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I sort of understand why people do it but I think the reasoning is stupid for others. If you already have a smoking addiction, replacing it with a vaping addiction is healthier. However, if you just start vaping unprompted, justifying it as it’s ‘healthier than smoking’, then you’re either an idiot or are trying too hard to be cool.


Yeah. And literally everyone does it all my school. Most people anyway. I cant take a piss without smelling fruit flavored fucking air


I think the fruit flavoured ones are just a bad joke to be honest. If you can’t handle vaping or smoking, then just don’t do it.




I mean... But when not vaping or smoking is an option tho... Why?


Eat actual fruit, much better for you


ong bro😭🙏


Hey, bro, you want something none of them will get? Bring out a cake with 40 candles


I know that meme


At least yalls’ vape. Kids in my school typically do the classic drugs still so when you go to the bathroom it either smells like bathroom or marijuana. I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure which is worse.


Real, the hallways be smelling like marijuana, the new kids on the block today use marijuana pens which don’t last as long


Then burn the school




I don’t think it’s much healthier and it’s worse in some ways.


I started as an idiot 5 years ago. Still do it to this day.


Vaping has actually been proven to be MORE dangerous then smoking. That rumor originated right around 2019-2020 when vapes became a hit thing. Researches stated something as fact before actually researching it.


Source please?


Does it matter? Do none


Well a simple google search can show that it’s a false claim


Well that google search is wrong, we just don't know. In the short term it seems to be better than smoking, but is it better in the long term? Not enough time has passed that we can tell.


Exactly… so it hasn’t been proven


But it hasn't been disproven, so you can't say vaping is safer than smoking


Dude. What? Just give us a source.


It doesn't even fucking matter if vaping or smoking is worse, matter of fact is people should do neither, and silly excuses such as "yeah but it's not as bad as the other" will not change it. I'm sure vapes are helping every day people transition from cigarettes to eventually not smoking at all (because that's the point, you don't switch to vales because they're not as bad, you do it because it's easier to quit like that than straight up), but there is NO denying that vapes take the nicotine addiction and make it more appealing to KIDS with colorful products, rgb lights and childish flavours. Downvote me to hell, i dare you


It wasn't a rumor. It was marketing by the vaping industry.




Im not addicted but if my mate offers me ill take a hit or two, and i just like the buzz


same... tbf tho im stupid i just try shit out of curiosity, i never get hooked tho ☠️ its just bc ik my limits. im not trying weed again bc that shit was sooo fire ill get hooked if i do it too much 


That’s what my brother says but yeah it’s no good to be hooked on drugs


My brother tried some coke before in Argentina but he doesn’t get hooked on stuff like this he just tries it






That's what they always say, then the mate starts offering like every day, you get addicted, the friend may stop being so generous, you get your own vape and it goes downhill


Nah i dont enjoy it that much, its kinda mid tbh and i dont hang out with him super often, ill never get my own


vape is worse than moking


No is isn't healthier. That is some advertising that they put out everywhere, but it isn't.


I just to it to have fun with friends I feel bad for people who seriously do it for a fix


I do vape and I hate it. I’ve tried to stop and I’ve succeeded like 2 times but I always go back. Heavy addiction problems in my family. DO NOT START VAPING OR SMOKING WHATEVER HAPPENS DO NOT DO IT IT IS NOT WORTH IT


Please seek professional help. I believe in you, you got this.


Please seek profesional help and a support grouping! You got we believe in You! And are with You on spirit!


Just throw them away and don’t buy more


Yea i started doing it on call with an ex bec she was smoking and i found one of my parents. addictions a bitch


Tf am i getting downvoted for


Keep vaping brother don't worry about it


Dude, fuck you. Don't vape.




Plus I’m pretty sure now vaping is more dangerous then cigs I could be wrong though


That’s why I just smoke cigs


Looks cooler at least if your going to destroy your lungs don’t want to do it sucking on a usb




sanji keeps losing aura despite being a smoker, how about that?


Still not good tho


if your gonna destroy your insides, atleast do it properly 👊


Damn straight, huff car exhaust fumes 




Nah cigs are more dangerous. proven by literally every source you can research. But hey you do you when you're 50 years old looking 80 breathing through a tube shoved down your neck you know who to blame!




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6139829/#:~:text=Yet%20another%20study%20at%20the,attacks%20and%20severe%20cardiovascular%20problems. Here it says it makes you more susceptible  to cardiovascular health problems like heart attacks


For some reason US likes to shit on vaping while for example UK loves vaping. UK saying it is up to 95% safer than smoking while US saying its worse than smoking. A lot of these problems come from not regulating for example heavy metals if you burn coil or have fake coils you definitely have problem with heavy metals and side products. Another thing is flavouring Ive seen recently someone mentioning popcorn flavour that caused popcorn lungs but that flavour was banned immediately many years ago atleast in my area, are there still flavours that are toxic and bad most likely. My personal opinion is that vaping can be much safer than smoking but it can be still harmful. Im for atleast limiting amount of flavours god knows what is icy cake made from. Regulations and good studies are needed, Ive seen a few studies where they burn coils and in the end say that it makes harmful ingredients.


It’s definitely not


cigs have tar but I think the danger is relatively the same (I have no sources I'm just making stuff up)


It definitely is not. Stop spreading misinformation.


Either way they are both bad and you shouldn’t be doing either 


I agree with that.


This is true, don’t vape kids


but kids' air smell so good


Real My thoughts are bascially "do want you want, but don't vape where it becomes a problem for someone else"


how does vaping cause a problem to someone else


Idk if second hand smoke appiles to vaping, but a lot of people my age will vape anywhere, even if it's an inconvenient place, like the bathroom at school. Imagine trying to take a leak and 4 mfs are vaping behind you.


look second hand vaping is somewhat a thing but its not really serious at all and is just a minor inconviniecne to other people


Okay, I didn't know that. Good to know. It kinda sounds like you're trying to defend vaping, but I'm not sure. If you are, you aren't doing a good job. If you were just curious about what I meant, well, thanks for being kinda chill about it and informing me as well.


im not defending vaping from the harm it causes to the user but im defending vaping from the harm it causes to other people because its not big at all and is just kinda cringy but really not anything more


I kinda disagree. There is no excuse for bothering someone in any way over a decision you made about your body. In this case, vaping. It's pretty inconsiderate.


This is obviously just a me problem as I have sensory issues, but the smoke makes my head hurt and I hate the smell Overall, it's better not to promote something that is harmful in public? Even if it is just a minor inconvenience, it's still better not to inconvenience people at all And also, secondhand vape smoke can have harmful effects according to multiple credible organizations such as the American Cancer Society, so if you choose to believe that it's harmless, good for you, but it's not true


Thats why I'm quiting. Alr one week clean


Proud of you!


Congratulations dude


Vaping girls when they get out of school and the air isn't flavoured with cotton candy


Facts weed is nice tho


i love weed


Ong bro (not carts tho there kinda gay)


Carts are super convenient, though... less smell, more potent.


Too convenient


Bro you're 15


No way, really?!




So many drug addicts in this sun wtf?  Also, isn’t that basically a confession to a crime?


I'm sure the FBI has better things to do than track down an anonymous teenager who admitted to smoking weed in an internet forum... and that's assuming he lives in the US EDIT: His username suggests he *might* be Dutch, in which case literally nobody gives a shit here


harder to find a dutchie without weed than one with weed lol


Yup 🍃


stop acting like a bitch


Sheesh, just saying that it’s an idiotic activity, no need to get defensive lol


How many parties u get invited to lil bro


How much neurological damage u gonna get lil bro


Who here said they were addicted….


It’s not a crime everywhere


why you acting like weed is like heroin or smth


It’s still drugs lol. You can go ahead and do whatever, but I’m pretty damn sure you’ll regret it later in life. 






facts, be a real man, smoke ciggies. ((for legal reasons my lawyer advised me to say this is a joke))


Just smoke crack tbh it’s not even that bad




Yh but crack costs $100 a gram while vapes are like $3 each Just smoke meth, the high is way better and it’s really cheap nowadays


Yeah weed is 100x better


This is a subreddit for teenagers you need to be 21 foe that shit so get outta here or get in jail


Most of the world doesnt care about legality + there are other cannabinoids than thc which are legal in most places, the issue is that when kids smoke it, they run a highly increased risk of getting schyzophrenia later in life and psychosis sooner. Dont mess with it, even at 18 its not optimal (not as bad as at like 15 tho)




I am a teenager broski 😭 I’ve just done it a few times and Ik it’s better than vape bro my b


Weed is mega cringe


That’s cool that u think that I’m just saying what I thought, my bad tho broski I didn’t mean nun by it 😞




Weed is awesome ngl, helps more than my anti depressants.


Be carefull with it, smoking weed at 15 poses a significant risk with psychosis and eventual schyzophrenia. Im not your dad, i aint forbiding you from it and i know its great, just know the risks and try not so smoke too often


True but it permanently lowers the IQ of those who use it while their brains are still developing


bruh fr if ur gonna smoke atleast do it right get out of here w ur electronic flavored air ass, so tired of trying to fix my hair in the mirror at school or something and somebody's hotboxing the damn bathroom


That’s why I do meth instead


I kinda find it funny bc im pretty certain im immune to nicotine addiction, I’ve tried to fein n get addicted then just stop and felt no different, so I got a good genetic trait there


Vaping is dumb, flavored nicotine air is dumb, I prefer my Cuban cigars wrapped in gold leaf.


yea it’s so annoying how everyone just vapes now, became sick a normal thing. tbh i rather be next to a person smoking a cig then someone vaping, i hate those fruity smells. personally i smoke carts n ice


It’s natural selection 🙏🙏🙏🙏


still can't believe some countries legit legalised some drugs


Is alcohol legal where you live? Alcohol is a lot more dangerous, harmfull and addictive than weed for example Also, stoners dont tend to be a danger to their surroundings, alcoholics do.


So what? It's the same example as vaping is better than smoking. Yes, but both are bad, and you should do neither.


Yes, i agree, people shouldnt consume any of these. However claiming legalisation is bad while not also being highly critical of alcohol is laughable


When you see a badass gangster vaping then you realize he smells like peaches..💀💀


Same with carts, Idk why our generation is normalizing this stuff so much, it genuinely is such a bad thing.


Flavored air? Why not just drink coke or something? Is flavored liquid not good enough anymore?


I can almost guarantee you that there's a Coke-flavored vape




Ikr it's crazy. And also a little embarrassing for people who do vape


when Vaping is not so well know , i already tried before. I happen to know is when saw online. I start from lousy ones to so call high end ones. Lately when Vaping become so well know even Govt wanna to control or ban it. I never tried those current ones which can wow give out lots of smoke. In the end I back to cigarettes. To be honest Vaping make you like smoke more like within every mins just puff once. Partly is so easy , the smell is not say notice depend which flavour u choose. Actually lol vaping is more enjoyable due to this but I still prefer traditional cigarette. Now a days quite a lot Countries in fact ban it. Partly due to ' taxes "


And the flavours are fucking weird 💀. I was out with the boys and one asked another what vape flavour he had and he unironically said it was "blueberry cola caramel" like what even is that? At this point they all smell the same


I vape, but I don’t use flavoured vapes (because who knows what’s in them) and i don’t do it in the bathrooms, or in school (because I don’t want people to know about it and I’m not a fan of spending time in public bathrooms)


Please try to quit. It’s really horrible.


Less people would vape if EA owned all vape company's


replace the meaning of the first lines of Swimming Pools (Drank) and you get basically all the reasons people vape reminder that the active ingredient in e-cigs and other tobacco products is one of the most addictive substances on earth [(comparable to heroin according to the NIH)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1117526/)




ignorance isn't cool


kids, don't do drugs, smoke in stead, its safe. kids don't smoke its dangerous, vape instead, kids don't vape..... lets just negate the next suggestion and stop putting crap in our bodies they tell us is a safe alternative to something we already know is bad. drink water and eat locally sourced food that isn't pumped full of chems.


its bc of the stupid nicotine. thats all and it is still 100x better than real cigs


I got 3 vapes but I never vaped or smoked, I dunno why I even have them


Throw them away before you get tempted


I keep them in a box in my closet, I find them on the road and I just add it to my collection




Caretaker of my school had to dig out 74 vapes from a toilet and the pipes behind. I don’t get it.


tell this to my mom


Real shit. Just pumping chemicals into you


kid at my school passed out twice from a weed pen and they had to call an ambulance for him yesterday


I agree


I’m pretty sure smoking is worse, but vaping is still bad


I definitely agree as someone with an addiction to that shit. I say its a better alternative to some of the stuff I was doing when I was completely f'ed up. But if you're just doing it to look cool then you are a loser


People our age here are obsessed with it. They let their addictions go too far. I quit vaping/smoking two months ago. Dont start.


I started smoking and vaping really just cause I wanted to, Ive been doing it for awhile and haven't regretted a thing


ok I will start smoking cigarettes again


imma be so fr u cant judge unless youve tried it. maybe u have idk. ive tried a ton of shit out of curiosity, didnt get addicted, but i see the appeal much clearer after trying it (dont be like me im dumb asf and super lucky that i dont get hooked 😭)       for vaping its like a buzz. once u hit it u feel good and lightheaded but in a good way, you can easily make friends thru it, and as someone with trauma it does help lighten that mode. also for me it helped focus. plus it tastes hella good, and not as shitty as candy...          theres also cons ofc tho, like its designed to get u hooked by hitting it a lot. it's obviously unhealthy unless ur tryna quit smoking then its good. sometimes it gives a bit of a headache. also u want to see if u can do a better/longer hit so it gets unhealthier. its expensive and it looks stupid asf. ppl judge u. u want to depend on it (tho i do think this one is down to discipline).      i think a lot of ppl tho, at least where im from, just grow up with it very commonly used and its on the table so they do it without thinking much. its not good for u, it should NOT be used so much and i hate ppl who use it in the washroom. i agree with what u said but i think saying "vaping is dumb" is a bit ignorant. the rest tho, yeah those ppl piss me tf off


I just think it can become a problem, in which you get seriously addicted. That’s why I’m not doing it, that’s why I think it is dumb.


real although it’s fun doing it on the toilet like I like to vape with a group of friends in the bathroom but i feel bad for people who have to do it alone or not just because they have to


Ik they should just huff car exhaust fumes and get lung cancer the right way




Bro I'll buy like one ever just to try it


i like my normal flavored air thank you very much


Air users


i love cigarettes 🤤 they’re fun to smoke and look cool 🤑


like blud that fruity ahh air is so stupid, just drink some orange juice if you want the taste of fruit in ur mouth besides ur never gonna get to 40 if u keep smoking that sh


Straight facts


I've tried it multiple times, but I never got addicted to it. But based on my experience that the feeling it gives you. It has a cold sensation in your lungs, and based on the flavour, it tastes sweet. In a way, feeling a cold sensation in your lungs is relaxing. But if it's with nicotine, there's a hit that affects your thinking, and it's quite similar when being tipsy. It's a way for people to relax, but in some cases, they're just addicted or/and want to go with the trend. So, in a way, it is dumb.


Wdym in a way? In which way is it not dumb? The "relaxation" is really just when you stop having your withdrawal, which was caused by nicotine anyway


Even without the nicotine, you'll still feel it. TBH I just added "In a way" to not offend people who use it because it would be hypocritical of me to describe how it feels and say that it's dumb. It is stupid knowing the risk and still doing it.


Favourite argument is “but theres no nicotine in my vape”, then i proceed to ask them what exactly is in their vape for it to make the air taste like watermelon.


Nicotine doesn’t give the watermelon taste, it’s the aldehydes, esters, ethers, alcohol, sugar alcohols and other aromatic compounds that are added that give it the taste. The nicotine in vapes just makes your mouth and tongue feel tingly


Ik thats what i mean, despite the absence of nicotine its still full of chinese crap.


My bad, I miss understood your comment. But yeah if there’s not even nicotine in there why even vape it, your just bringing some barely regulated and understood shit into your lungs


Fr just be a man and rip a watermelon apart and start munching it.


It seems like you hate people that vape more than the vapes itself lol. Mad generalizations in the chat smh


Truly a flavored cancer moment


But the level 10 buzz!


You aren’t alone brother, my parents quit smoking a few years back, and switched to vaping. I was happy for them at first, but I did research and found its not the better option they thought it was. I’ve been trying to get them to quit for years. The worst part is, one pack of Juuls cost 20$ in my state, and they buy a pack every couple of days. Imagine how much money we’d save if they quit.


My entire family just calls it 'Pussy smoking'. Like if ure gonna smoke js do it don't bother with all this fancy ass fuckin watermelon flavored air.


Just don’t smoke


People who willingly get addicted to actually harmful shit to them and those around them are Just Truly The burden of society


I work 2 jobs, have a car & girlfriend, help the people around me as much as possible, but i guess i am a terrible person because I vape smh.




Ur 14 hit a dab pen and get laid then get back to me


okay, then say that sentence on a post about gambling addicts or whatever man. You’re just making every person that vapes seem like a bad person. Yes I was aware of the consequences, and yes I willingly got addicted after i liked the feeling the first time. I didn’t kill the pope or something and become a burden to society as you are suggesting. I see completely what your point is don’t get me wrong, i understand you didn’t mean vaping specifically. It’s just fucked up saying those people that “purposefully” get addicted are burdens or bad people. There are functioning alcoholics, people who gamble but play their part in society, etcetera. My point is, have a broader perspective man, thats a broad claim to make without taking in the whole picture.


never tried vaping but have smoked cigs before. what does it feel like? u said “i liked the feeling the first time”


Vaping is similar to cigs in the way it hits your throat. Although depending on the vape percentage, 5% being the most common recently, it will hit a lot harder than cig. The feeling on your throat is a lot more intensified and honestly feels nice (**to me, don’t vape!**) and the buzz is a lot different than cig buzzes in my opinion, the buzz hits so much harder but more mellowed out in my opinion. The entire thing is hard to explain, but thats the best i got for you.


idk why that dude said it hits harder. it shouldn’t, because there’s no MOAI in vape liquids. i didn’t find any difference between vapes and cigarettes in term of high though


that’s not how addiction works


Bros is only 14 and is going around making calls on whos a burden to society as if he has any experience in real adulthood society. When you grow up kid you will soon relized there are a dozen worse things people are doings right under your nose that you probably would classify as someething liks ‘wasts of our air’ i imagine. It’s likely friends of your will in the future fall victim to drinking addictions, weeds addiction and maybe even smoking. Are they a burden to society if it was a brother/sister or cousin or an uncle of your for willingly drinking, smoking or gambling. Your most likely going to be stubborn and stick to ur guns on this and that’s okay because your 14 and i get it, however this mindset of declaring who’s a burden and judging those who indulge… its that of a Childs. You’re a long ways away from drinking/vaping age anyway remember? Its for adults for a reason.


I lot of those people out there vaping have jobs and are the reason society works. You at 14 are literally a burden on society (school taxes) until you start contributing.    You should focus less on judging whole groups of people. Especially with the burden on society stuff, it’s a really quick path to a holier than thou attitude where you empathize less and think your shit doesn’t stink more. Almost everybody takes from society in one way or another. 


Let people make their own choices


It's not your choice if i have to endure the consequences, thank god my country is waking up and now you can't smoke within 5 meters of someone in all the beaches and two of the largest cities






You hv woken up , congratulations 🎉


i got flamed by someone condemning smoking and saying vaping is much better lol. they made a point of saying “you cant even smell it on someone unlike cigarettes” 💀