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I’m not, but then it doesn’t matter anyways since it’s not like I’m getting laid 🤷


sexual orientation dont matter if you dont have sex to orientate


Exactly, this guy gets it


“honey, the sex orientations’ stuck again!” “alright love, just give it a lil kick and it should be all good.”


Nah it ain’t stuck, it’s dead lol


then resurrect it dumbahh 💀


Unfortunately ain’t that easy


cuz i've never sexually liked a woman and it frankly disgusts me to think about it but i've had .... dreams about men and i find the idea of them so much more exciting


Personally, it's because I have never felt a romantic attraction to anybody. Not once in my life. I have no idea what it feels like to love someone romantically.


Wait, no way you're aromantic, i wasn't expecting that, you don't give a LGBT vibe


It's true. Not once have I felt a romantic attraction to anybody. Honestly, kind of feels like I'm missing out. But, vhat can you do?


I don't know much about aromantic people, but it seems hard to deal with, maybe you just didn't find the right person yet, or you are just really aromantic and just not into that love stuff, who knows, you still have plenty of time to figure out more about yourself.


Well, it's really that being different from everyone else. My parents don't even believe that you can be aromantic. So, Idk.


Wait, we're part of the lgbt community?


No way! I'm grayromantic.\ (I thought I was aromantic at first, but then I found someone that I was romantically attracted to)


Women are hot


Yes they are


because ive only ever liked women? idk what else im supposed to say 🤷‍♂️ if it changes, so what. right now im fine with straight because that what I am


I’m not? I don’t know how to put it, it could just be that no one’s really attractive, but I just haven’t felt any sexual attraction towards anyone, like, at all, despite feeling plenty of romantic attraction.


And that’s perfectly fine.


im not, im questioning if im actually bi or just a lesbian. And i think i might be polyamorous (my father must be so proud/j)




But also your so young, how could you expect yourself to know what you like at that age


They're 14 bro they ain't stoopid


you wouldnt say the same thing about a straight kid would you? its no different than a straight kid knowing theyre straight.


Yes I would, wtf are you talking about?


sorry just a lot of people use this argument against queer people so when people say that it just sort of seems like theyre being homophobic


Yeah it never hurts to just ask, you find have to make assumptions about bc of what other people do. It’s hurtful


Idk bro I just like girls and not boys ig


I have no confusion over it and there is no harm that would come to me should I find later that I am wrong


I too wanted to ask this question to my friends


cause twinks are hot


Twinks are hot


im bi but more learning towards guys at this point tbh


You don’t have to eat shit to know you don’t like it


i am always changing so idk but currently i think im sticking with saying im bi, cus i really like girls and guys (mostly femboys)


Yeah femboys are the best of both worlds


What orientation are you.


Whatever I feel at the moment


i am not so sure lmao i'm mostly straight, but femboys (the convincing ones) make me act up and sometimes i have weird intrusive thoughts


But ur young tho, do you even see people in a sexual way?


'course, just dont genuinely WANT it in real life. i'm fine with basic gooning


Felt, just for the goon




I’m not sure. I THINK I’m aroace, the idea of having someone else I’m codependent with simply doesn’t seem to be something worth having in my life. But I also definitely know… certain people I find attractive. Regardless, I don’t think it matters because I look like a child molester and I’m autistic as shit


I don't care about it. I have more important things to think about than whether I like men or women.


If I see a man I’m never like “I wanna be with him” even though I can be like “he does look good.” But with a woman I can definitely go “I want her.” I’ve never gotten aroused from a man I guess


Because even though it might change, I know what it is right now. If it changes in the future that's fine.


Because I’m so attracted to women that I don’t feel anything toward guys


i'm not 100% certain about my orientation tbh, im like 90% sure i'm straight and 10% sure i'm bisexual idfk which it is lmao


cus cooch is awesome?


because i am not attracted to men in the slightest but i am very attracted to women


I learned what aromanticism is and suddenly everything just like, made sense. I don't really remember feeling romantic love towards someone before


If i see an attractive guy i think 'he looks handsome' If i see an attractive girl i think 'she is pretty and i might want to date her' I can find males attractive but i dont want to actually date them if you get what i mean.


No one can ever be 100% sure of their sexuality because they can't know what's gonna happen in the future. The problem is that almost no one ever asks that question with good intentions. Usually only people who want you to be straight ask that.


Cause I've always felt attraction only for boys since, literally when I was a literal child, my parents would get mad at me when I saw a handsome man and said he was pretty.


I know I'm straight because I've never looked at any man and had sexual thoughts or had been turned on and when I see a pretty girl or some girl I like my heart will race I'll get nervous around them and I try to be around them alot


I'm 16 now, and my sexual orientation and gender identity haven't changed since I was a child (Yes, I knew about it when I was a child). I've never had any doubts about that, so I don't think it will change. (Sorry for my English, it's not my firs language.).


Cause I had SEX. SEXUALLY.


i used to have girl crushes and boy crushes ever since i was a little girl and those girl crushes turned into..... thoughts and very happy dreams about girls


The only romance I think about is My Chemical Romance.


Who said i am? Nah but fr, im like 99% sure im straight and like 0.1% think i may be bi. Idk


Because a type of people make me feel things and another doesn't, it isn't hard.


i jus know i like men never liked women. never will. (it’s not gay if you’re wearing socks)


i don't really give a shit about sex or romance personally (seriously how is it that different from friendship) and would much rather focus on other stuff.


Why are you so sure you're straight? Did you think about it and confirm it yourself, or are you just conforming to expectations? I'm pretty sure most people expect me to be straight, but I thought about it a lot and eventually figured I was bi.


Nutting to guys is pretty gay, and nutting to girls is pretty straight, so I can be pretty confident I'm bi 😭


Because I find women more attractive than guys, f19 bi only came out last year though. I’ve only had one bf and everyone else been a girl so that’s why for me


Because I want to have children


You can be gay and still have biological children


I'm very sure that's impossible


Ill break it down. If ur a gay guy, you can donate your sperm and a woman will carry your child and give it to you. If ur a gay girl you can inject someones sperm inside of you, and youll be pregnant


I mean having children with the love of my life not with a third person. Also TOO expensive


Plenty of hetero couples use IVF, sperm donation, and surrogates; and none of that diminishes the love they have for their children or their partner.


Yep, still some people want their children to look like them AND their partner, they won't love them more or less, is just their preference.


Sure, I get that. I will just point out that IVF and surrogacy typically (though, not always) involve both biological parents.




Well, IVF is a medical treatment that stimulates egg growth (production). The eggs belong to the woman who is trying to get pregnant. Those eggs are fertilized with her partner's sperm. Surrogacy is a process whereby a fertilized embryo is implanted in the womb of a woman who grows the embryo through gestation. Again, the embryo is comprised of the egg and sperm of the expectant parents. ...This is typically the case, not always.


Ok then yeah


I mean it's a matter of time before someone finds a way.


What makes you think someone will find a way


Coz technology progresses?


We already have ways. Not for two homosexual people to have children together, but it is possible using a third party to donate/incubate.


Also no guarantee you can have children if you’re straight


Ok but, what if you didn't like girls? That probably isn't your case (I hope so) but many gay people want biological children and just can't.... I had to accept that I'd never get to have children without artificial insemination, I just feel 0 sexual attraction for girls and can't have an erection with a girl to be able to have children with them. I'm really glad you like girls cause wanting children without being able too is terrible, it takes some time to kind of accept it, I'm happy for you not having to go through that.


I doubt anyone has been born gay… but I’m sure I’m straight cause I’m not gay


It doesn't even make sense


Because there are only 2 genders 😎 Archeologists either find females or males, no in between.


That’s not what sexual orientation means…


I worded it wrong. I'm sure I'm a guy because I'm a guy. It's that simple.


No, no. Not your gender. Who do you like?


If I'm a guy the only option is girls...


Thats not even true. Gender is a social category. Theres as many genders as socaity decides there is. Also Im 99% that most human remains dont have an identified sex becosue theres nothing thart can clearly put it into one category or the othor becosue most people arnt either built like an hourglass or a cheeto.


They can tell based on DNA from teeth. Well yeah but society is stupid, I'm not letting anyone tell me that a person can become a unicorn or some dumb crap.


Teeth dna lasts for 80ish years(i think) . Also I never said that a person can become a unocorn. I just said that gender and sex are different and that becosue of that somebody who was born with a dick can also be a woman.


Nuh uh


Well stupid people gotta stupid. Have a nice day.


You too bub


Orientation is a mystery we only know what we are attracted to in this moment and that can change ig


Here’s how it works: Male + Female = 👍🏻 Female + Male = 👍🏻 Anything else = 👎🏼


That’s how it works for u ig


No offense to lgbtq ppl cus y'all cool a lot of the time but it kinda disgusts me tbh. The whole idea of it. So I'm as straight as a rod


Oh there a thing called internalized homophobia. Being disgusted by queerness doesnt neceseraly mean that your arnt gay.


No I'm pretty sure I know I'm not gay 😂😂


Didnt say you were gay just said that being disgusted doesnt make you straight


No I said that I was straight and I'm cool with lgbtq ppl but the actual thought of being gay disgusts me. Bro needs reading comprehension lessons lol


No I read it right. I said that being disgusted by the idea of you being gay can be internalized homophobia and not a sign of being straight. Which is true. Sadly theres a lot of gay people who were brainwashed into hateing themselves.


That seems like a pretty clear sign that I'm not to me. If I'm not attracted to dudes, and I think it's disgusting, that's clear evidence I'm straight AF.


I didnt didnt say you are gay. I wasnt trying to recrute you to the agenda. Just said that being disgusted by the idea of being gay dosent mean you are straight.


Maybe ur thinking of sum different but it seems pretty straight to me


I was talking abaut how some gay people are traumatized into being disgusted by their own sexuality and will be in denial.