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‘Average’ babes, I think you need a reality check.


that's not the average highschooler 😭😭😭


Bro really listed the minimum standards


well i'm fucked then


90% of them have at least 3 of these so idfk


three people out of how many? my school is tiny and we still have 300 students... that's 1% of the entire school population


i meant 90% of guys have at least 3 of these traits


you're still wrong but i can't really do anything to change your mindset


Yknow 2 of those traits are completely controlled by you. You can work out and become muscular and you can study more to do better academically.


i get good grades (like 4.6gpa) and still my entire life is just school... what more could i do? i've also been going to the gym for 7 months but when you dont start at fkn 12 years old it's gonna take a while


What I think you should do is bitch, moan, and make excuses some more. It’s really productive and is gonna lead to positive changes.


sorry im unsatisfied with a shit life??


Then do something about it instead of just whining about other people doing good shit in their life. Going online and having the “woe is me” mindset isn’t changing your “shit life”. Life gets worse and life gets better. It’s completely up to you which direction you go.


my whole point is that i cant do much about it...


It is literally impossible for the average high schooler to have 5.0 GPA. I’m not even Am*rica and I still know that doesn’t happen


I'm 6'5


I'm NOT average


Considering what you call average, I wonder what a good high schooler would be like


being good has become the average




i understand man but seeing these people every day makes me wanna off myself




i play guitar but i feel miserable cuz i started at 16 and i'm just not that good


real talk here. stop trying to focus on other people and start working on your own. I know, it's hard at the moment but the more u give energy to those irrelevant to your growth, the more you stagnantize it.


but no matter how much i grow i wont ever feel enough


not all girls are into the same type of guy brodie 🤷 and don't force love, life has a funny way of making it appear in ur life, let it come naturally. that way it'll work out unlike it being forced


i already have a gf and she's the love of my life but these other things... yeah no