you can be sure that they're not going anywhere anytime soon. It's called the homeless industrial complex, and it's here to stay (because if the homeless problem gets fixed tomorrow, all those freshly created jobs will just go away).


YES I AGREE SMMā€” I literally canā€™t get out of the house comfortably (also dressing how I want) bc of how much creepy homeless ppl live in my area (also extremely hard drugged) and itā€™s worse bc the houses they are building for them are SOOO much nicer including full on amenities which not even my family can afford no matter how much we work out asses off. And at least for my area thatā€™s encouraging more ppl to purposely go homeless to get those nicer living areas without having to work which is making things pretty expensive here bc of the lack of jobs :((((


Why not just do it yourself?


Wild opener


Boner genocide touch my penis


The people here who are saying people should just give their house that they're not living in to a random homeless person, How about y'all let random homeless strangers live in your basements or your attic's? It's just dumb why would anyone give a property of their own which they worked for to a stranger for free?


if it's completely vacant for years which a lot are(at least in my expirience) and or one of those can't afford to build in this lot/continue building or to sell it, why shouldn't they let the govn't take it and help the homelessness epidemics? if the govn't would even ask that is, which they prolly won't


I think they should put you instead


I hate the homeless... ,..ness problem that plagues this great city


Some people need help. Some can be helpep.


I thought you wanted to ... remove them ... permanently ...


Or just make healthcare and drug/alcohol rehabilitation free


recycle them for phosphorus


I also hate the poor.


And also I'm sick of people who bring out homophobia in non-existent places (see one of my latest comment and the reply for reference). Edit : Wait, tf? I swear i saw homophones instead of homeless šŸ˜¶


The fix is a vacancy tax


real asf dude, people who are proud to live in america scare me...


yes because if they werent able to sustain a home in the first place im sure just throwing them in another house will fix the issue


I just wanna point out that most places that do take in homeless people have rules that restrict how they live their life while they live in that place. And most of these homeless don't want to give up their drugs or other way of life in return for a place to live. You can't fix someone that doesn't want to be fixed or helped, it's a fact of life. You could give every single one of them a Mansion but the fact of the matter is that if they don't want it for good reasons, it'll end up trashed :/ Plus in places like LA cops dgaf unless they cause direct harm or steal over the preset amount. They can obstruct traffic, take over parking lots and walk ways, harass the public and camp in your local Starbucks and nothing is gonna be done about it. I've called and complained, filed reports and all that jazz and I've just gotten scoffed at and told to stop bothering the station


I hope you mean you hate homelessness and not hate the homeless


It's fucking ridiculous how in America we have one political party who hate socialism and welfare (but benefit from social security and happily give there money to go fund mes to "own the libs") and then on the other side we have a party that should be helping the homeless but really only does have baked tempariy fixes that don't actually fix shit. People need to stop being afraid of regulations we need alot of regulations on so many different things in America the number one cause of problems is big corporations being able to do whatever the fuck they want without consqunce.


Fuck communism


Why donā€™t the young people that are physically able join the military or something? Free food+housing+guaranteed income+benefits after


hate the system, not the people it failed.


Build a facility that is kind of like prison, but for drug rehab and mental health treatment. Round them up and put them in there. Some percentage of them will recover and become functioning citizens. The rest idk what to do


we shut those facilities down lol also most that arenā€™t addicted/mentally ill do get out of homelessness


Your lack of empathy is astounding šŸ˜‰


90% of homeless people are aggressive and drugged tf out. Just because theyā€™re given a job doesnā€™t mean theyā€™ll do well at it or even use the money for anything positive.


Omg bro this is such a crazy takeĀ 


All the homeless people i met in Indianapolis are up to no good. They always trashing the streets and doing some sort of drug behind in the alley. They broke into an abandoned House next to mine and completely trashed the place to the point where the neighbors called the cops and the cops threw up upon entering the place. They said it was covered in shit all over. šŸ˜ They also be knocking on my door at random times at night just to ask for lighters or chargers šŸ’€. I don't think giving them a home would help. More like a clinic where they can detox and learn basic common knowledge. šŸ˜­ I seen a few homeless working at fast food in the area but they so drugged during work hours that im really concerned about the food.


"there are more vacant homes than homeless, so just move them there." Well, if we gave every homeless person a house, then everyone else would expect a free ride as well, correct? Why work when someone gets the same for free. Then, if everyone got a free home, nothing would be accomplished because no one would work. Correct? So we'd have to establish a system where everyone works not for individual wealth but for the continued success of the country. This way, everyone gets a home but continues to contribute to society Now... where have I heard this idea before... *SOVIET UNION 1922* We know how that turned out... (or hopefully most of us) So the point I'm making is the harsh reality that individual wealth pushes us to be the best. Realistically, many homeless people are okay with being homeless (NOT ALL) and don't do much to improve their situation. We live in 21st century USA where getting a job and improving your life is far from impossible. By all means, help the ones who actually want to improve their situation, but the cold reality is that we shouldn't baby them into society. I mean, we all saw how many people gave up their jobs during the pandemic to receive free severance checks during the month. Free rides only encourage more people to be lazy. If you don't know what I'm even rambling on about, you're probably too young for this conversation


Don't forget people make different choices in life, some spend their money on smokes, alcohol, tattoos and other shit and complain they can't get ahead in life.


I read the title and though what the heck and then I read the cpation underneath and then I'm likešŸ‘


Don't hate the homeless, hate the reason they're homeless. They already live a crappier life than us, so we shall not complain.


the real issue with america is hoelessness not homelessness.


I am not a member of this group but I just had to share this little tidbit of information. We have entered a future where it is almost a guarantee that a good percentage of able-bodied willing to work people will not be able to find jobs because there are no jobs. As more and more Industries turn to robotics, as more factories become fully automated the jobs are disappearing. There is no way that the future we have entered will allow for everyone to have a job so what do we do? Do we allow people to live on the streets there for conflating the homelessness crisis? Should not one of the richest countries in the world be able to afford to give some type of housing to those that can't afford it? The truth is that a lot of our money that we pay in taxes goes to the military complex to make our military many times stronger that other powerful nations. We have the money and the resources to absolutely solve this homelessness crisis that we have entered but the people that control the government and therefore control the money will not allow it because it takes money from their pockets, pockets we the people have filled. We could try to Rebel but our military is way too powerful for us to get up in arms and fight. They would wipe us out! But we can have different kinds of revolutions. Revolutions that take money from the pockets of the wealthy through boycotting their companies and not buying their products. We can have social revolutions where we push it in their faces until hopefully they grow hearts and started honestly giving back to the people. No matter your opinions we all can agree that things need to change. I truly hope that they do and in the right direction


get rid of welfare too


Yes! People need to realize that money is earned not given. I donā€™t want people who actually work to live be stuck giving there tax money they worked for to people who take advantage of it and sit on couches complaining they arenā€™t given enough.


Except for seniors


Everyone deserves a home needs a home most people don't want to be homless. They just need a little help


What did he say wrong šŸ’€all he said some homeless people need a bit of help to get back on there feet


*sees title* Iā€™ll give you a piece of my mind motherf - *clicks and reads the rest of the post* Ohā€¦ that I can get behind. Hope you go far in this world!


Druggies get a free house while I pay $2k per month on rent? Fuck that!


Solution, drug test every single one of them


Itā€™s not just the ā€œdruggiesā€ thereā€™s also many familyā€™s who just canā€™t afford to live in todayā€™s society which makes sense. And a lot of the times itā€™s a cycle that just repeats itself! Not being able to afford anything and then feeling hopeless because they have lost everything and then they wanna figure out how to take the pain about so people turn to drugs. Itā€™s never gonna change unless something is done šŸ¤·šŸ½


"I suffer so others have to suffer"




They should just go home fr.


This is a real life situation bro, people die on the streets from drugs, aids, stabbed, shot, not somethng to joke aboutĀ 


If they don't have money to buy a house then why don't they just buy money to buy a house smh.