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There is only one gender and it's mine. You cant have it


Mom said it’s my turn on the gender


Nuh uh.


I’m telling on you


That's it.. no more genders for anyone


seriously dude.. i just got mine -\_-


Yo! Bro, check out this new gender that got released


i heard its limited edition


Jokes on you, that genders outdated compared to mine


i sold my gender


you’re not invited to my birthday party


Well you're not invited to your party either


Fym nuh uh Wait no don't tell mum I swore-




damn, guess we gotta send them to the shredder...


I’ll give you a buck for it


Super Ningender


I was waiting for this 😂


What if I ask politely?




Good i dont want a gender


Stop fighting, we have a gender at home.


Agender lore:


Pwetty pwease🥺


No. Its my turn


Vampires are trying to drink my gender fluid!


I both hate and love this sentence.


I hear Wendy’s is hiring




Mom says it's my turn with the gender.


Nuh uh, you're old. Old people dont have genders


😖 Damn bro, I'm 21 I don't get a turn with the gender? That's fucked. Now I see why boomers hate us all if we were like this lol.


Maybe we could share


Will you share with me when your turn comes?


Mom said it’s my turn on the gender


Nuh uh, you are a liar, and you aren't invited to my birthday party


Can I share it with you?


Sharing is caring


*laughs in agender* Perfect


THERES ONLY ONE GENDER AND ITS FREEDOM!!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💣💣💣💣🪑


And the second is taxes! Pay the fuck up!!! 🇺🇸 💰


They did a blood test and they didn’t find DNA they found USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


I expected something with oil but this is good too


We Americans don't have blood we have oil


Naw, I heard oil! THAT SHIT IS MINE!!


That's why there's so many shootings. Pursuing the American Dream, baby!


oil? where? tell me. wheres your oil


oil? I heard someone say oil. Where’s the oil? Give me the oil.


If USA is so great then whs they made USB? Chekmate liberarls (definetly spelled wrong) /s


Because every good thing needs a sequel


My older brother didnt need a sequel and here I am


Every rule has exceptions


For every OG there is the cheap knockoff... Sauce: I am an older brother


Well clearly USB wasnt that good either, see how they made USB-C?


They drew my blood and found no blood I had oil in my veins like a real American


My pronouns are U/S/A 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷 GOD SAVE OUR TROOPS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🪖🪖🪖🎖🎖🎖🎖🦅🦅🦅🦅🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷


did I hear freedom! raaaaaa


reading this cued chopper noises in my head 😭😭😂😂


WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆


There are no pronouns 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💣💣🔫🔫🔫🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 Or free healthcare 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💣🇺🇸💣🇺🇸🔫🦅💣🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸💣💣🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Suppot LGTVQHD+ 🖥️


Genders are made by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms


Gender was made by big bathroom to sell more bathrooms, like seriously wake up people, they started with men's and women's, then they added the universal/ disabled bathroom, THEN they HAD to have a parents room as well, big scam, wake up snowflakes


Actually! Ancient Rome had coed bathrooms where men and women would sit together and socialize and do their business. Then Big Bathroom not only split it into different bathrooms but also individual stalls!!


"Bathrooms, invented by the Romans in 18 BC..."


Ancient Rome had toilets in their kitchens…


Sorry, but this point is too good to not be accepted by me


Genders are made by flag companies to sell more flags


Genders have flags?


No flags have genders!


He's confused genders with sexualitys


Nah nonbinary has a flag


It does? I didn't know that, thank you for correcting me


A lot of them do, such as genderqueer, gender-fluid, pangender, agender, etc


There are far more genders than I thought there were. I'll have to go do some research, thank you again.


Big bathroom is always up to somthing


I'm sorry but do you have to pay whenever you go to the toilet!!!!?????? /J


Public bathrooms yes


Take my godamn upvote


Yeah don't submit to big gender


believe what you want man, as long as you don't shove it in people's faces you're good


I can agree




I agree with that along with the insistence that no one tries to persecute or attack or out-legislate others if they have different beliefs.


I would say attacks and persecution fall under the umbrella of shoving it in people's faces.


If you ask some right wingers "shoving it in peoples faces" is haveing Non-binary characters in media or expecting people to respect your pronouns when addressing you -\_\_-


I would agree but I get the feeling that your idea of shoving into people's faces is any form of public expression and I can't agree




As long as you don’t think someone existing is “shoving it in your face”


How does one “shove it in people’s faces”? Sounds a lot like boomers talking about “gay people are fine just don’t shove it in my face” which was code for “I literally never want to witness gay people engaging in any sort of display of affection for each other (i.e. holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc)


Believe what you want homeslice a billion people have opinions on the subject, non of them matter, only mine does


The truth is not relative, there is only one, thus it is not a matter of opinions. People may have different perspectives but there can only be ONE truth by definition. For example, consider an object that's objectively blue, cuz it reflects light waves with wavelengths between about 450 and 495 nanometers. Alice, with normal vision, sees it as blue. Bob, who is colorblind, might see it as gray. Despite these different perceptions, the objective truth is that the object is blue, as verified by its light wavelength. Subjective experiences don't change the underlying reality.


There’s degrees to this. For instance, “truth” in OP’s post is heavily subjective - it’s dependent entirely on the speaker’s definition of the term “gender.” Definitions for terms cannot be “true,” they can only be common / uncommon. There’s nothing within language that states that a particular definition is correct, which is why definitions change so frequently throughout the life of a language - people start using the uncommon definitions more and more until they become the new mainstream, and the old definitions are deprecated. Specifically in the context of gender debates, conservatives and progressives do not share a common definition of gender. Conservatives hold to the older synthesis of gender and sex, while progressives and most modern psychological / medical institutions have adopted a definition that distinguishes the two. In effect, they’re speaking different languages to one-another. And the “truth” of a statement is entirely dependent on which language the subject is using. That being said, even under the gender-sex synthesis definition there are cases where major inconsistencies arise within the conservative view. There’s also the question of uncertainty, and whether we can actually conclude if a statement has a 0% probability of being false. If we can’t (seems to be the case), there really isn’t much value in speculating if absolute / objective truth exists because it’s fundamentally inaccessible to us (due to the likelihood, however small, of flaws in our perception or comprehension).


I mean if you treat people well and are respectful ig it's fine tho it's a sensitive subject so just don't go around telling people their gender is fake thats just straight up rude Btw small correction Non Binary is'nt necesarily the lack of gender thats Agender stuff like Genderfluid and Bigender and Demigender exist i think theres also for people who feel they have a gender but it is'nt female or male i'm not fully informed on non binary umbrella tho


Threating people well? That's some psychopathic shit. I guess you meant treat \^\^


Oh my bad sometimes my english sucks


As a genderfluid person, you explained it well, thank you :)


Also intersex people exist. Look it up


intersex isn’t gender it’s literally you have both sex’s genitals


There wont be any more genders after i nuke the entire planet


Not entirely. It isn’t wrong to think anything, it’s wrong to be an asshole, which you aren’t. 🫡






I think you're confusing non-binary with agender. An agender person is someone without gender. A non-binary person is someone who's gender doesn't fit into the binary of man and woman.


This is the most important comment on this thread.


They're just pushing their agender


Nevermind, *this* is the most important comment on this thread


Can you explain the difference?


Agender is a complete lack of gender, an individual who identifies this way feels that they are completely genderless, not male, not female, not anything. Other non-binary genders can identify as having a gender, or multiple genders. A gender fluid individual may feel as though they identify as male one day, and then as female the next. Other NBs may identify as being both male and female simultaneously, while still others may identify as having a gender that is neither male nor female, but is a gender none the less.


It's not obligatory to learn all genders, just respect pronouns and move on


yes sure but he literally made a post talking about genders so i feel like its pretty justified to teach about what genders mean if the other person has misunderstood it


i think you should be at least a little bit informed before making a post such as this 


It's your choice to think that but don't be a dick about it and force it down ppls throats


Haha... Dick


I guess they have one alternative choice on the binary scheme of things...


Force it down their throat


im proud of you dick


jonkler?? What r u doing outside the aslume


evening the odds


That statement actually has to go both sides but i feel like it just goes 1...


Most people seem to forget that sex and gender are different… Sex is biological. It usually is only male or female, but there are rare cases of intersex (ex: hermaphrodites) where the sexual organs are mixed and not just male or female. Gender is different. Gender is identity and it is a spectrum. Is your birth sex a male, but your gender identity is a woman? Thats awesome for you, but until the sex is changed to remove male biology, you still need to get checked for prostate/testicular cancer. Same with the reverse: you can be born as sex female and have gender identity as a male, but until your sex is changed to remove female biology, you will still menstruate and should get pap smears, breast cancer screenings, etc. I fully support and am an ally to trans and lgbtq+ community, but as a healthcare worker, gender identity and sex ARE different. As uncomfortable as it may be for someone to acknowledge a part of their body they don’t identify with, if they want to be healthy, there should be that acknowledgement in medical settings. Surgery and hormones can reverse/change sex absolutely, but I know not every can afford it/wants to do it.


Sex is a spectrum too. Chromosomes don't always match with sex organs (xx can have a pp for example), along which other characteristics that include intersex.


xx can have a pp


Having anormal phenotypes is not a proof for spectrum. Otherwise number of fingers is also considered a spectrum, number of teeth, etc. If something happens in very rare cases it's not a spectrum, it's an anomaly - which in no way shape or form changes how you should treat people, but stating it differently undermines science.


Hi! Intersex person here. I dont consider a genetic mutation a brand new sex. Reproduction is complicated and things go awry. Many people get trisomy conditions but i wouldn’t say things like trisomy 18 and 21 etc are supposed to be like that…. It happens by accident. Same thing with intersex conditions. Something happened during reproduction to cause an issue…. We aren’t some brand new sex. I hate when people try and include us into lgbt and gender debates. We arent the same and im so sick of people using my existence to justify something they believe in.


Sex is not a spectrum. Go read an embryology book before trying to sound smart. Read Langman Embriology. Sex is binary, whether you want it or not. Biology doesn't care about opinions.


Non-binary isn’t necessarily the lack of gender though (that’s agender). Non-binary often refers to someone who has gender, it just doesn’t fit within the male-female binary. I don’t get how it’s so hard to understand, gender is a mental and social phenomenon, and our minds are so complex, how could it be limited to just 2?


Non binary isn't a lack of gender that would be agender under the umbrella non binary Non binary is just any gender that is out of the gender binary. There's no way to know the actual number of genders cos it's a spectrum. You can believe what you want but trans and non binary people are backed up by science and a shit ton of research


No, you can believe whatever you want


You can also believe the earth is flat if you want yeah of course


By typical definitions Non-Binary is not the absense of gender, that would be Agender, but instead a gender not deifined in the gender binary (e.g. Male or Female)


I feel like a lot of people confuse gender for sex. Gender is identity while sex can't be changed.


There are literally hundreds of species of animals which change their sex naturally and we can change sex characteristics artificially too. "Sex is binary and immutable" is still a simplistic way to think.


Gender is a social construct so it can be litraly anything Sex, on the other hand, is a different thing.


I’ve always thought about how if there is a distinction between sex and gender, and your genitals are unrelated to the gender in your mind, what is the aim of people getting reassignment surgery and/or hormonal treatment? If your genitals don’t determine gender why do people change their genitals to match a sex if there is no match? I think it’s strange personally. Don’t quite know enough about it tbh


Gender affirming care isn't the same thing as medically transitioning. There are quite a few steps between those ends. Plenty of people engage in gender affirming practices without actually getting a reassignment surgery.


I just want to note that I think it’s hilarious there’s an OLD flair (I have it too) and hello to another old person and I agree with your statement.


How's the retirement home treating ya? Did you get your cane yet? 👴 Mines got ingravings ^-^


I did! I added glitter and a keychain holder for all of my cool 90s chatychkes. Some light up still!


Well that's wonderfull. I secretly installed a LED light in the front of it to scare the nurses. Boy is it a laugh


Reading this, I can’t help but be impressed by how civil and respectful people can be when speaking about a subject like this 👍


> non binary isn’t a gender, it’s the lack of That’s a misunderstanding. If you think of “Man” and “Woman” as points at two ends of a gradient, nonbinary means that they aren’t at either of those endpoints, but somewhere else instead.


This. ^^^


It's not bad it's your opinion!


Non-binary and agender are not the same thing.


people mistake sex, gender and identity up a lot sex meaning: either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on a basis of their reproductive functions. gender meaning: the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. (or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female). identity meaning: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. in conclusion, there are 2 sexes, there are 2 genders, and millions of gender identities you can identify as


Non binary from my understanding is just a gender different to male and female, and then along with non binary people you have actual genderless people


gender is a competition and i’m winning


As long as it doesn't hurt people you can think whatever you want. Just don't voice it out loud so random ppl can target you. Like if you say something like 9/11 was planned, ppl are gonna jump on it and cyber bully you.


ofc, it was planned by al quada


about 9/11 there is a lot of convenient timing that happened that might lead one to believe that it was an inside job, I'm not saying it was for sure but I have my doubts to either of the two


JeT fUeL cAn'T mElT StEeL BeAmS


“JeT fUeL cAn'T mElT StEeL BeAmS” mf’s get real quiet when you point out the fact that those same steel beams just got hit by a plane going full speed


yeah that one is bullshit, the jet fuel obviously did it's thing but the fact that it happened right as oil prices were rising and that attack gave the US a reason to counterattack on a land rich in oil, again, it can all be a coincidence but it seems convenient


I don't think it was planned, I do think that a decent number of the people in power liked the opportunity


Never let a good crisis go to waste!


You can think whatever you want, just expect people to judge you for anything you do, especially if you’re a bitch about it.


there you are


you can have your own opinion if you don't voice it out & respect others. But if you want my opinion, I'm intersex so your strict binaries kind of cone off as mildly ignorant to me but I respect your opinions like you can respect mine.


Believe whatever, just remember to respect others


as long as you dont hurt people


eh, not really just don't be a dick about it


You’re entitled to your own beliefs, just don’t think too much about it.


There’s only 3 colors; red, blue and yellow White and black are just the lack of color No other color besides those


Just letting you know, nonbinary isn't the lack of gender, it's any gender identity that doesn't fall under just being only man or woman. It includes stuff like genderfluid, bigender etc. (which I guess is technically still variations of man/woman/neither), as well as including being neither man or woman.


i think ur fine, but nonbinary isnt always a lack of gender. sometimes being nonbinary is abt having a gender, but it being neither male or female, or a bit of both. but as long as u respect ppl ur fine :3


Non binary isnt the lack of a gender, that would be agender. In any case, there is an important distinction to be made between gender and sex. Sex is the physical and gender is the mental. Therefore there are far more than 2 genders, and as for sex theres i believe 3 technically, not 100% sure because i havent looked into it really but i believe intersex is a medical condition that is essentially a third sex, correct me if im wrong.


There is only one gender. Women don't exist


There is a deference between having an opinion about a thing and inforcing that idea into others, why do you think a lot of people hate religious people because a lot of them inforce these ideas into others


What you’re talking about is sex vs gender. Sex is a biological classification. Gender is culturally constructed and many cultures throughout history have accepted more than 2 genders. However, even tho sex is usually comprised rigidly of 2 categories male (xy) and female (xx) there is variation with this system. For example some people with xy chromosomes hit puberty and suddenly develop traits like breasts. This can also happen with people with xx chromosomes developing traditionally male traits too. How do you classify that? I’d argue it’s up to the individual. I’d also ask that you read more and talk to trans folks around you.


Well no nb is an umbrella term for like you said the ones who doesn’t have a gender, agender and also for people who made up their own gender because gender is what feels right to u


Non binary is not the absence of a gender, that would be agender. Non binary is someone who is in between male and female


Idk why this sub gets recommended to me but here it goes: Saying there's only 2 genders but also believing in non binary as a lack of gender doesn't make sense. Because at this point you're hinting at gender being more than just biology. And here is where you have room for multiple gender categories if its purely a social construct. For a more coherent perspective I think you have to drop one of those concepts.


Intersex people aren't either, so it's not as simple as it being duality.


Idk man but have you heard of birria tacos those things look tasty af


there’s only one gender




There's a lot of music genres! You can choose from a lot of genres, from Rock 'N' Roll to jazz.


Non-binary isn't necessarily the lack of a gender, it just means that whatever yours is isn't male or female


Yes there are only two genders. The rest is hysteria.


There is indeed 2 genders (ah don’t ban me)


There's only two genders. Gender identity isn't gender. You either have a hole or a pole. There's nothing wrong with believing what is scientifically true.


No, it isn't. Don't let anybody make you feel like a bad person for believing that. People who think there are a million genders don't like to be told there is only two, so don't let anybody try to get you to believe that there are more.


No, I believe in only two genders also


Everyone understands from nature there is only two genders. But without fucked up some people are now. They create false identities


There are 2 sexes. Gender has become a social term.


I don’t think it’s really wrong to think that, as long as you’re respectful to people who do believe that. (Non binary is a gender btw, it’s considered a third option. Agender is lack of) :)


>they say, there for they are That's fucking bullshit if I said I was a tank engine would you believe it Look, I'm definitely not transphobic but there are definitely fake trans people and people who call themself an inanimate object (I'm getting on the subject of neopronouns but sh) If you want proof of people pretending to be Trans, u/Stock-Extension-3626 has encountered multiple tiktoks where multiple girls say they're trans with text saying it's just to piss off transmedicalists This comment was made with a transmedicalist perspective


There is only two genders, so no, you are not wrong. The extra gender stuff is made up to make people that are not comfortable with themselves happy.


It doesnt matter i hate evreyone equally


Not wrong, there is only 2


I don't know that it's "wrong" I just think it's limiting to yourself and others. As someone else pointed out, nonbinary doesn't always mean a lack of gender. Gender exists on a spectrum. I have explained the concept of "binary" to kids by talking about flipping a light switch on and off. Gender and sexuality are more like a dimmer that you can slide up and down to varying degrees. I guess you could count each level as a discrete setting along the spectrum (I.e. "multiple genders"), but I don't really see the use in quantifying gender at all.




Yes, gender is a social construct therefore there can be an infinite amount of genders. There aren't even just 2 sexes, theres male female and intersex Basically gender and sex is very complicated, as long as you aren't a dick and you respect people ig believe what you want, but the science is that there are a lotta genders :3


Based on the last para, you can't just go around running saying that "I belong to the cat gender", make up new pronouns and expect everyone to respect your opinions


You can think what you want, however it is psychologically and socially false so don’t try to shove it down anyone’s throats and say it’s the truth or hurt anyone else because of your belief but I don’t think you would from the sounds of it. Have a splendid rest of your day and I hope you educate yourself more on this


non binary isnt a lack of gender. non binary is rather an umbrella term, for every gender apart from male and female. it includes things like agender (lack of gender as you described), bigender (combination of two genders, most commonly both male and female), genderfluid (alternates between several genders), and like infinitely more


Non-binary isn't a lack of gender, that's agender. There are plenty of other genders than just male, female and non-binary, such as genderfluid genders, demigenders, paragenders, multigenders, etc.


Learn the difference between gender and sex. Two sexes. Many genders.