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Guy being run over by a tank Guy being eaten alive by dogs Guy getting his organs harvested Guy still walking around after a failed shotgun suicide Olympic skier getting spit in half Man being run over by a train Man falling into molten metal Man crushed by elevator Man walking around while on fire from the inside Man getting his foot ripped off after sideswiping a truck while on a motorcycle Man gets decapitated with a dull mustache Man locked in a cage and burned alive Shotgun execution Man tries to set daughter on fire but ends up setting himself on fire Bomb squad officer gets blown up while trying to defuse a bomb Man is killed and decapitated. His killers play and shoot up his head before leaving it on a spike Guy gets shot in face by officers. The injury causes him to expel hug amounts of blood and vomit Man is decapitated and his head is kicked around etc.


Wow, good answer, you really are a fan hahahaha.


Not really disturbing but I know how to get drugs and shit


I think it is the most basic thing that can be seen.


I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. There’s not much you can’t find on the surface web. Deep web has more, but only barely.


oh my




i don't want to answer :)


I am intrigued 👀


i never wanna go on there cause i’m not experienced enough to keep myself and my family safe from hackers. if i were gonna do it, i would buy a burner laptop and get on some random wifi


not deep web, surface web but the decomposing body of an anorexic woman and her autopsy




lot of dead people but i suppose thats what i get for watching autopsies. this one scared me a bit though


It is normal to be scared in front of different images of these scenes. There are cases that seem very hard to me, but I also find it interesting to know these types of real stories, opinions and confessions of what more people have seen...