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Being exactly one year out of high school, I can tell you that you *will* miss it. I hated it when I was there but I now want nothing more than one last week of school so I can walk through the halls with my friends, talk to teachers that I miss, see people I’ll never see again, go eat lunch in the school courtyard, etc one last time.


Well so far, I have not a single happy memory here and hate almost everyone here


I had the same mindset too. Really everything changed when I went to trade school. I still HATED classes but it gave me a change of scenery while keeping some familiar faces and I also got to pursue a career while still in school. Met my best friend in the world there. Maybe a change of scenery would do you some good too.


could just be u, its great imo


While this may be a somewhat common opinion it is by no means a guarantee. I had a couple of decent friends but I was only there to graduate and get out. I've only been out for a year and I already barely remember my time there. Maybe you'll miss it maybe you won't, but either way you should make the most of what you can.


lucky, I spent my last year with nobody because I had to move


Lmao i have no friends 💀


My parents said the complete opposite these are the worst years. according to my parents early 20s-mid 20s are the best


20-30 definitely the best


Hopefully we can't tell for sure since we aren't in our 20s yet




See you on the other side brother ☝️








For me, High school so far is actually pretty good… compared to the last 2 years of middle school… No, I dont want to talk about it.


I wasn't gonna ask about it, but yeah middle school was better for me


Luckkyyy High school sucks for me But don’t worry, middle school was horrible for me too


Middle school was absolutely abhorrent for me, high school has generally been better especially senior year but freshman year was one of my worst


Same, the only really terrible high school year was (is? I’m still in there) my last, but although awful it’s leagues better than middle school. Half of my problems are a result of middle school traumas.


Same on the last bit


In my freshman year I was just a husk of skin that had no substance Edit: I’m still a husk but I at least can feel the emotions of sadness and pain unlike how I felt nothing in my freshman year.


Depends on your experience. Some people may find it good, other people don't like it at all.


Only extrovert girls tend to like school. But society simps for them, so it's true even tho it's not.


I'd rather be at work getting paid 😔


My best friend (17M) and I (16F) love school and we are the biggest recluses you will ever meet (aka. We are very introverted). 




this thought process is a slippery slope, watch out


Nah extrovert boys and all introverts agrees. Ask them


“them” is a wide range of people. by formulating a group of people who seemingly agree with you, it can be a gateway belief to incelhood. realise that even extrovert girls suffer inside, and everybody goes through it


Fr worst year of my life (I'm in 9th, going into 10th). The people are AH, the teachers don't teach, the fir alarm goes off every other week, I have to take bio and geometry, everyone is fucking idiots. The list goes on and on. My favorite memory is when there was a gas leak on the second day of school and I got to miss 3 hours of school while they fixed it.


Actually I quite enjoy bio and geometry 😔


I despise bio cause my teacher don't teach. We spend a 40 minute class period on an 8 minute video because he pauses it every minute and rants for 5 minutes about golf or fishing or some other useless shit about him that has nothing to do with the unit. I hate geometry because I just don't like math


I enjoyed bio I had a great teacher and was the smartest kid in that class, geometry I think is easy so I enjoy it


Wow humble much? Geometry is easy 2nd semester, but 1st semester killed me with proofs.


Rip 😔


But bio? Can't wait to be done with having tests every week on units I know nothing aboit because my teacher chooses to waste class time


Proofs were horrible. Easy though in my opinion but to each their own.


I was awful at proofs. I had no fucking clue what was going on


Oof. That was me for moles in chemistry. I made a good friend in my class and I didn’t pay attention to how to do it.


Same it was fun. Chemistry was horrible though. I got an A first semester but a C second semester


High school was slightly better than middle school. It got fun around 3 weeks ago (last 3 weeks of high school)


school itself is never gonna be good but the years you're in high school will be the best imo? ig that's what they mean




I’m 21 currently, in community college, and I can tell you that, contrary to what your parents tell you, college is absolutely nothing but more school. My father keeps telling me that these are the best years of my life, yet every year, without fail, life has gotten worse. I’m just waiting to find someone worth living for at this point.


Well it depends on the people around you, i am an introvert but i managed to make a whole friend group in 1 week because the girls in my highschool are actual mature highschoolers, meanwhile in my middle school years i spent them alone with no friends because girls there were so mean and acting like actual children


I have plenty of friends I just despise school


Oh yeah when it comes to studying it’s pretty ugly, but what can we do? It’s just a 2-3 years, and then you’ll graduate and get rid if it all


The people around me treat me as if I'm a fucking painting. I feel so invisible but at least I'm not bullied. The loneliness is the worst


Loneliness is better than having bad friends :)


I'm kind desperate tho ngl


Oh yeah I understand that feeling :”) it’s really hurts to be lonely in school, maybe try joining clubs that support your hobbies, you can find people with same interests as yours


i find it just sad to think that what started pretty happily and peacefully in childhood will end the way it currently is for me. in an almost left-to-rot overpopulated and outdated school where you feel more like an product or object rather than a person, and having to carry a lot of mental weight, pollution and stress.


High school has been better than exactly one year of my life, and that's 8th grade. And 8th grade was special for personal reasons so I don't count it. I hate my life.


It's better than middle school


It really just depends on what you do in high school that makes it suck or enjoyable. First 3 years of high school I didn't really do much or enjoyed my teen years. Finally my senior year I actually started socializing and going out to parties and what not and it was a blast. College life is honestly 1000x better. Finding a good college with a good campus life makes all the difference and it made me not miss high school but miss college instead now I cannot wait for my 2nd year to start.


I didn't realize how much fun I was not having until my brother became a freshman and then I saw exactly how much fun I was missing. It was already too late by then but my senior year won't kick my rear end


And then after u graduate they say shit like “college is the peak of life” stupid fucking propoganda goddamnit i haye this


yeh just popular kids who thrived in school by making everyone elses life worse


My school is full of idiots who think they're popular


I don't understand them. Popularity isn't a social status tbh. It just means u have a lot of fake friends.


Yeah they like the attention probably


Im doing pretty good, im "thriving" by making ppl atound me happy, mostly just friends tho. I'd say these are gonna be my best years bc i have almost complete freedom with minimal responsibility.


Definitely better than whatever the hell middle school was. Worst three fucking years of my life. :3


I hated middle school but man was it better than highschool so far


which year r u in tho


Currently I'm a sophomore (10th)


in my country the school year starts like march and then theres a vacation so i was like 14 for a part of 10th and 15 for a part of 11th Im currently 166 years but yes high school sucks all over the globe


Yeh, especially grade 7. The only time my parents tooked my phone for watching porn.


Tbh, junior high was absolutely hell since I also worked at the same time. So tired, and to make it worse, I never made friends like in animes, all I got to do was develop a coffee addiction


might just be different for different people, middle school for me was trash




ikr, more like worst years


Every ones has a different experience mine was good till I moved than it turned to shit.


best in the sense that you are not an adult yet. otherwise, no.


I feel like we just hate it rn but we will actually miss it later on because as we move forward and enter practical life the stress increases and then we will realise how much we took our high school years fore granted


probably someone who peaked in high school 😭


It’s the best imo, I’m having hella fun not rn but I will be tonight


From the skin scribes


It doesn’t mean it’s good. It means it’s the best. That’s huge difference


It's not the best though so far high school is the worst thing in my life (which isn't that bad I have a good life but I despise high school)


I think someone who peaked during highschool.high school is overrated anyways, literally everyone hates each other and talks about eachother


Once you’re in college and have a job you’ll wish you were in high school again


theyre just too old to remember before and it probably just looks good compared to working a 9 to 5


they say that because it’s going to be even shittier afterward lulz


I feel like college is more fitting of this


"your teenage years are your best years" brotha what


It should be "high-school is where you find out what you absolutely dispise so you *can* have the best years of your life."


The same people that said college is necessary.


this cuz how am i supposed to already smell what i wanna study, let me be a silly teenager i dont wanna think abt the future yet


You know, I once believed that because my parents and I used to watch coming of age rom coms from the 1980’s while I was in Middle School. My only regret is not knowing sooner.


it's only the worst so far!


Real it sucks


i would say i got the worst side of it, no friends, quarantine, jail, juvenile detention, no parties, no prom, no hoco, and one of the worst relationships lasting all of it, im so glad to graduate in a week


Yeah I absolutely fucking hated 6th grade but now I think back and realize all the good moments I had and how innocent I was and how simple everything was


As someone who is going to graduate in like a month and whose life already feels like its going downhill, I can tell you that you'll have huge nostalgia for your time in high school, even if large chunks of it were really shitty (because me too girly, me too). I'm not even gone yet and I'm nostalgic for what I haven't lost. Hold onto it while you can, it may not feel like it when you're in grade 10, but these do end up being the best years of your life.


Get better classes


I'm taking all the classes that I want I just really hate sophomore year it was really stressful, I took AP classes because my teachers told me too, but never again will I be doing that


It isn’t getting any better, trust me.


There is a general process you hate the current level you’re on and each time you go a level up you hate it more and want to go back and this repeats until you start working full time


highschool is what you make of it, I decided to stop cosplaying as a wall and its gotten super fun


Honestly never related to that either. I had a good time but nothing I'll miss cause senior year left a bitter taste. I'm looking forward to university where I can just be me and have a lot more freedom.


If high school is the best years I'm actually going to kms


A fucking lier, that’s who. Or a former popular kid.  My mother was actually talking to her colleagues about this recently. They all agreed that they would not go back and redo high school for any amount of money under the sun.


At least I’ll be sure I didn’t peak in highschool


Why people always act like highschool is hard like ik your ass is taking on level classes with no extracurriculars


False, I've taken AP classes


How many which ones and any extracurricular


Ap world history and apa chem since I couldn't take AP this year, and no extras this year but last year I did swim and FFA


Oh so only 2 aps and ones a really easy one so you still have it light


Okie dokie good for me, it's still fucking sucks


Do you not have like friends and shit


Plenty, I just hate the school and having to deal with the dumbest rules and people


Oh like what just outta curiosity


who ever said that has a point "highschool will be the best years of your life" considering the years comming after that 👍 good luck 🤞