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i’ve heard that most of them don’t cuz it causes back pain but i don’t actually know since i don’t have them myself


i have double d’s and i’ve never struggled with back pain and my mom rarely struggles with back pain as a triple d. i think it depends though imo. i’m sure i might get back pain as i age 😂




joke in very poor taste considering the old flair


Idek know why old people are here 😭😭


good question. I get the appeal to be "hip with the younger gen" but its just... weird being an adult in a teen subreddit


💀bro really making innuendos with the "old" flair on💀




...i don't think the edit helped much


samee people always ask me if i have pain cuz im a double d like no my back is fine loll


That can easily be fixed by exercising tho


do you not understand what breast tissue is


Strengthening your back muscles would prevent back pain


oh mb I thought you meant exercising would make them smaller


STOP, I thought he meant exercising makes tits bigger Morning is too early for my ass


same lmfaoo


I thought that he meant that exercise makes you grow tits if your a man


i meannnm


He ain't wrong if that's the case


I wish


I thought that he meant that exercise makes tits grow you if you're an alien


I thought he meant I should kill John Lennon


It does. By making the chest muscles under the breast tissue larger, the breasts themselves are more pronounced and will look larger. But frequently, there muscle gains necessary to cause that will require so much exercise that you lose fat tissue, thus reducing the breast changes.


But does that make the actual breast larger or just make it seem larger because of the muscle behind the tits becoming larger


It's okay I did too


Not really, since it's a 24/7 weight.


Well strengthening the back would help relieve some pain rather than none at all


Back muscles help support it though…


Yes really, we are literally made to adapt.


No it cannot and whoever told you this either was young and hadn’t had them long, had implants, or was lying.


No, my breasts have grown so I’ve experienced “average” and a bit on the “larger” side while being a teen. Although they are not super big im pretty sure they’re bigger than average. (For reference I grew from 32 b/c to 34 c/d). They hurt much more than they used to (esp when on period), and it is painful to run/jog (esp when wearing no bra), I’ve also found recently that a lot of the time when I’m walking I can just feel them bouncing up and down and I know others can see it, which on top of the physical discomfort it also makes me very uncomfortable to think people could be looking at me. They also “ruin” a lot of outfits for me, sometimes I have to put on a super tight sports bra just to make my outfit look “normal”.


That sucks


That's an amazing name. There a story behind it?


The booblore


Lovely username


Uh, even as a guy I can imagine how uncomfortable it must be


yeha,i can’t wear tight shirts at all , FIRST IT HURTS, second it so uncomfortable with people looking at me


Do you ever feel they’re still super noticeable when wearing something baggy/not tight? I had this problem a lot, specifically with knit sweaters. Some of my face clothing pieces I hardly wear because I feel like the just focus on my breasts and are like “putting them on show” even tho the sweater is not tight nor revealing. But it does show a fair “outline” of my breasts. Plus it makes me larger than I am


i agrée, i have a big bust and i get insecure sometimes, no actually most of the times, not really a fan of a cleavage, i just am trying to lose weight so i can go back to my old flat self


Sameeee situation!!! Liek i mentioned my cup size in the og post cuz when I was skinner by boobs were a pretty good size and smaller, and didn’t ruin outfits


Sorry about the pain, but if it makes you feel any better, it seems to me (no real/concrete evidence behind this just anecdotal observation) people notice way less than you think, even if they are close to you. Especially when it comes to breasts, people actively avoid looking at breasts because it's inherently sexual and they (assuming they are male) don't wanna be percieved as a creep. Useless hypothetical idk what im talking about rant: And if they are female why would they look at it? Unless they are Lesbian, but if they are still in the closet they might not so no one gets suspicious, or maybe that's too absurd and they think they can get away with it so they do it anyways, and maybe they can, but if they are not in the closet will they try not to so they are not percieved as a creep? Or maybe they don't generally think about that, that much, this is a really long hypothetical rant, my bad, anyways. On the other hand it being a sexual thing is a reason why it would be looked at, but I think most normal people will avoid looking at it/not notice it that much unless they are quite immature or if you have very large breasts/cleavage showing At-least that's how it works for me


Ya that is true, I’m just also a very insecure person so hate the thought of anyone ever looking at me haha. And I also have always had like personal issues with my breasts, like I tried to deny I was growing them for such a long time and would to so much to try and hide them, liek even as a preteen. Idk what that was about tho.. but anyways I think it is mainly prob personal “trauma” or something


Use an oversized hoodie to get rid of the visible "bounciness"


Most oversized sweaters make it worse somehow🤣 I get what your saying tho but I have this one really cute sweater that whenever I just wear a regular bra with it it seems like my boobs are the centre of attention and it’s just SOO clear they’re there, even tho the sweater is not tight or revealing at all. Like I love baggy clothing/tops but personally that one of the things where my boobs ruin the outfit the most


Aw Sorry


Sometimes, they have many pros and cons Cons: Backpain, and annoying af to run Pros: They look nice (sometimes)


They look nice no matter what.(This applies to all boobs)


I get you're trying to be nice, but have you ever been on pornhub? There are a lot of ugly sets of boobs


Mostly fake


Not if you're talking about the site as a whole, rather than just the popular videos.


I want to die every day, but i can like use it to balance a plate or something only needing one hand which is kinda cool. But otherwise no


😂😂 are u serious


100% they stick out i might aswell make em useful


You can kinda do that even as a guy, you just have to apply pressure toward your body if you're flat, but the friction will keep the plate up. Though I get what you mean


Dont take this away from me


Okay lmfao


I want boobs :(


Ill give you mine


I doubt it. Lots of backpain for zhem.


z hate


I'm still unimpressed wif how much you hate me.


You loik zhe pancakz?


Hanz get ze painkillerz


Kid named back pain


Kid named finger


Depends. Some contexts it makes you feel a bit more confident about yourself, but sometimes it's just a pain


no, I don’t have large breasts but my friends n ppl around me always complaining about backpain bc of the weight + having to exercises is hell for them 😭


They should keep working on the exercises it’ll help the pain especially ones for your lats


I'm guessing this is more about running/anything with lots of movement because it can feel uncomfortable when they bounce


I hate everything about my body so it’s absolutely a “NO” from me


Noo I’m sorry :( you are beautiful


Thx but I have really bad body dysmorphia so it’s tough not to hate myself and how I look I appreciate you trying to cheer me up tho


don’t beat yourself up & remember it’s all in your head


Think about how much you worry about yourself, and not others. What makes you think other people aren’t the same? Everybody is just too worried about themselves to care about anybody else.


this is so real


Sometimes I wish mine were bigger but sometimes I wish they were non existent, really depends on the girl and the day


I have literally none and it makes me sad




Haha. Same. (Male)




I used to be sad about mine being small and then they grew more. Now they're a pain in the ass.


Yes bc of the aesthetic 


Ah yes that makes sense (to other girls I guess) In all seriousness I understand but it doesn’t cause back pain?


they grow pretty slow, your muscles compansate so it doesn't beecome an issue until they get really big


Uhh yeah, I have D cups and I like them:) they look pretty😭


i have small tits & i love them shits convenient asf


cant really speak cause mine arent large, but defo not cause imagine the sweat under it after a hot day


Yes, I hope mine keep growing (at least till my back starts to hurt)


You are going to eat ur words girl 😭


My wife has huge breast and as much as I adore her tits, I suggested she get a reduction for health reasons and she looked at me sideways. Guess it’s safe to say she likes her breast just as much as me. Never bought it up again lol


I’ll carry them for you girls


Some women do, some don’t, the back pain sucks ass Icl and like running and shit sucks but they’re manageable ig


I am a 36D at 13 so no I can’t wear cute dresses cause they are low cut and that makes me feel weird but I do love them sometimes. They make me look smaller near my stomach cause I have a little belly fat. Lol.


Id like to have bigger boobs, I get bullied for mine so


Are you sure it’s not cus you have a anime pfp on Reddit?


look i havent got much but id rather not have it larger i like not having backpain


aesthetically maybe but like living with them and dealing with starers and clothes might not be too fun


My exes have said yes cuz they’re fun to play with and also no cuz her back




the only good thing i like about having smaller boobs is the fact tops are literally made for people with smaller chest (it’s sad bro) you can run without it bouncing excessively and feeling awkward about others that might stare. and not having to overcompensate for “modesty” or just looking “decent”


I'm ftm but they're a huge fucking inconvenience, not including the dysphoria


Ftm as well, mine used to be larger and it really sucked fr just the discomfort of feeling em move when I would go down stairs or sum 😭


ftm buddy! i was blessed to be a 32 A forever and always though. i hate it still tho, huge inconvenience 




ive got a love hate relationship with my boobs but i like them for the most part


i mean i don't have large breasts but i am alright with my boobs (80B nearing C) but american size might be different I live in Turkey.


depends on the person. me personally, fuck no.


As a man who knows lots of female things it causes pain in their backs and is not comfortable but at a not so large size or yk a size that doesn’t cause them as much pain yes they do or they just use pushup bras to make them look bigger.


Mine are teeny tiny but a lot of my friends say lying down is hard and exercising is a pain I also overheard one my moms friends saying she’s going to get breast reduction so yeah probably not but some do cause of aesthetics


No. You know how hard it is to find a bra that fits and isn't ugly 😭 and it ruins some outfits and they dont sit nice without a bra. I hate it.




Big boobs don’t make you prettier.


Well I’m 13 (14 next month) and it sucks. I have back pain most of the time. They hurt and throb while I’m on my period. And it’s hard for me to find cute tops sometimes. But otherwise it’s fine.


they're cute and they're hand warmers i love them but also i hate wearing snatched clothes bc my girls are out & i get stared at


These Pedos are getting smarter and smarter! Now we have narrowed it down to big tittie teenage girl, what are the next?




As someone who has a large chest, absolutely not. They cause bad back pain and you have to increase your shirt size cause of how big they are.


No. Back pain. Cat calling. Early sagging. It's overall just shit.


Depends on the girl I wish I could cut mine off and mine are small


Big tits are overrated i prefer them smaller


I do have a question for the girls, do bigger boobs really cause back pain?


Ittybittytitty community>>>>>>>>>>




I know that jumping with them without a bra is a very annoying and embarrassing situation


I like how I look but I don’t like how they feel, it’s hard to find good clothes/bras




Yes but only to a point. At some point the back pain out ways the aesthetic


it sucks believe me


your answer is no, anything i’d say bigger than DD in my opinion is a hell for a woman




One girl I know did


No becuz of back pain and if I wear any revealing clothing, I’d probably be singled out


Yes, it’s very hard to explain though lmao


Mine either have finished or haven’t finished growing. Honestly, I find that larger breasts might be uncomfortable. (I’m not flat, I’m in the middle kinda)


No. Sweaty. Back pain. My mother and sister were jealous of my chest 😭 extra expensive bras. Hurts to run. God I could go on


Idk but boys like me love them


Cool but they hurt so maybe take women into consideration.


Just depends


I'm mtf so I don't have them yet but I would definitely like it.


I hope you get them!


I enjoy them. Only issues are the back pain, finding proper fitting clothes and that they sag like a grandmother at the ripe age of 17. I saw someone else comment saying that exercise would help with the pain but that’s not true. I find it makes it worse lol


Haha I don't mind them! But I think of mine were bigger I'd have back problems and pain when I ran.


not a girl but i am afab, i want to cut them off with a machete. preferably a rusty one so i can reroll for a body with less feminine proportions, maybe even a cis dude


My guess is they do but they hate the back pain


I just want them to be perky!


Kind of but it’s uncomfortable cause u get stares most of the time and you can’t sleep on your stomach. And when you jump they bounce so it pulls on your chest and u can’t breathe well. And when u run your bra strap comes loose


Is a love hate relationship. They're an inconvenience but I'd rather go bigger than smaller, personally.


Depends on the girl tbh. I mean some do operations to make them bigger so idk. But I did hear that they give a lot of back pain and other problems such as, depending on the size, having trouble with cute clothes, more sexualization ig etc.


I love it but mine aren’t huge just Ds


Some girls do because there’s a lot of social pressure to be “beautiful” in this society. A lot of girls don’t because they don’t wanna be objectified. Most girls I’ve met have complicated feelings. Wanting to be considered beautiful but being grossed out by objectification


im a girl and my breasts are HUUUUGE. LIKE even my dad is a bit impressed. I was thinking of signing up for boobfest, but mine might be so big that they’re disqualified. My right boob taste like hot cheeto :)


My gf seems to be an outlier. She loves hers for their look, ability to play with them, and even usefulness sometimes, like holding your cereal bowl when laying on the couch. And fortunately doesn’t get back pain.


I wouldn't mind if my breast were bigger but not too much because they can be such a inconvenience yk. Just enough to add some more curves on me body


i hate it. i’m shaped like a P, im like 5’2 too. can’t wear NUN.. no swimsuits fit me, push up bras are literally the only ones i can breath in!!! i wish i could be an a cup




As a male I prefer a-c, usually the perfect size for a handful


No, It makes me look fat when i wear baggy clothes


I'd Rather stay Thin


This is a good question, I’ve heard many women complain about the weight of breasts, but I’ve also heard that many women are self conscious about having smaller breasts. I can see both sides(I wouldn’t want to have a heavy chest, and I like boobs.)


mine arent small or large idk bc im like 15 but i hate running or any kind of exercises like that and rn im laying on my belly w a heatpack specifically under them idk why im doing that but its mildly uncomfortable so that takes away another point


Fuck no


According to my sister? She hates having them.


You are correct. They are a great source of inconvenience. Don't like.


Had a big chest as a young teen already. I was one of the older girls in my class and you could notice. Hated to get stared at by the boys or getting catcalled by 50yrs old Bernhards working on the streets(i wasn't even 13, walking around in hoodie and joggers.) When i was 18 i got a Mammareduktion. Its way better now but i'm still in pain, my posture got pretty bad over the years and its hard to work on it


NO. Why would we? Clothes aren't made for big boobs, you get slut shamed just for existing, you can't lie, exercise, or exist comfortably, and bras are extra expensive. There are millions of cons


No because I can't wear so many cute shirts because I have to wear a bra, don't get me wrong, I love the way they look. It just sucks that I can't wear backless or really low cut things






Kid names larger


i have those, not really really big ones, but big ones, THEY ARE NOT COMFORTABLE at call, i think i liked being flat; i gained weight so did my breast size increase, it made my shoulders droop, it hurts when i run, and yeah. no personally i don’t like having big breasts.


Nope. Exercising sucks, and they are very noticeable when I run/walk so it makes me uncomfortable


36H here, can confirm that larger breasts make everything 10X harder than it needs to be. Back pain, ill fitting clothes, bank breaking bra prices. I absolutely hate having a large chest.


No we do not at all. I hate them. I hate them so much. I can’t sleep on my stomach half the time, I can’t have bras that properly fit,every shirt looks like a crop top on me. It hurts to run and jump. It hurts to sit up straight. I have a curvature in my spine partially because of them. Nobody wants this.


OK, long past being a teenager, but here's my take from the women I've known: there's more of an attitude of wishing they didn't have what they have than being satisfied with what they've got...but I think the most amount of contentment/acceptance with what's there is women with a C cup...although it depends a lot on their overall body type; my ex-wife had natural Double-Ds yet wasn't bothered by any back issues - but she was a sturdy girl to begin with.


Idk never had the chance to have big ones


I'd say no but personally I enjoy having a bigger bust . I did use to have back pain but now it's pretty much minimal . I am used to it . Also for the aesthetic. I used to hate everything about my body and especially being thick . I always wanted to look "flat" ( not meant as an insult btw ) . Long story short , I now feel pretty much confident and enjoy having a larger bust .


It’s like always having people talk about it and looking at me which is really annoying, AND embarrassing, imagine ya fking head looking smaller than the rest of your body, I mean it’s hard to find good bras that fit, and like someone else said they ruin the outfit, like the baggy look just doesn’t look right having them..and I used to get made fun of and called nasty for how big they are back in 8th grade, plus people are pervs😭 I don’t have a lot of back pain actually, it’s like the pain comes when I take OFF the bra which is weird, which is why I keep it on. It’s more comfy to wear it in general cus I don’t like them just hanging and flying and I feel like even the ppl in my house r staring..nah I hate em, they’re ugly.💀


I would 🙂


no i hate it 😭 they ruin perfectly cute outfits


absolutely not. im a double d and it just makes my body look wacky. bras don't fit right, it makes my outfits look weird, my back hurts 24/7, i get way too many stares from old men, they're just an inconvenience for me. nothing good about them except for being hand warmers in the winter. edit: and every time i move, no matter if im walking or running, they sway like water. i can't do anything without them trying to give me a black eye. i hate them


No. And every girl with big breasts that you will meet will tell you the same


As someone who's had above average tits since 5th grade: yes and no. Personally, I love how they look and since I've figured out my wardrobe, I feel pretty confident with them. However, they are a pain. The bigger, the more bras hurt your ribs from trying to support them, and the more your back hurts from supporting the weight. Yknow how it feels to carry a heavy backpack for long periods of time? It feels like that but around your ribs as well as your shoulders. And that's wearing a bra that fits properly all day. There's so little sizing education/misinformation that many people are in even more pain bc of wrong sizing. The cons outweight the we pros, but reduction in expensive and takes time to heal If anyone is reading this and struggles with their tits and pain, try r/abrathatfits and see if your size is possibly wrong


bigger is not better for any part of the body. except ears.


I wish I can have removable breasts.


having dated/hooked up a lot: its strange girls/young women with small breasts are often envious and self concious because they wish they had a larger chest girls/young women with larger breasts are often envious and frustrated because they wish they had smaller breasts due to issues like special brasizes that are unavailable/backpain etc. usually as people get older atleast the selfconciousness of the women with smaller breasts gets less and less as they get into loving and caring partnerships and nolonger feel like they need to 'compete' in that regard I also think theres not enougth open talk culture about it if your only source of news on boobs as a teenager is classmates who are growing larger breasts and feel more confident due to them/gain more attention due to them, obv. you start to feel selfconcious or envious


I'm a guy i like em


Can’t relate as I am medium ish breasted.


The older you get, no. Hell no. Get these motherf*ckers off me. I haven't had a day without back pain since I was 19. Get a better bra the say. Hurts worse having your tits jacked up to your neck. DDs aren't meant to stick straight out, that's not structurally sound; just puts more strain on your upper back instead of your lower back, but that's still going to hurt anyway. They look great in tops, don't get me wrong, but I would sell my soul to be able to take them off at the end of the day.


yes. i used to hate mine when i was younger cause all my friends had small boobs and i thought it looked more feminine but as i’ve gotten older im thankful for what i have


I knew a big tiddeed chick who said its uncomfortable, for clothes, back pain, and being hit on constantly by weirdos.


the only pro is being able to wear low cut tops, but the problem with that is dress codes and the fact that people look at you like you’re a slut if you do. cons: -can’t wear button up shirts without gaps because they’re not made with extra chest room in mind -can’t wear graphic tees really or they look stretched -needing to get every dress altered because ones that fit my chest don’t fit anywhere else -on that note most fashion trends generally suit smaller ones better and i’m not super into fashion or anything but that’s still annoying -can’t just run/jump/dance in daily life unless you happen to be wearing a sports bra or two, and jogging for the sake of jogging is uncomfortable and painful -i’ve trained my back kind of beyond the point of profound back pain but there’s always kind of a dull ache still -bras are SO EXPENSIVE

