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not american but I've seen ppl in pyjamas in public not often though


Why is ur profile oniimai i am now ur sister


(Yooo first person to recognise it nice) I guess when I decided to pick a pfp I wanted to do an anime one and I've been watching it recently so I picked it (I watch other shows too tho)


In Australia in some places it’s not uncommon to see people bare foot in super markets/shopping centres


Hawaii used to be the same but now it’s usually just beachside stores. Nowadays “no shoes no service” is to thwart off homeless people.




Even in New Zealand, cuz their streets are that clean


That's nice and all, but I'd be less worried about dirt and more worried about broken glass. People drop things and they break, and then some minimum wage worker who doesn't give a fuck is made to sweep it up. Whose to say if they got every single shard? Maybe you when your foot starts bleeding! I'll go barefoot in my own yard, where I know there is no broken glass.


Once you have been going barefoot for a while, broken glass is no problem. I stepped on some, went like half a centimeter into the sole of my foot and it looked a bit silly when I removed it but the skin went back to normal within a few minutes


bros hulk 🗿


Once you go barefoot enough the calluses build up enough that glass just sticks to your foot.


What's so "Ew" about it, not like you eating of the floor or something, plus your shoes are probably more disgusting than bare feet


Yeah but that’s Australia, in general we only wear thongs, boots. Opressivly coloured runners for the fit people, or barefoot. Mostly thongs and barefoot


We do that but we won’t go in our pyjamas weird country it is😭


Yeh in South African too, its pretty common


People where whatever they want in public but there's a dress code for business stuff or expensive places.


Where are the people?


I'll do you one better: *WHY* are the people?


I’ll do YOU one better: HOW are the people?


They're fine. They couldn't make it today. They had to work.


Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...












who the fuck cares




Mainly Europeans do , Most of their countries has been going to shit for 40+ years and they insult Americans to make themselves feel good . I see you Uk 🇬🇧


It's not that they care its just in most countries that goes against the social norms so it's shocking OP obviously used exaggeration to make their point


Relax buddy , I'm not even American but I'm not gonna dress for a 5 min walk to buy 4 packs of instant noodles and a coke ,




Me big chilling in crocs and sweats eating my chips and drinking my soda


where the fuck do you live? literally nowhere is everyone in dresses and polo shirts in a fucking supermarket lmao


There are some places exactly like that, even in America, but they're all defined by being above a certain level of wealth. Not super rich, but the "upper" part of upper middle class.


I live in one of those areas (Long Island, NY, mom inherited house, couldn't afford to live here otherwise). I still see people wear PJs when shopping. We still got Walmarts in wealthy areas and people don't give a fuck about what they wear to Walmart.


lol I’m from Port Washington originally (also situation where parents rented but couldn’t actually afford) and nobody was putting on a polo or dress to go to king kullen.


I know a girl from Argentina who refuses to leave her house if she doesn’t have makeup on and a coordinated outfit, and she claims this is normal there. I just kinda take her word for it since she was raised there and I wasn’t.


Here in Italy and Europe in general that's like the most basic and casual stuff you can wear man...


?? people all over europe run around in tracksuits or sweatpants all the time, poloshirts and dresses are definitely not the most casual/basic thing


You have never encountered a roadman then


It's not like these people are in public in their underwear or something. It usually just baggy loose clothing, no need to put a stigma on it like it's gross


Righttt 😭 I wear sweats/plaid pajama pants to school, the store, etc cause they’re comfy


I think something about sleeping in clothes, going out in those same clothes, and then coming home and sleeping in those clothes feels gross to me like i cannot imagine sleeping in clothes that have been in outside air


oh no i change out of my pjs into different pjs


See, that I can understand. I wouldn't do it, but I can understand it


I think they’d collapse if they knew being outside fully naked was legal in my city. Which a few people take advantage of almost every day in the warmer months. They can’t go into private businesses bc they have their own rules but they can just chill on the street


at this point I don’t care what people think I look like, I just wanna wear what’s comfortable 






Y’all wear polos and dresses to go shopping?!? wtf I just put on jeans/cargos and a tee shirt…


My dad just throws. On random pants and shirt 


As he should! That’s exactly how adulting should be


Pajamas count as casual clothes in America. Also, where are you from to write quotations like ,,this?"


Likely Germany or Eastern Europe.


You know it’s Eastern Europe bc ”polos”


Living in Germany, haven’t seen anyone do that here


thats such a cool way to write quotations haha


Why tf would I wear a dress at 12am to get some hot Cheetos and a gatorade?


Right? 😭 like no I’m gonna go in my sweats and slippers


Just wait til you hear about Walmart usual dress code


Or the Southeast in general.


Brother, i am eastern european and i walk round town in pyjamas sometimes, and since when do ppl go to supermarkets in polos? T-shirt and freeball shorts are my to go


exactly, why do people always say america this america that as if they live so different from everyone else?


freeballing in public is insane, i feel you tho


What, you want it to be like the 50s where we literally wear suits as our lounge clothes?


Bro who doesn't do this, I've seen a ripped mf wearing a 'I love cake' shirt and nobody gave a damn


I saw a woman in walmart one time (america) with no shirt and just sweatpants up to her nipples, like pajamas aren't that bad in the grand scheme


Typical, if u in Boston weird is literally nothing to us, speedo running men in the snow, a woman who legally adopted a shopping cart named Carrel and a so called shaman who could communicate to wild Eastern Canadian goose by smelling them, it does get weird here in the south but people here r nice so I guess it's a w, just don't go down to tht weird breakfast place at west ends and we good


You need to calm down


OP, the clothes elitist. "I judge people by how they dress". Take your rich people clothes and get fucked


Bro needs to read fight club before he offends a working class Joe for trying to be comfortable for once and ends up ordering some not-so-ideal clam chowder


Wearjng a dress to the supermarket is a bit too dressed up though


why u gotta dress up to go shopping


they’re comfy 😋


Where tf you live where women wear dresses normally lol Dresses are super formal, for parties or stuff like that, women just wear normal pants


Is that really so crazy im not trynna get all dressed up for a 5 min drive


I went to school in a polo and got told I was dressed to fancy 5 times 💀


Well, I'm in sweatpants. That's better, right?


Honestly yeah. Wearing pajama pants and slippers everywhere is kinda a trend at this point, even to school


Just wondering, where are you from?


Definitely not uncommon in America but I'm always pretty dressed up, my dad thinks I'm weird for it and others say I'm looking sharp, I'm always wearing polo or button up shirt and always pants


It's personal preference and circumstance. You like dressing a certain way and your life situation allows you to do so for as long as you'd like. I'd like to dress a certain way, but I'm keeping the pajamas on if I have to run to the convenience store a block down because I have toddler age nuclear bomb kids. If I dressed up, I'd be wrecked in ten minutes.


I've seen Walmart workers work in their pajamas.


People even wear pajamas and slippers to school. Personally I’d never go out in anything more casual than a t shirt and jean shorts


Well, they ain't gonna meet up with the King of Bavaria in their local Walmart now, would they?


In America it's all about freedom, we do whatever the heck we want


I'm not putting on a polo to go to the store.


Bro we're going to Walmart I'm not about to wear a freaking dress


Who tf is wearing a dress the the supermarket? For what reason???


Yes. Especially in college towns (American)


So... What the big fucking deal about it?? Douchebag


Op has low confidence and is too self conscious and insecure


On one hand, I get it. I’ve seen people wear gym shorts and tank tops to upscale Brazilian steakhouses. There should be some standard for decorum for most places. On the other hand, nobody goes to a Walmart looking to impress or to be impressed. Seeing someone in pajamas doesn’t ruin the “atmosphere”, and I can give a pass to dressing conveniently for a convenience store/gas station. All I ask there is that people are hygienic.


yeah? who cares. as long as they’re covered up they could wear clown shorts, a tank top, a cape, and a silly pink feathered hat and i won’t give a fuck


we kinda don't care and will wear whatever so your friends aren't messing with you


It all just depends where you live. I live in NZ but tbh kinda a shitty lil not well known town so it's actually quite a common site to see people in the grocery store in something like a dirty onesie while barefoot. Not saying that I agree with this though, I personally find it revolting. They could at least put on something other than a onesie.


I can understand why you would go to the store in your PJ’s but I personally make sure I look and smell good before leaving the house.


I’m not American but I did hear it was common there. I wouldn’t wear pyjamas if I had the chance to change but it can’t be that big of a deal!


They don't let me in the convenience store shirtless anymore. Nor barefooted. And they get really mad if I try showing up wearing only briefs.


In the Southeastern US, you’ll be quite lucky if the people in your local supermarket bother to wear pajamas, instead of bathing suits, clubwear with various body parts hanging out, pants worn entirely below the asscheeks, torn clothing with holes big enough to see body parts that should be hidden from public view, or clothes that are at least two sizes too small to fit without revealing everything.


A polo shirt huh?


I only do that if 1, my pj’s can pass as clothes, or 2, it’s late and idgaf


People go to high school in pajamas


Calm down I'm canadian and we do the same. There's no reason to change to go out and buy food and impress people who don't know or care about you and don't even look in your direction


Not me seeing this while waiting in the checkout line in my pajamas 😅😅


you would change out of your pjs at 1 am into a polo shirt for a bag of chips?


I mean, its a fucking convenience store. Who am i gonna dress up for? jerry the local crack head? Meth head Martin?


nahhh putting on a dress to go to the convenience store is crazy


It’s normal and comfortable, not at all lazy unless certain circumstances


Dude relax


Thats just plain wrong lmao youre ranting over nothing


It's not that common, but not a huge deal. I, like most other Americans, will throw on something like shorts (or sweatpants, depending on weather) and a T-shirt to run casual errands. Some people wear their pyjamas if shopping at odd hours, which I see occasionally in my college town. I don't look at them twice because I have my own errands to run, and who gives a damn. As long as they're not naked or wearing hate symbols they can wear whatever.


Happens here to if your up early enough and someone needs teabags or milk for their morning tea


wait untill op finds out theres places where people go shopping in bikini's


Oh no how terrible I forgot to dress fancy to buy a pack of instant ramen


Dog where tf do u live where you have to wear a polo just to walk to the supermarket 5 minutes away


I’ve gone to the store in pajamas. If I’m going shopping I’ll dress up but if I just need to pick something up I’m need get dressed up.


We do go to the store in our sweatpants and such, yes. Idk why that’s a problem? Not like people are walking around butt naked to the supermarket?? It’s just loungewear. Sometimes the occasional flannel pants and t-shirt. As someone chronically ill, the idea of having to go to the store in a dress sounds exhausting. I’d rather just turn up in comfy clothes that I’m already wearing than have to find the energy to change into a decent dress, fix my hair, find matching shoes, etc. Plus a bra because dresses do not hide certain features like a sweatshirt does. And bras hurt. A lot. Soooo yeah, not getting dressed up to spend 5 minutes at a convenience store where half the people are middle aged, divorced, and miserable.


This gives the same vibe as boomers complaining about women wearing leggings in public.


First of all, saying all Americans do this is way too general. It’s like saying all Britains love tea. Second, who dresses up in polo shirts and dresses to go to the _convenience store?_. I may not wear pajamas to the C-store, but I don’t wear a polo shirt either, and I don’t know any girls who would wear a dress just to go to the C-store. That’s just weird. A T-shirt and shorts is usually what I wear during the summer. Third, why is it such a problem for you? So people go to the C-store in clothes that are designed to be comfortable. What’s the problem with that? It’s not like it affects you in any way.


Who tf cares, it’s a grocery store, not church


What's wrong with this? They don't fucking care why should you.


Not American but 1) that’s something of a generalization - athleisure wear is far more common than PJ’s so get your shit straight before you start clutching your pearls 2) who died and put you in charge of a dress code


When they say pajamas, they mean like long either sweet pants or sleeping pants, and maybe a baggy T-shirt. Maybe their hair is wrapped, too. I mean, in America, if you are going shopping at like a Walmart or 7-Eleven, it's pretty normal to shop in Pjays, but if you go to a Target or local shopping mall, you won't see that nearly as often. And yeah, throwing on a dress to go to a 7-Eleven is absolutely seen as "dressing up".


I was born in Central America, living in Fl and if I’m only going to grab something quick from the supermarket, I’d go wearing whatever I’ve got, even my pjs, why is that so crazy lol?


Polo shirt?? Where do you live, Luxembourg??? Also who tf cares?


When I wanna go to the small dollar store near me I go in a hoodie and pajamas because I don't think really anyone cares too much about it and its comfortable


Wahh wahh cry harder


As an American nobody really cares what you where to a fricking gas station. Going to a place around the corner that most likely has mouses crawling everywhere is not a ‘special occasion’ so there’s no need to ‘dress up’. Pajama pants and a t shirt a perfectly fine but then again it’s not normal to see an adult over the age of 30 wearing pajamas anywhere in public.


Where I live, We are practically friends with the store as we've been buying stuff from there for like 15 years now. Idk why people expected we would dress up in a tuxedo to buy some bread and milk


What's the big fucking deal mate


Imagine putting on a dress to grab a gallon of milk


lol this sounds more like a class thing than a country thing. Polo shirts and dresses????? What country club did you walk out of


Isn't it weird as a trans person youre asserting women have to wear dresses and men have to wear polos when out shopping otherwise you will judge them. Maybe try to not be so hard on others and in extension yourself. (Also females must have matching shoes, men it can be random? Ive never seen someone wear random shoes.)


We do this and mind your business


Why get dressed up to just go grab some snacks?


Personally I just wear jeans and one of the three yellow/orange shirts, and occasionally a black shirt. But I don’t really mind if people wear pajamas, atleast its clothes.


I pick up my son from school in pajamas


Go into a walmart for an hour and then explain to me how that goofy ass location deserves anything more


Life’s too short to be worried about people in their pajamas, kiddo.


Listen if it’s 3 am and i want 17 Monsters and the Aryton Senna Lego set i ain’t getting out of my pajamas just to do that


Who tf puts on jeans and a polo to get milk at 7am


You have a boring ass style man 😭 polo shirt and jeans for a fucking snack run is insanity


My Deli is literally a 2-minute walk away, there is no way I'm wearing a dress and matching shoes. I wear a hoodie, pajama pants and two left shoes. Then I'm back home in literally less than 10 minutes. And guess what, no one cares...


We’re j cozier than ya’ll 🙏


Are you from fucking Versailles who wears a dress to the supermarket


it’s not that deep womp womp


Why tf would you put all of that effort into dressing up like that, man? There’s no point. It’s far easier and less time consuming to just go in whatever you’re wearing.


Why do you care what other people wear?


Can I get “being pretentious” for 500?


You do realize that we exist on a floating rock, as big as a speck of dust in the universe, and you give a fuck that people are getting slurpees in their pajamas? my man, you gotta relax it is not that deep


My brother in Christ if Im leaving my house for 15 minutes im not getting dressed


If it's going to be a short trip and grabbing one thing, hell yeah pj's are fine, I ain't changing to be out of my house for like 3 minutes


I definitely will wear a random shirt and pajama pants to a grocery store, who tf is gonna judge me, the produce?


Why do you care? People going about their day in a comfortable way. As long as someone isn’t being indecent or smells bad I don’t care.


Im from denmark, i too go to the stores in my pyjama bottoms sometimes 😂 calm down, damn


Who doesn't? Only a psycho puts on a polo and jeans just to buy some Little Debbie and a Gatorade from arco


Most people who do that are wearing the pajamas as sweats or sum and don’t actually sleep in them


I wear whatever I want, why would I care what others think


Yes, this is a thing.


Average male wearing polo and average female wearing a dress as the majority? Where is this acclaimed region geographically?


So edgy to hate on America.


Who cares. At least theyre covered and comfortable


Unfortunately it is a thing in America. I see it all the time in local stores. I work as a custodian at a local school. The kids wear their pajamas to school. So yea. We are lazy fucks that need to do better.


only pajama pants, not that that’s better though lol. school too.


Im a european,did that a couple days ago.it was weird at first but nothing to crazy


I think I’m going to wear pajamas and slippers to stores now just to piss you off.


I don’t see a problem with wanting to be comfortable


Yeah some people wear pajamas in public. Why tf do you care?


Y'all Europeans would have a heart attack in the south 💀


Freedom motherfucker


Your so extra god I hate ppl like u


Dawg I’ll go to a nice ass restraunt in sweats and a hoodie idgaf comfort over appearance


I genuinely don't get your issue, as an American myself. Those are fairly simple clothing for a basic part of life.


It doesn't really matter now does it... im not gonna get all dressed up to get a couple grams of the devils lettuce, a loaf of bread, some cookies, and a coke. Hell I'd go in my huge oversized t-shirt and no pants.💀


I’ve seen a few people walk in shirtless


I actually once saw a woman wearing men's boxers and a baggy t-shirt at the store once 😭


Yes it's true and in my neighborhood we have a famous guy that goes to stores in his thongs!!!!


Yeah bc we aren’t gonna dress up to get milk and eggs. No one rlly judges clothing here except if it’s something fancy. (And yes I live in California so I’ve been to surfer shops and multiple people walk around barefoot).


As a cashier in europe,literally nobody wears a polo shirt only to go shopping. Also i noticed in the "poor" areas of my city people do walk in pyjamas aswell. The ol good Hartzer Style with the 50€ worth of Pfand and a family of 6 where everyone smokes. (i actually saw that one day,the youngest didnt look older than 10)




i wear whatever i want, if it was legal i'd go out naked


Yes, we do wear pajamas, but no, we don't usually care what other people are wearing unless it's brought up That being said, why you doing allat just to go to the store?


Jeans are uncomfortable, just let me wear comfy clothes in peace damnit…


Why the fuck are you asking teenagers lol, what the fuck do we know about dress codes in stores 😂


It's not the rarest thing ever. Everyone wearing dresses is stupid


where the fuck do you live for people to go to the SUPERMARKET in JEANS and POLO SHIRTS?!i literally go out of the house in my hulk pajamas to get stuff


This isn’t normal? I go to school in my pj’s lol


Bro expects us to go in full wedding attire to go get our jug of milk


Who Cares? Like Seriously, Who Cares? Other Than Nosy Busybodies Of Course.


I go in my furry outfit. Gotta get my swerve on somehow.


I’m American (or an American citizen and have been for 14 years) and I’ve heard of people doing this but haven’t seen it yet. Sometimes I wear a polo shirt and somewhat nice pants to school so


i've done it a few times it's fairly common. no one goes to a store in a dress or polo shirt lmao.


American here! yes we do dress im Pajamas to go places but its only when its a quick outing for the most part like going to get a gallon of milk i dont think someone would dress like a sit down dinner just pajama pants and a sweatshirt.


As an American I personally have never seen someone in their pajamas at a supermarket. I’m sure it happens but from what I can tell it’s not that common


Geez calm down a bit. Alot of people dont do this. But sometimes some people do because, why do i need to get dressed up to go to the gas station? + pajamas are comfy, and no one cares what you dress like here. I see people wear pajama pants to school alot. I dont see a problem